Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Among the chaos that brews is always a glint of hope. One that attracts all the rest of the hope within the chaos together. This is what happens when chaos' natural enemy, order, arises. Order among chaos usually resolves chaos. Who knows what'll happen when this glint of hope attracts more. Will they sit in the center, dissipating the surrounding chaos? Or will it dissolve and scatter among the chaos, never to be seen again?

Roman Torchwick

Roman orders some of his men in. "Alright, boys. It's time for a lockdown. I mean every man, woman, and child inside. Head count, and report back. And be sure to check the old base. I don't want any of our... feral brothers hiding out there. If they can't afford to live here, they can leave. Assuming they find an exit that isn't blocked by us or Grimm." Remembering the White Fang members who occasionally inhabit these halls, Roman was sure to be careful not to insult the fleabags. He was cruel, not dumb.

"Yes, boss." The soldier replies, as he and the others gathered exit the now-emptied Beacon Academy in the aircrafts they had gotten used to. "Man, it's good being king." Roman says to himself. After a few seconds of silence, he says aloud "I know we can't find more hunters. That's what we're doing here at Beacon: training great hunters. To work for us." A few more seconds of silence pass. "Yeah, yeah. They need Aura. I know, but we're doing the best we can. Scooping up every window licker with a certain glow about 'em. We-"

At that, the doors burst open again, revealing a slim frame. Feminine curves, but not long hair. The glare keeps her out of sight. "I might have news you want. Master." Roman knew the voice. Very well. The voice from the woman glided through the air, as though they were made of silk. The redheaded leader smirks and tells she-who-has-been-away-for-far-too-long "well let's hear it, baby doll." At the remark, the woman sets down a scroll and walks out, saying "that's the message. Don't sniff it for my scent too long, darling." Roman, now annoyed, yet with a slight bump in the crotch of his pants, walks over, picks up the bottle, and walks to his chambers, saying only "I think we've found it."


Magdeline has been outside observing all this, but she couldn't hear anything after the soldiers left. If only sound bugs could crawl. She was only able to see Roman talking, but nobody else in the room. Until that lady came in. She wasn't there long enough to get a good look, but her body language was very responsive to Roman. Maybe a lover? Interested coworker? No clue, but what she did know was there was a scroll in Roman's possesion now. And from the dictator's face, it couldn't have been good news for the Uprising. Saying nothing, she deactivates her bug, catching blips of soldiers telling people to get in their houses and... things much worse than that.

Once back at the base, in the middle of the industrial district's underground, Magdeline reveals what she knows to her team. "We need to figure out what they're planning with that scroll, could one of you be a dear and get some more information on scrolls, probably those dealing with power, if I know Roman well enough. And I'm sure I do. Now, since they're starting a curfew, we need to be extra careful when we plan meetings later in the day. If we make a night time meeting, use rooftops or underground if you can. If you must use ground level, take back roads. I'd rather you be late than dead. Hear me?" She asks her final question with tears starting to well up. Dammit, I can't keep going to the past. I need to focus on here, now, and these kids that need help. Taking a deep breath and wiping her eyes, Magdeline continues. "Now, I've done some scouting about the patrols, and I've marked them on the boards. The red dots are where they start and are at the top of the hour. avoid the lines as much as you can. If you need somewhere to stay after a meeting, you're more than welcome to stay at my house, but you'll have to be careful not to mess up the morning head count. Know the patrols. Be safe. I love you all. Now get home and get some rest. Avoid fighting. Next meeting: same time, same place, exactly one week. I'll find a hole in their defence for us to pounce on."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

TL;DR: Rebellious teen is rebellious, Silme goes against everything that Magdeline says and makes off with a Truck full of dust heading to the Loner Zone. And who says crime doesn't pay?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Graham laughed when Magdeline mentioned getting rest. "Haha, the night is when I'm awake." He said as a joke. He liked Magdeline, she was very caring, a good quality to have. "And I'm booked out for most of the week. Well, see ya next week everyone!" He said with a smile and a wink before putting on his goggles and started to run, he turned back quickly "Or one of the nights if you're about that!" He said as more of a kind offer to hang out than promoting himself as a DJ. Graham decided to take the rooftop route as he managed to find an access ladder when he got outside. Graham reached the rooftops and smiled. He had a good week ahead of him and hopefully a mission at the end. Fun nights and fun fights, his kind of plan. Graham vaulted and slid under pipes and generators, leaping from close rooftop to the next till he reached the residential district. He found his way done and walked home, carefully taking the back alleys and other alternative routes than the streets. His house was a small one but he lived by himself and could do what he wanted. Graham went straight to his room and took off his goggles, chucking them on the bed. He went straight to packing his DJ set, he had a long night tonight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sapphire had shook her head, smirking at Slime telling her to go home. "Oh, yeah. I'll see you there." The cat-girl gives a cute little purr as she waves at Slime when he leaves. Several seconds after he leaves, she says. "Yeah, I'm gonna follow him." She gives a smile, pulling up her hood and walking out of the door, making sure that Zanislash was with her. She did not know the kind of trouble that she could get into outside, but knew it could not be good if she didn't have her weapon with her.

Walking outside, she quickly but stealthily followed Slime. Being a cat Faunus helped with this greatly, and she easily stalked him. That was, until he got himself into a fight. Quickly, she scales a roof, and stares down as she watches him fight. Her heart thumped and her tail fluttered as she watched him. "So purrrrfect!" Sapphire purrs quietly. She had, for a long time, had a major crush on Slime, which didn't seem like it was going to die any time soon.

This was one of the main reasons, as well as the need to make sure her friend would be safe, that the second there was a gap Sapphire leaped from the roof as far as she could, landing perfectly on her feet. She rushes full speed toward the truck, before leaping onto the roof, not making so much as a rustle as she did. Her reddish eyes watch Slime as he defeats all of the men, leaving one alive to drive the truck. She lowers her head, hiding herself, before feeling the truck moves moments later. I wonder where we are going. Sapphire thinks to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

The truck soon arrived at the edge of the Loner zone, the wall being guarded by androids Torchwick had stolen from Ironwood. They made it easy to smuggle stuff out to the territory, letting you through as long as the driver had correct qualifications. Torchwick might've put some of his men here, but the attacks by Grimm were so frequent, it was just a waste of manpower. Androids also had no emotions that woukd draw the Grimm to the gate, thus making it a less enticing target than the Loner communities spread throughout the interior of the zone, which sprang up and died of like mayflies, here one day and gone the next.

Silme got out of the vehicle, moving to the front to die up the final loose end with a swipe of his claws, adding another layer of shining red to the dull black metal of his Ravagers. He then retracted his claws into the gauntlet section to leave his hands free, knocking out a certain number of taps onto the side of the truck. Soon after, a horde of thugs came out of the woodwork, one man standing out from the rest with his blonde hair, long black trench coat, and the shiny sword he held in his hand.

"Ruthless as always, I see, ever going to tell me how a kid like you is able to so effectively slaughter everything Torchwick sends to protect his shipments."

"Nope, I like to keep secrets, keeps people on their toes. Now then Carver, I've held up my end of the deal, you hold up yours. Pay up sleazebag." Silme's clear disrespect of their leader made them rather angry, one more so then the rest.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, talking to Carver like that, ya fuckin' ani-" Was aa far as he got before Silme rushed over and launched a fist into his throat, cutting off his words and oxygen. He then went on to break the man's leg by kicking it so hard it bent backwards, then headbutted him in the face with his mask, breaking his nose in a gush of crimson. The man fell over, hardly able to scream fro, both hus throat being punched and the sheer amoint of painmhe was in.

"Anyone else want to talk shit, cause I can bring the claws out if I have to." All the goon shook their heads, staring at the moaning form of their comrade.

Carver sighed, obviously annoyed by the situation. "Somebody get this idiot fixed up, and wolf-boy, please don't maim my guys anymore. It draws Grimms, you know that." He reached into his jacket to pull out several rather large stacks of cash, which Silme quickly relieved him of. Now that the job was done, he had no need to were the mask, so he removed it, taking a big breath of fresh air. His smile quickly became a frown, however, as he smelled someone that was supposed to be at home.

"Sapphire, I said go home, can't you listen to me just one time." He groaned before jumping up to confront the stowaway on top of the truck.

Carver made a gesture, and his men began offloading the dust from the truck, then he carefully climbed up the front of the truck, standing behind Silme and giving Sapphire a big grin. "Hey Kitten, how are you doing today, have anything you need to buy cause you know I'm your guy." Carver was the biggest blackmarket dealer in the Loner Zone and probably all of Vale, if it existed then he could get it for you, using methods you're better off not knowing. He was also a sleazy asshole that had a thing for Faunus girls and a very 'hands-on' approach to flirting that was rarely ever well-recieved.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sapphire silently watched the interchange between Slime and Carter She couldn't help but fiddle with her hair as she watched, her gaze settling on Slime. She thought that perhaps his aggressive actions were a bit unnecessary, she was almost (as she put it) head over heels for him (though in reality, she was definately head over heels[/i]). Her unwavering attention on Slime allowed her to easily see that the wolf had caught her scent when he did.

"Well, you caught me!" Sapphire says out loud, giving off a giggle, before her face turns red. Carter appeared to be coming over, as well. Sapphire raised herself up, and as if to say to Carter "I'm taken" (even though she wasn't) she wraps her arms around Slime, cuddling up to him with a shy purr. "H-Hello, Carver," she says. The nickname Kitten was kinda nice, she had to admit. It dulled her shyness by the tiniest proportion. "I'll be sure to c-come to you if I need anything, I guess."

With that, the cat-Faunus turns to address whom she had her arms wrapped around. "I just wanted to follow you," The girl says, giving a smile and a tiny wink. "I prefer being with you than without." She stands on her tiptoes and brushes her cheek across the side of his face, purring as if she was hypnotized by him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Magdeline was concerned by Silme's methods, but he always reliably got her information, whether he seemed like he wanted to or not. I wish he would seem like he's at least not pissed off to be here. It's hard to work with him sometimes. It feels like he hates everyone here. I'm sure he's been treated bad for being faunus, but I'm not going to treat him badly for anything. The worst I would feel about him would be if he decides to work for Torchwick, which I doubt would happen. Magdeline knew that his hatred for humans was only outmatched by his disposition of Roman Torchwick. The man whose voice was in the White Fangs' ears. Speaking of voices in ears, Torchwick seemed to be talking to someone after all the people left. I didn't see anyone in there, but I may have missed a corner. But he usually talks directly to the person to whom he's speaking...

Magdeline's mind was spinning as she walked home with her falsified credentials to be out this late, posing as a second-shift worker headed home late. She knew a shop owner who would cover for her alibi and had fake records to help the cause. It was win-win. She could walk the streets at night and he could pocket what her "salary" would be when he got called in for verification, which was most weeks. The soldiers see a middle-aged woman walking the streets with no weapons (well, none visible) and they don't bat an eye. Usually.

This night, the guards were on high alert. Apparently, a 'wire tap' was on one of the guards at their daily meeting, so they're suspicious of a mole in their ranks. Since they were agitated, they took it out on the citizenry. Tonight, it happened to be Magdeline. "Hey, lady. What'cha doin' out so late? Gettin' home from yer boyfriend's place?" Too worn out from avoiding them earlier, Magdeline showed her "credentials" and explained she happened to work late. One slight mistake: the expiration date on the fake credential has passed. "Heh. Yer boss ain't keepin' up well with his employees, eh? Or do you even work there?" His partner chimed decided to chime in. "Oh my. Looks like we'll have ta book ya. Well, unless there's some... compensation." Smirking at his oh so clever phrasing, Magdeline just rolled her eyes.

"Look, I'll get it sorted out. You can call him, he's just behind on his distribution of creds, fellas." "Well, too bad. It's your responsibility to make sure he keeps up wit' your stuff. Now, you can just pay us, we can take this into the alleyway, or you can try ta run and we book ya." To which his ever so bright partner chimes in. "Yeah, and if we book ya, we might still take it into an alleyway. You have been naughty." Magdeline just rolls her eyes again and, after taking a moment to think, smirks a little herself. "Alright, boys. If you really wanna, we can take this into the alleyway. Follow me~" Winking at the end of her sentece, she walks down the alleyway, exaggerating her walk to show off the sway of her ass.

Once she was in a dark enough spot, she pulled out her daggers and hid behind a trash can. Of course the guards come strolling in, trying to act not-aroused and casual, as if they'd seen a possible faunus leaping around in the alleyway. Once they were in range, Magdeline slit one's throat and chained the other, slashing his throat as well. Tossing both bodies into a dumpster, she resumed her transit home from the rooftops and shadowy back ways. Damn. I didn't want to have to kill anyone tonight. I'll have to make sure Thomas updates my creds so I don't have this issue again. I know I'll pay for this later. Probably in the form of my back acting up. Eh, a few glasses of beer and some advil will fix it all up before it even starts. With that, she was finally home and could relax.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarkFey
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DarkFey The Queen of Darkness

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The alleyway murder of two of Torchwick's goons that night had not gone unnoticed. Hidden eyes watched from the shadows as a middle aged woman slit the throats of two strong healthy men and dumped their corpses in a dumpster as if it was just another day of work. As the woman turned and left the alley a white and red mask, framed by long black hair, emerged from the darkness. The light of a passing car flashed down the alleyway and briefly illuminated the figure's foreign clothes and glinted dully off of the black glass-like sword she clutched in one hand.

Inari approached the dumpster and lifted the lid, giving the bodies a brief glance before looking in the direction the woman had gone. Strange... She thought, letting the lid close once again and releasing her hold on her sword, which shattered into Dust as it left her hand. She turned towards the wall and jumped, traversing up the wall to the rooftop in three leaps. Once there she made her way deeper into the city of Vale until she found a rooftop from which she could see Beacon high above. As she stood there, looking out over Vale and the old Hunter Academy, she thought about what she had seen that night. "Things are beginning to move in this city..." She mused out loud, running a finger along the edge of her mask. I must learn more. She finished, in her thoughts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Graham made it to his club venue just before customers were really started to queue up. Graham had this trouble as he had to carry his stuff there as he doesn't have a car. "Where have you been? The Owner has been waiting for you!" The bouncer asked. "No time to explain just gotta get this set up." Graham said. The bouncer just shook his head a little, rolling his eyes as he opened the door for Graham. Graham quickly rushed to the stage as everything was set up except for him. He went to the stage and began setting up all of his equipment like the mix desk, laptop, headphones, and microphone to name a few. When he was finished wiring everything he quickly pulled out his phone after putting on the first track, a calm one compared to his other tracks he made to start off the night. "Party at Club Eternity, hit it up if you're looking for a good time!" He sent to everyone on his contact list, including the Uprisers. The first few people began to come in, ordering drinks and what not.

-3 hours later-

This night was getting good, people were dancing and having a good time, and nothing had went wrong so far. "Are you all having a good time tonight?" He asked the audience through his microphone. The crowd responded with cheers, which made Graham smile as he used his sampler and mixing deck to make the song he had to have more bass and turn into a dubstep song rather than an electronic one he was currently playing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

As she overlooked the city, Inari would notice a group of Torchwick's goons stepping out of a truckin front of a club, but these weren't members of the White Fang. They all wore deep maroon combat-wear, all of them wearing black Grimm masks that seemed to be resembling that of an Ursa. They were all heavily armed with top of the line equipment, and even from way up high, one could sense the depravity of these men. They were uncaring savages, monsters in the shape of men that wanted nothing more then to wreak bloody chaos whenever they were unleashed. But as intimidating as these men may have been, their leader was terrifying.

He was imossibly tall, around 6'11, with a shock of spiky red hair on his head, and his eyes hidden behind a high tech metal visor, red light emanating eerily from the gaps. He was wearing a similar outfit as his cronies, but his was mostly black, with red lines woven through-out it. His arms wete uncovered, the rippling muscle hidden under a dense layer of coarse black fur, as well as Ivory spikes and plates that ran up the length of the huge limbs. These powerful arms ended in savage claws, sharp as any blade, with one holding a large, brutish weapon, suiting of such a figure. It was a large mechanized black cleaver, bearing one deadly cutting edge, that he swung around with a practiced ease.

Turning towards the club doors, a savage smile on his lips, as he drew back his arm before launching a single punch into the door, blowing it off it's hinges with a loud crash. The people infront of the door went flying back, causing people to stop and turn in fear to look as the men walked inside. Whispers ran around the room, only increasing in intensity when the huge white haired man came in, instantly recognizable by everyone present.

The Butcher

He was Torchwick's main guy, known for being a cruel, heartless man by all, and better still known for bring half-Grimm, though no one knows how that came to be. One thing everyone knew, however, is that where ever The Butcher appeared, people tended to die. He was a man who followed his instincts, and his were always telling him to kill, kill, kill.

The Butcher moved through the crowd, his men standing near the entrance and around the dancefloor with weapons raised, lickung their lips in anticipation. These were the Butcher's Boys, sickos and freaks that got off on violence, death, and mutilation. If anyone were to give them trouble, than the Boys would make them into their toy, were the only thing forbidden to them was to put the toy out of its misery. Once your in their claws, everybody knew you were as good as dead and that it'll be the most painful, agonizing, humiliating death imaginable.

"Hey, old man," The Butcher said as he reached the owner of the establishment, lifting him up by the front of his shirt as spoke, "You're late on your taxes again, asshole, what's the deal. You'd think you'd learn your lessoon after we broke your brother's kneecaps the last time. but obviously not. We gave you a warning this morning, so I'll ask just cause I'm a nice, Do you have it yet."

The owner was terrified, he had thought he'd have more time. "I'm sorry, I swear I'll have it by the end of this month, just please spare me." The Butcher rolled his head, scanning the room from behind his visor until he spotted one girl hiding in the crowd, a pretty young thing bearing a resembalance to the man he held. Smiling, The Butcher proceded to throw the owner into the bar,his smile growing as the girl ran over to him. He grabbed her arm before shr could reach the man's unconscious form and lifted her up, grabbing her roughly by the chin, his claws dangerously close to her face. "You've been holding out, old man, you're daughter is a real beauty. . . just the kind of girl that Torchwick's been needing to warm his bed at night. Of course, the boys and I will have to give her some training on how to treat the boss, make sure she nice and docile. I look forward to that." The girl tried her best to struggle out of his grip, but it was no use. He tossed her to two of his boys, who knocked her out by butting her in the back of her head with a rifle, barely able tp control themselves as they undressed her with their eyes, like she was a piece of meat for them to inspect.

With the payment recieved, The Butcher and his men began to make their way out of the establishment, expecting to be unchallenged as was the norm.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Graham watched as armed men burst into the club. Clearly Torchwick's, Graham put his goggles on to cover his eyes, trying to play along and keep it cool, carrying on playing his music. Graham observed the apparent leader as he spoke to the owner, this was clearly not boding well. Graham slipped away, taking off his headphones but he kept the music playing. Drawing his tonfas, Graham weaved in-between the crowd, crouching low so he couldn't be spotted. Graham was close enough to keep a clear line of sight on him, right when he was grabbing the girl. Graham twirled his tonfas as he walked behind. He tapped the leader on the shoulder and coughed to make his presence clear. Graham swung his tonfa at the Butchers face when he turned around, grabbing the girl by the wrist in the meantime and threw her into the crowd of onlookers. With the long side of his tonfas facing outwards, he stared down the men, ready to fight with a grin on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Magdeline shot up in her bed when she heard an explosion. Couldn't have been a few blocks away at most. Oh, no. That could be someone from the meeting. Deciding against changing out of her fuzzy, greyscale-plaid sweatpants and T-shirt, simply putting her black jacket over it, Maggie grabbed her knife belt and dashed out her rooftop-access attic door and headed to the place with smoke coming off it. I can't see anything. Is that a club...? I remember seeing a text about a party earli- Graham. Something big enough to make that big of an explosion would be far too much for Graham to handle. But I don't know of anything that Roman has that could do this. Other than the tanks, but he keeps those at his house. Well, Beacon. Whatever.
Magdeline got close enough to see that it was indeed the 'Club Eternity' Graham mentioned. Magdeline decided to hang off nearby and observe. She'd intervene if things got out of hand. Forgive me, Graham, but we need information. That is one big boy. Wait, is that Roman's Butcher guy? Shit. If he's involved, then someone's really got on Roman's bad side. I don't know enough about how he fights, but I can chain him down for a few seconds if things are about to get bad. We really need information on this guy, but he needs. To. Die. Magdeline sat in a shaded shrub in view of the Butcher, channelling her Aura and readying her sembalance chains for the moment things turn for the worst, feeling helpless and angry beyond compare. The man who killed her son and basically bragged about it to her face was standing right there, and she didn't have the strength or knowledge to kill him. Yet...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

The Butcher took the punch, letting the girl fall into the crowd. He suddenly found himself not caring about her, no no, not when he had this little morsel in front of him. He rolled his neck, mostly unaffected by his attack. He felt like he was going to really enjoy cutting this little brat into teeny-tiny, bite sized pieces. Maybe he'd find the boy's family and make them watch him do it, maybe he'd have them eat him before he did the same as well. Decisions, decision's, they were all so tempting, but he guessed he could handle that part later. First thing first, time to teach the little shit what happens when you mess with The Butcher and his Boys.

With a gesture of his hand, his boy's took their positions, guarding the exit and making sure that no one would be getting in. . . or out for that manner, as the club's patrons seemed eager to do. They went as far away from the two combatants as the Boy's would let them, the girl being stealthily taken away by the boy's while Graham wasn't paying attention and loaded into the truck. The Butcher did a few test swings with his blade, a warm up if you will, the silence growing ever more tense as he did so, until he finally spoke.

"Kid, you're in way over your head. I've taken on Hunters and Huntresses ten times as tough as you are, and broke them like toothpicks. There was this one lad to, a bright lad just like you, he was a tough fight. . . and he made for a tough meal as well." The Butcher licked his lips as he got into position, the blade in front of him in both hands, he looked like a bull about to mow down a young calf. And then everything behind him exploded in a flash of darkness, sending him hurtling towards Graham at high speed. Instead of using his blade, however, he simply switched hands in midair, as he spun around like he was going to use it, then launched a powerful jab right a the boy's gut, aiming to send him hurtling into the crowd of terrified patron's. Everyone who had been around The Butcher had been scattered by the blast, literally, as pieces could be seen falling down and blood was splatter everywhere. This caused panic, as people tried to bush past the Boys to get away, only to be ruthlessly gunned down for their efforts. Graham would be caught in the middle of this mad scramble, squeezed like a sardine by the press of bodies against him.

Just as the Butcher had planned, the boy was a fool to challenge him in such an enclosed and heavily populated space, and he was now going to face the consequence's of his actions. The ground underneath him exploded again, sending him up into the air, as he spun around with the Cleaver in hand and made a small ball of darkness appear behind him, which flashed red once before it exploded, launching him at where the boy was, caught like a rat in a trap. He was about to cleave him, and everyone who was in the way, into pieces, when black chains came from all around, wrapping around him and holding him in place above the patrons. The Butcher didn't look worried, however, in fact he looked downright pleased. The glow of his visor seemed to intensify, as if their was some beast inside that it was trying to contain, as The Butcher's smile grew wide and hungering, a long, blackened tongue creeping of his mouth to slide along his lips.

"Ohhhhh, so he's one of yours, is he? Your children seem to have a nasty habit of ending up as my lunch, don't they Magdeline." He poke her name with a sickening fondness, his smile becoming increasing monstrous as the black from his arms seemed to crawl up his neck, "I told Torchwick that he should've let me have my fun with you back at the Breach, but he said that you wouldn't be a threat, just a dried out old crone who'd know her place. Glad that you didn't, because that means I get to see that beautiful look of despair and loss again and again as I turn another of your brood into nothing but empty sacks of rotten meat." He began to laugh, a booming baritone of depraved, manic amusement, as his form became enshrouded with a glowing darkness before he seemed to explode, hidden from sight by the darkness.

When it dispersed, only horror would be visible, as a large swathe of people had been cut down, Graham just barely being missed. It had been so close, that he had a small cut on his face. An inch more, and he'd be dead, that was how close it had been. "Don't think I missed boy," The Butcher said, on the other end of the bloody dance floor, covered in blood from the bodies, and proceeding to lick it from his blade. "I just want Maggy to know that if she doesn't come out soon, she'll be less one more son, that'd but her at -1, a first I'm sure." Again, The Butcher burst into a fit of manic laughter, the sound of it bouncing off the walls and echoing from all around, like the laugh of a demon, or even the Devil himself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarkFey
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DarkFey The Queen of Darkness

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Inari landed outside the club, having been alerted by the chaotic explosions within, just in time to see a pair of savage looking men dragging a girl out towards a truck while two more took position by the doors to allow no one inside. She straighten up and strolled towards the four men, the clack of her clogs on pavement alerting them to her arrival. The two by the door turned towards her as the other two dragged the girl towards the truck. "Clubs closed, girly." He said threateningly, brandishing his gun at her as he squinted into the night, trying to make out her details. Inari moved, sweeping her hand towards the men without breaking her stride and the light from the neon club sign reflected briefly off of two objects that flashed through the air towards them. With little more than a gurgled cry the two men at the door dropped, clutching at the black glass knives that protruded from their throats.

The men dragging the girl dropped her and turned to face this new threat only the find her standing right in front of them. The closest made to raise his weapon only to have a long sword blade thrust up through chin. With a cry of rage the last man opened fire, strafing the area with gunfire as Inari moved out of his line of fire. Her blade flashed and the front half of his gun clattered to the ground. She was right there, inches away from his face and the last thing he saw was the dark pits her mask's eyes. Her blade flashed through the air once again and he dropped, like a puppet with it's strings cut.

Inari looked down at the unconscious girl for a moment. A human girl. She shrugged coldly, leaving her there and turning towards the club. It sounded like chaos inside, explosions and gunfire. She readied her blade and stepped inside, only to feel yet another goon as he turned to confront her. It seemed he was the only one to have noticed her entrance as all attention was focused on the large beastial man in the middle of the club. She could practically sense his aura of cruel evil. Grimm. The thought appeared in her mind and, behind her mask, her eyes narrowed in hate. She heard his little monologue and had had enough. With a single leap forwards, she was past the crowd of onlookers and on the dance floor, off to the Butcher's side. She silenced the monster's mad cackling with her own personal self-introduction. The obsidian dagger that she threw glanced off his visor, scarring the headgear and then clattering to the floor, where it disintegrated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

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The only remaining henchman in her sight, Magdeline tried something she'd never considered doing with her Sembalance before: killing. She focused her chains on the henchman, but specifically on his neck. With rage seething from her in both body language and facial expression, Magdeline squeezed a fist with the hand controlling her Sembalance chains, and it tightened until a *snap* was heard. The chains dissolved with the lifeless body slumping to the ground. By this point, Magdeline was in full view and in the club.

With an eerie calm, Magdeline smiled at Graham, then at this mysterious woman who appeared a little bit ago when she mentions her. "You should probably head home now, sweetie. And you too, dear. You won't be able to do much of any real damage. I'll take care of him." Nearly spitting the last word out, though she kept a calm attitude. She turned to the Butcher. "I don't think we'll need to get animal control involved with taking out this animal, and it looks like pests are under control, so no exterminator needed. Eh, Grundal?" Calling the beast by his real name was far from Magdeline's only mental warfare, but she was just trying to attract the big bully's attention so he was less focused on carnage, and less caring about survivors. "That's right, big boy. I did some research on you before tonight. Turns out, we went to the same academy. Same graduating class. You probably wouldn't remember the group named MNLA ("Magnolia")? Your team rival all four years? We disbanded a while back. A few months short of a year, actually, due to... complicated circumstances, after the Grimm breached the town. Hard to work with three dead teammates. Oh, and a kid-on-the-way. Yeah, you remember him. I know you do. I hope I can allow you two to be... closer. Like in the same pit." Her last sentence was filled with undeniable anger, sadness, and pure, unadulterated hatred.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Everything went by in a flurry, Graham could barely react to what was going on. Before he knew it, people laid dead and the Butcher stood there, laughing like a maniac. "You sick bastard!" Graham yelled. And then suddenly Inari and Magdeline was in the room. Magdeline advised them both to go home but Graham merely shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere." He said, twirling his tonfas. As they twirled they transformed into their pistol form, and Graham aimed one at the Butcher and the other scanning between his men. "C'mon!" He yelled to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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The Butcher turned to face the newcomer, turning to look as Magdeline killed one of his boys rather brutally, his monstrous smile never shrinking as he pondered his options. The boy obviously hadn't gotten his message, but that didn't matter now, what matter was that he was outnumbered, 3-1. Which means, he was actually in a fair fight for once.

Raising up his cleaver, it shifted into a cannon-like object which retracted over his forearm before squeezing down to form a snug fit. He then pointed it up towards the ceiling, a darkness raising from the barrel before he shot out a ball of dark Aura into the air, then quickly shifted the cannon from damage to precision, and fired several smaller spheres at each of his opponents, before the large ball exploded with great force, cracking the floor and cloaking everything in darkness temporarily. He switched his weapon back into cleaver form, then blasted himself at the Faunus girl, aiming at her with a swinging over head chop, being much faster with his weapon than any person had a right to be. he'd continue to slash at her in a fast moving barrage, changing it up suddenly in the middle by clicking a button that caused the cleaver to become a scythe, and thus making his attacks much more intense and harder to avoid as he upped the speed, before adding a 5 blast spheres into the misc, blowing them up in her face while they were engaged, then switching targets as the darkness dispersed, this time heading for Graham.

He switched back to his cleaver, but he swung it like a baseball bat at him, intending to smack the kid around a little. Whether it succeeded or not, he's the n launched a bunch, his arm completely blackened with his aura, and he'd unleash a devastating punch right at him, and into the few survivors behind him. If he dodged, they'd take the full brunt of the attack, but if he took the attack, it would do a heck of a lot more than just tickle. The Butcher would then use the force from that attack to launch him into a spinning attack at Magdeline, the darkness finally gone from the room at this point. He'd attempt to slice her in half, the attack being so strong that it would cut deeply into the dance floor, and he actually struggled a tiny bit to pull it out.

'Grundai. . . been awhile since I've been called that. Yeah, I was on team Grendel I believe, the leader and we were sent to the Ivory Grove to face some new kind of Grimm, one that was said to be. . .intelligent. we were the top of our class, and some of the best out there, so us being chosen was a given. Yet it only ended in failure, and when I came back into the world of Man from that hellhole, I was changed, stronger, faster, better than man or faunus!" Grundai held a hand to his head, the visor was growing really intensely now, and was beginning to pulse in time with his breath. And thhat smile of his was growing inhuman wide now, and the teeth were starting to become very, very sharp. A low, rumbling growl could be heard emanating from deep with in his throat, not in anger, but in pure, unadulterated excitement. The blood on the floor, the fear in the air, the hatred on the faces of those he faced, it did nothing to discourage or weaken him, on the contrary, it made him feel all the more alive. He could feel it, deep inside him, something truly craving this negative energy, the taste of it on his tongue better than fine wine. He wanted, he needed it, he must have.

He would have it. . . but that day was not today. The beast was at the gates, and this wasn't the time to release it from it's cage.

"I made a deal with the devil, Maggy, and it's made me a god amongst men. You were all doomed from the start, and while I'd really like to finish this came, I think it's time I took my leave." Grundai once again became cloaked in darkness, but it was a much deeper than before, and from it radiated such a sense of hatred, of fear, of pure unadulterated, that it would drive them back, the feeling like worms crawling in their skin. And in one bestial roar, The Butcher released all of the energy he held, the blast effecting the entire club. By the time it cleared, The Butcher and his remaining boys were gone, so was the girl and their truck. The Butcher had escaped. . . or maybe he had let them escape, either way, the end result remained the same. Their were many injured and more dead with in the club, which would probably never become operable ever again.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DarkFey
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DarkFey The Queen of Darkness

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When the monster had struck, Inari had barely avoided the first attack and quickly realised that, with the shrouding darkness in the club, she couldn't rely on just her eyes. Her vision was sharp, but her ears and nose were sharper. When he came at her, the sound of his blade moving through the air and the smell of his sweat were enough for her to keep track of him. Even then he was fast and she was only just able to stay ahead of his swings. She didn't even try to parry or block his attacks, but simply did her best to avoid them.

The last strike he swung her way was the fastest yet and should have been the end of her, but at the last second she leapt upwards with all her strength twisting in the air as her semblance took hold and she felt the pull of gravity shift towards the ceiling. She landed, her feet sticking to the roof and the attack passed harmlessly under her. She took a moment to recover and, from her high vantage point, reassess the situation. Then the whole thing was over, before she could continue to act. Another flash of darkness and the monster was gone, along with all of his goons. Inari relaxed her sword arm, releasing the blade from her grip and letting it collapse into dust, as she looked down (up?) at everyone from her position on the ceiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Graham back stepped as the Butcher swung his cleaver towards him, unfortunately it didn't stop there as his opponent charged up whatever dark energy he was using in his fist. At the same time, Graham used his semblance and took the sound waves emitting from the speakers and launched it forward, making the sound waves slam into the butcher, hopefully slowing down the punch, Graham turned his pistols back into tonfas and double blocked with them, crossing the long sides together. Despite the attempt, the punch was incredible and sent Graham tumbling backwards into the crowd. He was very lucky, that could have been a lot worse. As Graham shakily stood up, the Butcher and his men was nowhere to be seen, neither was the girl either. Damn it! Why did he have to be so reckless, getting civilians in danger too. Graham collapsed on the ground, tears welling up. "I'm so... fucking stupid!" He exclaimed, talking to himself. He punched the ground in frustration. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He yelled at himself again, repeating his actions. He made a promise to himself, he'll train up, become stronger and get back at the Butcher. He stood up and slowly walked to the owner. "I'm going to get her back. That's a promise." He said solemnly to the owner. He then turned to Mags and Inari, still keeping his goggles own. "Thank you, for the help." He said, and then chuckled. "Sure kept my ass being destroyed." He added with a weak smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The carnage this beast was creating was devastating. To make matters worse, the beast wouldn't let up. It's an unfair fight no matter what. We need to get out of here. There's no way we can take him on like this. At that moment, the Butcher had just slugged Graham and knocked him back. It was her turn now. Seeing the large blade about to be slung at her, Magdeline prepares to dodge, but his speed. He's faster than any man of that size and with that size of weapon should move. She barely dodged, managing to esape with merely a cut along the side of her right abdomen. Clutching it with her left hand, she growls and curses under her breath. Then, with a *poof* and an explosion, the Butcher was gone.
Graham was the first to react, and was beating himself up about not being able to stop the beast-man. Magdeline walked over to him, listening to his anger and thanks, and starts rubbing circles on his upper back. "Hey, it's gonnna be ok sweetie. You did your best. We did our best. That's all anyone can do. He's not a man any more. He wasn't kidding about the deal with the devil. Although, I think it was still metaphorical. Anyways, why don't we go get patched up and get some rest. If you don't feel comfortable staying alone, feel free to stay at my house." With a smile, she looked from Graham to the young lady on the ceiling. "Miss, if you need, we can take you to the doctor with us. And if you need a place to stay, you're free to stay with me at my house, dear." Smiling sincerely at the girl on the inside of the roof, she starts walking out towards her doctor, who would be able to do some work tonight. For a price, obviously.
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