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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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"Because we're not animals!" The unexpected question almost prompted a bout of rage in the girl, as her eyes grew wide in disbelief. How could he even ask such a thing? She should have known he wouldn't understand. No one seemed to.

Quickly lowering her voice she let her eyes trail away from him there, absently wandering about the room, yet longing for the door. She had to contain herself from breaking away at that moment.

"They can't just keep us locked in here until we mate. Does that not sound..barbaric? Almost like a cult even." she questioned, avoiding eye contact with him, her thoughts exacerbated even further from the alcohol now. How could everyone possibly be so calm about all this..
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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A meeting of the student body was called for the day after the last dance. The staff had been warned ahead of time that there may be some disturbance during the meeting so they would be prepared..........

Bessie had finished her breakfast and was ready for the meeting. She walked to the dreaded dance hall and to the dining room. She sat at the far end of the table to wait for the meeting to begin. Bessie booted up the laptop and checked for any mail.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Neven ran a comb through his hair one more time, making sure that it lay on his head obediently. His suit was in order as was the rest of his formal clothing, it wouldn't do to come to meeting looking casual or disheveled, so he wouldn't. He found a seat two or three away from the self-righteous girl and waited impatiently for the meeting to start, they should at least have snacks out. Neven's fingers softly tapped the table as he glanced from object to object, bored already.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The dances were finally over, which Blake was infinitely glad about. Blake did not bother to comb his hair, and left it unkempt. He dressed casually as well. He was infinitely stubborn.

There had been quite a change in him over these past weeks. He had lived his life as Prince Ruomahl. Now after only a few weeks he felt more comfortable as Blake. His personality had changed irrevocably, and his experience in the human world had altered him.

He headed towards the meeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Bessie glanced around and saw Blake come in. She waved at him and patted the chair next to her. She was wondering the meeting would be about.

Mictlantecuhtli looked about and decided to start the meeting. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"Listen up, Gentlemen. It is now time to claim who you wish to take with you. Feel free to mingle about. If there is more than 1 gentleman to a lady, the lady will make the decision."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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Penelope begrudgingly made her way to the meeting. She was late, she was sure of it, but she didn't mind. Weeks had passed now and she had all but given up in her efforts entirely. She continued with school life as usual but she was noticeably less cheerful, her spirits thoroughly sunken. The meeting was supposed to have been important yet she was dressed rather casually. Her hair was in it's usual mound of curly madness, and she made no attempt at taming the beast. A simple black cotton dress hung loosely around her body, stopping just above her knees. She hadn't bothered with heels or accessories for weeks now, and instead she traded them for a pair of black running shoes and ankle socks. Whatever the meeting was about she just wanted to hear it and get back to her day. She entered at the tail end of Mictlantecuhtli speaking.

"...the lady will make the decision."

She took a seat towards the back and waited to be clued in on the specifics.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Neven gave a noticeable sigh of relief, finally it seemed they were done here. He glanced at Abelia as she came in late, seemingly not caring about her looks given the disarray of her hair. Still, he found her simple style appealing. Though she'd look much if she had clothes of superior quality. "Running late Abelia? It seems we're finally being given permission to leave this place. Would you do me the honor of accompanying me?" He asked regally, as though he were granting her a favor rather than requesting one. Even after all this time, he'd changed little. However he had grown some sort of attachment to the easy-going women who knew so much more about this world than he did and he would be reluctant to leave without her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Blake took the seat next to Bessie. It appeared that everything had come to its ending. it wasn't a real ending, but more of a climax to a chapter. This would be the end of his time in the human world. In his time here he had changed innumerably and fallen in love. Life we now be changed. He hoped that Bessie would accept him as he had accepted her.

"Sorry about this," Blake said. "You wouldn't mind coming with me, though, would you? Although choosing me is a longterm commitment, if you aren't getting it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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"I am not sure what is going on.... I really like you... a lot more than I am willing to admit in front of all of these others.... It's quieter over in that corner. Please?" Bessie asked as she gazed into Blake's eyes in confusion.
She wanted a bit more courting and a really nice wedding. Something that her family would be proud of. They wouldn't approve of an elopement at all!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Blake followed her into the corner which she was nudging him to. Since she wanted him to, he didn't really see anything other to do than to oblige.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"I have heard rumors and have ignored them. So to make things very clear to me, tell me the truth. Are you a demon? And the only reason why this school exists is to get females to match up with demons to do something with?
I have had hopes for a very nice wedding and maybe my parents would be proud of me. And if you are a demon, I can't bring them to my home nor can I go home. I just don't know what to do. So just tell me the truth." Bessie was visibly upset and near to tears.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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Penelope gave a weary smile in Neven's direction as he approached. She was going to comment on her tardiness when his following words sunk in.

Her eyes grew wide in shock as they locked on to his, searching for any trace his words might have been disingenuous or just a just. At once she took both his hands in hers, squeezing them lightly as an excited garbled mesh of French obscenities escaped her quietly under her breath, her face flushing a bright red with joy and relief before she collected herself and her thoughts, echoing back his words in english this time. "We can leave? We really can?"

Her eyes followed as the other pair separated themselves from the others, they were speaking in hushed tones, and she was too preoccupied at present to wonder why. She didn't have time to.

"Now? My god if we're free to go then yes, take me from here now, Neven, I just want to leave this place...before they change their minds."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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One corner of Neven's mouth tilted upwards in the hint of a smile at Abelia's excitement. He'd known she hadn't enjoyed the forced stay but her ecstatic feeling were contagious. "Good, I'm pleased to hear it." he said with a shadow of her excitement and turned to face Mictlantecuhtli. "Well Mictlantecuhtli, the lady has made her choice. Can we leave this wretched place now?" Neven asked their overlord somewhat demandingly. Finally freedom and if Mictlantecuhtli had any sudden trick requirements...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Blake did not know what to say to Bessie. He did not want her to cry, however. He wanted to somehow comfort her, yet it was the truth that she wanted to here. That would not be very comforting. Nonetheless, Blake would end up baring it all anyways. He would leave the final choice up to Bessie.

"Yes, it is true, I am a demon prince," Blake said. "This place was chosen as a matchmaking site for humans and demons. In reality it was little different from an arranged marriage. I had no part in it, and I was teleported here and stripped of my demonic powers. When I was here I learned being a demon doesn't mean being evil. Bessie, I love, and I treasure, you. But I won't force you to do anything. The choice of whether to go or stay is up to you. I won't force you to anything. Whatever your choice, I will understand."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Mictlantecuhtli smiled as he spoke.
"The Prince will lead the way to the castle and land which you will reside in. You will be under his rule once he is crowned.
Bessie will not be leaving since she knows the secrets of the Academy. Either she becomes a permanent resident here in her own cozy apartment or marry some demon. The choice is hers to make......"

Bessie looked at Mictlantecuhtli in not only anger but in extreme distrust.

"Am I to assume that I will not ever see my family again?" she spat out at Mictlantecuhtli with tears flowing down her face.

"Your family took the bribe money for you. I won't force you to do anything. But if you want food and such, you will go to school until you are married or you die. That is your choice, Bessie." Mictlantecuhtli spoke with no remorse.

Bessie stuck her tongue out at Mictlantecuhtli then turned to Blake.
"I was falling in love with you and was dreaming of a really nice wedding to show my family how I fared. Well, I can't have my revenge on them so I give up my life on Earth. They don't care about me anyways. I'd be honored to marry you, Blake. My love can only grow for you." Bessie stood up and kissed Blake on the cheek. She turned bright red but she looked into his eyes to see his reaction.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Blake had a simple reaction, which was to go for her lips. Blake gave Bessie a kiss on the lips. He was glad that Bessie was in love with him as he was with her. He would make sure to treat her well, considering that she would have to leave her home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Bessie was certainly surprised with Blake's Kiss. But she did enjoy her first kiss from a male. She smiled at Blake in wonder and her eyes sparkled brightly. She turned to Mictlantecuhtli and spoke

"We are going to go and pack. I doubt that we will be ready very soon but how soon must we be ready? Or is there a moving company that comes and moves our belongings?"

Mictlantecuhtli simply nodded. "Those of you who are paired up, go pack enough things to last for a week. I'll have the moving people pack and deliver the rest within the week." he replied.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Neven sighed, pack what? He was returning to his home, you brought things from your home not to. Never the less if he had to play by the rules just a little longer so be it. "Well you heard him, lets get packing and leave." Neven said to Abelia and left to go pack, he would bring some memorabilia from here with him, so he could remember how terribly annoying it had been. He was actually getting a little excited to finally go home, he'd been here for far too long.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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On that note, Penelope released Neven's hands from her own and headed for the dorms as well. She didn't have much to pack either, as he had packed her things weeks before preparing for her escape. She never got around to unpacking them afterwards, which was partially why she hadn't bothered with her usual attire since then.

"I have a bag ready" she informed him hastily. "I just need about five minutes and I'll be set." Truth be told she didn't even want to go back for the bags. She'd buy a whole new wardrobe if she could, but her sketchbook among a few other items were too important to leave behind.
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