Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Shiba nodded listening to all of the matrons words as she spoke about the area. At the moment they were low on food and as a result they needed to find their parents since they are meant to have more of it. Shiba however knew that he could run and catch anything and what she spoke of the weird 4 legged creatures with horns sounded tasty. Shiba then licked his lips at the thought of food and she said she will stay that was the signal for Shiba to hunt on his own. "bye bye" he said to her then he looked at his brothers and waved goodbye to them as well.

Shiba then started to run forward looking to go and search in the old human settlement the matron talked about. Shiba wasn't hoping for much but if he can go their and find a weapon or more rabbits he will have the jump on his siblings when hunting for the future. Shiba's only notable skill was his speed so he wanted to find something that will help with it. So Shiba just ran forward looking for either food or the settlement to see what he will find...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Exodus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ignore this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Though he had already turned his gaze outward to the forest that laid beyond the cave, neither did Garou neglect to heed the Matorn’s words. The shadows flickered about as a breeze rustled the branches above, mesmerizing him for a moment as he watched their “dance”. A bit harsh that he’d have to immediately fend for himself, but some ingrained memory hinted this would be for the better if he survived. Goblins had a hierarchy after all, and those that relied on others would ultimately be lower. With a nod as the Matron finally dismissed them, Garou stepped out of the cave and onto soil. Though still hard so close to the cave’s entrance the sensation was different and he enjoyed it as he walked away from the opening, the texture growing softer with distance and mixing with grass.

He blinked in surprise as one of the other goblins quickly disappeared amongst the thick trees that surrounded him. Though his body responded as he liked, Garou was doubtful he’d be able to move with the swiftness that particular brother had. Not to mention the pangs of hunger he felt as he rubbed at his stomach… If the Matron was to be believed then food had been growing scarce since he’d been born and the older generation had left, so it made sense he supposed. It wouldn’t be impossible he supposed, but hunting after he’d foraged some things to eat would probably be the better course of action; after all the rabbits had to eat something.

As the Matron had indicated, it wasn’t too hard to stumble across one of the four legged horned creatures. He hadn’t even been paying attention when a rustling to his left announced the creature’s presence as it bolted away from Garou. Despite the initial urge to chase, a glance at the Horned Rabbit’s nimble movements and he felt the urge fade away much like when he’d seen his brother charge ahead. Thankfully the creature didn’t run out of view completely and came to a halt further away from Garou, raising up on its hind legs to glance in his direction. Unsure of what to do, given the creature’s horn did look quite dangerous, he simply watched as it dropped back on all four legs and began to eat the grass around it. Crouching, he ripped up some of the grass and chewed on it, disgust quite evident on his face as he spit it out soon after. Even continuously chewing on it made no difference, and the gooey mass was basically impossible to swallow without gagging.

Distracted as he was, by the time Garou looked back up the Rabbit had bounded off somewhere else. Frustrated and surprised by the disappearance of his eventual prey, he fell back against the tree trunk as a pang of hunger shot through him once more. The soft rustle of branches and leaves above his head caused Garou to look upwards; just in time for an object to bounce off his forehead. It wasn't particularly painful and he managed to swipe the spherical object before it hit the ground.

Gnarled and rather tough, Garou brought the orb closer to examine and upon doing so managed to catch its scent. Whatever it was, it certainly smelled better than the bitter grass had, but as it was it seemed to tough for him to eat. Upon further examination, which involved a bit of shaking, Garou discovered that there seemed to be something inside the hard shell. Simply trying to pry it apart with his hands yielded no results, and it wasn't until he smashed it against the ground that the shell gave way. Unfortunately, the nuts within were also crushed as a result and he was forced to fish through shell and dirt for tiny pieces. Food though! Something that was actually palatable, and with that knowledge, came motivation. A sharp kick against the tree trunk had Garou hopping away in pain, but as he cradled his foot he also saw dozens of tree nuts hit the grass around him. Now he just had to figure a way to control the force at which he opened them...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaarm listened to the Matron's explanation and the human settlement piqued his interest, but when he heard her warning about the place he decided not to go anywhere near there. As soon as it seemed she was done talking two of the others dashed off, seemingly excited. The small Goblin though stared at the unknown just outside of their nice safe cave a bit worriedly.

He knew he had to go there and hunt but he was scared that there could be a lot of dangers even the Matron didn't know about. He pondered this dilemma for a while when he got an idea, why hunt alone? After all two or more Goblins would be a lot stronger than just a single one, heck together they might even be the most dangerous thing in the world.

Jaarm turned back around to face his fellows and for the third time in his life began to talk. " Wat ..want to hunt togedder.... Want to hunt with me?" He asked still with some difficulty hoping at least one of them would agree to his plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 26 days ago

Tamarin looked to the edge of the cave. There was the green that he'd seen! Lots of it, everywhere. And when he looked up outside it, there was the sky. Tamarin wanted to run and touch all the plants, almost forgetting about hunting when one goblin spoke up. Did he want to hunt with the light goblin? He didn't really know how he felt about hunting alone. It would probably be hard, and he only had a vague idea of what to do. So maybe hunting with another goblin might be a good idea. "I will hunt with you!" Tamarin said, his voice high pitched and scratchy. He noticed rather proudly that speech wasn't too hard for him. He formed the words fairly easily.

"How to hunt?" He asked. "Stick? Stone?" He pondered aloud. Stones sounded like a good idea. Maybe if he threw one at a rabbit it would fall down and he could keep hitting it until it wouldn't run away. He hobbled over to the walls of the cave and picked up two stones, one in each hand. "Stone!" He announced. "Now we hunt." He looked at the light green goblin expectantly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The area near the cave held plenty of Horned Rabbits amidst the trees, veiled from sight to someone who was focusing more on moving than on looking for them. However, after not too brief a period of Shiba's running, the landscape seemed to change slightly, the density of the forest petering out with each step. Though, in his haste, he had failed to come across even a single Horned Rabbit thus far, at least the previous area seemed like they were present if he elected to look. The area he was now in, though...it felt...empty, desolate, separated from the rest of the forest.

In the back of his mind, something whispered to him in a sense beyond sight. A sense of unease hung in the air, the feeling of some transcendent wrongness filling the expanse.

Before Shiba, following a slight upward incline in the ground and resting atop a small hill, was a stone structure made of a polished white. Even though it was obviously abandoned, from the grand doors that depicted various events of human lore to the pillars that held the structure up, it could be called nothing short of immaculate. It was a temple of some sort, an abandoned place of worship for humans. Perhaps this was what the Matron had been referring to?

There were no signs of life, save for Shiba. No movement, no breathing, no sounds, no heat. It was simply him, the air of wrongness, and the closed doors of the temple.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Shiba ran until he got close to the weird building in front of him and he could feel a sense of unease around him. Shiba felt like he might have gotten to far it wasn't that he was scared about whatever was in that building he just felt unprepared for whatever was inside it shiba looked around the area and he grabbed a stick before clawing its end to make it sharp, it wasn't much but it would be something.

Shiba slowly walked towards the building and he looked at each of the pillars looking at the pretty pictures of humans and what happened to them but Shiba kept going with his small sharpened stick and when he arrived at the doors he slowly pushed one of them opened making the loud creaking sound as it did Shiba looked inside wondering if their was something in their waiting to kill shiba and making sure not to enter the building until he was sure their was nothing inside and if their was Shiba was ready to run like their was no tomorrow. their wasn't going to be much he could take on with a sharpened stick...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OoTrillionoO
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OoTrillionoO A Sarcastic Man

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gunka stared at the exit as others began to hurry past him. Their ability to grasp standing and walking had truly out-shined his. However, according to the matron he wouldn't need to travel far to find the food that would surely be devoured by him in due time. However, a moment before he began to exit, he picked up something the one named Jaarm had said. Hunting together? The concept was interesting in itself, but if he were to join them, they'd surely not be able to find enough for themselves on top of himself. And, with that in mind, he dismissed their group, immediately turning left as soon as he exited the cave so as to not follow the other two goblin's paths who had previously left.

The matron had not been lying. In the woods there had been a variety of pudgy, horned rabbits, varying in size, but what he was searching for was not something fat, but instead he was searching for some form of easy prey, be it a wounded, weak, or even young rabbit. Gunka could feel the stick flex as he used it to hold his own weight. He needed to find something that wouldn't be able to flee from him. Perhaps he was being too picky, but it'd be nice to explore and see the flora as he searched for a weakened creature. He observed the trees, but an idea began to spring into his head. He was hungry, food was all he could think of just moments ago, but his mind began to race with new thoughts, pushing away his desire to eat with some sort of new craving.

A wounded rabbit could always just wander upon me, perhaps staying here may be the best thing, he thought to himself as he dropped the stick, digging his nails into the tree as he began pulling the bark away. As the top of the tree's midsection slowly became bare, he plunked himself onto the ground, letting his legs give out from under him. He began pulling bark from the bottom of the tree, feeling the wood dig into the underside of his nails.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaarm enthusiastically shook the hand of the red haired Goblin who agreed to help him out. "How to hunt? Stick? Stone?" Before the light green Goblin could say anything it seemed the choice was already made. Now that he had found at least one ally who even thought to arm himself Jaarm felt a bit more confident. He had to agree that picking up a weapon was smart, but the didn't like the fact that if missed with a stone he would once more be defenseless and so decided to look for a heavy long stick out in the forest.

Speaking of which, the forest still made him nervous but he knew he could no longer put it off. After taking a deep breath, he set foot out of the cave for the first time. The fact he wasn't immediately attacked helped him calm down a bit more. He still looked around for a good heavy branch though. Luckily for him he saw one close enough that was still in sight of the cave entrance, trusting his partner to follow him. Unfortunately though the branch was rotten and when he tried to pick it up a group of ants rushed out biting his hand. While they only did a small bit of damage, the scare and pain were enough to send him crying back to the only safe place he knew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


With some difficulty, the entrance to the Temple was pried open.

The expanse was utterly, completely empty. Polished marble composed every surface, but besides the walls, ceiling, and floor, it seemed that there was nothing to be found. Perhaps that was a trick of the eyes, and there could be materials or even living beings inside the Temple, but on first glance it seemed to be utterly empty.


Still from the outside, though, Shiba would likely notice something.

There were no windows. There were no fires. The only opening to the outside was the door he had just opened, and the interior was polished marble on every surface.

So then...

...how was the interior perfectly lit?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 26 days ago

Tamarin started to follow the goblin out of the cave, but stopped in bewilderment as the goblin quickly ran back in, looking scared and having... Something on his face. Something that looked like water, coming from the goblin's eyes. Tamarin's eyes widened in curiosity as he ooh'd and aahh'd, coming closer to examine the water and completely forgetting about the hunt. Why was it on his face? Could he drink it? It took Tamarin a while to realize the goblin was crying. Yes, that was the word. But why? He remembered the hunt. They had to hunt! Why were they sitting in the corner of the cave, not hunting?

"We must go get food!" Tamarin told the other goblin sternly, turning around and running out of the cave with his two stones in hand. He didn't look back to see if the goblin was following him. He didn't want to lose focus of the hunt, glorious visions filling his mind of his return with a big horned rabbit in his hand. His feet navigated the dense undergrowth of the forest with instinctive ease as his went deeper into the vegetation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Shiba looked into the building and it was eerily quiet and he didn't like it he could feel that something was wrong but if their was something in their and if Shiba was able to eat it he would be much farther ahead then the others and could be stronger faster. Shiba walked away from the building momentarily and grabbed a few stones none of them were of considerable size but he wouldn't be using them to fight with anyway.

Shiba then walked back towards the door and he quickly threw a few rocks in just to make some noise inside the quiet place and then Shiba ran to the side of the building listening in case their was someone or something in their then it would be attracted the noise he made. Shiba then quietly walked along the walls of the building looking around to see if their was an alternate way in other then the big door that gave away where he was. Shiba didn't like the idea of the doors being his only exit when he got in their...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaarm knew the other Goblin was right, he couldn't keep hiding in his safe corner forever. Reluctantly he followed him in to the outside world sticking as close to his companion as possible and constantly on the lookout for more of those tiny monsters. As they walked he was surprised how large the world was, it had to be at least ten times bigger than the cave. It was also a lot more beautiful with different colors and such. He didn't let all that distract from his search for a good branch to use as weapon, and the second one he picked proved a lot better than the first.

Now armed he was calmed down enough to risk attracting attention by asking something. "Where do you want to hunt? The human structure seems ineressing ...intersting... interesting and the lake is a good hunting spot, but they sound dangerous and scary." Jaarm himself had no idea where to go and actually wanted to stay close to the cave, but he also didn't want to return empty handed. So the next best thing would be to make the redhead decide and if necessary blame him if something went wrong.
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