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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Dimitri was forced to jump back slightly as a batch of ghouls in front of him went up in flames. Being as close as he was to them at the time Dimitri would have been annoyed where it not for the chance that they would have probably swarmed him if not for Damien's assistance. With a bit of breathing room being granted to him Dimitri took the opportunity to take in his surroundings, to include his injuries and the positions of his adoptive siblings. With the adrenaline pumping through his veins Dimitri could barely feel the gouges that throbbed on his arm. It was for the best really, especially considered that there was a ghoul making a beeline for Izzy as she made her way towards Krystoff and Alexi. Dimitri growled and rushed to defend his fellow slayer, smashing his way through a trio of ghouls with his shoulder in the same manner of a rugby player. The distance wasn't all too great, after all, Dimitri's large stature meant that he naturally took large steps. His stature was also useful for other reasons, such as giving him plenty of reach to drive the tip of the curved end of his crowbar into the ghoul's eye before he could get too close to Izzy. Dimitri all but roared as he gripped the crowbar with both hands and yanked upwards viciously. The ghoul screeched, but was cut off by a sound like the tearing of a wet towel as its body raised upwards a foot before slumping back down, sans it's head and a portion of it's spinal column. "Pay more attention, I ain't gonna be around to watch your back every time." Dimitri snapped a bit more tersely than he intended to before resuming his attack on the other ghouls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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"AAAAHHHH!" Alexi shouted in pain, she then kipped up, grabbing her sword. "I'm going to send all you fucks back to hell!" She then ran and slid between a ghoul's legs, cutting the creature in half. She was making her way to the power box that emitted electricity to the lights. "Cant touch what you can't see." she said with an evil grin, opening the box and slashing the wires. At that moment the dock became pitch black and Alexi became nearly invisible within the darkness. She began laughing maniacally, at that moment, about ten ghoul's head became decapitated by an unseen force. Alexi continued to her new spree as an unseen assassin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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@King Tai @MonsieurShade
"I really wanted that room, though..." Krystoff joked to himself in relief. He was still wearing the blood-stained surgical gloves. Ripping them off, he snatched up his sword and his bag. With Dimitri out of the warehouse center, he'd finally be able to use those damn grenades! Pulling the pin off two, he threw them far into the remaining cluster of ghouls. "CLEAR!" The disgusting creatures were thrown forward and more than a few were blasted completely apart. After the sound of the explosion was out of his ears, Krystoff realized Xavier was finally talking.

"Where the hell have YOU been?! The ghouls are nearly gone, but we damn near lost Alexi!" Krystoff yelled into his headset, separating a ghoul from his lower half with a swift strike. Hearing Xavier after the worst of it was over set fire to Krystoff's blood! His face settled somewhere between a grin and a snarl, ghoul blood spattered over his face and chest. "Thanks for the assist Dimitri, Alexi was looking bad!" With five slayers, the battle looked to be drawing to a close finally.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leda


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Izzy kept making her over to Krystoff, as she tried her best to keep the ghouls in her line of sight when she heard her brother say he needed a shield "got it" she yelled pulling out her trident. She spun her weapon trying to effectively stave off the attacking ghouls with the her energy barriers, and taking a few out whenever she could. They were as relentless as they were numerous, but it seemed like they were making a dent in their numbers. She heard Krystoff say something about grenades as she felt a rucksack nudge her feet, however with the ghouls attacking she could not get to it. Not keeping an eye on all of them, one slipped by and made a beeline for her but was quickly stopped by Dimitri as he shoulder blocked it away from her.

He turned and snapped at her telling her to pay attention and warning her he was not always going to be there. She rolled her eyes, and turned her attention back to the ghouls as she pulled her weapon back out trying to keep the rest at bay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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The look of discomfort showed on Xavier's face from the yelling Krystoff was doing in his earpiece. This was not the first time Xavier did this and this time, it nearly cost his sister's life and possibly others for not joining earlier. "Whoa whoa calm down bro, I was suppose to find a vampire drug dealer and since he was not showing, I...well I went to take care of something while waiting and misplaced my ear piece." Which was bullshit, he was trying to ease his boredom of the stakeout he was on. He was told before to stop removing his earpiece regardless of how uncomfortable it is. "Look bro, I'm sorry, I'm on my way. Is anyone else hurt? Will Alexi be ok?" He asked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexi was laughing manically as she slayed the last ghoul, thrusting her her sword through its heart from behind. She then came out of the darkness, becoming visible once more. The gashed on her face continued to bleed through the bandages, and her eyes were wide like someone's who had just went insane. "There wasn't enough toys." She said, grinning evilly and then passing out as the adrenaline worse off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@King Tai

"Do. not. tell. me. to CALM DOWN!" Krystoff answered, swinging his sword and cleaving through two ghouls in his rage. "After I got through with her, she's up!" He kicked away a ghoul coming up on his side, but not before it sliced through his fatigues and into his leg.

Luckily, Devil's Fang was blocking any pain he might feel, but he knew it would hurt like hell after the fight. He thrust forward, piercing the monster's heart with the well-aimed stab. Usually Krystoff wasn't this hot-headed with his siblings, but the fear of possibly losing one had put the young man in rare form. "And after I get through with you, you'll be lucky if you can say the same!" Krystoff shouted at Xavier over the headpiece. He wouldn't really hurt his brother, except a good smack on the back of the head. Krystoff would make sure Mathias heard about this incident, however.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"Krystoff, forget about Xavier, now I'M telling you to calm down. Now can the chatter before I end up knocking more than ghoul heads tonight." Dimitri rumbled flatly as he smashed into the face of a partially dismembered ghoul with his crowbar. Unlike a few of the others Dimitri had no qualms about throwing his weight around every now and then, though he usually reserved such behavior either for when he was in a bad mood or someone was acting unruly. At this current point in time it was a bit of both, as one look at the warehouse and scattered ghoul parts reminded him of one crucial detail that he'd overlooked when he went to assist Izzy. "My goddamn shotty was in there. I swear to that grenade had better not have messed it up. Those things ain't exactly cheap you know.". Dimitri's aggravation towards the potential loss of his shotgun was quickly forgotten as he took notice of Alexi making herself known again before passing out.

Dimitri clenched his jaw and sighed through his nose before he started to jog towards her, doing his best to either avoid or kill any ghoul in his path as he went to help his sibling, "Swear to god you people are gonna give me grey hairs.".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"One, I'm not in the wrong here! Two, I said 'clear' when I threw them! Why are you going around dropping a perfectly good gun?!" Krystoff yelled back, perfectly capable of venting his frustration and killing ghouls at the same time. His sword was practically oozing energy as Krystoff's rage grew. Three ghouls lunged at him, but he nimbly parried a slashing claw as he skipped behind the trio. He slashed one, seeing the white of bone. He turned and stabbed another through the side, making it cough blood like a clogged faucet. The third he mounted and stabbed through its skull, the creature immediately stiffening and then falling to the floor as Krystoff rolled clear. "Do you know how bad that is for a gun? You should keep better care of your weapons!"

His own rifle was still safe and sound on the container, while his MP5 was slung across his back. Krystoff always kept his guns as pristine and well-maintained as could be. Dimitri may act gruff and have a large physique, but that had never fazed the young man. Krystoff knew he was a good brother and an even better slayer. He tracked Dimitri across the room, finishing off his brother's maimed foes after dispatching his own with quick slashes and thrusts. The duo's styles were inherently different, but complimentary. In Krystoff's opinion, his brother's style was a tad barbaric, but it got results and he couldn't argue with that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Damian groaned and stabbed an already dying ghoul that laid at his feet. "Let's all just calm down now. We're banged up but we're all still breathing. That's the main thing." Dyrnwyn's flames slowly began to die down as he sheathed the blade. The warehouse was filled with the corpses of ghouls and he thanked all the deites above that cleaning up wasn't in their job description. "Besides right now we have three much bigger problems: We need to get Alexi home, Jack is still missing, and there's still the fact that there weren't supposed to be this many ghouls here. Which means someone fed us bad intel probably to lure us into a trap."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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Krystoff was about to say something scathing, but realized that it wasn't exactly him revving up his emotions. Taking a deep breath, he sheathed the psychotic blade and immediately felt relief. He hated to resort to using it, but Alexi had been in serious trouble. "Sorry, Damian. You're right.." He started to walk around, looking at just how much of a massacre it was and how lucky they were to be in as good a shape as they were. Krystoff left a trail of blood, dripping from his pants leg. The pain hadn't registered yet, but it soon would and he wondered if he'd be in good enough shape to drive his bike home. Rubbing the back of his head, he toed a ghouls body, flipping it onto its back to reveal a blood-covered, yet perfectly intact, shotgun.

"Alexi needs a trip to the hospital, possibly. She's lost a lot of blood, that adrenalin shot was just to get her back on her feet and out of the doghouse. Hopefully Jack phones us in the next ten minutes, otherwise I might tell Xavier to forget about us and start the manhunt." He took a moment to mull over the details. "Thinking about it, this place is pretty isolated. There's no way that someone who found this nest didn't know how big it was.. Did Malthias say who the informant was or did he just give you the info?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leda


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Izzy had finished off the last of the ghouls on her end after impaling one with her weapon and slamming it to the ground. "that's it, they're finally gone, I've had more than my fair share of monsters today" She said as she wiped the ghoul's blood from her face and retracted her trident. She felt a little sore as she was a little banged up from that little stunt she pulled, but nothing too serious. At least not as serious as Alexi's injuries. She had heard Damien mention something about Jack being missing, and the warehouse job being entirely too challenging for a routine pest control job. "That, or someone's been breeding these things, and might have more" she said, while she was worried about her brother, the larger problem were the ghouls, and finding out why there were so many. "While it is imperative we find Jack, Krystoff is right. We should see to Alexi's wound. I hate to say it, but we'll have to look for him later" she said begrudgingly. All she could do was hope that he was alright
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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After a few hours that seemed like minutes, jack slightly awoke, however he was in hardly any shape to get up, he tried to reach for the Bluetooth and send out a message, but it hardly worked considering his condition

"(cough)h-hell-o? (Cough) (cough) Are y-ou guys s-still Ali-ve w-(COUGH)ithout me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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From the yelling that was being done, Xavier knew it would be a matter of time before telling Mathias about this. simply giving a heavy sigh knowing that no matter what he said to his brother would help him to calm him down until Dimitri started talking to him. Xavier was still listening in when Damian's voice came up and mentioned the problems they face. Xavier's eyebrow raised hearing that Jack have been missing and that Alexi needed to head home and they had another mystery to find out. Since Xavier was a bit late answering back, he figure, he could try to be of some use. "Look guys, since I'm late to all of this, how about I look for Jack and the rest of you can handle the other stuff..."

Xavier then heard Jack's voice as he sounded weak. Xavier quickly responded "Jack! bro, where are you? what happened?" holding his finger onto his earpiece to focus on hearing him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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@WittyWolf@Leda@King Tai

Damian prodded at a dead ghoul with his foot before responding to Krystoff. "He didn't say who, but I assumed through the usual channels. You know how thorough he usually is." He flipped the corpse over and looked into the ghouls eyes. "I hate to say this, but I think Izzy's on to something. I don't know about any of you but I've never seen ghouls that fought as hard as these ones did, someone clearly did something to these things and if they're breeding that is not good." He pushed the corpse away with his foot. "That's a worry for another night. Right now I say we get Alexi home, a hospital's just going to ask questions and take longer anyway and let X deal with the Jack situation."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krystoff nodded in agreement, Damian was right. "Izzy is right? Never thought I'd see the day," he said in a teasing tone. He grimaced for a moment as some pain lanced through his leg. He should take care of it before it got infected. Ghouls were dirty creatures.

"I'm gonna clean myself up, then help X out. Jack doesn't sound too good." Krystoff informed Damian. With his foot, he slid the shotgun over to Dimitri. "Have fun with that, bro." He limped out of the warehouse and started to work on his leg, using simple butterflies and some gauze. If he didn't put too much weight on it, it should hold. Krystoff climbed back on top of the container, taking apart his rifle's attachments and packing it away. As he put his weaponry back into his racks, Krystoff chirped Xavier with the headset.

"Hey X, any idea where Jack is yet? I heard him over the comms, he doesn't sound too good." Krystoff had calmed down, trying to use his head. It still felt a little fuzzy, but Krystoff wasn't going to let that stop him from finding Jack. He slid on his helmet and linked it with their channel. He started up the bike and raced towards the north, following the river. If Jack had been hunting like they were, chances were he ran into some of these upgraded ghouls too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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@King Tai@WittyWolfjacks voice was straining at this point

"(Cough) (cough)T-they're co-m(COUGH) (COUGH)coming, w-we ar-e in a-lot of trouble(COUGH) (COUGH)"

(They're coming, we are in a lot of trouble)

By now jacks voice was at its end, he had multiple bleeding scars, his eye was leaking blood like a faucet, if his state remained this way for a few more hours, he'd be dead, he already had both feet in the grave, with that, jacks eyes fell heavy again as he fell back into a deep sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Dimitri grunted dismissively at Krystoff's retort regarding him leaving his gun behind, "It was empty and I was being rushed by a ghoul. I was gonna pick it back up but Izzy was about five seconds from getting her scalp bitten off by one of these things.". With the fighting having died down, Dimitri shook off his crowbar just as Krystoff retrieved his shotgun from the warehouse and returned it to him. For a moment Dimitri began to pray to whatever deities happened to be at work, however, those prayers quickly became damnations as he flipped the weapon over and spotted the long scratch that ran the length of the weapon, as well as bits of shrapnel imbedded in the weapon's stock. For a moment Dimitri wondered whether or not to confront Krystoff on this, though this idea was quickly forgotten as he tuned in to the conversation about the ghouls potentially having been bred, "Why the would anyone want to breed ghouls of all things? They're dumb as rocks and can't take orders for shit. Not to mention they don't particularly give a damn about who or what they eat." Dimitri mused aloud.

Dimitri could hear Jack speaking weakly over the bluetooth, however he didn't seem all too phased considering Xavier had offered to search for him. Everyone in the group seemed to at least have a modicum of medical knowledge and first aid skills, it was necessity considering the nature of their job. Dimitri knelt down and drew his knife to skin one of the corpses. Every monster had it's useful parts; skin in particular was useful for making into leather armor, repair weapon grips, or simply as another tool for Brutus' tracking lessons. Dimitri was stone faced as he methodically slice and pulled away the skin on one of the ghouls, having long ago grown accustomed to working with meat courtesy of a butcher shop he'd done a few jobs for before his adoption. "Anyone need a new weapon wrap? There's plenty of fresh skin to work with around here. I figure a bit of tanning will make some nice leather." He grunted distractedly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Xavier overheard what Damian said about letting him find jack as Krystoff said that he was going to help him find their little brother. Xavier thought about the general area Jack was going hunting that night and shifted gears as Krystoff communicated with him again. "I think I know the general area he's in but I'm not sure how far he got. Earlier, I heard him mentioning something about heading close to where the power plant is, you know, passed the railroad tracks and the little speed stop convenient store is? I'm checking that area and should be there in a-" he stopped talkinG as he could hear something strange through the eyepiece.

Jack was speaking again but his voice was very strained and he sounded horrible, by his guess, Jack must be bleeding profusely and the message he was giving, made X pick up speed as he was not too far from the area he spoke about. When Jack was finishing what he was saying, X spoke up again "Jack....JACK!!? Bruh, where are you? Jack are you still conscious.............SHIT! Krystoff you you heard that right? I'm about 3-4 minutes away, bring your medical shit." He said as he raced on. He was hoping that his little brother hung in there until he made it but that message about him and his siblings did not sit well with him.

Xavier pulled his Ak-47 tactical from the back seat and his sawed-off from under his seat, ready to blow something's brains out if he had to.

After a few minutes, he finally came to a screeching halt and looked around if he could see his brother Jack's body and started creeping his car to catch any movements.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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@King Tai(to explain jacks condition)

Jacks shirt and pants are torn, his hair is a pathetic mess, he has blood stained on his shirt, he has two bleeding puncture wounds on his left arm and right leg, and the worst wound was to his left eye, it was scarred and bleeding, blood was falling down his face like tears, in jacks shoulder was a shard of bloody glass no bigger than a mans fist. His voice is sore and he can't say five words without letting out a horrible cough, in jack right had laid cyndermore, jacks sickle was stained with blood and to his other side lay a decapitated ghoul that looked otherworldly, instead of the usual grey skin, it was covered in black fur and had spines along its back, the upper half if it's head was taken clean off and rested at jacks foot.
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