Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew had been watching Silk since they left, her eyes shifting constantly back to the woods behind them and never in front. That meant two things generally she was helping someone following them, not likely in this case through she was full of surprises. Matthew figured it was option two, she was expecting to be followed and that could only be by that Isaac fellow. That was the only name she had feared when they spoke, well now it was time he earned his keep. He'd stay close to her and keep her safe, she reminded him in some ways of girl he'd known back home the main deference being she was incredible with a sword and Silk was an incredible with her mind.

His thoughts turned to comparing Serenity and Silk as his lazily watched the woods over his shoulder. They both could keep up with him in a way perhaps in some areas were even superior to him. Silk could defiantly talk her way out most anything or escape any trap you put her. Silk could read people just like he could and both of them could, perhaps not to the same level of skill but close enough. Serenity was different yet the same, much like Silk she could play the graceful maiden. Yet Serenity was more at home with a sword in hand than anything else, she had been his sparing partner for years. In all that time they were tied for wins and losses. Serenity could out match his physical skills sure but he beat her through being clever. Silk was smart so if he did ever get on her wrong side brute force was the best option, traps and tricks would not help there.

Matthew who had been mostly hanging at the back of the little group beside Zaku as to put himself between what ever followed and his employer sighed. "I have a story, though I must warn you it is about me and a girl from back home... Mostly how she kicked my ass." He smiled, Jiro might like this one Isabelle to come to think of it. He began to tell them a rather interesting story on him and his training. "As you know I'm a tactician, well I was trained by Grand Master, one who has master the art of war in all forms. Now my sword play and magic skills were good but I was told I lacked thought wanting to attack rely on instinct rather than planning. Thus my teacher gave me a sparing partner, Serenity Beaumont." He stopped speaking for moment remembering to explain something that was different in Rosanne.

"In Rosanne noble women are generally and most nobility looks down upon them for it." He explained the culture clash and continued the story. "So I was told to beat her in fair duel, no magic just swords. I lost the first duel, second, and third... Badly. She was faster than I was, her attacks were on equal power and most importantly she'd had to fight every step of the way to learn. I had always been rather talented so I quickly found myself with no opponents wanting to spar thus I trained with those exceeding my skill by to much or alone. I spent weeks and weeks losing to her until finally I began to see things, her attack patterns, movements, her technique, and most importantly her weakness. When she went in for a final blow she would always lunge to far and leave the small of her back open. That's when I struck, I beat her for the first time that day, we became best friends after that. Though I haven't heard from her since I left Rosanne, my sister told me she hung the last man who tried to court her from a flag pole on her estate." He could almost picture the scene as he snickered at the very idea of it. "So that's how I started training as a Tactician."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Why do all you people have the urge to call me mister? Do I really look that old. Yeah I got grey hair and all but that's just how it is. I'm only thirty years old damn it!" Jiro grumbled as he listened to the group spout their stories. He kept his eyes forward and he KNEW that Zaku was probably in the back lamenting his life choices up until the point where he decided it'd be best to go with the mercenary all those years ago. Even worse when Isabelle started to giggle about the story, "I can't understand why rattle snakes would be such a big deal to a pegasus knight but hey they are pretty nasty." Isabelle said as Samantha suddenly flew past her and she looked up at the sky. "Pegasus knights are so pretty when the fly in the air don't you guys think?" Isabelle asked as Jiro told her to be quiet which made he pout but she did so as Jiro told her he wanted to hear the 'great story' of how the smartass tactician got his ass handed to him by a girl.

When Matt was finished talking it was Zaku who started to talk first which was strange considering his usual silent demeanor, "That is why you never underestimate an opponent. Gender, status, weapon style, and even clothing can all be used as a clever guise in an attempt to fool any possible opponents. I've never been to your home but it sounds like a place where fools live. I thought Duke Virion was a man of more worth than what you describe. To allow such concepts to grow there is unacceptable." Zaku simply stated as Jiro grunted. "Nice story kid let's just hope that you don't get hung by a flag pole. I'd have to get you down and that's would be a pain." Jiro said without much care on the subject matter. It was nice to know the kid had a friend so he wouldn't need to lug him around forever. "I don't got any real interesting stories that I'm allowed to tell. Suffice to say I've seen and heard some shit in my life time. I grew up in the back alleys of some no name town. I learned from my old man who was a cut purse. Called me the best sword arm he'd seen. No idea where it came from because my old lady is a merchant. Who knows I guess it's just something I got from my grandparents maybe. Who knows how it came to be. I traveled a bit and I picked up to dynamic duo over here and here I am now." Jiro told the information like it was just something on a newspaper.

Far ahead Samantha could make out the sight of a broken down caravan with no people nearby. It looked abandoned and simply sat there dejectedly in the middle of the road.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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"well, it kinda happens you never know I was a farmer in a small village near the Ylisse and Plegia border until i was sixteen, that's when i went into the Ylisse military."Said Zack as he continued on using his new iron lance as he walked with a loaded pack near the head of the group."Think of the mister as just a sign of respect for a experienced man of the battlefield, Jiro."said Zack as he watched Samantha for a minute then returned his view to the road ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samuel listen to Silk's comment but did not even bother to respond. He's always traveled with Samantha since that incident happened. Ever since then he had been alone with his sister going from town to village to town. It was not an upbringing he was proud of but that is the reality of how he was raised but this was not a group he was gong to share that with. He looked up at his sister flying about. He had hoped that she wasn't dense enough to share that with the other either. He heard Isabelle comment about how can the rattle snake be scary. "We were not but little children when that happened." Samuel responded without really thinking before listening to Matthew's boring story. In truth Samuel wanted to laugh when he told us how he got beat by a women time after time but that would be rude. By most standard cutting down their tactician was usually not a wise move. Then Samantha soon returned from her quick scout in the air.

"Everyone, Everyone!" Samantha yelled as her pegusas landed near the group. "I think I saw something head of us. It looked like a caravan of some sort. Lets check it out." She said looking too excited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew smiled when Zaku mentioned Duke Virion, his family had always sucked up to Duke's. He'd never been Virions biggest fan but he had changed things. "Actually he's moved women in noble society up much, most of the commoners back home are considered equals. However since Virions new policies women compete in tourneys and duels, I was actually crowned Champion at the duel one year by the Duke himself. The best part was when I found out that only people who bet on me were my sister, my teacher, and Serenity. I bankrupted a couple people that day, anyway I used some of the gold to purchase supplies for my trip. Paid my parents a sum equal to the dowry they would have gotten if they married off and left. The rest I had spent for on my sister, I got her set up in a good school in Chon'sin Rosanne border area. She can study whatever she likes and it's all paid for, I made sure she was taken care of and not married off to some lecherous old man."

"As for getting hung up on the flag pole Jiro, I doubt that. She's had no competition to sharpen her skills, while I've had plenty." He smiled at the older man. "Beside's Serenity as scary Zaku is silent and as gifted with the sword as Isbelle is at being loud." He stepped up to walk beside the older man as the Pegasus Knight landed.

"A caravan? Sounds like a bandit trap or a trap already sprung. Can the group stay back a minute, I want to see I can spot any trouble. Also could Silk and Jiro come with me, the rest of you ready weapons. Before you tell me not to order you around you don't have to listen but if you want to into a dozen archers line of sight be my guest." He walked up towards the front. "I'd prefer to see no one die today, so listen to my advice please?" He told them sighing he check his blade and his tome. The mages were worn, he'd need a new spell book soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jiro was about to comment back when the little pegasus girl came flailing back towards them panicked and seemingly distressed by something. When she got back to them Jiro looked up towards the girl. "Whoa there feathers calm the hell down for a second. A wrecked caravan? That ain't something we can ignore. Especially since it's in our path. Alright then. Matty and Samuel can guard our rear. Silk you got our flanks. Feathers you can make sure there's no aerial units nearby. Me, soldier boy, and Zaku got point. Isabelle stays in the center." Jiro said as Zaku nodded and took his position next to Jiro. Isabelle was worried about the news but she didn't show it instead she put on a firm face and marched back towards the middle of everyone. "Alright troop advance!" Jiro said as he started to jog forward at a steady pace. Not enough to exert himself to much but just enough to make faster progress than what they were making. He also wanted to make sure he didn't overlook anything. He was worried about what they'd find when they got there.

When the group arrived at the caravan they noticed the place looked ravaged and pilfered. What was more disturbing was there was burn marks everywhere. Clearly some where by magic as the ground was burnt too but some clearly were lit by torches as three of the four wagons was burnt to the ground. There was also blood near the front and back of the caravan. Whatever had attacked the caravan had done so in a well made assault. And there weren't any trees around...How the hell did they get flanked so bad in a place like this. Jiro kicked a fallen helmet out of the way. It was of Ferox make not Plegia or Ylisse. And it had a nasty smash in the middle of it. "Oh my god..." Isabelle whispered as she looked around and saw that somewhat dried blood was everywhere. There was even some inside of the wagon parts that had broken off before they got burnt by whoever was here.

"Nothing we haven't seen before. Grow up." Zaku said bluntly as he spit on the ground. "Cold Zaku...really cold. What I want to know is...where is the bodies? And more importantly why is there still equipment laying about?" Jiro said as he knelt down to examine a blood trail that went off into the grass. He didn't see anything else. No wild animals could've done this...that meant..."My guess it was wyvern riders or pegasus knights wasn't it Jiro?" Isabelle said suddenly as Jiro looked back at her and grinned widely and patted her on the shoulder. "Yeah that's my guess too Isabelle. Fan out. Search the place for survivors I'm going to check the grass. Zaku try to find out what this caravan was about. You're always good with the names of companies." Jiro said bluntly as Zaku nodded and started to try and look for symbols or other indicators of who these poor souls were.

All over the dirty dirt road there were jewels with dried blood on them, armor and weapons ranging from lances to axes and swords, and even a treasure chest that was hacked open and half the gold was taken out leaving it mostly empty. There were no bodies in the caravans towards the back...or what was left of them. The one in the middle was left untouched though and the smell of blood came heavily from it but there was no blood trails towards it just a big splotch of blood near the back of it. Why it was untouched was anyone's guess. The wagons that were burnt to the ground had some left overs and a skeleton of what they once where but the wood was splintered and broken clearly showing signs of combat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Zack moved slowly bringing his lance and shield ready to use in case of combat looking for any sign of life around the lost caravan as he moved shifting equitment he crossed with his lance tip. "this was a intresting method for sure."said Zack as he moved past the edge of the last burnt out wagon and kept scannning as he walked looking for foot prints or blood trails.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A Wyvern rider, clad in the garbs of a Feroxi steppe nomad observed the group from a far. From what he can see there are a variety of personalities as he can spot a Myrmidon, cleric, pegasus knight, and a thief from his range but there appeared to be more people. He woke up too late and took time to dismantle his yurt tent, leaving them unable to catch them at the town. He flew lower and grabbed his wyvern by it's rein, getting off and walking to them. "Hello." He greeted them. "I heard that there is a large group after a bounty. I mean no harm. I hope to join you in this bounty." He can say he is short on cash to continue his nomadic travels too so he needs some funds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Zaku pivoted on his heels and turned with his sword in hand facing the wyvern rider. Jiro stopped his search and did the same. "Rather convenient timing I must say that you have chosen to arrive here rider. How do we know you're not a part of this whole mess around here...have you even noticed where you are?" Zaku asked the new comer and his pet dragon. "I'm all for new comers big guy but this ain't exactly the place where anyone just shows up unannounced." Jiro commented as he glared back at the newly arrived rider.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samuel took his spot near the back of the group. It would take a good amount of effort to stop him from taking a slice out of the tactician but there were other things to be worries about. He watch as his sister took off and took the high-spot to look over the whole group. Samuel knew he would make Jiro pay for it later on some way or another. By the time they finally hit the caravan it looked as if it was ransacked. There were signs all over of fire magic. It was probably a group of mages waiting in the wing until it was time to launch their assault. Either way it was clear that there were no survivors. Soon he saw a Wyveryn Ride had landed and approached them asking to join the group. "If he took down this caravan then he must be the mere scout-boy." Samuel said as he continued to examine the area. "I don't think he has the fire power to do this kind of damage." Samuel said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Batu handed Jiro his steel axe, in pristine condition as he has only purchased it from the market the other day to replace his old axe. "My axe is too new to be involved in this bloodshed." He presented. "I only bought this yesterday." From a bag carried by Tengri be brought out his ornate hunting lance and a hunting knife. "These are not the traditional weapons for a wyvern rider. I merely use them for hunting." From their first impression the two looked experienced as fighters and being able to distrust him showed experience.
The nomad nodded at Samuel's comment on being alone. "I travel alone, and Tengri carries too many heavy objects to be a proper scout." He added. This was true as the wyvern carried the yurt, food, furs and other supplies. These would be carried by separate wyverns but he's not in a tribe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jiro looked at the kid and then at Samuel. He wasn't swayed by Samuel's words at all. He (Jiro) was far too experienced with spies for his good. They were sneaky and they were cunning. And this situation wasn't some sort of lackey's doing. It was too precise and too clean. There were still clues more than likely around here. Jiro took the axe by the handle, even though he was not too thrilled about the new guy from flying over to him. Dragon's wings beat heavily. Not like a pegasus though those hurt too. "Fine I'll give you the benefit of the doubt kid. Don't screw us. I'll give you some of my share for doing the job to completion. Other than that if you want to make yourself useful please dismount you big friend and go join Samuel looking for clues on what happened here. Not sure if you noticed but the place is sort of fucked. Samuel make sure he doesn't pocket anything that could be evidence. If we find something we'll either go back to town and tell the people there what's up or we'll see if we can find survivors depending on what we find." Jiro said as he kept searching through the grass. Isabelle stood still and looked up at the two new comers, the dragon and it's rider, and simply wasn't too enthusiastic about it. New comers were fun...but yeah...not the best time. And Zaku still held his sword at ready as he turned away to search through the rest of the tall grass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Zack watched from his position ready to charge in with his lance well the conversation took place, once everything subsided he continued his short march further along looking to the road and surroundings."I wonder why they took the bodies maybe cannibalistic."said Zack as found more damaged and burned equipment with some blood."what your guys thoughts?"asked Zack as he knelled down and turned over a semi burned helmet in his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samuel found that he was stuck watching the new guy. Well he did look harmless and as he hated to admit it, Zaku had a point. He could simply be someone not part of the initial attack but more like a someone meant for them to let their guard down. Whether he was guarding from an attack from a surprise enemy or the man who was eager to be their companion, Samuel kept his sword in hand. He even mounted his horse in case this guy stole something and made a run for it. It also helped that Samuel always kept in between him and his dragon. "Batu, why the hell did you want to join us again?" Samuel asked. "And why aren't you going after the prize by yourself?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hearing the doubt of Samuel, Batu offered an explanation. "It would be dumb to go after an organised group of enemies would it?" He replied with the obvious answer. "I largely need the reward to be able to continue my nomadic life." He got off Tengri and petted the wyvern. "I travel alone, as I was betrayed by my own tribe." Seeing he has no time to give expositions all day, he began investigating the surroundings. He observed the charred remains, seeing if a Wyvern would have the ability. Remembering how Ylisse has no wyverns, he deduced that the attackers can be foreigners like him. Other attackers using fire that he can think of are mages, which he knows little of as he rarely interacted with them.
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