Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, that was easy.

It took but a simple mistake from that waiter and already she had a name, location and profession. Morgann Lacroix, magician extraordinaire, with more magic than tricks in her magic tricks, from what she could see. Juno herself didn't really know the name, but if that waiter had heard of it, then Morgann must be a relatively successful magician.

Juno stood up, wearing her best smile, not too enthusiastic, but just enough, peppered with a bit of shyness. She approached Morgann, taking out a white handkerchief.

"I uh.. You're that magician right? Morgann Lacroix? I've seen your show, and.. and uh... I was wondering if you would give me your autograph?"
Juno held out the handkerchief with a hopeful look.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Canopy
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Canopy JOSUKE / Diamond ♥ Boys

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yes, I am," Morgann replied slowly, raising one of her eyebrows. Her piercing green eyes stared down at the handkerchief before she wiggled her fingers and shoved them into the suit, surprised when she did not find a pen to sign with. "I usually have a pen in here," she thought bitterly, sighing with slight frustration. She took off her hat afterwards and before she could even reach in, one of the many purple fists that the suit contained popped out of the hat with a pen. "Oh, okay," she thought before turning back to the girl, gently taking the handkerchief from the girl and signing it without trouble. "Kind of suspicious that she just came over here after that occurence, but then again, that was a bit of a show-off move," she thought to herself before giving the girl her handkerchief. "Is that it, or would you like something else?" she questioned, tossing her pen back into the purple hat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jane glared as menacingly as a 15 year old girl could at the two officers as Ash tried to get them to back down. She brought up a good point, there were... wait, three? Jane guessed Ash was lying to try and get the officers to back down, but there was a possibility that she held a parasite of her own, hidden somewhere under her clothes. Gale wrestled control from Teevee for a moment to assure Ash that this needed to happen, and that she "knew why". Well, that was ominous. Teevee then took the first step in ensuring the fight, bringing the black blade very close to BE#1's face and telling him to take it outside, as to not sustain any civilian casualties. A surprisingly noble thing to do.

BE#2 slipped outside without Jane herself noticing, but Franky was a little less focused on the man Jane was preparing to fight. "J-Jane!" He whisper-shouted. "That other officer i-" Before Franky could finish, Teevee stunned BE#1, slapping his helmet down like an old style cartoon, and dashed after the secondary officer now calling for back up. The movement was all very fluid, much to fast for Jane to comprehend it all. She came to her senses and ran outside right behind the officer, not daring to harm him before he was ready. She wanted a fair fight after all.

He tried a running charge, a horrible idea for someone as fast as Gale, and was promptly punished for it. He was hoisted over her head and bent like a toothpick, as Teevee screamed at him that the Egrets had killed it's previous owner, presumably another Nathbakk. Clearly, this act is much to strenuous on Gale's frail small body, and Teevee is forced to simply chuck Scott off in another direction. Suddenly there is a focus shattering sound as something collides with the glass in the diner, and subsequently the bodies of the soldier and her friend. Then the man took one good look at them, and went to grab something to eat. What an odd boy.

Then, Ash, thinking much quicker than Jane who, at this point had simply been watching the whole spectacle, grabbed up BE#1 and held him. She begged with him to stop the fighting, and threatened him too, trying every trick in the book. The best thing though, was that she had revealed the Nathbakk's were in league with the Medici's. Hm. Jane wasn't quite sure how she felt about that. She was hanging out with the worlds nicest criminals, beating up government officials and eating noodles. This day was getting weirder and weirder, wasn't it?

Gale remarked about reinforcements, apparently they had been called. For three minors? Sure, they had parasites, and two of them were with the Medici's, but hey, that was no reason to call in a freaking tank or whatever. Scott tried to reason with them, but hey, they had already gotten this far, why stop now? Besides, she wouldn't blame this crap on Franky, he was nice and timid and not at all violent, despite aiding in her violent tendencies. "You do realize you're the one being held against your will right now, right?" Jane asked the soldier. "Oh, Mr. Officer please don't arrest me!" She joked, walking around his restrained form with a playful smile. "When do these other guys show up? I'm getting bored!" She asked Gale with a smile. Sure, they had guns, but she had fire, and two official Medici assassins on her side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Angus struggled to move even his little pinkie toe as his body was being restricted by a sometimes annoying little parasite that can get on his nerves at time. He realized that this was one of the down sides of sharing a body and mind with someone that also has the control to completely take over his body! The large man grumbled silently inside of his mind as Pharona just giggled slightly at Angus's crankiness, she knew he meant well inside her own safety, but she likes to explore and have fun at times. Plus, she also really wanted to talk to all these parasites surrounding this place, it seemed that a strange amount was all congregating at one point and this was actually getting Pharona excited as the most exciting thing she has experienced was when she had accidentally brought upon a pack of raccoons by giving one of them food.

Things only started to get better as more and more parasites continued to come all towards one point! She just couldn't hold her excitement as some book talked openly towards the rather unfortunate Egret. Angus on the other hand felt slightly sorry for the Egret, he knows that they enforce the law and maybe a bit too strictly, but they are merely doing their job and with the amount of people coming along just to make fun of him made Angus slightly angry, reminding him of his past and he knew that he needed to stop this. "Pharona... Release me. Now." The parasite was actually startled once his host made that kind of tone, she had only heard him his that tone a few times inside of his life and she would rather not have this big lug angry at her as she did genuinely like her host.

"Sorry Angus," whispered Pharona as she gave control back the control of Agnus's own body. The large, built man started to gently carve a way through the crowd and into the circle of strangers that were picking on this unknown man. He stood to his full height of eight feet and two inches, everyone suddenly noticing that this man was only two feet smaller than the Gigan. Angus coughed into his hand before speaking with his rather deep voice and tried to sound as peaceful as possible.

"I'm sorry to barge upon this strange gathering of interesting people and I honestly don't know on how this whole situation came to be so violent, but I would like for this whole scene to stop." Angus stated, he tried to look at everyone eye to eye, trying to convey how serious he is actually being. "We can all avoid this conflict if we just try to remain calm, and especially if the Gigan would try to unhand the man." Angus tried to look as professional and serious as possible, but he was being undermined in that tone as currently Pharona was sitting atop of his shoulders, kicking her feet slightly into the air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Canopy
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Canopy JOSUKE / Diamond ♥ Boys

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The bat feral snorted at Jane's response before turning serious once more. Gale looked down at the new giant's general direction and slid down Ash's arm as if it was one gigantic slide, landing directly in front of him. "Listen, it can stop if he comes peacefully with us and stops trying to not only take us in, but our friend here," she explained, gesturing at Jane, "I started it, and now I'm finishing it." She looked up at him now, taking one of her nails and picking another piece of rice out of her fangs. "I've got a beef with any lapdog of Renoir's that steps foot into this town," she continued, untying her bandana and staring up at the man with her yellow impaired eyes, "for reasons that aren't easy to just forget." She walked over to Ash and tugged on her pants, listening as the Egret struggled within her Gigan partner's grip. "Ash, he's a liability now, him and that other guy both," she hissed, turning and glaring directly at the soldier's friend, "we gotta take him in and see what'll happen."

The nimble feral turned her back to the giant man before curiously flicking her ears and turning around, scratching her head. "Hey, what's that kicking noise?" she questioned, pointing in his direction. "I can hear extraordinarily well, but vision is a luxury I was not born with." Wiggling her nose as she sniffed the air, she curiously crawled up his arm without haste. "Sorry, this must be incredibly awkward for you," she apologized, finally reaching his shoulder and balancing on her toes in a crouched position before gently groping at the side of his head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Angus almost backed away as the tiny bat girl was right only maybe a foot away from him, and he still feels slightly uncomfortable with this bat girl as now he has a sort of fear against vicious animals in general. However, the giant stood his ground, having to bend his head down to meet eye to eye with the feral. Pharona was trying to stay silent at the moment, but she was so close towards talking to this parasite and wanted to do it so badly. She sadly had to stay silent in trying to not make Angus too angry at her as she already felt bad enough making him his that tone of voice towards her.

He listened onto the complaints and justifications brought upon by the feral girl and knew her own reasoning, but it was filled with too much hate that clouded her judgement. Angus looked upon her sharp fangs and shuddered on the inside, he was imaging if those fangs would ever bite down into his flesh making a humongous hole inside his body. It took him longer than it would think to get his nerves back again, as he watched the feral hiss something towards the Gigan and suddenly the small bat girl looked back at him with curious eyes. Angus got slightly confused by this and the same for Pharona as neither would really know why she would be staring at him until both of them realized that it was Pharona's kicking that attracted her. Before Angus could react, the bat girl crawled upon his arm making him immediately stiff as his worst fear of that bite might actually come true inside of his imagination and barely even noticed her groping his head, but Pharona did.

The little girl upon the giant's shoulder giggled at the strange woman and quickly patted the feral's back hand with her delicate palm. She knew she was about to do something against his will, but she thought she was over-imginaging how angry Angus would towards her and the fact that this was the most opportune time to talk to her! Pharona's delicate voice filled the tense air, "Um... Hello, are you trying to look for me? And... Um... Is it true that you and the Gigan are actually parasites? Because, if you are, that is pretty cool and stuff."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Canopy
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Canopy JOSUKE / Diamond ♥ Boys

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gale squeaked with surprise before flapping her weak ebony wings, listening to the small girl's voice as she greeted her. "For someone I don't quite know," Gale began while shuddering at the feeling of her tiny hand against her own, "you're quite hospitable despite the fact that I'm kinda crawling all over who I'm assuming is your host." She slipped down off the giant to prevent angering him or making him feel any more awkward than he already did. "I'm sorry, sir," she apologized as she did earlier, twiddling her thumbs. "It bothers me when I cannot tell who exactly I am conversing with. I can sense your fear and discomfort." She looked in the direction she assumed that the girl's voice was coming from (but she was turned a bit too far to be looking directly at her), and spoke, "To answer your question, we are not parasites. I'm only the host, and if you'd like to speak with him, that'd be fine."

"Who is this?" Brandy whispered into the back of Gale's head, causing her to shudder violently at the sudden static roaring in her ears. "H-Hey, turn the volume down please," she responded silently, running her pale hand through her purple hair before relaxing as the noise died down. "It appears to be another host and parasite from what I can tell," she explained to the garbled voice, going on to add, "I scaled the host, he's extremely tall. Not as tall as Ash, but he's nearly there, and his parasite seems very nice. If she wants to talk to you, you'll have to take over." Brandy remained silent before answering with a simple, "Okay."

After spending a few moments conversing with the soothing yet extremely loud voice in her head, she turned back to the man's direction. "When you give me the command," she began, taking the sword out of its sheath once more and holding it at her side, "he'll come out to talk."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ash looks in between the Egret, and the boxer girl next to her "Your name is Ja--" Ash is interrupted by Gale suddenly leaving her side, scurrying along the road, towards a tall man. The Gigan starts to say something, but stops, resting the barrel of her cannon on the Egret's stomach "Your name is Jane, right?" she continues "Should I just knock this guy out? He seems resilient, and I don't want to wait long enough for more people to get hurt." Ash explains. She begins to tighten her grip on the Egret, in an attempt to suffocate him "Or, do you want your way with him? I just want to get Gale home." she pleads, cocking her head in the bat's direction "If you get arrested, I can pull a few strings."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jane giggled a little as Gale snorted at her joke. Well, it was kinda a joke, she was getting a little bored just waiting around for more people to fight. Luckily, someone appeared to cure her boredom. More specifically, a ridiculously large man, almost as big as a gigan, and a little girl, his daughter she presumed, riding on his shoulder. He asked the three of them to stop with the soldier strangling in a surprisingly calm and well thought out way, even acknowledging he didn't know the full situation. Still though, he was loyal to the Egrets, an idiotic decision at best.

Gale immediately got on his case, explaining herself and their actions. She also called Jane a friend, which was... quite refreshing. She finished her explanation with a rather ominous conclusion. She then said something to Ash after tugging at her and giving a glare to the unconscious body of BE#2. After that, she got curious of the kicking noise the dude's daughter was making. Being a bat she couldn't see, Jane guessed. She violated the dude's space bubble in an attempt to get to it, and he got kinda scared. The little girl clearly didn't understand the gravity of the situation, did she?

Gale and the girl conversed a little more, but Jane's attention was pulled away from that conversation to another. Ash asked if Jane wanted to knock the Renoir crony out, and Jane thought it over for a minute. "Hmm. You do it. You and Gale seem to have a lot of beef with these guys. And, uh, thanks for the help, I guess." Jane said, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly as Ash offered to, quote unquote, pull some strings. Jeez, you didn't have to do that stuff for someone you just met! Though, Jane couldn't say she wasn't happy about it. "By the way, I don't think I caught your name. I'm Jane, duh, and this is Franky." She said, lifting her right arm up to show her new friend her old friend. "Uhm. Hi?" Franky mumbled, not wanting to even be in this situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pharona quickly pulled back her hand as she was startled from the squeak that was produced from the bat girl, she soon giggled again as she realized that Angus was completely scared of this little feral girl that was currently on him. Once she was finally climbing off Angus, the man could finally relax and not have to punch the bat girl off out of pure panic that was enveloping him, however, he wasn't really ready to talk yet as being quite disturbed so the large man tried to find his happy place as Pharona continued to listen to the girl. "You don't have to worry about this big guy," patting his buzz-cut hair while speaking, "I think he still has problems after having a bad experiences with some animals recently, but I'm sure he will be fine!" She soon started to feel embarrassed as she was corrected about the bat girl actually being the host, not the parasite, it has been quite some time actually talking to someone like her.

After a few moments of silence from the feral and the Gigan asking something to the other parasite, they had finally come up with a response that got Pharona out of her thought bubble. The little girl clapped her hands excitedly as she was given the permission to talk to her own kind, but she first needed to ask Angus about something. "Hey, Angus. I'm going to talk to another parasite if that is ok with you, I'm just warning you since you care all about my safety and you are always nice to me." Angus gave her only a small grunt within his mind, giving her his permission to do so, but was still quite angry at Phrona. "Uh... Ok, I would wish to speak to your sword. I mean parasite!" Pharona sheepishly said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A loud bang attracted Nikolai's attention, and his head snapped in the direction of its source. He weighed his curiosity against his caution, and his curiosity won. In the dark alley way that hid his form, he grabbed a pipe and scrabbled onto the roof, took a run up and started jumping rapidly from rooftop to roof top, towards the source of the loud noise. What he saw when he arrived exceeded his expectations and made him smile.

A chaotic scene met his vision, with a certain group in the middle of it. A gigan holding up a man in uniform, a feral bat sticking close to her and a few others. Quite a curious bunch of others, especially for a town like little Innsmouth. But it wasn't that which made him smile, it was what Oculus had detected.
"Multiple lifeforms detected." Oculus had said. Presence of multiple parasite weapons confirmed.
A red reticule appeared in his vision, outlining the parasites occupying their respective hosts. Nikolai made a mental note of their appearances and what they were doing.
"How convenient." He thought to himself.

Within a half hour of leaving his home, he'd stumbled on several subjects differing natures, which was exactly what he needed. He wanted to study their habits, and how their parasites affected their daily lives. He was especially curious about the gigan girl, who's parasite weapon wasn't apparent.
"Likely an inner organ, or at least internally based..." He observed.
He would've liked to study them and ask them questions, but they were making a scene. Nikolai glared with disdain at the growing crowd. No-he couldn't walk up to them with the crowd like it was. But that was fine.

Nikolai hid his presence on the rooftops instinctively, content to watch the events unfold. This was a good time to collect information.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Canopy
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Canopy JOSUKE / Diamond ♥ Boys

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Scared of animals..?" Gale repeated in a confused tone, continuing to pick at her teeth before realizing what about her was perceived as scary. "Oh, I get it. These fangs, right?" she asked, flashing him a big, toothy smile. "Don't be afraid. I get woozy when I come near meat or any food with blood in it," she explained, her smile reverting to the thin line of a mouth that it had been, "my family is...was, full of just fruit bats. These teeth are sort of just for show." She inhaled smoothly before exhaling through clenched teeth. "If you're ready," she said in a softer tone, shuddering as Brandy's connections began to override her control. A sharp screech similar to feedback escaped her royal purple lips and pierced the strangely quiet air before dying down, replaced by a dull static.

After a few seconds of that tedious static, Gale's eyes took on that same phantasmic yellow hue with the radiant light seemingly pouring out of her eyeballs. "Hello?" Brandy whispered, speaking in the static accent that only parasites and living weapons could seem to understand. "Who exactly am I speaking to? Gale has been explaining all that she can detect, but not even I can see. There is only so much a parasite like me can do," he breathed, clasping the glowing sword in her small fist.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pharona patted Angus's head once again and started to speak inside his mind, "See, you shouldn't be afraid of her. Even though her temper is quite uncontrollable, she is just a nice bat girl." Angus merely grunted once again, he usually does that when angry and most likely is caused by Pharona, but he will soften against her soon enough as he always does. However, the little girl was quite surprised by the sudden static noise and Angus was the same, but showed no change of expression in his face. Pharona thought it was quite neat that her eyes started to become some bright yellow, but it merely just made Angus uneasy once he saw this, again, no change of expression due to Pharona actually suppressing his facial expression to not make the parasite feel weird. Strangely enough, the static started to morph into actual words inside of her ears and Pharona thought that was pretty awesome, she always thinks most parasite related things are quite cool.

"Oh! I can finally understand you! I was wondering if I could only speak static or something, but very nice to meet you! My name is Pharona, and my host here is called Angus, he is just a huge goofball. Would you care to share anything about yourself?" Pharona was trying to act as nice as possible, she didn't really want to make a bad first impression to the sword. Angus, inside of his mind, had no idea on how Pharona could understand any of this at all as he was only hearing was just static. The large man sometimes wished that sharing the mind happened on both sides, as it was only Pharona who could dwell into his brain, but it made sense that the parasite would be able to get inside of the head and not the host.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

New Meridian was a city of many faces. At its apex was a gilded facade, stuffed to the brim with cinema, showtime, martinis, penthouses, lightshows, and business. Of course, there was also the negative: the Medicis, the fraud, the extortion, the intimidation, and other such abnormalities more pleasant for those at the top to ignore. Even the throes of organized crime, at least, were glamorous. Below the pinstriped cigar-chompers were their less cultured brethren, no more villainous but far less efficient, whose perpetual duty it was to ensure that the backalleys and slums and warehouses of New Meridian were inhospitable places for man and beast. It was in those conditions, the cesspools of the city be their contents criminal or not, that the hierarchy of law was forced to operate.

To be sure, much of the police force in New Meridian was -at best- a bad joke. Even a department that survived by allowing the big fish to have their way was swamped with trouble caused by the small fry. As such, the valiant NMPD only poked its head out of its shell for serious cases, and the reprehensible underbelly of the city knew how to operate it. Unbelievable it was, then, that there were still some police officers trying to stick to the code and make a difference.

Not for the first time, detective Camilia Henry wished that she wasn't one of those cops. Trouble was, this time she worried something fierce that this time it would be her last; she was running for her life, after all.

Breathing heavily and heart pounding against her ribcage like a bongo drum, Camilia ducked behind a dumpster. The smell didn't exactly appeal to her, but compared to forcible disembowelment pretty much anything was appealing. Under her breath, the tawny-haired detective vehemently cursed the Black Egrets. They were, after all, why she was here. The Canopy Kingdom's number-one anti-parasite task force had a lot on its plate, so whenever a particular case seemed uncertain, the communications staff seemed very willing to delegate the investigations down to the local police department, which the chief had delegated to Camilia. And now, a raincoat-wearing girl with four massive bony arms growing out of her back wanted her in pieces.

Camilia heard footsteps against the asphalt, and wished that she had been able to run farther. Unfortunately, with a gut like this, the detective ruefully thought, Ain't no way I'm gonna get far enough. For the millionth time she wondered where backup was—she had radioed the Black Egret's local com officer, saying that yes, the investigation was going well, the suspect was indeed a parasite's host, only now she wanted to beat the detective bloody for disturbing her. “Sorry, we're getting a lot of these calls right about now,” had been the gist of the operator's response, so Camilia figured that she was in trouble.

There came a noise several meters away, but rather than the girl shouting, 'Ah-hah, I've found you, say your prayers', it was a surprised cry followed by the unmistakable sounds of a scuffle. Suddenly hopeful, Camilia heaved herself to her feet to get a better look, and instantly wished that she hadn't. Wrestling with the parasite's host tooth and nail was a creature far ghastlier, a corpselike being cloaked in black with a clockwork arm. As Camilia watched, the ghoul dealt a piston-powered punch to the girl that sent her reeling, and just like that, the fight was reversed. Realizing the precious frailty of life, the girl departed in a haste, using her extra arms to ascend the building. The monster lurched forward to follow, but abruptly whirled around when Camilia ventured to draw a breath. She stared at its black eyes and corroded bronze faceplate, looking with revulsion at the perpendicular scars on its chest and the open vertical cut all along its belly. She knew it only by local legend, but whether it was the Headsman, the Scourge, the Cleaner, or just 'Grumm' she had no idea. “You're...not...Egrets...are you?” Camilia managed, her formerly-dulcet tones quavering in suppressed fear.

In reply, the ghoul hacked up a wad of foamy yellow bile. When it hit the pavement, it sizzled slightly, and Grumm -bent over double by the force of its vomit- observed it for a brief moment. Then it straightened up, holding its clockwork had to the side of its head as if it were trying to think. “Egrets sent me,” it grumbled in a guttural voice that reverberated through the metal that partially covered its mouth. “Are you a parasite?”

In all her life, Camilia had never considered such a question, but the answer was easily enough obtained. Still, she answered with hesitation, as if she couldn't believe that Grumm's axe wasn't already lodged in her sizable stomach. “...no. I'm not a...no.”

Seemingly satisfied, or at least no longer in a murderous mood, Grumm turned away and fell flat on its face. Half a minute past before the thing pushed itself to its feet. Camilia got the impression that the event was less run-of-the-mill clumsiness, and more like Grumm's muscles briefly failing. With its back turned to her, she couldn't see very well what it did, but four mechanical tentacles the size of anacondas emerged from its torso, latched onto the face of the building that the parasite-hosting girl had scaled, and rapidly ferried Grumm upward in pursuit. Camilia might have sunk back to the ground in a mixture of relief and confusion, but the stench of the dumpster was unpleasant enough to send her packing, shaking her head in disbelief. Perhaps the Cleaner was one of those things best forgotten.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ash sighs "Alrighty, then," she groans, squeezing the Egret as he attempts to free an arm or two, the one arm he manages to free starts pounding into Ash's wrist in a desperate attempt to free its owner. Ash holds tight as the crowd gasps, she can tell the Egret's will is breaking the longer she holds him within her suffocating grasp. Just as she predicted, the Egret known as 'Scott' begins to cease struggling, muttering some nondescript derogatory terms about Parasites, and giants. Ash releases him once he stops moving, she then picks up the other Egret, what's his name, 'Lan' or something? Ash can't remember. She turns to Jane, holding this 'Liam' by his ankle, precariously wedged in between her thumb, and her index finger "Could you help me carry this baggage?" she asks Jane kindly, involuntarily giving Dontores a momentary glance as she sets the Egret down at Jane's feet. 'Another one,' mumbles the cursed voice in Ash's head, 'looks like I was right after all,' the muddled quandary of voices mocks. Ash simply ignores Rorschach, and turns to Gale as the crowd begins to dissipate.

"I know this is a bit much to ask but, would you mind helping Gale and I lug these two to New Meridian? We need to clean up the mess we made." Ash pleads, attempting to clasp her hands together, while balancing an unconscious Scott on her shoulder. "Gale and I could treat you to lunch, or dinner depending how long it will take, I never really got to finish my chicken after all."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Canopy
Avatar of Canopy

Canopy JOSUKE / Diamond ♥ Boys

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brandy flashed a rather wide smile in the other parasite's direction, tapping on Gale's lower lip as he thought. "My voice is made up of all static," he explained briefly, trying to tune down the cacophony that laced his deep voice. "I'm a parasite that simply inhabits Gale's mind, I've cursed the sword that she wields for years," he revealed, sitting down on the ground and looking up in the other parasite's direction. "I can make myself heard to humans, but I'd rather not," he added, tightly gripping the obsidian blade against Gale's body, "Gale is the only human besides the soldiers that have needed to understand me."

"I'm able to partially take over my host's body if they permit it," he stated, rubbing Gale's temples. "She has a raging headache from what it seems," he thought to himself, wondering why Gale hadn't said anything to him for quite a while. He stood back up and stretched in the small body, wishfully thinking how nice it would be if his host was a tad bit taller. "She told me she's sorta got a feel for your host now and that he's a bit of a giant," he remarked, directly looking at Angus while saying this. "Is he anywhere near as big as her Gigan roommate over there, or something else?" he inquired, shivering slightly as twilight's cool breeze began to blow in. "It's going to get cold soon, isn't it?" he thought with slight frustration, rubbing his arms. "Why does Gale always wear sleeveless things? Crazy bat."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pharona listened to the static heard by everyone, but her and the parasites around them were only able to hear it making it quite a strange experience as some little girl was talking to nothing. It was cool that he was able to possess a sword that her host carries as it is actually able to kill people instead of the weak body that Pharona was given making someone else dependent on fighting. However, she did find it kind of sad with the implications of being a sword, they could not do much in their original form expect when the feral girl only allows it. "Only partially? I can take over my host body whenever I want! I have complete control over this big guy, but he wouldn't really like me having all the control on this duo, so I give him control most of the time! Except whenever I want to do something that he doesn't really find very safe, like now!" Pharona listened upon the other half of the question and was eager to converse with the sword. "I would like to think so, she maybe taller than my host, but he is actually a human! Imagine if he was born a Gigan, he would have been massive! Well, he was already pretty strong and big before I came along, but I made him even taller and stronger when I attached to him."

Angus at the moment was paying close attention to the surroundings they were inside, as it seemed Pharona had complete tunnel vision when she gets excited. He watched as the Gigan almost looked like she was crushing the poor Egret solider to death, and his sympathy for the mistreated human grew even further. He tried to listen on what they were saying as the static was making it quite hard to hear and Pharona was basically talking right next to his ears. However, once his eyes glanced upon the shivering girl, instincts started to take over the large man. "Pharona. Give the girl my coat. She seems cold and I would rather not for anyone to catch a cold." Angus said to Pharona through his mind.

"Oh, when did you finally start to talk grumpy pants?" She giggled and soon noticed that the parasite was rubbing their arms and patted Angus on the head. "You are such a nice guy Angus, you always try to help everyone don't you? Even if they scare you." Pharona quickly ordered the body to remove the rather large coat and started to move it towards the parasite. "Here. I think you need this more than Angus at the moment, and don't worry about this guy, he can keep his own body heat going without being cold." Pharona smiled towards him and gestured to the coat once again, Angus and Pharona hoping that they would take it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Whoah..." She was trying to play the part of a star struck fan, and looking awed at the tricks Morgann was doing. Not that it was hard, she was genuinely impressed. If it was really some trick that was. The more she looked and the more she thought about what happened earlier...

Morgann gave her the handkerchief, with a neat signature at the corner.

Candy from a baby.

She should lift the signature and see if she can cash in some checks. Failing that, the signature could just be sold to someone willing to buy an authentic signature from the magician herself.

"Is that it, or would you like something else?"

It was a question running through Juno's head as well. Should she continue the act for a few moments more or should she just excuse herself now?

"Th-that was it. Thank you for the autograph!"
She looked hesitantly at the magician, again smiling shyly. It was a bit odd, but rather refreshing to see someone not taken aback by Juno's empty eye socket. But she was still going to try robbing her blind regardless. "Will you be performing again any time soon? I do so love your show."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Canopy
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Canopy JOSUKE / Diamond ♥ Boys

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brandy blinked as he listened intently to what the parasite had to say, amazed that such a little parasite could take control over such a giant man. They must be very close to be able to do such a thing. "I can fully synchronize with Gale and have the ability to completely take over," he began, drawing circles in the dirt with the tip of the obsidian blade, "but I nearly killed her father when he was my wielder by doing it. I don't think he and I were as compatible as us, though." He slipped the sheath's strap off of his shoulders and held it by the sword, speaking, "He retired me to my sheath for years. I wasn't used from the time that she was born because he wanted to keep his family away from me. Though it hurt knowing that I was not exactly welcome, I understand why. Handling that much power from a parasite at such a young age, even Gale's age, is dangerous." Brandy felt a tiny bit scared of the fact that if the host of this parasite had been a Gigan, he would probably be bigger than Ash. "Him as a Gigan? Now there's a scary thought. The male Gigans typically outgrow most female Gigans," he commented, turning in the roommate's direction, "I think Ash over there is actually the shorter one of her kind."

The parasite was suddenly taken aback by the offer of the coat, but with slight reluctance, he accepted the coat and managed to slip it on over Gale's lithe form. Considering how small she was and how big the coat was, it probably looked silly, but what did that matter so long as his host was warm and happy? "Oh wow, thank you," he managed to say, fluffing his host's purple pompadour. "I have no idea why she wears this attire despite the temperature, but it's not necessarily my body or choice, so I can't judge," he sighed, giving the parasite a small smile. "I'm Brandy Station, by the way. I heard his name is Angus, but what is your name?" he inquired, tapping on Gale's chin before noticing that the soldier in Ash's grip was passed out. "Oh, I suppose it's time for Gale and Ash to leave for Meridian. Say, why not come with us? It's probably safer up in the city than it is in Little Innsmouth at the moment." Gale woke up only for a moment to speak to him through her mind, sighing softly.

"That statement is incorrect in every possible way."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jane, still focused on she and Ash's conversation, watched as she choked BE#1 into an unconscious state. As he joined his brother in dreamland, Ash asked Jane if she could be of assistance. She lightly kicked the body placed in front of her while Ash literally begged Jane to help. Her hands were clasped together and everything. Jane guessed Gale wasn't exactly good at lifting heavy objects all things considered. Ash also offered Jane food, which was one thing she could never refuse. "Hmm. I guess I could help. But it's only cuz food is involved!" Jane joked, a grin plastered onto her pale face. With a grunt she picked up the body of BE#2 and lugged him over her shoulder. She wheezed a little, jeez all this military gear really weighed a person down.

"Jane!" Franky whispered, trying to get her attention. She placed him up against her ear to allow him a bit of privacy. "I-I'm not sure we should be helping these guys. There with the Medici's, so...?" He stuttered, dancing around the issue. In all honest he just wanted to save his own bacon, but he couldn't do that without a host. "Bah, it'll be fine Franky." She assured. "So, where am I dragging this dude? Do you have a super secret base that we're dropping these guys off at? Or are we just gonna ditch them in some dumpster in New Meridian?" Jane asked, curious as to how formal the Medici operation was.
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