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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"A Valmese man here AND a tactician at that? I guess the world is way too small. I'm from the Cho'sin area though I'm not of their ethnicity as you can probably see." Jiro said as he took a look at the pegasus one. "Nah that one would too expensive for Isabelle's tastes and besides there was that once incident where a pegasus sat on her back in Plegia." Jiro said with a chuckle remembering that day for a brief moment before snapping back into reality. "I was hoping to not let my accent slip so easily I guess it's the wine. Even stuff like that makes me slip up on stuff." Jiro said in retrospective. "As if you couldn't keep you fat mouth shut anyways." Zaku commented as Jiro told him to shut up. Jiro however noticed he was leaving the man hanging and took his hand with a very firm and tight grip and shook his hand. "So tell me what brings you to Ylisse kid? Money? You working for the Exalt? I doubt your a story teller for real. The vibe I'm getting for you screams, 'I know my shit' sorry for the language but it's pretty obvious. Maybe if you wore more plain clothes you'd be able to hide it better." Jiro said as he examined the boy. "Or maybe I'm over thinking it and I just have been around my boy Zaku over there for too long. Wait that came out wrong he's not my son...he may as well be though. I'm Jiro nice to meet you Matt. I'm a wandering mercenary maybe you've heard of me maybe you haven't doesn't matter to me really. Though if you don't mind me saying so I'm the best sword arm in this country right now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Well I don't plan on changing the look, but you are right I've done quite of bit a work as a mercenary over last few years and spent the rest of time trained by knights in my homeland. I do however tell stories and perform, it's a better living than killing people." He chuckled looking to Jiro. "However you can boast as much as you like but I think there a few here who could take you in a sword fight. But I digress, I'm actually here for the arena fighting, it's good and well earned plus it's only to first blood. So I was wondering if you might be interested in joining me, I'd like to compete against the current champions, the temple monks." He said smiling as he looked them over again, these two looked like they could really fight. "We win plenty of money to go around from the prize and the bookie will pay us a portion of what he makes."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Of course I'm not some almighty pin head kid. There's plenty of folks who can take me here. There are also plenty whom I'd stomp into the ground. And there are many here who wouldn't even see Zaku's blade before they felt it sting them. Only a fool seeks to show off power. If you boast too much you're only going to fall all that much harder when you fall too ground and you will eventually." Jiro said as he decided on a small bronze necklace for Isabelle as he stuffed it into his pouch and shoved the money he owed to the shop keep into the man's hands. "You know first blood isn't fun at all. All it takes is one slip of the finger and you're out of the game. Better to go for KO Matches. Solid and the fighters are actually tougher and give you better ideas on how to fight others like them. The arena battles though...no battle is worth your life kid remember that. Unless you specifically said you intended to give your life to finish it then well go by all means and do so." Jiro said as he turned around and left the stall area seeing as there were people lining up and he was blocking the way. He tossed his mug over to Zaku who put it inside the back pack that he was holding for whatever they decided to purchase. "If you're really intending to recuit us in your little money making scheme kid then have a walk with me and tell me why exactly this is worth my time besides money. I have plenty of money to get from body guard duty. Ylisse nobles are pissin' their breeches trying to find a way to protect themselves from pissed commoners. Why should I get my hands dirty working with you and how do I know you can hold your end of the deal?" Jiro said as he started to walk away and Zaku followed him without speaking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew sighed and followed alongside them pushing through the crowd. "Fine, you got me. I want to test my skill, only so much you can learn from facing offended Nobles and Knights in honor duels and bandits in Valm are weak compared to the people I've faced here." He sighed and drew something from his pocket. "As for trusting me, you can take this as collateral, it's my family pendant with a portrait of my sister in it. It's the most valuable thing I own. Listen I don't want this fight for the money, I want to learn and grow as person and a tactician, I'm out here for two reasons, to make friends and to become a better warrior. I want to learn and grow from my fights but you can't learn unless you fight someone tough enough to teach you." He said matter of holding an ornate gold locket, the outside was craved with one side symbol of Naga and the other the symbol of his house, if you flicked it open you find a painted picture of a young women, dirty blonde smiling softly at it, it looked as if she could speak any moment. "So fight with me or go about your business, your choice sir."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Keep it kid I don't take family stuff." Jiro said plainly as Zaku merely chuckled, "Well the fool has spirit I'll allow him that but spirit and passion only goes so far." Zaku said suddenly as Jiro smiled at him. "You're always ready for some quip or another aren't you?" Jiro asked but Zaku remained silent. "He doesn't talk much around strangers don't mind him. But you know what fine I'll lend you my blade. But just so you know I don't fight well against mages. I can hold them but I mainly fight against blade wielders and Zaku over there isn't any better. I just wanted to point that out before you know that before we get going." Jiro said as he looked at the kid beside him. "I wouldn't tell him our weaknesses Jiro he's a tactician and he may end being out enemy one day." Zaku commented sourly as Jiro smacked him on the back, "I'm not getting in depth with the kid Zaku calm down. If he somehow does end up as an enemy so what? We've fought people we've known before anyway. Whatever let's get moving. And don't call me sir I'm not some noble or knight or anything. I'm Jiro and Jiro is all I'll ever be." Jiro commented as he pounded himself on the chest with gusto and pride. "Come on Matty boy let's go sign up to beat some ass." Jiro said with a smile as Zaku sighed, "I knew you'd find some way to get into a fight." Zaku said in annoyance as the group changed direction towards the part of the city where the fights where being held. "And just because you read tomes and shit kid don't think you get to boss me around I fight how I want to fight got it?" Jiro said as he led the way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew laughed as they walked towards the fights. "If I ever up on the other side of you two, I'd change allegiances. It would mean living longer, don't worry, I have a trick to dealing with mages, they don't take pain well so I lay down few thunder shoots maybe a fire ball or two. You two move in while I make them dance and get a cut in and there out, oh and Jiro don't call me Matty. It's Matthew and relax, tacticians only give orders when they commanding soldiers, no offense but there's a difference between mercenaries and soldiers, soldiers listen and fight, mercenaries just fight." He said stretching out his arms with a grunt swing them loosely as drew his spell book.

As they neared the place he smiled and walked up to the bookie. "Found a couple of tough guys, were taking on the Monks, can you set up everything?"

He said with a smile the old bookie just grinned. "Kid, your good but I'm still putting up 15 to 1 odds in favor of those priests, if you win I'll be here with your cut."

He said and disappeared off to set up the fight as Matthew walked back over to Jiro and Zaku. "There setting up the match now, this ought to be good. He's got 15 to 1 against us, I say he's under estimating us, especially if you two are as good as you appear. I've always been a good judge of fighters, comes with the job, anyway lets try to win this, I'd like to get back to the inn meeting a pegasus knight later to share a drink and swap stories."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"We're going straight into the fight with the monks kid? Did you even think this through? Zaku and I haven't used our swords all day. It may cause us some problems going right into our weakest point immediately." Jiro commented as Zaku chuckled. "Talk for yourself old man. Monks are the one type of mages I think I can deal with with. Monks deal with light and burning attacks. Close your eyes and go in for the kill." Zaku commented as he grabbed his wooden sword from nearby and Jiro grabbed a larger one of the same. "So kid what types of weapons are you going to use? Swords, tomes, axes, or what have you?" Jiro asked of Matt as he looked around the area. The group of monks they were going to fight looked tired but were drinking elixirs over on the other side of the area. "You know just because they're tired doesn't mean they'll lose. Beware Zaku I know how well you deal with magic." Jiro commented to him as the two sat down together on a bench and Jiro helped Zaku strap on his leather fighting vest. The crew had to stop on the way to the stadium to get Zaku's vest and Jiro's chain mail shirt and pauldrons. After Zaku got done with that he pulled his sword off his belt gingerly and gave it to one of the people nearby, "If that thing is so much as scratched I will rip out your throat." he muttered to the man quietly in his ear after pulling him close. Jiro got up and the cling of his chainmail was heard from a mile away and he swung his sword for a few practice runs. "You know we're lucky they have no bishop with them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew was still wearing his armor from the earlier fight so he just collected a wooden sword and a couple of weaker spells book, these kind of books were designed to cause pain but not injury no matter how hard you hit with them. "I'm swordsman and a mage, so I can swap between the two in combat." He said as he checked his straps and buckles. "The Bishops prefer to avoid fighting the, beside's Dark Mages are worse, light magic is the weakest against the average person, now if we were dark mages or nightmarish creatures, that be a different story." He said smiling at the tome. "But Light magic has a weakness, Anima magic my specialty, almost anima mages are highly resistant to there spells, kinda like how Pegasus Knights are resistant to it in all forms." He finished his checks placing a thunder tome in one hand and a sword in the other he smiled. "Jiro you want to lead us out?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Kid there hasn't been a nightmare creature in these parts since King Marth from what I heard. And Black Mages...Oh black mages are just another part of the grand scheme of things. They're slow...really slow. And they're either shaman who specialize in slow painfully strong magic or duel wield anima and-why am I explaining this too you!? You probably already know this! Whatever just wait a second would you?" Jiro said as he went over to Zaku and patted him on the back. "Go in and kick ass bud." Jiro said to him as they clasped hands and Zaku nodded. "You'd expect anything less from me? I think you're going to become senile faster than any man in history if you did otherwise." Zaku said to Jiro as the two prepared to go out into the small battle circle. "Alright let's do this!" Jiro shouted as he suddenly roared a loud growl and charged out into the circle as the monks stood in attendance on the other side of the area. "Good luck too you good sirs!" shouted one of the monks, a short young boy with blonde hair who wore mage robes and a priest cap. The other two were dressed in the usual white monk robes with a green sash that seemed unique to their temple. "We will win this! We must for the sake of the people I'm sorry for any damage we may cause." called another one. Zaku whom had just caught up to Jiro who had charged as far as he could go without going over the perimeter line that divided the two groups looked at the monks, "You have no idea how badly your going to lose this fight do you?" Zaku called over with a taunt uncharacteristically of him. But Jiro knew it was probably in no small part due to his hatred of magic users. "THE BETS ARE SET! ARE YOU PREPARED CONTESTANTS? ARE YOU READY!?" the announcer called out with cheesy gusto. "YOU FREAKING RIGHT I'M READY!" Jiro shouted shoving his blade into the air and glaring at the monks who were completely unfettered by the taunts. "GO!" The man shouted as Jiro and Zaku both jumped to the left and right respectively and charged forward as the enemy mages casted light tome spells that shattered the ground almost immediately, They're quick on the draw! Jiro thought as he charged forward and completely tanked another enemy spell cast by the small boy. It hurt still as the spell stung at his eyes and burnt his skin slightly.

The other two monks cast spells at Zaku in an attempt to overwhelm him but much to their surprise Zaku was almost dancing through their spells as he was there one moment and gone the next like a blur of light. "I'm no ordinary myrmidon you simpletons...magic is for weaklings who can't look their enemies in the eye as they kill them." Zaku grumbled as he twirled and jumped past the spells. When it was clear that it wasn't working one of the others turned their attention to Matthew and started to mumble as his hands started to glow with fierce bright light.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew smiled and raised a blade, it seemed the crowd was enjoying this, he smiled and bowed to his opponents staying silent, he didn't like boasting of taunting. He preferred a tough and simple fight. As the match began he hung back following the others lead in to the fight.

Matthew had to dodge a few stray spells as he followed up behind the others going right up the middle, he dodged some and others did little damage as he slide past them. He smiled at the one taking aim and unleashed his magic on them, twin bolts of fire flew from his hands as drew his sword and charged forth. Seriously, they were each taking one? They must not be smart, would have been better to focus and take out one at a time, he had the best each of surviving there attacks so why no focus on the others and bring them down first. He swung at the monk. "Sorry but I'm Anima user, so your magic just stings a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The mage in the middle opened his eyes widely as the fire bolts hit him but luckily for him he managed to dull the impact by using the magic he was going to use on Matthew to instead help him defend himself. Impressive for a monk who was more than likely just a temple hand helper. However the man was coming in close now so instead of attacking directly he decided an indirect attack was best. "Flare!" the man shouted as a burst of light crackled to life from the tome and a ball of light erupted in front of Matthew's eyes.

The mage fighting Jiro was not as fortunate as his counterpart. The boy whom had been flinging the spells at Jiro to no avail. Jiro was withering the boy's attacks like a man out of hell and even managed to dodge a couple. However it wasn't without merit Jiro figured the only reason he had gotten this far was because the boy was inexperienced in combat. He was most likely a stand in for one of the other monks or the daily routines of people trying to beat them had finally caught up with them. The boy looked on incredulously as Jiro was suddenly up close to him, "In Naga's name how-" the boy mouthed as suddenly Jiro brought his sword around and smacked the boy in the stomach sending him flying backwards as he rolled on the ground. The boy's priest cap fell off of his head when Jiro made impact. "I'm not going to fall down that easy kid! I've been doing my job for over twenty years you got a lot more to throw at me before I buckle!" Jiro said to the kid as he ran forward only for the boy to pull out a vulnerary and drink from it in an attempt to regain his energy he took from getting clubbed so hard.

Zaku pranced around the other monk's attacks and was starting to get bored. Luckily for Zaku this kid was all about power and no accuracy. He wondered if they had switched opponents with one of the other two of his team if he'd have any luck. However just as Zaku got closer the man got a lucky shot in on Zaku who felt a harsh burning sensation on his sword arm. Unfortunately for the other monk Zaku knew how to deal with pain even if it hurt badly. Zaku didn't flinch because he knew what this man was going to do. All mages did this if they had an ounce of intelligence...they back pedaled. Zaku rushed up to the monk and grabbed a handful of his robes before kicking him in the stomach. Zaku pushed the monk to the ground with a quick shove and smacked the monk on the side of the face with a brutal swing of his wooden sword which would of killed the monk if this had been a real fight but instead it must've just hurt like hell as the monk blasted Zaku in the chest with a burst of light. "Ugh! Damn it!" Zaku grumbled as he was forced backward grabbing at his stomach as the monk scrambled to get back to his feet but the monks had little room to maneuver now and were slowly being driven into a boxed in area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew, knew to things, blindness was temporary and he was panicking. Thus he did the opposite of what his opponent was thinking, he dropped his sword and tackled him as the blindness took hold. He couldn't see but he dragged the monk down and did his best to throw the spell book away, he couldn't see but he was much stronger, years of training and diligent sword play had left well toned though not as well muscled as warriors. He threw a couple punches in to the monk, trying unable to see. As his eye sight returned he found he successfully pinned the Monk and he landed a couple good blows, however the monk had grabbed his sword and gave him a strong whack with his own weapon, grabbed on the second try but the Monk had pulled his second spell book and the powerful blast not him away, getting up Matthew grunted and stood up slowly, fighting the pain.

The Monk had taken the brunt of the damage, but Matthew had hurt his leg in blast, no more dodging for him, he needed to get in close and finish this or the monk might just take him out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Don't get sloppy kid!" Jiro said as he ran over and punt kicked the blonde haired boy in the face, hopefully not breaking anything too badly, sending him to the ground with a solid thud. The kid was out or if not he was in some bad pain. Jiro just hoped that things were now going to go more in their favor now that the odds were evened. Jiro ran over to the other monk however who was fighting Matt and swung his sword at the man with a very heavy swing. The monk dodged Jiro's blow and tried to hit him with a spell but the attack was evaded by Jiro.

Meanwhile Zaku had decided that enough was enough as he decided to swap his sword into his left hand. Zaku charged at the man once more with the intent of ending this game. "How persistent you are!" the enemy monk growled as he sent another spell hurtling towards Zaku as once more it was easily dodged. Zaku was in the man's personal space now as he kicked him. "Your in my realm now fool." Zaku said as he smiled and got into an usual stance. However the next thing the enemy monk knew was that his wrist felt a hot pain as Zaku had quickly brought the blade down which was then followed up by a blow to the abdomen, followed by a blow to the chest, and then to the other hand. Finally Zaku brought the pommel of this wooden blade of his and smacked the man down with a vicious blow to the side of the head. With a loud thump the man fell to the ground unconscious. "You were powerful but you lacked tact. I hope that didn't give you any lasting harm...or maybe I do. Whatever the case may be my good gentleman have a nice nap." Zaku said with a smile on his face as he patted the man on the head gingerly and chuckled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

With a grunt, the Monk unleash bolt after bolt, but Matthew was taking each one as he walked forward. The Monk looked panicked, his comrades defeated and this young man shrugging off his attacks. He was scared, he mumbled a prayer he let off another spell. Yet Matthew closed the distance jamming his blade in the spell book it was ruined, he was about to hit the Monk, when he fainted. Sighing Matthew turned and looked to the crowd walking towards the center of the arena raising his sword. "Come, lets take a bow, for the crowd." He said waving as he jammed the blade in to the ground. "No trouble at all right guys?" He said smiling to them all as they cheer, men running out to tend the Monks as they winners were cheered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yes...easy that's exactly what I was thinking..." Jiro grumbled as he looked down at his scorched clothes and chain mail. "Oh great at least these will be easy to replace." grumbled Jiro as he grabbed the young monk who fainted and went over and put him up against the wall. He then went over to the young boy and did the same to him. Zaku on the other hand started to walk out of the arena, "Fan fare doesn't suit him Matt don't let him bust yours nuts. Go on play to the crowd." Jiro said tired as he went over to the monk Zaku had brutalized.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew bowed and raised his blade, he even walked over to the side of the stand handing it to a young boy in the front row of the match. With that he waved, the crowd standing up. Outside he collected the winnings, a wopping 9000 gold pieces. He grunted, with the weight of the three bags as he struggled to carry them back towards his companions. "I think we struck it rich here, 3000 apiece right?" He chuckled offering each a bag. He was proud and tired. "And after this I'll buy the drinks and you all a room at the tavern as a thank you." He laughed as he pulled off the armor and collected his weapons and tomes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yeah about that we're going to go find our missing link." Jiro said grabbing the gold for him and Zaku both. "I'll give Zaku his share in a bit...if he even cares to get it. He's the sort who enjoys beating ass for the sake of beating ass so that masochistic beat down he gave that poor kid was reward enough probably." Jiro commented as he noticed Zaku's blade was missing and so was the blade's wielder. "I guess he went back to the bar who knows." Jiro said shrugging as he looked at his body. "Besides without my little sunshine and rainbows I'll never get these things healed...for free that is. I'm sure those monks are uber crabby about losing so horridly to us and how we brutalized them isn't earning us any favors either. Besides are you sure your good kid? You gave away your sword. What are you going to do for protection now?" Jiro questioned the tactician as he rubbed some poultice on his burns.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I've got gold to buy a new one, I looking into something stronger than that lump of bronze. Beside's I have nice powerful spell tome in case I get in to trouble, lead me back to your bar, I'd like to meet this Sunshine and Rainbows." He said placing his gold in travel bag. "My legs not to great so maybe she can patch me up, I'll pay of course." He walked alongside him looking at Jiro. "So tell me about yourself Jiro, you seem to be quite the great warrior. I'd love to here about you and your past work." He said shifting his bag limping along beside him. He kept an eye out for Zaku or someone who radiated joy like the girl Jiro spoke of, he hoped to find them soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You'll know her when you see her kid. She has eyes like sapphires and the charm and wit that makes Zaku writhe in his fancy little boots." Jiro said with a smile. "She's a good kid just don't let her hear you saying that sort of thing she'll soak it up like a sponge all the way in that big brain of hers." Jiro said chuckling. "She can patch up anything short of a decapitated limb or a maiming." Jiro said praising Isabelle's worth. She definitely was a interesting person in his life to say the least. Far shot from the little girl she was when he met her. However when Jiro heard the words 'great' and 'warrior' in the same sentence when it was referring to him it made him start to chuckle louder until he burst out laughing which drew more than a couple of eyes. "Kid if you knew me you wouldn't even call me a warrior. I'm just a big brute of a man who grew up in the slums of Valm. My daddy was scum and my momma was a nobody. I fought and defended scum bags and losers alike and I killed my share of great men and women who deserved to live more than I. I've seen the wyvern lords of Plegia, fought in the courts of Ferox, dueled with Ylisse Nobility, and got into fights with various weirdos. I'm just a man who irks out his living a traveling sell sword. My mercenary band consists of three people hardly the stuff of legend. One is a little girl, the other is a dark brooding loner, and the third is me. That's all there is too me trust me my life story is hardly worth mentioning to some esteemed tactician who has no doubt heard the legend of the radiant hero or the hero king. Pff I don't even think my life is worth mentioning but it is my life and I'm proud of it. As I said I'm Jiro and Jiro is what I'll always be Matthew. I trust you have your own creed and I suggest you stand too it firmly less you start lying to yourself." Jiro said as he walked through the streets towards his inn. "By the way do you intend on following me around all day? It's not like we're great friends or anything we just met literally twenty some minutes ago or so it seems to me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Matthew shrugged. "I figure I owe you a drink and I'd like to get healed, but if you don't want me around I'll go." He said turning away as walked through the streets thick with merchants heading back towards the square. He groaned and sat on a bench, he propped his injured leg up and looked around. He was tired and hurting but he smiled and pull lollipop out of his bag placing it in his mouth he shut his eyes and relaxed. He was happy, he loved this kinda atmosphere the joy and laughter surrounding him made him feel better, he had always loved the sound of people, so with out much thought he pulled a leather hide bound book from his bag and set to work reading it for the millionth time in his life.
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