Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Not too much seemed to be happening for the first part of Kyo's work shift. He checked in, set up a few things around the shop, helped with stocking, confirmed a few inventory details, and got to work fixing things in the back room. He had been hired as in-store craftsman a while back, and put together a few of the original items they sold as well as repaired some of the damaged items that people brought in. It was a service that the store had started a shortly before he had arrives, and seemed to be working pretty well so far.

It seemed that the peace wouldn't last, though, as he was distracted from his work by a commotion in the front of the shop. Glancing over at one of his equally confused coworkers, he stood up quickly to go see what was going on.

When he entered the front room, a small crowd of people seemed to have run in shouting about some sort of "super battle" going on outside. A few people moved over to the windows in an attempt to record them, while the poor workers were doing their best to keep those who had fled into the building in an attempt to avoid the danger calm and find the manager. Looking out the window himself, Kyo could see two figures a ways away going at it with what seemed to be energy blasts and...was that a giant bowling ball?

Concerned by the events, he ran back to the back room and grabbed a bag of items he had been working on the day before. If the shop and the people in the vicinity were in danger, he would have to do something about it. As soon as he was out the back door and out of sight, he pulled a long purple cloak with a hood, a black and silver mask that covered most of his face, and a pair of black gloves. Once changed into the new attire, he ran out to meet the super-powered fighters threatening the entire street.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nate honestly had to give himself a moment after the guy grabbed onto his jacket and started yelling about getting back to the real world. He was hoping that this guy was just really good at acting and wasn't actually crazy. With a slightly weak chuckle Nate put his arm around the guy as if to steady him and started to lead him away from the café. "Sorry about this again folks." He called over his shoulder before he hurried the two of them along. Once they were down the street Nate pulled the guy into an ally out of public view. "Soooo yeah I saved your ass." He said nonchalantly as he leaned against a wall. "My name is Nate by the way."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sam looked at the guy, who introduced himself as Nate. "Thanks. I'm Sam. Now, can you please tell me what the fudge is going on with me?" He said. He had no idea what was happening to himself. He somehow seemed to got the power to turn stuff into illusions or something like that. "And why did you safe me anyway?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well what is happening to you specifically I can't say. Though the broad picture is basically you are going through super puberty." Nate said as he stretched for a moment and looked Sam over. "Do you remember anything odd happening to you lately? Get bit by anything, drink anything you shouldn't of, any weird beams hit you?" He asked Sam, trying to get a better gage of what the guy had been through. "Oh as for why I helped you. You can say we..." He said before he seemed to vanish only to reappear a split second later next to same. "Have something in common."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Asuu
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The excitement was high. Mason's body was bent in an impossible angle; his spine bending backwards at something that would have been broke a regular athlete's back, as he slowly made his way down the bank's vent system. His feet and hands made absolutely no sounds as they seamlessly stuck to the tin air-vent's walls, and he was quite happy for this; so far, his powers made everything so much easier than it would have been normally.

As his descent into the bank's many vent systems began to end, Mason folded in on himself, body in the fetal position as he let himself loose and fell all the way down into the main vents. His drop was silent as a whistle; not a dust particle flying as he crouched low in the vent, arms and shoulders bending forward to allow him into a position he was beginning to feel natural in - all fours, arms and legs spread far, palms and feet on the ground, and head downwards...much like a spider. In this position, he scuttled, a blur of silent speed as he began making his way through the vents. There were small slits to let air through, and he used this to see where he was going; the main deposit boxes would be in the back-room, away from all of the guards. He was glad he had started small; the experience with this...smaller, more suburban bank would allow him to be successful with the bigger, richer places.

A few more minutes of patient scuttling later, and Mason grinned underneath his web-imprinted black mask and dark hood. This was it...the deposit room, directly underneath him. A quick glance downwards showed that it was just an average-sized room with metal walls and a wide expanse of safety deposit boxes stacked on the far-side, each with locks on every single one of them. Two guards were on the opposite side of the deposit boxes, batons, pistols, and radio-speakers on each of their hips. The older one looked at the younger one, and made a 'smoking' motion with his fingers. The younger one nodded, and at the same time, both men pulled out cigarettes.

The young one took out a lighter. "Bottoms up." He grinned, showing two buck teeth. The older man smirked. "Young'uns and their phrases." He chuckled, taking the lighter and lighting his cancer-stick. As they began to smoke, Mason narrowed his eyes. He had to get them out of the way...somehow. There had to be cameras. If he could take those out...then it would be a perfect shot to the boxes, and the guards would only be a minor hindrance. But...how?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sam was surprised. "OH MY GOSH, YOU HAVE-" He started, but put a hand on his mouth as soon as he realised they both had superpowers. He looked back at the main street, and it looked like no one noticed them. "Sorry, I still got to get used to this. So you got the power to vanish? Whait, no, you got super speed!" Sam whaited a moment so Nate could answer, then said: "I have no idea what happened to me. The only thing that recently changed was me moving to this place. Oh, and I had this one nightmare again, which was really weird. Especially because it knew I had this power. Any idea what that could mean?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katherin decided to continue on. It seemed that whoever was watching her wasn't ready to approach her yet. She wondered who it was and why they hesitated. But it didn't matter. Atleast not until they found the courage to approach her. She continued carefully down the street. She passed by a bank. The people she passed talked about money mysteriously disappearing. No one seemed to have seen anything. She frowned. That sounded suspicious she decided to head to the next bank and see if it had been hit too.
A dark presence arrived in town. He had great plans for this city. But first to announce his arrival. He had thought long and hard about how to announce himself. It had to be something spectacular. Something that couldn't be explained away. He was going to make a splash. He set a bomb in the middle of the fountain that was in front of city hall. When it exploded it would paint city hall with his colors. Orange and Green.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Walt had to make a dive for the ground to avoid being directly blasted by an energy beam, but the attack did manage to graze his shoulder and winced in agony from the intensely hot beam. The energy blast hit a sign post and exploded causing the six feet of the area around to be blasted apart. Luckily no one was close enough to the area to get killed, but debris did get sent flying everywhere and hit several bystanders. Walt created a cartoon suit of armor that he was wearing over his costume to add some extra protection and then crafted a cartoon javelin with a boxing glove on the end.

"Time to vanquish a dragon" he said with a chuckle, he didn't really intend to kill the villain he just wanted to say something funny. Walt made the javelin fly at the criminal and it the boxing glove socked the man in the face causing him to stagger backwards. Walt then proceeded to create a construct of Battle Cat from He-Man and used him as a mount to ride on. He then made a lance with a boxing glove on the end appear in his right hand which he would use as a weapon, and with a command he made the giant feline charge the villain and had his lance aimed to strike Energizer in the face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nate smirked slightly and nodded as Sam said he had superspeed, he saw no need to make things sound more complicated to the guy than need be. He then rested his hands behind his head in a carefree manor as he thought about what Sam had just described about his recent experiences leading up to his powers awakening. "Hmm Well how people get their talents usually varies. Some people get bit by some radioactive something or other, while others are in some science experiment gone bad." He said giving Sam a sympathetic look. "Though yours is sounding... a bit less scientific centered."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Mission picked up his backpack from behind his chair and went to leave his home, an abandoned subway tunnel that had been caved in on both sides, leaving a large open chamber. He reached in the bottom of his bag and made sure everything was in order there. He ran back over to his chair and reached under it pulling out the binder there. He tooks two tabs out and quickly put them on his tongue, he hoped he wasn't gonna lose it again like he did last time he went out. He hadn't been out since but he was getting tired of sitting in front of his computer screen. The drugs helped him stay sane, no matter how hard that was to believe. Kids were making some good stuff now a' days though, not as good as the 70's but that shit had to be from space. He closed his eyes and was in on the surface again.

He sat there looking down on the city feet hanging off a rather tall building when suddenly he saw the Cartoon kid fighting some sort of steroided out battery. He lit a cigarette and thought about going to help him but there was no telling what the kid had got himself into this time. He saw a girl walking alone on the street side and took a deep drag of his cigarette. He phased from his spot into his radio room, checking for any recent activity besides the kids fight. He got wind of a bank robbery done by something or someone out of the ordinary, he pulled out his laptop and searched for other small banks in the area and quickly found a picture. He stood there in front of it cigarette in hand laptop now at his side. He pulled off his gloves and touched the stone of the building. No robbery yet, he would have to check the other two as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Talents, abilities, powers, I don't care what you call them. Anyway, if you have 'talents' as well, does that mean you have a secret hideout?" Sam said. A secret hideout would not only be awesome, but also good for him as he needed a place where he could test his new powers without being noticed. "Also, do you know any other people with powers? Man, this feels like I'm in the middle of a comic."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Uh dude I am a collage student, not Superman. I have a dorm." Nate said with a laugh as he looked at Sam. He then shrugged at Sam's second question. "I know of other people with powers, but I can't say I know any personally. Then again maybe I do and we just haven't talked about it, most people with powers are quite secretive about this topic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sam laughed as well, but was dissapointed to hear there wasn't such thing as a real life Avengers. He then looked at the time, and saw he was almost late for work. "Hey, I need to go now, but I want to keep in touch with you. Shall we exchange numbers?" Sam asked, taking out his phone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nate smiled as he gave Sam his number. "Yeah dude make sure to call me, we should get a coffee sometime. We might be able to figure out what your cape color should be." He said, though the last part jokingly. He then pulled out his own phone so he could get Sam's number.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sam added Nate's number to his contacts, then gave his number to Nate as well. "I'm not much of a cape fan anyway." He said, smiling. "Well, I see you later, Speedy!" He said. Then rushed out of the alley towards his job before he got fired on his first day. Speedy seemed as an appropiate nickname for someone with superspeed powers. Once at the grocery store, he walked inside and got greeted by the one behind the counter. "You're just in time, my shift just ended." The guy said. He gave his apron to Sam and then got out. It was reasonable at the store. Not many people mostly came in, you got paid decently and it wasn't far from any important buildings like some of the banks and the city hall. Even though he liked the fact he had powers now, he still was partly human, so he still needed money. This meant today was just another day he needed to work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The new villain the covered his first display of power. He smirked at the screen. Some would dismiss his attack as juvenile. He had done that on purpose no sense in them seeing his best work. He liked it when people underestimated him. He would show them but not yet. He needed to know what kid ofheros this city had and how many there were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Light walked along the streets. Many things going around his mind. He kept snapping his fingers as a way to pass time. He decided to stop for a coffee. He looked around for any nearby Shops but couldn't find one in sight. He took out his Cellphone, flipped it open and began to browse the Web for any nearby Coffee Shops. As he walked in the general direction of the Coffee shop he overheard an Explosion near city hall and he sighed. He began to fly over to City Hall, without a care if someone saw him Flying.

As he arrived at City Hall, he saw that everything surrounding the water fountain in front of City Ha was covered in Paint, he then proceeded to Sigh. He landed on the Ground and looked around. Who would be stupid enough to do this kind of thing, I mean if you wanna be evil at least make an attempt at being a Villain and not pull of such a childish prank.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Mission sat there with his hands on his pocket as another Super landed at city hall now covered paint. He took out another smoke and lit it looking over the scene with a curious eye. Who would go through all the trouble to set something up like this? He looked around and saw a small group of people starting to gather, and he fazed to the top of an office complex overlooking the crowd. This seemed to much like a trap to him. Whats a better way to call out all the people in the city then decorating city hall in your colors. He overlooked the area and pulled his bandana up crouching there. He fazed back down to the street into the back of the crowed just below where he was when he saw a substantial crowd lining the streets. He nearly popped into somebody when he did cause a drunk college student spilled his drink all over the place. "What the-?" He began to say looking Mission in his off colored eyes as he stood there silently, he imagined he looked a bit menacing but that wasn't a problem. No wanted to mess with someone they were scared of and when Mission looked in the mirror he scared himself sometimes even.

"Look man I don't want-" The kid began to say before Mission turned and walked towards the middle of the crowd trying to submerge himself there. If you were looking for a lion you wouldn't look were the lambs lay. He put out his smoke and looked at City Hall seeing what would happen. He couldn't seem to see the other super who had arrived at the same time as him, maybe he had got the same idea as Mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Walt was able to tank a blast from Energizer and landed a powerful blow to the man's head and Battle Cat was able to ram right into the villain and sent him flying. That was enough to knock Energizer out and soon the authorities had come and taken him off to jail. Walt decided to split in case the police wanted to take him in for vigilantism. While riding on the wings of a cartoon biplane he had crafted to leave the scene of the battle Walt noticed an explosion happen near city hall and he made the plane fly in that direction.

"Another scumbag wants to make a name for himself, what else is new?" he asked himself and almost immediately Sylvester the loony tunes cat appeared next to him.

"If you ask me these villains are despicable" he said in his silly lisp and Walt chuckled and then made the construct disappear. The trip to city hall was quick and Walt saw two other heroes not too far away. He landed close by the fountain and made the biplane disappear. He looked and saw that the explosion was just paint that had been blown everywhere.

"Wow some of these graffiti artist really have an obsessive problem with this crap" Walt said with a whistle and Stan Smith appeared next to him.

"Damn liberals, see this is what happens when you let raging leftists take over America!" the cartoon conservative shouted and Walt face-palmed, sometimes he didn't have control over how and when his constructs would manifest themselves.

"Now now let's not turn this into a political debate Stan" Walt said to the cartoon character and made him vanish with a wave of his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sam was just helping a customer when he heard a big bang. Everyone in the shop ran outside to see where it came from, so Sam also did this. He saw at the other end of the street that the city hall was covered in paint. He wanted to go there, but he needed to stay at the shop if he wanted to keep his job. That, and he still was a rookie hero. He wasn't even a real hero yet, as he didn't do anything heroic yet. He got back into the store, and looked on his phone for live footage.
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