Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character Sheet:

Name: (What do they call you?)
Age: (Self-explanatory)
Gender: (Male? Female? Other?)
Race: (Human? Faunus? Grimm-ish?)
Appearance: (Picture or description)
Personality: (What are you like?)
Background: (Why are you where you are?)
Affiliation: (Upriser, Loner, Rusty)
Weapon: (what does it look like?)
Fighting style: (how do you fight?)
Sembalance: (OPTIONAL; basically a semi-superpower)
Other: (Anything I missed or doesn't have a place)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Graham Malcolm

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again.

Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life.

Affiliation: Upriser

Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful.

Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs.

Sembalance: Can control soundwaves.

Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus
Species: Timber Wolf
Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines.

Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake.

Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion.

After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him.

And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago.

Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee.

Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks.

Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either.

Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal.

Other: Wears this most of the time

He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks

He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sagittarius
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Sagittarius The Archer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Indigo Beryl
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Grimm

Due to his half-blood, Indigo's body from the neck down is shadowy like a Grimm's, and his arms could be described as clawed gauntlets with bone spikes forming something akin to vambraces. Nonetheless, his figure is still quite humanoid. In order to hide his inhuman traits, he wears a metal azurite cloak that doubles as a layer of protection.

Indigo is a distant and quiet person. He's not one to initiate conversation, but will gladly chat with others(albeit not usually paying attention while doing so). Despite actually being quite kind, Indigo has dreadful morals and is completely unfazed by death. He sees nothing wrong with killing others, but doesn't because there's no point in doing it, either. He's surprisingly adept at understanding the situation and will protect whatever is important to him, though he won't understand why.

His past foggy even to himself, Indigo doesn't know the circumstances of how his controversial existence came to be. The earliest memory of his was when he massacred a group of hunters and, for the first time in his life, had a thought. What's the point in killing these people? And, just like that, Indigo stopped attacking fighting and ventured deeper into Vale. Eventually, Indigo adapted to life there, adopting a friendlier attitude and becoming surprisingly comfortable. Torchwick's henchmen, after figuring out that he was generally passive, decided to just ignore him.

Affiliation: Rusty
Weapon: Wind Needle - A long shard of wind Dust that is capable of stirring up powerful winds. Stabbing motions result in a piercing cone of wind, while slashing with it will either rend or knock-back depending on the closeness of the target. Due to the power and range of the attacks, using it indoors can result in self injury. Dust can be added for additional effects.

Indigo can also use his natural claws.

Fighting style: Indigo prefers to either snipe or disrupt his enemies' movements from afar with his needle, avoiding the use of his semblance when possible. If he's forced to engage in close-quarters, he pursues his foes while disregarding whatever wounds he sustains. If he catches his target, Indigo will violently and literally tear them to shreds with his claws.

Sembalance: Vampirism - Absorbing blood allows him to regenerates his body at an incredible rate. His body becomes stronger and more Grimm-like while doing so, and lowers his mental stability. The effect, for better or worse, wear off after not absorbing any blood for some time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarkFey
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DarkFey The Queen of Darkness

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Inari
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Faunus (black fox)


Inari is always gentle towards her fellow Faunus, however her two greatest hatreds in the world are Humans and Grimm. She despises the Grimm and wants nothing more that to wipe out every single one of them and anything associated with them. As for Humans, she considers them all to be untrustworthy bigots and would rather work alone than fight alongside one, unless absolutely necessary. Some humans may be nice people but, as far as she is concerned, none of them can be trusted until they prove to her otherwise.

Inari was born in Menagerie, under a different name, and experienced the discrimination of humans directly as she grew up alone on the streets. Even in the aftermath of the Faunus Rights Revolution, Humans living in and around Menagerie still made life for Faunus unpleasant. This came to a head when one evening in her early adolescence when she came across a group of drunk humans who were looking for trouble. She was passing by in a hurry and accidently ran into one of them, something they took personally. The humans decided to remind the insolent little Faunus of her place in a way that she would never forget. They carved four diagonal scars down her pretty little face, giving her the appearance of having been attacked by a clawed beast, and her fear, hatred and distrust of humans was born.

Inari spent the next few years hiding away from the world until she was found one day, in a back alley by a member of the White Fang. When he saw her scars he took her under his wing and introduced her into a life of rebellion against human cruelty. She donned a mask to hide her scarred face and discarded her previous name, instead choosing to call herself Inari, after a character from a street play she once saw as a child.

Over the next few years Inari would lose many of her White Fang comrades to the Grimm and she developed a hatred of them that rivaled her hatred of humans. So imagine her woe when she discovered that, not only had the White Fang allied with a human named Roman Torchwick, but that his plan involved the Grimm. Ordered by her superiors to assist in Torchwick's plans, she did so under protest, and witnessed the man's callous attitude toward the Faunus under his command. Torchwick became a center point for Inari's hatred and, in the aftermath of the Breach, while most of the White Fang rallied around Adam Taurus, Inari struck out on her own, planning to undermine Torchwick in any way she could.

Affiliation: Loner/White Fang

Shrouded Glass: Inari uses Fire and Earth Dust, woven into the fabric of her clothing, to create weapons made of diamond hard Obsidian. She crafts the black glass-like mineral into bladed weapons such as swords, daggers and throwing knives.

Fighting style: When fighting with a sword weapon, Inari uses the Kenjutsu fighting style, confronting her opponents with graceful swordplay. When wielding smaller blades like daggers or knives she falls back on a more agile fighting style of ninjutsu.

Gravity Manipulation: Inari is able to effect the direction of gravitational pull upon herself, allowing her to stand and walk on vertical and even upside down surfaces.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I finally finished my character and wanted you to look over it before I post it. Enjoy.

Name: Danny

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human


Personality: Danny is kind and sweet and he will help the the weak when they call for him. He is also can be quite friendly to people he hasn't met yet, but if they throw hate at him he throws it back. Basically Danny treats people how they treat him.

Background: Danny lived in vale with his parents until he became 18 that's when he moved out and started a life of his own. He took the job as assistant teacher for a local kids school, and when he wasn't busy helping out at the school he was busy inventing.

On the day of the grim attack Danny was helping a teacher out in her class. When a grim came bursting through the school wall followed by a few others. Many of the children and school faculty died that day leaving Danny with tragic memories. Of what happened just so a corrupted man could become leader of what is now a dying city. From that point on Danny swore that Torchwick would pay for the innocent blood he spilled that day.

Affiliation: Loner/Upriser

Weapon: Danny's main focus is in weaponry is ones that use/control dust, and has so far created a few successful weapons that follow the lay out.

Weapon: Desert storm - A small handgun that doubles as a flare gun that can fire bullets with different effects depending on the dust he used. To fire a flare Danny has to load the gun with a bullet infused with red rust (fire) and when he fires a flare would come out.

Twin Ice Dragon - Danny has ice, wind, and earth dust infused with his gloves that can allow him to create two twin blades that are hard as obsidian. They can slice through most things in a clean slice, and are a force to reckon with.

Fighting style: Danny prefers to attack faster than his enemy, but not use brute force. He has decided that light but fast attacks work best when trying to do offense and defense at the same time.

Sembalance: Clone/replicas of himself.
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