Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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Currently: Closed, 0 slots remain. Come back later, slots may open up.

An old abandoned hospital in Milledgeville, GA is the sanctuary for our characters. At least, at first. It all started when everything went down. People died and people came back. Military started shooting up the living. It was weird, really. How the group met up. Getting stuck on the road out of town, only to find that they had no where to hide. Eventually, a group formed out of the small number that decided to stick together, tough it out together. Some of the members were familiar with combat and weapons and knew where to get more. Soon, they had an RV and were on the road, headed out of Macon. They'd heard about Atlanta, but figured it was overrun when they noticed the explosions. They'd planned to go to Fort Benning but they'd heard about that too. Now, they're just trying to find somewhere decent to stay. They find themselves in Milledgeville, GA. And, at first, lodge themselves up in the old Central State. That is, until someone brings up the college. Surely there must be supplies, maybe even survivors up there.

The RP will start as they find Central State. They'll probably stay there a few days before someone mentions the College, GC&SU. They may even eventually try for UGA to see if it's any better if GC&SU gets over run. [I'm actually seeing them holing up at UGA for awhile, living in the dorms, blocking of an apartment complex, etc while trying to find a more permanent place to stay.

As for an antagonist, I'm thinking we could have a rival group lead by someone similar to the Governor of the series. However, this man has not lost a daughter or a wife. In fact, he never got married. He's actually a murderer, though no one in his group knows it. He is pretty charismatic and pretty good and making people see things the way he wants them to. His plans are simply to become ruler of this new era. Anyone who stands in his way, will die, Walker or otherwise. We'll see where that goes.

P.S. Posting and/or making a CS does not guarantee you a slot. I will look over all submitted CSs and accept the ones that seem to have had some thought put into them, ones that weren't just slapped together. I probably won't tell you what to fix unless it's just a little thing that can be changed pretty easily. Sorry, but that's how I'm going to handle it this time. :)

Accepted CSs will be placed in the Character's Tab by the GM. Thanks!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Name: Hunter Monroe

Age: 26

Gender: Male.

Height/Weight: 5'10" and 162lbs

-Hunting firearms. (Shotguns and hunting rifles)
-Electrical engineering.
-Average hand to hand skill.
-Basic Improvised survival skills.
-Poor excuse for a guitar player.

Personality: Hunter tries to be friendly to just about everyone he meets, he will look after the people he cares about and will defend those same people. He has a tendency to be a smart ass in many situations, including not knowing when to shut up at times. He does get defensive about many things and if he is suspicious of someone he will keep being suspicious until all his questions about said person are answered.

Hunter was raised in a more or less poor family, they always had enough but it was still upsetting to see kids running around with brand new tech when he was lucky to get what his parents were not using anymore. What his family did have was guns, he learned how to clean them, shoot them, and how to use them in a whole collection of situations. Though even though they always had food it was not always by much, growing up he noticed the stress his family was going threw just to make ends meet. At the age of sixteen he finally got a part time job flippin' Burgers. He would get stuck in this job until he turned Twenty One.

When Hunter Finally moved out he traveled a lot, mostly renting out cheap motels and working anywhere he could. But he enjoyed it, he was seeing the country and actually earning it. After spending years traveling the country in his old car he was got stuck in a town with no available work because of quarantine issues in the next town over. He got stuck in that town for over a week spending what savings he had on a motel and food.

He eventually decided to go back, he hated going backwards on a trip, but there was no going forwards though that town. He made it only a few miles before he got into a car accident. By the time he came too, he saw one of the other occupants tearing one of the others apart, he was safe in his car but not for long. He crawled himself into the back seat of his car and forced open the seat into the trunk. He still had his dads shotgun he gave him when he left home, wasn't anything fancy but it was accurate and it got the point across.

He grabbed the gun and grabbed a box of shells, he only loaded a few shots in it. He figured there was no way he would need more then that. He got out of his wrecked car and took aim at the blood soaked man, He told him to stand with his hands up. All Hunter had to do in his mind was hold the guy at gun point until the police came right? The occupant stood up and turned around, face half torn. Hunter locked sights on the person in fear and told him again to not move. The man charged him and Hunter fired sending back into the other car. Hunter collapsed puking and dropping the gun. He just killed a man! or he thought, out of the corner of his eye the person stood himself up, as if that blast had just... pushed him over. Hunter grabbed the gun but with out time to aim the long shotgun all ti did was provide a small barrier between him and the man he "Killed". After a short tangle with the person he was able to force him off again, this time unloading the remaining bullets he had into him out of fear of him standing back up.

He grabbed what he had left in his car, which wasn't a lot to begin with. But he knew things were bad, so he kept on walking. And did that until he found himself with a group of people he could eventually trust.

Family/Relationships: (Open for now)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Age: 25

Name: Dabriah Sauagius

Gender: Female

Height/Weight: 1,62 meters tall, 58 kilo.


- Ninjitsu Expert.
- Freerunner.
- Keen eye.
- Lockpicker.


Dabriah is a girl, that mostly trusts her own and with her complex mind most would say she would only allow those in her life that are useful to her. Although she seems sweet, she is mostly harsh and says what she thinks. Because of that, she would hurt most people and yet even most of them appreciate it.
Dabriah is a woman that sees most aspects of a person, her surroundings and the world that surrounds her.
For her keen eyes and her mind that works 24/7, she would be seen as a weirdo.


Debriah comes from a wealthy family, and yet she didn't wanted to be part of it. Her father mostly cared about his own wealth and the money he would achieve through this, as her mother used to spend most of her time with another man.
Debriah found out about this on the age of 9, and confronted her mother with the evidence that she had gathered, her mother was shocked and with mere minutes they had struck a deal. Her mother would give a certain amount of money each month to her and in return Debriah wouldn't tell her father.
From this moment, Debriah's mind began to see more and more things that were odd, like the way her father gained his money. As she confronted the man about his actions and his connections to the underworld, she even struck a deal with him. Debriah would be allowed to do anything she wanted, and could knock on his door for everything she needed. In return she would turn a blind eye towards her father and his work, she would even work for him on certain cases that needed a keen eye.
As Debriah grew older, she moved out and began working as a consultant for the police, although her observant mind was useful to them and the fact that she didn't asked for money, she still couldn't find a person that truly interested her, or that she would call a "friend".

Family/Relationships: (Open for now)

~ I hope she's accepted :) Otherways I will change the things that need to be changed ;) and please... don't look to much to my grammar... English isn't my main languedge so sometimes I can misspell things or a sentence would't completely add up... :'( ~

~~ Edited most mistakes that I have found :) If there are more within my CS, please adress me to them :) Or point them out ^.^ ~~

~~ Edited again: Found more mistakes that you had pointed out! :) Hope I have them all now xD ~~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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"Momma always taught me to be straight with people..."

Lacy Michelle Carter

20 y/o


5'7" / 127lbs

Basic Nursing Skills
Dancing (Not that it does her much good.)
Horseback Riding
Basic Gun/Hunting Skills
Decent Cook

Lacy grew up in a stable home with her mother, her father, her grandfather, and her big brother. She is very family oriented and fairly religious because of her grandfather. Her mother taught her how to dance and play the piano, her grandfather taught her how to farm, her dad taught her how to nurse both people and animals back to health, and her brother taught her how to hunt and defend herself should she need to. Because of her upbringing, Lacy is very blunt, often telling people how it is or how she feels about something without thinking about how they may react. She, above all else, believes that lying is the worst sin a human can do to another. Well, besides murdering them. She holds trust and respect as paramount above all else and looks for that in others. She isn't easy to gain the respect of, but she is nice and tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, even in tough times like these. However, once someone loses her respect, she will often never respect or trust them again. She doesn't give second chances very easily.

Before the 'shit hit the fan,' Lacy was on a trip to Macon with her brother. He was taking her over there to visit a hospital, one that their father often worked at. It was supposed to be a surprise. It was their father's birthday and they were going to surprise him at work. However, as they came down the road, the unexpected happened. Lacy watched as the building they were meant to go to exploded in a flash of red and orange as the building collapsed on itself. Neither of them could believe it as they both stood there, watching it all. The planes flew by, people scattered. Somehow, her brother had managed to get them turned around and headed out of Macon, much to Lacy distress. She begged him to go back, maybe... maybe their father was alive!

That day, Lacy and her brother got stuck on the road and found themselves stuck with a group of strangers they'd never met before. Now, she finds herself in a small group of people with her brother. It's been a few months since they'd banded together for the sake of survival and they've been all over the place since then. Now, they desperately look for a place where they can stay...

Jack Carter - Brother

@Remipa Awesome I'll look at it more closely when you finish it up. :)

@ShadowRaeper Try to proof-read it a bit. If you need some help, let me know. I can set up an etherpad where we can both edit it and I can show you where you made mistakes. None of them are especially bad but if you want to join, you need to know how to proof-read to at least make some attempts. It's much better than I could ever do in my second language, so kudos. ~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Cook
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The Cook A Shireling Hobbit.

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Im interested.. I'll drop a CS as soon as possible!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Brother in coming.

"Touch her, and I'll shoot you. No questions asked."

Jack Matthew Carter

29 y/o


6'3" / 218lbs

Skilled Gunsman
Farmer (No Green Thumb Here)
A Very Bad Nurse
Fairly Skilled Carpenter
Terrible Cook

Like Lacy, Jack grew up on the farmhouse with his family. He wasn't much one for wanting to stay on it, though. He wasn't very good at gardening and even worse with the animals. Unlike his father, he wasn't very good at tending to people. He knows the skills, he just tends to freeze up in the action. He was never able to take people being in pain very well. He can't do much more than tend to small wounds. One thing he is good at, however, is shooting. For some reason, whenever he has a gun in his hand, everything else tends to fade away. He can feel himself calming down, relaxing. Whenever he fought with his girlfriends, he'd always come to the range he and his grandfather built and Lacy would always find him there, shooting. Lacy was the only reason he stayed on that farm. He couldn't bring himself to leave her alone.

Jack was always the one that made friends easily. He always brought them over and messed around on the farm, with Lacy joining them for the fun. He'd always tell his male friends that if they touched her, he'd shoot them. No questions asked. And so, none of his friends ever tried anything on Lacy, ever. Lacy however, was less keen on making friends and more keen on keeping an eye on her family. She was a homebody and eventually stopped going to school altogether.

When it happened, Jack had been taking Lacy up to see their father at work. But, when they got near the hospital, it exploded. Fearing the worst, Jack made a beeline out of Macon, wanting to get Lacy as far away from that place as possible. He cut people, ran over the median, and was close to running a few people over just to get on the otherside of the highway to get out of there. Lacy begged him to go back, but he wasn't having any of it. The panic ensuing around them sent his nerves on edge. He reached for his rifle under his seat and they drove on until they got stuck in the traffic. He and Lacy found themselves getting stuck with a group of strangers and days later found themselves forming a group out of necessity with some of these people. Now they fight both the living and... the dead to stay alive.

Lacy Carter - Sister

@The Cook I can't wait to see it. :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@HylianRose Thanks! :) I shall try to do my best and search for the small mistakes I made, although it would probably be once I have a computer instead of a mobile xD Created my CS with my mobile aswell so... xD
And I appreciate that you are willing to aid me with my grammar!! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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@ShadowRaeper Certainly! It's not the first time I've helped someone who's first language isn't English. I'm studying to become an English teacher so it's not like it'll hurt me to try and help you. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Finished it! And thanks for tagging, I lost this forum. >.>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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@Remipa Awesome Looks good just needs an image. I'll move him over when he gets one. And, you're welcome. I know how that can be. I get paranoid thinking that I might have posted somewhere without subscribing or something. I'm glad it helped though. :)

I was wondering why it said you were on but you weren't editing it. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Very interested. I'll have a cs up in the next day or so :)

Just recovering from surgery so I apologise in advance for any crappy mistakes :')
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Found an image that is pretty close to Hunters description, I have an actual image being drawn soon but no idea when it will be ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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@Remipa Awesome I'd prefer the image to be of a real person. My apologizes. ^-^;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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That will take some time, Hold on I am going to have to find other sources for images now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Remipa Awesome Just let me know if you need some help. I'm fairly decent at picture hunting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Yes please... I suck with photos of real people. Drawings I have a good collection of. Helps that I work with a really good artist. But ya... few picks of actual people. If I could have help that would be awesome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Remipa Awesome

Hm... Why not Ryan Reynolds?

Or... uhh... Andrew Garfield?

Personally, I'd go with Andrew Garfield...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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...You are a genius!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@HylianRose Changed my CS, hopefully most mistakes are gone now ^.^ If not... Just say so :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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So can I ask when the RP might start?
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