Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Martin had taken but a single step before the vampire snapped at him.
Immediately he spun around and bowed deeply.

"My tongue naturally. You are unarmed sir, not that it matters.
As to answer your question as to who I am, and to why I am here.
I am not an infiltrator but a massager, I would have made my presence known.
But it seemed... impolite at the time.
But I assure you I never attempted, nor will I attempt to deceive you, as it would be futile. Wouldn't it?"

Those last words came with a playful smile directed at Llusia and sounded slightly mocking.
As if making fun of Bedivere for his distrust.

"I am the mouth and hand of a collector. The collector has taken interest in securing the blade your friend presented the council with tonight. An interesting piece of evidence that has served his purpose. A dangerous weapon too unpredictable to not have contained.
A bargaining chip you can trade. As is my structural integrity, I am well aware of that. But you'll find I have plenty of chips to trade."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

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"Good, I believe I will require your knowledge more than your physical support. I have grown reclusive in my old age, your connection to the other covens and your knowledge of the land parted by vast seas will prove useful to me." Mo said before their unfortunate interruption in conversation. Her cold eyes locked onto Martin with the predatory gaze of both wolf and monster.

"I knew I smelled the presence of a foul creature in our midst. You will have to do much better to convince us of your use. You are mistaken, you see, us vampires are always armed, and I just so happen to always be hungry." The smile painted across her face was sickening to behold. Evil wasn't the right word for it, terrifying? Ominous? All of the above?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Obvious. The right word was obvious.
"Power." Martin answered immediately.
"You. Want. Power. And, no you aren't."
He all too casually pointed at her claws.
"Dangerous? Definitely. But in the technical sense of the word: Un. Armed.
And, -since you can kill me faster than I can draw my contingency plan- so am I. So let's keep it civil right?
And you're not hungry either, the older you get the more discipline you have. Busting out at a dinner party would be quite undisciplined. A rookie move. Embarrassing. So the only logical conclusion would be that you are making an attempt at intimidation.
Pointless of course, clearly I am aware of what vampires are and what you can do to me, informing me will not change anything.
But what it does do, quite importantly, is implying that you feel threatened by me. Oh what would the elders gossip if they heard.
My advice my lady? Don't bark. Don't bite. Listen up because my offer is one of a lifetime, mine. If I die it's all off the table.
And you lot will have a single human snack rather than a shot at the ultimate comfort, as well as a gold mine of information."

Martin spoke fast, and though his words were condescending his voice was sweet and polite.

"For example, a free tidbit of information, a nugget of sorts. I suspect I can probably disprove ehm.. what was his name.. Gabriel! I could potentially disprove Gabriel's claim to 'first vampire'. And the interesting part is that I'd need specifically your help for that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

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The latest events have caused quite an uproar among the SOLDIER officials, they had to take actions but their options were limited. After a while the SOLDIER officials decided to send out one of their elite soldiers, Pandora or as they call her 'The Bloodhound'. Only moments after they made their decision, the message has been sent directly to General Marcus Fenix.

Message from SOLDIER HQ

Things are getting out of hand, you need to take care of this unpleasent matter. You have been set in a high command position to fulfil this objective.
Besides that 'Pandora' will be assigned to your troops, make good use of it but be carefull when you unleash the 'dog'.
'Pandora' will arrive at your position in approximately 4 hours.
Keep the presence of 'The Bloodhound' confidential as it might cause unease among your soldiers!

We count on you General, good luck.

Message end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

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General Fenix changed the frequency back to that of his secretary. "Miss Jackson can you please send a runner to Fetch Scarecrow and Pandora, There needed immediatly i dont want any excuses." he opened the top draw of his desk and there sat his revolver, he longed to be back out in the field with his men. not cramped up in this office, maybe he might get that, one day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

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Allison took a pull from her cigarette while she skimmed the information on where she had been assigned to this time. "General Marcus Fenix huh?..." Allison mumbled as she was breathing out some smoke. Her thoughts were interrupted by the helicopter pilots announcement "We will arrive at the LZ in about 10 minutes.". Allison stretched herself a bit after she stood up "Now then, I think I should grab my things". A word and a blow. She shouldered her backpack and approached the helicopters side door.
Damn, it was about time...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Mithias' eyes opened into glowing red slits as he drank. Yes, it was satisfying. Yes it was invigorating and empowering, but all that novelty of experience becomes cliche after a few thousand feedings. He had to be cautious and extremely attentive this time. He drank until the pressure waned, until Hank's struggling gave way to weakness, and the heart dropped its speed. He could feel it, hear it even, as he lay the man's body in the grass. Taking one of his daggers, Mithias held open a wound in his arm and dripped his own blood into Hank's unconscious mouth. This should work... Mithias actually had no idea if this was going to work.

The vampire gave a good amount of blood. Who knew what it would take, but the man didn't move. Putting his head on Hank's chest, Mithias checked what he should have already been able to hear but... the heart had stopped. Sitting up, Mithais waited anxiously. It was his first time doing this, and he felt like an imbecile. Eventually, he ran a hand through his hair, as was his anxious habit. Letting his fingers slowly pass over his head, his black hair settling behind him, he looked up to the cloudy night sky and exhaled a long, bereaved sigh. He had completely fucked it up.

"Perhaps it is for the best." Mithias kept his mourning short and got up. He walked over to the burning RV and noticed something reflecting the firelight off the ground. It was Hank's photo album, dropped from his arms when Mithias first lashed him. Being a sentimental fellow, he couldn't help but pick it up and thumb through the photos.

One of the pictures had some writing, "Happy birthday, Hank! Love..." There were pictures of family, houses, a dog... Mithias closed the book. He'd look at it in more detail later, maybe just to pass the time. There really was no logical reason to keep it, however. He left Hank's dead body in the grass to be recovered and returned to his people later.

Footsteps sounded in the stone halls where Llusia, Mo, Bedivere and Martin were gathered, only these were soft and subtle. The meeting appeared to have ended. Mithias looked... weary.

Mithias was impressed that the human he had seen earlier was still alive, and wearing different clothing. He was fast-talking, which is what you did when you were flesh and blood around vampires. Mithias stopped and stared at the four of them, specifically at Martin. "You must be particularly good." He stated without any explanation. Mithias had no idea that the meeting didn't end with the expected resolution.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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"Oh I am."
Martin replied in a cocky fashion in an instinctive attempt to conceal his surprise. No matter how much you expect to be snuck up on..

"Now.I think I have a large portion of the more influential among you before me. Aren't I lucky? Please follow me with intrest and barely contained exitement."

Martin grinned a grin that could almost match Mo's as he slowly stepped back into the main hall.

There were several other vampires still there, discussing their own local politics no doubt. All looked up as Martin raised his voice.

"Ladies, gentlemen and creatures old enough to predate mortal gender notions! I, mortal messenger of a collector, present the deal of my lifetime. Don't blink, you might miss it!"

With dramatic flourish he put the two coffers on the council table.
Trained eyes could read his hidden care for the boxes.
He lifted a sliding knob on the smaller box to reveal why. Behind thick plexiglass the box's interiour became visible.

A small stone tablet, no larger than a face. On it engraved was a incomprehensible text and a carved depiction of the sun. Staring with a stern face.
On each side of the tablet a half-litre bottle with suspicious liquid was seen. Each attached to wires and blinking lights.

"Behold the Exile stone! Locked in a cage of mutual destruction. To be released the moment I leave with this other coffer.."
He paused to tap on the larger case, which reactively opened to reveal it was empty, save for foam cut out so it would fit a sword.

"With contagion."

Martin looked around the room as hungry eyes leered at him in silence. He surpressed his insticts to go for his gun. It seemed not everyone was as impressed as he thought he'd be, and to completely rely on his new friend seemed foolish. He picked the Vampire who seemed most likely to choose bloodlust over curiosity. The host stared at him with not so much hunger, but rage. Offense? So Martin gave him an innocent look.
"What's the matter?" He whispered, knowing everyone could hear him just as well.
"Don't you want to be immune to sunlight?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Hank started to choke on hsi own blood, he was in pain, He refused to show how scared he was. But he knew what the vampire was doing to him, He was too week to stop it, His main hand was too fucked up to use, But he still had the back up in reach of his left. As he felt himself turn, the blood go cold, He reached into the hidden back pocket of the jacket and yanked out the retractable hatchet, Swinging it as it unfolds landing the blade into Mithias's arm, the snap of his forearm could be heard from the contact, He knew he couldn't kill the vamp, But he was going to give him something painful to remember.

Hank smiled as the vampire dropped him from the pain. He could feel himself dying, but he felt strong in a way, But the conflicting feelings made him sick. He pulled up enough strength for a few words. "I'll... see you in... hell..." He fell to his knees doing a mix of choking and laughing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Audacious, to say the least, the human had come for the disease-causing sword, supposedly on behalf of some mysterious collector. Whether he wanted it for a terrorist organization or for some vampire, it made no difference. Martin was obviously going to be compensated well for his fearless insanity.

As the other vampires gawked, Mithias' trained eyes laid upon the explosive inside the plexiglass. There was no telling what the stone artifact was, or if Martin's claims about it were true, at least not for Mithias, but the ex-soldier agent did recognize a bomb. He walked up to it, taking note of the lights, the containers, the wires. Vampires were generally infants to modern technology. Even this "archaic" chemistry was beneath their study. Mithias would do them the favor of informing them.

"A liquid explosive? Ammonium nitrate no doubt, and a lot of it. Yet... the explosion would certainly destroy the artifact, and damage Bedivere's floor, but the damage would stop there. Only the initial force wave of this kind of explosive is dangerous. It causes no fire, nor shrapnel. It certainly wouldn't kill any vampires that weren't standing within a meter of it, and in an open room like this, the castle is in no danger of being demolished. This is a 'light' explosive, human, an old formula first used a hundred years ago." Mithias backed away from it and looked at Martin. "Was it never your intention to threaten us?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Martin hesitated to move when Mithias aproached but didn't.
Fasinated to see the spark of recognition in his eyes. So there were modern schooled vampires here.
He smiled meekly as Mithias confirmed the explosive to be harmless to them.

"I don't believe I can."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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An ant comes here and dares to challenge them?
If a spider perhaps he'd give the ant more respect,
but this was ant challenging a god.
What could the ant possibly do?

"Spare us the theatrics." Bedivere glared at Martin, his patience was thin, though his hairline was not. Despite his appearance, he looked good for age, and old he was. Not as old as the elders here, and most definitely not as old as Old Gabe. But, still he had years behind him and knew how best to deal with mortals. They took not too keenly to the blade, never did, never will. For of course they are mortal and fear their death, a meaningless end to a meaningless life. "I have seen better dealings in a Marlowe production. You play where gods dare thread."

"Mithias Dear boy, we are at war with the mortals, and I do hope your unwavering allegiance stays with me. As such, I brand this mortal to be made a prisoner of war. His plea for his life entails the release of your gift to me, a treasured gift cannot part with. Thus perhaps it is best that you handle this petulant mongrel." A devilish smile danced across his pale lips, the elder vampire's fangs sharp as his poisoned wit. He turned back to Martin with a calm and casual glance, establishing his superiority over the human. "You were already dead Mortal, the moment you set foot here. Your blood belongs to us, not your body, and as it is said may the dead bury the dead."

"Did you believe that your dangled worm would be sufficient enough to trade for your life? No vampire here is adversely affected by the sun as much as I. And I myself am a collector of artifacts, as such did it not come to you that I had already considered this option? Well it would work not, and thus useless for my line. Now then beside keeping my floor free of you debris, you have nothing to offer me. Mystery and secrets are best left to the masters of the shadows, not humans playing god. your time in my good grace is up."

"I leave his fate to you My boy, I trust you will act accordingly as my blood brother. Although try not to get the floors too damaged in the process, restoration of this castle was nearly impossible to do the first time. Has quite the reputation you know. Lady Mo, due to my lineages, should you require anything from my resources in my absence during the daylight hours, I have given my agents the command of recognizing Lord Varomere as my protégé. I trust you both to lead us to a deceive victory, as I am far too old for this... But aren't we all? All other immortals in company I bid you a good morning. The cock has crowed."

Stepping a reflection pool he had specifically installed for a quick means of transport, Bedivere left behind the scene, it was time for him to rest and regain his powers for the fight to come. War was coming. And Contagion with Martin's life was left in very capable hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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@Kurai Assassin
Hank woke up hours later, in fact...It was morning. The sun felt bright, his eyes hurt just looking near the light. He felt cold though, really cold. He was alive though, though something felt off, really off. He could hear things, birds, trees, other animals. He could smell grass, copper, even the burnt RV. THE RV?! Hank stood up almost falling over trying. He looked at the RV, nothing was left other then the remains of the burnt frame, That vampire had burned his home to nothing.

"The photos..." He walked over to where the photo album landed during the fight, he was drowsy and dizzy but he was able to walk still. He went to pick up the photo album but stopped as he did, his hands...they were white, white as snow. He didn't think this could happen to him. He put his finger against his teeth and felt them, the fangs, he had become what he feared the most, A monster. A Vampire.

He didn't have time to dwell on that now, he had things that had to be done. He grabbed the photo album an put it into his bag. He still had the shotgun but not a lot of ammo for it. He gathered his gear from the fight and started walking. SOLDIER was his best option right now, He didn't know a lot about them but they seemed to know some on him. He was alone, he needed to fix that, he was getting into something bigger then what he could handle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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It was impressive really, that Bedivere had let the human live. His knightly discipline overcame his base desire to slaughter the magniloquent mortal. Such was the the secret key to his power in social manipulation and dealmaking, his self control. Mithias had only ever known haughty vampires to take brash action, to kill without second thought when no longer entertained, and thus, he stood in awe as Bedivere spoke casually. With eternity waiting, why didn't all vampires take the time to be masterful?

But his admirable host revealed something else that made Mithias' proverbial jaw drop. The council had decided to go to war with the humans. Golden eyes flashed as he focused on Bedivere at that statement. The young vampire's pale countenance was shock more than anything, if it was anything at all. Surely Bedivere could see it, an understandable reaction after what Mithias' own sire had foretold at the meeting. A glance to Lady Mohowauuk was enough to fill in the gaps, and Mithias realized it was the wolf goddess who had stood up to lead, not the maniacle Magnus.

Bedivere had made clear that he had no interest in the day-shrouding artifact, and that it would not serve him. He also expressed his intent to keep Mithias' 'gift' of Contagion and left Martin's fate in his new daylight steward's hands. This trade would not be happening.

Regardless of Llusia's and Mo's reactions, nad not clarifying his own stand on the matter of war, Mithias bowed as Bedivere left, "Rest well, my lord." Self control, and patience...

Martin heard the soft ring of metal as Mithias drew one of his swords in the darkness. The black-clad vampire took a step toward the human and looked at him. "I am sorry, but the deal is declined." He paused a moment so Martin could calm himself. "Take your stone, and carry it. I will escort you out." Surely if the human had the ability to set off the explosive, he wouldn't do it while holding it in his own arms. Mithias would make certain Carfax remained undamaged. He'd kill Martin outside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

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@Remipa Awesome The radio had been quiet now for a while, the general turned it back over. He could here burning, he decided it was best to try to contact Hank again. The General pressed the button which allowed him to talk. "Hank if you can here me please talk"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

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The pilot landed the helicopter carefully on the Helipad "Alright, we arrived at the target destination.". Once he said that Allison opened the sidedoor and got off the helicopter. After making a few steps she started to look around, '...So this is it huh? I wonder where the generals office is.. Anyway I better keep moving, waiting probably wont solve the problem.'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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@Kurai Assassin
Hank was sitting in the shade, he had nothing left other then some scraps from the RV and what he was able to drag out. In one hand he held a photo of his family before he became a hunter, in his other hand he had the revolver with the three silver bullets in it. He put the revolver back into the bag and tried to focus, it was hard though, all his senses were different now. He had no contact with the outside world an ind;t know where to go. If he went to the humans they may kill him because he was a blood thirsty vampire, if he went to the vampires he may be killed because he's a hunter.

Hank was scared, really scared. He hadn't been this scared since the first time he encountered a vampire back in his time in the Marine corpse. Though this time, he had no where to run too, no one to call for help, nothing to go back too, He was lost, and now broken. He may be able to hide with the humans for a while, though with vampires that may be hard.

Hank gathered his gear and started walking to the nearest town. He ha to take apart the shotgun to avoid suspicion but he figured he wouldn't be able to sue it that much if it came to it. He walked for miles before getting to thee town, he wasn't tired at all though, not even winded, he felt like he hadn't moved at all. He had a lot of things to get use too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Such pompous pride. It disgusted Martin.Why did the plan revolve around these foolish wastes of immortality?
It was hard to fight the urge to shoot at him.
Martin bit his lip as he saw Bedivere step into the pool.
Just a single pull of the trigger would put a violent end to his unlife.
But Martin's petty desires were nothing in the grand scheme of things.
He sighed as he let it go. "Till we meet again, decrepit fool." He muttered under his breath when Bedivere was gone entirely.

His stare darkened as Mithias ordered him to take his offer and leave.
He gestured around the room while he quickly made eye contact with everyone still there.
"No more theatrics, mysterious talk or grand gestures then. It has become clear to me your minds have all long faded, so I'll be straight with you parasites.
You will lose this war and you will lose badly.
You are all going to die like chumps with surprised looks on your faces and deep down inside you know it.
When I walked in here I expected noble immortals plotting a culling of the herd. What I found was a bunch of scared hasbeens out of touch with time. None of you seem to have a clue about the exponential advancement of technology. While you sit and hone your physical prowess and archaic weaponry, unchanged for eons, mortal influence has grown well beyond your control. The day they discover this is close and now you would do damn well to fear it."

Many of them were offended, some moved closer but hesitated ever so slightly when he swiftly moved his hands on the strange gun on his hip.
"It is my turn to give a show of human force!"
He pointed the gun at the ground in front of him at a 45 degree angle and pulled the trigger.
A pressured cloud of dull silver dust gushed out of the first barrel with a hissing sound creating an arc shaped wall between him and the vampires. His angered voice resounded from behind his concealment.
"Watch as I display no skill at arms as I match you in destruction!"
With a pull of the second trigger a sharp line of pressured holy water pierced trough the cloud and made a mark in the floor right before the first vampires feet. Immediately the airborne compound of Ammonium Nitrate and Zinc reacted violently to the water and ignited in a massive belch of bright green flame that lit up the room in pale brightness.

When the flames died down enough to stare in Martin's furious eyes and down the barrels he spoke up again, allowing no chance to interrupt.
"See? I'm not claiming I could kill all of you monsters before I am ripped to shreds. But I can take the first few of you with me, a lot closer than any mortal would have 50 years ago. And since all schematics to this baby and many more are to be automatically send to SOLDIER, Purge and many more upon my death. You'll all be gone in less than 50 more.
Imagine Kami No Kage with an improved version of this little toy. Imagine an army with the military grade technology of the next era. How many are there of them, and how many of you?

As technology marches forwards you and I have come to a point where we are of similar power and, more importantly, life expectancy!"

He lowered the gun and let the stunned silence sink in.
"Now use your damned vampiric senses to read my mind, voice and lips to confirm I speak only truths.
Humanity will annihilate you mercilessly. And then itself. If either of our species is to survive you must win the war, and as much as I despise you worthless wastes of unlife, I am here to help you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

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@DiZL ReloadeD Katya left the medical tent and started towards the main complex where the Generals office was. She had just been handed a small note to take with her telling her she was needed ASAP. however she hadnt gotten very far as she was shouting back to one of the medical team, thanking them for helping her out when she bumped into another Female SOLDIER operative. "Ahh shit. Sorry my bad" she said accidentally knocking the woman to the floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

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Mohowauuck watched Martin with the trained eyes of a hawk. He thought them prideful, which they were... but so was he, seeing as he never shuts his useless mouth. Her bare feet made no sound as she padded back into the grand meeting hall. Martin made a show of his fireworks and then let loose another slew of insults. Lady Mo had heard enough, she would show this filth what happened to the last white man who told her people to be civil. Well, perhaps she wouldn't quite scalp him.

"You will be silent now. There is a difference between truth, and an opinion that you believe to be true." her voice was low and stern. Careful to avoid the flames, Mohowauuck stepped up to Martin, nearly nose to nose. With one hand she snatched the gun from his hand and bent the metal into a distorted, not usable form, before shoving it in his face. "Archaic? Is that the word you used to describe us?" she gave a short, humorless laugh before throwing the hunk of metal to the ground.

"We maybe be simple in terms of lifestyle and weaponry, but that is part of the beauty of our race. We are eternal, therefore we know what to value. Our life expectancy is contingent upon the life expectancy of this planet. I would not hate your kind so much if it were not for your ignorance, your tiny lifespans make you short-sighted and destructive. Humans are indeed intelligent, look at all they've built, but they are not wise... not until it is too late in their lives to matter. Do not try to claim to be different, even you yourself come bearing weapons of destruction. The flames you brought pollute the very air we stand in. You and I do agree on one thing, however... left to it's own devices, humanity would indeed annihilate itself... it has been on that path since before the great 'industrial revolution'" she said the words with as much sarcasm as an ancient could muster.

"This war has to happen, the vampires will unite to cull the humans down to size before they take us, along with themselves, down in technological warfare. You claim to want to help us, yes? I suggest you start speaking with actual meaning then, because the next insult or snarky remark that I perceive to pass your lips, will be the last you speak, as I will cut the very tongue from your mouth. I don't need to kill you to make you suffer for your transgressions."
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