Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zakera Ward was always a busy place, full of activity at all times, even before humans arrived on the Citadel. It’s here that the major events of the stories took place. No, not the story of the Shepard, but the stories of the soldiers that fought until the bitter end, tooth and nail until the last of us drew our final breaths. It’s these individuals that had much to tell, but never had a chance to tell their tales. But now?

Now, these individuals have a chance to make themselves heard…

Some general rules for all you guys who aren’t gonna apply common sense:
-No canon characters (Ex. Shepard, Garrus, Tali, etc.).
-No godmodding, we’re all mortal.
-Develop your characters. No one likes one dimensional characters.
-Stay active. A group of a hundred members is pointless if only five post.
-Collectors, Protheans, and other extinct/purely hostile races are not allowed. Please refrain from creating a Geth until at least the second game’s timeline.
-Avoid killing off or injuring another’s character without their approval or permission.
-Have fun, like a Krogan in the middle of a fight.
-Please post a description of any new characters, a formatting sheet is available below.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virani
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Virani The Reclusive Writer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll get working on mine now, thinking of playing an Asari Biotic for peoples reference.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virani
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Virani The Reclusive Writer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here's my character, hope it's acceptable.

Name: Lysia V'tira

Age: 250

Species: Asari

Gender: Mono Gender though refers to herself as she.

Appearance: Lysia's skin is a bluish grey with her scalp crest being almost completely blue. Her eyes are a silvery grey and have white facial markings surrounding both eyes. She is 5'9 in height and weighs 140lbs. Like many Asari she has a naturally curvaceous figure that humans would call hourglass (bust and hips similar in width and a smaller waist) She has several scars, one a diagonal slash across her breasts, another on her thigh and one on her forearm.

Occupation: Mercenary, former Asari commando.

Class: Adept

Powers: Throw, Singularity, Barrier, Shockwave, Warp, Stasis

Weapons: M3 Predator (pistol) M9 Tempest (SMG)

Armor: Light Hydra Armor

Apparel: Brown coloured form fitting outfit (standard Asari Commando Uniform see example: http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p219/flatlinedreams/shialacommandoarmor.jpg

Equipment: Bluewire Omni Tool, Savant Bio-Amp

Personality: Very dry, sarcastic sense of humor and as such nearly everything she says is a sarcastic comment. This gives the impression that she is not taking things seriously but it is in fact the opposite as Lysia is a professional above all else. Her training as a commando left her with strong mental control and discipline. However since leaving the military she has developed traits, that her trainers would have considered 'bad habits', such as a short temper that has gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion. Another is her inability to kill those who are significantly weaker than her (children, civilians) and also those whom she has become close to. This can cause issues in occupation as a mercenary.

Biography: Born on the Asari Terminus world Chalkhos to Asari parents Lysia dealt with the stigma of being a 'pureblood' from an early age. Her parents were scientists who specialized in genetic engineering (illegal in council space) and had chosen to live on Chalkhos so they could continue their research without fear of prosecution. Life on Chalkhos was not an easy one, as a Terminus world it was rife with farmers growing illegal substances, and armed gangs who preyed on the other colonists. Lysia's parents were killed in an attack by an armed gang who were trying to steal their research to sell to the highest bidder. Lysia only survived because she had been away from home at the time and she returned to find her parents dead. Left to fend for herself she joined a gang, rivals with the ones who had killed her parents, and spent years with them running arms deals, raiding colonists and fighting other gangs. Eventually her gang declared all out war on their main rival and managed to wipe them out. Having achieved what she had set out to do Lysia left the gang wanting to escape from Chalkhos with its bad memories.

She traveled to Thessia where she met and became an Acolyte to Matriarch Solani. Matriarch Solani taught Lysia how to hone her Biotic skills and also encouraged her to join the commandos. Though unsure at first Lysia soon found a home in the commando's and excelled at the training. She welcomed the physical and mental control they taught, and the heightening of her combat and biotic skills. When she finished her training she returned to Matriarch Solani's side as one of her bodyguards. She stayed with the Matriarch for well over a hundred years and as well as guarding the Matriarch she helped train the new commando's who joined her squad. Her life changed again however when the Matriarch was killed on her watch, Solani a powerful politician, incurred the wrath of a fellow asari who had her own commando's attack Solani. Whilst this does happen it is sufficiently rare enough that Lysia and her squad were unprepared. The Matriarch and the rest of her squad were killed and Lysia was badly wounded. She spent a long time recovering in a hospital on Thessia before making the choice to leave the commando's behind. Her first act was to kill the politician who had ordered the attack, she managed this with the help of a few ex commando's.

Once the politician was dead Lysia and her fellow ex commando's left Thessia and formed their own small Mercenary group. They slowly built a reputation for infiltrating and assassinating targets. Lysia left the group after they took on a contract to kill an entire family, faced with the prospect of killing children Lysia could not do it. What ensued was a chaotic game of cat and mouse as she endeavored to protect the family from the mercs she had previously worked with. It culminated in a showdown with Lysia being ambushed by her former squadmates, they killed the family and were determined to kill Lysia as well. She had turned her back on them and not only did they see this as a betrayal but Lysia also knew important information about how they operated and they could not afford for it to fall into the wrong hands. She escaped the ambush but they hounded her for years until she finally decided enough was enough and went on the offensive. She managed to find and kill them all but swore she would never kill those she cared about again.

She has ended up on Zakera Ward and is currently freelancing as a Mercenary.

Other: Lysia is currently in the Maiden stage of her biological cycle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Virani Lysia sounds like a very interesting character, so go ahead and paste that in the Characters tab. We'll get started as soon as someone else shows up and tosses a character into the mix.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suzy Blue
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Suzy Blue That's Lady Sunday to you!

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I'll write up a character for this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

(Tell me if a gunship is too much, I don't mind removing it.)

Name: Simbel

Age: 23

Species: Quarian

Gender: Male

Under the suit can be considered a particularly attractive Quarian, but a careful eye would see some discreet scars from a previous plastic surgery operation made to hide the scars of a particularly bad exposure to a virus that had left Simbel's skin particularly disfigured. Still, he enjoys a somewhat more feminine (although he'd call it a more turian) form with a good posture, the of his suit and synthetic arm showing he places care in his appearance.

Occupation: Freelance Gunship Pilot & Synthetic Disposal Expert

Class: Engineer

-Sabotage (Hack)
-Energy Drain
-Overclock Shield

-M-3 Predator
-Blood Pack Punisher

Modified Custom Devlon armor, boosted shield capacity.

Atypical Quarian exo-suit, non fleet made, considered much more fashionable and personally customized than anything Quarians usually wear, within or outside of the fleet, despite mostly been clean cut and light on details. It is notable that the armor IS the suit and one goes with the other.

-Omnitool (Contains multiple illegal hacking software and a modified VI modeled after Turian Porn Actress Augusta Cali)
-Synthetic Arm of an unknown manufacturer.
-Physical Tools.
-A shitload of omnigel.
-A Turian Gunship.

Cocky and elitist, he likes to savor the better things in life with the better people (Read: More attractive) in it, thus easily spending his pay, despite it being considerably superior to even most leaders of mercenary outfits since he's one of the only person with a gunship, the ability to pilot it and the will to use it for less legal purposes out there. His personality is quite centered on his rejection of Quarian values and ideals, thus making him somewhat of a selfish asshole that only stops to care about others if they have something he wants out of them, either a contract or a night with them. At least that's with Aliens. With Quarians? He has a personal grudge, enjoying seeing pilgrims struggle with their task and exploit them for his own fun and benefits, using their naive belief that Quarians all look out for each other to reach his ends.

He doesn't like to talk about his younger days, not as much because he found it painful, but because even he realize that it makes him sound like an edgy asshole that seeks petty revenge. See, he was simply smaller and shyer than the others and constantly got teased and bullied during his childhood. Time in the flotilla didn't make things better as his bitterness made him sabotage his own attempt at romance and friendship with others, people rejecting him even further when he had the audacity to question the 'Us or them' stance of Quarians on the geth, causing him to somewhat admire a robotic race where there were no individuals, where there weren't rejected people like him, although he was quick to shut up and let these thoughts and his distaste of his own people fester in silence.

When the pilgrimage arrived, he and 3 other of his kind went to Illium and stuck together for a time, figuring out a plan. The group however was quick to turn to one of Simbel's old class bully for leadership, the two girls with him ignoring him completely to look up to the other man of the group, who himself ordered Simbel around like trash. One of the girls became a couple with said guy and naively, Simbel thought he had a chance with the other girl, only to see her romance a Turian. Disgusted by his own naivete and the situation, he decided in bitter revenge to trick them. 'All Quarians look the same in these suits' was something he used to get enormous loans in the name of the 3 others of his group and as the heat of both legal and illegal borrowings got to him, he threw his 'friends' under the bus, leaving Illium for Omega while laughing at their desperate call for help on his omnitool.

With the money he bought his first gunship. His father was a pilot and had showed him the ropes, since after all he didn't spend his youth socializing, so he knew the basics. It was enough, as after all he had a motherfucking gunship at his command, which immediately made him a freelancer extremely in demand from bigger and smaller organizations needing the firepower at extreme cost, since he was smart enough to join another pilot which suggested they control the prices of their services as not to undercut each other and thus make a lot of profit. It all worked extremely well for him actually, he reworked a new personality to show people who knew nothing about him and changed completely, going from shy to exuberant and confident. Still, his status was quite fragile and one day, his luck ran out. Quite simply, he was shot down in a gang war he was taking part in. This left him almost dying of exposure and bleeding out from having lost an arm.

That was when in a stroke of luck, a lone Quarian saved him. She was young and had just started her pilgrimage and naively saved him, healing him with what little supplies she had and as they crawled in the dirt of Omega, he narrowly survived the multiple infections he had been afflicted with. Still, there was the problem that his bread and butter was gone, he had no gunship. He had to fall back on his backup knowledge of electronics and that of his new lady friend to survive. She was looking up to him, he knew his way around and from his story (In which of course he omitted to mention his backstab of his colleagues), he knew how to get things done and without a doubt, how to get a worthy gift for the flotilla. Simbel of course thanked his luck to send him such a dumb but capable idiot for him to use and began to scheme pretty much like he did before with the others, taking loan and doing crimes, pissing off people and shifting the blame on her.

It didn't go as planned on the emotional side however as Simbel found her female friend slowly fall in love with him. When she confessed, Simbel was taken by surprise. He had relations with others of course on Omega, but all with aliens and flings, this was... new. He found himself wanting to love her back, but the deed was done, his new girlfriend was fucked 10 times over by bad people who'd follow her across the galaxy to get their due and she didn't know he was the responsible. Could he run away with her? No, people would realize he was involved and chase him too, and she was still very eager to return to the flotilla, and that would lead to people asking very embarrassing questions as to the faith of the 3 others with him. Ultimately, he played the game to the end.

He left her without a word, knowing she'd die for reasons unknown to her, for him to gather money to start back his life style. As he left for council space for a new contract on the citadel he did his best to convince himself that she meant nothing and that his hate was still burning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Wernher Approved, go ahead and pop this in the character tab. Also, the gunship isn't overkill. Saying it is would be like denying a Krogan a shotgun. With that said, let's get started guys.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*Sigh* Well, I tried. I'll start it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virani
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Virani The Reclusive Writer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry been at work all day, it's past 3am here so ill post later once I've had some sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Virani Yeah, do that. I'd like a post every couple days, but I don't want you guys becoming sleep deprived because of this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Post length should diminish. Still, is that good? Let me know if the flirting becomes annoying OOC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virani
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Virani The Reclusive Writer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Posted woop woop
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Post length can be however long, and i'm glad to see this started up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So... how are things?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm interested, and currently plotting a character, but I'm curious, exactly when is this starting out in the timeline?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Galgarion The timeline has started from the Geth Invasion of Eden Prime, and feel free to come up with someone! The more the merrier!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So, this place died, that's fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virani
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Virani The Reclusive Writer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm still here, was waiting on Wernher to post. But I can go ahead and post again if you like?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Go right ahead, dude.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 11 days ago

Is this still live? I'd love to join :)
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