Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The redhead fought back a smirk tugging up the corners of her mouth. The upperclassman putting up a friendly front despite his distaste of her even being there was rather amusing for her. She knew about the president's need of help, and had put it as an afterthought to help with her booths in the festival, but hadn't confirmed the decision yet till then. Her approach on the archer was only to observe his reaction. In doing so, now the kendoka achieved a mental note of the two-faced personality of Minase Hideaki. And the fact that not many came to the pres' aid like she expected to. That she didn't know.

Deciding to play along, Akane kept a straight face, waiting a second or two before the archer finally gave his suggestion, index finger pointing upwards to illustrate the fact that it was 'new'.

"Will do then, senpai," she replied with a small smile, still fighting the urge for it to turn to a smirk. The girl felt quite two-faced herself, though she usually isn't as such. "I better hurry home to prepare. See you later." and with a wave of her right hand, she went her separate way.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Luca's face felt like it was going to combust because of the heat building up in it due to Asuka's teasing. "I-I-It's not like that!" People would swear they could see steam rising off the young blonde's head when the president implied he was trying to add her to some kind of harem. "No way! I mean it's not thatyourunattractivebutIwouldn'ttrysomethinglikethatwithbothofyou! Ack! I mean I haven't eventhoughtaboutthatwithYukinothatIwouldn't...WHAT AM I SAYING!?" His speech had reach super sonic speeds as he tried to arrange his thoughts in the midst of his flustered state. It only worsened when his snowy haired admirer added on to the joke. These two can be so cruel... A thought only given more ground to stand on by Asuka's detailed reasoning for pulling guilt trip card, a card she'll have on Luca until further notice, rather than just asking for their help. When Yuki finally let go of the blonde he fainted to the ground due to overheating.

Namimori Summer Welcoming Festival

Namimori was never more active and alive than during the summer festival. The residents were happy and joyful, the food was extra delicious, and the town itself had an encompassing warm glow. Luca somehow managed to recover from the embarrassment of earlier and drag himself out to the festivities. As pessimistic as he was of coming he couldn't help but smile sincerely at the sight of everyone having so much fun. Though he refused to wear a yukata and opted for a light blue track suit that he wore when he went for the occasional jog. If he didn't stay in some kind of shape then who would deal with Taiga, who by the way Luca was enjoying seeing as the victim of the disciplinary committee's dunktank setup. "Enjoying yourself Lu~?" Luca turned to the source of the cheerful question he couldn't help but give his mother a judgmental look. Felicita Yuuki had a sweettooth with no rival and seemed to have visited every stand that sold chocolate and the like. "I thought you said you were cutting back on the sweets?" His mother just chuckled softly. "Come on Lu, it's the summer festival. Loosen up a little okay~ Oh! I didn't see that they had those here~" She took off towards another stand with her sweets cradled hin her arms. "Don't tell your father!" Luca sighed and chuckled. This wasn't gonna be so bad after all. Although this would be the last night he would enjoy a normal life...for better or for worse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Yuki started to collect her things for the festival, her wallet, phone and also a small bag of high end candies being placed within her short yukata's pockets. It was not really the most traditional look with the autumn pattern yukata and black pants, but it was surely comfy. Walking up towards the door of her apartment she turned off the lights but then suddenly stopped, her hand resting on the handle of the door as she spoke to the person now behind her within the shadows.

"Will you be coming to the festival then?"

"Heheh, It seems more than a few people have taken notice. I may keep watch and try out the food they have"

"Fine, just don't wait up for me."

With that Yuki left, leaving the figure to take a drag on their pipe "Yes, things are going to get awfully interesting, all the pieces are almost in place" Blowing out a stream of smoke as they spoke to themselves, the figure soon started to leave as well, a cap being pulled over what could only be described as ears just as the door closed and locked.

Namimori Summer Welcoming Festival

Having just arrived Yuki was making her way over to the booths with her hands in her pockets, taking a good look around and wondering if there was any way she could pick Luca out from the crowd... Almost instantly she saw the boy, the fact that he was blonde made him stand out but the track suit he was wearing made him like a beacon. She could not help but let out a tiny chuckle before heading over to Luca "Hey. I was hoping you would come in something more fitting." It was a real shame but she would live with it for now. Taking a look around she tried to spot the pres next "Do you know where the booth is?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lesli Fran Coly
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Lesli Fran Coly A Bystander

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Victoire was having too much fun that what she should have in this mission. Wearing a yellow and red yukata with floral patterns, Victoire was trying out every single booths, savouring the Japanese summer festival experience. However, she was unfortunately banned from the shooting range. As if she didnt't have earned enough looks from people, with her obviously foreign looks. Getting banned from the shooting range slightly made her a little sad, having made to leave her FAMAS F1 rifle at her apartment since she couldn't bring that weapon here without earning unwanted and unnecessary attention, but she's not as foolish not to bring any weapon to defend herself if the situation arises by chance. The French woman managed to bring herself an Apache revolver, a gift from her father.

A handgun, knife and brass knuckles all in one! Thank you so much, Dad! she thought, too brightly as if receiving a weapon to kill for her birthday from her father is something to be normally happy about. Alas, she is one of the children of the mafia, after all.

She walked around, scanning the shops and booths, when she saw at the corner of her eye the familiar face of the next Vongola Boss. She inwardly smiled and subtly kept an eye on him, keeping her own distance, but not leaving him out of her sight, yet she never stares directly. Looks like I have to lessen enjoying for now and observe the Eleventh, she thoughtfully muses. Then there's the new Varia member I heard. How coincidental.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Momoe was munching on some candies she managed to get her hands on with the money her grandfather had given her before she had left home. She had heard about the Namimori Festival and decided to drop by. Plus, she had a feeling Luca would surely be hanging around at the festival as well. No...she was very sure he was around. All Momoe needed to do was find him though it would not be such an easy task with many people around and she getting distracted by the numerous booths set up. Looking around, Momoe wondered if she should have worn a yukata but she instantly rejected the idea. She was not really the type to dress up thus she was still wearing her purple blouse and pleated skirt.

"Where oh where could Luca be?"
While munching on her candies she tried to look for Luca however she found herself not making much progress at all with how crowded the place was. Momoe wished she could just jump out of the crowd and search from the trees but she did not want to make scene...well not yet anyway. Momoe may love fighting but even she knew where was the right place for it and a fight was not really suitable for the festival. Thus, Momoe's search for Luca continues.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Look at that guy over there! Isn't he kinda cute?"
"Him? Isn't he the son of that one yakuza boss? Kane-- something?"
"What? No way!"

Civilians whispered and gossiped among themselves as the Kanesada heir paced along the crowded street of the festival. Some were of fear while the occasional ones were of admiration of his appearance. While he wouldn't pay heed to what people thought of him in most cases, all of this unwanted attention could give his position away to any possible enemies of the yakuza group or their ally, Vongola. 'I've made sure to keep my men away at a distance this time, but what is this...? Perhaps a temporary disguise is required.' Ren thought to himself as he turned his gaze from left to right, seeking for some way to hide away his features.

As if on cue, Ren spots a booth with a variety of masks on sale, a couple of meters away from his current position. That was too convenient to be called a coincidence but it was. Approaching the booth with masks on display, the young heir took a quick glance about the choices he had before him. To his slight dismay, cat-like masks were unavailable, not even the iconic toon cat of Japan. Seeing as his actual choices were slim, Ren picks out a white fox mask and overpays the vendor without hesitance before leaving the stall with a man with his mouth agape at the money given.

The fox mask concealed his facial features properly, effectively causing the civilians to cease paying any attention to him. With that hindrance out of the way, now he could focus on the mission and obligation he was assigned to. He turned his head towards one of the men he commanded to scout the vicinity ahead, who was at quite a distance away from the boy, and made a gesture they agreed upon when one inquired about the whereabouts of the Vongola boss candidate. The tall, brawny man tilted his head towards a direction in response, meaning the candidate was already sighted and tracked down by his men. Ren nodded in acknowledgment and started on his way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Collab Post between Demon Shinobi and I

Pre Festival Time Skip
With everything having been more or less settled between Asuka, Yuki and Luca all that was left was to take Yuki up on her advice and head home to change. Asuka did this with not real trouble. She didn't have much of anything to do that would hold her back and could handle things rather quickly. She bathed, had a small bite to eat and dressed herself in her Yukata. It was long, elegant. She tightened it just right and did her hair. She was ready. She wasn't really one for make-up either which helped a good deal.

"I suppose now is as good a time as any to be going." She smiled before leaving. She locked up her home and was one her way.

"Yup, I'll see you around, Aloise-chan," the Korean repeated, measured steps driving him towards his own destination for the sake of preparating for the festivities later that night. The eagle-eyed bowman took note of the underclassman's slight facial twitching and filed that away for later use. The two speakers were so reasonably far away that the girl might have thought he couldn't see her suppressing her cheeky little grin or the subtleties of her body language, but before Hideaki was a skilled archer, he was a skilled actor. A liar. A fake. His life had been built on recognizing and replicating the ways of others. Admittedly, he should have noticed the signs sooner. That's what he got for remaining compliant, he supposed. Nevertheless, in spite of the glasses on his face, the archer's sight was unmatched. Not all glasses were made for fixing eyesight, after all, and nothing escaped the eyes of Minase Hideaki. The archer rubbed the back of his head lazily as he walked towards his home.

'Ara... Looks like I've met another troublesome woman... Just my luck,' he thought dryly.

Shortly Before the Summer Festival
Namimori seemed so much more wonderful during a night like this. A night where everyone was coming out. It was fairly early. Of course it had to be. She secured a location and began setting up the booth alone. She only needed the others to help with keeping up with orders and making sure ample profits were earned.

Hideaki walked to the site of the festival, far earlier than most. Everyone was still preparing their booths for the festival that was to occur soon, as would his objective be doing. It didn't take too long to find the student council president and the shitty excuse for booth that she was trying to put up on her own. If there was a downside to having eyes like his, it was that noticing the very irksomely incongruous details, like a painting being slightly crooked or tiny splatter dots on what would have been a lovely painting. But that was just a digression. It wasn't a surprise to find Asuka in one of the most advantageous spots in the area, what with her being a opportunistic scavenger and all. He approached the student council president, politely waving at the other people assembling their own booths as he passed them by.

"Hm? I certainly wasn't expecting to see you here." Asuka said calmly with a small smirk as she continued working. It was Hideaki. She could just sort of tell. Most likely thanks to her father's teachings.

"What of it, fox?" the archer asked bluntly with any pretense of the 'nice guy Hideaki' that had interacted with Akane completely thrown out the window, "Am I not allowed to help someone as pathetic as you? Or are you going to be the cool guy and say that you don't need my help to protect your pitiful semblance of pride? Let's not pretend here, Asuka. You aren't going to make it by the festival at this rate." The ever-popular, ever-two-faced captain of the Archery Club was clad in a very plain yukata as was custom, nothing but solid olive green robe adorning his body and maroon obi around his waist. He inelegantly tossed his kinchaku to the side and roughly kicked off his geta, getting down on his own patch of booth and getting to work without a word. Of course, his true intent for going on this venture was unspoken, but knowing him, Asuka could probably tell what it was.

Asuka chuckled slightly hearing Hideaki. "There is no shame in asking for help." She said calmly. "Of course, my pride would surely take a blow after being called pathetic by a perverted cowardly archer such as yourself." She smiled at him, though it wasn't the usual warm, peaceful smile she usually gave. It was cold, fierce. "Still with you here it'll make things progress more quickly. Though I do hope you don't corrupt me or the two who'll be coming to help me. It'd be such a shame to see anybody become even the least bit close to someone as disgusting as yourself." She could gauge his motives. But she wouldn't bring it up. The help, even from him was useful. Geez, why was he so bent on insulting her. Ever since they were young. But now wasn't the time to fight. The festival and making sure all went well and smoothly was more important. Which would surely be the outcome. The booth was almost set. It would be complete soon.

"Pfft. Me? Perverted?" the blue-haired young man scoffed, hauling some boxes of materials to where they'd be useful. "It seems someone is being a hypocrite here," he sneered, placing the box down and getting to work setting up the front of the booth. "I wouldn't be worried about me corrupting any young minds tonight with my disgusting personage, my lewd class president," he teased, a malicious-yet-completely-genuine grin on the archer's face. It was almost therapeutic being able to mouth off to his heart's content, and Hideaki savoured every second of it. None of that 'conceal, don't feel' bullshit he had to do almost 24/7. He picked up a box labelled 'secret ingredient' containing a quantity of undefined substance within it. "...What is this shit anyway...?" he mused, setting it with the rest of the rice ball and chocolate banana ingredients. Though they threw out such venomous words to each other, the booth was coming along very nicely. Asuka's unrelenting work ethic combined with Hideaki's downright ruthless nitpicking created a very efficient, effective environment, with each member of the work force trying to one-up the other and make sure there were no weaknesses in their construction. In the end, the... 'healthy competition' between the two culminated in a very professional-looking, organized food booth.

"That ended surprisingly well," Hideaki remarked, wiping the sweat from his brow before crossing his arms triumphantly. "No thanks to you, of course," he quipped, "Did you see how crooked your placement was?"

"Hypocrite? Ha~" Asuka laughed a bit. "I am honest with my myself and show my true self to the students or friends when appropriate. But I never allow it to get in the way of completing my duties. The students know who I am, and I they." She scoffed. Of course, her little eroge collection at home was still kept secret from EVERYBODY. And it would remain that way. "Unlike a certain four eyed insect." She smirked as she took a breath looking over their work once it was complete. "And to think. Somebody like you is the admired among the student body. If anybody knew your true nature... Well... I suppose it's better this way. A snake is always best kept hidden, less it corrupt the rest of it's surroundings." She smiled before beginning to set up the rest of the ingredients. "Though I guess I should thank you. Your idiotic perfectionist OCD did come in handy this time around." She glanced at him momentarily. The chocolate was ready. There were some bananas cooling to be ready for the for the customers. Next she could begin preparing a few riceballs. "If setting up was as far as your commitment goes you can leave. I wouldn't want you driving customers away with that attitude. Unless you'll be playing polite around even me to keep our patronage. Oh lets not forget my coming help." She smirked. Could Hideaki keep up the act? With the bananas near completion, they could always make more as they sold. Now she was making some rice balls. It was necessary after all. Wouldn't wanna only be able to sell half of their product.

"Yes, because I haven't been playing nice since pre-school," Hideaki deadpanned, "It must just be my magnetic personality, charming good looks, and appreciation for others that keeps everything running smoothly." He shrugged exaggeratedly. "I just can't tell," he said straight-faced before breaking out into a light-hearted laugh. He waved off the student council president's insults like they were nothing. Which, to be completely honest, they were. Hideaki was a two-faced bastard, but he was a two-faced bastard who could admit he was a two-faced bastard. No use denying such a thing in front of someone who knew.

"But obviously I'm going to keep helping," he answered resolutely, "You of all people should know me better than that." As Asuka began preparing the bananas, Hideaki washed his hands off to prepare for work. "If you want something done right, you see it through to the end," he stated sagely, rhetorically wondering, "I wonder who I paraphrased that from," as he did so. "But to think that I'd forget something so important," he bemoaned overdramatically as he seized the necessary materials for the riceballs and began working on their own.

"It's a pleasure working with you, Argento-san."

And Thus, The Summer Festival Begins
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

During The Summer Festival

Asuka chuckled lightly as each of his comments before he finished in a more formal manner. "Please. Call me Asuka, Hide-chan." She giggled lightly. "After all, you truly are much more disgusting when you treat me so kindly and act so formal." She said something so mean with such a sweet smile. In truth it was easier to get along with hideaki when the young male wasn't putting on this charade. Still, she shook her head.

"Oh!" She smiled as she turned away to set up a few ready bananas and rice balls. "Luca! Yuki!" She called rather loudly over the crowd to her two friends and helped. "Come over here! Hide-Chan and I are already set up and ready to begin." Truly this was good. People were even coming over to begin buying. Which Asuka happily sold to. Three bananas and two rice balls so far. It already looked like things were going to turn out well. She would have Luca help with sales and Yuki help making the Rice balls and bananas with Hideaki. This way she wouldn't have to worry about socializing with anyone other than those in the booth. Plus Luca was cute. Cuteness sold. With her and Luca it would be great!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Luca turned hearing Yuki's voice and have her a bashful smile. "Sorry, yukatas aren't really my thing..." After looking over the snowy haired girl he averted his gaze and blushed slightly. "Y-You look really nice though~" He was glad she asked about the booth. The change of subject was surely needed our there might be a repeat of the afternoon's events. "Actually, I have no idea where it is. Though knowing the president probably snagged the best spot long before anyone else could." As if on cue he heard Asuka's voice over the crowd. Locating the source he saw the booth along with the president waving them over.

They made their way through to the booth. Noticing the other person working on the bananas and rice balls, Luca didn't expect to see the Archery Club captain here. Most of Namimori middle admired Hideaki. He was an ace archer, a model student and as far as Luca's heard a friendly person. Of course he's not lacking in looks either as evidenced by squeals from girls when he's mentioned in conversation. Even with all that Luca didn't feel like he knew anything about the bespectacled archer. And not just because they've never really spoken to one another. Meanwhile Asuka had that cunning look in her eye that she often had and Luca couldn't help but gulp feeling it had something to do with him. "Let's get started I guess." He said with a meek smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuki may have retained her stoic expression but her face was bright red with embarrassment as Luca mentioned she looked nice, her mouth was unable to form words for a few moments before changing the subject at hand and making their way to try and find the booth. Unlike when there were others around Luca could render her defenseless like that pretty easily. Not that she disliked it but thankfully she had calmed herself down and with the greeting from the president returned her to her normal disposition.


She gave a small wave as they walked up, it was a nice sized booth, though did it really need all four of them to run it? Giving Luca a reassuring pat on the back Yuki made her way over to help in the creation, putting on some gloves of course. Looking over to Hideaki she gave a small nod in greeting. She had seen him more than a few times when she had been going around all the clubs over the past month, though leg based sports were more her thing.

As Yuki started to work on the rice balls she got a rather evil idea "I didn't know that this was a double date." she said in a dry tone, intending to imply that their president had brought her boyfriend along. She could not help but sneak at least one or two rice balls for herself to eat later, payment so to speak given that she was basically doing this for free, and a nice spot to watch the fireworks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While making his way through the merry making crowd, Ren's eyes behind the mask briefly scanned through the area for any suspicious figure. None caught his attention so far, or at least, none that were suspicious by appearance. Laughter of lively children, clacking of wooden sandals against the pavement, chatters between chummy acquaintances, sizzling of a yakisoba grill, yells of merchants advertising their respective stalls; such were the sounds his ears caught at the area. This current area was clear of danger for now, hopefully the figure he was in search of would be in a safe area as well. The raven haired male slightly adjusts his fox mask in place while continuing his search.

It took quite a while of walking till a particular stall was in sight, a professional looking food stall like any other ones he had seen tonight but the only difference was the figure who resembled the picture of the blond Vongola candidate. To make sure it was the boy he had been pursuing after, Ren decided to make a purchase from the stall as a reason to confirm that the appearance indeed resembled the boss candidate. After the last customers left their stall with a stick of chocolate banana for each, the masked male approaches the stall and hands over quite an amount of money to the similarly raven haired female and utters in a quiet tone, "...... I will purchase 20 pieces of rice balls."

The front of the stall clearly lacked a couple of rice balls for his order to be complete, which he hoped would cause the female to leave temporarily so Ren may properly inspect the light haired male while he waited. It was no problem if she didn't do so, at least a careful glance could suffice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

With Luca and Yuki there, things really began. Customers were coming. Some young guys and girls, guys and girls their age, middle age women. A few of the older women would coo and pinch Luca's cheeks. Asuka couldn't help but giggle at that. The added attractiveness and cute factor did the trick alright. Older gentlemen didn't really come by. Asuka wouldn't have like that anyway. Middle aged men. She shuddered at the thought. Although, some guys and girls just a bit older, maybe in university, came by here and there. That was fun. Most were on dates so there wasn't flirting or anything like that. Not that it would have been appropriate or enjoyable. But they had a certain air about them. Everyone did! The festival was going well.

Still, Yuki's comment nearly made Asuka drop a whole batch of freshly made Chocolate covered bananas. She managed to save it and set it down, but it was still there. She glanced back. "Yuki. Please... Don't ever try and say something like that again. Even as a joke." It seemed that comment was an insult, no, a wound, fatal, struck deep into her heart. She was smiling, sure, but even the smile was nothing less than murderous. That was the severity of how she took even the simple idea or misunderstanding of any kind to relationship with Hideaki.

With that she turned back to the front of the stall just in time to be met with a young masked man already back to her normal cheerful demeanor. "Ah~ Of course." She looked down as she took the money to put it in the box and took out some to return the change. But... They were short. No matter, Hideaki and Yuki would likely bring some soon. It wasn't something that needed to be worried about. "Just a moment please." She gave a slight bow. Luckily there was a freshly finished tray beside Hideaki. Say what you wanted, he did work efficiently. But this meant she was only gone for about thirty seconds. It wasn't a big booth after all. "Here you go." She said placed a small box, she had them under the counter for larger orders like this, in front of Ren.

"Oh and that's quite a lovely mask, if you don't mind me saying." The fox motif was what she liked. But she hadn't had time to pick one up. All she had was a cat themed one given to her by some guy. He did it often. Little things like this. He had a crush, but he was also a jerk. She sighed. "I don't suppose you would want to trade." She gave a small laugh holding up her own mask. Though, in her mind, it was a long shot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the lady who was about to serve him his orders inevitably turned her back to fetch the rest of the lacking items, the fox masked male turned his face towards the blond male attendant. Azure orbs behind the mask intently gazed at him for a good couple of seconds in silence before the female attendant came back with his orders. 'He is the one...', Ren thought to himself, his mental image of the Vongola boss candidate clearly matching with the boy in front of him. As the box of rice balls were handed over to him, he mumbled a soft "... Thank you." He decided to hand them over to one of his men later for safekeeping, as well as distributing them to the others who were famished since he himself had no desire to eat and it was awkward to, half his face hidden while he would bite on a rice ball.

Just when the raven haired male was about to leave with his purchased goods, Asuka's compliment for his mask stopped him in his tracks. A nod of acknowledgment was given in return, he thought it unnecessary to reply back to the compliment. He supposed the fox mask was at least suitable to him but not exactly his tastes. Just when he thought he'd be released from the conversation, his eyes widened at what the female attendant flashed before him. A cat mask. "..........!" Ren's attention was piqued by the sudden appearance of the cat mask, its attractiveness and simplicity drawing him into agreeing to the mask trade. But was it the appropriate time for him to uncover his concealed face? Or was he willing to let this chance pass by and go on without possibly ever finding another cat mask in the festival? He thought for a moment, and a decision was made.

"......... Very well. I consent to the trade." With that, he lowered his mask, revealing the face of the young Kanesada heir. His gaze averted to the side as his arm stretched out with the fox mask in his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hey guys!" Hideaki cheerfully greeted the athletic Russian and the blond-haired mafia boss. He wasn't too surprised Asuka had managed to rope in an underclassman with some underhanded scheme. At least the two workers would be tolerable. He could respect Volkov-chan's abilities. From what he heard, she went around testing all the clubs, not just his own. She also wasn't a rowdy fangirl, so she had that going for her as well. On the other hand, there was Yuuki-kun. He didn't hear much on his end, other than his fights with the resident Disciplinary Wannabe. He could hold his own though, which was good. The archer resumed his work after explaining the necessary processes, and was finishing off a batch when a certain phrase was said.

'Do you think this is a fucking game you impertinent little girl? Me and that fox? How sickening. Just the thought leaves the taste of shit in my mouth.'

Someone was a little bit salty after that date comment, it seemed. "...No," the archer said firmly but politely, having halted in the midst of his snack food assembly, "This is not a double date scenario, no." With that said simply, he resumed creating rice balls as if he wasn't practically fuming with annoyance on the inside. He did a perfect job of it, at least, with the only outward change being that he was now assembling rice balls at a much faster pace. They were still characteristically precise, however. He picked up his batch and moved it back over to restock the front of the stall. "Here you go, Argento-chan," he said, glancing at the other half of the mask trade. Going for a fox mask, what a surprise.

On his return from his station, Hideaki stopped by the post of the young blond-haired student. "So what'd the president do to get you roped up in this?" he asked casually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

This was going to be a long endeavor. Luca was being smothered by customers, a lot of whom were older women wanting to pinch his cheeks. If this keeps up I'll end up looking like a bloodhound... Out of the corner of his eye he could see the president's clear delight in the success of her well crafted plan. She truly was a cunning and frightening person.

"Hmhm~" With a slight chuckle the shorter off the two figures stood atop Namimori Shrine continued to observe the young heir. "Sawada chose a rather familiar successor." He said, watching Luca fumble around between serving customers and having his face assaulted. "What do you think? He'll be your responsibility very soon." He asked his companion.

After a some time business finally settle down leaving Luca to sink down under the booth exhausted. He rubbed his face trying to find any remaining sense of feeling. "Well, on the bright side this'll make fighting Taiga a little easier..." Muttered Luca with a sigh. "As long as you win I won't tell you're mother that you're out picking fights~" Luca stood up to look up at his smirking father, Katsuo Yuuki. "Then again she probably already knows." Luca smiled sheepishly. "Yeah...so, you want to buy a rice ball or a banana?" Katsuo shook his head. "I'm sure your mother is eating enough snacks for the both of us. I just wanted to check up on you. You seem to be having fun." He said looking around the booth, his eyes lingering on the customer in the fox mask. "I guess so. I'm kinda glad you guys made me come." Luca said bringing his father back to their conversation. Katsuo smiled as his son looked back at Yuki who also forced him to attend the festival. Luca quickly turned back to his father before he could remark on his and Yuki's relationship. "Good. You should let yourself have fun more often." Katsuo ruffled Luca's blonde hair and though he was smiling there was a melancholy undertone to his words and Luca's dodgy chuckle. "Alright, enjoy the rest of the festival..." With a glance at the shrine he turned walk away, Luca noticing worry hidden behind his father's eyes. "And be careful out there." Katsuo added as he left the booth.

Luca's gaze was drawn from his father as he felt someone else's on him. He glanced at the masked customer from his peripheral before being startled by Hidaeki's question. "Huh? Sorry senpai, I got a little distracted. Actually, she didn't have to do much. I owe her a few-actually a lot of favors. Hehe..." Luca chuckled nervously in in the upperclassman's presence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Yuki gave a small pout as the pair seemed to dislike her little attempt at humor, it turns out it was harder than it looked but thankfully a customer soon caught everyone's attention. Going back to making rice balls she slowed down for a moment as she noticed she had already used 1/3 of the ingredients so the guys order was pretty much ready, but it was a little delayed due to the mask switching.

"As long as you win I won't tell you're mother that you're out picking fights~"

The voice drew Yuki's attention and as she had guessed it was Luca's farther, who was rather cool looking she had to admit. She gave a small lazy wave as he looked over to her for a moment before Luca made sure to change the subject to other things, they did not concern her so she looked back to her work... Which had gotten a little out of control as despite not looking she had used up yet another 1/3 of the ingredients and not there was a small mountain of rice balls beside her that threatened to topple over if it had not been so perfectly stacked. "I think I am done" She said to pretty much everyone in the booth with her, her gaze staring up to tower of rice balls as if it was a great work of art of some kind.


Meanwhile a strange figure wondered through the many stalls, a candy apple held tightly in her hand as she used fanged teeth to bite into it, a almost blissful smile coming over her that her tail almost wagged from its hiding place within her kimono. "Mmm, shame that we could not leave all this until after the festival~ " Another bite "But rules are rules. Now, where is he?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Asuka smiled and took the mask before handing the young man her's. "Thank you good sir. Though it is a shame someone like you is hiding their face like that. Even if you would draw much attention." She could recognize him of course, even if she didn't openly say it. He knowledge of people extended much farther than the school. Possibly because of her mother's former position. A powerful woman aiming to take down the local yakuza. Still, that was long ago. She smiled and placed the fox mask on her head, before hearing Hideaki. "Heh~ As if he could ever be so lucky." She teased him, knowing she would hit a nerve. Would he keep up the charade under these circumstances.

With that she stopped to continue selling before Hideaki brought some more rice balls. "Ah~ Thank you Hide-chan" She added with a sly grin as she took the rice balls. She was calm, though now Luca seemed to be conversing with his father. A rather quick display ending with his father beginning to walk away. "Wait!" She called out. "Please buy something." She said the fox mask placed casually in a diagonal position on the upper left part of her head, a somewhat sad look with puppy eyes displayed. "If not for you, for someone else. We have to make as much as possible after all."

Asuka hoped to get favorable results, though Yuki chimed in saying she was done. "Luca. Take a break and relax with yuki. She deserves a bit of your time." The female Student Council president whispered, her gaze still fixed on the young boys father.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

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After the exchange of masks were complete, the male's face was quickly concealed once more, with an adorable cat mask this time. The last words that were offered to him, "Even if you would draw much attention.", slightly piqued his interest. What did this maiden mean by that? Could she have known who he was after all? No matter, since the raven haired female had not done any action or said anything further to prove his point. The young heir simply nodded as a response to her 'Thank you' and left the booth with a box of rice balls on hand. A few passerby glanced at him again, but not as often as earlier, due to how it seemed slightly off for a man to be wearing such a cute mask.

The target was finally spotted, and seemed to be in a fine condition so far. But he was never to let his guard down, it would not be as surprising in the underground world of mafia to attempt at murder within a minute or even seconds, if the damage was fatal. He hurried away to one of his subordinates who were standing around behind one of the booths and handed over the box of rice balls. ".... Distribute them among the famished men. I shall survey the target." The bulky man uttered a phrase of appreciation and obediently bowed before Ren paced back into the crowds on the street, keeping his eyes at the blond boy at a distance.

Will a third party truly strike at him in such a populated area? There were numerous people from left to right on the streets, not to mention how the boss candidate was in an enclosed booth at the moment. Though Ren did not know if there truly was a third party in the vicinity to begin with, but it was his sworn duty as a Varia and an ally of the Vongola to watch over the boy's safety.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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'That cunning bitch-fox. I see what shrewd plan she's trying to put into action now. She's starting them off early to accumulate debt in order to place them in effective slavery! Hmm... How to warn these poor misguided fools...'

Hideaki nodded towards the younger student. "I understand," he said, looking for a moment almost like an old wiseman as he spoke, "Make sure you get rid of all of that debt in a timely fashion though, or you'll regret it." He looked over to the class president in question, who was allowing the two underclassment to depart and go about the festival at their own leisure. "..." Was it some sort of trap? Who knew? Either way...

...Mission accomplished? Mission accomplished.

Hideaki nodded to himself in satisfaction. His good deed of the day was complete, and he was basically 'done' all of his duties at this stand, so he had little else to do. Of course, he'd have to get that class president back for calling him 'Hide-chan' and implying that she was out of his league (though that was true, except that his league was the higher one in this case), but that could wait for later. He was good at playing the long game after all. "I'm done too, Argento-chan," he informed, "Have fun with the stand."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Distribute them among famished men. I shall survey the target" "Target?" Naoki watched the two men from behind a wall as the other man ran, Naoki scaled the wall following the man who just stood there in the crowd watching some normal people. "What could he be doing?" Naoki had ideas running through his mind he didn't like it, it hurt his head. Naoki wasn't sure to approach him or just get some food so he did both. He walked to the stands his tummy rumbling "One no, two chocolate bananas please" Naoki gave the man a quick 'Thank you' and ran back looking for the man in the crowd. Sadly He lost the man Naoki was shocked and jumped on top of a wall shouting for the man very stupidly. "Hello, Man in crowd!" Naoki Sat on the wall arms around knees with a sad annoyed face.

Naoki jumped off the wall and finished his chocolate bananas. He was ready to go and find another nice stand when he seen the man, he ran as fast as he could and poked the man on the shoulder. "Who or what is the target?" he said with a confused face.
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