Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 35 min ago

Once he'd caught up with everyone, Creighton promptly sat on the ground, since he wasn't really familiar with anyone in the group, he sat off by himself, figuring he'd need to concentrate to not get the shit kicked out of him. Attentively, he and his rats all minded the rules. He'd never been a big fan of using weapons, since his gear was defensive in and of itself. Best skills he had in terms of combat were plain-old fisticuffs and decent reaction time. He supposed that here he also had the advantage of experience.

While he did hear the part about not using his gear, Creighton cursed under his breath. His gear was the only thing he really had as an advantage...though he really didn't want to tangle with a knight in a one on one sparring session. Especially since he'd seen her light shit on fire the night before. Thinking of his own capabilities, he opted that when his time would come, a sword would do him no good. A spear would be unwieldy, and if she got the upper hand, she could disarm him in a single swipe, or parry. A mace would be too heavy to compete with her speed. Swords took far too much skill for an ordinary person, especially for one unfamiliar with the weight. What he needed was something small, and light. Something any schmuck could pick up off the ground and use.

Watching as the others fought, he payed particular attention to the red-head who thought a stick was a demon-killing weapon. Seemed like he had a pretty good idea in taking off his shirt to disarm her. Thank fuck he didn't take off his pants though, last thing he needed was seeing a novice in his skivvies.

Glasses guy seemed pretty damn good, much better than he'd have taken him for. Especially since he reeked of hormones and bottles of cologne to him. Something about him just seemed...odd. Something that Creighton couldn't quite pin, but could pin on an instinctual level. Something that made him not even blink once, glaring as he watched the fight.

The Fox chick seemed way to eager and into the fight, but hey, optimism was infectious, so maybe it'd rub off on him. Or not. Oddly, he didn't get that same sense of instinctual dislike when he watched the fox-girl, and it seemed that she was pretty good at fist-fighting.

Then, came the time for Creighton's turn. Sighing, he stood up, his coat now longer there, it was now clear that the dark grey shirt he had on underneath was tattered, torn, dirty, and had a few grease and bloodstains on the front and back. His pants were torn up and baggy, and his shoes were coming apart. As he entered the area designated for the test, he said: "Tell you the truth, I'm not really big on uh, fighting and all. That and I haven't eaten in a week, so can I jus-" he was silenced when Hecate silently had her blade at his throat. Seemed like that wasn't an option. Smiling wryly, he said: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Just a joke, just a jo-" another poke at his throat had him silent again. "Weapon. Find one. Before I kill you just for smelling like filth."

Now getting that this wasn't optional, he sighed and turned around, walking around and looking at the bushes. Shaking his head as he found all the weapons he'd decided were no-go's, he finally started wearing on her patience, starting to find weapons she explicitly dropped with the intention of him picking them up. But, none of them were to his liking. Then, he decided to look in a bush near where Yuriha had found her gloves, looking for something he could defend and attack with. And then something clicked. Something that he liked. Something plain and simple. And ugly.

Wasn't anything special, but it was damn close to what he wanted, and just what he needed to intercept Hecate's sneak attack. "It isn't really a sneak attack if you do it for the 4th time!" he says, parrying her sword and then intercepting her next blow. It seemed like she wasn't willing to let up, even for the poor guy. Grunting as he kicked her back, he at least managed to knock her away before he charged again. He knew for a fact that she was a knight from watching her clash with red-head, and if there was one thing he knew, was that he couldn't distance himself from a knight. That gave them too much room to charge. The best way to deal with an enemy who was faster and stronger was to be absolutely relentless and to pressure them, looking for mistakes and opportunities to strike. Given that his armored punching dagger was suited to defend against her, he felt like he had a genuine chance if he kept the pressure up.

Despite how much slower he was, Creighton was able to keep up with Hecate in terms of strikes, even managing to parry her a few times successfully, all while keeping a tight grip on his weapon. Also of note was that he was ruthless and quick, readily closing in for strikes even if it posed to give him a disadvantage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago


The moment she knocked Marcus his weapon out of his hands she said "One" counting the number of weapons he lost.
As Marcus got distracted for a second she tried to get him down by spinning to her stomach and use the momentum to try and kick his legs from under him, but he moved backwards by a quick jump before her legs would make proper contact, so she used this moment to kick herself up with a jump, instantly she moved towards Marcus who suddenly took a lower position and moved towards her.
His idea was a smart move, especially with his advantage of speed, but he made one mistake, she was more agile.
Right before he would tackle her she had already prepared to grab him by his head, using his own momentum to jump and avoid his entire attack while getting the chance to end the jump by kicking him between the shoulder blades, knocking him to the ground while she dropped a a bit further away from him due to pushing off from his body thanks to the kick.
As Marcus hit the hard ground a lot of dust flew up, blocking him from the sight of the other spectators, though she knew where he was.
She instantly moved to him, trying to pin him down, but she also had an other plan.
As she jumped into the cloud, both of them were lost from sight, using this moment of coverage she jumped on Marcus, aiming her sword to where she expected his head to be, though she was unable to see that much.
However as she knew she was on his leg with her knee she was able to quickly using her knight speed, push a piece of paper in his pants, though she did not really see where in his pants, may just as well be in his underwear at that.
The moment of truth would be when the dust would settle, then both of them would know if she won or if she had failed to guess where to aim the sword.
She was sure she wont wound him at least, but if she was wrong then it would be a race between the two on who would move first and pin the other down.

Afterwards if Marcus would read the paper which was folded so his name was shown on the front:

(OOC: put that in hiders as its meant for Marcus eyes only, like a real letter, though you guys can read it, just remember its that Marcus only knows of it unless he is an idiot by dropping the note, so.....
I wont give rules about not intervening but I do want to do some char development so grant me that before entering as Yuriha did when she threatened him before XD
(no that was not meant as a first attempt, I had planned the note thing before I posted that much, its all set up XD)


"Zeke has not told me anything, But I did hear about you, beast" while it sounded like an insult, Orin would know what she truly meant when she called him Beast.
"and for the record, your new to the training, new to the peerage, no matter what experience you did before, your a beginner here, your either just a talented or experienced beginner or a noob beginner, anyway, your a beginner, so lets see this experience you got"

She watched, prepared to act, as he was looking for a weapon, only to pick up a stick from the ground.
Irritation washed over her as the damned beast was not taking this serious "What is this, a fucking joke to you, no matter what you are and who your other master is, is this the respect you show to Z's peerage, to Zeke who is supposed to be your friend, he would be better off giving that fucking rook piece to a fucking mountain ant, at least they know respect and are serious, guess being loyal is all you got"
She knew that may piss the guy off, but acting like this, he had it coming, at least she showed him respect with, well not saying anything...

It surprised her that he coolly spoke after that word exchange.
Orin: "I suspect it is because Zeke was worried I would steal you away from Marcus? I assure you, I only have eyes for my sweet Yuriha, so I am sorry"
This time Hecate actually grinned "your not that good friends I guess, you should know Zeke has no care as long as we are happy, he wont intervene in love crap, and for that record, there is nothing between Marcus and I, Yuriha noticed me threatening and failed to grasp the situation, taking it out of context.

All the while they were talking Yuriha kept encouraging Orin, which with the chaos she had set in bound and as she, though she was keeping herself calm, was still pissed was enough for her to glare at the fox to silence her for once.

"Fine, if you want to fight using a broken stick"
With that she moved, slashing at the stick, just breaking the thing would be enough to give Orin the first lost weapon count, though she already expected him to counter some way, so when she moved past him she turned to block whatever he was planning and use the blow to create some distance.
She would love to use her gear on this disrespectful bitch, but as she was bound by rule, she had to get a little serious with him and first take a good estimation on his skills.
Ok it was stupid to not be this serious with the others, but the difference in level would have been too much if she would test them by being serious.


As Yuriha grabbed a set of gloves, Hecate scolded at her, she was still pissed at Orin's lack of respect at the start of his test, so while it was a real weapon and she knew Yuriha respected Zeke, she felt the fox girl could have picked something more fitting.
As fox girl was ready, hecate moved fast once more, she tried to slash at the girls back only to receive a counter she barely failed to avoid.
She at least was able to prevent the full force of the blow, which fix girl noticed as she moved away instead of trying to pin her down.

Fix girl then was happily asking to take this serious, which made Hecate grin, the girl was into it and Hecate had already experienced how it was to fight someone who excelled her in all base stats, so she had an idea...
Using the rock in the area she starting speed sound jumping from one to an other, the tapping against each rock and boulder would give off her starting position but the pattern was randomly picked each time, After a while of making the girl disorient she went to phase two.
Between jumps she threw her sword at fox girl, quickly followed by jumping an last two times before making a normal rush to an bush, grabbing from it a pair of claw shaped katars.
she kept her guard up, figuring the sword would not have finished the test, so when fox girl came to use her fist she would be greeted by her fist getting grabbed between two claws while her own momentum would be used to slam the girl against the tree right behind Hecate.


Once Yuriha was done Ophelia raised her arm nervously when Hecate asked who was next.
She figured that Hecate was tired now, giving herself a bit more of a chance, though after what she had seen, she felt she had no chance of winning or even standing up to the sword woman but she may just as well get this over with as soon as she could.
She grabbed a sword as most people tended to use sword based weapons it seemed.

Hecate watched the girl grab a sword as well and already moved towards her, Ophelia seemed like she was way out of her league, so she decided to end this in one blow for her sake.

Ophelia however already expected Hecate to slash at her back, so she slashed around instead of blocking only to end up losing the weapon right away as she failed to have a good grip.
hecate quickly tried to push her down by grabbing her shirt but failed to grab Ophelia when she herself fell to the ground, tripping over the bush itself.

Trying to use this moment Hecate dropped towards Ophelia, trying to pin her down by pressing her knee in the girls crotch, which in a sense Hecate felt like she deserved while grabbing for her arms.
Ophelia however was, barely able to roll over before Hecate could get to her and grabbed a hand of sand which she quickly threw to the sword woman.
As Hecate noticed Ophelia rolled away she looked to the rook noob only to get sand in her eyes.
She expected the noob to push her down but instead heard her walk away and grab a new weapon.
Getting up herself she could see the Noob standing with a large hammer.
"Actually fits"

Hecate waited for Ophelia to act but the woman did nothing, just stood there, the hammer trembling in her hands.
"Afraid huh, then this will be done"
She moved quickly to Ophelia only to be surprised as she suddenly was able to move normally without trembling.
Hecate knew she wont get to avoid the hit so she did the next best thing, holding her sword to take the blow.
She flew back for a meter or two while her sword shattered from the impact.
Still Ophelia did not move and the hammer was laying on the ground.
Something seemed off.

hecate figured she should try something out, she moved to the bush with the darts and threw it to Ophelia.
Ophelia watched as Hecated moved and when she realized it was the bush that hold the darts she tried to lift the hammer to block but she was not able to for one reason or an other.
As Ophelia failed to lift the hammer, her rook defense took the blow for her.

Hecate then tried to do something else, grabbing a scythe and moved to Ophelia once more, slashing but only to be blocked by the Hammer by the startled Ophelia.
"Instinct or conscious" she muttered before moving back in case Ophelia tried to attack, yet she lost control of the hammer again soon afterwards.
"Your done, I cant test someone who cant use her abilities when she wants to"
walking to an other bush without a marker she grabbed an back-up sword she kept for the exact situation where her sword would break.


As Creighton tried to talk his way out from the test she pointed her sword at him, yet he still kept talking.
This guy needs motivation she figured so she slightly poked him with the dull tip and give him some verbal reasons to act.

When he grabbed his weapon she moved, this time however she had thought about two things.
1, she knew she was going for the same trick again, predictable
2, he was likely experienced with such tricks.
With that in mind, she made her first attack at his back a faint, taking his counter and gave him a real blow by kicking him while saying "You need to count better this was just the 3e"
As he kicked back she was able to block using the flat of her blade, though it did pushed her further away.
Soon after the fight however became a hack and slash where both kept attacking and only hitting metal over and over.
He was not as fast as her but he seemed to have more experience and was able to read the flow pretty nicely, especially for someone who had such issues with doing this before.
But as the battle continued his hunger, or being rusty or even the lack of motivation, but while they were crossing blades a small pattern was building up, something she was going to use.
One small feint, blocking the coming counter by switching the weapon from right to left hand and she started to turn/ twirl, grabbing his weapon with he left hand, forcing it off from his hand "one" she said as she finished the turn by kicking him on his lower back.
from there on she planned to take advantage of him stumbling due to her kick to try and pin him down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

----------- Marcus's Test -----------

Orin had become suddenly distracted from the fight when Yuriha prompted him with a candy she had gotten from her backpack, a small blush crossed his face by the simple act and he did as she asked and accepted the candy. A almost dreamy expression came over his face after "Thank you~ This is the best~~" Yuriha may have mistaken the words for the candy but it was more about him getting fed by the girl he loved, which would forever be within his memory.

It was at this point that Marcus lost his weapon, a show of the fact that he was inexperienced but in Orin's opinion he truly had great potential. However even after pulling down his glasses he could not see past the dust cloud, but he kept watch to make sure that Yuriha saw nothing rude between the pair...

----------- Orin's Test -----------

Orin smiled when she called him a beast "Ah, good. Apart from that dragon that is with my sweet, I didn't think anyone other than Zeke knew." He hoped that she would take the test a little more serous given she knew what he was. Though he was a little surprised by the girls irritation and little speech she gave off to him about being disrespectful, really if he wanted to be so he could have attempted to fight her hand to sword.

"Please watch your language. I also thank you on commending me on my loyalty."

Waving towards the cheering Yuriha he felt like he had powered up from her encouragement, though it was rude not to keep looking at ones opponent so he turned towards Hecate. He decided to ignore the matter of teasing the girl for the time being, but he did grin with bared fangs when she commented on the 'broken stick' and dashed in to attack!

Pushing up his glasses he followed suit and dashed towards Hecate, though at a slower speed he did start to spin the tonfa by the handle and just as Hecate was attacking he used the momentum of the spinning to slam it right into the side of her sword! He was both trying to deflect the attack in a strong manner and break her weapon. However instead of going through with a counter as she was expecting he stopped some distance away from her "Oh wow... I am already so sweaty. Well, there is one fix for that!" With unrealistic speed Orin had removed both his vest and shirt, though for some reason one would get the impression this speed only came in when removing clothing for some reason...

Orin posed a few times as he started to show off his rather impressive body "As you can see clothes cover up my muscles." This was clearly meant for Yuriha as he saw her blush before from Marcus doing the same thing, just with less flare. Turning back to Hecate he gained a rather serous expression as he reached up to remove his glasses "Now, let's get started shall we? I look forward to fighting someone as skilled as you but your knowlige is lacking somewhat... This is not just a stick, it is a tonfa. Your sword is blunt yes? To avoid harming us too badly, but if the take a swords edge away, what is it?"

With those words he spun it a few times by its side handle before taking on a side stance towards her, the long shaft of the stick pointing down his arm defensively. He waited for but a moment out of consideration of a response before running towards her to attempt a sweeping strike towards her side, which made sure his unarmed side was facing away from her.

----------- Yuriha's Test -----------

Orin was sitting on his jacket still with his bare upper torso on display, more out of forgetfulness as even though he was sweating and hurting a little from the match before Yuriha's match took up his attention! "Go Yuriha!" If she was having fun then that was all that mattered to him, so he cheered her on the best he could. This was going to be on interesting fight to say the least, as unlike him who had to hold back such urges she was free to be as primal in her fighting style as she wished!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

--------Marcus' test---------

Marcus thought he had Hecate when he grabbed her legs, but Hecate was able to counter his counter by presumably using her acrobat skills, to flip herself in midair and kick him between the shoulder blades, causing him to fall and cause a lot of dust to fly upwards. Marcus body was feeling like it was on fire after landing so hard in mid-speed, however he was determine to continue fighting. HE rolled himself over to his back before Hecate sudden pounce on him in the middle of the dust cloud, he felt something odd slide into his pants. "Wait what are you doing?" he asked her before he dust cloud disbursed. He then saw her blade pulling at his face, causing him to freak out. "Whoa!" He said in surprise before holding his hand up next to his face in a submissive matter, but that didn't matter he loss anyway.

"I take it i loss." Marcus told her.

--------during Orin fight------------

Marcus was wondering what that Walt was inside his pants she he decide to give himself the excuse to get some Private so he could get out "Excuse me, i need to take a piss." He shamelessly said before moving over tot he forest to read the letter. "What was this about?" Marcus asked himself while reading the letter. He assume to things, it was from Hecate and it was private. So he decide he would follow the letter instructions after the training session was done, that way she can leave without having questions asked at her. HE soon return to se Orin with his shirt off. He miss to context as to why though "You decide to use the wet shirt trick to? If so did it work?" He asked him while he was fighting.

--------during Yuriha fight-----------

Marcus was in shock and all as Yuriha almost made a good blow on Hecate. "Whoa..." he said in surprise. She sure was a lot more prepare to fight her then he ever was. "Come on Hecate-chan, you can do more then that." He cheered her on.

Using the rock in the area she starting speed sound jumping from one to an other, the tapping against each rock and boulder would give off her starting position but the pattern was randomly picked each time, After a while of making the girl disorient she went to phase two.
Between jumps she threw her sword at fox girl, quickly followed by jumping an last two times before making a normal rush to an bush, grabbing from it a pair of claw shaped katars.
she kept her guard up, figuring the sword would not have finished the test, so when fox girl came to use her fist she would be greeted by her fist getting grabbed between two claws while her own momentum would be used to slam the girl against the tree right behind Hecate.

If the that went as plan Marcus would tell her this. "She may have got you there, but don't let that get to you, you can still succeed Yuri-chan." he cheered to her.

---------Overview for all the fights--------

Marcus didn't specify plan on just rooting for one person, he was going to try to encourage whatever combatant was losing at the time, and if necessarily switch over to the other person when things get switch around, and he plan on doing so without discouraging the other person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

Marcus's Test

Yuriha couldn't see what Marcus and Hecate were doing inside the cloud of dust, but she could listen to their groans and grunts and every time she imagined what was happening inside of their private space, her face only reddened more and more.

Then as Marcus gave up and came to sit at her side Yuriha couldn't help but steal quick glances of his sweat covered frame, turning around hastily whenever the boy's gaze met hers. When Marcus excused himself and went to the toilet, Yuriha sighed a relieved sigh.

Orin's Test

When Orin took his shirt off, Yuriha didn't felt the same urge to cover her eyes as she did when Marcus did the same a few minutes, instead, a curious thought invade her bubbly head, for a moment she imagined the scenery of Marcus and Orin together in a garden full of blooming roses under the light of the full moon. Both of them gently looking at the other's eyes as their flushed faces got closer and closer to one another, until...

"Kyahh!!! Ori-kyun, Aniki you can't do that," The foxgirl shouted hysterically as she was snapped out of her revelry by Marcus touching her in the forehead to know if she having a fever, since her face was so red.

Yuriha's Test

When Yuriha tried to counter Hecate's next move, she fell right into the blonde's trap and had her own momentum used against her as she was slammed against a tree sending a shower of splinters flying away in every direction. Impact was a little more brutal than the expected, perhaps because both Hecate and Yuriha were taking the fight a little too seriously, thus Hecate asked, "Hey, are you ok? Z won't like if one of us get hurt for real on this thing, so you can dial out a little, fox brat."

Hecate's words failed to reach Yuriha, however. The only thing on the foxgirl's mind was the taste of her own blood and the boiling rage that was welling up inside of her body...

"What the fuck is happening?" Hecate asked in disbelief as Yuriha rose from within the debris with her face showing nothing but unbridled bloodlust.

"Rrrr!" The fox girl growled while standing on all fours like a beast.

"Oh shi..." Hecate began to say when she finally noticed what kind of problem she had in her hands, but not even a second later Yuriha pounced from besides the tree so fast that Hecate couldn't even try to dodge without her gear, but since the foxgirl still wasn't using any magic or sacred gear, their fight was still going on.

"Rrrr!" Yuriha dashed by Hecate, and used her claws to hack away a sizeable portion of her blouse, leaving one of Hecate's breasts exposed, while still making sure to not really hit the other girl directly with the steel-rending force of her swipes. As Hecate tried to cover her exposed body, Yuriha continued to hack and sash furiously until nothing but scraps of clothing covered the blonde's body.

"Whe... where did you learn to fight like that?" Hecate asked as she was put on the defensive with nothing but her sword to cover her most important bits, howver Yuriha's assault hadn't ended yet.

"Rrrr! Finishing move, Dress Rend!" Yuriha managed to say amidst her growling, just before she jumped high in the air and landed a diving kick on Hecate stomach, knocking the blonde to the ground and landing atop of her in a submission mount.

The foxgirl's face was millimeters apart from Hecate's and the blond could feel Yuriha's hot breath tickling her skin. The situation was so embarrassing that she wanted to find a hole to hide in and never come out of it again or.. or to show that beast brat a lesson she would never forget, but for the time being the only thing that she could do to save her dignity was, "I give up, I give up , ok? Now get off of me you perverted monster!"

"That was really fun! Thank you, He-chan!" Yuriha said while jumping away from Hecate and coming back to sit at the log.

"What's your opinion, little one? About letting your feelings guide once in while, I mean." The Void Dragon King asked as Yuriha straightened her skirt.

"Awesome!" The foxgirl answered with a bright smile.

Ophelia's Test

After Yuriha ended her test, Hecate had to go get a new set of clothes, since she couldn't possibly fight while stark naked. Once she came back it was Ophelia's turn to fight, deciding to cheer for the purple haired girl Yuriha got up from her place and yelled, "Ophii go for it! He-chan must be tired by now, you can do that!"

However once again Yuriha's cheers were halted by Hecate's burning gaze, "Do you think I've forgotten what you did to me, twin-tailed creep. The next chance that I have I'll make you pay for it. Now, shut your trap, or I'll shut it for you!"

Creighton's Test

As the unknown stinky guy stepped in to challenge Hecate, Yuriha felt the urge to turn her face around, but his style was so entrancing to the foxgirl that she endured it by holding her breath and saying, "Smelly Oyaji, I don't know who you're, but I want you to teach me how to fight later... after you take a bath... maybe?"

.@demonspade64@Kitsune@Drake Baku@The Irish Tree
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 35 min ago

Creighton's eyes widened as he was disarmed before he could even tell what had happened. He thought he had a near perfect defense with the gauntlet-knife, but it seemed short-cake was too damn fast for that to matter. Falling down, Creghton thought of one last possible way to turn this around; despite how much his stomach wanted to eat itself. Putting all his effort into it, Creighton basically flung himself head first onto the ground, groaning as he landed and quickly grabbed Hecate's leg by the knee, pulling her down into a leg-lock. Given that she was holding a sword, it was only reasonable to suspect that she'd divert the blade away, rather than toss it. An experienced swordsman wouldn't abandon their blade, even in such a situation. Or at least, that was what he was counting on. Once she had fallen from the grip he had on her leg, he quickly set a foot atop her lower back and tried his best to disarm her sword-hand with his free foot.

"It's all or nothing...and I'm running on nothing..." he thought to himself, pressing down on her back firmly with his foot. Creighton's eyes were focused, though it was clear that the fight had worn him down quite a bit. This was all he could do to attempt a pin on the girl.


As Red-Head kept the fight up, Creighton wondered if he had a chance, given how much free range he was giving the other knight. He'd sparred tons of times with his peerage's knights, but giving them free-reign to build up speed and dash was the worst way to wind up losing. Once the dust settled, he hummed, crossing his arms. "...Those two dating or something?" he said idley.


As Prince Perv fought, Creighton couldn't hep but wonder just why he didn't seem to like him...he seemed kinda funny in a stupid, romantic idiot kind of way, but there was just something...something he still couldn't figure out about him. Then he heard shortie call him a 'Beast'. Looking over to Fox-Ears, he asked: "...What does she mean by Beast exactly? He seems pretty normal." And...then he ripped his shirt and vest off. "...Okay, not NORMAL, but...normal-ish."


Creighton watched in awe at fox-ear's speed and power, easily...uh...giving a lot of fanservice to the crowd. But in a really powerful way, he guessed.But still, he dreaded the thought of having to spar with her if she was going all out like that from the start.


Watching the purple-haired girl with disinterest, Creighton knew from the start based on how little confidence or power her motions had, that she wouldn't be able to stand up to her. Sighing deeply, he stood up once she was done and said: "My turn." half-heartedly.


Smelly Oyaji...Smelly Oyaji...Smelly Oyaji...

Creighton looked over at Yuriha just before he was forced into the pin-or-be-pinned scenario, and yelled: "WHAT THE HELL IS AN OYAJI!?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

vs Marcus

She smiled "yeah, but you did pretty good, worthy of a knight, Z will get a good report" she said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him back up.

vs Orin

As Orin pulled of his shirt as well she sighed, first Marcus, which after last night had brought up an memory, but this was just useless.
She grinned as Orin said he was looking forward to the spar "Yeah a sword with no edge is nothing but a metal staff, but that tonfa is made from wood and is used as a stick so its a stick"

After Orin began he charge, Hecate waited and suddenly and unexpected ducked as she spinned while slashing at his legs.
if she succeeds, she would flip him over her and spin her sword so she can put the tip between his eyebrows.

vs Yuriha

As the fox girl rose from the debris of the broken tree, something was clearly off, the way she was growling and on all 4, she was more a beast now then a... well herself.
"What the fuck?" Hecate said wondering what kind of crap she was into now, she hardly got the time to realize what was happening before the fox girl had already slammened her fist in her side, only her instincts protected her by putting one kater between them, though the weapon broke instantly while Hecate herself was knocked across the field.
As she got up, the fox girl was instantly on top of her, slashing with her claws?
hecate did not say anything, as she tried to keep up and wondered where the fox girl had learned this only to realize her outfit was getting ripped to pieces "tss" was all the responce she had while she tried to counter slash with her remaining katar, ignoring the small matter of being nude with 3 males seeing her like that.
Suddenly the fix girl seemed to say something, though Hecate hardly heard what, watching the fox girl jump high in the air, normally it would be easy to avoid such an attack or counter it, as an jumping attack would result in the attacked being unable to change.
hectae figured her best chances against someone like her would be to counter her, but when shie tried to knock the fox girl out of her path by using the katar...
The katar actually broke just by the air presure of slashing, seemingly effected by Yuriha's claw attacks or perhaps some point before the katar took a blow that was just too much, regardless the weapon broke, breaking her counter attack forcing her to jump out of the way.
However as she first tried to counter she failed to have the time to fully avoid, the blast of the fox girls attack as she barely missed Hecates legs was enough to knock the blond girl to the ground while the girl used the energy from the impact to jump ontop of Hecate.

As she fox girl was laying on top of her, face close enough to feel her hot breath tickling her skin, she grinned.
"Ok, I give, get of me you pervert" she said teasing, though it sounded like she was honest, only those that knew more about her true self would see the difference, still this spar was intersting enough to clear up her bad mood.

vs Ophelia

When Yuriha tried to cheer Ophelia on Hecate glanced to the fox girl, though she was serious at that time so the look could have been misstoken for a gaze.
She did not say anything though.

vs Creighton

As Creigthon grabbed Hecate by her knee she did not thumble down as you would expect, she only dropped on her knees, having no reason to divert the blade or anything for that matter.
Regardless Crieghton at first was still able to knock the girl into the struggle he had planned.
Yet he ended up making one fatal mistake.
When he replied to Yuriha the man got distracted, giving Hecate the chance and time to turn the situation around and end the spar by pinning him down, ending up with her feet at his hips, pinning his legs down or risk getting a foot in his personal area, her sword grabbed in both hands, one at the handle, one at the blade as she placed the sharp edge against his neck.
"I win, still I can tell youve trained before"

(OOC: depending on Orin we may get to go to the next section)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

----------- Orin's Test -----------

Orin's eyes barely tracked the girls intense speed as she ducked under his sweeping attack, his arm swinging wide as he had missed his mark but instead of shock a fanged grin crossed his lips. It was plain to see to anyone who had experience that he would have never been able to land such a telegraphed attack on someone as speedy as Hecate, but he knew the three options that she would would most logically take given the fights he had seen up to this point; duck, jump or back step.

With his body still turning from his attack he had turned his leg to face his shin towards the attack, the blunt metal slamming against his bone! Only the fact that the blade was blunt and his natural toughness with the rook piece had saved him from a shattered shin. Orin stared down to the girl like a predator about to capture its pray as in the motion of her attack his other hand had already come around to attempt to grab her! Within one motion he had set up his trap and the girl in her attempt to teach him a lesson had fallen for it, that was the kind of person he was. He knew full well that with his strength that if he grabbed her it was all over as even his tonfa was at the ready once again.

However if she did somehow escape Orin would simply return to his smiling state as he stood "I think that is enough, no?" He had learned all he wished from the girl "If you wish we can call it my loss." With a bow he would excuse himself either way, limping back towards his love "Yuriha~ I need you to nurse me back to health~" Though he knew she was up next even a bandage put on by his beloved was heaven to him.

----------- Yuriha's Test -----------

Rubbing the treated leg Orin stared towards the fight between the two girls, however unlike how he was cheering before Orin did not even have a smile across his face as he witnessed something worrying. It almost felt like the girl he loved wasn't there for most of the fight, a primal feeling having taken her away and he had no doubts in his mind that it was the lizards fault. Of course he could have just felt that way but-, "Whoa!" Orin stood up cheering once again as Yuriha tore the girls clothing to shreds and mounted her! He become more and more tense as he waited for the outcome, though sadly they just parted ways... Still this gave Orin a great idea!

"Yuriha! Great fight! Though I bet you could have taken her without the lizard" So much disrespect he showed towards a dragon, though he knew full well why so Orin talked again before it could speak up to the girl. "After I am nursed back to health how about we spar sometime?" He smiled away as he pointed to himself, as if he was a puppy waiting for its masters response for its request for a lovely treat~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

"Ori-kyun is just like, me." Yuriha said, replying to Creighton's question, "Both of us have 'something else' inside of our bodies." She summoned her sacred gear into being, to illustrate her point "Though I began to understand that fearing it isn't the right thing to do. I'm a half-human/half-spirit beast, and there's an ancient Dragon King sleeping inside of me, everyone hated me for that even thought it was not my fault to be born like this."

Yuriha stared at the draconic claw with wistful eyes, before continuing "But Zeke-sama embraced me knowing all of this and I was reborn as a devil and gained a new family. I still don't know much about my powers or myself, but I know that I'll do everything I can to help. It doesn't matters if Zeke-sama is right or wrong, I've already given my life to him."

"Also, an oyaji is like a... really cool uncle? Even if you're a smelly one?" Yuriha was quite blunt in her statement, and she was blushing while turning her face away from Creighton, though it was clear that she wasn't telling everything about the nickname she called him.

"Yuriha! Great fight! Though I bet you could have taken her without the lizard" So much disrespect he showed towards a dragon, though he knew full well why so Orin talked again before it could speak up to the girl. "After I am nursed back to health how about we spar sometime?" He smiled away as he pointed to himself, as if he was a puppy waiting for its masters response for its request for a lovely treat~

Yuriha picked her first-aid kit and did whatever she could do with her lack of skill in the area, before saying "It was because of what the Wolf-sensei taught me, really. He told me that I shouldn't fear being who I'm." Then, she gave a light peck at Orin's wound "After all, I'm a beast too."

Since all the main fights had ended Yuriha turned tails to Orin and the others, already leaving to the next training grounds, "I would love to fight you too Ori-kyun. I can't wait for that!" Her bare fangs were plain visible when she turned her head to face the others.

"What are you waiting? Let's go!" She said as she stood a few meters away, waiting for them to come.

"Hahaha! You're really in the mood today, little one. It's very rare to find females that can be like that when they are..." Before the Void Dragon King could finish speaking, Yuriha punched her right hand, to make him stop, "Don't... Don't talk about that, Baka Kuu!"

.@Kitsune@The Irish Tree
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 35 min ago

And in one moment, it was over. Creighton honestly thought that he could knock Hecate off balance, but then, he supposed he'd seen stronger at younger anyways. He was too used to fighting mostly normal humans or weaker demons. Seemed like Zeke had himself a well-trained knight. Thankful that she didn't try to stick him with the blade, Creighton sighs and raises his hands as a sign of giving up. "Told ya I'm not a fighter." he said, before suddenly clutching his stomach once Hecate got up and off him. "And that I haven't eaten in a week..."


Creighton listened attentively to Fox-Chick's explanation, though he wondered if she misunderstood what he was asking. Looking at her gauntlet as she spoke, he just said: "I guess I have something kind of similar going on." as his coat formed on his shoulders, all the rats looking curiously at the fox-eared girl, glowing eyes blinking from the fur of the coat. A couple of the rats scattered up onto Creighton's arms and ran down their lengths, sniffing at his fingers as if looking to see if he had food. "Not too many people want a guy around who has a bunch of rats following him. But hey, using my gear was the best thing I ever did." he said, standing up.


Watching Orin as he had his conversation with fox-chick, Creighton started to have a margin of respect for him. In fact, most of what he studied of Hecate's movements came from him watching Orin's match the most. Despite how much faster the red-head was, Orin seemed to have control over the pace of the fight. Definitely a good trait to have in someone in a combat situation. Creighton might have even come off as being somewhat creepy, leaning forward, eyes almost glimmering as he watched the two dance. For the most part, that was where he put together his own plan to try and rush against the girl, figuring that the best way to counter speed was to ensure that the knight wouldn't have enough time to react. As fast as the body was, the mind had limits. And the mind placed limits upon the body.


"...Well...I guess I don't mind being called an uncle. Just...hold off on the smelly bit. Anyways...Why'd you want me to teach you to fight like I did anyhows? Your style seems to work pretty good, considering you won and all." he said as he stretched, rubbing his own shoulders before Yuriha went over to Orin.

His expression turned blank as he saw Yuriha...talk to her right hand and then punch it. It was at this point he could start to tell that Yuriha was a bit...off her rocker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

(OOC: due to having been inactive due to RL reasons we have decided to skip past the training in the IC thread and continue that much in PM.
This is in order to continue with the story here and get this rp back on track.
However I have a few matters that I feel I have to include in the IC that plays during the training.

These matters will all be addressed in one post to get it over with ASAP without having to skim them in too much!)

First day after the training

After the Hand to hand combat Training with Moena the group was sweaty, dirty and sore all over.
"You know, starting tomorrow you'll get lessons from Master about various things after training, you'll likely be done around the same time as today then" she said looking at the yellow evening sky as the sun had only just began to set down.
"So, how about we all go into the hotspring together, I'll make sure the others are there as well"

Moena then extended her bone wings and flew off to the cottage, expecting most people to be there or at least Zeke, from there on they could look for the others and contact them though magic if they would be out of the cottage at the time.

Once the group got to the back of the cottage, the deepest part, they would see two doors as with all traditional Hotsprings, one for the woman and one for the males and Hecate standing guard "Keep to your side of the dressing rooms" She specially eyed Orin as Yuriha walked by her.
Once Marcus would walk past her she stopped him as she whispered once Orin was out of hearing reach "After the hotspring", she did not say anything else as she took it he knew she meant the note's appointment (as they both failed to find a good time earlier today)
Inside the dressing room they would find a note about hotspring basics found in any hot spring, though something was edited.
Under the rule, "No clothing" was written, swimming clothes are optional.
There seemed to have been an other rule but that was scratched out so badly that it was unreadable.
They would find their swimming clothes packed nicely by Moena in the cabinets with their names on it, if they so wished.

once the new guys and girls would finish changing and entered the spring area, they would find both all the girls that were the seniors, aside Hecate as she still had to change, keeping watch to the last second, and even Zeke, pretty much surrounded by the girls.
Only Ophelia and Yumi were wearing swimming gear, Yumi was wearing a nicely covering bu still with her curves sexy black and red bikini.

It was currently impossible to tell if Zeke was wearing anything due to the girls playing around him and greeting the others as they entered.
Marcus would be one of the last as Hecate had stalled him to enter the hotspring, with before him Ophelia wearing a simple gray bathing suite that failed to hug her curves...
Once they are were in the water would Hecate finally walk in, her body covered by a towel, making it impossible to know if she was wearing anything at all.
"what?" she snarled to those watching her as she stopped walking, she was used to Zeke and the girls, but with so many new people and especially guys, she felt somewhat elevated and self conscious.


After the Hotspring/ MarcusXHecate

After Hecate had left the Hotspring, she had changed into a White sleeveless shirt and mini skirt, she had not taken account that her still wet body and hair would cause the shirt to become see through or had even realized it.
Worst was she had misplaced her underwear so...
Well she figured it would not matter, standing on top of the cliff, waiting to talk with Marcus, she had left before him, no one would see it, though she had no idea about the shirt issue.


Last lesson of the second day

As the group entered the living room of the cottage where they were send to after the last physical lesson they would find Zeke sitting in his regular chair, a glance with a small unnoticeable smile was aimed to Yuriha as he had felt traces of her aura on the chair, while he had a regular chair he always sits in, he never minded of someone else would sit in it.
"welcome to your first lesson about the underworld, today I plan to explain some practical stuff such as Sacred gears and the evil pieces"
Zeke waited for everyone to take a seat and had a cup of thee or something else before continuing.
"As most of you know we have a Rating game coming after a few weeks, so I think it would be wise to explain some matters that will not be covered in your training, though some may have been.
Sacred gears, these objects have been made by god to create miracles on earth, even now they work and are still developing, even once never before seen have suddenly became active.
Sacred Gears work by your will power, the more powerful you want it to work or something else as more powerful, the quicker it will react and stronger at that.
It has been quite often that A sacred gear has gone an evolution in appearance and powers, this is called a revelation, I am pretty sure that much has been discussed during your testing yesterday, this as well is based on your will.
Yet what must not have been discussed would have been the subspecies and balance breakers.
Both are pretty rare but they exists and are important to take into account.
Normally a Gear is bound by a fixed path in both Revelations or Balance breakers, but at times a gear may make an change that breaks away from the path, this is called a subspecies.
An example could be made with Hecate's Gear, Flame Charge first Revelation would be the Flame Cloak and its second is Cloak Rush, but if instead of Flame cloak where it covers her back it would gain the power to create multiple arms made of flames, then this would become a subspecies.
There is a small added rule to this, a gear that gains a subspecies revelation would forever be changed as such, meaning the next user that gets that specific Flame charge would also get the Flame arms revelation instead of the cloak.
While a Balance breaker has added rules, A gear can still gain a subspecies balance breaker if they first got their original, a subspecies balance breaker tend disappear once its hosts dies, however there tend to be exceptions, if the new subspecies breaks away too much it could become a fixed balance breaker to overwrite the original, though some may even have two balance breakers due to this eventually" Zeke took A few sips of his thee before continuing.
"balance Breaker, it is said that all sacred gears possess a secret power inside them, this power is said to be strong enough to break the balance of the world, thus the name balance breaker, there are many types of balance breakers and they are hard and rare to unlock, they say you need a great inner change, something that makes your thoughts go against the flow of the world, likely something more as your thoughts must go against how you have been thinking for a long time, but its pretty cryptic.
regardless balance breakers are powerful, an example is a gear of legends, the boosted gear, this gear has reached balance breaker often though the ages, the gear itself is an gauntlet to double the users power once every 10 seconds, but the balance breaker is an armor, increasing strength and defense naturally and giving the ability to do multiple boosts in a duration of 10 seconds for a powerful attack, though I think the boosted power disappears after the attack."

From that point on Zeke drank the rest of the thee to let everyone take it all in before he continued to the next section.

"Evil pieces, each of you has one, they are used to reincarnate any creature to a devil under its king, one of the great kings made them as the devils numbers have lessened quite a lot during the last great war, so instead of taking pride in very powerful individuals we decided to make it possible to create groups with enhanced abilities to fill the gap of devil numbers, and while the numbers have been filled we keep to this system which has caused the underworld to change in, what I consider, A good way.
Regardless there is still the rule that power means everything.
Evil pieces are, as you have noticed, made to resemble chess pieces and each has a value which in some games such as the Dice games take great priority.
I shall start at the top and follow the boards placement, The king piece.
It should be natural that I am this groups King, the king piece itself is not much and lacks value, it basically allows me to manage my family and be warned when you are in danger, though together with a Rook piece A king can do towering where they switch places.
The next piece would be the Queen with a value of 9, the queen is said to be the most powerful piece and possess weaker but still counting traits of the Bishop, Knight and Rook, an Increase of magic, enhanced speed to a small level, an boost in strength and the ability to shape a Queens shield of their magical energy, this shield is very powerful but has a very limited time range and is not indestructible either.
The queen is also the kings right hand and to every formal occasion is expected to be next to his or her king, and as you must have realized, out Queen is Moena.
The Bishop, this piece is often used on supporting characters and gives an increase of magical energy and magical recovery, it has a value of 3.
Our Bishops are Runa, a fitting role as she rather heals and defends, not liking to go on the offence, and Sonitus, who we still have to see what his gear can do and his magical talents in general.
(OOC: yes I am playing that during the test or first real training we activated his gear, but dont know what it can do yet)
The Knight, also a value of 3, Knights have an increase in speed, the amount varies from person to person, from what I can tell, Marcus is by nature faster then Hecate, Knights are known for their speed and using swords, but do not take such for granted, I will explain why shortly, but first...
The Rook, Rooks have a value of 5, increased strength and natural defense as able to do the towering, our rooks are Orin and Ophelia, who, from what I have understood, has trouble controlling the increased strength for some reason."

Just at that moment Moena enters the room with more thee and cakes.
"We got some weird people in our group when you think about it, Ophelia cannot use a power she should be able to use without thinking and Marcus cannot even think of something holy or even the word of it without getting damage while we all can just as easy say god for that matter without problem, as long as we dont try to pray or something"
Zeke nodded, he had some checking up to do if this continued...

"Anyway, After the Rook we have left the Pawn, Pawns have a value of 1 each, meaning that those who take in more then one pawn would have an value based on the number of pawns, our pawns are Yuriha, Yumi and Creighton, at values 4, 3, 1 respectively.
Pawns have an unique ability that where their king says its enemy territory, they can promote into anything outside of a king.

And for the matters behind the Value as why you should never take all the basic rules of the roles such as knights with swords or supporting bishops as water tight.
A value is also depending on the one a king wishes to reincarnate.
everyone has their value based on various matters, often their known potential, current powers and sacred gears, as long as the values match or if the evil piece has an higher value then then one the king wishes to reincarnate, then the king can pretty much use any piece he has on him regardless of the targets abilities.
This can do both strengthen and weaken a person depending.
An good example would be a mountain troll, they are slow but powerful and high defense, they also have no ability to learn magic and lack intelligence, A queen piece could be used but as the troll is basically a living tank, that would be futile, due to the lack of intelligence a pawn would be unwise as it cannot understand how to promote as that with no magical talents, a bishop would be wasted on use.
If you however give the troll a Rook, then its already high attack and defense would only rise, where you can also say you balance his stats out by giving it a knight to increase his speed, with some luck you may get a troll who is equally fast as powerful, though that much would be a gamble.
For this reason you can have rooks and bishops who uses swords while knights may be pure magic users or archers, there are even some knights who specialize in healing to quickly recover its team mates when they get wounded."

Zeke then sighed and looked at the clock.
"Let us keep it at this for today, so any questions?"


Second day gear and magic combined training session

As the group entered the center field in front of the cottage after having done the basic stamina training with Zeke for once, they are met with Hecate, Runa, Yumi and Moena.
Zeke nodded to the girls as he left to the cottage.
"So, hope your all not too tired, were going to discuss the issue with the Valefor wings"
At that command, Runa, Hecate and Yumi extended their aura wings.
"As you can see, our wings are made from aura energy, most devils have black devil wings, only a hand few have special wings such as us and the Fenix house, however for some unknown reason the evil pieces have taken up Master's wings and gave us those instead of the black bat ones.
These Aura wings lack the mass to fly and only allow us to glide though the air instead of falling, but still, the ability to fly will be useful later on.
The upside to this is, we dont have to train our muscles to fly, which is hard and takes a while, the downside, we need to find a way to fly some other way.
You have seen my wings, I can lift the crystal cores inside the bones to fly, but I am pretty unique on that regard, so.. Runa, Hecate?"

As Moena asked the two suddenly water gathered around runa and placed itself inside the aura, mixing and fusing with it.
While Hecate's aura wings suddenly were set ablaze.
Once the group had seen this did Moena continued.
"By adding elemental mass can Master fly, Runa and Hecate were able to do the same by forcing their gear somewhat, you could say this is a subspecies ability but the gears are not subspecies themself, just in cause your wondering"
She then nodded to Yumi, who's jacket suddenly came alive and shaped into wings, the hood seemed to become bat ears instead though.
"Yumi lacks an elemental Gear, instead she create her own way, her Gear Soul Bringer normally can only allow souls she creates or summons into elemental mass, but she has made her gear an official SUbspecies by forcing her favorite bat soul into her jacket, the bat acts like her wings to the point that she can basically fly on her own wishes, but Kiro tends to stay conscious as well and may act on its own to protect Yumi when needed.
Which brings us to you guys, today were going to spend most of our time or creating some way for you all to fly, who wants to be first?"
"Ah, Sumimasen Moena-sama, but was it not Zeke-sama's plan to divide us so we can help everyone as swiftly as possible?" Runa suddenly interrupted in a surprisingly polite manner for someone who just interrupted someone who she sees as her senior and superior.
"true, lets see, we have Marcus, Orin, Sonitus, Yuriha, Ophelia and Creighton, 6 people, but we are with 4, so..."
"Not completely true Moena, we are with 5 and they are with 5, Crieghton had a king before us and as such he should have his own wings as well, correct?" Zeke said as he looked at the newest member.

From there on, everyone was allowed to pick their guide at learning to fly.


Sunday of the first week

As it was Sunday, everyone was allowed to pretty much do whatever they wanted, though they were all supposed to return to the center field at a specific time for food and some evaluations.
After everyone ate and Evaluations had ended, in general it was pretty good.
Something forced everyone to look at one of the other two mountains as a large explosion was heard.
Once the smoke cleared all that was left of the mountain was, well everything from the half down, the entire top halve had been blasted away.
"Seems Her Pawn is growing nicely" Zeke mumbled to himself as she looked with a smiling face, one that has rarely ever showed and was the first time to be seen by the new members.


Last Friday

At the last day, training had ended early so everyone could pack their stuff and clean up.
Zeke and Moena were waiting in front of the cottage till everyone came out.
"Are you worried master?" Moena asked Zeke suddenly.
"Ophelia, yes" he simply replied.
"Ah, We never were able to figure out why her evil piece keeps failing to work properly when it comes to increased strength"
"I will have to talk with Beelzebub about this, I just hope it is not a broken piece or that it will give her problems during the game, we do not know what kind it is and if this would put her live in danger then I may have to consider letting her watch from the sides"
"Ah Master dont do that, she worked so hard for this"
"I know, but if she would die..."
"I know how you feel master, but forcing her to watch will only hurt her, there must be other options in such a case"
Zeke said nothing to Moena about this as he kept thinking and waiting till everyone finally arrived.
"Good, I know you are hungry and want to go home and relax, so I have some good news, once we get home, we will change into our finest clothing, if you lack that Moena can provide it for you, then we shall take the underworld train to a engagement party of someone close to me, I expect you to behave and further I wish you all to have fun, enjoy the food as much as you want"

(OOC: Nothing much to reply about with the last one, but it is the start of the next section between the meeting one someone we already know (outside mtntopview) and the rating game
@Demonspade: If you rather, we can take the cliff talk between Marcus and Hecate to the PM, it kinds of depends if someone would want to mess up their little talk AFTER the important stuff that must not be interrupted has happened
depending on your idea and wishes with that we can just skip a bit to PM and follow up here with the section where people can jump in on XD (the important stuff will be posted here later, but if stuff happens that is not meant for here, I can snip that bit away, your call))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

First day, after training

It was hard for Yuriha to chose how she would be getting into the hot springs. She wished to use her adult form, but that meant she would have to go in there nude, since Moena didn't prepared a swimsuit for her older form "Not to blame Moe-nee, really. It's been so much time since I used that body that it's easy to forget about it, which means..." The young fox had a devilish smirk in her lips as she plot a new trick.

A few minutes passed before Yuriha left the changing room dressed in a plain navy blue swimsuit that Moena probably picked from within her school things. She jumped in the water playfully and splashed the hot liquid everywhere, as she played innocently for several minute before spotting an unprotected target and diving to attack. A moment later "Want me to give you a massage, Aniki?" Marcus would hear that just an instant before feeling a soft pressure on his back as the adult Yuriha wrapped her arms around his shoulders and bit his ear softly while shooting a suggestive glare at Hecate, almost as if challenging the fiery knight.

@Drake Baku@demonspade64

After the Hot Springs

Yuriha changed back into her child self before getting out of the water, since her adult form was still nude, and went back to her room to get fresh change of clothes and something to eat. While searching her backpack, she found a small pack of sweets that she forgot she bought just before their trip. Yuriha's trickster smirk flared again as she remembered the effect they had in her body "Hehehe, I have to save these for the last time."

She tucked the candies back in her bag and picked a pocky box, before walking away to the living room and sitting in front of the fireplace for the rest of the night.

Second day, Last Lesson

Yuriha listened quietly as Zeke explained some of the rules and common lore regarding Sacred Gears and Evil Pieces. She didn't spoke during his explanation, but once he spoke, Yuriha lifted an arm and asked "Zeke-sama, can you please explain more about Lucifer-sama and the other Devil Kings? And about the Devil society?"

As she waited for Zeke's answer, Yuriha rested her head on Orin's lap and changed her form a couple times, seeing which of them he liked better, playfully changing to the others just as he was starting to excited with one of them.


Second day, Gear & Magic training

When Moena finished her explanation, Yuriha summoned her wings and said "So, all we have to do is add some elemental magic to them, right?" And with a snap of her fingers, her wings were set ablaze with her fox fire.

She changed to her adult form before picking Hecate as a partner to teach her how to fly properly, by grabbing the knight by her arm and leaning in to whisper something in her ear "Did you had fun with Marcus-san the other day, He-chan? When she's born, can I be the godmother?" Yuriha asked that last question in a way that was impossible to say if she was just teasing Hecate, or if she had noticed something the others hadn't yet, all the while she tried to sneak her hands inside of Hecate's clothes while shooting a challenging glare at Marcus.

Last Friday, the Night before

As everyone finished their last dinner at the training camp, Yuriha passed on the aphrodisiac candies that she had been hiding all this time, she tried to make sure she didn't ate anyone of them herself, but somehow had dropped one on a glass of wine without noticing.

Everyone's last night would be full of very interesting, if only hazy, memories about what would happen after that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

First day, after training

Marcus could only name one other time when his body felt like it was going to give out, it was the day before yesterday when he almost died. Good old time he thought as he laid on the ground in exhaustion.

"So, how about we all go into the hotspring together, I'll make sure the others are there as well"

"Hotspring?" he thought to himself. A trip to the hot spring sure could sooth his aching muscles he though.

Once the group got to the back of the cottage, the deepest part, they would see two doors as with all traditional Hotsprings, one for the woman and one for the males and Hecate standing guard "Keep to your side of the dressing rooms" She specially eyed Orin as Yuriha walked by her.

"Oh Kate-chan. Guarding the Queen of London i see, shame we couldn't find you a big fuzzy hat to wear." He joked at her. But with Kappa-Orin around he can't say he blames her.

Inside the dressing room they would find a note about hotspring basics found in any hot spring, though something was edited.
Under the rule, "No clothing" was written, swimming clothes are optional.

And with that sigh Marcus begin to wonder if it was one of those we are all men so lets bathe together think that his grand parent back in the UK thought was weird. "So it come to this,has it." He told himself calmly. Marcus had no interest in men so he decide that he was going to be the manly-man by only going out there with only towel. Marcus took off his clothes, grab his towel. "Well guys, were all men so if you need me i be in the water." He told the rest of the guys proudly as he hung his towel over his shoulders,opened the door, and step out without even thinking. As soon as he greeted the rest of the group. "Sup guys." he told them proudly he got the strangle feeling horrible off something was way off... he didn't know why but it had to do with the girls in the group being there. He stood their naked near the pool for at least 5 minute before he came to a horrifying realization. Their are only girl here, which mean spring wasn't closed off between the two genders which means..."AH shit this a open bath!" he yelled out before looking down at himself and covering up with a towel. Ashamed,embassed, and afraid he ran before running back inside, giving everyone one last view of his pale behind before he retreated back inside the dressing room.


Marcus' face was as red as his hair as he keep from looking at the girls who saw him nude. Suddenly...

A moment later "Want me to give you a massage, Aniki?" Marcus would hear that just an instant before feeling a soft pressure on his back as the adult Yuriha wrapped her arms around his shoulders and bit his ear softly while shooting a suggestive glare at Hecate, almost as if challenging the fiery knight.

"That voice, it must be adult Yuhari." He told himself feeling a bit happy to hear her cute self. He turn back and got one hell of a surprise, unlike the other girls Yuhari was now nude. As soon as he realize that Marcus then turn his head away from her to avoid harming his social status with the girls even further. As Yuhari messaging his shoulder He though face couldn't get any red, nope he was wrong. the now mature fox girl was now nibbling on his ear suggestively. No doubt Kappa-Orin was furious.

Last Friday

Marcus starts packing up his bags before he decide to take one last look at the room where he spent time with Hecate the first night. that night was quiet scary but at the same time quite magical. He kind of wish he could some how take the room with him, he was going to miss this room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

First Day - Hot Springs

Orin looked almost insulted as Hecate eyed him when mentioning to keep to their sides of the changing rooms "I would never do something as horrible as that..." People were valuable when changing that would be just rude, but when they were relaxing in the bath? That was fine! After all to peek at women bathing was apart of a mans romance! Not that it mattered with this bath but still, very insulted to even think he would do such a thing. He was a pervert not a monster.

After changing Orin spent some time texting on his phone before heading into the bath, though it seemed Marcus was the first one to go ahead even going naked and talking about how manly he was... "Maybe I should have mentioned about the mixed bathing?" A few moments later the boy came running back in with a blush that was as red as his hair was! Orin had to stop hismelf from laughing, but he had to admit it was cute that he was so embarrassed.

Placing his phone into his bag Orin stood up and started to head past the curtain, but just as he reached it that all too familiar ringtone of his mistress started to sound out from his phone once more. Just this once he thought, just this once he would ignore the call and enter into the baths where everyone was waiting... However when he stepped out a sad retaliation hit him as he saw everyone there, from the girls surrounding Zeke to Yuriha giving a massage to Marcus, he didn't belong did he? Even the new people that had only come a few days ago fit in more than he did... Peering back to his phone, that was still ringing, he turned around to enter back into the changeing rooms "Ah, I got a call. Sorry everyone." He said half heartedly before going back to sit down and pick up the phone, once again placing his glasses back onto his face, well no one likely got to see him without glasses at least.

"Ah, hello Mistress, it is good to hear your voice."

Second day, Last Lesson

Orin was not listening to the lesson, tho he already knew it all so he had little reason too, and instead started to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. However while he was drifting off he suddenly felt something warm and fluffy hit press against his lap, and on closer inspection it was a Yuriha! Along with that she was changing her form, which her clothes were very much disliking most likely, and with a shadow cast over his eyes Orin started to reach out towards her....

With a bright smile he started to pet her head, his expression of affection and excitement not changing at all despite what form she took, after all it was lovely enough that she was there. However his face did change when she changed form, from a perverted smirk, a affection 'aww thats cute' to a 'whoa~' which made it pretty funny to watch.

Last Day

Orin had to say the dinner was a rather nice treat for everyone, even if he didn't take part in the lessons he thought this was a very nice vacation before any of the struggles that they would have to go through. Another nice treat were the candies that Yuriha had given them all as a after dinner snack and of course given his appetite he happily accepted "Thanks, mmm nic-," He stopped mid sentence when he tasted the thing, and when you are someone that can taste the difference between minerals it was pretty clear what the candy contained.

Grinning Orin caught the candy between his teeth before crushing it with ease, chewing it up and making sure to eat it, he did not know if it would affect his body but it would be interesting finding out... However Yuriha was being pretty bad by not telling anyone of the candies affects, those of which only Orin likely had the power to detect, still he noticed the dropped candy, a perfect punishment not to mention it.

"Thanks you Yuriha~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

HOTSPRING on the first day

before Hecate had stopped Marcus to tell him about meeting her at the cliff after the hot spring he made a really stupid joke as far as she felt, resulting in a simple glare at him.

As Marcus walked in naked, the eyes of the girls were drawn to him, well it was more that they wanted to know who entered next as they looked up to all the boys who entered the spring area.
At his pure state Runa ended up biting her lower lip as she began feeling, well lets say hot, but not in a hotspring way (if you catch my drift)
Yumi simply sighed and leaned against Zeke while Opehlia covered her eyes.
Moena nodded and once he left yelling about it being an open bath she laughed.

Once Marcus was back Moena swam to him in all of her naked splendor "No need to be embarrassed Marcus, you got a nice package and there are mode nude in here, Zeke for example and me as you can see" when she said that she lifted her breasts a little, though barely allowed him to see her nipples, letting the pink area break just above the surface while the nobs were still underwater "But yes this is an open bath, though it used to be separate one"
Once Moena left to play again Runa tried to get to Marcus after having seen him like that before but Yuriha was quicker then her, so she ended up going back disappointed...

As no one ended up saying anything when Hecate asked 'what' she ended up moving towards the spring, though she moved behind a rock so no one would see her.
once behind the rock some could see her throwing the towel on th ground and she moved in the water, straight away moving to the hottest spot were even Orin would have problems.
This way she would be alone so no one could know what she was wearing or for that matter if she was wearing anything at all

She watched as Yuriha took her adult form, and while in her nude started massaging Marcus.
It was odd, she was used to the girls acting like this around a boy, it was natural when in pools there were those in the nude and massaging boys while teasing somewhat like that, yet this felt different, why did Yuriha looked like that? why did she felt slightly annoyed at the way Yuriha looked at her?


As Yuriha was quickly able to mix her aura wings and her fox fire, Zeke and Moena nodded.

Hecate was shocked when Yuriha asked if she had fun with Marcus, the girl knew, damned to fox ears, but what Yuriha said afterwards instantly ticked her off resulting with a slap in her face "not funny" hecate said as she calmed herself down, she had to keep control or she might blurt something out herself.

In the mean time Zeke walked to Orin "So, do you have wings by nature or some other means to fly or shall I help you my friend?"


Zeke smiled to Yuriha her question "First lets see if anyone else here has some questions about what I just said, after which I may have time for such"

Night before last friday

As Yuriha gave out the candy after the last dinner they would have that camp, its been around a good 3 weeks, everyone accepted them, it was not often that she would give out candy like this, often she would consume it all far before the camp would have ended in week 1 so...
Once everyone had gotten their piece, they all began to eat it.
but ot just Orin realized something, Runa has had them before and recognized the taste, though she giggled and swallowed it hole, she was going to enjoy this night and wanted to try if the rumors she had heard that swallowing it like that would result in a longer lasting effect.
Zeke sighed and ended up spitting the candy out, reason why, he could sense at everyones aura that something was up, especially Orin and Yuriha who both know the truth were pretty much dead giveaways, but he too had them before so he had basically two ways to know something was up, though depending on how things may go he may take it later on, but for now he wanted to be the adult here.

(OOC: note, I wont go all 3 weeks in the training session in PM, dont worry.
also to continue on the night before the last day events, lets go to the PM for those willing XD
votes on yes or no on that can be made in the OOC XD)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 35 min ago

Hot Springs, Day One

Rubbing the back of his neck as they finished training, Creighton clutched his stomach with his free hand. Bruises were one thing, but hunger AND bruises were another. Remaining silent throughout the walk back, mostly out of shame of being physically losing to a teenage girl, [And several other girls. Seemed that being malnourished really had affected him...or had he always been this weak?] Creighton just twiddled his thumbs, snacking on various nuts his rats sought out and brought back to him.

Once they got inside the changing room, Creighton opted to go in butt-fuckin'-naked, the steam barely veiling his crotch as he ran into the bath, passing Marcus and saying: "Nice towel" and submerged himself completely, paddling over to a vacant end of the water. Sinking down until only his nose was up, Creighton sighed happily, the water around him visibly turning slightly darker.

Last Lesson, Day Two

Taking a seat on the floor, Creighton rested his hand on his perched fist, elbow digging into his knee as he listened. Pretty much all of it was rudimentary knowledge to him at this point, given his experience. But the talk did get one thought stirring..."...Balance Breaker...I wonder if that's how she killed her..." he thought to himself, moving his face into his palm as he tried to think of other things.

Gear and Magic Training, Day Two

Staring blankly as they talked of wings, Creighton yawned once it was his turn. Putting his hands in his pockets, he says: "HAD would be a better term to use, boss. I'm a flightless rat."

Sunday, Bloody Sunday...

Boring shit. Mostly just him reading and sleeping.

Last Day

Looking over the chocolate that Yuriha had given him, he tossed it a few times in his hand before saying: "Thanks kid." giving her a pat on the head before he walked back to his room, tossing the chocolate onto his coat, the rats all emerging and scrambling to get it. "Sorry kiddo, been around the block WAY too many times to fall for spiked chocolates...the hell did she put in these anyways?"

He soon got his answer in the form of the rats literally dancing with each other, a few fashioning violins out of fine-fibers of Creighton's hair that were on the coat, and a couple of boxes of juice, as well as using cardboard tubes as tubas, shortening a few for trumpets, and using an old shoe and shoestrings a a chelo. One fucker got creative with a set of toothpicks and small metal cans to make a drumset. Classy little buggers... Too bad they couldn't sing beyond mild squeaks.

From the goddamn sound of it, literally EVERYONE was getting some tonight. Even his sacred gear.
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