Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The Queen stirred at the feeling of paws pushing against her side, the litter of kits moving in their sleep, crawling atop one another in search of warmth. The newleaf morning was chilly, a breeze filtering in through the lichen over the den entryway. Lifting herself off of the soft bed of moss, her kits mewed at the sudden cold, squirming to find Spottedblossom. They were a few months old now, though they still slept as if they were only a day, especially this early in the morning. Walking around the nest she lay down again, wrapping herself around the four kits so that her back was to the entrance and blocking them from the breeze. She would need to mention that to one of the warriors so they could fix it before the weather got worse.

She blinked soft eyes, sniffing each of her kits to make sure they weren't sick, purring as they pushed against her again. The biggest of them crawled over his littermates, tail in the air as his ginger fur caught the light. "Morning mom." He yawned before falling over the edge of the nest onto the moss floor. The torishell queen purred in amusement, knowing that he wouldn't be this clumpsy when he was older. Sunkit was so much like his father that sometimes it hurt to look at him, but Spottedblossom knew that Leo would be proud of his kits no matter what had happened back there. He'd saved all of their lives at the cost of his own. Perhaps, given that Starclan was real, Spottedblossom would be able to see him again when it was her turn to die.


The warrior sat in the center of their crater clearing, watching the camp for movement early in the morning. Tail curled over paws, claws that flexed and ground in the dirt. Ears perked, grey tips like soot from the volcano. No strange scents, no sign of Lightclan or Cliffclan, no foxes, not even prey animals; a good sign. Good for the clan, they didn't need tom be woken this early by a warrior patrol from Lightclan, but the cats tail tip still twitched in anticipation. White fur, dotted with black and grey as if she had been rolling in the ash, and eyes two vibrant shades; always unsettling to other cats, even those she lived with now. The warrior was bored, having slept the three hours she needed, and was the first one awake again. She was always the first cat up in the morning, watching the sun peek over the mountains far away in the crater just outside of the main dens inside the mountain.

Icefire looked at the sun rising, waiting impatiently for one of the senior warriors to wake up and send her off on a hunting patrol or a boarder check, just so she would have something to do. Sitting around doing nothing always fueled her mood swings, causing them to be more rapid and violent with the stress of boredom. Icefire hadn't had much to do with the other warriors since she came to this clan, having been forced out by the war, them always hesitant of her loyalty to Ashclan. She was born into clan life, the life of a loner wouldn't fit her and Lightclan had tore her life apart. She wanted nothing to do with that war, regardless of how much she longed to go out and find those she used to care for. The missing kits, the dead warrior patrol, the missing body. It was never resolved what happened to Warmkit, but if he managed to survived he would have joined a clan by now.


The leader blinked open his eyes, listening to the waking of his clan, watching through the lichen of his den. They were always early to rise, with the work to do. The flooding of the river last leafbare had isolated a higher perch of rocks with the river, adding it to their territory and making a new place for the queens and elders to sunbathe. There were apprentices to teach as well too here. Not to mention he was going to take on his own. He remembered the last apprentice he had had, before Raggedpelt had betrayed him, and thought of how the fine warrior had grown up to go against Raggedpelt. Even his brothers own apprentice had turned his back on the traitor. Jaggedstar had seen hide nor hair of the tom since then. In truth he missed the days when he could spar with his littermate and hunt with him, confiding all his worries in him, but that was no more and Jaggedstar would never trust another cat like that.

Muscles rippled beneath jet black fur as he stood, sharp emerald eyes lifting toward the clearing as she pushed his way out of his den. He had been the only one inside, his mate having slept in the warrior den the night before. They had argued over him taking on the young Yarrowkit as an apprentice, reminding him of what had happened last time, but he knew he couldn't trust the kit with anyone else. She was the only kit in the clan currently, and the beginning of their livelyhood for the next generation. He needed her strong to keep the clan healthy, fed and well protected. He needed to keep her away from Briarthorn.

Padding out to find the clan awake and active he never spared a glance for his deputy before leaping up onto the single branch of an old fallen tree. Overlooking the clan, he sat down, staring at them before he finally spoke. "The strong gather beneath the rain while the weak hide in fear!" He called out the ceremonious words so the clan would hear him summoning them for the gathering that morning. He watched over them, high above, authoritative and very much the leader of this group of cats. By Lightclan standards, he was a soft leader, having allowed his brother to live as an exile - the only mercy he'd ever shown - not the tyrant that the leader before him had been. Jaggedstar would lead them to a new level of strength before he lost his final life, and turn them into a force no one would ever challenge again.


The warrior pushed his way out of the den, waking early in the morning to begin organizing patrols in the absence of their deputy. Amberstar needed all the help she could get while the deputy was on his journey to StarFall. Mudheart hadn't dreams, though the warriors of clan trusted him to go alone, so none had questioned it. Brimpelt on the other hand didn't expect to see the tom again. On the other hand, the veteran warrior saw this as an opportunity to get closer to Amberstar and gain influence in the clan.

Shaking out his pelt, the stiffness in his muscles and the sleep from his head, the rogue leader walked over to to front main cavern of the camp. He didn't sit like other cats would when they came out, to eat and groom one another before they would go about their daily duties. Brimpelt padded around the main cavern, checking each tunnel out to make sure none had come or gone while they had been sleeping. The night watch would be back soon, ready to sleep until sunhigh after watching camp until now. "Watch is over." The Tom called down the main tunnel into the mountain, calling back the watch in case they didn't see what time it had been. Before Amberstar had selected her deputy following her ascension, in the days she'd been gone to StarFall, Brimpelt had installed the system, ascertaining that nothing would happen to camp while they were leaderless and had no deputy.


The large ball of white fur shuffled, brushing against the wall of the den as blue eyes blinked open. The body attached stretched, pulling the stiffness out of her muscles before walking out of the snug little den, following the tunnel towards the dry storage. The burrow beneath the oak tree gave shelter to herself and the storage of herbs she kept close by. The Medicine Cat hadn't dreamed last night, not even of stalking mice, and had not slept quite long enough either. She turned the corner and came face to face with the rock she used to keep moisture out of the storage. She pushed it aside with a shoulder, gently walking passed it to make sure nothing had gone missing. Early counts would make it easier to know what she needed to gather today.

Frostwhisker yawned, still tired, but not confident in her clans ability to function this early in the morning yet. The group of cats had only come together a season ago, and some still didn't trust one another. It was a crucial time for the clan, and Oakstar needed the support of his Medicine Cat, the only other one in the clan to have had several visions and dreams from Starclan. It was rough, but she knew she could handle it if it was for the betterment of the cats around. She felt as if the clan was where she had been meant to belong all the time. Who knows what would have happened if they had never dreamed with Starclan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Warmpaw looked up at the stars. Light had started bleeding into the night sky, causing their silent twinkle to dim, then fade all together. He had always had trouble sleeping, but tonight was worse than usual. Not even poppy seeds could defend him from his nightmares. The stars were great company, though. He could talk to them and they would simply listen. No judgment, or criticism. Still, he longed for a night of complete slumber. The warriors would be waking soon, he could get another hour of sleep if he tried. What would be the point? It was always worse to go back. The faces, the blood, the horror, it was all worse.

The young tom arrived at Cliffclan as just a kit. Warmpaw had been surprised when the medicine cat told him he was to be their apprentice. Soon, though, he learned he had the mind and sense of smell for herbs. He could scent an infectious wound from thirty feet away and he knew all the right herbs to heal it. In two short moons, he had really learned a lot. He was proud of himself. For once.

Warmpaw really wanted to just tell everyone about himself. Let it all be known. He feared what would happen, though. Would they throw him out? He did cause the death of his entire family. No. No one would ever know. They couldn't. Especially Shadowpaw.


Amberstar looked over her clan as the day started. Her face was a mask of thought. In her sleep, Starclan had sent her a vision. One that would help her choose her deputy. While the sign was very clear, she didn't think everyone would agree. The one chosen by her ancestors was brash, but appeared to be very loyal. The cat wasn't part of the original clan. Still, there was no denying Those of the Stars.

Pulled away from herself by a voice, she watched as Brimpelt moved about the clan. He had taken to inspecting the camp every morning. She very deeply appreciated his assistance. He would make a great deputy and everyone would support him, but it was not to be. She felt for the tom, he worked hard to keep the clan safe. He deserved to be deputy, but Starclan had its own ideas.

The vision was of a rushing river. No other sounds but of the crash and roar of water. Amberstar waited until everyone had returned to camp and called out, "Come everyone, Starclan has sent me a sign. It is time for you to meet your new deputy!"


Briarthorn watched Jaggedstar slink out of his den. The tom didn't even look at him. After all he had done for the clan, all the orders he had passed out, this was how he was treated. Distrust and aggression. He rolled his eyes and sat exactly where he was. No point to move if he leader won't even make a simple greeting. It was the same spot he sat in every morning as he awaited orders. Every cat could see him, he could see everyone.

Today he would be meeting with Raggedpelt. Briarthorn loathed to tell him that Yarrowkit was not going to be apprenticed to him. The she-kit was getting stronger by doing his tricks. Couldn't Jaggedstar see that all he wanted was to make the clan strong? The cat didn't trust any one. Yarrowkit would need to be strong to survive whatever onslaught Jaggedstar had planned for her.


"Ugh...! Agh!" A she-cat in the queens den of Oakclan tossed and turned in her nest. There was just no getting comfortable! That was how she knew it was nearing time to give birth. With a huff, Leafshade lifted herself up and waddled out of the den. Her sides bulged, heavy with her pregnancy. It was just after dawn and time for a quick snack. The fresh kill pile was a short distance from the den, but the effort of moving left her winded. Once she reached the food, she sat and panted. Maybe she would have Mudpool bring her food next time.

Leafshade found a small vole and munched on it. She took her time eating, since the others were just starting to wake. She would need to talk to Frostwhisker about staying nearby. It was.. It was..

Leafshade let out a yowl and ran into the den, leaving a half eaten vole behind.
It was time!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Sootleaf opened her eyes, light streaming into her den. She let out a tired sigh and reluctantly stretched out her front paws, clawing at the dirt. The old cat stood up, stretching out her back legs individually. Her stomached growled growled from fast and she was ready to break it. Sootleaf decided she will do inventory of her herbs afterwards. She moved her weary bones out of her den and enter the center of the camp. Seeing no one but Icefire, she wondered over to to young she-cat.
"Good morning, Icefire. I see someone is up early today..."


Moonkit was woken up by the mewing of Sunkit. She raised her head from her bundled up form and let loose a small yawn. She sniffed around, noting that everyone was still in the nest, so she knew she wasn't the last one up. The kit looked over at Spottedblossom. "Is it morning?" She asked, starting to stand up. Moonkit tried to shake herself awake, but ended up falling over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oakclan - Vineshine

Boulderclan - Aspenclaw
Aspenclaw the senior warrior was into the fresh kile pile, when the Leader called about a new deputy. His ears twisted in curious and embarrassed about the Amberstar's suddent move. So far the Boulderclan is lived just fine without a deputy and it's seemed to him that she didn't even have any intention to pick one...so why now? He thought. He taked a last bite of his meal and turned toward his leader and waited to see what will happen now.

Ashclan - Cloverlight - Cherrykit - Pigeonkit - Hollowkit - Snowkit
Cloverlight woke up when a bright sunbeam shining directly on her nest, yawning the white and grey she-cat. She increased to to her feet and stretched, carefully so her four little furball do not wake up. Smilling a little bit she looked at her kits before walked out to the nursery, not too far but enought to get some fresh air.

Cliffclan - Reedheart/star - Tundraclaw - Icefrost
Awakening Reedheart walked out to the leader's den, she was sleeping there even thought she was not a leader yet. Cliffclan's former leaders passing away was only a day and she had to travel today to the moonpool to get her nine lives. Thought there did have still some time to left to eat and get some herbs for the upcoming journal. For now she just sitted down and looked at her camp silently.

Tundraclaw was already up and working, the white tom had already been hunting and wore a mouth full of catched prey. Dropping them to the fresh kill pile he licked his lips, before walked to the nursery. For a moment he looked at the Spottedblossom and her four kits "Good morning, do you need anything? I got some fresh food, I can get you some if you so desice" he meowed gently, not broking his gaze to the colorfull Queen.

Lightclan - Cedarsky(MC) - Rainfang
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Magmastar of Ashclan

From inside the central cavern within the sleeping vulcano the leader of the Ash clan emerged. Eyes shining in the darkness as he entered the light, dust escaping from around his paws as he took his steps on the vulcanic floor.

Through the center he would advance as proceeded towards the entrance of their clan without even looking to the sides. He held his head high and advance with pride. It was almost like he could hear their cheers as they hailed him, yet such praise most likely fell silent due to the clan being busy. Yet by the entrance he stepped up on the highest peak to see over their land. Once there he sat down and sighed. His gaze turned to Icefire "You... Yes, come here. It's time for questioning" he said looking firmly at her. Yet questioning his clan members was something that Magmastar enjoyed, just because he wanted to see them look nervous and wonder what it was about.

Berrydream of OakClan

Wandering around camp Berrydream glanced to the kill pile she had helped to contribute too. However another cat were on the way too it, and by the looks of it it seemed to take all the pregnant females energy to reach it.

Berrydream was about to go help her as no one else was around, but then noticed that the pregnant female suddenly rushed off making her realise that it was time for her to deliver. [color=blue"oh my.....Medicine cat to queen den quickly!"[/color] she shouted as she rushed to the medicine cat den and then back to the Queens den to help if she could.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Flareheart stretched out the sleep from her muscles and sat down for a quick grooming. While she cleaned, she overheard Magmastar say he wanted to "question" the new member of their clan. She rolled her eyes and walked over.
"Magmastar, can't you find something better to do than harass the clan she-cats?" her eyes sparkled with amusement. She was joking... and not. While she was loyal to the clan, their leader was extremely annoying. She walked passed, touching her tail to Icefire's shoulder on her way out. "Just ignore him, you will get use to it."

Flareheart liked getting a head start on hunting. The early cat gets to eat the early bird. Mmm... birds. She nearly started drooling. Surely there was nothing better than a tasty sparrow caught unawares. She stopped by the entrance and looked at Magmastar.
"Can I go?"


Today was going to be a GREAT day! Shadowpaw could feel it within his bones. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. On to the first order of the day, greeting Spottedblossom and the kits. He couldn't wait to show Moonkit his new trick for sneaking up on cats. He shook out his long coat and trotted over to the fresh kill pile and picked out a plump mouse for the she-cat and a couple smaller ones for the kits. He could feed himself later. It was important they be able to eat and learn how to pounce properly. He picked them up by their tails and made his way to the queens den.

"Good morning, Spottedblossom. Good morning, kits." He said between his teeth. He set the meat down behind the queen and looked around. It was slightly more chill in here than it should be and it looked like everyone was curled up against the breeze. He spotted no water seeping from the stone in the back and no holes among the brambles. It had to be the entrance.

"Is it too cold in here for you and the kits? I could grab something to cover it better when I'm out with Tundraclaw today." He nudged Moonkit back onto her paws. He had spoken to Warmpaw and Sundapple about her paw. The medicine cat had said there wasn't much they could do, but Warmpaw had some ideas. Nothing was solid yet, but at least there was hope. He licked the kit and said, "It is morning, sleepy head. Here, this is for you." Shadowpaw nudged one of the smaller mice towards her, "Eat up, I have a surprise for you."

When Tundraclaw appeared, Shadowpaw made a face at his mentor. The tom never did hide his desire for Spottedblossom.
"Beat you to it, Tundraclaw!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Brimpelt looked over as he saw Amberstar leave her den, walking passed him with what could have been seen as a sadness or regret, though he couldn't tell what it had been about. Perhaps she hadn't slept well enough that night, or she had woken earlier to think. Clearly though, as she stopped at the ledge used by the leaders, she had a purpose in mind. She strode, ginger fur catching the light from the whole in the center of the cavern, leaped and landed gracefully on her platform. She called to the clan, revealing what her intentions and reservations were. Perhaps it was finally time to take up his proper place in the clan.

The tom called back the two cats who had just walked into the tunnel as Amberstar called, making sure they would hear the announcement, before he stepped forward to sit not far from the ledge, looking up at the beautiful orange tabby she-cat. She was selecting her deputy, finally, and most likely himself. Starclan Brimpelt scoffed to himself. He had always mocked the idea of a group of cats that told the living what they should do, guiding them. He hadn't dreamed with them, and none of the rogues had either. In fact, none of them had heard of Starclan until after they'd joined Boulderclan. A silly notion really.

The queen had been resting in her den, the whole place currently to herself with no other pregnant she-cats in the clan, growing used to the nests. There was no draft, no slight breeze from the tunnels inside of the Nursery like there had been in the warriors den though she had to admit that it was nice to sleep without rolling into someone for once. She had noticed that the further along in her pregnancy she got, the more restless she was in the middle of the night, while she was tired during the day. She had meant to ask Mudheart if that was normal the day before, but couldn't find the tom at any point before she ended up falling asleep in the den. The feathers and furs lining the grove in the stone floor was the perfect softness and size for the rather large Maine Coon she-cat. At the summons of their leader, Amberstar, Riversong stood and walked out of the den.

Emerging from the small tunnel that served as the funnel point going into the large cavern used for the Nursery, she saw the other cats of the clan gathering beneath the ledge in which Amberstar spoke from. Riversong had to admit, that among the clan cats she had grown to know, the leader was one of the strongest and bravest she-cats she had ever met. There were few who would want to have the responsibility to lead the clan, rather than allowing a tom to do it and having the freedom to have kits. But Amberstar didn't have time for such things now, especially without a deputy. It was good that she was finally able to make her decision, the tension that had been growing beginning to melt as the cats realized that they would no longer need to worry about the future of the clan. Even if Amberstar should pass, a deputy gave them hope of the next generation.


Spottedblossom touched Moonkit with the tip of her tail, calming the young kit even as Shadowpaw walked into the den. The three other kits had started moving around even after that, and Sunkit, having rolled out of bed walked over to Shadowpaw as if he was intimidating."Calm down Sunkit. You'll wake your sisters." She said just as Palekit lifted his head and yawned as well. Two of the three she-kits had still been sleeping as the apprentice walked into the den. The mice smelled amazing, tempting her into moving though the mews of the kits in front of her kept her in place.

"Thank you Shadowpaw. The entrance is a little drafty. I don't want any of the kits catching greencough." Spottedblossom was sincerely worried about all of the kits, Moonkit included. Sitting up, she nudged the sleeping kits waking them so they could smell the mice as well. As she adjusted in the den, her back left leg sticking out at an awkward angle. Sundapple hadn't been able to heal her legs properly, and she had no chance at being able to walk or fight properly again, though at the very least she could help Moonkit learn how to walk with her clubbed paw.

The young apprentices mentor, Tundraclaw, made his entrance then, walking into the den to see if any of them needed anything. "I think Shadowpaw beat you to the chase." Spottedblossom purred in amusement, aware that the tom wanted her though she wasn't ready for another mate. Not so soon after Leo had died. Shadowpaw was always a considerate cat, a good influence on her kits and sure to make sure they had everything they needed. She suspected that he was so kind to them because of his own mothers death, and the desertion of his father. Tundraclaw on the other hand, was a rough and loyal, a good example to her sons, though she wasn't yet sure of his trustworthiness.


The Medicine Cat had heard Leafshade's yowl before Berrydream had even started running toward her den. The large white Maine Coon grabbed what she would first need to treat the kitting Queen, and help with the birthing. Landing on the grass clearing she looked took a swift glance around to see if she could find the cat that she had originally been looking for. Her daughter, Featherwhisker, wasn't in the clearing but that wasn't to say she wasn't still sleeping or not nearby the camp. "If you want to help Berrydream, I need you to find Featherwhisker." Frostwhisker wasn't nearly close to her own kitting, but her daughters had been the first to help her when someone else kitted since she didn't have an apprentice of her own.

The Medicine Cat pushed her way into the Nursery, setting down the small bundle of herbs she had brought with her on such short notice near the entrance. Just out of the way, Leafshade wouldn't kick them around in case she thrashed, though she would need to be just as careful not to hurt herself or the kits. "I know you haven't done this Leafshade, but even if you haven't your body knows what it needs to do. Don't resist it or you might hurt yourself and the kits." Frostwhisker passed a tough stick to the Queen, urging her to bite down on it. "So you don't bite your tongue." She said, lifting herself on her back paws so that she could touch the Queen's belly to keep an eye on what was going around. She knew well what kits felt like, and none of them were turned around the wrong way though with the beginning of the hard labor ahead of them she didn't know if that would change. Hopefully Featherwhisker came soon.

Foxtrot had been out hunting early this morning, adding to the fresh kill pile before he went to visit Frostwhisker and hopefully go on patrol with Featherwhiser, though as he was returning to the clan with a rabbit dangling from his jaws he heard the commotion. Leafshade was giving birth? He didn't rush over to help, since he knew well enough from Lilystep's first kitting that bothering Frostwhisker while she was working was a bad idea. If she was tending to something as simple as a torn in someones paw then she could talk and work at the same time, though a kitting was serious and required all of her focus. She would need either Lilystep or Featherwhisker for this since she had no apprentice, but no doubt she had already sent for one or the both of them. If they needed him they would call for him. For now he would stay close by.

Walking over to the Nursery, Foxtrot set the fresh rabbit down not too far from the entrance, knowing that the Medicine Cat would know where it had come from and who it was for. They would be fine in the end most likely. Maybe he would even have an apprentice in six moons, not that he really wanted one. Apprentices were a lot of hard work he didn't really want to have to participate in. Of course if Featherwhisker got one he would help out at her request. But not unless she asked. Wandering closer to the entrance, the red tom sat down and started grooming his tail, working the knots out of it while finding a burr stuck in his fur. Silly thing was so wide and bushy it always caught random burrs inside of it.


Icefire spared a glance over at the old Medicine Cat, wondering why the she-cat hadn't retired from her post yet so that the next Medicine Cat could take her place. She was clearly in need of as much treatment as the elders were, and had served her time in the clan more than enough. "Always am." She responded curtly, unsure of how to react to the she-cat's casual manor around her. Everyone else had been hesitant to be around her, let alone talk to her. Though Starclan would have warned someone if she was bad news to begin with instead of allow Magamastar to take her into their clan. "I don't have a reason to sleep in. No one was watching camp."

When the clan leader stepped out, interrupting her while she spoke to the elder cat, her off coloured eyes turned to him, unsettling as they narrowed in annoyance. "You should have asked to know something before Sootleaf accepted me." She said to Magamstar, ignoring the difference in their stations. To her she hadn't proved himself worthy of respect. He was just a high headed kit to her then, her junior in age and less skilled then her. He would never predict what behavior she would show at any given moment, not even when she seemed content. Not even when she was sleeping.


The leader watched as his clan gathered beneath him, watching as he has waited for him to say what it was that he had been calling for. He looked down at them, proud how quickly they gathered, excitement and tension running through the crowd. The tip of his tail twitched, watching silently until even the kits came out of the Nursery, hoping for what they knew what was coming. "The time has come to name new apprentices to the clan. The litter has grown strong over the last six moons. One day they will make fine warriors." Jaggedstar jumped down from his ledge, landing in front of the crowd where he stood, looking out across them as if he was equal to them. He almost looked like he was smiling.

Briarthorn, Yarrowkit and Nightkit. Stand proud before your clan." The leader beckoned the small kits toward him, waiting patiently for them to make their way over, speaking again only when the three of them stood in front of the rest of the clan with him. "Nightkit, in the name of Starclan I name you Nightpaw; apprentice to Briarthorn." He nodded to the kit, now apprentice, to walk over to his new mentor and touch noses with him. In Lightclan, apprentices needed not to kick the shoulder of the leader, that being a sign of weakness for several generations. Now though, Jaggedstar looked to Yarrowkit, aware of the looks of the rest of the clan. None would have expected him to take on an apprentice, but he had called no other warrior up for the kit. "Yarrowkit, in the name of Starclan I name you Yarrowpaw; apprentice to Jaggedstar." He looked at the new apprentice, lowering his head so that the she-cat may touch her nose to his in acceptance of his tutelage. She had wanted Briarthorn, but Nightpaw was sure to benefit more from the Deputy than she would. He wanted to groom her into a warrior he could trust, and Nightpaw didn't have the spine to become a leader in any of the clans.

"We expect great things from you."

The kit had been sleeping when Jaggedstar called the clan meeting, jostled awake by his sister getting up and pushing him out of the nest in order to wake him. He had always been a heavy sleeper when he'd been up for two days in a row, though she didn't know about his nightly training. He knew about what Briarthorn had been doing for her, and instead of bringing it up he would watch them, memorizing the way they moved and practicing it on his own late at night. Normally the other cats were sleeping by the time he would sneak out of the Nursery, away from his sisters, and not long before dawn when he would crawl back into the nest with the she-kits. Last night had been one such night, and he had been practicing his hunting technique, knowing that it was getting to close to when they would be named apprentices and given to a mentor.

He stumbled out of the den, yawning as he followed his sisters, his pelt a mess, though few in the clan would realize he was actually paying acute attention to what was going on around him. His quiet matched the young Blackkit, and his eyes the same blue as Raggedpelt's, but no one knew what he would grow up into. He was bigger than all of his sisters, but lean and lithe where they all had some muscle mass at this age. They would make strong warriors and proud mothers, whereas he may end up a Medicine Cat. Sitting down in the middle of the crowd he listened as Jaggedstar called up him, Yarrowkit and Briarthorn while jumping down to clan level himself. They were getting the two best warriors in the clan for mentors?! Expectations. More expectations. The tom walked up, looking his mentor in the eyes with such little passion and excitement it would worry any sane member of this clan, though the way he walked made it look as if he had been practicing his balance.

"I will not disappoint."


The tom woke to the sun rising over the brush, light filtering into the clearing he had slept in the night before. He slept in the open, beneath the sky where Starclan could see him, hoping for a sign or a dream to let him know that Starclan was still with him even though he was a rogue. He had been sent into exile for wanting what was best for the clan, pushed out by his own brother but just the fact that he was alive was a tribute to Jaggedstar. There was hope and mercy inside of him still, something that he had thought had been crushed out of the other tom since they were young.

Raggedpelt sat up, hearing his stomach growl for food and sent a quick prayer to Starclan before heading off on his daily trek to find food, train and settle in to wait for Briarthorn to come back with his news of Lightclan. The kits were young and impressionable, and even Yarrowkit would be able to have the spirit crushed out of her if Jaggedstar wanted to do that to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Magmastar of Ashclan

@Shurikai Flareheart
@2b3heart Sootleaf
@ViolentViolet Icefire

Well if it were surprise they were after, the two females should consider themselves successful as Magmastar was quite surprised with their rebellious behavior. It was to the point where his quite happy mood quickly ran out into the sand as quite the annoyed morning mood settled in its place. He knew the two of them were troublemakers, but to insult him were pushing it really hard especially when the situations was rather peaceful. Flicking his tail his eyes narrowed as he starred at the two females and then looked to the medicine cat who apparently got all of IceFire's praise when he were ultimately the one letting her into the clan. However as its leader he supposed that could easily be changed, and as he glared at both IceFire and Flareheart as he thought about what to do with them.

At first his attention turned fully to Flareheart as she had asked for his permission to leave even after her 'somewhat' insulting him. "Heh... Perhaps I should spend my time Disciplining you instead Flareheart?... an hour in the Flame pit would remind you that you should speak with more respect... " he said walking closer to the three of them. "And you IceFire... whom hardly just earned your place here are already eager to loose it?... Perhaps I should have you and Flareheart fight to the death to see whom of you really are worthy to stay in this Clan?" He announced before settling down again. He looked at the two firmly before somewhat glancing to Sootleaf, he then sighed. "However... I am not my father and thus will do things a bit differently" he said and looked fully at Flareheart first.

"Flareheart... Your hereby assigned to lead a hunting expedition alongside Icefire. for your disrespect Failure shall not be tolerated. " he said giving her a moment to understand his decision before looking to Icefire. "Icefire I do not like your tone, when I call you in for questioning I expect you to not question my command.... However I put you under Flarehart's command in the hunt and Your orders are as follows... The two of you shall proceed on the hunting expedition together as recent events call for greater numbers for security. You are not under any circumstances other than in self defence to fight other cats, should you spot something amiss you are to report it back to the clan without failure. Your now dismissed... I don't want to hear complains nor butt's... return successful or further punishment will be due. That is all" he said in a firm commanding tone.

He then finally turned his attention to Sootleaf, "How are you feeling Sootleaf?... need any assistance in your duties today?" he asked wanting to make sure if she could perform them, after all he didn't want to loose the Clan's medicine cat and he was sure he could spare a few cats to assist her with anything she might need.

Berrydream of OakClan

@ViolentViolet Frostwhisker/Featherwhisker.

She worridly starring at the queen that were about to give birth, looking to the medicine cat as she came and took notice of her task for her. "Oh?... of course, I will find her as fast as I can" she replied eagerly as she wanted to help. She quickly got back up as she figured she weren't needed here and instead ran off to attempt to find Featherwhisker. "Featherwhisker?... Featherwhisker?... have anyone seen featherwhisker?..." she ran around asking anyone awake trying to not cause too much of a scene as she didn't want to awake those that were sleeping in because of their nightly duties.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stormpaw, Yarrowkit

Stormpaw had been grooming himself when Jaggedstar called the clan meeting. He padded across camp and sat down next to the kits. It was probably going to be their apprentice ceremony. He noticed there was only three here. Yarrowkit was nowhere to be seen. She was too weak to be an apprentice anyway. The kit was better off as fertilizer for the herbs.

Yarrowkit bounded up from behind him and sat with her litter mates. She was full of vitality, positively bursting. She didn't notice the look she got from Stormpaw as she slumped next to him. She was really excited. It may be time to become an apprentice! The kit cast a quick glance toward Briarthorn then back to Jaggedstar.

When the leader called up Nightpaw, she figured he would get apprenticed to someone like Granitebite. The cranky tom needed someone to look after. Her face fell from her excited smile to one of dismay as he was assigned to Briarthorn. She saw all her dreams get crushed in one swift motion. Yarrowkit watched as her brother walked toward his mentor. Something about his gait was familiar. She shrugged it off and looked back to Jaggedstar in surprise when he called her name. Everyone looked surprised really. How could a runty kit become the clan leader's apprentice? Stormpaw simply looked on in disdain.

Yarrowpaw walked up to Jaggedstar and pressed her nose to his. Maybe now they wouldn't just see her as runty Yarrowkit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

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Oakclan - Vineshine @Iatos
The white and grey spotted she-cat maked her way toward the camp, holding a two mices in between her jaws. As she entered the entrance, she almost stepped on the Foxtrot tail, but managed to look out for it. She glanced at the red tom, little embrassed, but didn't stop walking or said anything. Dropping the mices to the fresh kile pile she sighed looking at the camp, she spotted that the clan deputy Berrydream was acting weird. "Hoy Hoy! Calm down, What's wrong?" she meowed closing the path, so she could stop walking and tell her what was going on there.

Boulderclan - Aspenclaw

Ashclan - Cloverlight - Her kits

Cliffclan - Reedheart/star - Tundraclaw - Icefrost @ViolentViolet
Reedheart walked toward the fresh kile pile, taked a sparrow there and begin to eat it. As she eated it she gazed the camp and it's cats thougtfully. Soon she needed to begin her journal to the moonpool, but before that she needed someone who could take care for the clan the time when she would be gone. Taking her last bite she licked her lips and sighed "It's time..." she meowed quietly walking to the healers den "Sundapple? You here?" she meowed poking her head into the den.

Tundraclan looked at Spottedblossom feeling embrassed and stupid. He was silent for a moment before turning toward the Shadowpaw which has his apprentice as well "Hm! Maybe you did...BUUT you didn't catch it for your own did you?" he meowed little bulling, but not in serious way. He flaunt his fur, making a somehow a stupid grin as if he had just won a battle.

Lightclan - Cedarsky (MC) - Rainfang @Shurikai
When the meeting was over, Rainfang walked to the Briarthorn and Nightpaw "Well congratulations for your new apprentice, my friend" he meowed making small purr as he stopped next to the deputy. Noticing that the deputy din't look to happy about it, he glanced to Yarrowpaw "Oh I see...you very wanted her...did you?" he said quietly.

Cedarsky looked at the ceremony next to his den. Sighing he really didn't like Briarthorn, there was something about him which maked him nervous. Thought as long he don't do anything bad, he can only look in shadows and be quiet about his thoughts. Shaking his pelt he sighed again, he really hoped that there could be enought kits or apprentices, he was getting old and needed his own apprentice to be taught.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The tom narrowed his eyes at Jaggedstar when he named Nightpaw his apprentice. While Briarthorn had no qualms about teaching the new apprentice, he would have to start over completely with trying to remove Lightclan's terrible ways.
"I certainly hope you don't." he replied.

Rainfang had walked up and congratulated Briarthorn on his apprentice. He then went on to comment about his desire to mentor Yarrowpaw. Briarthorn made a sidelong face at the tom. Was his disappointment that clear? Surely he was better at hiding his expressions than that. How else could he have stayed as deputy to Jaggedstar this long? No. Rainfang was making assumptions. He decided to change the subject.

"How are things with Stormpaw? As I understand, he is close to reaching his twelfth moon. Do you think he is ready to be a Lightclan warrior?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 1 day ago


Light bore itself yet again as Monsoon crawled out the bush he found refuge in for the night. "Day and night, water and fire, light and dark, one cannot exist without it's other..." he took a moment to gather his thoughts. "nothing like sage words to keep the soul alive." Monsoon said to himself. He set off last time he checked he was near Cliffclan but he usually doesn't go inside just stay around the outside. He was on the hunt for food and doesn't need much to keep going. He checked his usual spot for hunting in Cliffclan territory, and found two prey he ate them and felt more of his energy return. After eating he thanked Starclan for this catch today and continued his way maybe hoping to find something interesting today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Berrydream of OakClan

Interactions:@Pink Madness Vineshine

The She-cat skidded to an halt from running slightly wild over the territory when another she-cat blocked her path. Panting Berrydream looked at Vineshine and then around before focusing on the other She-cat again. "oh... The Medicine cat wanted Featherwhisker's halp to deliver kittens... I want to find Featherwhisker as soon as possible." she said as they were kinda in labor now and not in a while, meaning that she was kinda stressed out about it for very good reasons. She then bounded past the other She-cat before she could reply as she had to get Featherwhisker or it was the end of the world!... well probably not, but she felt really really responsible for this task as it had been given to her out of everyone. "Featherwhisker!....." she called as she dashed off again to search for the cat... The life of a Deputy probably wouldn't be so complex if Berrydream didn't make it that way... oh well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Amberstar looked over her clanmates. She could see Brimpelt's expectance, Aspenclaw's questioning look, and Adderpelt's curiosity. However, it was Riversong she looked toward. She seemed.. relieved. Amberstar smiled and looked away, walking down to meet her fellow cats.

"I know you all have been worried about my choosing a deputy, especially since we lost both our leader and medicine cat to the cold just a few moons ago." she paused and looked around, everyone was looking at her. "Riversong has been chosen by Starclan to become deputy."


Flareheart rolled her eyes and turned to walk out of the camp. Who did he think he was dealing with? She NEVER came back unless she had caught something.
"Let's go, Icefire, its getting a bit stuffy in here."

The she-cat emerged from the cave and looked as the scene before her. There was nothing more beautiful than the sun coming up over the valley. She sat down and groomed her fur while she waited for Icefire. Magmastar could threaten her as much as he wanted, but when it comes down to it, he couldn't do anything to hurt them. Icefire had just as much right to be in Ashclan as he did. The thought that he would even consider having them fight to the death just to see who could stay made her fur bristle in anger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

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"Okay, Frostwhisker." Leafshade took the stick into her mouth and bit down as the medicine cat pressed into her stomach. She had no idea that giving birth could be so painful. She did as she was told and tried to relax and let everything come naturally, but it wasn't going so well. Leafshade panted, it was going to be a long day.


The calico tom looked at his mentor when he made his snide comment. Of course he hadn't caught the prey himself. He couldn't leave the clan camp without another warrior or permission from his mentor. He narrowed his eyes at Tundraclaw. Even if he didn't mean it, it was still a low blow. Still, he was 12 moons old now. Once he was given his warrior name and completed his vigilance, he would be able to out hunt Tundraclaw all day and night.

Shadowpaw said his goodbye to Spottedblossom and the kits, he wasn't going to let Tundraclaw ruin his good mood, perhaps Warmpaw would be up for some fun.

Making his way over to the medicine cat den, Shadowpaw noticed Reedheart sticking her head into the opening. Perfect opportunity. Had anyone seen him, they would have thought he was up to no good. They would have been right, but no one spotted him. He snuck right up behind the deputy and pounced on her while sounding his signature "pranking" yowl.


It was always amusing to see Shadowpaw up to his antics. Seeing him jump the deputy made Warmpaw smile. That tom was probably the only one that could make him grin. It was one of the reasons he wanted to keep Shadowpaw as a friend. Once the tussle was over, he walked up to Reedheart.

"If you are looking for Sundapple, he left earlier to gather some herbs. He mentioned he would be back before sunhigh."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

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Oakclan - Vineshine

She looked at the nervous she-cat "She is probably collecting herbs, you could go to check the twolegs borders" she meowed calmly.

Cliffclan - Reedheart
She turned to Shadowpaw "...What...no I am just looking for Sundapple" she meowed turning then to Warmpaw, flicking her tail little angrily "Great...I can not wait so long... Thank you anyway Warmpaw" she meowed nodding before turning around to leave the medician cat den "Alright, then I need someone who could take care of the clan, when I am on my way" she thought looking around all the cats, spotting Appleleap. Appleleap was stong warrior, which didn't have apprentice for now, so this little task could not be too much for her. Walking toward the golden spotted she-cat "Appleleap, could I ask something from you" she meowed gazing the other she-cat.

Tundraclaw sighed as the Shadowpaw walked off, he looked at Spottedblossom before wantering out of the nursery. Sitting next to the Warriors den entrance he thinked, it was a time to make Shadowpaw a warrior, but his sister wasen't yet leader and he didn't want to push her too much.

Lightclan - Rainfang
Rainfang nodded as the clan deputy asked about his apprentice "Yes, he is...He is strong and learned to be an excellent hunter...but he is maybe way too aggressive, It's not that I can do a much about that..." he meowed glancing around just be sure Stormpaw wasen't somewhere near to be hear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Icefire nearly snorted in amusement as Magmastar ranted about the things he could do to them, things that no true leader would do to those who belonged to the clan. She had never known Ashclan to be cruel like Lightclan before, and she had as much right to be here as he did since neither of their lines had begun in Ashclan. The she-cat nearly purred, though her off coloured eyes gazed at the tom as if she wanted to scold him, to teach him what it was to be a leader. Alas, she was not interested in beginning a fight with the younger tom and walked off at the sound of Flareheart calling her.

"Why do the cats put up with a leader like that?" Icefire said as she walked out into the clearing behind the other she-cat, nearly sneering as she mocked the clan leader. It was unfortunate that Ashclan had been the first clan she had come across, but she had made it to the volcano because of the signs sent to her while she was alone. It had been a time when she had been running from Lightclan, having been tracked down, the threat of death always around the corner when she finally made it close enough to the Ashclan camp that they took her in. The medicine cat couldn't turn away a cat in need, and in the three moons since she hasn't gone to a gathering to avoid Jaggedstar knowing she was alive. She had been his mate once, but their kits had died in the winter and the starvation sparked a war. She had wanted him to see the error of his predecessors ways, but the betrayal of Raggedpelt had been enough to push him away from even her.

Icefire would not forget.


The leader leaned over as Yarrowpaw touched her small nose to his, her eyes shining in conflicted disappointment and excitement. She had wanted Briarthorn, but there was more that he could teach her then Nightpaw. She was the runt of the litter after all, and she needed to learn how to take care of herself more than anyone else. He straightened up, passing a glance at Briarthorn with Rainfang, having ignored his new apprentice. Naturally, Jaggedstar did not comment on this, though as he walked away from them he made a point to nudge Nightpaw toward the deputy. "Yarrowpaw!" Jaggedstar called over his shoulder, beckoning the new apprentice after him with his tail. "Let's get you your first look outside of camp."

He had forgotten what it was like to mentor a cat, but it was coming back to him as he walked out, leaving the other cats to sort themselves out. None were moronic enough to leave the camp unguarded, and the empty fresh kill pile would certainly call them to the hunt soon enough. Of course, Yarrowpaw would not be hunting quite yet, not until she learned the boundaries, though he would show her the training places tomorrow. His sleek black pelt seemed to blend into the shadows of the reeds, his form twisting around them as if he was never there, leaving not one stalk shaking after him. He was practiced in remaining silent like this, though he didn't expect the same from everyone else. He didn't wait for Yarrowpaw to catch up until he reached the shore of the river that kept them safe.

"It's time to learn to swim."

The young tom, after touching noses with his mentor, sat down and curled his tail over his paws while Rainfang walked over to speak with Briarthorn. He hadn't seen a mentor ignore his apprentice like that so early before, though he assumed it would be important and thus never said a word. His eyes followed the cats movements, the displeasure and surprise in his eyes as he anaylzed what had been exchanged. He saw Jaggedstar look toward him and felt the nudge of the leader against his fur. That was a cat he could look up to, if there was anyone worth looking up to in the clans anymore. Nightpaw had spoken with Raggedpelt was he was a younger kit, learning from the tom for a while though it was clear from a young age how indifferent Nightkit would become. He was still young, with time to change, but not even his mother had taken the time to notice his clear lack of passion.

Nightpaw watched Briarthorn, staring at the tom as he spoke with Rainfang, speaking first of Yarrowpaw, then of Stormpaw as if to change the subject. It was quite amusing to be honest and Nightpaw didn't mind sitting and watching as Jaggedstar led his sister away. At the very least, he wouldn't have to listen to her ask a million questions with obvious answers, though he was anxious to leave camp for the first time. "Briarthorn, the others have left already."


The young warrior walked into the clearing, a pheasant in between her jaws, just as Berrydream ran around yelling for her. It was rather early, but she'd gone out with Foxtrot earlier but they had split off from one another when she had stopped at a herb patch. She knew that Leafshade was going to give birth soon, and having found an old birds nest she took the soft down feathers with her when she left to go back to the camp. She nearly ran into Berrydream as she walked through the entrance.

"Is it time?" She asked the deputy though the yowl of pain from the other side of the camp. She wasn't alarmed, nor in much of a hurry. Frostwhisker would be there with her, and she knew that she would have what she needed so far. Walking over to the fresh kill pile she set the large bird down before trotting over to the Nursery and taking a peak inside of it. Frostwhisker was with Leafshade, and she had some of the things she was going to need though she was missing a couple things. Even the large Maine Coon couldn't carry everything she needed. Turning around she ran over to the herb storage and brushed though the lichen, moving in to the storage. Sniffing around she found what she needed and went back to the Nursery. "I'll keep everyone out for now Frostwhisker."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The tom had been yawning with the she-cat walked passed him, her paws touching his tail and narrowly avoiding stepping on him, though he didn't really care either way. The stupid thing was long enough he stepped on it on his own sometimes when he wasn't paying attention to where it was sitting. Vineshine had padded by without much thought, though when she looked back at him she hadn't looked him in the eyes. She seemed embarrassed even.

What did it matter? It's not like Foxtrot planned to settle down with a mate any time soon. There were other cats that could do that. He just wanted to have fun and explore some cool places while taking care of the clan. He owed Frostwhisker and Featherwhisker that much at least. Watching them he called out to Berrydream and Vineshine. "They can handle this. If you bother them it might cause problems for Leafshade. But when the kits come, they'll need to be bathed and kept warm."

"Leafshade, it's going to hurt, but I can give you something for the pain if you wish." Frostwhisker calmed the Queen, gently stroking her side with her paw as her body shook. It would be some time yet before the young Queen gave birth to the first of possibly three kits, and all would be taken care of. She closed her eyes, listening intently to Leafshade and the camp outside, and Featherwhiskers arrival relaxed her slightly. At least she knew they would not be interrupted now.


The Queen looked between the two toms, each competing for her attention, though as Shadowpaw walked away from them she gave Tundraclaw a look of disappointment. "You don't have to be so hard on him. He's trying his best."

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