Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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Jiro could see the fear in Simons eyes like many others before him, though he was surprised how well he handled it. Most guys like him would of probably crack or have some sort of weakness in there voice. He was a bit tick off by him just sort of acknowledging him and simply turned back to he lady's, almost looking for a way to escape conversation with him. He shrugged it off for now since there was someone else that he was more interested in.

He turned around and was about to tell her he's not bullying anyone but to his surprise she was talking to Simon. This had never happened before and was was struck with awe. For once he was lost for words and sorta froze staring at her for a few seconds. He snapped out of it and fumbled together a sentence, sort of trying to avoid eye contact. "Hi, um, were just sort, well, talking. I doubt anyone is bullying anyone on the first day. I mean at other schools I've seen it, well, happened, and um, well the point is I'm sorta just trying to make friends..." trailing off. He has never felt this way before and didn't know whether he like it or hated it. He felt embarrassed and he doesn't even know why. Thankfully the teacher walked in to save the day, at least that's what his first thought was until he start to talk.

(I think everyone is in there class room, if not I'm sorry for posting to early. Go ahead and walk in "late or on time," not like the teacher cares.)


John woke up. He didn't know what time it was, nor did he really care. He made breakfast, a simple egg with toast, scarfed it down and got dressed. He slipped his wallet and a 3DS into his pocket and grabbed his suitcase which he assumed had important papers in it. He'll check when he gets to school. He grabbed his fedora and walked outside unchaining his bike. He looked at the sun and could tell he was running late, how late? Only God knows. He pedaled a bit faster than usually to get to school. After rechaining his bike at the school, he walked into the gym. The gym was completely empty besides a few janitors putting the last of the fold up chairs away. "hmm, it seems I missed the opening ceremony, not that I needed to go. I doubt the students to wanted to here another teacher blab his mouth about stuff they honest could care less about."

He left the gym and power walked to the classroom which was filled with students just chatting away. He walked to the front of the room and announced, "Hey all, your o so wonderful that teacher has arrived. Take your seat if you want, but at least shut your trap for once and let me speak at least for, like, five minutes. I think this is homeroom? Whatever, I'm John Smith and I, like, teach math. Yea that's it really it...so I guess this is the part where I teach you something? Let me check real quick." He pulled out his suitcase and pulled out all the papers, which were all the same 4 page packets with questions front and back. He put them on the front desks expecting students to pass them back. "So like these are packets that would let me know what you know and don't know, I think. Fill them out and if there isn't enough then ask me and I'll try finding more. If there's anything you need help with, like almost anything, go ahead and, like, ask me and I'll do my best to help. I'll expect the packets be done by tomorrow at the end of class, I guess...well that's all I have planned have fun!" He then took out his 3DS, took a seat in front of his desk, kicked his feet up on top of the desk, and played on it like no tomorrow.

A bit more about the packet. This packet contains practically everything. From simple addition, to geometry, to physics and chemistry, to calculus 3. He could go farther on to things like rocket science but he though this was enough for high school students, especially since he was only going to skim over the first 5 if anyone actually turned there's in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

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Liam looked at this girl, who he now came to know as Manami, who never said a word to him but instead just got up and left. Liam stood there for a few seconds realizing what just happened.

That stuck up stupid little mutha- Liam paused as he looked at a clock and realized he was late for class. He stood there for a few seconds wondering how the hell he could be late for class before darting off into the school. After checking what room he was to be studying in he took off again finally entering class A-3.

Sorry I'm l-ate. he said bowing to the teacher. As he entered he looked around he saw Manami sitting around the back of the classroom. His fists slowly clenched as he slammed the sliding door close with a little too much force, his eyes still fixed on Manami. As he looked at her he slowly lifted his head up showing the full extent of his Scar. The scar looked as though it was freshly stitched an was about 3 inches in width. Whilst searching for a seat he saw faces of shock and even disgust as his classmates studied him. Soon he found a seat in front of a boy with a group of girls surrounding him and he took a seat there. Ugh not a great start to this morning.

But hey its okay there are still many other people I can make friends with. He thought as he turned around and looked at the multitude of girls trying to crowd around what seemed to be like Mr popular and that red head dude he was trying to talk to. Liam was just about to say hi when he saw them talking and decided it would be better to just wait for class to start instead.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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During their little run, he was thinking to himself "What is this girl's name...whats with the scarf...why is she so quiet..." He did not voice his questions though. He kept moving, looking for his classroom. Rini had whispered 'There' under her scarf as she spotted their classroom and took off in a small sprint. Kyoichi chuckled ever so slightly and took off after her, gaining ground and keeping up for a bit.

As Rini opened the door, he gave her a small nod as a reply to her 'Thank you'. He then gave the instructor a small nod as well as he began to search for an open seat. He spotted one as Rini spotted the other, so naturally he sat down next to her. Peering around, he was trying to remember the names of his classmate, but to no avail.

Scribbling down something on his notebook, he slid it over to Rini. It would read..

"Hi. My name is Kyoichi... and you are?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

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"Uwaaaa, s-sorry She covered her face with one of her hands and peeked her eye out from between her fingers. She was extremely embarrassed now. She sort of figured that was the case since he looked so nice too, but nice people are usually targeted. He said that all he wanted was friends! Now, however, he was looking a little bit different than before and his eyes were not meeting hers. She bent over and looked him straight in the eyes. "I can be your friend. I mean, If you don't want to that's fine, but I can, OK? You look n-nice too and I like to be friends with nice people." She smiled at him. The teacher came in and Nayu sort of jumped up in surprise, turning around. "OK, well, I'll go now. Talk to you later." She gave him a little wave and she saw that a student that she had not seen before had just sat in front of them. She smiled at him and waved at him as well. She then returned to her seat to start on the classwork.

When she saw that the packet contained some of her least favorite subjects like calculus, physics, and of course, chemistry her mood went a little bit down. She tried to plaster a smile on her face to motivate her and began to work on a problem from the calculus section.
@joeycbee@Eodwyn Aether
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

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She smiled a little bit when he took the candy, as she continued to walk up to the door. She opened it gently and hoped to get noticed by no-one. "Here we are, see you" She said in almost a whisper. When she saw that there was a seat in the back with no one beside it, she automatically sat down there and took out of her book just as she saw that she had work to do. When she got her packet, she bit of the tip of her pencil a little, focusing on the problems and thinking about other things at the same time, the pencil bitting was a habit from a long time ago. Am I allowed to eat in here? Probably... was pretty much the only serious thought in her mind, other than the questions in front of her. She took out some sour candy and plopped another piece of candy in her mouth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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As class was starting Manami did another check on her nails too see if anything had chipped, was going to chip, or the polish had come off. Not that she thought something would go wrong since she made sure to put on some reinforced coating just in case, but the class was rather boring. As she looked up she noticed that others were interacting quite well for the fist day of school, and that annoyed her to no end, but to be able to do something about it she'd have to do some befriending herself. Of course she knew though that her reputation wasn't the best type to be able to make much interaction, but all she had to do was play it off and pretend that she had changed for the better. After all, some people are more gullible than others. As the teacher made his way into class Manami pulled her chair closer to her desk, and sat straight without messing with anything since everything was for the most part perfect.

While the teacher was talking about a few things, quite bad at it to say the least in her opinion, another student had walked into class. If she was not mistaken he was looking straight at her which unnerved her since she would usually be the one "marking" people. Today she hadn't done so, but to have someone else do it annoyed her. Of course she had to put on a facade, so while he stared she gave him her bright smile though behind that smile was confusion at the fact that someone actually stared her down. Prick.

When the teacher had finished his speech that went along with classwork Manami stood up, and walked over to kid that came in late. The packet could wait since math was her easiest subject. Once she made it to the boys desk Manami gave another smile to him and waved. Right after that she placed her hand on his desk, and leaned in to look straight at him. "What?" she asked as clear as day.

@Eodwyn Aether
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 5 mos ago

As he was given two packets he passed one to Simon with a smile and a soft hello before turning back and realizing that this was math....A subject he is.....horrendous at. It wasn't that he hadn't tried to be good at it, he was just naturally terrible at it. With as sigh he looked about the classroom and saw a girl waving at him. Liam was thrown off by this as he usually has to initiate the waving or the talking when it comes to...well anybody. Liam gave a small wave back and a smile and focused on his worst nightmare, slowly hitting his head on his desk while doing so.

As he did he felt a hand being placed on the table and looked up to see Manami right in front of him. Now normally Liam would jump back or not talk to her but this was different. He felt something he had not felt in a long time. Anger and annoyance. Carver looked at her for a few seconds before looking at her hair and giving a slight chuckle before opening up the packet and studying.

I do believe we've met haven't we. What was your name again? oh right yeah I forgot I don't give a shit about people who have retarded hairstyles and disgusting perfume and rather revolting nail polish. Oh wait let me rephrase in case your peanut sized brain couldn't comprehend that. I. Could. Give. Less. Of. A. Shit. About. You. Now that we have determined you are a worthless autistic woman with a brain the size of a peanut you may tell me why you are here at my Desk. Oh please try to give me a good reason. I know that for peanut sized brains like your its hard to do such things but please just try. Liam said never taking his eyes of his assignment.

@sakurasan @l0ck0n @WaddleDaisy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As the principal droned on and on about rules and regulations, Erion couldn't help but prop his chin on his fist and stare at the curtain behind the man, letting his words wash over him. It was the same at every school so why bother listening? His cut his eyes to the girl sitting next to him and sighed softly at seeing Estelle paying rapt attention to the man before them. Well, at least his twin was paying attention. All the more reason for Erion to zone out; he knew Estelle would give him a run-down on everything that was said. Erion let his eyes close and before he knew it, he felt a poke on his left cheek. He bolted upright, eyes wheeling around with the intent on finding the person who had touched him and introduce them to his fist. His gaze settled on Estelle who was smiling slightly at him. His head tilted as he gave her a questioning look. She rolled her eyes. Trust her brother to have not been paying attention. The assembly is over and everyone is heading to the Gym. The girl signed, book bag already over her shoulder. Erion sighed and nodded, standing and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

The twins followed behind everyone else, Erion placing a hand on Estelle's back and discreetly guiding her through the crowd. He knew how much her sightless left eye bothered her and how she disliked having to depend on him for guidance so she wouldn't bump into anyone but Erion was glad to help; he liked that his sister needed him for some things. They eventually reached the Gym and Erion guided Estelle over to a corner bleacher and sat down behind her. Estelle pulled out a book and flipped it open, leaning back against her brothers knees as she began to read. Erion put on his headphone and began playing some music, eyes roving over the people in the Gym. He noticed a few boys eyeing his twin, a few even plucking up to courage to head over. However, a quick glare from Erion had them swiftly changing their mind and heading across the Gym away from him.

A smirk crossed his face and he began nodding his head to his music. Before too long he noticed people were exiting the Gym and nudged his twin, pulling off his headphones. The girl tipped her head back, questioning look on her face. Erion jerked his chin at the other students. "Class time." Estelle nodded and tucked her book away. The two made their way to A-3 and took a seat in the back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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Jiro jerked his head back, almost looking his balance, when she bent over forcing his eyes to meet hers. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown. He didn't know how to respond, but she said bye since class was starting. He thought about what just transpired and how strange it was. "So a girl, her name was Nayu I believe, walked up to be, disregarding my entire appearance, ask if I was the one being bullied and thought I was nice... I have never experienced that ever since the accident. She looks pretty too, and completely innocent." He thought to himself.

He was handed a packet which broke his train of thought. He flipped through it and at first he thought this was a joke giving problems that a 1st grader could answer, but as he continued he found that it got harder to.the point where he would be surprised if anyone understood it. He read most of the school text books so he understood the concept and did a few problems to check, but after he started to tear the packet page by page, making paper airplanes out of it, every time a different kind of airplane. He looked at the teacher and was genuinely surprised that no-one has fired him, or even allowed him to work here.

He though about visiting Nayu, but he didn't know what to even say so that was out. Not much was going on at the moment Simon was up to his usual tricks, disregarding his presence on the outside at the very least and everyone else was just chatting. He was about to pull out a book when his sixth sense kicked in and he felt, or rather, heard trouble brewing near the back where it sounded like the "rich bitch" and the "lame loser" where having a go at each other. He gave a big smile and slyly walked over there to spectate them and just maybe learn there names. Although he knew he would be amused he was a tad concerned it might get out of hand, since the teacher was in a different world thanks to that device of his.

(Sorry for any misspellings I didn't get the time to check it over)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Rini had continued to sit in her seat, she had the perfect posture, an expressionless face, her notebook in front of her with a pen in her left hand. Yes, Rini was left handed when writing, although she can write with both of her hands, she prefers her left due to it feeling more comfortable. Her scarf proceeded to be over her mouth, she stayed as quiet as ever, this is the way she has and always will be around everyone. She looked over towards the door to see a man walk into the room, she suspected that he might have been the teacher of the class, which he actually was. What she wasn't suspecting was for this teacher to be casual and informal, just kicking his feet back on the desk and playing on his video game console. Rini looked at the packet in front of her, before turning behind her and silently giving the person behind herself the other packets for the students behind her.

Rini had a quick flick through all of the work in the package, showing no signs of anger, happiness, sadness, or even confusion in that matter. She then placed the packet back down on the desk, ready to start on the front page. But then she noticed a small notebook on her desk which wasn't hers, she read the message on it as Kyoichi had asked her name. She started to write on the book with very neat handwriting, putting her full name on it. "Rini Morinaga." It had wrote.

@joeycbee@Eodwyn Aether@sakurasan@l0ck0n

Simon had awaited a response from the lovely girl, he got her name, but got something else along with it. He was a bit surprised but it, but he took a quick look at the girls who had been glaring at her, looking back at the girl he responded to her question. "Beautiful name Nayu, and no I am not a bully. I would never want to be that person to anyone, as they truly do not deserve this. I'm here to bring happiness to every single person sitting in this room." Simon responded to Nayu, a smile on his face with was really calm. He turned to Jiro who was defending him, which brought the sense of friendship to Simon, he knew that the two of them would potentially be great friends. Simon took a look in front of him at the teacher who just walked in, he watched the girls around him scurry off to their own seats and even to their own classrooms!

Simon listened to the introduction of the teacher, the teacher seemed to come off as not caring that much, until he would offer to help if anyone has problems. But he quickly noticed that the teacher had taken out his video game console and sat his feet up on the desk, it annoyed him slightly, but he let it pass. He watched as the packets were slowly being taken to the back, he looked to the one in front of him who seemed very nice to him, which brought him joy. He took a quick flick through the packet that he had received, it was a subject that he didn't particularly like, but he had to at least give it a shot. The girls had started to crowd around him again. He then looked in front of him at Liam, staring at the girl who was hanging over his desk. Confusion was on his face as he heard that he was calling the girl a bunch of names, he stood up from his seat because this could easily get out of hand.

He walked over to the two, hearing his fangirls squealing, calling him brave and such. Simon stood at the side of the desk staring at them both with a smile, before it dropped down slightly, but not in sadness or anger. "Can you two please not fight? The entire class may get very uncomfortable. Besides, you don't want to ruin your reputation Queen Bee." Simon had happily to the both of them, then giving somewhat of a smirk to to Manami before turning around and heading back to his seat. "Simon is so brave!~" A girl had squealed at him, he gave the girl a wink as they blushed wildly, he sat back down in his chair starting to work on the worksheet.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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Staring at the man that is supposed to be their instructor, Kyoichi did nothing but shake his head lightly and chuckle. This man, looking rather relaxed and carefree, passed out a packet and basically told them to do it themselves and to ask him if they had any questions.

Well... It is not as if Kyoichi is any good at math, but he isn't bad either. He should be fine, he thought to himself.

Looking at the notebook he had passed to Rini, he read what he got back from his message. Chuckling lightly, he scribbled something else down and passed it back to Rini.

"Well, nice to meet you Rini... You don't talk much do you?..." He passed the notebook back with a small smirk
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So annoying! They are beginning to hurt my ears. Nayu bit her lip as her eye twitched a bit. "Brave?" How was he so brave? For stopping a little argument? What was wrong with these girls? She leaned her head on one of her ears and stared at Simon. He was the cause of pretty much all of the loudness in the room. She didn't dislike it all the way since it was better than being alone and silent.
I don't like him. I want to like him, but I really can't. Her eyes were still locked onto him. She then let out a little sigh. These girls were beginning to go past a whole level of retardedness. What was so good about him? She looked him down and up. There were other guys that were definitely better.
One of her questions on her packet had her stumped at one point. Chemistry. She knew that she had studied it, but she just couldn't remember it. She then saw Jiro, who was making paper airplanes out of most of his papers. She looked down, however, and saw that he had already done the page that she was on. He was the only one that she had talked to in the class, other than Simon but, no. She stood up and bit her lip a little more, wincing. It was a surprise that she had even been able to be that outgoing and talking to someone new was too much of a hassle. She stood up and slowly walked over to his desk. Her cheeks were a little bit flushed since she was sort of embarrassed to talk to him after that outburst earlier. "A-awa a... help?" She pointed to the question and had the paper covering her face a little bit while her lip began to bleed.
@WaddleDaisy @joeycbee
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jiro was extremely horrifically bored. All there was, was gossip one of the few things he hates, and people who were actually trying to work on the packet. He didn't feel too guilty about tearing up the packet since he hardly believe that the teacher actually made it in the first place. He buried his face within his arms, on the desk letting his fedora cover the back of his head and attempted to fall asleep.

He had just began to dose off when he heard "A-awa a... help?" He tilted his head up far enough to see who it was without letting his fedora fall. It took a few seconds to register who it was but when he realized it was Nayu he immediately sat up catching his hat before it hit the ground. He wiped his arm across his face getting rid of the drool that was on his face and placed his hat on his head.

"Help?" He questioned what she was asking until he registered her body and what she was pointing at. "O, um, well it's not that hard, I mean if you want I could show you how..."He replied back to her, gesturing to a seat beside him. "Idiot that's what she's asking of you, you don't need to repeat it." He thought to himself regretting what he just said. He noticed that her lip was bleeding and though it was an insignificant amount, he went ahead and said "Or maybe we should bring you down to the nurse or something to clean that lip of yours up. It's not like we're going to miss anything important." as he began to get up from his seat. He thought it was a great way to get away from this boring class for a least a little while.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


After she had passed back the notebook to Kyoichi, she had started to race through the work in front of her. She had already finished the first page due to the simple questions, so she had just flipped over to the second page, analyzing all of the information present on the page. Rini then proceeded onto the first question of the second page, writing down the formula first of all before figuring out the rest of the questions. She then heard a chuckle as she saw that the notebook had been passed to her again.

Rini looked up to see a small smirk being made my Kyoichi, before she looked down at the notebook. She blinked a couple of times before writing a response, her handwriting still as neat and tidy as always. "Guess so." Rini had replied simply before she handed the book back to Kyoichi, her facial expression having no signs of emotion like usual. She turned back to her work, trying to finish it as fast as she could. She wanted to sleep, she doesn't know why but it's always been something to her, but why?

"Hey Android! Racing through your work again?" A male had said to Rini, he had dark brown hair and green eyes, he had been grinning the entire time as he walked over to the desk. Rini showed no signs of expression, continuing to do her work before the male had slammed down on her desk. "Android! Stop ignoring me!" The male had yelled at her again, with Rini continuing to ignore the boy and do her work. Rini was used to this, this boy had bullied her since she was very young.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She quickly covered her mouth and noticed that it was bleeding as well. "S-sorry. Y-yeah, thank yo-" She was cut off by boy in her class that had banged on a quiet looking girls desk. She turned her head quickly and her eyes narrowed. Ignorant and a fucking retard. This was no doubt that this was bullying. She walked over to him and leaned on her desk a little and stared at him. "Nee... why does she have to have trash like you talking to her? Can't you see that she's busy? She obviously doesn't have time for you, ok?" She grabs his collar and yanks his head to face hers directly. "Unless you want to get hurt?" She laughs a little bit. "Go.The Fuck.Away." Her hands begin to dig into his neck a little bit. He then scurries away quickly. Nayu was sent back to reality after a moment and she realized what she had done, but looked down at the girl who still looked as calm as ever. "Hehe. Sorry for jumping in." She nervously chuckles. "Bullying such a cute girl... How sad. You may not care, or maybe you do, but I definitely care, ok?" She puts on a little grin, forgetting that her lip was still bleeding a little bit.
Ehe... sorry I will probably recheck later
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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Working through the problem, Kyoichi had really no issues with the questions at all. They were rather simple and straight forward. It would seem the instructor did not put too much thought into their assignment, or it is just the fact that he doesn't want to grade difficult ones and thats all. In any case, moments after that, Kyoichi noticed that his notebook had been passed back. Seeing the simple response, Kyoichi let out a small chuckle.

Before he could reply however, another boy approached their table. At first, Kyoichi paid him no attention. However, after he slammed his hands onto the table and started yelling at Rini, calling her Android and such, Kyoichi set his pen down. Before he could stand up, another girl stepped up to him, grabbing the boy by the neck and literally shoved him off. He looked up at the other girl, noticing the little blood she had on her lip. With a small smile, he handed her a tissue paper from his bag. Turning towards Rini once more, he gave her a genuine smile and wrote something down on the notebook again.

"It seems like you're pretty good at math... Me? I'm bad at it. I'll need some help, think you can teach me later?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She looked down and saw that someone was offering her a tissue. "A-ah oh yeah... Thank you" She smiled as she took it from his hand. She put the tissue on her lip and headed back to Jiro. "lets go?" She put on sweet smile on face, hoping he didn't really see any of that.
Can it be this short? Nothing much to say yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Both Jiro and Nayu noticed the boy yelling at Rini calling her a android. An android, of all things why a android?" One of the things he could never, oddly enough since he found people fighting amusing, was bullying. He found it cowardly to pick on the weak and thought the strong should protect and not neglect or abuse them.

He was about to walk over and give a nice little chat with the boy when by his surprise Nayu walked over and took care of it. She was a lot more physical than he would usually be but he really never had to be with his appearance. After the boy scurried away, a different boy handed her a tissue. She walked back to Jiro and said "lets go?" He replied pretending like it didn't happen "Um, ok."

He lead the way out of the classroom checking over his shoulder to see if the teacher even noticed, which he didn't. He gestured to the right saying "I think I saw the nurses office this way." They walked side by side in silence for few minutes. He tried sneaking a glance at Nayus body. She was about average height now that she was standing, in fact she was probably average in every way physical. He quickly looked the opposite direction of Nayu trying to think of what to make conversation of, hoping she didn't notice though he didn't know why he felt embarrassed to look at her...

(Sorry for any misspellings, I didn't look it over and I got Christmas breakfast, lunch, and dinner cooking D: )
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