Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Happy Mask Salesman slunk along quietly in the alley, waiting for his contact to arrive. Of course, as usual, she was late. She almost never arrived by the time she said she would. Still, he'd find himself in this exact spot at the same time every week. It was a wonder no one had ever questioned him. But then, no one really ever seemed to notice him.

Today was a little different. A girl stumbled into the alley and shook as she heaved vomit onto the ground. The smell was rank and there was no doubt that there was alcohol involved. The salesman looked at her, amazed that such a small girl could consume enough alcohol to vomit like that.

He ran a hand through his hair and stepped out of the shadows. He came to stand behind her "Need some help? Want me to hold your hair or something?" He asked with his usual smile. It suddenly faded when he saw that she was clearly no ordinary girl. The white hair, the slight glow, the unmistakable aura of magic.


Skull Kid began his rampage once more, throwing more masks to the floor. Chairs were kicked into the walls and the table flipped completely upside down. Broken bits of mask and lantern littered the floor and, within twenty minutes or so, the boy sat in the middle of the mess. He could be heard sobbing quietly to himself.

Why did everybody leave like that? why did no one ever want to stick around for a little while at least? He couldn't decide which hurt more. The fact that the salesman had left or the fact that he had to sneak out to do it. The boy removed the mask from his face and held it in his hands. He growled, poising to throw it, but the stopped himself.

He brought the mask back to his lap. However angry it had made him, he couldn't bring himself to break it like the others. ll held his interest despite being painfully plain. He flipped it over and mindlessly thumbed the "x" again. What did it mean? Did it really matter what it meant? Did it eve mean anything at all?

He shook his head to clear it and stood up. He attached the mask to his belt. He'd been sitting for far too long. Night had already passed and morning was upon him, the sunlight glaring through the windows and mocking his temper tantrum. He pulled his hat over his eyes and wiped his face clean of tears.

Today he would search for Majora. Surely someone in the town would know where it was. There were going to be thousands of people there. One of them was bound to know something.

He moved to the door, unlocking it and kicking it open. He walked through it and left it open. He didn't care what happened to the shop or to the man who owned it. He even made a mental note to kick the man's shin if he saw him again. He then made another mental note to kill him if he ever found Majora. He'd betrayed the Stalfos child and he would pay. Just like everyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ravio and Sheero || Nearby the Lorule Triforce

Ravio had not understood why he had been summoned to the Triforce for he was just a measly merchant trying to make an honest living, yet he had been summoned to the Triforce by one of the sages.

He walked towards the Triforce wondering why he was being summoned to the sacred artifact that has been protected from evil for countless millennia.

He and his little bird Sheero who flirted alongside Ravio happily tweeted and twittered, whereas he was not quite as enthusiastic as Sheero.

"Sheero buddy old pal do you need to be so happy!"

Ravio spoke up to his bird who stopped and flitted near his face to tweet happily then quickly receded away from Ravio so the purple clad merchant would not be able to reach his feather.

"Be that way then pal"

They reached the black obsidian looking triangle which was the Triforce, restored long ago by a hero one known today as the Hero of Worlds amongst the people of Lorule.

There was nobody in sight or rather nobody that he could see as Ravio presumed but he decided not to jump to conclusions.

As they neared the Triforce a serene voice resounded throughout the area.

"Hello unlikely hero in purple"

The voice was feminine and sound almost sounding familiar yet unfamiliar because it had been long since he had heard this voice.

"Well I wouldn't say unlikely but-"

"Let us not make unnecessary conversation I must be brief"

The voice interrupted Ravio but it didn't annoy him because it probably was smart that they kept the conversations to a minimum.

"Now I am an old oracle an ancient sage that has protected this land for many years I will not however relay my name for I have forbid myself from ever revealing it"

This slightly confused him yet Ravio nodded and continued to listen.

"It has been long since the links between Lorule and another realm like ours have been cut"

Ravio had heard the tales of how the realms had been secured from each other long ago and was familiar with the story but a detail had always been kept from him, and it always escaped his intrepid attention.

Yet he decided not to let it interrupt his attention to the voice that talked from nowhere.

"It was I who summoned you because it has been long since you have had a purpose amongst the people of Lorule, and it comes to my attention that you are a talented young man"

Ravio couldn't doubt that nor could he deny it he just listened intently and smiled at the compliment.

"I need you to bridge the gap between our realm and the so called realm that was connected closely to our world"

Ravio wasn't the adventuring type no doubt he was temped to turn and run because he would much rather live a normal life but he wondered what this whole bridging the gaps deal would do for him.

The voice could somehow knew what Ravio had wondered and it sounded amused when it spoke up once again.

"I know you aren't the most courageous or heroic but I know you crave adventure and most of all treasure, and this deed will give you much of the two but I only ask that you will accep-"

"You say treasure eh?"

Underneath Ravio's hooded and masked face a large smile appeared and he clapped his hands together and rubbed.

"You had me at treasure right Sheero?!"

He asked his little bird who did a flip in the air and seemed ever increasingly happy.

"We accept"

The voice seemed happy and giggled amusedly probably because the voice hadn't had a good moment in the long years that it had spent alone.

"Now just relax you needn't do any work I will send you with the power of the Triforce!"

It must have taken only a few minutes, because nothing changed until Ravio felt kind of sleepy so he sat for a second then he noticed Sheero was also becoming sleepy.

After another minute the last thing he heard was the voice.

"Farewell Ravio..."

Ravio and Sheero || Hyrule fields

The grass was wet against his back and the air smelt like fresh flowers and the sound of a nearby stream.

Radio lifted his head and looked around, he lay nearby a bridge that when he glanced upwards he found himself looking at a mountain tall and looming he also realized when he looked the other way his eyes beset upon great white walls of some sort of fortress or rather a village.

He jumped to his feet realizing Sheero was zipping around in the air excited by the new scenery.

Ravio saw in the distance far north of the village a great castle, he was also excited because the new lands seemed to be filled with vigorous and life.

He wiped himself off and made sure his bag was still with him as he stood then he whistled to Sheero and the small bird perched onto his shoulder.

Ravio wondered where he should go then logically he knew that the best choice was to find stead in the walled village, he smiled underneath his hood then he set off towards the draw bridge that lay open which Ravio was thankful for because he didn't want to wait through the night so he set off towards the village.

Wondering what wonders this new world could hold for him and his feathered friend, most likely Ravio hoped for shiny wonders instead of new sights to see, but he also wondered what new people he would meet in the strange new world.

But he pushed those thoughts aside as he neared the draw bridge and smiled with amusement as he saw the similarities between Lorules castle and the one in the distance.

"This is our new life Sheero lets make the best of it!"

Ravio's voice seemed to have a new vigorous about it he felt as good as new like he could do anything but he also thought of what the voice had said and wondered why he needed to bridge the gap between their worlds, so Ravio had much to think about as he and his feathered friend Sheero started their first journey.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Link walked up to Zelda's room in the bakery, he'd knocked softly on the door then cracked just enough so she could hear his voice when he spoke. "Good morning, I came to get you up so we can eat and get out of the city." He paused a moment. "Also I had a vision last night, we can talk about it later I'm sure." He said before shutting Zelda's door carefully. He then sat down by the door and waited for her, bored he fished out the ocarina and began to play tunes on it, little ones he knew from village.

His mind drifted as he thought about it all, from the fact that less than a day ago he'd been a farm hand who napped whenever to being a hero. Now he was traveling with a princess and fairy in a quest to gather magical artifacts, he wondered if people would remember him. He sighed and wondered on where they should search first, then he thought of something. The Master sword was normally the weapon of choice for the hero... Perhaps he needed to find the blade and claim it to connect with a hero. Shaking his head, he would ask Zelda she was the one blessed with wisdom he was just here to protect her and carry out his fate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Zelda let out a small noise as she began to stir, it was morning now. Her eyes shot open as she realised she wasn't in her chambers. What was she-

She let out a sigh as she remembered the events of yesterday, for the first time in...well this was literally the first time, she had slept somewhere other than in the castle. It was quite an adjustment, truth be told, but somehow she'd slept better than she had in weeks. In fact it was the first sleep she'd had without any dark visions at all. She found this to be strange, was it because she'd found the Hero? Were the Goddesses content with her actions enough that they felt it unnecessary to give her more visions? She probably would never know for sure.

She wasn't about to complain about getting a good night's sleep, that was for sure. She heard Link knock on the door, saying something about having a vision. "I'll be with you in a moment." She answered back as she got dressed and grabbed her things. Today was going to be a very eventful day, for better or worse. Though she dreaded what was to come, it also made her heart race with excitement. She'd never done anything like this before! Would her wisdom and powers be enough to face what was to come? She wasn't sure, but as long as they had the Hero it would be alright.

She heard Link playing his new found ocarina from behind the door, she wondered where he had learned to play like that as she opened the door to greet the young hero.

"Good morning." She said politely. "You said something about a vision?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

He shrugged and stood up. "I had a vision, telling me what I'm supposed to do... I have to find item belonging to other Heroes and forge a Link to them." He held up the Ocarina. "Like when I touched this the Hero of Time and I connected. I learned to play music just from that, I can also allow him to take over my body perform actions I wouldn't know to do." He said smiling as he pocket his Ocarina. He looked carefully out at the rising sun as then back at Zelda. "I'm thinking of leaving the cart and just traveling on horseback. It's faster and Epona hates pulling it."

Pulling away from the window the young hero started towards the door. "I think our goal after we leave the city would be to find the Master Sword and claim it, the blade must be a relic to one of the Heroes." He petted Epona as they stepped out. "I'm going to unhook Epona from the cart, can you go find Ciela. She was getting us breakfast last I saw her." He turned back and rubbed down the horse freeing her from the reins and harness. She bumped her head into his for not doing it sooner and the horse turned and trotted over to a patch of grass eating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was odd and refreshing to not have to wake up to the dry winds of the desert, with birds chirping cheerfully all around.

He had gained something last night, an odd symbol at the back of his hand. It was an odd occurrence that would have worried him to no end had it not also brought with it a surge of power. Now it nagged at his mind endlessly, but the surge of power was very welcome. With it, he could alter his plans and conquer this place in one fell swoop if he played his card right.

Ganondorf shielded his eyes as he looked at the sun. Black wisps could already be seen; just barely, but there. Once the darkness fully set in, the monsters that it attracted here would do the rest of the work while he and his network already in the city made a spearhead straight for the castle. He could feasibly strengthen the black sun to attract some really mean monsters, but he was still wary of the thing on his hand.

They arrived to the festival in due time, with the festival already in full swing, and some drunkards already lurching about the place even though it was still morning. While he had already removed most of his regalia, wearing only some plain black clothing under black armor, it was clear people were gawking at them, perhaps due to their skin color or his stature.

"Aquila, you have my permission to join the festival."

"Eh?" She turned around with surprise. "A..Are you sure? D-don't you need...Sister will kill me if I.."


With that, and an expression of joy upon her face, she set out to enjoy the festival. Just as he expected, people's wariness started to wane as the overly excited girl browsed through everything with curiosity, regarding them as perhaps nothing more than odd foreigners.

There was some time left before the sun turns fully black. For now he would see what the local tavern have in their selection. Hitching his horse on the posts where a few others had also hitched their horse, he strode into the tavern, sitting down heavily on one of the tables.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Zelda took this new information in with stride. To retrieve the items of the other Heroes would be no simple task, least of all the Master Sword. Yet they both knew that the Master Sword would be key in defeating Ganondorf, it would be impossible without it. At least that’s what the legends say.

She nodded as she followed Link, admiring Epona. She was a beautiful animal, she in fact had spent much time learning how to ride a horse in her youth, and they had many horses in the castle. She felt a wave of sadness as she thought of the castle, and her father. The King was well protected, by Impa and the guards, but would that be enough? She’d tried to warn her father about her visions, but he’d dismissed them as bad dreams. There was nothing she could do for him now.

She shook those thoughts away, no was not the time to get emotional, they needed to leave the city as soon as possible, and they couldn’t waste time. “Alright, I’ll go find Ciela.” She told Link before heading off.

Find Ciela wouldn’t be too difficult, she had to be somewhere nearby, and Zelda had since learned to recognize Ciela’s aura so to speak. Fairies radiated a distinct power, especially ancient ones. Zelda found herself heading towards the cart, Ciela was somewhere close she could feel it.

“Ciela?” She called.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Navi the Fairy - Castle Town Alley

Navi looked up as someone spoke to her. She didn't recognize the voice and it became clear pretty quickly that it was merely a concerned citizen, a shop keeper or something. She got unsteadily to her feet and turned to face him. As she looked directly at the man her eyes burned bright yellow, locking target. "Do I appear as though I require assistance?" she hissed at him. A moment later the anger faded. She wasn't really angry with him at all. More her own foolishness coupled with circumstance. Her eyes faded back to sky blue. "My apologies, I did not mean to offend you. It is not important, the sickness will pass in a moment." The alcohol in her system was almost gone but ridding herself of it was horribly unpleasant.

Navi turned again and vomited in the alley. Somehow she felt cleaner. As though someone vile had been washed from her. Which in a way it had. "I believe I am alright now. Thank you for your concern." Navi was more than eager to return to Link and Zelda. Something about this man made her skin tingle and her eyes wary. He was not quite normal. His plastered on smile unnerved her and his purple cloths even more so. They of course did get some eccentrics in Castle Town especially before the Festival but his garments seemed wrong somehow. She was quite happy to leave him behind. "If you do not object I will be returning to my colleagues."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Happy Mask Salesman flinched a little as the girl hissed at him. He straightened his coat more out of nerves than anything when her expression changed. "It's quite alright. I can imagine this is not exactly the most pleasant way to meet someone." His smile returns - it had faded when she'd turned angrily on him.

He watched as she wretched once more and then fixed herself. He nodded when she said she was alright. "I'm glad to hear that. I have some water if you're thirsty. Or perhaps a few coins to purchase your own water? I don't think it would gentleman-like to leave a lady in such a condition without at least offering to help in every way I possibly can."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Navi the Fairy - Castle Town Alley

Navi weighed her options for a moment. Of course a simple drink of water would do her no harm and might be good to wash the vile taste from her mouth but on the other hand something about this gentleman unnerved her. He felt almost dangerous in his calm. Navi had no real basis for this feeling but there was something odd about him. Something she couldn't quite place and felt she would not be able to rest till she did. But that was no reason to refuse hospitality. She had the strength of her fairy magic on her side as well as the wielders of two parts of the power of the gods nearby. Even if he tried something Navi was more than capable of defending herself.

"Very well, perhaps some water would do me good. This is not exactly to most pleasant way to begin one's day."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Happy Mask Salesman nodded and sought around the outside of his bag with single hand. Once he located what he was looking for, he used that hand to unfasten it from is place. He then held out a a bottle of water that was wrapped in leather. He pulled it back just long enough to unscrew the lid.

"I haven't used it yet. You can keep it if you like. I have many more at home. A traveler should always have a bottle with him." He gives a slight chuckle.

He could tell the girl was uneasy and, to be honest, he was too. He couldn't really place it, but he knew she was not Hylian. She practically glowed with magic. The very fact that she clearly had strong magic on her side and seemed to be uncomfortable with him made his unease worse, but his curiosity was insatiable.

"Are you ready for the festival?" He asked. "It's bound to be fun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Link unhitched Epona, however he now had to wait for the return of his friends. So the young man wandered into the tavern deciding to pick food for the trip. The bartender was friendly young women, she'd been here during the harvest festival a few months back when all the boys and girls for his village brought the goods in to town to sell. Link had hoped she wouldn't recognize him, but she did. "Awww look it's the little grass hopper from last Fall!"

The Farm boy blushed at that name. "Please, I just need some food for my trip, water skins, dried fruits, and the like." He really hoped she'd forgotten the incident that had earned him that nickname.

The waitress just smiled and turned back collecting the things he'd asked for. "So I see your all dressed like a hero. You in a play or something? Or just win a few girls hearts." She spoke slyly as if the young boy was some kind of heart breaker or something.

Link, for the love of Nayru managed to turn even redder. "No, village tradition I was delivering my village's tribute to the king. I'm taking a detour on the way home I need the extra rations, I thought i might visit the lake or go up to the falls." He explained.

The waitress pouted some. "Your not gonna stay in town, darn you and your friends really livened this place up last autumn. Still I can't expect you to just stay here because I want your rupee's." She put everything in bag and then placed a bottle of Lon-Lon milk on the table for him. "The milk and the bottle are free, I know a farm boy like you can barely afford water here." She took a handful of rupee's from Link. "Goodbye Grasshopper." Link turned and walked out of the tavern and back over Epona, she had been tied up along side a couple of other horse's. He placed the pack on her side then looked back over.

The hero slowly walked down the street doing his best to look for Zelda and Ciela. He managed to find Zelda back by the cart. "Any luck finding our wayward friend?" He asked the disguised girl. "I got supplies for the trip, once we have Ciela we can leave, I saw they were letting farmers out the main gate. We can get out pretty easily." He told Zelda as he spotted an empty of crowds he ducked into it. "Over here we can talk without getting stuck between the crowds." As turned and looked into the alley he saw the Happy Mask Salesman, he knew the man from reputation alone.

His masks quite popular in the villages where legends about heroes ran rampant. Ciela was their beside him, Link waved to her then looked back towards the disguised princess. "I found her, back here in the alley!"

He told Zelda as he looked over at Ciela. "I've Epona ready, when can get going now." He said looking between the two people before him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Zelda followed Link into the alley as they came across Ciela and a man whose smile was...well pretty creepy. The man had a strange aura about him, though that was all she could really discern. Even with her powers all she could sense about him was that he was an aloof mystery that was better left unsolved for now.

She then focused on Ciela, the fairy girl looked a little flushed. Not only that, but the strange man was handing her a bottle of water. It seemed evident that Ciela wasn't feeling all that well. "Are you feeling okay Ciela?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Navi the Fairy - Castle Town Alley

Navi was not exactly thrilled to have an audience but she took the water from the man with the off putting grin. She took a swig using it to wash out her mouth before spitting it on the ground. Then she took another and swallowed. It was somewhat refreshing. Navi held onto the bottle. Of course she could have vanished it to the place where what little belongings she did carry resided but doing so in front of a stranger seemed to be asking for trouble. Instead she turned towards Link and the disguised Zelda. A brief thought floated through her head about whether that would fool anybody but then again very few people had any sort of prolonged contact with the princess.

"I will live." She said not really wanting to admit the fact that she'd just been expelling the toxins of alcohol from a body that wasn't capable of processing them. "I believe it is time we moved on from this place. The festival is in full swing. No sense in wasting perfectly good entertainment. I doubt we will get the opportunity later."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Happy Mask Salesman eyed the girl's companions. The boy was familiar to him, though he couldn't quite place the face. He felt an odd pull of interest as he watched the group interact, but he didn't want to clue them in to his curiosity. He smiled once more and bowed low to the ground.

"Glad to see you at least won't be by yourself. I hope you feel better." He stood straight again and turned back into the alley.

Thoughts flitted through his head at lightning speed. Where did he know the boy from? The other person had been physically completely unrecognizable, though there was a bit of a pull there too. It was odd. The trio were strange to say the least and the very fact that they were apparently traveling together probably meant that something big was about to happen.

The ends of his smile curled upward just a little more, making the expression turn into a positively charged look of intrigue. This festival ought to be one remembered by all.
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