Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

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K. Me and Cops are doing a second part of our Collab-- I'll probably get something as Octavia up soonish. I'll control Evelina after said megacollab.

Aeon, I'll PM you after I get some sleep. I've been up 2long4me

Ha, 2long4me.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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No worries @Darcs Take all the thyme you need.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Kapu was right though, I am planning on making a weather events log/list/whatever, and yes, it does not Rain on Dust.

I will explain just a little. I have plans for far into the future, merging with another world I had created. On that world water is deadly, and since Dust will be technically located within that world, rain on Dust would also be deadly. I have an explanation for why it does not rain on Dust, but that is to be explored in story. I also have an explanation for why it just rained.

I read an article recently about using ionizers of negative and positive charge, and how they could be used to coax negative and positive air particles to separate, carrying dust particles upwards, and creating clouds that absorb moisture. Now I figured this was all too technical and such, and this is a fantasy world.

Aeshma/Alex can attract rainclouds based on this ionizing theory (large amounts of static electricity)
I figure that Bento, oh windcaller, could make it rain if he really wanted to by whipping the air around enough until it became dense and absorbed moisture. I also figured that mister Ivan "A" could do the same, in principle, by stirring up a large amount of dust into the atmosphere.

Basically anybody with wind, earth(dust/sand), or electricity powers can make it rain, short of just straight controlling weather phenomena altogether.

So to recap, it does not rain on Dust. It is a wondrous, momentous event. The current storm ranges from all of Russel City, to a few miles south and south east.

Also, be aware. If you read the recent submissions under "History", the video post is going to turn the people against the Immortals. What this means is I no longer expect so many friendly faces. This new information is going to make people scared, and fearful even more so of the Immortals, to the point of being hunted rather than just looked down upon.

It has been asked that I make a statement on the events with Kapuchu and Monochromatic Rainbow, so I will do so, only this once.

To sum it up, Kapuchu, Mono, and I had our.. creative differences. What neither of them could seem to understand is that this is my roleplay, and I will run things how I wish. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding something. If I want something just because it's cool, I will probably implement it, because who doesn't like cool things and ideas? As a GM, I fully understand that it can be difficult getting along in another GM's roleplay, especially when he makes the mistake of giving you the false ideal that you have more power than you do. No more Co-GMs for me, not for some time anyways.

Character Wise, let me explain my decisions here. Yes, I did get a little wishy-washy with the whole native alphabet thing, but ultimately I went with public opinion. It was something I had never encountered before, and frankly I wasn't sure how to proceed on this new idea. Everybody makes mistakes. I owned up for that. We had differing opinions on how Vladimira's power actually functioned, from fluid-like manipulation, to clay-like, to what I was thinking, more of a forceful crumpling/bending/uncrumpling. In the end I tried to compromise by letting her have it as a special ability, to mold metal almost clay like, despite the powerful implications of that. Mono was also unhappy that I made a statement about the metal being manipulated weakening slightly, and I repeatedly made it clear that this was just really an aesthetic thing I was talking about. She forced a numerical value out of me by repeatedly badgering me and refusing to understand that the statement literally had zero effect on her character, so yes, I did say it becomes 25% weaker because I was fed up. However, I intended to make it clear that I had only said that because of the continuing argument and attempt at forcing information out of me that I did not have a clear definition on, especially when such a thing was unneeded.

This was after multiples arguments on what creative ideals I was thinking about. There is a difference between opinions, being constructive and blatantly arguing with me, even after I tried to end the argument. Did you see the entire thing? No, I kept it away from the OOC because I felt it had no place here. Did you see the parts that reinforced Kapu's attempt at slandering my name and status as a GM (despite his thinly veiled compliment), Yes. Did he release my personal information to the public through screen captures? Yes. Did you see the whole scope? No. Did you see the parts where I admitted the actual mistakes I had made, or the compromises I tried to make, or the times I tried to end the argument before it got to the point of complete and total frustration? No.

So lets get something very clear, right now. If you do not like how I run things, to not continue to badger me until you manage to sway me from my position. Ultimately, I will go back to what -I- want to do, not what you want. The great thing is, this is completely voluntary. You do not have to be here. I appreciate you being here, but that in no way entitles you to a share to hold on to. See, Kapuchu and Mono treated this like it was a Council, and I was just head councilman for show. I was the ideal man, but when I had an idea they didn't like, they usually refused to let the point drop and argued until I got pissed off. Not to sound like a child, but this is the only way I can phrase this. This is my roleplay. This is my world. This is my idea, I have complete and utter creative freedom and the power to do anything I please. If I want flying llamas that spit acidic poison that also sends you on a drug trip, by god I will do that. (Don't get your hopes up on that, I was just making a point.)

When I come to somebody and ask them what they think about something, I do not expect to be argued with until you get your way. You do not get to choose how this roleplay is run, I do. Furthermore, what Kapuchu and Mono failed to draw the line between is Realism vs Fantasy. Many of the problems they had were because it wasn't totally 100% realistic, at which point I countered with "How realistic is it for Alex to shoot lightning from her hands again?". Get what I'm saying? I'm the only person who can draw the line between too realistic and too much fantasy. I prefer a little creative fantasy honestly. It's imaginary, make believe, with a large tablespoon of realism. If I want something realistic, It's because that's how I want it to fit into my world. If I'm alright with something being unrealistic, fantastical, whimsical, whatever, that's because I feel it fits in my world.

I'm not bad mouthing either of them, and if I did it's due to my abrasive filterless personality. They are exceptional roleplayers, with great ideas between the two of them. The real problem was the disagreements with my ideas and trying to force their perspectives on me. "You can't do this.." because, or "That can't happen.." because. Honestly, I'm sad to see Kapuchu go. Perhaps in time we can repair this friendship, he was my first real friend on here. He's been with me through the first rendition of World's Collide, Deadland, Shadow's Solace, His rendition of World's Collide (his 1st, not 2nd.), and Dust. It's disheartening, but I feel like a creative weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm not longer threatened with their displeasure, and I once more have creative control back over my own roleplay.

To be clear, I will always hear your ideals. From time to time, I may come to you and ask your opinion on something. If I feel something should be some way, then that's pretty much how it's going to be. You can make your case, and if you persuade me then sure, but repeated attempts at arguing my decision are not helpful. I absolutely love it when you express your creative freedoms and ideals, and if I have an issue with something I will come to you.

Since Kapuchu brought this out into the public, you all are welcome to your comments, discussions, and opinions. Please try to refrain from bad mouthing anybody, I said try. If you do it unintentionally then it can be edited. I will answer all questions and concerns publicly in favor of transparency. I have nothing to hide, except my secrets. Hehe :)

I'd also like to apologize. I don't know why Kapuchu felt the need to do what he did, instead of just respectfully leaving. But it happened, I hope we can all move on from this together.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

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In the spirit of transparency I will say what I know.

I spoke with Kapu and while you seem to disregard it, his (and Mono's) biggest issue was you working with their characters. This world is yours, I won't argue that- but when you put shackles on the character someone else created it's something I see as a respectable qualm. It's why I don't blame them for leaving honestly. People can govern themselves just fine if you trust them like you claim to have trusted them, and their characters will explore their capabilities with the same resourcefulness as their creators. I won't go into examples because it's not my argument but you placing previously undecided restrictions on a character isn't a proper way to GM.

My point here is Aeo, you were not in the wrong because it is your RP. Just because you're not in the wrong doesn't make it right though and some people may choose not to tolerate your rules. That's what I feel everyone should know; Kapu and Mono left out of frustration from things being taken, and not because things weren't given to them. So long as we're clear on that.

EDIT: I have yet to read the new IC post and need to log off for now. Might get around to it tomorrow. Just thought I'd mention that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Two things first off; to be fair, I did mention the argument about Mono's character. Secondly, I did not mention Kapu's character because there was no real argument there, we stated our points on it and that was pretty much it. I stated my concerns, he responded, and I responded, and then all this happened. I will touch back on that in a moment.

Now, let's start here. This situation with the characters started out because I did trust them to govern themselves. So, let's talk about Mono's character first. The only shackle that was placed on her character wasn't a real shackle, it was a shackle Mono envisioned upon herself based on what I was saying, she failed to understand the point I was trying to convey. I had said, "By manipulating metal, it becomes compromised, like it's not as strong as unmanipulated steel would be." I then tried to ease her concerns by letting her know that what I had said was purely aesthetic, it had absolutely zero effect on the strength of the metal she wields. I then followed it up by how unimportant what I actually said was. Keep in mind, this argument comes after a host of other arguments against creative ideas I was pitching for constructive feedback. It is very apparent to me now that if she does not like something, she is going to argue the point to death regardless of how much you try to end the conversation. I made it repeatedly apparent that the compromised nature of the metal literally did not matter, purely an aesthetic statement.

So casting that aside, there real argument we have about Vladimira was about how her power actually functions within my world. Kapu proposed something along liquid style manipulation, which he later corrected/changed to agree with Mono. Mono envisioned her character's power functioning more like molding clay. This had never been discussed before, and when it came up my thoughts were more forceful. Let me explain my reasoning. Essentially, clay and liquid style manipulation are pretty similar. The implications for either style would be too powerful, considering the fact that Vladimira is the most powerful character in the game. To me, clay-like manipulation doesn't require the kind of exertion that a more forceful manner would. I have placed constraints on characters and their powers, and I don't feel this was being met by either of them. The application of clay-esque manipulation felt too powerful to me, and I'm definitely the person in charge of making sure your characters stay within the guidelines I have set. In her first IC post:
" The scrap metal clumped together in a jagged spike of steel as she clenched a fist"

I was not exactly put under the impression that she could fluidly melt it together. This point, is also moot, because I gave her what she wanted anyways as a special ability that only she would have, and other metal manipulators were not likely to have. No, the two+ hours of arguing was over the "durability" of the metal, because she couldn't understand that it was Aesthetic, no matter how much I repeated myself. I do not appreciate being constantly redrawn into an argument over basically nothing. Literally what that phrase meant was, "The metal is different than the unmanipulated metal," and that's it. So honestly, I feel all of Mono's concerns about her character are null points. This are figmented problems which resulted in her tireless efforts to argue with me. I'm really too lazy to take screencaptures and blot out the personal information just to prove my point, I'm honestly not that concerned about it.

Now, lets move onto Kapu. When he created his character, by his words, she was a guardian type. She would have some offense, but would be mostly defense, and with her knowledge on healing. Now, when I read the draft, I approved his "teleportation"-esque power, where Evelina dissolves into light particles and moves very rapidly for about two seconds. I also made this clear that it was not something to be used lightly. If you've been keeping up on the posts, Evelina used that power four times within a very short period. I also repeatedly asked them to keep their characters in check, even if it meant just mentioning the strain their power use was causing. Admittedly I slacked just a bit on Aeshma, but I do not feel that he did all that much exertion, I felt this way towards Vladimira as well, but brought it up anyways because the entire purpose of her being partially awakened was that she was not as powerful, as she was a guest in events that Kapu and I had originally planned ourselves, but I allowed her to be a part of because I'm a nice guy. That special exception on Evelina's power set is definitely within my right to express my concern, and request that it be kept in better check. It's a very overpowered ability. Kapu and I were in agreement on this. The amount of power use Evelina actually does during that fight is pretty high before Awakening.

The second issue I had with Kapu's character was the reflective-spring-punch. A complex move all in its own, but even more so for a character that was created primarily for defense. Without actually pitching the idea to me Kapu insisted that Evelina could wrap her hand in a "reflective" barrier, Deflect Aeshma's lightning bolt into the ground, and have that barrier-punch absorb the power from the reflection/deflection by compressing the barrier punch like a spring, and thus giving her an attack that is three times as powerful when she started. That latter statement was made by Kapu, the 3x power. Obviously, that is one hell of an offensive move for a defence oriented character. Now, to get something clear, Kapu and I did discuss reflective barriers at one point, but were never really got into it. To reflect an attack, would be to send it back. This implies that Evelina could stand before a thousand man firing squad and send their first volley reflected back and kill them all. I said I was onboard with deflection, or to divert from the attack's intended course.

The third problem I had with his character was that she had a mental conversation, albeit only threes lines, but (and I quote) "Within the fraction of a second" before Aeshma's attack hit her so that Fianna could tell Evelina to reflect it. I don't care who you are, nobody can have a conversation that fast except for MAYBE James Knight. There is no possible way she has the perceptive abilities to accomplish the recognition of thought, the process of contemplating the meaning of it, forming a response, recognizing the response, and processing that-- All managed before that bolt of electricity reached her, "within the fraction of a second." This point however, is moot, because we agreed.

The fourth problem I had with his character is that he had pitched her to me as a defensive character, but was using her as both in equal parts, actually it may have appeared that she was offensively stronger than defensively, but that's all up to personal interpretation. This also follows a redundancy that I found in his character sheet. He states that Evelina is weak, and underneath states that she is easily pushed around. I thought this meant that she was weak in the magically offensive regards, the way we discussed, and that pushed around meant she was physically weak. The changes I proposed here were clarifications on his character sheet to better fit what we had discussed about his character when he pitched her to me. Here's what I said. Clarification in this case means that it needs to be reworded so it can be understood better.

Considering the nature of your character's CS, that it is in question. I request the following changes.
-Clarification for offensive weakness.
-Clarification for physical weakness.
-Clarification for enhanced defense.
-Additional Stipulation that repurposing her defensive abilities for offensive measures takes much more effort.
(Next one is from Skype)
In addition to the other clarifications, and one change, I want to be clear that is it a -deflective- barrier, not reflective. The application for a reflective barrier is too powerful.

Repurposing a static shield into a kinetic attack should take more effort than just erecting a shield in the first place. The problems Kapu is having concerning myself and his character evolved from lack of clarity, the expectations that he would follow his own idea on her, the expectation that he would adhere to my expectations based on approving that idea, and the usage of undiscussed power applications. Don't get me wrong, do whatever you want with your powers, but if I feel it's too overpowered I will ask for you to change it. This is well within my right, and I've also outlined this in rules #1 and #5. You all were asked to read them, and nobody has come forth and notified me of any problems they have with my rules. You can implement new things, especially new ways to use your character's powers. That does not mean you can do anything you want and expect me to shrug my shoulders and let it fly. There's an arena section for that called defeat the godmodder or something.

So let me make this clear to you bobert. I gave Vladimira clay-manipulation. I took Nothing from her. I gave Evelina an overpowered move that I told everybody was off limits (Teleportation, in all rights, it technically is.) I gave Evelina the clear to have some sort of offense. I took away an overpower mechanic ADDED to that offensive barrier-punch I approved of. I DENIED Kapuchu's wish for reflective barriers, and Instead approved deflective.

I would hope everybody has read the rules. I did not overstep my bounds as a GM by attempting to keep their characters in check, and from acting overpowered. I do not have a clear reason why they left, but it is apparent they were frustrated. Perhaps they are used to getting their way? Perhaps it was because I started putting my foot down because I was tired of arguing all the time? Perhaps it was because they did not have 100% creative freedom with their characters? To be honest, none of you do. Take @Darcs' character for example. 100% Creative freedom would allow Lucania (Did I spell that right?) to get super angry and Kamehameha style sonar-scream a skyscraper into dust. So then I ask you, what's the point of having a system of checks and balances? Perhaps they got too comfortable getting their way, and found it highly displeasing when I stood my ground? I couldn't tell you, and honestly I don't care what they tell you. The bond of trust is broken, and the ties of friendship were suddenly cut. Whatever their issue was, or is, no longer matters.

The only thing that concerns me are propaganda attempts at slandering my name. I do not put it above Kapu trying to coerce my players away so he can start his own interpretation of my world. Why? Because that's how Kapu and I met. I was kicked out/left a roleplay because of my differences with the GM. Kapuchu came to me and said he was starting his own idea of the roleplay, and stated that he had other players willing to join him. I'd rather this roleplay not be destroyed because of our differences. It was wrong for him to bring this into the OOC, it did not involve any of you. He should have said his goodbye, given his reason whether it be our differences, or how he felt. But when someone starts slinging your name in mud and spouting unpleasant things about your character and role of GM, you tend to lose faith in them. To be clear, I am not accusing either of them of this act, just that I am slightly suspicious of it.

If something isn't allowed in Dust, it's probably because I have ideas for something you don't know about. If something is asked to be changed or correct about your character, it's because I feel there needs to be clarification on something. If you have an idea, pitch it, even if I don't like it as is, we can hammer it out. If you have a problem, come to me about it.

If you feel the need to be excessively bullheaded-argumentative, the need to force a desired response from me, refuse to be constructive, break my rules, or tell me how to run my world, then do as Kapu and Mono did and leave. In all rights, they are you characters, but they still have to abide by my rules. In an RPG you create your character, but that character will always be limited by what that world sets out for them and allows them to do.

Not to be rude Bobert, but you only know what they want to tell you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Callthecops
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Callthecops The Empty Headed

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I do agree that Kapu's character was (in my opinion) annoyingly overpowered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

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And everyone here only really saw your side of the argument explained. My previous post was less my opinion than it was stating perspective. People (MadHatter especially) seemed resentful towards their leaving and I wanted to make it clear they had a good enough reason in their eyes.

The issue here was conflicting creative difference; neither of you were in the wrong but your rights conflicted. That's what I want to be sure everyone knows if it makes sense.


I'm on my phone right now and can't afford to drain the battery much more today but hopefully in a few hours I'll be at a computer. See you guys later :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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Fair enough Bobert. I'm not mad at anybody, I just come off that way because I'm abrasive. The issue probably was creative difference, I give you, and them, that.

However I still feel I was well within my right in my attempt to keep their characters in balance. Kapu would have every right to explain his side, and he did, but the way he went about it was not Fonz cool.

I was asked for my side of the story, so I explained.

I do agree that Kapu's character was (in my opinion) annoyingly overpowered.

Exactly my opinion. Maybe not annoyingly but he was definately overstepping his bounds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright so I read the new IC post and was just wondering what happened to Evelina. Like I understand Alex left the battleground behind and went home, and Vladimira fled, but is Evelina dead or just unconcious or did she leave or what? I ask because if me and Hatter do another collab chances are the battleground might be worth inspection.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

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She dead
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ah. Will she still look sinister and hollowy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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Ah. Will she still look sinister and hollowy?

No, her awakened form will dispel upon taking too much damage, losing consciousness, or dying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

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Just for the record, I'm not necessarily angry at anyone, I just fucking hate drama, I got like zero patience for it, and I especially hate it when people can't work out their differences. I'm not going to point any fingers because I feel Bobert is mostly correct in saying it was simply creative dissonance and no one is necessarily at fault, but I'm still definitely angry/sad that we lost two RPers. Whatever, not like there's much we can do about it.

Alright, time to get to work on another post. @bobert778, you're with me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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@TheMadAsshatter I know the feeling, which is why I like keeping these differences away from the OOC. The only real fault here is the way Kapu went about dragging everybody into this and creating the drama in the first place, especially by badmouthing me.

However, I look forward to moving past this, and the future post from you two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

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I fly!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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Lol what?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I flew away to the PM where me and the Hatter discuss collabs :P.

I have two more questions so far: Did Alex walk back or take Evelina's bike? And did anyone claim Vladimira? I think Darcs may have but I'm not sure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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Aeshma tried to flee the rain, and reverted back to Alex as it began to rain down. The bike is still there. Nobody claimed Vladimira, but I'm putting her into the vault, I don't feel it's quite appropriate for her to be claimed.

I'd rather promote originality. Besides of which, I may put metal control on the metaphorical ban list. I'd need to really believe in somebody's roleplaying skill for that, I now understand the implications on how powerful metal control actually is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh okay, I must have glazed over that Aeshma ran away from things. That makes me and Hatter's lives easier :P.

I was asking about Vladimira since a possible outcome of our post was that she might be worth pursuing so I wanted to know who to speak with; wasn't intending to take up her character (I simply find myself incapable of that actually). I can see it as difficult to catch her though if she really wanted to get out of there. Alright- yeah that works :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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No worries, I'm probably going to interrupt everything and destroy Russel City soon ^_^

@Firecracker_ I see you ahah :P
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