Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Truth Behind the Project

Miso City.

A breeding ground for mystery and secrets in on itself. Ordinarily, the city was so elusive and enigmatic, that frankly, people didn’t care if it landed on the map or not. If the resident’s attitudes towards the place were anything to go by, then this was perhaps for the best. Nothing really happened in Miso City. It wasn’t too large, wasn’t too small, wasn’t too crowded, and wasn’t too clean.

It simply was.

The only thing setting the place apart from anything else was the high amounts of magical power practically leaking out of the city. Of course, normal humans couldn’t feel the presence of such arcane things. Only those gifted with special abilities beyond human belief and comprehension were granted access into the world of magic. They were blessed with wonders…and burdened by curses.

Even now, the sky was darkening in Miso City. Rain fell hard and heavy on this Monday afternoon. It was only a few blocks that separated Miso Junior High and Miso High School. A girl with dark hair and gray eyes stood at the rooftop of the latter.

She held out a matching gray umbrella before her to conceal her body from the rain’s drops. School had just gotten out and she was the first to arrive to the meeting spot. She was always the first to come and the last to leave. The girl mused on these thoughts as she looked up at the heavens above. The rain would not stop for some while.

Akame Natsuko was a Magical Girl. A being that sold away her life to enter the world of beyond. Today’s meeting would be alongside her fellow senior Magical Girls. They had felt it in the last few days, all three of them. New presences that entered into Miso City. New, fresh Magical Girls.

Akame had sent the other two to invite the new residents to Miso High’s roof after school today. It was there where they would be discussing their plans for the future as well as welcoming their fellow Magical Girls to the city. It was the least they could do before the fighting started.

“Staring at the rain again?”

Akame didn’t have to turn as the familiar voice reached her ears. It was childish in nature, though she found out long ago that the owner of said voice was nothing conceived by human thought.

“Yes,” she answered back as a white creature resembling a cross between a cat and a rabbit landed on her shoulder, nudging her face with its cheek gently. “It’s been raining for two days now. I take it you didn’t come here by chance Contractor?”

“Yes, you are correct in assuming that, Akame Natsuko,” the creature replied happily-or what at least sounded like happiness to Akame-eyes never blinking and expression never wavering. “I wanted to see this batch myself, if you don’t mind?”

“Not at all. Rose and Emiri should be here soon with their recruits.”

The senior Magical Girl glanced to her left, trying, and failing, to judge the Contractor’s thoughts.

“Will you be staying for tea?”

“No, that won’t do. I have some things to attend to.”

Akame said nothing more, giving up on trying to understand the Contractor’s ways. Instead, she looked out at the wet city once more. She’d wait a few more minutes before contacting the other two via thought through her Soul Gem. Worse case scenario was that they were caught in the middle of a Primordial attack, in which she’d depart to assist them. But for now she waited in silence, leaving the Contractor to its own thoughts as she shifted the umbrella.

“And so it goes,” Akame murmured to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The sky darkened as storm clouds rolled in over the city of Miko. The rain came down slowly at first but steadily grew in intensity. It came down all over the city. Sitting alone on top of one of the large suspension bridges leading out of the city, sat the magical girl known truly as Rose Andrews. She was in casual attire just watching the cars drive by below her. When the rain hit her, she did nothing to stay dry though it was easily in her powers to divert the raindrops. The rain felt cool and refreshing to Rose. She sat there for a moment enjoying the rain. Rose felt that the rain was like someone was crying. Who she did not know. Maybe god. Maybe god was crying because the people of this city were oblivious to the suffering of others around them. They all drove their cars completely unaware of the actions their neighbors. Criminals robbed on the streets, homeless filled the parks and libraries, and cops try their best and are tore apart in the news. This world Rose wanted to understand. She was seeking the answer to it. She did not know what the question was. What was the correct question to ask? and would she like the answer?

Rose sensed a presence far off in the distance. Another magical girl. Rose stood up from her perch and gazed over into the direction of the presence. She transformed without flair and leaped from the top of the bridge. She dove head first into the river. A dive from that height might have killed a normal person but with the aid of water magic she was able to do it elegantly and without fear. She swam until she got back to the surface then darted over the surface to where the other magical girl was. While she ran, her soul gem called out the her. It was the fire girl, Akame. She wanted to have a meeting with all the magical girls. Akame was among the few friend Rose had so she felt obligated to go but first this new presence. Rose just said she acknowledged back to Akame.

Coming up the were the other magical girl was she saw the new girl. Bright red and wielding a large sword. Not normally the thing on might expect. Standing on top of a light pole, Rose called down to the girl, "Good evening, miss. I must regretfully inform you that you are hunting on my turf. An insult that can easily be overlooked if you agree to join forces with my group. Less danger hunting Primals, and evenly split rewards. Plus friends if your into that. What do you say?" Rose made no threatening action. Her two swords were still on her hips and she gave no indication on her powers. @Ariamis
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Somewhere on the streets of Miso City's downtown

A long and wavy blond haired girl, dressed in a Victorian inspired dress walked the damp landscape of the concrete forest under an old British umbrella, in her free hand she had an antique looking book and was reading it while paying no heed to the crowd around her.

The busy looking adults, most of them underpaid salarymen trying to go back home safely, that ran frenetically under the dark canopy of clouds that hang high above their heads seemed to avoid her path in an almost unnatural way, never even sparing a glance towards the girl who was clearly out of her place, or better yet, not even towards the coat wearing white rabbit that she seemed to be following with the corner of her field of vision.

Actually, it was not the people's fault that they ignored the girl, they couldn't even see her at all because she was a bieng that, right now, existed on a realm totally different from theirs. Yes, she was a magical girl and the rabbit that she was following was one of the many different types of familiars that she could summon and control with the magic book that she had in her hands.

"So much negative energy, it's no wonder that a primordial had manifested itself here... good thing that someone has already taken care of it before it did any harm to the civilians, don't you think, Miss Tresspasser?" Emiri towards the other girl that was standing in the middle of crossing, right where the white rabbit had disappeared.

The girl was dressed in an exquisite green attire and held a species of sword and staff combo weapon in her hands, a magical aura reeked off the girl's body and her eyes had a confident glare shining on them. Emiri closed her book with a THUD sound just as the traffic lights began to indicate that they would switch from red to green in a matter of seconds. Emiri didn't had go any further, she had found her target for tonight, the second newbie magical girl.

"Pardon me for my rudeness, I'm Asuka Emiri, one of the senior magical girls that oversee this city. While your help in dealing with the primordials is more than welcome, we'd ask of you to do a formal introduction first. If you like we can even cooperate towards the greater good. Now, be a kind girl and follow me to where my friends are waiting, please?"

After finishing her speech Emiri turned her back toward the girl and began walking back in the school's direction just as the cars zoomed in between both girls, on the way there she contacted Akame to report her findings.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Miyako sighed as the primordial vanished into naught but dust and ether, victorious in combat once more. She glanced about at the people walking by, unable to see the fight that had just occurred. That didn't stop her from striking a pose, spinning her weapon as she grinned. Even if no one could see it, she could be confident in her skill, ability, and in the fact that she had done her part to save these people. Sure, recognition would be nice, but she at least knew it to be true.

Glancing upwards, she checked the time to make sure that it wasn't beyond her normal schedule. She was a recent arrival here, and she couldn't worry her parents, or siblings, by being gone too long. It did mean that she didn't know the city that well, but she had to get out, had to secure some turf, see how prevalent the Primordials were. And by her reckoning, this place was a gold mine.

As a result, she wasn't entirely expecting it when she was suddenly addressed, and she turned her attention to the girl in a stuffy dress, with a book of some kind. And considering the way crowds seemed to flow around her, as well as the fact that they could see each other, that left her identity obvious.

"Yes, pretty good thing," Miyako agreed with a nod. "Not that it was much of a challenge." She was unmoving at the imminent light change, aware that such vehicles couldn't hurt her in this state. Instead, her attention was solely on the other girl.

A shrug then on her part as her presence was requested. It wasn't too much of a surprise that there were other girls in this city already. "Sure thing," she agreed nonchalantly. "I don't mean to butt in on your turf. You can cut the patronizing act though. I know what I'm doing." Until she knew more, she was not going to let herself be treated like she was some rookie magical girl, who had no idea what she was doing.

With nary a complaint more, she rested her weapon on her shoulder as she followed after Asuka, to grace this gathering with her presence. It couldn't hurt, and she had the time. It would at least be interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Raindrops. The tears of the fallen. Elise's thoughts ran across the dark cityscape as she strolled through a plaza. She was just finished cutting one of the "primordials" The furry thing mentioned. They were a good challenge to her, and had plenty of blood to reap. They would distract her from pursuing her goal, but she wanted to have a bit of fun every now and then. There wasn't a better way to pass the time to her.

This city reeked. It was full of weaklings who either begged in the streets or used guns like cowards to steal from others. She's been here for a couple of weeks, and already she's seen plenty of things. She was sickened by it all. But there was something to Miso City that she couldn't help but feel attracted to. Maybe it was the sense of danger lurking around every corner, maybe it was the skyscrapers she could climb to the top and then jump off of, but nonetheless she would stay here until there wasn't anything left to fight.

While she was walking with her sword slung over her shoulder she heard someone talk to her. That was unexpected, since normal people shouldn't have even realized that she was there. She glanced over at where she heard the voice coming from, and on top of the light pole was another magical girl, just like her.

Standing on top of a light pole, Rose called down to the girl, "Good evening, miss. I must regretfully inform you that you are hunting on my turf. An insult that can easily be overlooked if you agree to join forces with my group. Less danger hunting Primals, and evenly split rewards. Plus friends if your into that. What do you say?" Rose made no threatening action. Her two swords were still on her hips and she gave no indication on her powers.

Elise lifted her sword from her shoulder with unnatural ease, and planted it on the ground. She placed her hand over it.
"First of all, I hunt wherever there are these 'primies', and I don't care if it's your turf or not. Second, I work alone. I don't split rewards with weaklings. They belong to those who earned them. And third, your dress is ugly."

Elise smiled smugly as she lifted her sword, prepared for any attacks that would be launched her way. And she believed she would attack; girls easily lost their temper when their attires were critiqued in any way in Elise's mind. Elise wanted to fight, but she didn't want to charge first; she had a better chance of winning when she checked her opponent's moves before countering.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

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Rose was a little insulted when the new girl insulted her outfit. She however did not show it. She had to be like the water she used: calm, cool and collected. She looked down on the girl with disdain, this girl clearly was new to the stage. She should respect her elders. She thought up a response quickly and said, "Since we are going by the numbers, First, I do not care about your opinions on my dress. It is my personal preference. I respect your attire, repect mine. Can we at least accept that. Second, you are not in a position to survive a fight with me. I have total advantage."

Rose used her magic to summon up the rain water from the ground. The water solidified without freezing forming a set of stairs that almost looked to be made of glass the Rose casually walked down. She continued to monologue, "Second, You see, water is my element. This rain is giving me more than enough ammunition to throw around. Not to mention, You are already soaking wet from the rain. Thirdly, I am not sure thirdly is even a word. wordly. Nevermind, Third, I invite you to at least come to a gathering with me and the others. You have free will, you can chose then if you want to lend us your strength. If not, then you and I can find a nice level arena when it is not raining for a more fair fight."

Rose came to the same level as the broadsword wielding magic girl. She bowed respectfully then lied, "I am known as Rea Hargrove. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Elise held her sword with both hands and her eyes locked on the younger-looking girl, who turned out to be a lot more patient than she assumed. It caught her off-guard a bit. Then she started using her magic, and Elise realized she could actually kick her ass right then and there if she wanted to since there was a lot of material for the girl to use on her, but chose not to. This girl wasn't just talking for show, she meant what she said. She was confident, and Elise respected confidence like that.

She made her sword disappear. She decided to go along with her, not because she was afraid of the girl, but because she was honestly intrigued at the chance of meeting other magical girls she could pick a fight with. Maybe one them will.

"Alright Rea, you got some stones. I like that. I'll take you up on your offer; might as well check out the competition in a single trip. I'm Elise."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

“I’m glad you two resolved your confrontation. Honestly, I can’t understand why two Magical Girls would ever fight one another. You’re both on the same side, right? I just don’t understand.”

The voice came from the side. Crawling along the walls, seemingly defying gravity itself, was the Contractor. It padded without haste, its expression dormant as always. As it moved, its body remained dry, as if all the surrounding water was avoiding the small, white creature.

It landed now on Rose’s shoulder before turning its unblinking gaze on Elise. All Magical Girls knew the Contractor, the one who gave them their source of power. A being as enigmatic and mysterious as the Primordials they fought.

“Hello Elise Augermann. I never expected you to come to Miso City. But I’m glad you did! With your help, the number of Primordials that show up will be greatly reduced.”

The Contractor titled its head and seemed to smile wider.

“We should get going. Your fellow Magical Girls are waiting.”

Back at Miso High’s rooftop, Akame received both messages from Rose and Emiri. She nodded in response, moving away to get the snacks ready. She had intended this to be a tea party of sorts to help break the ice. Tensions were always high with Magical Girls, for one reason or another. The Contractor was still on her shoulder, keeping its thoughts to itself.

Two Contractors in different places at the same time was not uncommon, though it was still a little unnerving for the newbies. Akame was the one closest to the Contractor in terms of understanding its ways. Even so, the fiery Magical Girl didn’t fully grasp the whole of the Contractor’s method and purpose.

Another thought for another time.

Moving inside the school building, Akame located the first room to her left and scanned for everything to be in check. A table, some tea, cookies, and cake, as well as a map of Miso City.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rose was startled by the appearance of the contractor. She just did not sense his presence prior to his speaking. She did her best not to show it. When the contractor landed on her shoulder, she smiled and scratched the cat bunny creature's head. She could not tell if the contractor liked or disliked how she treated him like an adorable cat. "Hey, adorable, how are you? I did not expect you to show up here. Would you have stopped me if I had gotten into a fight with this young magic girl?" Rose asked the contractor. She then waved to Elise to follow her. She did not wait to see if Elise did follow. She walked away and lead the way to the meeting of magical girls.

After arriving to the school, Rose stepped inside. She made no effort to dry herself off from the rain. She did however pull all the water out of Elise's outfit as a courtesy. She discarded the extra water in a nearby trash bin. She did not say much until she got up to the meeting room. She smiles politely, "Akame, A pleasure to see you once again. Anything new happen since last time?"

@Ariamis @TheWindel
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

“I’m glad you two resolved your confrontation. Honestly, I can’t understand why two Magical Girls would ever fight one another. You’re both on the same side, right? I just don’t understand.”

Elise scoffed at the sight of the furball, and crossed her arms. The creature has been annoying her ever since she contracted, constantly popping out of nowhere and trying to be so goddamn cute all the time. She hated that.

“Hello Elise Augermann. I never expected you to come to Miso City. But I’m glad you did! With your help, the number of Primordials that show up will be greatly reduced.”

"Hmph. Whatever." Elise eyeballed the thing with contempt. "Don't you have a more constructive use for your time, like recruiting new fighters? Ugh, I stopped caring already."

She then waved to Elise to follow her. She did not wait to see if Elise did follow. She walked away and lead the way to the meeting of magical girls.

After arriving to the school, Rose stepped inside. She made no effort to dry herself off from the rain. She did however pull all the water out of Elise's outfit as a courtesy. She discarded the extra water in a nearby trash bin. She did not say much until she got up to the meeting room. She smiles politely, "Akame, A pleasure to see you once again. Anything new happen since last time?"

"Thanks," Elise said once 'Rea' dried her costume, and sneezed due to the loss in her body heat. "This better be worth it."

She followed the other girl into an empty classroom, and met a new girl who looked a lot older than either of them. She went next to the door she came from and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed, keeping her eyes on the girl who seemed to have set this up. The young girl seemed to know this 'Akame', though she wondered at the big age gap between them. She spotted the treats and tea set on a table.

Does this girl really think she's gonna have some kind of lame tea party? Is she five or something?

Elise groaned, and then spoke to Akame. "Yo. Are there more guests coming? Cause so far this ain't much of a gathering. And what's with the tea party? You think it's cute to be wasting my time like this?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

When she finally arrived back at Miso High, Emiri was already wearing her school uniform, though she old the other girl that it would be for the best if she continued in her magical girl form at least until they arrived at the place where they would be having their meeting, to avoid attracting unnecessary attention towards they.

After walking through the nearly empty corridors of the school for a few minutes, Emiri reached the meeting room just as the last remnants of the leaden light coming from the rainy afternoon sky where about to fade.

Emiri opened the door and signaled for the other girl to come in before entering the room herself. After she locked the door, a magical barrier that sealed the room from the outside was raised, now they could literally drop a bomb in there and no one would hear or see a thing, the collateral damage was a different thing, however.

"I'm for being late, but I had to go all the way to the downtown to fetch our last guest for this evening." Emiri addressed her colleagues, apologizing for her lateness, before turning towards the other girl and saying, "Please, make yourself at home, both the tea and the cake are fresh, so don't be shy if you want some."

Emiri didn't ignored the presence of the redheaded girl standing by the door side, but after seeing the scowl on her face, she decided to address her after the proper steps had been taken care of.

Then, she pushed her own chair and, before sitting on it, turned in Akame's direction and said, "What do you say we begin from the introductions, Akame?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

“Of course not!” the Contractor said gleefully as it nudged Rose’s affectionate hand. “Human conflict is confusing to ponder and watch. I would have just let you two go at it.”

At least the creature was honest.

It ignored Elise’s rather rude remarks and remained perched on Rose’s shoulder. When the two finally arrived at the designated location at the high school, the Contractor on Rose’s shoulder leapt off and ran away, disappearing in a darkened corner. Not that it was a big deal, seeing as there was another one still resting next to Akame.

The gray-eyed girl shook her head at Rose’s question, free hand idly scratching the top of the Contractor’s head without notice.

“Welcome back Rea,” she said, knowing the other girl didn’t like to use her real name. “No, nothing new sad to say.”

Akame then glanced over at the leaning Elise. There was an aura of power present just in the older Magical Girl’s gray eyes, though there was no trace of malicious intent. She simply gave a small smile in light of Elise’s continuing rudeness.

“Yes, we’re expecting two more,” she told the younger girl. “One of our seniors and a new girl to the city just like you. As for the tea and snacks, I figured that one is never too old to act like a child. Besides, you strike me as the person to be hungry right about now.”

The high schooler stood up from her seat, waving an arm to motion that the drinks and snacks were up for grabs.

“Please, help yourself. My name is Natsuko Akame. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Miyako followed along behind Emiri as the rain poured down, making things annoying. At least, it was annoying for her as she wondered where they were going and how long this was going to take. Every moment that she spent here with this girl was another moment that she could have been fighting primordials and protecting people. With that in mind, she seriously hoped that this was worth it, or else she would not be a happy camper, even if relations with the people already here wouldn't be a bad thing. It was just how she operated.

At last they arrived at some high school, Miyako wearing her magical girl garb for the moment while her guide had changed back to her school clothes. The place was pretty much abandoned, which was what Miyako had expected, and she looked about as she walked on, ready for some sort of ambush. She doubted it was a trap, but she could see why they might try one on her. She was a trespasser after all.

At last they arrived, and she noted the barrier that raised behind them. At the same time, she could see several other girls already present, other magical girls as was not too hard to surmise. Well then, seemed this city was busier than she thought. This was either going to be interesting, or a real pain. And the only way to tell would be for them to begin.

"Hello," Miyako said with a wave as she sent her weapon away and took a seat in one of the chairs. She picked up a cookie and began to eat it, thoroughly chewing every bite as she watched them all, waiting for this show to get on the road and for the opportunity to introduce herself. These girls had to know what they were getting into, at the end of the day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Akame scanned the room before standing up and walking to the center. Two new Magical Girls. Both of them probably knew already the responsibility thrusted onto them, but it was best to remind them of that fact. That and they needed to be trained for combat.

The Contract leapt away from her shoulder as Akame stood up straight for the introductions. The white furred creature waited and watched on a nearby windowsill, tail swishing behind it lazily. Clearing her throat, Akame looked up with stern eyes.

“Greetings everyone, and welcome to Miso City. As you may have realized, each of us are quite old to be the average Magical Girl. The three of us have been guarding this territory for some time. You’ve been gathered here today not only because you are Magical Girls, but because your assistance can directly influence the war.”

The gray-eyed girl paused to watch everyone’s reactions before continuing.

“As you already know, the world is not what it seems. People die every day. You’ve noticed, right? Those stories in the news about people suddenly dropping dead in public, showing signs of injury that shouldn’t be possible. That shouldn’t be seen. Casualties are common these days. By now you should have realized that you’re only here because he sent you.”

She looked at the Contractor now, trying and failing to judge its reaction to all this.

“We’re at war right now and he knows we need all the help we can get. They’re called Primordials. As you’ve seen in your experience, these are creatures that take our shape and form to fight back. They have one goal, as far as we can tell and that is to consume all of humanity. For one reason or another, the Contractor believes that a high amount of magic is running through the city. In other words, this is a breeding spot for Primordials.”

Akame crossed her arms and glanced at the Contractor again.

"That’s why he’s gathered you here before us. He wants us Magical Girls to work together to locate the origin point and destroy it. Isn’t that right Contractor?”

“It is, Akame Natsuko,” the Contractor affirmed with a scratch to its ears. “If a substantial amount of Magical Girls are gathered, then the balancing force should be enough to counteract the power of the Primordials. Do you all understand? As you humans say, the more the merrier!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rose took a seat on the table and poured herself some tea. She was happy that Akame chose the correct name for her. It was not hard to guess which of her three main aliases to chose, but Akame honored her by respecting Rose by calling her Rea. She sipped her tea as she listened to Akame explain the situation. She had never considered that they were at war with Primordials. They did their thing like eat people and we just protected people. Nothing more that shepards guarding a flock of sheep against the wolves. That was the life of a magical girl.

Cautiously Rose raises her hand, "Sorry, but I have a question. Maybe several. First, what is your plan for finding this point? Second, what is the point of destroying it? We could easily use the nest as a training ground. And Control how many Primordials spawn from it." Rose got cold. That was out of line. She knew others might not like her words and what she was implying. She did not seek conflict and would have rather held her tongue than start a fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

“Yes, we’re expecting two more,” she told the younger girl. “One of our seniors and a new girl to the city just like you. As for the tea and snacks, I figured that one is never too old to act like a child. Besides, you strike me as the person to be hungry right about now.”

The high schooler stood up from her seat, waving an arm to motion that the drinks and snacks were up for grabs.

“Please, help yourself. My name is Natsuko Akame. It’s very nice to meet you.”

Elise glared back viciously against the perceived attempt at intimidation she was getting from the older girl. She didn't like the smarmy, maternal act she was obviously faking. But the girl hit her in her weak point: the last battle she fought was really tough, and she hasn't anything to eat the entire day. Her stomach growled, and she blushed with a bit of embarrassment. "Fine," she abruptly said, and went over to the table to get a slice of cake. Her mouth full, Elise then mumbled: "Name's Elise."

More girls arrived. Elise didn't pay much attention to them while she was munching, but her eyes did meet the girl in green, who also started eating. She stared at her like she was declaring a food-eating contest.

Akame then started talking. Elise didn't care enough to listen to the whole thing, but she did mention a war and and some kind of breeding spot for the monsters. It then turned out the living plushie set this all up. Ugh, I knew it.

Cautiously Rose raises her hand, "Sorry, but I have a question. Maybe several. First, what is your plan for finding this point? Second, what is the point of destroying it? We could easily use the nest as a training ground. And Control how many Primordials spawn from it."

Elise gulped down her cake slice and interrupted: "Yeah, that would be the perfect fighting spot! Just let them pop out and BAM! It's great!" Elise lightly punched her open palm as visual aid.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

"How come we've never heard of this before?" Emiri after taking a little sip of her teacup. If this information was true, then they most likely could end this conflict with the Primordials once and for all, avoiding the deaths of God knows how many people in their hands. So, why did the being that told them to fight the Primordials in first place keep this knowledge to itself until now?

Before the Contractor had a chance to explain itself, that is, if it intends to do that all, Emiri heard two of her fellow magical girls saying something unbelievable:

First it was Rose, one of her own colleagues,
"Sorry, but I have a question. Maybe several. First, what is your plan for finding this point? Second, what is the point of destroying it? We could easily use the nest as a training ground. And Control how many Primordials spawn from it."

And then the redheaded girl, Elise,
"Yeah, that would be the perfect fighting spot! Just let them pop out and BAM! It's great!"

It was unbelievable, an atrocity that Emiri couldn't ignore in any instance, so she turned toward to the two and said, "How can you say something like this and still call yourself a magical girl? Are your proposing that we allow the Primordials continued existence just to use them as cattle? What will you do if you ever lose control of them? How many innocents you think that'll be lost because of your selfishness?"

Emiri stopped her rant only after looking into Akame's eyes and seeing that their leader-of-sorts had remained calm the whole time. Emiri knew, or at least she thought that she knew the kind of person that Akame was, she wouldn't take part in such a plan, after all, if the flame wielder wanted to monopolize the Primordials after knowing such a thing it would be a piece of cake, so she had to have something else in her mind. Emiri didn't knew what, but she held her breath for several seconds, before addressing Akame, "Akame, say something, please. Surely you don't want to take part in that idea, do you? I believe in you, so please don't disappoint me..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Seated, Miyako glanced over at the other girl who apparently wasn't part of this team, unaware that she had started some sort of eating contest. She was hungry, she ate, that was all there was to it. And her eating fell off as the meeting finally began, giving some understanding at last.

"Well, that's interesting," she said as Akame explained that they were here to take out a breeding ground for the Primordials. It would be a serious blow, to say the least, and she could understand why they would want extra numbers for it. It had to be risky as hell, to boot.

Then two of them spoke up, suggesting that they use it as a training ground, a farm if you would. While that made sense from a utilitarian standpoint, and in terms of possible future magical girls, it earned quick resistance from Emiri at the same time, which wasn't all that surprising.

The green clad girl let her finish before speaking up in turn. "I'm gonna agree with her," she added, gesturing towards Emiri. "Better we get rid of the thing now, before we get swamped in Primordials. They come back all the time, but we can't exactly pull other magical girls out of a hat, can we?"

that earned a pause as Miyako glanced about before smiling, realizing that she still needed to introduce herself. "Oh, and I'm Miyako Komatsu, best magical girl in the world, and that's a fact. Isn't that right, Contractor?" She didn't exactly need him to back her up, but it would boost her credibility, as she waited for the inevitable reaction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Oh no... The other people will probably yell at me for being late..." This was Nanakos' first time at a large school. She was normally isolated to her elementary and cram school. Unfortunetly, she had gotten lost in search of the meeting place for the new magical girls. Despite her situation nothing really terrible happened to her today, which was a positive in her mind.

Earlier, she could strangley hear the thoughts of people in her mind. Girls she didn't know, and the talking kitty from a few days ago. The oke that had an entrancing voice and asked her to make a wish. She didn't say anything earlier as she was afraid to talk. Nanako didn't even beleive that she had the ability to respond. She was so very new to this.

Namako stopped running around. Looking out the window. Gazing at the rain drops stuck to the glass. A little further on was a girl. She had long black hair tied into low pigtails. There was something odd about her... Almost... Magical? Nanako walked closer to her. Under the impression that she was one of the girls she was looking for. A magical girl.
"Um... Hello... Miss said Nanako softly. Are you lost too? I couldn't find the meeting place ether... Nanako was pretty much talking to herself. The girl didn't reply all too quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Akame said nothing in response to Rose’s question and Elise’s enthusiasm. Her only answer was to cast a glance in the Contractor’s direction, motioning for all present to pay their attentions to him. After all, this whole idea was the Contractor’s. She was only a spokesperson, though she had her own unvoiced ideas as well.

“That’s an interesting question with a relatively simple answer,” the creature said brightly. “You see, the magic emitted by each of your Soul Gems is directly contrasted with the magic emitted by Primordials. Or at least, that’s what we’ve observed so far. Therefore, it stands to reason that we can locate their origin point through the use of your Soul Gems. Have any of you ever noticed how your Soul Gem becomes brighter the closer you are to a Primordial? It’s the same concept in finding the origin point.”

The Contractor swept its unblinking gaze on Emiri now with a small tilt of its head.

“You’ve heard no information regarding this, Asuka Emiri, because we haven’t realized this truth until much recently. It’s only now you’re learning just the same as we are. I admit, we don’t know everything.”

As the others soon began to discuss and debate the ethics of the Contractor’s plan, Akame couldn’t help but stare at her white-furred companion. The others may not have caught on, but the Contractor always seemed to refer to itself as multiple entities. Words like “we” always made her assume it was speaking of the partnership it shared with her personally, though now she wasn’t too sure.

She couldn’t muse on these thoughts for long though as Emiri picked her voice up and acknowledged her directly. Sighing, the flaming Magical Girl looked at Emiri with a calm, almost steely expression.

“You’re right Emiri. As much as I can see the benefit of using the origin point as a potential training spot, the danger is too great. We’ve lost enough casualties to the Primordials due to stupid decisions, and making one more will only cause more death. As enigmatic as it sounds, I think our best options lie in the Contractor’s plan. At least for now.”

As she said this, she couldn’t help but notice how much the Contractor was staring at both Rose and Elise. It was almost a look of interest, though of what, she couldn’t begin to fathom. Miyako’s words finally made the creature turn its head to stare at her now.

After the girl had introduced herself with as much bravado as she could muster, the Contractor closed its eyes before ceding with, “I cannot deny, Miyako Komatsu, that you are an exceptional Magical Girl. Your wish was quite interesting to grant as well.”

It said all this with a tilt of its head.

“So we’re all in agreement that until further notice, the origin point is to be destroyed,” Akame put in. “With that settled then, our next order of business is something a bit more light-hearted. Seeing as both Elise and Miyako are fresh Magical Girls, the three of us Senior Magical Girls are offering to train them for the coming battle at the origin point.”

Akame stopped right there, waiting for the eventual insults and comments to be thrown her. Honestly, it was as if human pride also increased when becoming a Magical Girl.

“Of course, you can choose to deny this training. However, in order to do that, you must first prove to us that you won’t get yourself or your allies killed in the heat of battle. Thus, you may only graduate from your training when you can beat me.”

A smirk crossed Akame’s face along with the light of a challenge in her eye. The Contractor watched this transpire with a scratch to the ear and a cool expression. Things were starting to become interesting.

Not too far away from the magically sealed classroom, another confrontation of sorts was about to begin. The girl that Nanako had spoken to turned around, a surprised expression on her face. Then a soft smile graced her lips as she bent down to the younger girl’s height.

“Well hello there. What’s a young girl like you doing at a big school like this?”

Then the girl’s eyes widened and her smile became warmer.

“Ah, I see. Are you a Magical Girl? I can tell just by sensing you. Don’t worry, I’m one too you know. Are you looking for someone?”

The dark dressed girl stood up tall now, offering her hand to the other girl gently.

"By the way, my name is Chiyo Kuroki. It’s very nice to meet you!”
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