Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Oh, I know all about those kinds of tales,” Silk replied with a playful smile, pretending to be embarrassed as Isabelle whistled and called out to the performing duo. She listened to the girl as she went into some description of who and what she was, though throughout Silk got the impression that she was ether being modest or was being misleading. The girl didn't seem the misleading sort so Silk decided to go with modesty. That seemed to fit her better. As for whether or the girl was good at magical fighting or not was something of an irrelevance to Silk. Silk was no assassin or mugger, she was a thief of the non-violent variety, pure and simple.

“Anna, huh?” Silk replied nonchalantly and pretended to think for a moment as if trying to recall the name. “Oh, I know Anna, or rather, I know some of them. Red headed girls, same family, kind of hard to tell them apart,” Silk said as she headed off toward some of the stalls set up around the performance area. The truth was that she had encountered more than one ‘Anna’ of the redheaded variety in her ‘professional’ capacity. Very keen and alert girls, hard to misdirect. Not impossible through. “They may all look the same but they don’t all smell the same,” Silk said as a matter of fact.

She spent a moment looking at the merchant’s wares and after finding nothing that interested her turned and smiled at Isabelle. “I’d like that, thank you. It’s always nice to meet new people. I wonder what they smell like,” Silk said with feigned embarrassment. Her ears twitched. The sound was back, the marching steps. Was she being followed? It seemed unlikely. Usually guards would just charge straight at her if they suspected her of her usual misdeeds, though in this town she was still unknown in her professional capacity. All in all it might be safer to be around men with swords, just in case.

“Lead the way, my dear Isabelle.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"My dear? Do I look like some-scratch that, do I sound like some sort of blue blooded fancy pants!? I'm just Isabelle lady silk!" Isabelle said sternly wagging her finger as she led the way through the city. They stopped along the way to listen to one of the pegasus knights arrest a conman who was caught trying to sell fake elixirs to a rich nobleman and other parties. "You know people like that shouldn't even try to do stuff like this when professional guards are around. It's just stupid in my opinion! If you pedal fake goods you should do it somewhere dark and shady so at least you have the excuse of being a scumbag with a sense of common sense!" Isabelle said as she looked at the scene with disgust. She didn't take long too leave the scene however as they made their way too the Inn. However Isabelle's fancies continued to get in the way as she stopped at stalls to gawk at and haggle, rather well at that, over various trinkets. Isabelle's smile never left her face in earnest though and she went about with an absolutely ecstatic aura around her.


"You know kid I was just asking a-he left just like that? Hmph whatever if he can't handle one comment like that then whatever that's his problem." Jiro said as he turned around to see the kid had left his side. That made one less person he'd need to worry about and two more people he needed to find. "Where the hell did Zaku run off too!? God damn it who's going to listen to me complain about things now!? Bah I'm going to get a drink screw it!" Jiro commented to himself as he wandered off towards the Inn. He walked without any sense of grace or modesty. He just simply didn't care and when he arrived at the inn not too far away he sat down heavily in a chair in the far corner of the Inn and ordered the near by waitress to get him a large mug of ale. He'd put his winnings to good use drowning out the stinging feeling in his arms until Isabelle got back to the damn room. "I raise those kids for basically their whole teen hoods and they repay me by running off do they? Bah whatever kids will be kids screw 'em!" Jiro said grumpily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Matthew smiled at passersby, even signed a few autographs and turned away a few ladies whom had to much to drink, deciding he should get moving he got up. He leg stung but he just grunted and smiled, he couldn't be bothered with the pain of sprain ankle at a time like this. As he got up to had back towards the inn when he spotted a sight Jiro had described, eyes like sapphires and she just oozed a charisma that made him feel better. With her was another women, she seemed different at least a little, however as his heavy boots cracked against the concrete he walked up to them both. "Hello, I believe your a Miss Isabelle?"

He asked in a polite tone, giving a small bow. "I met your companions Jiro and Zaku earlier, I was hoping if I could ask you for a little healing. I believe I sprained my ankle in my last bout against the Monks in the arena, I was hoping you could fix it, I'll pay for the service." He said giving her a friendly smile, he was barely older than she was, yet she was just as described, dripping of sunshine and rainbows, he couldn't help but chuckle inwardly about how right right Jiro was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Isabelle turned around at the sight of a stranger who apparently knew her. At first she felt a bit tense and uncomfortable, especially given her occupation and what it sometimes entailed. However she knew that there was no chance in hell this dude was going to do jack squat to her in this open scenario so it just made it slightly more awkward than usual. "Well yeah my name is Isabelle. As for your wounds...uh sure I suppose. I hope those two jar heads didn't cause you that much trouble Mr. Whoever." she said as she pulled out her staff and breathed in deeply. She knelt down on her knees and brought her staff forward. She closed her eyes peacefully and the area around her felt somehow lighter once she did so. She mouthed words but didn't say them aloud or even actually speak them for that matter. She was simply just reciting a passage mentally as she had before so many times done. Suddenly a light from the staff lit up with a bluish aura and a sense of serenity passed through Matthew. It felt as if a current of water was flowing through his body and suddenly any aches and pains vanished within a moment as Isabelle stopped mouthing the words. Isabelle stood up and smiled at the stranger. "Alright. That should do it big guy! I even threw in a bit extra to get rid of any fatigue you might have had! I don't know all this stuff about monks and whatever, and I don't frankly care to know, but I believe that for charges rendered about...200 gold is fair I'd think." Isabelle said as she tapped her staff on the ground. "But hey at least your body should be feeling better right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

He sighed happily, deciding to be generous he paid her with a smile. "Terribly sorry, I'm Matthew traveling tactician and story teller. Don't worry they caused me no trouble however I should say that Jiro was looking for you at the inn." He said with bow, thankful for the help. He dripped noblemen but with a side of freedom and adventure not often found. "Let show my thanks properly however, please let me purchase you a gift. I won quite a lot in arena and you remind me of my little sister back in Rosanne, she'd be about your age now. You are just how Jiro describes you, dripping rainbows and sunshine." He said looking around the market. "Sorry if I seem strange but in my home country we often purchase gifts for those we wish to befriend."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samuel and Samantha sat at a convenient location to have their meal. As Samuel brought his kid sister food you could see his face lose the tension and he almost looked likable. The two sibling discussed how their day had been. Samantha had done nothing but window shop and look at a couple of monks attempting sing. Her brother joked that he could slice them down for tainting his siblings ears but she brushed him of. Samuel told tales how he was assaulted by a few runts and almost blew his cover on a low profile assignment. Then he worked his way to the gladiatorial area to only be bored out of his mind. The only match that he enjoyed was a group of monks get beat by an old guy and two kids. It was dreadful to the eyes for the most part but some tiny kid used an interesting combo. Samuel did not tell his sister that the kid felt familiar for some odd reason. After their meal the two siblings parted way. Samuel made sure to give his sister some gold so she could buy gifts for her friends

Walking River the young Cavalier made his way back to the fighting. He had given up on trying to see a decent fight but he was not convinced that he couldn't kill someone for kicks. It wasn't like there was anything else to do here. He tied River to fence near the arena as he took a seat. That was when he noticed an elderly couple arguing in front. "Ma, if you want to go shopping then by all means go." The old man bickered. "What f I get lost and cannot find you dear." His wife bickered right back. " I'm sure if you don't leave I will find you at the end." He argued again. "But I jut want the company." With that Samuel got up. It took a great amount of restraint for the warrior to not kill those annoyances. Now that his sister was gone he had reverted back to being as unpleasant as possible. With that he got bored and started to wander to kill off some frustration.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Story teller huh? You look a bit more like the magey sort of character if you don't mind me saying so Mr. Matthew." Isabelle said with a finger on her lower lip as she looked up and down at the man standing before her. And when the boy asked her if he could buy her a gift she grinned and chuckled and raised an eyebrow, "You know we just met you could at least be a little more self conscious you know." Isabelle said with a thought of glee that Jiro described her as that. It made her feel a little self conscious herself, but it was always good to know the big dope cared about her and talked about her positively. "It sounds like you're asking me out on a date or to be your girlfriend you know. It's a bit creepy, a stranger doesn't just show up out of the blue and offer gifts to pretty little girls claiming they know their best friends. Not that I want to accuse you of being a creep but you are being a bit creepy. I hope you understand what I'm saying. But hey free stuff is free stuff I won't complain!" Isabelle said as she twirled her staff in her hand and pivoted herself left and right as she stood still using her heels.
"Excuse me sir! Sir!" said a little girl as she ran up to Samuel. "I need help a man and some of his thugs took my younger sister into a dark alley and say they won't let her go if I don't get them money! They also said they'll hurt her bad if I tell the guards! I don't know who to turn too and I'm scared the thugs will hurt my sister!" cried the young girl as she ran up panting to Samuel. "You look like a soldier will you come with me please! I don't have any money to pay the thugs and I don't have anyway of getting her out otherwise can you please help me?" said the little girl in a panic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samuel was soon approached by a little girl. She claimed that her friend was taken by a couple of thugs and was demanding a ransom for a return. Samuel was not particularly in the mood for charity. after all festivals like this did attract thugs and it was the parents fault for letting their children run loose. Samuel almost had a mind to kick this girl until he got an idea. "Miss, I will help you."He said with a scowl on his face. almost anyone would have run away from him with the face Samuel made but he could tell he was her only hope so that is probably why she stayed. "Please direct me to these thugs." He said as he let the girl guide him

Meanwhile Samantha was starting to get bored wandering around the festival. There were still plenty of shows going on but she could not seem to find one to keep her interest. She could shop but it felt as if the shopping had to go last. She stopped by a tent and saw a crying child. The young girl was with her mother but it seemed to upset her that her parent was telling her that she could not afford to buy her any more sweets. that got Samantha thinking about the million times she wanted something but Samuel did not have the money to give it to her......back in the rough days. "Lady you can have this." She handed the child's mother enough coin to buy the snack. :really I don't need it and it just killed me to see your kids face." She said with a determined glare on her face. Moments later the kid seemed happy and thanked Samantha. It felt good being nice to people. Samantha not looking where she was going collided head first with a young cleric who was doing a sort of dance in the road.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Matthew shrugged and sighed. "Trust me my countries customs are very different than Ylisse's. As for being creepy I am not asking you on a date miss. No romance good starts with a blunt falling in love at first sight, besides I am a wanderer so I do not believe I need a women in my life." He laughed looking around at shops as the girl spun happily, she seemed to enjoy material objects then again a nobles view was skewed on such things, he had everything he needed growing up. However as he turned to ask her if she saw something she liked then he saw two girls on the ground, one having walked in to each other.

He rolled his eyes extending a hand to the fallen girl he didn't know the name of and looked at Isabelle. "You should be careful, you could hurt someone." He spoke like a older brother taunting a child as he looked back to the girl Isabelle had crashed in to. "Forgive her, she's very... Energetic." He asked smiling at the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh excuse me Mr. Fancy Ass for not being aware of my surroundings at all times! Jerk!" Isabelle said puffing up her cheeks with annoyance at the rudeness of this man. How dare he accuse her of being unaware when he was the one taking her attention away from everybody else. Isabelle gave a grunt of indignation and turned away from Matthew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zack bit into the freshly delivered plate of cooked meat at a small stall well draining a mug of water to fight back the high amount of pepper. Acrid Smoke wafted into his nose stinging his sense of smell as two portly men plodded up to the stall demanding a meal on the house for defending Ylisse during the war and being heros. Zack kept to himself knowing the men were lying through thier teeth they didn't carry themselves in the manner a soldier would or show a hint of respect. "I'm Sorry but you must pay,like this young man did." Announced the Aging Female Stall Merchant. "We fought and watched are friends die infront of us!" Roared the bigger of the two men, now just starting to piss off Zack. "Please, you need to pay like everyone else." stated Zack as he set the peppered meat down."Ah a fellow soldier you should be joining us in free service from this wretched women." stated the closer of two men. " If you were real soldiers you would be showing the proper respect to the Citizens of of Ylisse, that me and many other good men fought to defend, And you should not be lying about what you did you have nothing like the bearing of a real soldier, now please pay or go." stated Zack sternly. Anger Flushed across both of thier faces as they knew they had been caught the closer man swinging a meaty paw at Zack in his blind rage. Zack jumped backward barely avoiding the swinging fist well spilling his plate, Zack flew into motion bringing a swift stike into the man's knee forcing him towards the ground followed by a swift jab into the man's jaw and bouncing his head off the stall's counter. Disbelief Spread across his partner's face as he fumbled for his dagger from it's scabbared." Now please stop before you get hurt." Said Zack as he watched the man finally get his blade free and lunging forward at Zack. Zack's fingers wrapped around his empty mug and brought it crashing into the side of the man's head in a shower of shattered glass dropping the man to the ground.

"I'm so sorry mam." Said Zack as he dropped some coin on the counter for the mug he destroyed with a bow."They got what was coming to them."Shot back the stall merchant with a satisfied grin." I need to be on my way before the guards get here."he Said over his shoulder as he could hear the rattiling of armor and weapons approuching and dashed away through the throng of on lookers. He ran dodging people until he felt he was in the clear and slowed to a walk."Damn such a waste of food." He muttered to himself as he jammed his hands into his pocket walking looking at his surroundings, Well he strolled he looked from face to face getting odd looks here and there knowing most were slightly discomforted by his glance but he did't care as long as he wasn't staring down a plegia soldiers's weapon. He saw a young girl that looked as if she had been crying and saw the man following her. " What are you doing with that girl,sir?" He asked the blonde hair blue eyed man, his hand ready to grab a hold of his lance from across his back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Lady Silk, huh?” Silk mused aloud as she trailed behind Isabelle as the two of them navigated through the crowded streets. Silk watched with some measure of curiosity as a man was arrested for trying to palm off fake elixirs. Silk didn't recognise him and so didn't really care all that much. Isabelle however seemed to care about it far more than Silk and couldn't restrain herself from voicing her opinion. “Indeed,” Silk said in a cheerful monotone of agreement with Isabelle’s opinion, while in truth caring very little one way or the other. The girl was clearly very idealistic. Morally and ethically inflexible. Not Silk’s kind of person. Silk stuck her tongue out at her behind her back in a playful manner, careful so as not to be caught. She was using the young lady as a form of camouflage after all, so she had to put up with her for the moment.

As they turned a corner they encountered a young man who apparently knew Isabelle, though from Isabelle's own reaction it was clear that the two had not been introduced. Silk waved in greeting and smiled at the young man before proceeding to occupy herself with the contents of a merchants pockets as he made the mistake of waking past her. This was while Isabelle, who would have not approved mightily of such reprehensible actions proceeded to use her magic to cure an injury that afflicted the young man. And then charge him for it. It tickled her for some reason and she smiled cheerfully to herself.

“Oh, I don’t know about that, Lady Isabelle,” Silk said with a lecherous hint to her voice in response to Isabelle’s proclamation in regard to the etiquette of gift giving. She complains in one breath but accepts the gift with the next. It was just too funny. “Lady Isabelle, I didn’t take you for the kind of person who accepted candy from strangers. But seriously, in many lands it is customary to exchange gifts as a form of greeting, regardless of intention or personal sentiments,” Silk said in way of explanation. She then smiled roguishly at Matthew. "A pleasure to meet you," she said casually.

It was then that a young girl collided with Isabelle, sending the two of them tumbling to the ground in an amusing fashion, causing Silk to snicker before bursting out laughing despite some considerable effort to the contrary. She made absolutely no attempt to help either of them to their feet and watched as Matthew helped them instead. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re so clumsy lady Isabelle. I forget at times how flat footed humans can be. No offence meant,” she said, her hands raised before her in a placating manner. Silk knelt down in front of the young girl and rubbed her head in a comforting manner. “There there, the big bad cleric won’t hurt you anymore.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh alright fine whatever man can a cute little cleric girl like me get a break. If it makes you two feel better then I'll do a spell free of charge on the little girl. It's not like it was my fault or anything! I was just standing here and look now we're starting to get looks!" complained Isabelle as she gripped her staff tightly in her hand. She wondered if Jiro and Zaku where somewhere nearby so she could use them to escape from her current situation. Or maybe she'd get lucky and she would get mugged so she could chase down and beat up the thief then go back to doing what she did best...having fun! "Alright then little lady do you need any help from little ol' Isabelle of Ylisse?" She asked as she grinned in a friendly manner at the young girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Samuel began to follow this young girl when someone appeared to call him from behind. At first thought Samuel was a busy person like always. Then he decided to turn around and saw that it was sort of a soldier. Those bandits could live for another day and the girl's friend could die for all Samuel cared because this man had a hilarious face. The shape of his face almost demanded that someone at least draw blood from it. "Oh me? I was just about to do a little olde fashioned slicing and carving." He said with a dark smile on his face. "Care to join?" as he griped the hilt of his blade.

After Samantha bumped into the cleric she fell backwards. The angle which she fell through the air hit her head against the table of the closest merchant. When everyone took the time to check up on her then she was passed out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Aww it looks like she's out of it guys!" commented Isabelle as she pulled out some poultice from underneath her dress and poured some in her hand and rubbed it on the girl's forehead. "That should do a bit for any headaches...Hmmm wait she's older than I thought...and those muscles...guys this girl isn't just some bumble headed moron this is a girl whose seen combat. Oh jeez this ain't good...what should we do?" grumbled Isabelle as she stood back up and gripped her staff worried about this sudden turn in events. "If we don't do something quick there's goin' to be guards coming!" Isabelle said panicking slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zack looked to the man with a sinister smile and apon closer examination Plegia features. "You must be plegian?." He said knowing this will most likely turn into a fight. He slowly shifted his stance and weight moving a ready postion for the fight. He brought his hand to his shoulder releasing a clasp holding his lance in place and wrapped his hand around the lance's shaft and bringing it over his shoulder ready to fight if needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Matthew first chuckled at Silks comment before smiling at Isabelle. "Isabelle relax, hmmm..." He pondered the girl carefully, it seemed very different. "The armor say pegasus knight yet I do not any Ylissian markings on her armor. Let carry her over to the inn and let her rest. When she wakes up you can tell her your sorry." He spoke carefully sliding his arms under the unconscious woman he picked her carefully. She was definitely a soldier, yet she didn't seem Ylissian or at like the few he had met so far. Then again he could not judge, he was from Valm himself and different from all those here as well. "Isabelle lead on, if the guards ask we let them know this poor girl took a spill and were currently trying to get somewhere to rest. You are a healer after all surely they will believe someone who does nothing but help others." He chuckled waiting her and her companion to set.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Oh! I can see it now! Cleric murders innocent little girl in a fit of rage!” Silk turned away as if the sight of Isabelle was suddenly horrifying, her words overly dramatic but with a tone of obvious cheer. But Isabelle was right about one thing, the guards would be here soon. Though in fairness Silk was half tempted to do absolutely nothing about it. Silk was completely innocent after all. But then again so was Isabelle. Silk sighed and shook her head, already realizing that she was going to go out of her way for someone she hardly knew, or cared about. She helped Matthew pick the girl up and turned to Isabelle.

“Look, you go with Matthew here and take the girl somewhere she can rest up. Do whatever it is you healers do. I’ll handle the guards, so don’t worry about that. I have ‘some’ experience when it comes to dealing with the local flatfoots,” Silk said in an almost nonchalant, offhanded manner as if it was really no big deal. And it wasn't, not really anyway. Be it charm, bribes or information, guards were always willing to look the other way for the right kind of incentive. Considering nothing underhand had actually taken place it should be easy enough to avoid a commotion.

“You can buy me a drink later,” Silk added on as she made a show of tidying up her hair and adjusting the cut of her dress.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I got my own set of reasons to avoid Ylisse Noblemen! Just get moving! Go to the inn nearby or something!" Isabelle said hurriedly as she started to panic slightly as she bounced up and down looking around uneasily. "I'm no criminal but one particular noble isn't too fond of me." Isabelle commented further as she took the lead. "Come on let's go already!"


"I'd recommend that you calm your nerves soldier your life will last longer if you do." commented a smooth voice just behind the soldier. Unbeknownst to Zack the myrmidon called Zaku had snuck up behind him. He didn't have his sword drawn but he had a man hanging off his shoulder with a bloody wound beneath his waist and he was clearly unconscious. "Your a fast little girl but you would have gotten yourself killed if I hadn't intervened just now...this blood is going to be annoying to get off my pants..." Zaku grumbled as he threw the man to the ground. "This man is a member of a bandit crew who is taking people and mugging people in the festival. If you two are even remotely interested in helping a little girl then don't kill each other and follow the little girl." commented Zaku calmly as he looked at the other two. "I recognize you from earlier your the fool who nearly trampled me and Jiro on that horse of yours...how quaint..." Zaku said with a grumble as the girl looked at him. "You're scary Mr..." she grumbled as she hid behind a pole. "My name is Zaku for all it's worth." commented Zaku to the girl as he looked at the other two once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zack was caught quite off guard by the voice and spun on the ball of his heel ready to stike." Well then, if this is the truth then i am soarly mistaken and , apologize for the misunderstanding." Replied Zack as he returned his spear to it's harness, well taking a few steps back to get both in view. He made a slight bow. " I am Zack a former Ylissian soldier, and would like to again apologize and maybe buy you guys a few pints as a good will jester." He said to both men well never losing both from his sight. His face was flushed from embarrassment , his body still ready to fight if needed.
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