Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Name: Captain Edward Horrigan

Age: 32

Previously affiliation: The Grand Sol Duchy


A tall, lean man with a decent amount of muscle, Horrigan has a triangular face, with a narrow chin and large hazel eyes. His neat brown hair is slicked back across his head, and he has an elegantly trimmed goatee. He has slopped shoulders, and well-built arms and legs. His skin is lightly tanned, adopting a bronze hue, and he prides himself on his smart dress sense.

Skills: A privateer for several years, and a decorated member of the Duchy Marine Core before that, Horrigan has extensive military and space naval experience. He is a quick thinker, and responds well to dangerous situations.

Biography: Born on the desolate industrial world of Mars, Horrigan grew up in povertous conditions; surrounded by gang violence and criminal warfare from an early age. His mother died of an overdose during Horrigan's childhood, and his father was a drug addict who failed to provide for the family of two.

Enlisting in the military as soon as he was able to, Horrigan was quick to rise up the ranks of the Duchy Marine Core, and received many commendations for his service. The young man proved himself during the seventh pirate crisis, when desperate cut-throats from the Faded Kingdom began smuggling hazardous drugs into Duchy space, and was soon promoted to captain of the GSV (Grand Duchy Space Vessel) Outlander.

Captain Horrigan has spent the last five years on Baelzarus VI, working with the locals to try and push back the slave rings within the system. When the House of Harnev gained a sudden boost in numbers, Horrigan received a transmission from his superiors informing him of the new Feral Shadow threat, and he now awaits with the arrival of his new crew members, so that he can begin his next mission.

Name: Zharuus the Red

Age: 53

Previously affiliation: The Brotherhood of Mahrl/ The Grand Sol Duchy


A towering brute of a man, Zharuus' body is covered in rippling grey muscle. He has huge black eyes, rows upon rows of shark-like fangs, and slick black talons. A top-knot of coarse black hair errupts from the back of his head in a frizzy tail, and he garbs himself in the traditional attire of a warrior of The Brotherhood of Mahrl.

Skills: Zharuus is a fighter through and through, having mastered countless weapons during his time. He possess immense agility, and has remained at peek physical condition for many, many years. He will follow orders to the letter, and executes his commands with zealous ferocity and dedication. As a Shaman of the Brotherhood, Zharuus has a mastery of potent Essence abilities, which he utilizes with deadly efficiency in combat.

Biography: Zharrus was born on a secluded jungle world belonging to the Brotherhood of Mahrl, and did not experience human contact until the day slavers interrupted his training as a shaman, and whisked him away to fight in an underground arena.

It would be two decades before agents of the Searing Gauntlet would learn of the ring and shut it down, so Zharrus spent the next twenty years of his life brawling and struggling to stay alive. His merciless efficiency and grim determination afforded him much glory within the arena, but the scars dealt to him there, both physical and psychological, would never truly heal.

Zharrus was eventually returned to the Brotherhood to continue his training, but no longer felt at home amongst his kin, and soon left of his own accord.

Wanting to return to a life of routine and regimentation, Zharrus did a tour of five years in the Duchy Marine Core, before being assigned as the private bodyguard of the Elector Duke Rotshchilde.

After what seems like an eternity protecting the Duke, Zharrus has been swept up in the mission to bring down House Harnev, and has set off to join the crew of the Outlander on Baelzarus VI.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Name: Angel Sherani

Age: 26

Previously affiliation: The Shinarus Domain

Description: Angel is 1,70 meters tall, with short black hair and dark brown eyes. Her pale skin contrast heavily with her hair and eyes and gives her an almost unnatural image in many people’s eyes. Her straight short hair reaches just under her ears and is often disheveled, giving it a wild look. She has a piercing on the left side of her lip and 2 on her left eyebrow.
At first sight, her body lacks any defects or scars, but under the clothes she wears is hidden a huge scar from a blade that slashed her back as a child. In addition her left arm had to be amputated due an incident and she had it replaced with artificial one. The new arm is the same proportions as her real one. She hides both of those under her clothes.
Her favorite clothing is: Black leather pants, tall boots with a 2 cm heel, red short tank top and a black tight fitting leather jacket.

Skills: (Any relevant abilities that your character possesses) Angel as a mechanic first and foremost. She had traded her skills as one on many different kinds of vessels in order to travel and well earn enough to be barely able to feed her hunger of Essence. Even when she is suffering from withdraw symptoms, she is still able to actively repair machinery, although slower than normally. In addition she is good with knives and unarmed combat with her raw strength being quite to satisfactory levels from all the heavy machinery she has to operate and move around as mechanic.

In addition from early age she discovered she posses psychometry, or the ability to read information from objects she touches, when she has just 'fed' her hunger for essence. Which proves quite useful when trying to fix heavily damaged machines of any kind.

Biography: (Your character’s past leading up to their service aboard the Outlander) Born on planet Omriel, one of the ruins of the now so called Faded kindom, Angel was thrown away by her parents as a child. She lived on the streets for a time, before she was places in a hellhole of a orphanage. Every day was a struggle to survive in the unfair and decaying world of her home planet. Between the corruption, the crimes and the struggle to live with the hunger, Angel's childhood was not a happy one. As a child and a girl at that, she was quite weak. She was often bullied and even if she managed to get some money somehow, if she was found out, they would be immediately taken by the bigger children. As such she learned to hide, lie and run quite fast.

When she was ten, she already was moving around with a hidden weapon of sorts. A shiv, she made using a piece of cloth and a metal nail. It was a savage world and you either did what you had or got 'eaten'. One day when she was going back to the orphanage, she took a less crowded route to avoid pickpockets, but instead got attacked by some man with a knife. He slashed at her back, but luckily for her, while it was a big injury, it was not a fatal one. When he approached her to finish the job or do whatever else his sick mind thought up, she took out the shiv and stabbed him in the stomach. The man took a few steps and fell to the ground. Before he died, Angel quickly jumped on him, using the chance to drain whatever Essence was still left in him. Afterwards she ran away from the place and was later taken to a rundown hospital where they simply put a bandage on her wound and sent her away. No one really asked any question about the whole thing. It was later that night when she first found her ability to read information from objects, when she touched an old broken down mechanical clock at the orphanage that was simply collecting dust and found where exactly it was broken.

The following years as she grew up and slowly turned into a woman, she started to learn to fight as she had to constantly protect herself from the boys at the orphanage and the other people with bad intentions out there. That's why she also took the chance to hang around repair shops for ships and other vehicles. She was ready to work with little to no pay even, just as long as it kept her away from the cursed orphanage as much as possible. Being smart and quick to learn, she picked up the knowledge of technology quite fast and with time, she started to get paid normally for her work.

At the age of 15 she had about enough skills and knowledge as a mechanic to be taken on ships. As such, she quickly left the orphanage, all she really had were the clothes on her back so that didn't really take long, found the first ship that was heading offworld and convinced the mechanic on it to take her as an assistant. From there things began to change, as with time she learned more and more and eventually she was hired as full paid mechanic for ships. She traded her skills on many vessels and visited many worlds. The pay wasn't really great most of the time, but every now and then a well paying job would come and she would be able to afford to feed her addiction for essence. In time she got a little bit of a reputation among certain circles, as her supernatural ability was quite useful when trying to repair a very damaged vessel, where the more you tried to repair it, the more problems appeared. There were a few cases even where there were people who paid for Essence for her, just so she can assist with their very precious ships to get back running.

One day, as she was just sleeping next to the engine of the ship she was currently on, a message flashed on her PDA. It business proposal, which while dangerous one, also seemed to have more than generous pay. She wasn't one to shy away from danger to get her pay, as such she left the ship she was on, the next place it stopped and took another one to get to the planet where her new workplace was waiting... the ship Outlander.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raxacoricofallapatorius
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Raxacoricofallapatorius god of shenanigans

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sciurus Rowan


Previous affiliation:
The Searing Gauntlet

Standing at a whopping 5’7” and weighing in at a total of 143 lbs., Rowan isn’t exactly intimidating. His shoulder length ginger hair, moody brown eyes, and spattering of freckles makes him look like the kind of person who would enjoy frolicking for hours on end in a field of wildflowers (spoiler alert: that’s exactly the kind of person he is). What he lacks in height he makes up for in attitude, and carries himself as if he were someone in authority (he’s not, really). He has his battle scars, but has been fortunate enough to have never sustained any life-threatening injuries. At first glance he certainly wouldn’t seem like a very rowdy or coarse fellow, although once you get him talking it’s hard to shut him up, especially with the habit he’s got of showering verbal abuse onto friend and foe alike.

Years of training have honed Rowan’s athletic abilities, making him a pro at climbing, running (away), and navigating unfamiliar terrain. He can think on his feet, solve problems, and make critical decisions quickly and without hesitation. He’s proficient in the use of a plethora of weapons but prefers long-range shooting to close-combat. He’s very good at disguises. More personal skills consist of card tricks, witty comebacks, and underhanded gambling tricks. He considers himself very lucky and likes to count that in with the rest of his skills as well.

Sciurus Rowan was born into a small Terra colony in the Andromeda galaxy. His parents served as ambassadors for the Church of Harmony and were often called upon to travel from world to world as the Searing Gauntlet dictated. Much of Rowan’s early years were spent on interstellar vessels and space flight has come to feel more like home to him than any of the planets he was privileged to spend a few months or a year on when he was growing up (though he does have a soft spot for rural biospheres).

With a vested interest in his parents work, it looked as if young Sciurus was destined to become a politician. A lover of knowledge and learning, he applied to and was accepted by a stately academy with the intent of launching into a career as a diplomat. Everything changed, however, when a terrorist attack claimed the lives of his father and mother. His life seemed to go downhill after that, university life was no longer interesting to him as he realized how agonizingly slowly change is brought about by the government.

The current road of his life shifted suddenly when Rowan, on a whim, enlisted as a soldier into the Church of Valor. By doing so he hoped to make more of a difference in the universe, although the truth of the matter is he’s struggling with a revenge complex. Military life suited him surprisingly well. While he wasn’t naturally big and strong, he was athletic and adaptable—strength came with training as well as other necessary skills, and some unnecessary ones too.

He rose quickly in the ranks not only as a fighter but a brilliant strategist. Life was going pretty well again, but started to ebb as he began to fall in with the wrong sort of people. Gambling was the pitfall that did him in. More specifically: he cheated and was found out. With a severe demotion and half-a-dozen veterans very, very cross with him, Rowan felt it appropriate to flee for his life. In order to preserve some of his former lifestyle he went where no self-respecting soldier would ever go: The Church of Reckoning, naturally.

Within this shadow of his former position, Rowan’s skills were applied as an assassin. As with everything he set his mind to, he was extremely successful. The analytical part of his brain made him a very efficient killer, and since most of his work was now performed solo, he had the freedom to make judgment calls that would have gotten him court-marshaled as an ordinary soldier. His willingness to challenge the odds by working alone, coupled with his recent success, has made him a valuable asset to the Searing Gauntlet’s veiled agendas (truth is he isn’t brave, the paycheck’s just bigger when you don’t have to split it with a team).

Hearing word of the Outlander through the grapevine, Rowan actually volunteered for a spot on the ship against his employers’ suggestion of remaining a free agent. His luck was going to run out eventually, and like any sensible human being, he didn’t want to be on his own when it happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Simon Brewer

Race: Human

Previous Allegiance: Grand Sol Duchy

Appearance: Simon stands 6' 1" tall, weighing in at a paltry 165 pounds. His physique is that of a lean, muscled man, not much weight on him but he's fit enough for his duties. With a head of messy brown hair and brown eyes, freckles and a slightly crooked nose, he isn't a real looker either, all in all putting out an image of your average everyday human male.

Personality: Simon is one of those people that sticks out his neck for his friends. Very humble, helpful and caring for those under him, he regularly makes himself out to be one of those guys that is liked by everyone in the workplace, even though he's mostly silent. He communicates his happiness or pleasure the most with his bright smiles and cheerful demeanour, even if he says little. More often than not, his actions convey his feelings more than his words do. He is also slow to anger, and takes criticism with a level head and optimism to soften harsh words or gestures. He is also often referred to as a mediator or a counsellor, in part due to these tendencies of his.

Class: Medical Officer

Class - Field and General Medicine
Class - Combat Surgery

General - Electronics

Combat - Marksmanship

Non-standard Abilities: N/A


This set of lightweight, high strength, flexible plas-steel armour is the latest in PharmCo's line of military-grade medical gear. It comes in built with multiple sensors on the gloves to detect a casualty's pulse, breathing rate and blood pressure, along with a small array of miniature x-ray beams that transmit a direct image of the skeletal or organ structure of the casualty to the user's helmet visor. The armour also monitors ambient weather conditions like oxygen, pressure levels, temperature, harmful gases and radiological or biological hazards in the vicinity of the user. Finally, rounding out the armour's sensory capabilities, it also monitors the user's own vital signs, displaying injuries where they are sustained on the body. Its crisp, white design also comes with a red cross on the left breastplate and on the shoulder pauldrons, not depicted in the picture due to the above being a representation before final painting.

PharmCo Field Combat Implants
This set of biotech implants serve to augment and assist his armour's functions in the field. They are:
  • Eyes: his retinas have been fitted with very thin, light contact lenses that are able to wirelessly receive and display information sent to them from his armour. These include a HUD with his own vital signs (heart rate, breathing rate etc), a compass, micro-map and various vision types like infra-red or low light.
  • Nervous System: PharmCo's revoluntionary wired nerve implants have served as one of Simon's greatest aides. These wired implants serve to vastly accelerate the speed at which his brain sends electrical impulses to the various parts of his body, thus greatly increasing his ability to react fast to threats.
  • Heart: PharmCo have graciously given Simon a pacemaker grafted onto his heart. The little coin sized device will jump start his heart if he goes into cardiac arrest. The battery itself is solar powered, being able to be charged by him simply being out in the sunlight so his skin can absorb the energy and store it within itself. However, it also serves a dual purpose, as it's also wired to his hands, which leads to...
  • Hands: Implanted within his hands are insulated shock pads which are wired straight to the pacemaker in his heart. These two implants together function as a defibrillator built inside his body. Rubbing his palms together activates the defib function of the pacemaker, and by placing his palms on the appropriate landmarks on a casualty's body and blinking twice, he delivers the charge straight to the casualty.
  • Skin: lightweight dermal armour has been placed all through Simon's skin, giving him protection against mild things like knives or blunt force trauma if he's without his combat armour. The dermal armour also serves as a solar panel for the pacemaker on his heart; it absorbs the sun's energy when he's out and about and stores it within the pacemaker's battery.

PharmCo Full Surgical Field Assembly
One of PharmCo's finest inventions, the FSFA is a set of armour rigging and webbing that is designed to fit over any of the company's many lines of combat armour. The rigging is specially made for field doctors or surgeons, and contains a myriad of sleeves and pouches designed to hold medical equipment designed by PharmCo, or otherwise. These include the AMSD, the LASC, and a wide array of other medical devices, such as medigel tubes, morphine syrettes, disinfectant sprays and other related equipment. Simon's rig comes fitted with the following:
  • 5 x PharmCo MediGel Tubes (Instructions: twist open top, squeeze contents liberally onto wound) - These small, palm-sized tubes are full of PharmCo's proprietary MediGel, a non-toxic gelatin-based healing agent that speeds up cellular growth and regeneration, and prevents profuse bleeding. Its method of action is, after application, the cold gel rapidly warms from body heat and melts, turning into a liquid that diffuses and is absorbed quickly into the body. Once there, haematostatic agents within the liquid act quickly on open blood vessels, causing clotting and preventing any further bleeding, while regrowth agents activate and superspeed the body's ability to heal, quickly sealing any small or medium-sized wounds. The gel is quick-acting, and are normally used in the field by combat medics to stabilise casualties with small to medium-sized wounds. Larger wounds, however, will require more stabilisation than just gel and morphine. Designed by PharmCo to be effective on any form of biological tissue, human or alien!
  • 5 x PharmCo Quick-use Syrettes (Instructions: pop top with thumb, insert needle end into exposed flesh, wait five to ten seconds, remove and dispose) - These syrettes are filled with numbing morphine, and are made from a special 3D-printer and refiller within his armour's chest plate. He can only carry five at a time and the amount of spare morphine he carries is limited to another ten syrettes.
  • 1 x PharmCo Disinfectant Aerosol Canister (Instructions: pop top, shake well, spray on area to be treated) - Also known as a simple disinfectant spray, this hand-sized spray canister contains a specialised liquid that, upon being aerosolised, is capable of removing 99.9% of bacterial or viral agents in a specified area. It also contains a moderate amount of a topical anesthetic that numbs an area in preparation for treatment.
  • 1 x PharmCo Malleable Splint - A mid-sized device, this roll of malleable, high-strength plas-steel is made for casualties with broken limbs. Once removed from its plastic seal, the splint can be unrolled and then formed precisely according to the limb that is injured. Once formed, the material will stay solid and stiff while the casualty is being transported, and is easily cut open or removed upon reaching a field hospital or surgical suite.

PharmCo Laser-Assisted Surgical Cutter
Everything it says on the tin, the LASC is a glorified laser cutter, small in size so that it fits within one of his kit's recesses. The LASC operates on the basic principle that doctors or medics in the field need quick and easy access to wounded soldiers' flesh, and PharmCo's solution was a high-powered laser cutter that could easily eat through the layers of adaptive armour and webbing that comprised a regular Terran soldier's gear, yet was safe enough to use without cutting the casualty underneath. Their solution was a high-strength, low-intensity laser that merely heated flesh to a slightly uncomfortable level, but was strong enough to penetrate multiple layers of armour and clothing with ease. All this was packed into a neat pen-sized device that is able to be carried anywhere feasible on the body.

PharmCo Adaptive Medical Solution Device
Unlike what its elaborate name suggests, the AMSD is essentially a medigun. Developed by PharmCo's experimental research division, the AMSD, or Amsad as it's affectionately called by the staff, is a hybrid between a battle rifle and an all-purpose field medical apparatus. In its battle rifle form, it fires slugs made of superheated steel shorn from a single rectangular magazine within its grip through the use of magnets powered and operated by an onboard computer system, making it an effective railgun. Its medical uses are far more diverse, as apart from being able to preserve the life of its user through rapid application of molten metal into potential aggressors, it is also able to be loaded with alternative ammunition, by way of overriding the main barrel's load with an external feed. These are:
  • Painkiller Rounds - These special capsule rounds are designed to be fired at allied targets. When they burst on impact with a solid surface, say armour, the pressurised liquid painkillers within aerosolise and disperse into a cloud that a soldier can inhale to suppress his pain and keep on functioning as long as it takes for a medic to reach him.
  • Morphine Syrettes - If the medical officer or orderly on hand does not have the time to reach for a syrette from his back pouch, he can instead load a syrette that's already attached onto the gun's side into the rifle's breech on the top of the assembly. Once done, the gun's onboard computer system detects that it is firing syringes, and will lower its power output significantly to reduce injury. Pulling the trigger will apply the syrette similar to an injection gun, and the syrette is easily removed by simply pulling the gun barrel away from the patient's flesh. Of course, if the gun's safety system is overridden, it can and will fire a syrette at railgun speeds with deadly accuracy, though it's not designed to. Each AMSD comes pre-fitted with two syrettes on either side of the gun assembly.
  • Surgical Staples - Just like the syrettes, each AMSD comes pre-fitted with a double load of superstrength alloy staples, on either sides of the gun in small, disposable loader magazines. When a load of staples are pushed into the rifle barrel, its computer detects the wanted function and lowers its power levels to make it function as an overly large staple gun. Once this is done, the AMSD can be used to quickly close gaping wounds, similar to a modern medical staple gun. And, just like the above mentioned, if the safety system is overridden, the AMSD will fire its staples with deadly force, though it's not designed to.
  • MediGel - The only load for the AMSD that is not dangerous when fired, MediGel is able to be loaded within the AMSD and applied over a longer surface, much like how a glue gun works. The rifle's barrel is more suited for insertion into slightly gaping wounds, thus allowing the medical officer or orderly to apply gel to deeper wounds, thus stimulating healing from the inside out and enabling him to quickly treat a casualty with moderately serious wounds.

Bio: Simon Brewer is a surgeon and combat doctor, human of course, but not born on Earth. Instead, he came to be on a colony on Mars, and his interest in medicine was piqued due to his family's attachment to the colony's lone clinic and surgical suite. The clinic itself was the only actual medical facility on the industrial sprawl that was the Mars colony; conditions were poor enough and the injured and dying that arrived in their makeshift A&E usually didn't survive the week.

Mars itself was a horrible place to live; after its early colonisation, a huge industrial sprawl was built on the Red Planet's surface, presumably to house infrastructure that would be used to manufacture much of the Duchy's machines, tools and vehicles. However, due to the planet's low levels of natural resources, coupled by its distance from the other colonies and worlds of the Duchy, the Mars colony was soon left on its own.

From an early age he was attracted to the study of biology, the human body, what makes it tick and so on, and his parents were happy to help him in his studies. After high school they enrolled him into medical school back on Earth, specifically in New Boston, after which he graduated as an assistant medical orderly. Shortly thereafter, he furthered his career in medicine and became a full-fledged doctor, specialising in reconstructive surgery, before returning to his home on Mars to work at the family hospital in the slums.

It wasn't long before Simon's talents were found by PharmCo. The roving military medical company's talent scouts approached Simon with a proposition: work at one of the most prestigious medical firms in the galaxy, and in return have the opportunity to explore the furthest reaches of space in their everpresent attempts to understand alien biology and to deepen their studies of medicine in both human and alien physiologies. His interest highly piqued, he signed on, and after three months of preparatory training, he was shipped from Mars to one of PharmCo's largest life ships, the PCLS Nightingale. Once there, he was given a lab for his own use and he joined the Nightingale's research staff as one of the doctors en suite. With the PharmCo staff, he looked into the effects of their proprietary products, like MediGel, on both human and alien test subjects, as well as helping them test various sets of equipment meant for their military wing.

Soon it dawned upon him that PharmCo, as ambitious as they were, were a primarily military company in structure, as most of their inventions went to the Grand Sol Duchy's military, for use in battlefield scenarios in the hands of field medics and surgeons. And, by that time, Simon had grown bored of the ship life. Tempted by the prospects, he approached his superiors with a request: have him be a field tester for their medical military gear and technology. The job came with high risks - death obviously being one of them, injury being another, getting shot at being a third - but the perks were higher; he'd get to visit more alien worlds, use the gear provided by the company, along with a larger risk pay packet and hefty bonuses for putting his life on the line in the name of medicine. He agreed on the spot. A new contract was signed and two weeks later Simon was on his very first deployment as a medical officer attached to a Federation Navy vessel, where he underwent rigorous physical training to meet the military's standards.

His first deployment was to the GSDN Staedtler, an abandoned colony vessel found adrift in deep space. There, he was the only survivor of a mysterious alien enemy that wiped out the team of soldiers he was attached to, and he only escaped by the skin of his teeth, goal unaccomplished, evryone else dead. After being summarily pulled from his field op unit, his dossier and duties in PharmCo were put on hold while the company decided what to do with the traumatised doctor. It was then that news of the Outlander reached their ears: a recruitment call for a desparate mission. It was the perfect opportunity for one last field test. With that, they sent Simon by shuttle to the Outlander as their lone medical officer, decked out in gear that would make even the best combat medic jealous.

Quote: "Stay still, I'm trying to help you. Just keep calm, relax. You're safe."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by End Here
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End Here I am a human, not a toaster.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name - Roiger “Roy” Hallence

Age - Thirty-Five

Previously affiliation - The Shinarus Domain/ The Sol Grand Duchy

Description - Roiger Hallence stands at a somewhat average height of 5’11” and weighs in at a modest 210lbs. His body build is that of peak physical condition. He keeps short cropped, military fade haircut. His hair is black in color though starting to grey. He keeps at least a week's worth of stubble on his face. He has a long scar running from the corner of the right side of his mouth curling downwards ending at bottom of his mandible. His eyes are pale brown eyes almost yellow in color. He can usually be found wearing is outdated power armor, equipped with his person inventory of weapons and gear.

Skills - Roiger is skilled in various forms of guerilla warfare, subterfuge, sabotage, improvised weapons, and explosives. He has extensive training in various weapons, hand to hand combat and military tactics.

Biography -

Early Life: Roiger Hallence also known as Roy was born on a colony planet in The Shinarus Domain. He was born to Catherine and Kasden Hallence. Due to complications during the birth Catherine lost her life and Kasden was left to raise his only child alone. The first five years of his life were typical of any child in The Shinarus Domain, he played, had friends, learned and laughed. At Five his father left him at a spaceport, and was not seen for some years. Roiger was placed in foster homes which he traveled quite frequently usually only staying for a few months at a time. He moved planet to planet and home to home. Eventually he was adopted by a couple from the Sol Grand Duchy territories. From here his life of neglect truly started, never quite accepted due to his pale skin, the frequent withdrawals and the mass amounts of debt his adoptive parents were starting to collect due to his condition. During school he was bullied and tormented without mercy and eventually dropped out. He frequently was in trouble with the law, either through prejudice or actually from causing trouble. He was a known vandal and by the age of sixteen had several accounts of assault. His adoptive parents kicked him from their home, and with the little money he had saved bought a ticket to return to The Shinarus Domain.

Military Service: From here he managed to alter his identification and birth records and assumed the name “Roy” Hallance. He joined The Faded Kingdom’s Military. He served for six years in the special forces and left the service as a Non-commissioned Officer (NCO). He was seen as an excellent soldier, and a quick study. He left the service due to the lack of conviction from the Domains military, and his strong hate for the Grand Duchy.

TFG, and SRA association: From here at the age of twenty-two he was recruited into “The Former Glory” (TFG) faction. A group of individuals who focused on trying to restore the former glory of the The Shinarus Domain. After two years, the group began to show “terrorist” like tendencies such as disabling Duchy military equipment, poisoning supplies and things along those lines. After a brief confrontation with the former leader of TFG Roy wrestled control with almost full support of the group. They changed names to Shinarus Republic Army (SRA). Here Roiger Hallence took the group into a more radical direction. With numbers bolstering due to successful propaganda campaigns in the domain’s territories. They began to assault military facilities, trade routs, colonies, and anything else with The Sol Grand Duchy insignia on it. He continued with the SRA for another seven years until eventually all of the training camps, almost all of the leaders and a majority of his personal circle were tracked, killed or captured. His final act of as a member and leader of the SPA was leading the remaining company of SPA soldiers to a weak colony near the center of The Duchy’s territories. Scouts confirmed little to no military presence, and a bounty of military grade firearms. It became clear that it was a trap and they had a traitor after they put boots on ground. They used jungle guerilla tactics for the next seventy days before finally being cornered in a remote town. They held the town for another three days before finally being severely wounded and captured. The traitor was never found and assumed killed in actions. The Sol Grand Duchy listed him as KIA, though in reality he was taken prisoner. Because of his acts of great violence against civilians, military personnel, political figures and government property he was kept captive and had been sentenced to life in a military prison. He was routinely tortured by guards and beaten by other prisoners.

Life in Prison: Over the last six years he was able to maintain high spirits regardless of situations because in his mind he won the war. After an attempted prison break and murdering several guards, he was placed on death row and awaited his execution. He was moved from a standard cell block to a high risk, high security cell. One where he was isolated from all contact of other prisoners and the only humans he saw anymore we're guards. At first he was allowed clothes and one change along with books and art supplies. After a particularly violent outbreak they stripped him of his extra clothes, books and art supplies. And now a guard detail of at least six had to be with him when escorted and three when guarding him. Several months later the end of his stay was ushered in when a detail of ten guards approached.

The Offer: As usual he was ready for a brawl, he’d stripped himself completely of clothes the a brawl ensued and he busted a few noses. Their batons bruised his body and blackened his eyes. They drug him to a conference room and had managed to put pants on him. He sat with his hands and feet bound to the floor and chair respectively. A sharp dressed military official sat opposite of him. They sat in silence, Roiger starred with a rage of a thousand suns and eventually the suited man spoke “Freedom for service.” Was all he said, he slid a tablet across the table with an open file. After a minute of reading Roiger looked back up his anger subsiding. “Full pardon, money, and essence?” He waited for a while, looking over the documents. The suit spoke up “The Shinarus Domain isn’t safe either, if not for humanity, for them.” Roiger looked up, then gave the man a little nod. “I want the surviving members of the SRA freed too.” His gear was returned, the man gave him another list this of names of those killed in action, and those who survived. One name was green on the list of over three thousand. He was the last surviving member of the SPA and the TFG. He re-outfitted himself and stepped onto the shuttle that was bound for the Outlander.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

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