Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Secret ID: Keene Marlow

Alias: the Destroyer, the Mighty Destroyer

Age: 28

Powers: Super soldier serum enhanced his strength, speed, and agility to Capt. America levels with slightly more increased strength. Marlow was also an accomplished hand-to-hand fighter, and was trained in the use of fire-arms.

Weaknesses: Destroyer is still very much human and doesn't hide behind an indestructible shield. In the year 2016 he will presumably have a suit that will help with this to a degree.

Personality: Marlow was just a cocky journalist until he was thrown into a concentration camp. There he witnessed several horrors and upon escaping with superpowers he became reckless in the face of danger and did everything in his power to crush the enemies of the Allies. He's a little quieter than he was before getting powers but still cocky, and he has a deep hatred for the enemy knowing they've experimented on civilians. He's definitely in the 'shoot first ask questions later' camp, which has put him at odds with Captain America at least twice so far.


In costume: Modern suit, see avatar.

BRIEF Bio: Keene Marlow was a journalist behind enemy lines during World War II when he was captured by the forces of the Red Skull and Adolf Hitler. Believed to be a spy for the Americans, Marlow was thrown into a concentration camp where he would be beaten and later used as a human guinea pig. Some of the worst things were seen in this camp, women beaten and raped, torture, and then there were the experiments. Though Professor Eric Schmitt originally worked for the allies, he was now being forced to recreate the super soldier serum that created Captain America. After weeks of trial and error, the serum finally worked on Marlow who gained similar powers and abilities to Capt. America. Breaking out of the concentration camp and killing several enemy soldiers, Keene did what he could to free as many people in the camp as he could and returned back to an Allied forces base.

While back at the base, Marlow met Capt. America whom he viewed as too much of a boy scout. Keene had seen horrors most people could never even imagine. He decided to try and one up the red, white, and blue clad hero and came up with his own costume. Striped pants, ghoulish mask, and a skull on his chest... he became the Destroyer. He assisted the Captain as well as other WWII era heroes including members of the Invaders and the Liberty Legion.

The Destroyer was active for the next year in Europe as a costumed adventurer. He would also meet two other men who wished to fight against the enemy and keep their identities safe, giving them permission to use the alias and look of his costumed alter ego. With three Destroyers now active, the Axis viewed the hero whom they thought was only one man as just as large a threat as Captain America and the android Human Torch. Marlow was in Nazi occupied Poland when the time traveler Franklin Richards recruited him for a mission to save the time stream. With Marlow's help, they recruited a team to go into the future to help a now elderly Capt. America in a war being waged with the Red Skull who was now the holder of the yellow Time Gem from a recreated Infinity Gauntlet.

Notes: Marlow was the first Destroyer, and created by Stan Lee in 1941. The only difference between the original and mine is the enhanced strength being greater than that of Capt. America's.

Sample Post: I'll copy/paste the last half of that intro post I'd typed up a page or so back that had Richards drafting Destroyer.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Secret ID: Robert Frank
Alias: The Whizzer
Age:25 (It isn't clear what age he actually was in WW2)

  • Hyper Speed: Whizzer is capable of running up to speeds of over 750MPH breaking the Sound Barrier making him (At this time) one of the fastest things on Earth. With his speed he is capable of running on water, and with a good start, run up vertical buildings.
  • Perception: Due to his increased speed his mind is also faster, giving him an amazing reaction time able to notice things in a blink of the eye that people couldn't normally notice.
  • Reactive Physiology: He doesn't suffer side effects of running really fast and he even heals faster.


  • Cold: The Cold tends to slow things down, while he can speed himself up in cold climates an intesne change of temperature is detrimental.
  • Strength: Despite all his advantages he doesn't possess super strength.
  • Mortal: While he is slightly more robust than the average human he can still die.

Personality: Robert always wanted to be a hero, he's got a little bit of a quick wit, but he is true of heart and doesn't take life unnecessarily. He's also a bit of a prankster but that is mainly due to him being used to doing everything at high speeds.
BRIEF Bio: Robert Frank is the son of noted scientist Dr.Emil Frank, while in Africa Robert was unfortunately bitten by a cobra. However this cobra was then killed by a Mongoose which was subsequently hurt in the fray. Remembering an old tale that mongoose blood could cure the bite of a cobra Emil took the translation literally and transfused the creatures blood into his soon. What he didn't know is that his son himself had an inert mutant gene, the addition of the Mongoose blood would change his life forever... The changes didn't immediately kick in, at least not fully.

He became more athletic over the next couple of years but he never truly changed. It was however just before the war where he learnt his true power. As adrenaline rushed his system as a gun was pulled on him he soon found himself behind the gunman who assaulted him, the next couple of weeks of learning his powers were painful and consisted of a lot of broken bones as he ran into objects at high speed, though thankfully one of his new abilities was that he could also heal quickly so nobody ever noticed the bruises cuts or even broken bones that he had sported in recent weeks. Eventually he felt it was time to take on an identity, with many of the Heroes being drafted into the war he became the Whizzer and resorted to tackling crime throughout the US wherever he could.

It wasn't until months later that he himself got the call, he was fighting crime when through the airwaves he heard the request for any super powered individuals to help Bucky Barnes combat a threat in the states. Obviously he was on the seen as quickly as possible not wanting to see anyone getting hurt. A fight then ensued, and he was then recruited to work overseas as part of Captain Americas task Force. As the fast thing on the battlefield he proved useful for relaying intelligence quickly and reliably as well as getting into places that not many others could solely due to speed alone.

Notes: [anything else you need to mention?]
Sample Post: Robert, A.K.A The Whizzer came to a stop among the group of Soldiers, all but one of them paid him no real notice. However one of them had apparently only started working with the Invaders since he was last on the front. "Yes, I really am that fast." He extended his hand to the soldier, he himself wasn't enlisted after all so he could show this courtesy. "Names Robert, surname I'm keeping to myself for obvious reasons." The soldier extended his hand and grasped it before replying. "Private Henry Everett.""Nice to meet you Henry." Robert clapped his hands together before looking at the rest of the group.

"So, Cap said we're assaulting this base and that I'd get the details from you. What's the mission?" One of the group turned to the bonnet of the jeep pointing at the map. "The Captain is setting up an assault on this facility here. We're not on that mission, a couple of the other Invaders are being given similar objectives to ours. Though ours is the furthest away-" He turned to Whizzer with a mock scowl on his face "-Thanks for that by the way." Then turning back to the map. "The objective is to take out these bases so that we won't be boxed in, Hydra are apparently building some form of super death machine in there to take on the Invaders so we need to do this quickly."

Robert just winked at them. "I always do things quickly, so where's the Bomb?" One of the soldiers pulled a device out of the back of the Jeep, it was a bomb though due to the nature of who was taken it it had been put in a protective housing and then made into a backpack. "Alright, standard procedure. I'll go in and place the device, you guys wait within one kilo-click. Sorry, it's been a while since I've been on the front, need to remember my military jargon. Anyway, wait within one click and if the place doesn't explode in say... ten minutes move in." He hoisted the pack onto his back, spinning his arms around slowly and hopping from one foot to the other in order to get used to the weight and the change in his balance. With that he took off in a yellow blur.

Everett spoke up at that moment. "Damn he's fast." The others just laughed. "Wait till you see the Human Torch, that's freaky."

* * *

Robert hated trees, or rather he hated forests. There was so much he had to keep an eye out for when running, especially on the eastern front where there were also mines and trip wires to worry about. The only advantage was that if he set anything off by the time it exploded he would be long gone... the issue would be that the enemy would know he was coming and that was never beneficial. He stopped, skidding slightly on the loose surface, as he got in sight of the base. He took a quick scan, it was hardly a real base. Wooden cabins, couple of fences. Then he noticed them.

This wasn't a base.

Yes there were reinforcements here for the main base, but this facility itself was a camp. It was a concentration camp... that made things decidedly more complicated. He couldn't just blow it up, and he'd need to get an answer from Cap later on whether intel had knowingly sent him to a camp full of prisoners with a bomb. He took the device of and laid it on the ground, at least it'd prove to be a good distraction. Opening the casing he put a timer of one minute on it. He then began running towards the base. The task was simple, take out the guards. He'd have to watch for the machine gun towers though this was still going to be easy enough.

In full sprint he was nothing but a blur but he saw the world in full detail, that was until there was a flash of light and everything disappeared. When he regained sight he lost is footing as everything had changed... he tripped and hit something hard before skidding to a halt. "Yeah, that hurt." Grunting slightly as he pushed himself up he looked to see Destroyer (One of them anyway), a man in strange clothes and a couple other Invaders... one of whom he had just crashed into.

He stood up, shaking himself off. "So, what's all this about?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Secret ID: Lady Jacqueline Falsworth

Alias: Union Jackie

Age: 26


  • Enhanced Strength - Jackie is able to lift things twice her size, up to 1,000 pounds
  • Enhanced Speed - Jackie is able to run at speeds of about 30 mph
  • Enhanced Agility - Jackie is able to perform expert acrobatic stunts, as well as maintain expert agility and balance
  • Enhanced Durability - Though not invulnerable, Jackie can withstand large impacts with little to no damage


  • Stamina - Though she can lift heavy things and run fast, she does get tired if worked hard. She cannot push herself to the extreme
  • Mortal - Jackie, though imbued with the Super Soldier serum, is still an everyday human. She is susceptible especially to magic attacks
  • Fear of Enclosed Spaces - Jackie has a fear of being in tight spaces and will panic if put in those situations

Personality: Jackie is known for being very dedicated to her work and is very smart, having worked in her father's lab for a few years. Jackie is devoted to her family and is extremely close to her brother, Brian. Jackie is the epitome of British grace and decorum when needed, knowing proper manners for ladies in all social situations, but does enjoy the down time given to her. Though she can be hot-headed when she is questioned for her abilities by being a woman, she is tactful and tries to prove herself by her actions rather than her words.


Jackie has light, blonde hair and light brown eyes. She is fair skinned. She weighs 130 lbs and stands ar 5'9''

BRIEF Bio: Jacqueline has worked tirelessly in her father's laboratory for many years. She assists on the projects, takes detailed notes, and conducts research, but yet she never felt satisfied. She wanted to do more. She wanted to be more. She was grateful for her father allowing her this chance after going to school, but she felt this was not her calling.

Jackie lost her mother when she was very young, but she had her brother, Brian, with her and the two formed an intense bond of friendship, lasting to this day. Jackie's father wanted his daughter to be brought up as a lady, with prospects in the future of being married off to some wealthy family with a title, but her mother wouldn't hear of it. She wanted her daughter to be able to support herself if the time came. Jackie always knew her mother was smart.

One day in the lab, while the war was imminent, Jackie's father began working with the Super Soldier serum, a serum already in place and used elsewhere, with the hopes of using it for their military efforts against the Nazis. While working on it, one of the researchers, a spy for the opposing forces, tried to steal the serum. Jackie caught the man in the act and attempted to seize it from him. With no way out, the researcher launched himself at her and injected her with the serum, hoping her body wouldn't react with it and would die. The researcher ran off, leaving Jackie unconscious. Her father found her later and laid her to rest.

After two weeks in a coma, Jackie woke up with no damage to her memory, her body, or anything. Her father, not knowing she was injected with the serum, instead believing the researcher made off with it, asked her what happened. Rather than worry her father, she mentioned she tried to stop the researcher, but he punched her and she hit her head.

It wasn't until later that Jackie began to feel weird. Things started off ok, with her breaking a door off its hinges, and being able to run without getting tired as fast. She decided to test herself. When she was alone, she began lifting heavy things such as cars, running at high speeds, even performing amazing acrobatic stunts without a days lesson as a gymnast.

Jackie knew she got these powers from the serum. She knew she had to use them. So Jackie left her job in her father's lab and donned the blue costume and the name Union Jackie, in her own attempt to stop the Nazi menace.

Notes: Jackie's brother is Brian Falsworth, the original Union Jack in WWII. Her father is NOT the Union Jack before Brian.

Sample Post: Intelligence was right. There was a HYDRA base in the woods here. Jackie stood in the trees as she eyed the base. It stood tall and imposing, obviously the intent. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. She noticed a few guards patrolling the surrounding entrances. They would be easy enough to take out, but this kind of operation didn't call for brute force. It required cunning and smarts.

Jackie eased her way forward, making sure she kept the guards in sight. There would only be one moment for her to get in undetected. She saw the door she would need to get in. It was a small side entrance, but it wasn't properly patrolled. Sure enough, one of the guards came in front of it and looked around. After a few moments he turned and started walking back. Jackie took this moment and hoofed it. She could have gone faster, but again, this was meant to be an easy in, she didn't want to attract attention to herself.

She got to the entrance. "Easy," she thought to herself as she opened the door and two HYDRA guards stood in front of her. They looked at her. It took a few seconds to register before they pointed their guns at her and shouted, "Hey!" Jackie quickly ran forward and punched one of them in the face, knocking him out. She spun around and kicked the other guard and incapacitated him. She huffed a bit. "All right, that didn't go to plan..but it works." She continued onward, inching along the hallways. For a base, it was surprisingly unguarded in a few places. She assumed that most of them would be protecting the inner workings.

She found herself in an office room and decided to do some snooping. Some interesting files on HYDRA's future plans, some other files on staff. She kept them and continued on. Her goal was to gather as much information as she could. She didn't want to bring the base down. Not yet anyway.

A few guards creeped along the hallway towards the side entrance she came from. They would see their knocked out friends and raise the alarm, so she would have to be quick. She sprinted down the hallway towards, what she assumed was, the middle of the building. She listened at the door. She heard some various sounds, but no voices.

She opened the door and went in. Suddenly, without warning, a bright flash shone and illuminated the room, leaving Jackie with a weird feeling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 26 days ago

Secret ID: Jonathan Goldstien
Alias: Blue Bullet
Age: 27
Minor Telekinesis- Jonathan possesses the ability to lift small, light weight object with nothing more than his mind. His power is pretty weak and can’t be used defensively or offensively but it does come in handy for some mundane tasks such as writing or grabbing car keys. Levitated objects gain momentum very slowly. For example it would take around two meters for a pencil to gain enough momentum to even minority hurt bare skin let alone injure an adrenaline fuelled enemy. His powers also lack range as he is only able to move things (at his best) that are a foot or so away meaning that he couldn’t even get an object to go far enough to make it lethal.

Blue Bullet Suit and Helmet- One of the most advanced pieces of technology developed in the 40’s, Jonathan’s Blue Bullet suit is basically some fancy looking body armour (which doesn’t stop a lot of weapons) with a weird shaped helmet but the helmet houses one of the first gadgets to delve into the science of super-humanry. The helmet amplifies Jonathan’s telekinetic powers to worthwhile levels. Instead of only being able to lift small objects and exert small amounts of force on an object, he could now lift up the equivalent of a motorcycle and fire it away from him at incredible speeds.What his suit couldn’t do however, was increase his range though that wasn’t a huge deal for Jonathan since he enjoyed a challenge and the suit already did so much for him. With his suit and helmet on, Jonathan can levitate himself off the ground and essentially fly at approximately 140MPH and he has the capability of deflecting bullets from himself via his acute telekinesis.

’Genius’ Level Intellect- Back in the forties Jonathan was one of the smartest minds on the planet, even rivalling that of Howard Stark, but in the modern age he would be considered decently average when it comes to his intelligence all in all. Sure he knows how hydraulics, pneumatics and binary work but cellphones? DVD players? Plasma screen television? He would have no idea how most of that stuff work let alone the science behind it, at least at first. This would be the primary reason he would use most of his original gear from the forties as opposed to getting new gear. His sharp mind though is what allows him to be able to wield his telekinesis well enough to deflect bullets and to lift himself off the ground without tearing one of his limbs off accidentally.

Mortal- Though his gear and powers can help him out a lot with bullets and other objects, under all of his abilities and gadgetry he is still human and capable of being bled out by a stray bullet that he wasn’t fast enough to perceive.

Distractions- Jonathan’s bullet reflective, telekinetic field isn’t just some sort of passive ability, he has to focus in order to deflect bullets and the ilk but if someone were to get the drop on him he’d be a sitting duck.

Personality: Jonathan tends to keep to himself and isn’t extremely boastful in or out of costume. He isn’t overly brave, he isn’t all stoic and mysterious and he certainly isn’t a joker; Jonathan is, however a man of science and, hypothetically speaking, if he were to be transported somehow through time and space into the future, his more put together and professional attitude would be replaced with an almost child-like sense of wonder.


BRIEF Bio: It was near the beginning of the war when Jonathan’s brother, Jacob, was taken away from him. The two of them didn’t talk a whole lot anymore but they still shared a close bond and enjoyed each other’s company and would give an arm and a leg for each other. But when Jacob was taken by the Nazis, Jonathan didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t think of anyone that he could get in contact with that could help him so he swallowed his fear and decided he would do something about it. Jonathan began training using his telekinetic powers to rip apart tomatoes but even he couldn’t do that let alone a person so he went to his backup plan; his brain.

Over the following weeks Jonathan worked non-stop on building something to amplify his innate powers which resulted in his Blue Bullet helmet named due to its similar shape to a bullet. Jonathan decided to take inspiration from The Invaders and make a costumed identity around his helmet and powers. Having finalized his costume (complete with his helmet, a gun holster and a blue spandex suit) Jonathan went out to find his brother, wherever he may be.

After two months of scouring Nazi establishments, Jonathan finally got a lead on where his brother was but the bad news was that the facility was heavily guarded with not only normal soldier but other superhumans. Jonathan didn’t have much else to lose at this point so he decided to attempt to take the base on himself. Luckily he didn’t have to as coincidentally The Invaders were trying to take down the very same establishment. It was a tough endeavour but eventually the allied heroes managed to wipe out most of the soldiers and take control over the facility.

Sadly though Jacob wasn’t there, the only prisoners they found there were similarly powered individuals and some monstosites, one being notable as it resembled what Jonathan thought a Golem would look like. Regardless Jonathan began losing hope and decided that while still trying to hunt down his brother he would help the allies as a member of The Invaders.

-He carries a pistol on him at most times just incase no bullets are being sent his way to deflect.

Sample Post: N/A
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