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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She had slumped forth in her seat, groaning internally again at the piles and piles of sweet confectioneries this mad queen insisted on loading her table with. What sort of madmen served and ate only this sort of junk? Was there no real food to be had? Or did they up and away, leading to cooks turning to alternatives less inclined to flee? Her stomach groaned again at the thought of real food; she refused to eat cakes for dinner.

It was not the only thing bothering her as well. The events back at the cave... How annoying.... How utterly utterly annoying... She felt just a bit.... absolutely livid. The feeling, the urge, to go out and kill everyone she can find was almost overwhelming. Not because of her forgetting her own birthday, no. No one cared about her birthday anyways; it was just another date in the calendar. It was those other people. How dare they attack them! The gall of them even thinking of taking the list for their own.

And that New Boy took away the jacket. A real pity, she was starting to like the strange smell the jacket had.

She did recall taking out her own clothes and wearing them again, though she had somehow forgotten about the bag in all the fuss they made getting here. All the equipments... all those potential....

At the very least she had this red holey ball thing she took, which fits just around her neck.

"Let's go say hello to your new friends."

Who was... more new people. She didn't feel too friendly right now, so she stayed as far back as she could. A lot more people meant more people dying. Not that she cared; she had barely memorized the names of the last new batch.

Mayhaps she should snatch that jacket off the New Boy.... whatzisname... Leon?

Or she could try finding out where all the people went to. The gentleman had upped and disappeared the moment she got back, Corporal Davis the brave teddy bear was not to be seen, and Captain Ahab was presumably sailing off somewhere to find more giant squids and monstrous fish to spear, but still, she had heard no news from them. Usually when she was back at the institution, as the nice men in white called it, they would stick around, coming and going as they pleased, never absent for long. The others were only showing their blobby horribly disfigured, and mismatched body and limbs rarely.

And the Faceless man...

The Faceless man was still lurking... she felt in her guts. But this time it felt different... like...

"...I'm hungry..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anonymous
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

After walking off in a cheery giggle, Songbird didn't look as amused as he had been just a couple of seconds ago, yet a malicious smirk was playing across the curve of his grin. Almost like he knew some hilarious misfortune was about to dawn itself upon the group. Half the Nobody's facial features were covered by the curved tip of his hat, but he reached up to slide it back a bit nearing the nape of his neck, his right eye came peeking out in a rather dashing surprise. It was beautiful really. While some would think it horrifying, he saw heterochromia as a sort of beautiful defect. A trait to be admired rather than disgusted. Marveling at the color contrast between his two irises, it caught him off guard with a shocking yelp as a fanged vine snaked out from its kind to bare its teeth at Vince, letting out an ear shattering roar, plant goop spewing from its mouth for a good added measure. Once it appeared satisfied with growling at the offender's face, the live plant decided to haul the human up into the air by his hood and without much effort, the angry greenery chucked him castlebound. All that remained of Vince in the sky within a couple of seconds was a twinkling star in the distant. Lesley's mouth gaped open, horrified. 'Is he dead? Oh my poopertrain!' he thought, covering his lips until a minibus showed up to ride them the rest of the way to the palace. How ironic. Vince had to pull some dumb stunt and get sent flying across the horizon right before his awaited wish actually became reality.

Stepping into the wooden vehicle, it was a pleasant structure. Sturdy enough to carry a sizable amount of humans and bring them to their destination, he hoped. The seats were comfortable, lined with soft moss as cushioning. They hadn't chugged along for an extended period until they came to a hovering stop over a marshmallow landing. It seemed that Nowhere was prepared for these sorts of incidents. They even had a soft catching pad for rule breakers like Vince. Watching the double doors of the bus slide open and bend, Songbird was the first to great the misfit with a sarcastic comment.

Songbird:“Well, Mr. Grieves, how nice of you to join us. Fancy the sky’s much bluer when you’re sailing through it"

A smug expression was plastered across the miscreants face as he struggled to make his way onto the bus. The marshmallow too soft and moldable to enable a flat, hard surface efficient for bipedal visitors. A sigh of relief flushed out of Lesley. He was glad that they hadn't just witnessed a human death right there and then when the plantation flung him just a few minutes ago. Following the next couple of moments, the floating aircraft came to a huffing halt, and parked itself at the base of the castles transportation sector.

Songbird: “Lesley Labelle, Inadi Sihma, Riley Grayson. It’s nice to meet you. We are within the lower level of Her Majesty Queen Delirium’s castle. This is the depot which houses incoming courier minibuses and other small aircraft. We’ll take the lift to the right and arrive directly on the floor where the grand hall is located, where the Queen is waiting along with the other humans. I hope you all get along with each other. In any case, let us be off!"

The interior of the palace literally screamed royalty. Gold and jewels lined the walls. Candy decor and glossy furniture and works of art. Many of which looked like it had been hand carved and predictably took weeks upon weeks of hard, unrelenting work. Tiling on the floor contained strange paintings of lands he assumed were scenes that could be seen in Nowhere. One of which he recognized as the base of the giant beanstalk elevator that they had previously rode. Lost in the wordless architectures and designs the palace had to offer, Lesley hadn't realized that they had finally stopped at an entrance until the Candy Cane greeter announced it, "Nice to meet you hummons, I'm sure you'll love it here!"

A pair of doors parted and they then were ushered on into a grand dining room, a bunch of other humans met them at the door, presumably seated around a humongous dining table lined with desserts of all kinds before hearing the knock on the door. It seemed they had prepared it all. The Queen was the first to appear and Lesley could tell by her outfit and candied crown. She seemed young actually, but Lesley wasn't one to question. A hyper looking female was the first to pipe up following her majesty's warm welcome.

Ace: "Hi there! Welcome to the group! I'm Ace! I'm sure you guys'll have fun with us. And, Oh you should try the sweets! They're wonderful!" She sounded jubilant, a ball of energy really. Her chest bounced up and down as she greeted them with much happiness and eager. On a sugar high maybe? With all the sugary goodness around, it wouldn't be a shocker.

Vince:“’Sup. My name’s Vincent, but you ladies can call me Vinny. It’s a… pleasure to meet you.” His foxish grin widened further, before he looked towards Ace. That hot babe had just said to him the magic word. “Where’s the sweets?” Vince stepped up and fist bumped the frail male standing between the bunch of girls, but hastily moved on to his true motives. Impressing the ladies of course. The pale, skinny, white haired one immediately shrunk away from his out reach and he couldn't blame her. Vince wasn't necessarily the most approachable looking male around.

“Yes, Vincent. Though I'm sure with the lack of wit, manners and charm I'm sure a much simpler way of gathering this one's attention would be Vinvin." Inadi once again showed up the extroverted male with his own charming retorts, poking fun at the rebellious blonde. Shortly after, he sequentially seconded the statement with his own personal intro before running off to the food ridden buffet that awaited them.

"Oh why hello my darlings! I," he paused to press a hand over his chest, lips pursing in queer ducklips before he opened them up to resume speaking with a sticky sounding pop,"I am Lesley LaBelle! Glad to finally meet you adorable little munchkins!" He cooed in finality, the tone in his voice oozed annoying, sassy aunt.

Inadi:“So your highness, if I may be so kind to ask, when will we all be leaving back for our homes?”

Cupping his face with a gasp, he grabbed Inadi by the arm abruptly and dragged him into a seat at the table, clasping a palm over the male's mouth. "How dare you naughty boy! We just got here. How disrespectful!", he wagged a finger in front of Inadi, brows curled in scrutiny before he released his hold on the aforementioned's mouth. "Besides, we just met darling. Why would you want to leave so suddenly?", his attention was on a strawberry tart, he took a bite out of it slowly, trying hard to look as seductive as possible. Seeing as Inadi seemed to just sit there in his seat, Lesley grinned devilishly before placing a disturbing hand on the thigh opposite of him. "Do you wish to take a bite?", he leaned forward a bit, bringing the already bitten sweet closer to Inadi's lips in a rather cattish stance.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Collab between Crescendo and Fox

"I know you're the royal messenger and all! But no ID means no entry!"

"I hardly had time to pick up my ID with dragons threatening to burn down my country! Now let go you batty man!"

The servants of the castle stared in confusion and disbelief as two figures rushed past them, the taller of the two hanging onto the shorter girl in the foreign uniform for dear life as she ran down the hall, not caring that the royal butler and a few bunny guards were hanging onto her legs and feet in order to try to slow her down. A few more bunnies tried to blockade the halls but Zephy merely plowed on through, knocking the poor fluffy guards down like bowling pins.

The girl had managed to run to the castle in record time, all the while punting aside any monsters in the forest who dared try to get in her way until reaching the border of Nowhere that she had leapt across despite the many complaining screams of the border patrol. The crowded marketplace proved no match for the royal messenger of Sol either, with her leaving behind a trail of knocked down citizens. They'll be fine though, it wasn't like they were in danger of being eaten by dragons who were hell bent on destroying everything they loved. For goodness' sakes, the dragons had even burnt down the bakery! Now that she had finally managed to reach the castle, she was going to get this letter into the queen's hands no matter what.

Suddenly the messenger paused at a fork in the hall, causing Skitz to look up from where he had flopped down to the floor, exhausted.

"The Queen's in the entrance hall... which is this way, right?"

Zephy pointed to the left hallway, staring down at him with a grim frown.

"Er, no. It's to the right- Gah!"

Without wasting any time, the girl was off again, Skitz flapping behind like a flag in a strong wind while wondering exactly why he had answered.

Soon enough Zephy and her white-haired attachment (and small entourage of cuddly pursuers) reached the grand double doors that led to the banquet hall which she threw open with a loud slam.

"Miss your Majesty the Queen lady! I have an urgent letter from Sol!"

The Queen had just began introducing the old humans to the new arrivals when a flash of color bolted into the dining hall.

"Your majesty! I...I couldn't stop her." The butler finally released his grip on Zephy and crashed to the floor with a whimper. Everything was spinning like crazy, and just as he was about to get up several bunny guards fell flat on his back, creating a fluffy hill on the poor Schizophrenia's back.

Queen Delirium stared at the messenger. At the moment, at least a dozen bunny guards clung to her in an attempt to hold her back. "Oh my, if it isn't Zephy. It's been far too long since you paid us a visit. Did you come for cakes and tea, you're just in time for the party." The queen pointed to the new humans, then gave the polite Inadi a smile. "There's so much excitement, but don't you fret, I'll answer all questions later." She grabbed a plate of glowing cookies off the table and pushed them into Zephy's arms. "How is Sol doing? You should write to us more often."

"Sol is... " Zephy juggled the plate of glowing cookies as she tried to retrieve the letter from Tobias from her bag. She finally decided to balance the plate on poor Schiz's head, handing the sealed letter to the Queen with a flourish.

"Please read it right now! It's really, really urgent!"

Tobi was probably being pushed around again without her around, and all the messenger wanted to do was to go home quickly and chide the boy for being unprincely. She fidgeted in place, snabbing a neon pink cookie off the plate and stuffing it in her mouth in an attempt to quell her nerves. Mm, strawberry.

"Urgent, you say?" The queen frowned before accepting the letter. She brought it close and began to read. "Oh my, a dragon invasion? They burned down the bakery?! This...this is serious." She paced across the dining hall. Sol needed reinforcements and she had plenty of bunny guards, but they did terribly at resisting heat and the dragon could swallow five of them whole without so much as batting an eye. "The bunny soldiers won't be of much help...I could send the airforce, but I think I have a better idea." The queen grinned brightly, as she placed both hands on Zephy's shoulders. "I think we can help each other out. You see, the next thing these humans need to find is a dragon's laugh. I'll send them to Sol with you and they can help with the dragon problem."

"Send the humans?" Zephy turned around, finally realizing that they had an audience. They stared at her and she stared back through narrowed eyes, trying to gauge exactly how much help they would be. They were certainly quite the mismatched group, but none of them looked like they could hold their own against a tigershark or even a colony of slimes.

"Are you sure they'll be enough, Miss Queen majesty lady?" The messenger was rather dubious. "They'll be going up against dragons who are quite determined to burn down our castle, and although looks can be deceiving they don't really..."

"Nonesense, don't underestimate them." The queen gave Hakuren and Leila a tap on the shoulder. "I'll have you know they helped the sky pirates destroy the chaotic star and they bested a the siren in yonder not too long ago, just ask mayor Spicy Tuna." She began passing plates of cookies and cakes to the new arrivals before she retreated towards a large chest in the back of the room. "Excuse me, I'll just grab something quick." The queen rummaged through the chest, pulling out a smaller jewelry box. She approached both the messengers and the humans then flipped it open.

"To aid you on your quest I'll also be giving the humans amulets and the guides will be going along too. You remember Songbird, Two-Thirds and the rest of the gang, don't you." She gave the guides a smile. The queen wasn't forcing them to go, but saying no was almost impossible considering their salary of stars came from her.

She pushed the box towards Harper's face. There were eleven amulets, just the right number. "I'll even give you a demonstration, Zephy." She kept the box in front of the boy and smiled kindly. "Pick whichever one you want."

Hesitantly, the boy reached out for the grey one.

"Good, good, now put it on." The queen stated in a voice laced with excitement.

Harper did as he was told and as soon as it was around his neck, the gem lit up and began emanating a gray glow.

"Those gems will provide you with power. Some of you will have an affinity for a weapon while others will be able to perform magical feats." She approached one of her Knight statues and pulled a sword free from its hands. "You picked the Knight amulet." She stated before holding the sword out to Harper. When he hesitated she placed it in his hands and gave him an encouraging nod.

Harper looked like a confused puppy. What was he supposed to be with a huge sword? Well, in order to please the queen he began swinging it around. At first it seemed as if he had no technique or skill, but suddenly the sword began guiding him and he began striking at the the air in a skilled fashion. He would slash then rush forward with a piercing strike, movements fluid and skilled. Eventually, the sword stopped on it's own and the sudden loss of momentum sent Harper crashing to the ground. The blade falling inches from his head with a clatter. "That was odd..." he muttered as the queen yanked him up.

"As you can see, that was the amulet's power." She pointed to the grey amulet, the liquid inside had gone down. "That glowing stuff inside is your energy. It'll be what powers your attacks. Make sure it doesn't run out...or," her expression turned serious, "bad things could happen."

The Queen held up the box with a smile. "Come humans, take your pick. Afterwards, I'll answer all your questions." Her glance fell on Inadi and she gave him a kind smile. "Let's not waste any time. Sol needs your help, heroes." Zephy nodded enthusiastically, suddenly hopeful. Maybe these humans could help after all!

The Queen tapped her wrist as if staring at a watch, funny how the queen knew about such a concept.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

None of them seemed off putting. They all were friendly and by first impression, kind of silly. So, Ace deemed them nice enough to be friends. "It's nice to meet you all! Wait till you meet the others." She couldn't help the giggle as she watched Jasper cower away from the one who had just spoke to her. He had yet to learn about her germaphobic nature, but it wasn't too bad. Her attention turned to Vincent- or Vinny as he said to call them. "Oh, right at the table! There's lots of them left. Miss Queen had plenty made." With Ace calling the queen as such, one would think she didn't know her name or at least know the formalities of how to say it. She reached out for his hand, only to grab his wrist to tug him along. That was normally how she pulled everyone anyway. She wasn't really worried about everyone else's introductions- she did know them after all.

Soon enough, the rest of the crew joined the others, of course with Ace greeting them. "Glad to know you guys are okay." She smiled, standing by Vinny- well the one with glasses, wait no Inadi!- told them to call him Vinvin. Ace was going to alternate between the two. It was too late to go back now. He was going to have to accept it whether he liked it or not. While Ace and the few others like Vincent and Lesley decided to snack on more of the sugary goodness, everyone else chatted with the queen. Or further introduced themselves- or made conversation. Whatever they were doing. And suddenly, bunny guards and that butler whose name was forgotten were on the floor.

Even with the display, and a new person racing in, Ace continued nibbling on a large cookie. The red head paid close attention, more eager after hearing that their next mission would start soon. More importantly. Dragons. One of the best creatures to ever exist- even though they didn't exist on Earth... Assuming this was some crazy parallel dimension... Or something. Anyway, Ace loved dragons! Why? Oh, because they spewed fire...and because they looked cool. "Sweeet." She stood straight after leaning on a chair. "We get to meet dragons!" Like the mission before, there didn't seem to be anything that struck fear into her. Not even being told that the dragons were trying to destroy a kingdom. "Do you think we'd get to ride on a dragon? That would be pretty cool." Maybe Ace didn't hear the part about the dragons destroying the city...

Only further intrigued by the gifts they were getting, Ace abandoned the table filled with sweets and looked inside the jewelry box. "So many to choose from." Ace tapped her finger against her cheek as she stared at each one. Finally, her eye caught a pretty red gem. She picked it up, examining it carefully. She kind of just wanted them all- just to see what they could do. But Ace stuck with the one she had. When it was around her neck, a darker red hue emanated. "What will it be? What will it be?" Ace's over excited features turned to a childish pout when she was given a black hilt to a sword...but no sword. She tested to see if it was invisible or something, but nothing happened. "Well this isn't very cool at all..."

Just like it took a few moments for Harper's 'new skills', Ace's did the same. Just as she planned on giving it back, it ignited and a bright red-orange flame grew into the shape of an actual sword. "No way..." She stared in awe. As if she had learned before, she began to swing the sword skillfully. She was enjoying it- until the flame disappeared and she was left with the empty sword. "Aw man..."

"The Fire Swordswoman." Well, Ace was going to have fun with that. "Wait, what do you mean run out? How does the magic run out- wait what happens when the magic runs out? And can we keep these?" Ace was probably one of the last people that needed to keep the magic...
"Who's next?" She asked, curious to see what the rest would be able to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimchi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Following the new human's introductions loud footsteps could be heard outside the door as they grew louder and louder by the second, stopping suddenly beyond the entrance. A short Nobody scrambled in, huffing and puffing with bunny guards clinging to her from all sides. She was holding some kind of letter neatly rolled into a cylindrical shape. Voice urgent and panicked, she urged Delirium to read and began jabbering about dragons in Sol. It was then that the Queen volunteered them as tribute to the little messenger as the saviors they needed to get their situation under control. Jasper was just about ready to rip her hair out and even Zephy looked rather skeptical about the offered team. But of course, the Queen didn't seem to share her view and pranced off to retrieve something.

'No. No. No! Not again. First it was the Chaotic Star, then the Siren who almost drowned us and now its dragons?! We're going to die.' She stared hopelessly into the box which contained their amulets. Harper had demonstrated its power earlier, showing some swordsmanship skills he clearly couldn't have performed all on his own. Ace was the second to step up and also acquired a sort of new power she did not previously possess.

Gulping down a knot in her throat, she stumbled towards the miniature chest and with hands trembling, she gently lifted up an amulet filled with red and white liquid. A bruise on her arm immediately healed itself including the ones on her legs. At first she didnt really notice, but upon realizing her body was no longer in pain or sore in any way, on closer inspection, she deduced that the amulet must have granted her some power of healing.

The final part of the Queen's explanation was creepy and she just had to ask. "If we run out, what will happen?" This information was vital. It bothered her immensely how vague Nobodies were with detail. They didn't provide much answers even if you oresented good questions. Even the answer to why they were here, it was an inquiry that never received a proper reply and it irritated her greatly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vincent had been sitting at the dining table, his cheeks bulging with stuffed sweets and with his feet propped on the table (Mr. Cuddles’ shop had taught him nothing) after that hottie Ace had graciously dragged him there, and so it was Vincent dined on the wonderful confectionary in tranquil bliss. The others had, to an extent, introduced themselves, but Vincent’s span of attention had quickly faded away and he didn’t remember anyone’s name bar the red head, and that was mainly because it was simple. He didn’t really care that he didn’t know these strangers’ names either. He had glared at Inadi, however, after his rude and disrespectful passing comment earlier. He was lucky that Ace had tugged his wrist with her when she did, otherwise Vincent’s raised fist would have swung down on the bespectacled boy. Don’t hit a guy with glasses? Yeah, that saying could piss off.

But now that he was sitting down and indulging in one of his favourites pastimes again, gorging on cake and sweets whilst in the company of some pretty fine ladies, well, his temper was shortlived. He just decided to kick back and relax… and eat, eat, eat.

He didn’t even notice when the doors to the Dining Hall burst forth by a new stranger, or how they urgently conferred with the Queen and asked for her support in dealing with the Kingdom of Sol’s unique plight with dragons. In fact, Vincent didn’t hear an of this. In large groups he tended to drown out conversation, and whatever speech occurred seemed to diminish in sound by the time it reached his ears and passed through as nothing.

It was only when the Queen brought out and opened a box in front of the Lost Souls, filled with multiple coloured glowing amulets, that Vincent’s interest was perked up enough again to try and listening. There was no way he’d refuse to turn down free crap. Who wouldn’t?

He eagerly rushed forwards to grab his own amulet, shoving past Haku and Leon as he did, to scoot past and snatch a deep crimson coloured amulet. His eyes flicked first to Harper, who demonstrated the amulets’ ability with deft, keen swordsmanship, whilst Ace’s turn yielded the ability to ignite the blade of a sword hilt into fire, essentially transforming her into a fireswordswoman. Vincent didn’t have a single fricking clue what was going on or what was up with all the DnD shit, but if these tiny little amulet thingys gave him a kickass weapon then hell yeah!

Once he took the amulet, he held it close to him, shifty eyes darting between the rest of the humans, as he walked away to the side. This was his amulet, you sneaky bastards, so don’t anyone think of stealing it! However, once he got back to the dining table, and focused his attention on the amulet, he was rendered speechless in the resulting pause as he waited for something, anything to happen. And yet… there was nothing. No sword, no axe, no giant robot mech suit or something actually cool. What the hell?

Vincent’s face shifted through a menagerie of expressions, quickly growing more and more irate… more and more angry. And yet the amulet did nothing.

“Broken piece of shit!” Vincent yelled as loud as he could, turning back around towards the others. “Yo, queenie! This thing’s broken! Either that or you gave me the wrong one, I think one of you other guys have got my amulet and I want it…” His right fist raised in the air, swinging down onto the table to accentuate his demand. However…


Vincent’s scream signalled the giant, ornate dining table to crack and smash beneath his fist, the wooden table splintering into a hundred pieces and collapsing in on itself, with all of the wondrous, delicious cakes and treats upon it sent flying into the air, somersaulting across the room in random, haphazard directions. The majority of the room’s occupants were fortunate enough to not get hit by any of the cake, however, an unlucky two… found the treats had splattered them directly in their faces.

Haku and Inadi.

“Oh, whoops.” Vincent blinked at the pair, then down at his fist, before he raised it up and beamed a wonderfilled, ecstatic smile. He used to always be strong, but now he was stronger then ever, able to destroy a table like that as if it was made of paper! Hell yeah!

He scooped up some of the cream dribbling down the slanted table remains and licked it off his finger. Yum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vincent. Inadi. Lesley. Riley. Three names for three faces. From their introductions it could be presumed that they would fit rather well in the group, seeing as how lively they were.

The green-haired lad had yet to pronounce his name and stayed at the side, not giving any indication of intending to present himself in front of the rest. Rather, he stood next to the candy cane gentleman, watching the guests interact with a happy expression on his face. This alone suggested that he was not meant to join the human party, thus making him Nowhereian, yet only further exchange of words would prove which species he truly belonged to.

In the mean time, the newbie threesome were making themselves quite comfortable among their comrades. Taking up seats on the table, they quickly began consuming the delicious pastries the castle had to offer. The atmosphere was light and delightful, not as jovial as a family gathering or as lavish as a banquet or ball. Instead it had that sweet essence of the everyday, mixed with a pinch of spice, creating something fairly nice, befitting the air of a tea party.

Panter, as Hakuren had labeled the only member with a questionable orientation, due to the fact that ''Pinky'' had already been taken, was courting Inadi, who had not displayed anything extraordinary enough to be given a nickname. The youngster was the second male to wear glasses, the first being Harper, yet dubbing him "Glasses Boy" was a bit too cliche, not to mention there could be confusion as to whom the sobriquet belonged to. However, from what he had asked prior to being silenced by the cat's purring, indeed it appeared as though he would fall into the category of his glasses-wearing senior. It was unfortunate that his inquiry would not be answered, but even if it had been, it would not bring forth any unknown information to the table, at least for the members who had taken participation in the missions up until then. Regardless, this topic, with which he addressed the Queen first, aided in the creation of his sketch. Many similarities he may have with Riddle, yet this time he differed. Whilst the aforementioned had the characteristics of a clumsy main protagonist, who would find his way and build his courage from scratch, Inadi had the appearance of the "voice of wisdom" character. In works of literature there would always be at least one entity, which would provide the main party with knowledge. With a calm level-headed disposition and trustworthy advice, he would be the mediator, the breaker of fights and the bringer of peace. It was forlorn to see such a logical person tossed into the world of Nowhere, where logic did not make sense and keeping the randomness at a low level was simply unheard of.

Whilst the poor lost soul was being harassed by the lord of pink, the last of the latest male additions to the gang was wolfing down any confection that was near his corner of the table, deaf and ignorant to all that was happening around him. By performing these unmannerly actions he was proving himself to be just what Hakuren expected. A individual, who preferred brawns over brains. His mere physique pointed this out and his behavior confirmed it. Alas, even this stereotype was necessary in their ranks. Brute force was always handy, after all. Perhaps now they would stand a better chance against the hooded marauders.

Once the commotion had decreased, Hakuren stepped forward with the thought of introducing himself to his greenest team members, however, he held himself aback, for the doors were briskly slammed open. The perpetrator was a girl in what looked like medieval clothing. Despite the numerous bunny guards and Schizophrenia, who had apparently attempted to stop her, the lass marched into the dining hall with a gait full of confidence.

Zephy said "Miss your Majesty the Queen lady! I have an urgent letter from Sol!"

Queen Delirium said
Queen Delirium stared at the messenger. At that moment, at least a dozen bunny guards clung to her in an attempt to hold her back.
"Oh my, if it isn't Zephy. It's been far too long since you paid us a visit. Did you come for cakes and tea, you're just in time for the party." The queen pointed to the new humans, then gave the polite Inadi a smile. "There's so much excitement, but don't you fret, I'll answer all questions later." She grabbed a plate of glowing cookies off the table and pushed them into Zephy's arms. "How is Sol doing? You should write to us more often."

Zephy said "Sol is... " Zephy juggled the plate of glowing cookies as she tried to retrieve the letter from Tobias from her bag. She finally decided to balance the plate on poor Schiz's head, handing the sealed letter to the Queen with a flourish. "Please read it right now! It's really, really urgent!"

The contents of the letter remained unrevealed to the humans, until the moment Her Highness exclaimed:
[quote=Queen Delirium]"Oh my, a dragon invasion? They burned down the bakery?! This...this is serious."[quote]

The very instance dragons were mentioned, a reminder knocked on Hakuren's door, much like how a notification instantly pops up in one's virtual mailbox. It was very improbable that the "Dragon's Laugh" on the Living List had no connection to this sudden event. As he recalled, Serenade had mentioned that the flying reptiles from folklore were friendly pet-like beings in Nowhere, thus explaining the bewilderment in Her Majesty's reaction after reading the news. No doubt the situation was serious and would require great attention and careful handling. However, seeing as this was a crazy world with a lunatic fox as its ruler, it wouldn't be too far fetched to suggest sending the humans out there instead of an army. In fact it would likely bring more profit. By giving the outworldly guests this assignment, they would be earning not only the next item on the list, but also the respect of another country. It would be in debt to the queendom and would pay back this kindness handsomely. Killing two birds with one stone. In Nowhere, the saying was probably different. Something along the lines of "One shot, two pancakes".

Coming closer to the core of the heated discussion, the lad in the midnight green coat observed as his prediction became a reality. Indeed, Queen Delirium proclaimed that the humans would embark on a journey to slay the scourge of the land. They were to rid the innocent of their oppressor, who burned and rampaged left and right without a rest. It was a dangerous mission indeed, one which would put everyone's lives in peril, and was not to be taken lightly. Yet her Most Highest Magnificence had not a drop of worry and had trust in her lovely companions, who had recently solved the mystery of the "Siren's Song". She shone upon them like the sun, for her confidence was unwavering. Tapping both Hakuren and Leila on their shoulders, she assured the royal messenger that there was nothing to fret. Her hopes were as high as her rank, it seems. But Zephy, as her name was, was unconvinced and it was not due to prejudice. Albeit they had defeated a corrupted star, survived being drowned by a siren and an attack from fugitives, there was so much the mortal body could take. Even with the increase in number, defeating a creature so harrowing was a feat only possible in dreams. An ordinary person's hopeless fantasy for adventure and glory.

On the other hand, Nowhere itself was a dream in full bloom in reality's field. It made the absurd a solid fact and what was certain into silly talk. An upside-down world, where everything and nothing waited just behind the corner. Who was to say that they could and who was to say that they couldn't go into battle with a monster? The dragon itself could be something entirely different from what the humans knew. It could be a giant centipede with six wings and two mouths. Or maybe a creature made of caramel with leaves for wings. Maybe it didn't have wings at all? One thing was certain in this dimension and it was that everything is, was and will be possible.
Having made her decision clear, Her Excellency quickly crossed the room. The treasure chest she stood in front of she opened and scavenged, until coming across a jewelry box. With her desired object safely in hand, little lady turned about and headed towards her guests.

Queen Delirium said
"To aid you on your quest I'll also be giving the humans amulets and the guides will be going along too. You remember Songbird, Two-Thirds and the rest of the gang, don't you."

Hakuren eyed the items carefully with the curiosity of a cat. He was close enough to be able to examine the fine details of each without bending or standing on his toes and one must agree that they were magnificent pieces of art. Every amulet was egg-shaped, with a base and a crown of various kind, made out of silver, gold and small bright gems. The content inside them was bright and bizarre. It was a liquid, which sparkled and weakly shone, sometimes even small particles would appear and disappear within. Each had a unique colour that set it apart from the rest and there were just the right amount for the human band. Without a doubt these amulets possessed some magical quality, otherwise they would serve nothing more than an accessory's purpose.

The young man was amused by the look of the treasures, which were being presented before his eyes. They reminded him of certain elements, which were part of an anime he had once watched, due to a recommendation. He had no regrets about seeing it from beginning to finish, for he liked the eery creepy feeling the story gave off. The Queen offered the humans to pick whichever they liked, thus the two were probably not the same kind of magical tool, yet if they were even remotely similar, the lad had to wonder how dark this cheerful land of sweets could get.

The honor of choosing first was given to Harper. The lad, hesitant as he was, picked a gray gem, a colour quite suitable for him. Her Lordship urged him to up it around his neck, a request he obedient completed and the instant he did so, the amulet started glowing. The young mistress immediately explained:

Queen Delirium said "Those gems will provide you with power. Some of you will have an affinity for a weapon while others will be able to perform magical feats." She approached one of her knight statues and pulled a sword free from its hands. "You picked the Knight amulet." She stated before holding the sword out to Harper. When he hesitated she placed it in his hands and gave him an encouraging nod.

What followed suit was a peculiar performance. Riddle had not the slightest idea of how to use a sword in the first place. He began swinging it left and right without a thought, yet steadily, as if through a strange metamorphosis, his footing became steadier, his grip - stronger and his slashes - more confident. Withing seconds the youngster was demonstrating the skills of a professional. Unfortunately, they were not a hidden talent he had buried deep inside him, but a miracle. A miracle only Nowhere could create. Harper was now a knight. All he needed was a white horse, but Jasper was a decent replacement, albeit a bear.

Not long after, the boy fell from grace. His footwork turned back to normal. He dropped his sword and tripped over himself, resulting in a crash on the the floor.
Harper said "That was odd..." he muttered as the queen yanked him up.

Queen Delirium said "As you can see, that was the amulet's power." She pointed to the grey amulet, the liquid inside had gone down. "That glowing stuff inside is your energy. It'll be what powers your attacks. Make sure it doesn't run out...or," her expression turned serious,

'We die or we turn into witches, which again means we'll die.'
Queen Delirium said "Bad things could happen."

'Use it the wrong way and we die. Use it too much and we die. Use it less and the dragon will eat us.' Hakuren thought 'This is going to be an interesting adventure, indeed~'
Queen Delirium said The Queen held up the box with a smile. "Come humans, take your pick. Afterwards, I'll answer all your questions." Her glance fell on Inadi and she gave him a kind smile. "Let's not waste any time. Sol needs your help, heroes." Zephy nodded enthusiastically, suddenly hopeful. Maybe these humans could help after all!
The Queen tapped her wrist as if staring at a watch, funny how the queen knew about such a concept.

The second to come up on the stage was Ace, the cheerful red-head apple. As he observed her overly active demeanor in chosing an amulet and trying to call forth its power by holding a sword hilt, Hakuren could not ignore how hyper the girl appeared. Despite having noticed prior to this occasion, back when they had briefly introduced each other on the outskirts of Yonder, that this girl had plenty of energy to spear, her sparkling eyes and those twitchy jumping movements of hers made him wonder if she had had something this duskdawn. Then again, it was unlikely that such a child-friendly place had the sinful plant, thus it was probably the great amount of sweets she had consumed. With candies being served for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it wouldn't be surprising to get a sugar rush.

Spiritual connections have always been a mysterious topic alley to wander into. Science rejected them for the most part, yet a normal society can not function properly with the belief that they exist. A red thread that binds the hearts of lovers. An invisible string, which ties a mother and its child. The oddity of twins. Those are some of the cases, where there is neither solid proof against or for their existence. Regardless, people believe in non-materialistic connections, in something invisible that ties us together. A puzzle, which no one has so far been able to solve.

Such was Ace's, and most likely everyone else's, situation. It was as if the red amulet had called out to her soul, for they had been bind before even meeting. The power, which came from it was that of fire. Precisely speaking, a fire sword. It was astounding to behold the magnificence of something so baffling cut through thin air. The scene in front of them was as if cut from a fictional novel of kings and queens from medieval times.

As breathtaking as it had been to witness flame swordsmanship, the red gem too began to run out of liquid. The magic disappeared, leaving a rather disappointing Ace to stare at her swordless hilt.

Ace said "Wait, what do you mean run out? How does the magic run out- wait what happens when the magic runs out? And can we keep these?" Ace was probably one of the last people that needed to keep the magic...
"Who's next?" She asked, curious to see what the rest would be able to do.

Jasper said "If we run out, what will happen?"

Next in line was Polar Bear. She had taken out a red and white gem quickly after her female comrade and did not wait long before asking a similar question. One would think that the youth of this age had a great imagination, surpassing their ancestors with creativity of the mind. Yet the two girls were a disappointing reminder that some people still could not create the image of the most likely possibilities. In the best case, their capabilities would simply reach their limit and require rest for balance to be restored. In the worst - they perished. Those scenarios were the simplest of hunches that could come to even an ignorant fool. Perhaps they needed the answer as mere trivia. Regardless of what it meant to run out of mana, only one conclusion would be reached each and every single time. The amulet must not run out of liquid.

Seeing his chance to take his pick, Hakuren stepped forward towards the box. If he had animal ears, they would have been perked up and pointing towards the container of wonders. As childish as it sounded, the youngster was certainly eager to get to roll the wheel of fortune. However, his turn would have to wait, for the monstrosity of muscles shoved past him, making his way to the Queen, as if he were cutting the Red sea. Vincent's behavior was nothing to be offended of. After all, "discourteous" and "brute" were already down his Characteristics List, there for the world to see.

No one had the chance to notice what kind of gem the boulder took, for he kept it close to himself. The way he took his leave to the side, retreating to the table and hiding the amulet from anyone else's view was as if he was that hobbit, which shouted "My precious". Such primitive materialistic instincts were interesting to observe, but not enough to keep the psychologist's attention for long.

Instead, his green-blue eyes traveled to Her Majesty, in front of whom there was now no one. With the light tapping of his shoes, the young man became first in line and examined each of the amulets. They were marvelous indeed. Captivating. Mesmerizing. These little pieces of jewelry held a power capable of destroying entire cities. With such charm and shining colour, the would make you gaze in awe.
Beautiful as they all were, there was one which entranced him most. It was not the rainbow one, where colours flowed back and forth, parading in that compact space. Nor was it the bright ginger-red, where flames danced restlessly in a sun circle. No, it was one, which possessed a different kind of grace. One of colour between white and blue, with a 'crown' in the shape of a star, this egg-like object stood elegantly amid its more flary relatives. Upon closer inspection, through its glass miniature snowflakes could be seen twinkling within, but nothing as heart-racing as the tango of flames. Around its base there were decorations made from precious stones, portraying what looked like hills of white under a starry sky. The great detail poured on this little item reminded him of the Faberge eggs. If any of these magical tools were brought into the light of the human world, surely they would sell for a greater price than that Russian's petty craftsmanship.

"If I may." Hakuren spoke as he reached for his chosen amulet, yet was cut short and could not grasp it, due to a distraction one could not simply ignore.
Vincent said “Broken piece of shit!”

'Here we go again.'
Turning around with the speed of light, the midnight green coat-wearing lad instantly cast his sight upon Vincent, whose expression was far from delighted. Lightly speaking, he was furious.
Vincent said “Yo, queenie! This thing’s broken! Either that or you gave me the wrong one, I think one of you other guys have got my amulet and I want it…” His right fist raised in the air, swinging down onto the table to accentuate his demand.

The loud roar of the beast-like man resonated through the entire dining hall, making the plates and glasses shiver. If the poor silverware and china had gotten away with just that, it would have been wonderful. Unfortunately, today they would meet their doom.

His clenched hand slamming against the table, the wood split below it faster than a blink. The ends of the now two separate pieces of furniture jumped upwards, sending everything which was on them into the air. A food fight, no, a food bombardment began. Cakes, tarts, candies, bisquits, milkshakes, parfaits, strudels, chocolates, lokum, rooster lollipops, puddings, flans and everything else made loops and somersaults until they crashed into the ground. Getting hit was potentially dangerous, due to the weight of some of the delights. All of a sudden the room became a battlefield, Nowhere style. Left, right, duck, quack. They continued raining down. Hakuren did his best to avoid getting hit, yet his body was not in the mood for a strain so soon after recovery, thus it betrayed him and he got smacked on the face with milky way ice-cream cake, along with some pieces of fruit, which were in it. The two good things were that he was wearing a fedora and that this particular flavor was to his liking.

The sweet apocalypse ended as quickly as it had begun. Vincent gave an "Oh, whoops" as a response to the two, who had actually gotten hit, namely Hakuren and Inadi, with the thought of apologizing kilometers away from his mind. With his newly-discovered power now in the green, he beamed triumphantly and scooped up some cream as his reward. How flattering.

Taking a moment for himself, Hakuren approached one of the scattered remains of the table, in order to pick up the handkerchief that was still on it. Wiping off the bits of cake from himself, as well as the ones from his hat and clothing as decently as possible, the youngster continued to smile, only in a manner different from before. With most of the chocolate and cream now off of him, he returned to the box and picked up the amulet he wished. It was cold to the touch, like a window in winter against a bare hand, and sent a chill up his arm and down his spine. But it was not of fear. In fact, it was a pleasant feeling. One, which reminded him of those cold winter days, when he would go strolling in the woods. Albeit not much remained of those excursions, which were rare to begin with, memory of the sensation of the cold tickling him, whilst the trees gently swayed, sending snowflakes fluttering through the air, was still there.

Soaking up this refreshment as he held the whimsical charm, the young man tossed it for a moment upwards, only to catch it once more with one hand. Suddenly, it was as if a hedgehog rolled down his back, but it wasn't painful. A lively spark played in his eyes as he smiled with confidence. It only took twice to tap with his foot for the floor below him to become covered with ice. Solid and slippery, the ice was spreading fast, much like the roots of a tree, only with the fast forward button pressed. The atmosphere around him became cold, as though a draught had abruptly entered. Taking two or three steps forward, away from Her Excellency, he noticed how the objects on the floor were becoming frosty, the smaller, shorter ones, such as cookies and other foods, already covered with a thin layer.

"Now this is cool." he said.

Hakuren stretched his right leg, just like any normal person would, in order to walk, yet what it landed on was not the floor, but an ice step. With his imagination carefully working, he created only the stairs of what was a grand staircase entirely of ice and climbed upwards, until he was at a relatively good height above the onlookers, not too high, yet not too low. There he sat and observed from above the bigger picture of the destruction his new comrade had caused. Quite the hazard he was, indeed.

The low temperature did not bother Hakuren at all. He didn't even feel chilly, which was likely due to the magic's influence on his body, making him resistent to the cold. Simply sitting in that place, on that platform of ice, he flicked the air a couple of times, creating big snowflakes in the shape artists drew them, yet they would instantly shatter into dozens of little white specks, which would fall down as real snow. This was most amusing. Wondering what else he could do, an light bulb flighted on in his mind.
The human twisted and turned his right wrist, his fingers dancing all the way, in an attempt to halt the expansion of the ice on the floor. Truth be told, he had no intention of making it stop, but making it look like that was part of the plan. Making numerous gestures, it only made it worse, just as he predicted, and, at that moment, he 'accidentally' made the ice spread directly under Vincent and up the wall behind him. It was time to see if ogres could dance.

"Oh, sorry about that." Hakuren said right after the man fell on the solid ice. "Accidents happen." He then pushed himself forward and began walking down, a piece of ice forming every time he stepped. "I hope you newcomers will excuse my rudeness." the young man continued with a friendly smile, taking off his fedora in the process of descending. "My name is Hakuren Zabluda. A pleasure to meet you all~"
The staircase had vanished and so had parts of the ice on the floor. Despite the surge of power he had had, the human had seen his own gem's light beginning to decrease, just as it had with the first two, and had quickly decided to halt his shenanigans, in case he needed a sudden boost later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MUG


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A face full of cream from a desert plate that was destroyed due to some display of power. Inadi would love to say that that was a first, but clearly he would be lying to himself and everyone around him. Mr. Cuddles had a way of being a bit more eccentric than they would ever know. At least those who had met Mr. Cuddles. The others would probably never know who Mr. Cuddles was. Perhaps in the long run that was for the best in the end. As he began wiping his glasses of after his run in with the treats, he watched as ice appeared from out of nowhere all around the man named Hakuren.

Looking at all the different movements surrounding him, Inadi could not help but feel somewhat scared for himself. What all was going on? What kind of sorcery.....bad choice of words. What kind of madness was all this? All of a sudden the former baker's assistant was surrounded by warriors and mages where before stood just normal and sane humans. Now they were being given gifts that would seem like they came straight out of a video game? To say that Inadi felt uneasy with all this would have been an understatement. And that's including the fact that he still was getting over Lesley's latest attempt at him. Even if Hakuren hadn't started showing off his ice magic, Inadi would still have had a chill go up his back thinking about the exchange minutes ago.

While everyone gathered their crystals the young man felt a pang of worry go over him. Not only were these crystals dangerous, which he was still unsure if he should even pick one up, but then there was the outburst by that Jasper girl. A Chaotic Star and a Siren? What all was this queen asking for them to do? And a dragon? What the hell were they supposed to do against a dragon? Were these necklaces that looked like cheap hippie gear that could tell you what mood you were in supposed to help? The only reason those things existed was because blazed out Woodstock viewers would need a reminder as to what “happy” was supposed to be. And the only reason they were all here collecting these stupid trinkets was because they all got on the wrong train at the wrong time.

Inadi wanted to raise his voice in protest. He really did. Why should he just knuckle under and take all this stupidity. This wasn't his war. This wasn't his problem. This wasn't even his home! None of this made him feel comfortable. Granted, it was all great writing material, but at the same time enough was enough. Finally mustering up some kind of nerve he quickly walked up to the Queen who was holding the trinkets.

Grabbing the yellow one out of spite, Inadi shook his hand with the piece of jewelry still in it. “Okay look, I don't know what Sol is. I don't know why a dragon is attacking them. And I certainly don't know why you are asking us to take care of this issue.” The glasses wearing boy yelled out to no one in general as he walked around in front of the Queen. The chain that was attached to the yellow trinket waving around as he spoke. What Inadi didn't notice was the sudden yellow aura that was covering his hand.

He turned to face the doorway that he and the other new members had walked into. He turned his head towards the group and shook his hand as if to turn away some kind of advance. “I don't want you all to think I don't like the hospitality this land provides. But at the same time I have no intention of dying in some strange land that probably is just a figment of my imagination as it is.” He said as he gripped the trinket in his hand tighter still, the aura now becoming a collection of lightning in his hand. Again, he was unaware of the development. “So to be completely honest....I.....really......DON'T WANT TO GO!” He shouted as he waved his arm out in front of him to show how much he wanted to toss this new responsibility away. However, where normally there would only be air as he set his arm down, Inadi looked up in shock to see a lightning bolt as long as his arm stand before him.

It flickered with lights and sparks, floating there as if resting on an invisible table. Inadi was frozen as he looked down at his hand. The aura was now gone, and after opening his palm, he noticed that some of the contents of the piece of jewelry had disappeared, much like Vincent and Hakuren. Tilting his gaze back up at the bolt, he shook his head in disbelief. There was no way he could have made that. And if he did, surely he couldn't touch it....could he? Whether out of shear curiosity or an innate desire to hold such a powerful elemental object in his hand the boy reached out and grabbed the bolt. In his hand he felt nothing. No shocks. No jolts. Just a strange sense of power. In his hand rested something only ancient gods have ever held. And here he was, a human, gripping something that could tear a tree in half and set plains a blaze. The foolish trinket and desire to go home now left his body. All that was left was unadulterated wonder at what he had just accomplished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by John


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Orion and Big Dipper and the Andromeda Galaxy. And many, many other things. The scarce, selected few patterns out of the numerous ways to construct graphs from vertices that are the shining objects in the night sky, and their received interpretations, somehow decided from a pool of possibilities just as, or arguably more, numerous than the field of graphs itself.

The constellations stared downward from the sky, just as they did back at home. And Leila stared back - just like she did, back in the buildings, in the rooftop library where she could gaze outwards through the great panels of glass, downwards to see the city and upwards, the sky. Only now the glass was the windows of the palace, and the acrylic texture replaced by the elegantly carved patterns of frost; and Leila was no longer at home, and there were Sirens and Chaotic Stars and magic and dragons and Bunnies in soldier uniforms and there was a seemingly unlimited supply of sweets as well as life-threatening cenarios.

Her mind made up the dragon part. They haven’t really seen or heard of dragons around so far. Dragons weren't that bad of an idea either, were they?

The point, though, was probably that Leila didn’t really see the reason behind not liking this place that its inhabitants call Nowhere.

"It's a shame Nowhere is so frightening, yes? If it weren't for things like the chaotic star and being separated from home, I think I could actually, maybe, like it here."

Stars. Graphs. Concepts. Isomorphisms. Ideas populated Leila’s mind as she made no effort to track where the conversation went from that point on, or even if it continued. She neglected the hurrying messenger. She did not pay attention to what the Queen said. She did not notice the commotion caused by the arrival of a new group of companions in travel - as she took her time thinking about constellations and stories and imagination.


Until, at least, something happened that was loud enough to forcefully break her chains of thoughts.

Leila snapped out of her trance-like gaze and turned around to find chaos. The beautifully decorated wooden table that originally spanned the centre of the room was no more, the space it occupied replaced by pieces and shards of wood, with a pile of bread crumbs and cream and candy frost cascading down everywhere on the crumbled sheet of tablecloth, recognizable as the remains of the delicately crafted pastries. Those remains also existed elsewhere than on the destroyed table and the floor: namely, on the faces of two of her fellow humans.

She almost considered giggling.

Speaking of humans. There were new humans. The person who just recently smashed the table to pieces, in fact, was one of them. White hair, not overly tall, impressive physical strength. Facial expression implying a sense of glee inflicted by causing mischief. Among them were several other new faces - a girl with red hair in a windcoat. Another with curls in shades of bubblegum that contained more food colouring than would be considered healthy. A gentleman with glasses that bore a certain similarity in appearance to someone whose name escaped Leila’s mind at the moment.

Leila then returned her attention to the Queen and the messenger, and the box the Queen held Amulets. She remembered hearing something about them, spoken by the Queen or some other Nobody. Observations suggested that they are supposed to take a choice from one of those gem, and then...and then what?

The connections between cause and result has always been rather blurry in Nowhere.

Leila looked around. Hakuren was apparently having a lot of fun violating the second law of thermodynamics.

How absolutely intriguing.

What exactly were they supposed to do? Leila thought as she looked at the remaining few pieces of egg-shaped jewelry, still resting in the soft padding inside the intricately decorated box. How was the choice to be made? She felt a hint of that feeling of panic that arises every time a decision must be made under an insufficient supply of data. She could always just guess, or assume, or whatever else you call a decision procedure with a large portion of probabilistic component. There were as many possibilities here as with the constellations and the shepherds of the old ages, gazing into the sky. How does she decide what to do - or is the decision even hers to make - does the wizard chose the wand or the wand the wizard? The mechanisms were no more lucid. This bothered her a bit as she believed in reason. She probably shouldn't mind that as much, on second thought, since belief itself was something that was scarce in the content of reason to begin with.

Leila stretched her arm out and wrapped her fingers around the green amulet.

The emerald ovoid sat silently in her palm.. Decorations, in the colour of gold and taking the shape of vines and leaves, spanned the surface of the amulet in elegant, curved paths, much like how some real plants do the surface they reside on. Beneath the crystal surface, only barely visible, was the different diffraction index of a distinct material which, judging from the dull bumping sounds emitted by the item when it is moved, was some kind of liquid that nearly filled the inside of the gem.

Leila didn’t feel anything particularly spectacular - not like she expected to, anyways. The amulet was beautiful, though, she thought, as she carefully rolled it around in her hands. Her thoughts were just about to wander off again when another interruption emerged:

”I.....really......DON'T WANT TO GO!”

One of the humans cried. Leila jumped a bit in fright and the amulet rolled out of her grip was flung forward into the air. Assuming a downwards gravitational field around that on earth (which conformed to observations so far), and roughly gauging the initial velocity of the toss it was not hard to determine quickly precisely where and how the amulet would land: a number of steps forward from where she was standing, with an impact she was sure that was sufficient to smash it into pieces if it were made of ordinary material, and too fast it was impossible for anyone to-


Leila froze, not completely realizing what just happened, with the amulet safely clutched in her left hand against her chest,, and herself in the pose that was the ending off a perfect standard forward roll.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anonymous
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lesley's flirtatious courting act was rudely interrupted as a messenger of sorts charged into the room, at least a dozen bunny guards hot on her tracks. She started blabbering in a panic about a dragon problem going in a kingdom dubbed Sol. Sun Kingdom. The queen responded immediately upon reading a letter presented to her by the disturbed Nobody. Returning with an intricately pattered chest, she explained the use of the jewellery contained within. Calling on Harper to be her demonstrator. He timidly chose an amulet and he soon transformed into a skilled swordsman. A pinch clumsy, but good enough to defend himself and deal some damage on any enemies. Lesley was impressed. This world or dimension, whatever the heck it was, sure beats Earth by a million times in terms of awesomeness.

A fiery female skipped towards the box next. She was quite busty and resembled a happy dog running up to greet his owner after they had just come back from work. How cute. A flaming power was bestowed upon her to match perfectly with her ecstatic personality.

White hair, red eyes. The albino chick shuffled in after. Loving the diversity in this group, he watched her pick up an amulet that suited her condition, but nothing extraordinary happened. Actually, it seemed like nothing changed at all, but she didn't seem to mind.

All seemed calm as an intelligent, well suited male walked casually for his amulet, but the false peace was smashed as Vince bulled his way for the jewellery box, knocking Hakuren out of the way in the process. Greedily yanking an amulet from the case, the last thing that could've completed the picture was some drool as he oogled his newly acquired item hungrily. Damn boy, it ain't food. His current state screamed Smeagol. Creepy... The room was swell until the blond haired one broke out into a big baby fit. Mouth whining, feet stomping, nose flaring, and all that jazz. Where' the diaper and the bottle? The rage escalation ended with a hulk smash to the large, hardy table. Surprisingly enough, it shattered like glass under his anger and a look of stunned disbelief crossed his expression. Desserts and sweets rose up, hovering in the air for a split second as it defied gravitational pull, then continued its fate as the humans below enjoyed a glorious shower of cakes and tarts. But no one loved the sugary rain as much as Lesley. The long locked man could be seen dancing around the cascading treats, a dumb joyous look displayed across his face. Put the show on slow motion, sprinkled some sparkles on that lens and you have a pristine image of how heavenly the scenario was.

Hakuren took his pick and the story jumped into the movie of Frozen, with Haku playing the leading role of none other than Elsa. Skating about the room, ice formed under his expensive shoes to carry him in smooth flowing motion. He was enjoying himself, but Vince obviously wasn't. Shrek on the other hand was struggling to stay on two feet.

His beloved Inadi took the stage next. Announcing his disapproval, he held up his amulet for emphasis and stared wild eyed when lightning zigzagged out from his recently attained ornament.

Letting a giggle escaped, he slid over to the chest and scanned the remaining amulets. Picking a transparent one, it faked an empty look at first, but the moment it made contact with his hand, the see through enclosure flowered into a concoction of blues, reds, yellows, and mixtures of the trio. Feeling a tickling sensation between his toes, he glanced to see that lush green grass had grown beneath his feet, button daisies peeking out at the sides. Reaching down to pluck the flora, a rainbow ray sprung from his hand and collided with the plantation in an explosion of color. The flower lay flat on its side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oblivion


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Upon arriving at their destination, Leon scanned the room carefully, noting the new arrivals. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he walked over to the table laden with sweets, pastries and candies. His mouth was watering by the time he sat down and he reached for a pretty lilac pastry shaped like a cinnamon bun. There was a very light dusting of green sprinkles atop the white frosting and Leon didn’t even think twice before taking a big bite out of the delicacy. It was just as good as the best cinnamon buns on earth, and the rest of strange lilac bun disappeared in exactly four seconds. Surprisingly, he found himself reaching for another one, despite the fact that he had never really had a particular liking for any flavor, be it sweet, sour or spicy. Though he had eaten half a giant cotton candy stick, the pastries just kept on going in.

By the time Leon had stuffed himself with around a dozen or so pastries – and he had branched out just for research purposes, trying out a coiled noodle-like thing and two slices of glowing rainbow cake – quite some time had elapsed and as he looked up, mouth full of mini crown-shaped biscuits, his eyes landed on the Queen of Delirium herself despite his intentions on checking out the new arrivals.

’Funny how I think of them like a new line of clothes,’ The thought crossed his mind for a split second before his eyes took in the crown on the Queen’s head. It was gorgeous. Elegant, regal, fabulous and above all, shiny. The crown-shaped biscuits he’d just swallowed didn’t even hold a candle to the beauty that was on the Queen’s head. “Shiny!” He exclaimed. “Damn, the Queen’s got style. It’s fabulous.” What he was even talking about would be an enigma to the others but he didn’t bother explaining himself as he scrutinized the crown further, as much as he could from such a distance. It was something he could definitely see himself wearing and the temptation to ask the Queen if he could try it on was alarmingly strong. But no, that wasn’t right. Could you ask a Queen if you could try on her crown? Even if he could, he put it off for later, as she seemed busy with a messenger bearing a scroll.

The ruckus from the rest of the humans made him turn towards them and after a moment of contemplation, he resigned himself to socializing once again. It hadn’t struck him earlier how strange he looked, like a hermit hogging everything in sight – which, unfortunately, he was. Leon stood up, despite his regret of leaving the majority of the delicacies behind, and scooped up a handful of the crown-shaped biscuits before making his way towards the newcomers. He stood on one side for a while, munching on a biscuit as he looked the newcomers over.

The very first person he noted was… strange to say the least. Hair so bright and pink it nearly reached out to strangle his eyeballs. Upon closer inspection, Leon could make out the person’s abnormally tall stature, a good 5 inches or so taller than him. And that wasn’t even the beginning. A disproportionate body structure, with legs so long they practically went on for miles. Leon had never once in his life seen a woman so darn tall and unusual. But who was he to judge? He was the one with feathers dangling from his earlobes.

The second one was rather hard to ignore, creating a commotion so noticeable that Leon’s attention immediately shifted towards the shorter, blond male before he was even done observing the pink-haired lady’s mannerisms. The blond man’s aggressive personality was the first thing that stood out and despite his height, Leon had to admit that he was fairly intimidating. ’Maybe I’ll avoid this dude for the time being…’

With great difficulty, Leon tore his eyes away from the male blond and turned towards another guy, this time a dark-haired one that was quiet and seemed studious. Leon knew not to judge by looks but it seemed this guy was dead serious and not much of a joker. It somewhat added balance to their already mismatched group, people he couldn’t even describe accurately.

The last newcomer was a somewhat red-haired girl. Leon couldn’t exactly place the color and as a result spent the majority of his observation time trying to place the shade of her hair. In the end, it amounted down to strawberry blonde. A few brief seconds of looking her over didn’t give him much information about her personality and Leon still stood there, somewhat to the side, a tad frustrated at the fact that he hadn’t even gotten their names matched to their faces.

Once again, the name-to-face game started. Lesley, Riley, Vincent and Inadi. That’s what he had heard, albeit somewhat absentmindedly, while he had been stuffing his face with cake. Lesley was a girl’s name, or at least the version used to spell girls’ names, and it seemed a better fit than Riley. The pink-haired lady seemed more like a Riley and so the blonde girl was probably Lesley. Leon’s eyes glanced at the two males, wondering who was who. In the end, he decided to leave his options open but referred to the dark-haired one as Vincent and the blond one as Inadi for the time being.

And, it was about time he’d introduced himself. No doubt someone would find it creepy, him standing there for several long minutes without saying or doing anything. A practiced smile came upon his face and he bowed a little, saying, “Hello, my name is Leon Elliott, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can get know each other well!” The words came out automatically as he had, after all, said them around a thousand times or so.

He hadn’t been able to catch the Queen’s announcement about whatever they were supposed to be doing or their next mission, but he did notice the pretty amulets. But by that time, several of the others had already gone up and picked theirs, leaving a smaller amount left to be chosen. Leon hurried up to the box after Leila, swallowing the last bits of the crown biscuits.

Leon immediately knew he would have no problem carrying the amulet around, even around his neck for the whole world to see, because they were all gorgeous. One particular amulet caught his eye more than the others and it seemed to be calling him, making him gravitate towards it particularly strongly. It was of the same shape and size as everyone else’s, but the interior was filled with… something. It wasn’t quite a liquid, yet it wasn’t a gas, but a beautiful, shimmery silvery-blue substance that slowly fluctuated inside its glass prison. It had an airy quality to it, yet it shimmered and glowed. The top and bottom were encased in bright silver accents that swirled elegantly, much like gusts of air. And even inside the gem itself, if one observed very carefully, it seemed like gusts of wind were forming a storm of some kind.

“…I want this.” He reached out and grabbed the pretty trinket and held it up to the light, fascinated, not noticing the rather strange feeling spreading through his hand and down his arm. Only when it seemed a light breeze was ruffling his clothes did he notice, and that’s when the air suddenly increased in speed and pressure and it rapidly surrounded him, swirling around him like a mini-hurricane before exploding outwards. It didn’t seem to be the limit of this ‘power’ of his, as the amulet’s substance had only drained a little bit and the Queen’s crown was simply a little bit askew on her head.

Suddenly, he felt the overwhelming urge to do something irrationally stupid, yet he wanted it so, so bad. He looked around for a second, looking anywhere and everywhere but the Queen before the words simply spilled out of his mouth and he blurted, “…Can I try your crown on? It’s fabulous.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Marvelous! All of you have such stunning potential." The queen grinned brightly as each of the humans displayed their new found abilities.

The throne room was thrown into a state of chaos. Tables were split apart, cakes were sent flying, and sparks of electricity tore through the air. It was all so colorful and lively,and this was the first time anyone had become a rainbow mage. My, my, these humans sure were something!

"Excellent display of power. Zephy, they'll chase away that dragon in no time." She gave the messenger a tap on the shoulder before holding out the box. There were two gems left. "Come, come, let's not keep poor Tobi waiting."

Harper eyed the gem in his hand. Would it be enough to keep them alive?

Riley on the other hand wasn't worrying, but was instead oohing and aahing at the explosions happening all around.

"Here you go, dears." She waved a dismissive hand in Inadi's direction before beaming at everyone who had asked a question. "Give me a moment and we'll get to that in faster than an alligator in a race car." She pushed the box in Riley's direction and the girl pulled out an orange gem. She wore it immediately, but didn't feel a surge of power or anything special. "Hey, how did any of you get it to work?" She raised an eyebrow before casually grabbing a tart of the now broken table.

"It's already working." The Queen said with a chuckle.

The girl looked at the tart in her hand and her eyes went wide. It was on fire... "THIS is so freaking cool! I mean, err, hot! You get what I mean." The girl tossed the now burnt tart away and laughed. If she nabbed photos of this and wrote an article, no news company in their right mind would be able to ignore her.

Mado reached out to grab a gem of her own, but before she could reach for the purple amulet the queen slammed the jewelry box shut.

"I'm sorry, but a few of the guides told me about the Shakespearean incident," her eyebrows creased in concern, "I think it would be best if you stayed in the castle and rested." The girl was a danger to her own teammates and the queen didn't want anymore casualties.

Riley raised an eyebrow at Mado while Harper let out a relieved sigh. The girl had almost killed them a handful of times and while he felt sorry for Mado he was glad they wouldn't have to worry about her accidentally impaling one of them. The Queen waved a hand in Mado's direction and soon a handful of bunny guards began escorting her towards the elevator. She would be evaluated in the infirmary and given a room so she could rest, maybe the parties would cheer her up as well.

The queen grabbed a spoon off of the table and gave one of the wine glasses a tap. "Now to answer your questions."

Ace said "Wait, what do you mean run out? How does the magic run out- wait what happens when the magic runs out? And can we keep these?"

Jasper said "If we run out, what will happen?"

The Queen smiled. "Thank you for bringing up those important questions. The moment you put those amulets on they become a part of you. The glowing liquid inside can be considered your energy or in other words your life force."

"L-Life force?" Harper sputtered, he didn't like the sound of this at all.

"I probably should have told you from the get-go." The queen let out a hearty laugh. "Well, there's no turning back now, dearies." The queen cleared her throat. "So, each time you draw upon the amulets power you lose energy and life. If the amulet runs dry...there's a big chance you'll become nothing but a husk, so use your new found abilities sparingly. If you find yourself low on energy, just rest and you'll gain more. Have a I made myself clear?"

Harper nodded his head up and down, his voice dying in his throat. There was always a catch...

The Queen then turned to Inadi with a sympathetic frown. "I'm sorry, but none of you can leave until the living list is completed. There are only eight items to go, but I suggest you hurry. Time is your enemy here." There she went again, mentioning a concept that none of the nobodies seemed to understand.

"And as for you," she gave Leon a smile and ruffled his hair. "I see you have good tastes!" She clapped both her hands together and placed her crown on Leon's head. "Take it with you for good luck! I have an entire room full of different crowns, this is my tea party crown, and it was getting kind of old." She beamed at him before telling Skitz to go grab her cake feasting crown from the storage room. "Now off with you all! Sol needs you." She began pulling each of the humans into a hug before motioning for them to leave. "Go on, go on...off with you. Zephy, take care of them for me, okay?"

The Queen ushered them out of the room and once again they bid the castle goodbye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimchi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Chaos, chaos, chaos. Fire. Swords. Pink girl on new guy. Ew. Hulk or Shrek? Flying desserts. Cold. Lightning. Wind. More cold.

A faint buzz hummed in her ear and she was afraid it was going to burn out. Was she a statue? Unmoving and frozen, Jasper stared at the unfolding events. Even when a wad of green cream came hurtling towards her, she stood and watched. Sploosh. Smack dab on the right side of her hair line. It almost looked like she had a peculiar moss colored horn growing from the side of her head. The reds and whites of liquid essence swirled and danced in mesmerizing patterns, yet the albino was too fixated on the carnival before her.

There was an angry Geodude who broke the table. Then an Arceus started gliding around. Or maybe it was Jack Frost? Lightning with no thunder. It was Pikachu. Then a Care Bear stare? The buzz stopped. Jasper turned into a potato...

"Marvelous! All of you have such stunning potential." 

'Well... everyone is a powerful pokemon...', she sniffled a bit and scratched her nose. The sculpture finally moved! 'Wow. I have mental issues. Nowhere is really messing with me'. A weighing lump bothered her forehead and she reached up and snatched the frosting, bringing it to her nose. She licked it while she processed reality. Mado was sent away and she had a feeling it was a serious issue, the woman was a danger, yet Jasper had grown a liking to her nonetheless. A burnt tart landed at her feet. 'What a waste.'

"The glowing liquid inside can be considered your energy or in other words your life force. So, each time you draw upon the amulets power you lose energy and life. If the amulet runs dry...there's a big chance you'll become nothing but a husk, so use your new found abilities sparingly. If you find yourself low on energy, just rest and you'll gain more. Have a I made myself clear?"

Finishing off the remaining sweet topping, her head bobbed up and down in understanding. Her plan was simple and safe. Don't use any of the magic inside the amulet and try to sleep during the entire quest. Thoughts of an empty gem filled her mind causing her to up-chuck a little in her throat. She swallowed it with a look of disgust. Just play it safe. One and only plan, no problem. It wasn't like she could not forsee that answer. All she wanted was a straightforward confirmation to her predictions and the queen's response was nothing short of what she had expected.

A soft clink presented itself whenever the amulet bumped sides with her own necklace from Rosen. The sound reminded her and kept the memory in tact. Bringing a hand over the two accessories, she grasped them securely as the humans, with new additions and a loss, set out for another adventure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Collab between Crescendo and the Evil chipmunk that is our GM

Zephy stared in silence as the humans received their gems, each almost immediately showcasing their newfound powers. It was an impressive array of powers indeed, with everything from a very nervous looking white haired cleric to the cocky man with super strength at the dessert table who promptly proceeded to break the expensive looking aforementioned table.

A few minutes within finding their powers and already things were getting broken. A mental image of Sol's poor battered castle crumbling made Zephy shudder- by the way things were going she wouldn't be surprised if the humans ended up burning down Sol before the dragons could.

Still, they were the only available forces the Queen was willing to send and Sol was certainly desperate, so the messenger only saluted weakly as they were ushered out of the room before turning to peer at the humans dubiously.

"I almost forgot!" The queen made her way to the door. "Songbird, Martini and the rest of the guides will be waiting for you there. I sent them ahead. Oh, and Leon, yes? You'll like Martini, she's the best fashion designer this side of Nowhere has ever seen." She gave Zephy and the humans a wave. "Good luck, we'll have a feast when you get back and Zephy, do invite prince Tobias for tea sometime. You should come along too." The woman let out a chuckle then disappeared into the throne room.

After the doors closed, Zephy immediately turned to the humans.

"FALL IN! At attention, the lot of you!" An order of surprising volume was bellowed from the tiny messenger as she pointed sternly to them. "Well? In line now!" She had spotted the captain yelling at his soldiers in more than one situation, and was emulating him the best she could. It was unexpectedly fun. She bit back a giggle and retained her stern face, glaring down the humans.

The messenger was intimidating despite her stature and Harper winced when she began yelling at them. The boy straightened up, ducked behind Hakuren and motioned for the others to get in line. If she was their guide then they had to listen, right?

"Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a twist." Riley rolled her eyes, ushered Inadi and Lesley along then got in line behind them.

"No talking, missy! Or I'll leave you in the woods for the lionsharks to find!" She huffed at the girl, before placing her hands firmly at her waist, addressing the haphazardly row of humans.

"You've all heard the gist of the situation from her majesty the Queen lady, so I hope you all know what to expect." She crossed her arms as she squinted at each of them in turn. Now that she took a closer look at them... They seemed just as hopeless. Oh well.

"For those who weren't paying attention, however, I'll summarise what miss majesty lady Queen said. Dragons have attacked my country and you're going there to help us. I hope you're all ready to face down some fire-breathing lizards, yes?" Before the humans had time to reply she continued on, trying to look as intimidating as her short height allowed to garner their attention.

"My name is Zephy, royal messenger of Sol and advisor to Prince Tobi-who's-full-royal-name-I-forget-because-it's-too-long!" She gave a small salute before continuing. "I'll be escorting you to the kingdom of Sol, where we'll plan out our attack. We'll be taking the catbus to the border of Sol, and then proceeding by foot to the castle. We might run into some monsters, but they should be small fry that you guys can take care of quickly, and if by chance a giant powerful one shows up then we run! You all understand? Capiche?"

Harper let out a nervous laugh. "By any chance do some of your dragons breathe cotton instead of fire?" It was Nowhere afterall, but judging by their luck it would be acid and lightning instead of anything safe. "Thank you for the summary." The thought of going against dragons, it was crazy, but if they did this then they'd be one step closer to completing the living list and one step closer to home.

"Understood, this sounds like it's going to be fun." The girl gave Zephy a broad grin, "so where is the catbus?"

"Probably downstairs--" Before Harper could say more a group of bunny soldiers began ushering them along. The humans took the beanstalk elevator all the way down and when they exited a smaller version of Cello's catbus was waiting for them with flashlight eyes and a Cheshire cat grin.

"Freaky, so how do we get in?" Riley was pretty much bouncing up and down in excitement.

The cat let out a purr before opening its mouth really wide.

"Alright! In we go now! Let's moooooooove it!" Zephy herded the humans towards the bus. "The dragons aren't gonna wait for you bunch to arrive before attacking!"

"W-What no, look at those teeth." Harper clung to the guide's arm. "Please tell us there's a door."

"Door?" Zephy blinked up at the boy clinging to her arm, before grinning. "Nope, no door!" She pried his hand off her arm and with a swift kick booted the poor boy into the grinning sharp-toothed maw of the waiting bus. "Alright, who else needs help boarding?"

"No thank you," Riley grinned deviously before grabbing onto Leila and Jasper and leapt into the cat's mouth with them in tow. The other humans followed, some hesitantly, some fearlessly while others had to be 'gently escorted' the same way Harper had been. The humans scrambled to their feet only to realize they were covered in a warm and sticky substance that smelled like fish. (poor Jasper)

The catbus let out a loud purr before it began moving its tail up and down. The bus rose into the air and the humans clung for dear life as they were given one of the worst/best rides ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“No. No I am not getting on that.”

Vincent looked at the cat bus with an expression of disgust. He was still absentmindedly rubbing his sore behind as he and the rest of the Lost Souls were dragged from the Queen’s castle back outside and to this abhorrent monster of a vehicle by Zephy on a quest to this magical kingdom known as Sol, and once he noticed the strange and unnerving bus, the entrance to riding it being through its mouth, Vincent stopped short and simply folded his arms over his chest, refusing to budge. Oh, no. No way was he being some cat’s food. No, screw that. He knew he had asked the Nobody Songbird with a voice of disdain whether Nowhere had any transportation of if he’d have to walk everywhere, but he hadn’t expected this. This was… well, it wasn’t happening.

“I’m not being some freaky cat thing’s food. No way, nu uh.” Vincent snorted. He turned back around, prepared to walk back to the Queen’s castle and to relax there instead, when he found his path suddenly blocked by the Sol Kingdom’s messenger, Zephy. Vincent blinked, and one brow raised at the hands-on-hips pouting woman, who shook her head from side to side.

“Get out of my way, short stuff. No way am I riding a stupid bus like tha-”


Vincent was jostled onto the bus, his body staggering and swaying to and fro as he almost collapsed onto the floor, but managing to wobble and stagger long enough to reach the very back seats and collapse on top of them. Vincent’s head rose with a groan, his hand rubbing his backside yet again. What on earth was it with all the hits to his rear?! He scowled at Zephy. He’d get her back, just like he did with that prancing ice hipster Haku for making him slip earlier.

But then his head was thrown backwards to slam into the seat (thankfully it was cushioned, at least) when the bus suddenly jerked up and rose into the air, the cast bus defying all reality even more to start flying. Vincent screamed and dashed to one of the corners to hold onto the seat in front.

He was going to be sick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

All of the tricks Ace saw were mesmerizing and had the girl in excitement. Was it really true that she could only keep just one? Or was that a...friendly suggestion? It could've been a friendly suggestion, so it would've been terrible to miss her opportunity. But, being able to save a plate full of pastries after Vinvin's performance she was a little occupied.
"Want some?" She offered Lesley a few pastries, seeing that he..er, she? No, no, definitely a he- seemed to like them so much. She ate those while watching the next few "performances". Haku's was mesmerizing and funny all at the same time. He seemed so skilled with the magical gift he was given in such a short time. The humor of it was seeing Vin fall flat on his butt. She couldn't help but laugh. Seeing Riley's fire skills made her sliiiightly jealous. Yeah sure she had a sword, but she had an entire flame element.

Once all the snacks on the plate were gone, she realized everyone had taken their turn and none of the jewels were left. "Aw man..." Ace mumbled with a soft sigh before setting the plate down with the other bit of mess. She decided to play with her firesword again- but then immediately stopped when she heard she'd probably die if she kept using it. "Well dang..." She put the sword up and looked at her amulet. The energy was already half full. "Glad ya said something." Ace laughed a little and put the empty hilt away.

She laughed lightly when Leon was given the Queen's crown. That was pretty generous of her. Hmph, it was a nice crown too, and really shiny.

The group shifted out the castle, and as usual, Ace nudged Jasper and Harper forward so they wouldn't get left behind. Soon enough, not quite paying attention on why, (eventually someone would inform her on the things besides meeting dragons) Ace was following the group to... "A CAT BUS!" She jumped up, rushing towards it. "Does this thing eat people?" Well, that didn't matter to her. She would jump on with the first few people. Not before petting said cat bus and enjoying the soft fur. She didn't realize the guide... What was her name? Began barking orders until she realized everyone lining up. "Someone's a bit grouchy..."

And like normal, all Ace's questions were answered. They were going to fight dragons and the girl's name was Zephy.

"I don't know about you guys," Ace giggled moving past the line. "But I'm going inside!" Before she bounded in, Ace looked behind her. "Heh, you might wanna hold your breath. It smells bad!" With that, she was inside and took a window seat. "Off we go! To Tobi's castle!" Noticing Vinvin's complaints she smirked.

"For a tough guy, you sure aren't acting like it. It's just a bus, calm down would ya?" She laughed lightly and waited for the others, still a bit hyperactive because of the sweets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The flamboyant fanfare continued with the rest of those, who had not yet taken their pick from the treasure case of wonders.

First was Inadi, whose calm colours quickly faded, revealing the face of a person struck by the earthquake called stress. Truthfully, he resembled one of those office workers, whose nerve strings on the piano that was their sanity were about to break, due to pressuring deadlines, demanding superiors and lack of sleep.Throwing his open suitcase at the onlookers, paperwork emotions flew left and right, scattering through the dining hall. That voice of irritation, created by nervousness, contradictions and fear of the unknown. Eyes thirsty for a logical explanation of the happenings before them. An escalation of the heat within the soul. A marvelous display of the power within the amulet, the nature of which was electricity. Hakuren could only grin in amusement.
It was quite entertaining for the young man in the midnight green coat to observe this outburst of pure spiritual energy. That desperation, that desperation. It made his new comrade burn from the inside out. To accept the reality that is in front of you, to acknowledge what is in front of your as reality, to awaken from the dream that is your denial and to cast away the last of that foolish dreamy haze. That marks the progression of one's inner world. Never once is such evolution easy. There are always hurdles, pain and doubt, not only from what surrounds you, but from your own self as well. The grandest Court of Judgement, where the most lethal of penalties are given, is neither in Hell, nor in Heaven, nor in any other bizarre dimension. It is within ourselves. Our mind, a piece of meat when looked at in a picture, is the strictest judge of all. You may trick others, but to trick your own mind, now that is something only very few have accomplished and even then, it is questionable to say whether or not they were not tricking the rest to believe they had tricked themselves. Both the one who gives and executes the sentence, it is a locked cage, the key of which remains forever lost. A solitary confinement until death. A space where so much and yet so little is done and where such a great amount of information is stored, only to rarely be remembered at all. A mystery it was, the mind.
Apparently, Sihma could not bare the noise in the confines of his own neuron city. With so much agitation built up inside, the natural process of bursting out like a volcano, spewing all of that, which you have kept hidden until that point, began. It was nothing unusual, for most human beings reacted in this manner in similar situations. As a result of this occurring at the same time in which the youngster was clenching a magical charm in his hand, the sparks of his emotions materialized in the form of lightning. This was a spectacle that pleased the eye. Fortunately, he calmed down afterwards and later received an explanation as to why their group could not leave Nowhere. "So pocht das Schicksal an die Pforte".

Following this extraordinary parade of electrons, one which even Tesla would marvel at, was an ensemble of three girls. One after another, in a diligent orderly fashion, came Leila, Lesley and Leon. Le trio of their merry batch. Each of them a lady in their very own way, they portrayed elegance and grace among the rest of their more masculine and beary companions.
Alas the first mentioned could not keep her poise for long, as her freshly picked magical jewel slipped from her fingers. With astonishing speed and agility, the lass managed to grab hold of it before the precious masterpiece could soundly kiss the floor, yet inevitably landing and rolling on the ground herself. Sighing, Hakuren went over and offered the young miss a hand and a friendly smile. He intended to play gentleman until the bitter end.
Lesley, on the other hand, discovered their power quickly and handled it with ease. It was a rather befitting one. A green field, rainbows and a pot of gold. Where was the lepricon?
As charming as that individual of a questionable orientation was, the last, but not the least, Leon, took the cake, for not only did he present his newly found wind capabilities properly, he also had the courage and dignity to ask her Royal Highness for her crown. Rather than simply lend it, her Majesty granted it as a gift to the lad. It was obviously not at all a loss. She, as a queen of a country, most likely had many crowns or, perhaps, even an entire room full of them, thus one being given away was a simple act of charity one would expect from a billionaire.

However, before the Queen gave her answers and presents, she explained the mechanism of using and replenishing one's magical energy, namely pointing out the fact that one would perish if they were to run out of the liquid in the amulet, something Hakuren had assumed after recalling a certain anime. The rest of his party seemed to handle the news rather well or at least the greater part of them. They should have gotten used to this, seeing as what kind of hassles they were made to go through prior to their most recent return to the castle.

Once bidding goodbye to her Highness and the rest of the court, the humans headed out with their escort and guide, Zephy of the Kingdom of Sol. She was a girl rather small and petite, attributes which defined her as adorable, but the personality she revealed in front of them, whilst waiting for their catbus to the border, was that of a confident, strong-willed and firm young lady. This was not necessarily a bad trait. If truth be told, Hakuren's type, if there would ever be such a woman to begin with, was indeed such in character, albeit not as proud and boisterous.

Upon the arrival of their transportation, the black-blue-haired man wished to let out a purr of delight. It was just like the one he remembered from that old children's tale. A cat bus. Alive, meowing, with eyes playful and bright, it was a peculiar sight for those who still dwelt with their everyday mindset, but for those who had soaked up a fraction of Nowhere's randomness, this was something normal, if not at all strange.
Harper, the cowardly knight, hesitated in front of Ali Baba's cave and was "gently encouraged" to go through the cat's mouth. Riley, however, jumped head-first into the belly of the beast, eager to explore the world that awaited her, as any greenhorn would be. It was fun seeing this colourful palette of reactions. Everyone was unique, a special flower in a garden of wonders. And, as always, there was one, which wished to stand out from the rest the most.

Vincent said “No. No I am not getting on that.”

Surprisingly, Vincent was putting up quite the resistance when it came to entering the bus and it was amazing, if not ridiculous, to watch as a full ground muscly man got kicked by a little girl from behind and into the jaws of the feline.

Hakuren did not oppose this manner of entry. In fact, he was curious to observe the inside of a cat from this perspective. However, he did not dare walk inside first before giving way to Leon with the words "After you, my queen" and a wink. He was a true heterosexual, but nothing stopped the blue-green-eyed youngster from having some fun.

Ace said "For a tough guy, you sure aren't acting like it. It's just a bus, calm down would ya?" She laughed lightly and waited for the others, still a bit hyperactive because of the sweets.

Such was the comment Ace made, once they were in the bus, regarding Vincent's behavior, who was currently resting at the very back.
"The smaller they are, the louder they bark." Hakuren laughed along with her from his seat, which was located at the front.

(pretty much done, but might edit tomorrow, when I get back from school)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anonymous
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zephy: "FALL IN! At attention, the lot of you! Well? In line now!"

The cute little messenger put on the persona of a sergeant as soon as the double doors of the hall, in which the Queen was contained, were completely sealed shut. 'Oh, isn't she just the adorablest little thing?!', he gushed in his head as he clenched his hands in emphasis, scurrying into the forming line up with Riley falling in after him. She was mumbling a snarcky comment while she did so which immediately received a death threat in return. When the humans finally grouped themselves into a disheveled horizon, Zephy's eyes scanned them one by one in correspondence with their standing in the row. A charmingly goofy grin was distorting his face all the while, for he was fighting an impulsive battle within the barriers of his brain. Lesley was currently repressing the urge to pick up the petite Nobody and squeeze her until she was depleted of all oxygen. You see, Lesley would undergo these mental wars often in order to survive in earth's society and to be classified as a somewhat normal individual. Along with his 'overly attached girlfriend' smile, he was twisting both heels and twirling a rather thick lock of pink hair. Another thing one should know about Lesley, is that it's a pain to stay still for him. From girlish hair-play, to being that annoying person in class who is tapping their foot audibly or playing with their pen, a majority of these habits have decided to implant themselves into this single human being.

As a result of his mind struggle, not much of Zephy's plan summary ever actually made it into the processing lobes of his skull, therefore having to enter and exit out the left ear as the soul of a subliminally heard dump. The beanstalk ride was the funnest thing he'd experienced upon ending up in Nowhere, but difference between the first time and the second was the fact that he was ready the following round. If someone was to be awaiting the compartment at the base, an unmistakable "WEEEEEEEE!!!, which continued to increase in volume as the elevator carried on with its downfall, could be heard.
"Are we in the movie 'My Neighbor Totoro' or what?!" he exclaimed enthusiastically as soon as the cat bus came into full view.

Riley: "Freaky, so how do we get in?"

And right on cue, the feline let out a vibrating hum and parted its mouth in presentation of an entrance, coupled with fishy aromas permeating the surroundings. The lot of them panicked, hesitated, or out right rejected the grueling reality, like Vince. With his outburst, the guides got him into the bus as one of the first people in and Ace willingly crawled in after him. Riley along with the albino chick and a girl who had her hair up in a neat bun, jumped in as well. Lesley took a couple of steps back and ran straight for a window opening. Having a lot of athletic background in long jump, high jump, and basically all the 'jumps' available during his school years, at the same time owning a build so unusually tall, it took a minuscule amount of effort for him to go sailing into the furry seats of the cat bus. Fortunately, his landing space did not already contain a passenger and the fluffy cushioning made for a comfortable finish to his 'this is how imma enter without smelling like fish' scheme.

Once everyone was finally on board, the over-sized tom initiated a powerful flapping of its enormous tail which sent its entirety elevating up into the air with every thrust; hands clutched fistfuls of cat fur for support. Soon enough, Lesley found himself enjoying yet another joyride. As usual, Vince was causing yet another commotion in as he let out a short feminine shriek whilst diving into the back corner of the bus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MUG


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Inadi barely registered the fact that he was being asked to leave with the rest of the group. He was still staring down at his hand with the lightening bolt still gripped in in. There was no way this was a real thing. Everyone else was giddy with excitement over their newly obtained powers and here was Inadi, the realist that he was, having his mind shaken completely. He was just a normal person. He couldn't fight a dragon. But with this? Now suddenly he seemed a lot more capable.

Inadi hated having the world around him changed. He liked things that were set in stone and clearly understandable. He had a system back home that he would follow and nothing bad would happen because he did so. He would wake up, go to work at the corner store, get a lunch at the same little diner each day with the same order, and go home after working on story ideas for about two hours. Everything led into the next. Now that he was in Nowhere there was no simple task. Everything changed around him and there was no making a predictable schedule. And Inadi hated it.

Most people like excitement. Inadi wasn't one. He could very likely die tomorrow with no extraordinary things happening to him at any point in his life before that and he would be fine with it. The less excitement and danger the better. Now he was going to some random kingdom that was no doubt just as odd as this place and now he had the powers to summon an element of unbelievable powers with just a thought. He moved his hand over the bolt again and saw as small strands of electricity began jumping onto his hand and made the hairs all the way up to his wrist stand up. And yet he felt no pain from any of it. It was as if he had now been turned into rubber. Yet that rubber feeling disappeared when he got bumped into by one of the royal guards trying to rip him out of his inward soul searching state.

Inadi looked up and saw everyone heading out towards an exit that the Queen had pointed out. Giving one last look at the bolt, Inadi opened his hand and watched as it floated there for almost five seconds and disappear. Each small lightening strand fading away, as if watching a power plant turn off for the last time. He turned to try and catch up with everyone and again, bringing up the rear of the group, was shocked to see a giant cat-bus stand before them. As if this place wasn't odd enough, now it was just getting creepy.

The cat's eyes were the worst part. They seemed to just stare straight through the group as if they weren't there. Everyone else seemed interested in finding out how to enter it, yet Inadi couldn't help but wonder how the cat itself looked in regards to the bone structure. Here it had openings that resembled windows and six legs to help hold the beast itself up. Did this thing even have the traditional idea of ribs, or was it just an elongated version of the bone structure? Suddenly it seemed everyone had jumped into the now open mouth of the cat and Inadi went wide eyed. Oh no, that couldn't be...

Sure enough, he saw people near the “windows” of the cat bus and felt his stomach turn inside. This had to be the worst thing he would have to do since coming to Nowhere, and that includes clean up after Mr. Cuddles had himself a nice salmon dinner. It was amazing how messy an eater he was when it came to fish and not his treats. Perhaps it was his natural instinct to just devour the pour creatures. Yet it would have been nice if he didn't have Inadi catch the near ten foot long fish. It was amazing how big they got here. Though it would also have been extremely generous if Mr. Cuddles had cooked them as well. Again, maybe just natural instinct......

Finally accepting his fate he decided to climb in slowly into the mouth of the beast. One slip on the tongue and Inadi was afraid he may end up in the bottom level seating. Eventually he found himself among the seating area and looked around to see Vincent with a scowl a child wore when his parents didn't buy him the toy he wanted. So much complaining but at the same time, such entertainment. Inadi smiled as he got a wiff of the bus itself and immediately let out a groan. It was clear this place was not cleaned out at all recently. He would have smiled after hearing Hakuren's comment about Vincent had it not been for the smell.

As the cat bus began taking off Inadi found himself losing his balance and fell over to a seat nearby. Luckily he was able to get his grip on the back of another seat but found himself landing on top of what felt like someone's thigh. He looked up to see Riley there, and a wave of embarrassment washed over his face. He immediately shot up and bowed his head, his glasses fogging up a bit as well. “I'm so sorry Riley. I swear I didn't mean to do that. The bus. It moved before I was....able to.....” Inadi realized he was rambling and standing in the middle of the walk path. It felt like everyone was watching him. He quickly gave one more bow and slid into the empty seat across from her on the other side of the walk path. He ten proceeded to hide his face using the seat in front of him like a small child in second grade. Softly, he began mumbling to himself.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimchi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

They hadn't gotten far from the dining hall, when Zephy suddenly piped up and commanded the crew to form into a single file. Gulping, she was actually rather intimidated by the small Nobody. Every time her dominant voice barked, it caused nervous twitches to involuntarily occur in muscles of random limbs on Jasper's body. She shuddered a bit and stared directly at the floor when she knew the darting glare would soon land on her, feeling its pressuring judgement as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. Luckily, she had packed an extra set of adventure-suitable clothing in her bear bag just for the purpose of these spontaneous emergencies.

"I'll be escorting you to the kingdom of Sol, where we'll plan out our attack. We'll be taking the catbus to the border of Sol, and then proceeding by foot to the castle. We might run into some monsters, but they should be small fry that you guys can take care of quickly, and if by chance a giant powerful one shows up then we run! You all understand? Capiche?"

'Capiche?! No, not capiche. Nothing was ever that easy' she knew that as she just came to accept the task at hand. By now, she had already learned to face the reality of Nowhere and no longer bothered to waste her brain power on questioning its very existence. Let alone what exactly was their purpose for being there. As problem solvers perhaps? Maybe free of charge item retrievers. Didn't matter much. As long as the quests equaled one step closer to home, that's all Jasper really cared about.

The beanstalk ride had lost its thrill by now because it was about the third time she'd ridden it. Don't get me wrong though, just cause the thrill is gone doesn't mean Jasper no longer panics in there and feels claustrophobic. She absolutely still does, but they have toned down a bit since her first go. Maybe packed even closer than they had ever been due to new human additions, the skin contact was strangely comforting. Like the episode with Songbird, she was growing less and less uncomfortable with physical touching than she had ever been with others besides close friends and Rosen. Her very identity had been morphing, though quite slowly, as the journey continued. Fully aware of the evolving traits, Jasper appreciates them, but fears it all the same.

Eyeballs aglow, jaw spread wide, and tuna stench drifting in the air. Jasper was just about to march off with Vince until the new girl grabbed her and Leila by the arms and slid into the bus. Getting hauled around was another act she had grown accustomed to. It was part of getting around, especially with her regular panic attacks and dazed phases, it was a blessing that the others were so willing to get her from one place to another.

The cat's mouth was slimy and food residue lined the inner membrane of its lungs which divided into two separate canals if you will. The one they took obviously lead to the correct destination and Jasper didn't even bother thinking about the possibilities of landing in the other one. Wait, scratch that. I lied. She did think about the countless happenings that had the potential of actually occurring. Falling into a pit of deadly stomach acid, getting sliced in half by one of the cat's fangs, even randomly choking on some of the fish particles between its teeth. Don't bother asking how she conjured that. Just know that that is the imaginative creation of her extreme paranoia. But oh, was she glad she didn't protest when Riley chose the left airway instead of the right one. If it had been only her, she could've easily spent a good hour deciding on which to choose. Wait, with her nature, it should've been virtually impossible to convince her to go into the cat bus's mouth initially out of her own free will.
But now there she was, sitting on spit dampened cat fur, smelling like rotten sushi. As the mammal began to levitate, she held onto the coated walls of its interior with a green hued face.
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