Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kieran landed next to Celerity, and after she asked what his opinion was he closed his eyes and used his analytical mind to think of an answer. "Well we have multiple points off entry, but none are viable for stealth. The building is old, decrepit, and falling apart so any type of entrance will have visible signs of breaking and entering. If our guy thinks he is being hunted, that will spell trouble for us and anyone we are trying to help. We do not want our target become angsty or prone to flights of panic. My suggested course of action is that we start by one of us starting from the roof, then find an entrance into the attic. The other can make noises and cause a discreet distraction out here in the woods. "

Celerity nodded. "You go up and I'll try to get him out here." She pulled her hair down and messed it up and dropped to her knees. If she was going to look like she needed help from an accident she had better look the part. She rubbed some of the gravel and dirt on her knees like she had been running and fell.

"Hey, Kieran, do me a favor? Don't leave me alone with him for long. Ok?" There was something vulnerable about the way she asked him that and then it was gone.

Kieran nodded and rested a hand on her shoulder. He then unfurled his wings, flew up, and landed on top of the roof gently. He visually saw his access point, then hovered over to the side of the roof remembering that the side of the roof had quite a few loose tiles. He managed to pry quite a few tiles off the roof, gently setting them aside, then hovered down into the attic landing with a soft thud.

Celerity took a deep breath and produced some tears which weren't difficult considering how similar this house looked on the outside. She screamed and let herself fall and when she heard the door open and a man call out she slowly got herself up and limped up to the house feigning a sprained ankle.

"I wrecked my bike down the road and I think I sprained my ankle. Can you help me mister? My cell broke in the accident. Can I use your phone?"

Celerity pretended to be too preoccupied and in shock to notice the oddities in his kitchen as he brought her inside feigning his good guy demeanor. She, however, took in all the details, the kitchen was pristine, unusual for a man of his age. She noticed the knife collection he had out on the counter top. He urged her to a chair and got her a pack of ice for her foot. She put it on her ankle and then she laid her head back against the chair for a moment. Inside, her nerves were frying and she was on high alert. Even though her stomach wanted to vomit she was keeping her cool and she smiled at him and thanked him.

He nodded and seemed to be very nice to her, too nice she thought. She heard a noise and she looked at him and asked, "What was that?"

The man gave her a friendly excuse with a mysterious grin. "That was my dog, she just had puppies downstairs and she gets restless because they are getting their teeth in. Would you like to see the puppies?"

Celerity nodded as a normal girl might do and she let him help her down to the basement.

Kieran was able to move swiftly through the house undetected, seeing as how the man was distracted by his new companion. Kieran thought it was odd that such a house owned by such a man was in such a form. It was not extremly unkept, and it was not in a constant state in needed repair. Kieran focused on the objective and thought about his mission. If he was keeping a girl somehwere, where would she be? The attic and upstairs had been ruled out, simply because he had started there and sensed nothing. Kieran next thought about if there was a basement. Obviously you would not keep a kidnapped girl on the entrance floor, so a sub level was needed.

Kieran swiftly travelled downstairs and looked for a door to the basement. He decided to access deeper into his abilites, hoping Celerity wouldnt be able to sense it. He moved faster, finding the door to the basement, and travelled down. He first saw the tables with tools, used for multiple purposes. Then his eyes travelled to the big cage, with a young women trapped inside. She was unconscious and it looked as if she was curled in the fetal position. Kieran reached out to touch the door but stopped midway. He thought that the door might be trapped, so Kieran took a step back. Kierans eyes glowed blue, then faster than one could blink, he reached out and hit the door handle. It sparked for a moment, then fell slightly apart, letting the door swing open. Kieran took a step inside the cage and picked the girl up, careful not to touch the metal bars that were her cage.

When he stepped out he could hear voices headed their way. Kieran quickly hid underneath the staircase and waited.

Celerity was experiencing a deja vu moment and she forced herself to act like her ankle was hurting her badly. She figured that might make it understandable why she wouldn't want to go quickly downstairs. "I don't hear any puppies or the dog...maybe they went back to sleep. We should go back upstairs." She figured a normal girl would be getting a little frightened at this point.

"I want to show them to you and there is something else I want to show you too."

It was when he brought his arm out from behind him that Celerity sent him flying into the wall and then down the stairs as her forcefields shoved him away from her.

He came up with a knife and he made to attack her. She held her forcefield in place keeping him pinned to the wall in the corner.

"Hey, ANGEL! Did you get her?" She said keeping her eyes open all around her with her eyes on him keeping him trapped.

Kieran popped up from under the stair case, then walked up the stairs and stood next to Celerity. "I do not like being called Angel, just so you know. But yes I have the girl." Kieran looked down towards the man being held down by the force field. He was a seemingly unimpressive man, but he could feel his negative energy. He was a mortal force to be reckoned with, and he needed to be dealt with. He looked back at Celerity and could feel how hurt she was. Something had happened but he did not know what. "While I may not like the title Angel, I am descended of one. Angels are fierce champions of the heavens and they do the bidding of the holy ghost."

Kieran looked back at the man. "If you would not mind, please take the girl to safety. Leave us for a small amount of time."

Celerity took the girl and helped her up the stairs. She hoped that Kieran killed him. She knew the justice system would .....blah, blah, blah. She was so tired of hearing that. She knew there were some people the justice system could never truly make pay and this guy was one of them. She lifted the girl up and ran her up and out of the house. She waited to call anyone since she was unsure of what Kieran was going to do. She still felt the heebee jeebees and she shuddered.

The girl was only half dressed and Celerity wrapped her in a blanket she ran and grabbed off of the couch. The young woman was not speaking at all but tears fell freely from her and she hugged Celerity to her like she were her saving grace.

Celerity flashed back to her own rescue. Her mother had torn through several cities looking for her. She had done it the "correct" way until she couldn't take it anymore and since everyone had been sidetracked by the hero war she was ignored for the most part. Her mother had missed the chance to save some of her friends because she was tearing up a city looking for her. Her mom had put her above everyone else and had found her. What her mother did to the man who had taken her daughter was unfathomable. There was never any part of him left. The courts never stood a chance considering he was also guilty of at least 15 other murders.

Celerity snapped back and hugged the girl back.

Kieran walked slowly down the stairs after handing off the girl, and paused in front of the man. The criminal tried to attack, lashing out with his fists. Kieran easily could have dodged, but chose to use fear tactics. He let the enemy's fist land, showing how unaffected he was. The criminal fell back, trying to scoot as far away as possible.

Kieran walked over and crouched in front of the man. "You are guilty of entrapping and enslaving a human being. I would say fellow human being but as you have clearly demonstrated you are not a human being. By my ancestry I can see the evil you have left in your wake, and you will leave even more in the future. Death would be an escape and if you went to hell you would simply become a demon. So I shall sentence you to a fate worse than death."

Kieran stood up, and instantly his eyes shined blue and strange blue markings enveloped over his body. Kieran leaned down and pressed his palm into the mans chest.

A small amount of time later, Kieran walked out of the house with the criminal following obediently behind him, eyes devoid of life.

Celerity looked at the man and the young woman screamed and clutched at Celerity even tighter. "What did you do to him?" She asked him in wonder at the man's state.

Kieran looked at Celerity. "The only logical thing to do with my skillset. Killing him would have sent him to hell, and he would have become a demon. Sending him to jail would have done nothing, except prolong his life and time before becoming a demon. So.....I destroyed his soul by accessing the power of the heavens. Slightly difficult thing to do, and it does not work on an innocent. Only on those who are truly evil or a blight on humanity. He will spend the rest of his life as a withered husk, then when his body dies.....nothing happens."

Celerity thought about it a moment. "So we call the police now and tell them what? We could tell them the truth but I don't think that would be a good idea. I don't think they would let that go unpunished. She needs medical attention and the cops will be looking for him when she turns up so what do we do with him? Tell them he hit his head and became like this?"

She waited to hear his answer.

Kieran looked at the girl who was truly the victim. "I believe that is for her to decide. You were his vicitim, and while you may not get an emotional response you may recieve some vengeance if you wish. Would you prefer us to spare this husk.....or would you like to end it youself?"

The young woman was staring at the man who had held her captive for months. The man who had cut off two of her fingers and an ear and sent the pieces to torture her mother with and she said with so much hatred there was not any doubt of her vengeance.

"Burn him and the house to the ground. I'll say I did it. No one in the world punish me for it."

The girl begged them. "Please...I can't live if I know he is still out there no matter what state of mind he has."

Celerity looked at her and then at Kieran. "Ok." She said.

Kieran nodded. "If that is the manner of execution you wish then so be it, but the world will not see you like this. You are young. I can rig it so that it would look like in a scuffle between myself and him we started a fire and he burned alive. If you would like to watch you can, but if not I am sure your mother would be delighted to see you when you go home."

Celerity nodded and dialled 911. The story they told the cops was that the two men fought while Celerity rescued the girl and the house caught fire in the process.

After seeing the young woman into the ambulance and telling the police what "happened" Celerity watched the house burning as the fire department arrived. She saw Kieran speaking to someone answering questions and she headed back to the hq at top speed. When she entered her room to change she was shaking. She put on her bathing suit so she could get into the hot tub. She just wanted to drown out the memories. Grabbing a bottle of whiskey she headed to the hot tub. Easing into the water she closed her eyes and drank straight from the bottle and sighed.

Kieran spoke with the officers who first arrived on the scene, but he honestly felt like he may have muddled things a bit. He normally speaks well, but the entire time he spoke with the officers he was short and sour with the officials. He gave only small details, and basic recordings of his actions and gave no record of his personal feelings regarding the matter. Kieran smiled and saw off the girl in the ambulance, then flew off before he could be questioned more, slightly annoyed he was ditched by Celerity but not really caring. Kieran unfurled his wings and took off at normal speed, landing back at the Compound.

When he arrived home tried feeling out where Celerity might be. Kieran went back to his room and activated his comlink. "Celerity come in. Where are you?"

She almost didn't answer. She felt guilty and ashamed and she didn't know what to tell him. She sighed.

"I'm in the hot tub over by the pool."

Kieran quickly walked over to the pool area, and saw Celerity over in the hot tub. He averted his gaze from the very well figured body visible in the hot tub and walked over to her. He leaned against the wall and kept his gaze averted. "Why did you leave so quickly? You were more suited to answering questions than I. As well as more of a leader."

She pulled the whiskey bottle off of the side and took a swig of it. "I wasn't needed and you looked like you were okay. The girl was gone so I took off. Sorry if it bothered you but it was a little too close to home for me."

She eyed him a moment. "Come into the water, it feels great."

Kieran was hesitant, but slowly undresses himself mostly. He took of his jacket and upper clothing, then removed his boots and pants. He left his under garments on, and let his wings unfold revealing two dark as midnight wings with a medium wingspan. Kieran slowly slid into the water on the opposite side of Celerity. At once the water seemed to soothe his muscles, and he let out a small moan. He kept his eyes closed but spoke. "So....back during the mission, I....felt your emotions somewhat. You were...scared, upset, angry........but why? It seemed more than as if you simply cared for the girls safety."

Celerity took a longer swig from the bottle and offered him some. She felt the tears and fought them back. "I was kidnapped 5 years ago by a serial killer. After I was rescued I vowed to help find as many victims like me that I could....I don't want anyone to go through that. It's too....life altering. It ruined my life, my future, my friend's and family's future and it just changed me."

"There are no correct words I could use to respond, so all I can say is I am glad that what you went through did not destroy you. You are a magnificently strong individual. How did you come by this place?"

Celerity actually laughed at his words rather sardonically. "No, I'm really not. I used to be a great leader, ready to follow in my mother's and father's footsteps and now...now I'm a recovering addict thanks to that horrific event. I'm here because my mother wants to be able to keep an eye on me and she wants me to be ME again and I'm not so sure I can even find me inside of me...." Celerity stood up in the water agitated and very tipsy drunk at this point. She had drank almost half of the bottle of whisky already.

"My name is Rachel Monaghan. My parents are Tommy Monaghan and Bellisima. These HQ' are the "family" business so to speak and and I wasn't here to help when they needed me and my mother the most and now...." The rest of her words were slurred so badly that she was inaudible. Celerity tried to climb out of the hot tub but was having trouble.

Kieran stood up in suit and held his arms out, slightly catching Celeritiy's arms. He tried to help her keep her stability. "Maybe you should not move so quickly, you may cause more unintended damage than would be worth it."

Kieran brought her closer to him, then flew up into the air, landing on the ground next to the hot tub.

Celerity focused her mind as a thought occurred to her. "So flyboy why do you care? It might be better if something did happen to me." She stopped, horrified at her own words. "I didn't mean that. It would mean that they died in vain." She said the end of this sentence so softly if he had been further away he would not have heard it.

Off balance ,she misstepped and clung to him a moment as she righted herself. Realizing she was drunk she started to cry and stumbled to her room. Her scanner wouldn't recognize her red eyes and it wouldn't let her in her room. She slid down the wall and stared at the wall.

" I've got to get it together." She said softly.

Kieran followed behind Rachel, but kept his distance. He was half naked and she was in her bathing suit, so he thought that right now would not be the best situation to be caught in by others. But she was drunk and.....well in need. She was very obviously distraught. When she realized that she couldn't get into her room, he leaned against the wall next to her. "Would you like to go to my room while we wait for your eyes to clear? I only have a single bag so there isnt much stuff cluttering my room."

Opening her eyes she nodded and said, "Yes, I suppose that would be a good idea. So tell me about you. I've already told you too much about me considering how long we've known each other." She got to her feet by some kind of miracle and she put her arm through his more so that she would stay on her feet than anything. She chuckled to herself and said, "You look cute in just your underwear." Realizing that she had said that out loud she stopped and couldn't look at him partly because she was too embarrassed and partly because she was hoping that lightning would strike her at that moment.

Kieran helped her put her arm around his shoulder and they walked down the hall. As they walked he spoke. "There isnt really much more to me than what I have already told you. I am the offspring of an angel, whoever he was, and a human woman."

Kieran scratched the back of his neck.

"Ive travelled very far, mostly having to because people cast me out when they find I am Nephilim."

Celerity grinned at him and said, "Well that is their stupidity. Can't get much better than angel blood. They don't know what they are missing. I guess I'm grateful that they are afraid of you or don't know your worth because if they did I'd still be in the hot tub either drinking or drowning." She giggled and laid her head on his shoulder as he opened the door.

Kieran smiled, slightly blushed, and walked them both inside his plain, simple room. "Home sweet home for me now." Kieran walked them over and set Rachel on the bed. "I um...hope this is comfortable to you. I....apologize for my lack of clothing as well ma'am."

Rachel giggled and scolded him. "Ma'am? You aren't younger than I am and I am way too young to be called ma'am." She slipped under the covers and she pulled off her bikini and tossed them on the floor next to the bed so they could dry. She wrapped the blanket around herself and looked at the clock. She had to squint to see the numbers. "Why does drinking make a person blind as a bat when they look at the clock? I never understood that in anatomy."

"Don't be afraid. Get into bed but you have to stay on your side. I won't attack you, I promise. I'll keep my hands to myself. I'm afraid I traded one addiction for another. Got off of the drugs the killer got me hooked on and now drinking like a fish....I'm better than this I swear I am.. or at least I was."

She yawned and pulled his side of the bedcovers back and she patted the bed near her. "I hope I am again and soon. You all deserve a leader better than I am right this minute."

Kieran sat upright on the other side of the bed, above the covers, then softly ran his fingers through her hair. He gently kissed the top of her head. "You should not push yourself if you do not feel as if you are ready. Trying to be when you are unprepared will cause more damage than otherwise. But do not forget you have teammates who are here to help you."

Kieran had a roller coaster of thoughts flying through his head. How had he gotten himself in this situation?

She sighed and said, "Now you sound like my father. Please don't sound like him. I'll feel even more guilty. He always kisses my forehead and tells me not to push if I'm not ready."

Kieran blinked and sighed, unsure of what to do or say. He figured he was trying to be too.......nice he figured. Too angelic. Maybe his human side needed to take over. Kieran moved his position so he was facing Rachel more. "My apologizes. Truly have no words to help ease your pain. Perhaps though, hours of energetic and active sexual intercourse could help ease your mind?"

Celerity wasn't sure if she heard him right but when she caught the look in his eye she guessed she had. She laughed and climbed out of the covers and slid next to him and began kissing him.

Kierna cupped her cheeks with his hands, then slid on top of her and slid in between her legs. He threw off his under garments and........

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Troy & Leah

With a light sigh for the fact that he went a bit erotic and assumed a bit, he averted his eyes from her I guess you have a point there. Just too used to having offers coming my way that I'm not particularly looking and for the fact that I've usually put my career before women...and I guess not really having much luck on the whole...girlfriend thing maybe has something to do with it.

When she explained something to him about how far from human she was, he couldn't help but chuckle when she was done. He looked over and had to tell her. I appreciate you sharing that information with me but...I just thought about something I had in mind earlier when you shifted into human form upon our initial meeting. No offense but you had me wondering, if someone was to get involved with you romantically, would it be considered a form of beastiality for the one pursuing you? he asked not wanting to offend her but to be honest on what was on his mind.

I'm not going to pity you but I do find you quite interesting. You seem more one of a kind by how you described yourself.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~ Celerity ~

Celerity watched Kieran sleep. He was so sweet and handsome and she had worn him out completely. She snuck out of bed in the early morning hours and went back to her own room and took a steaming hot shower. She looked at herself in the mirror and lowered her eyes in disappointment. Her mind was berating her for her behavior, over indulging in alcohol was not the way to fix things and it muddled her thoughts and feelings on Kieran completely.

Celerity groaned as she thought of his off the wall funny proposition and how she had grinned and taken him up on it as if it were normal to jump into bed with someone she had met that day. Then again, people did it every day now a days. She glanced up at herself and she noticed the hickey on her neck and smirked at the memory of his hands and lips on her body. The memory sent tingles up her spine and she blushed. She pulled her hair around to the side to cover it for the most part and she scrutinized her appearance once more and headed for the office.

There was a fax on the machine and she read it. The mayor wanted her and Kieran to attend a banquet in their honor for rescuing the young woman. She slipped the fax into Kieran's mailbox on the wall and she grabbed a soda out of the refrigerator near her desk and sat down to do paperwork. She was oblivious to Courtney's presence and she barely noticed her when she stepped in front of her with a stack of manuals. "Bellisima sent these for you to hand out to the others."

Celerity nodded without looking up and "K, put them down over there." A few minutes later she grabbed the top manual and skimmed through it. It was full of information about the HQ' and the company and all about the past. Celerity began reading it with avid interest. When she got to the part about the Hero war starting she spilled her soda. "Dammit!" She grabbed paper towels from the kitchen and sped back to finish the clean up before ruining anything. A few minutes later she was out back in the practice field slinging force sphere's at moving targets in anger.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Kieran woke up quickly and harshly, his body quickly jerking before he sat up straight like a board. His eyes opened quickly, taking in his surroundings. Then Kieran calmed himself, realizing where he was. He had forgotten what it was like to sleep in such a comfortable space, with an actual bed. For once he could let his guard down when he slept. Then he realized something else. Kieran turned his head then looked around the room. Where was Celerity? Kieran smiled, realizing that for once someone had snuck out in the morning from him for a change. Normally, because he traveled a lot, that was his move. Kieran got up and took a nice relaxing shower, then changed back into his usual attire.

Kieran left the compound, taking to the sky and flying around for a short while. Kieran let the wind carry him and felt the breeze on every feather that was attached to his wings. He flew around the compound, scouting the perimeter, then returned to the compound. Kieran walked through the front door, smiling brightly at the young receptionist Courtney. He greeted her, then informed him of the mail Celerity had left him and pointed him towards a manual. Kieran picked one up, skimmed it, and decided he didnt like the ending. It was truly slightly depressing. Then Kieran went over and retrieved his mail. He and Celerity were invited to......Kieran blinked a few times to try to focus on the words that were written down.

They wanted him? To go? A Nephilim? Kieran crumpled up the invitation and dropped it on the ground. Then he went to the gym, picked out a wooden sword, and began practicing his sword play.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Wick@dabombjk@King Tai

Leah & Troy

Well my sweet Roy you are at fault for having not attracted a suitable companion because physically you hold dominate proportions required to signal a healthy and balanced male. I know it might seem cruel to be so blunt but sometimes that is what we need and I don’t know how to filter out that opinion.
You’ve displayed a fearless though perhaps overeager personality that even in it’s faults is a charm that should appeal to at least 35 % percent of the human female population before we factor in the fact that you are a handsome Meta male which will drive away some and attract others
said Leah in a soothing almost sleepy tone as she stood and stretched out her humanoid form.

‘Why do I stretch when I have no real bones’ she thought before she looked back into Roy’s eyes

Beasteality? I’m not sure about that unless as my lover you ask that I assume the form of an animal that you find sexually appealing whispered Leah as she leaned towards Roy as if to kiss him but instead almost touched her lips to his left ear and asked in a knowing tone Do animals turn you on Roy?

She then stepped back one step with a delighted smirk on her lips her eyes going through the color show once more.
I’m of course teasing you Roy but my advice on your sex life is accurate, my area of specialty is in reproduction and my primary function sex therapist; I’m the reason the Panda’s were shuffled around and have been breeding.
I know it sounds strange but in the area of specialty mine is one of a kind and in high demand; oh and I also do psychological therapy as well. Next week I have an appointment with a derby horse that always gets nervous during racing season.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
Avatar of Wick

Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Celerity and Kieran

Celerity came into the offce just in time to hear Courtney agree to send someone over. She looked up and smiled halfway. "Oh good! There is a complaint about a witch? Sounds like a prank to me. If it weren't the Courthouse I would have never agreed to send someone over."

Celerity raised and eyebrow at her and nodded. "Yeah, that does sound odd. Why do they think it's a witch?"

Courtney shrugged her shoulders and said, "The guard reported things flying and appearing out of nowhere. That's all I know."

"Okay," Celerity hit her comlink to Kieran. "Feel like going on a mission? I have to find out about a witch at the courthouse."

Kieran felt his comlink go off, so he set his sword down and answered the call. When he heard Celerity's voice he smiled to himself, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. " Sure why not. Let me go shower off really quick and change and I will meet you out front." Kieran hung up, shelved his sword, then walked back to his room. He showered, then put on his usual attire. Kieran thought to himself how he needed a new sword as he walked out of his room.

Kieran walked past the reception area, then walked outside to see Celerity waiting for him. " Thanks for waiting. Where are we headed?"

Celerity blushed a little when he walked outside. "Looks like the county courthouse is having some..."disturbances". They seem to think it's a witch. I doubt very much that it is but it could be a meta." She gave him an odd look and grinned a little.

"So you took me flying yesterday. I'm thinking that it's your turn to be treated. How about I run you there?"

Kieran shuffled uncomfortably. " Eh....no thanks. I prefer flying to running." Kieran stretched out his wings, loving the feeling of the breeze in his feather, then flew several feet into the air. He was slightly disturbed by super speed, simply because while he could comprehend flying because he has done it his entire life, the ability to run as fast as she could was just unnerving slightly. It felt....weird.

Kieran flipped once in the air. " I will race you though."

Celerity chuckled at his response. He knew he couldn't beat her in a race. She knew that super speeding as a passenger made a lot of people sick to their stomach. She grinned and nodded. "Okay, I'll even give you a head start. "

Kieran nodded, knowing he wouldnt win but decided to surprise her. He decided he could show her.....a bit more power. When the sorta sparred, he used zero power and some analytical prowess, and when he defeated the serial killer she had not seen it either. Kieran winked at her, eyes glowing blue, and in the blink of the eye and a big gust of wind he took off flying at about 35% faster than average speed. He didnt think he could win but hell why not spook her, let her know he hasnt tried yet.

Kieran took off, and flew high in the air. It took only a small amount of time, and when he got there he saw Celerity waiting on him.

She chuckled as she watched him land. "Am I wrong or were you a little faster this time?" She turned her head toward the building when she heard an odd noise. She motioned for him to check out the roof and she went inside the front door stealthily.

"Anything up there?" She asked as she turned the corner inside the building into one of the courtrooms and saw a female that she assumed was a meta using what she could only assume was telekinesis. She had a few humans trapped as she danced her 'toys' around them scaring them half to death. Celerity noticed that one of the women was in tears under one of the benches. She hit her comlink, "Kieran? I found her. She is in the first courtroom on the left."

Kieran flew up and landed on top of the roof and was able to find a way inside the courthouse through a small crack he was able to widen using basic brute strength. Kieran stayed out of sight and out of mind, not responding to Celerity for fear of being discovered. Kieran investigated the odd noises that Celerity heard. When he could see through sneaking a small peak that there was the meta who was causing a ruckus, Kieran hit his comlink. He realized that she had tried to tell him, and he mentally facepalmed for ignoring his comlink. " Im in position. One of us can cause a distraction, the other can take her out faster than one can blink."

Celerity hit her com and responded. "You distract her so I can get these people out of here. Then I'll help you if you aren't done with her." Not waiting for an answer Celerity sped in and started removing people. She was so fast she was a blur, a blue blur, and the telekinetic saw her and almost hit her. If it weren't for her forcefield she would have.

Kieran flew in and landed in front of the meta, trying to distract her. He flapped his wings and shielded himself with them whenever the meta flew something at him. Kieran moved forward slowly, waiting for the meta to tire herself out. When he saw the opening Kierans eyes glowed, and he rushed forward pinning the meta against the wall. Kieran was then thrown back from the force of the metas powers but he landed with ease and agility. Kieran readied himself and flew from wall to wall, dodging all in coming attacks. Kieran made sure though that her attention was on him and not the civilians.

Celerity sped into the room after delivering the last of the humans to safety. She dodged the items flying around the room in a nearly funnel shaped swarm. She saw the meta distracted by her counterpart and she snuck up behind the meta. Her forcefield had to come down for her to grab her and as Celerity's hands grabbed her arm the 'witch' turned and hit Celerity with a dark matter blast that sent her spiralling into the wall. Celerity shook it off and jumped back into the fight but now she had no advantage of surprise.

Kieran flew up to the ceiling, touched it, then boosted off of it head barreling into the meta. He knocked her on her ass, disrupting her concentration and temporarily disabling her powers. Kieran shouted when he spoke. " Now Celerity!"

Celerity hit the meta with her force speres and while she was unable to fight back she grabbed some handcuffs off of the guards on the floor and cuffed her. "We need to get her back to the hq where her powers can be disabled or when she comes too this will be all for nothing. I'll take her." Pulling the meta into her side she took off and the blue blur had her foe locked up in just a moment or two in the HQ jails.

Kieran sighed and tried to walk out of the courthouse, being swarmed by both regular people and already on the scene reporters. Kieran truly hated having all this attention, and he realized he really loathed missions like this already. People never wanted to see him or have him around before when he did good deeds, so this should not have changed anything. When Kieran was outside he opened his wings and took off, flying off and staying in the sky for awhile. He got on his comlink. " Hey, did the meta make it to jail?"

Celerity answered a moment later, she was a little irritated. As she had set the meta down in the jail cell she had reached up and punched her in the face taking her by surprise. She had hit her back and left the meta with a nice shiner on her eye. She hit her com "Yes, she is...you okay? I noticed all of the crowd outside. Am I the only one who hates all of the crazy attention I get doing this job? Where are you?" She asked him as she grabbed out an ice pack and put it on her jaw.

Kieran answered back. " I am in the air flying away from the court house. I truly despise the attention we have recieved for our simple good deeds, the deeds being the serial killer thing and now this. Its very.......annoying."

Kieran sighed. " I will meet you on the roof of the HQ."

"Okay" she responded. Smiling as she went up she wondered if he was going to tell her he didn't want to see her anymore. The thought surprisingly made her sad for a moment. She had no right to assume there was anything between them but the one night so she decided to let him decide what he wanted to do. She swallowed hard and hoped he was just blowing off steam about the media. She got up to the roof and sat down on one of the ledges to wait for him.

Kieran swooped down and landed on the ledge, almost bird like. Pretty comical actually from a third person point of view. He turned around and faced forward, and sat down next to Celerity. He leaned back and propped himself up with elbows. " I hate reporters and I hate having to...interact with the locals when we do our thing. I wish there was a way to do what we needed to do and get out without being seen. Unfortunately", He said expanding his wings dramatically," I cant exactly do that."

She smiled as she looked down the side of the building and nodded. "It's not always terrible but most of the time I would rather a simple thank you and that be all. This is my job and yes we save lives and all but...I don't know. I guess underneath it all we are just like them with powers. I'd rather be in the shadows than the spotlight." She rubbed her jaw softly for a moment subconsiously.

Kieran laughed. " If that was the case then maybe you should not have accepted the position of group leader. If anyone was going to be put in the spotlight the most it would be you oh fearless leader." Kieran smiled, moved in a little closer, and put a hand on her leg.

Celerity smiled as his touch made her feel butterflies in her stomach and she felt herself blush. "I didn't used to mind it so much. Things have changed I guess." She hesitated on whether to say anything to him about it or not. Turning to him she asked "So I guess you are alright with what happened last night?"

Kieran leaned in, bringing his hand further upwards and forcing Celerity down, and kissed her. After a few moments, hand still in place doing what it did, he broke for air and smiled. " Does that answer your question? "

Celerity turned a new shade of red and she didn't know whether she should say anything or not. She had not expected him to react quite this way. She pulled his hand away and grinned. "You are lucky I like you or I would have to hurt you for that." She reached up and pulled him back down to her and kissed him deeply. "Were you upset that I left in the middle of the night?" She asked, her voice a little husky.

Kieran shrugged. " I mean I dont know. I guess? I didnt plan on sleeping with you, not that I disliked it, so I didnt have any expectations. But I guess if it happend again.....", Kierans voice slightly trailed off, " Well I will leave it up to you. Speaking of, so you like me huh little miss blushing like a tomatoe?"

Celerity chuckled. "I can't help it. You got me worked up so it's your fault." She said while she returned the favor. "You should know that I have never just ended up in bed with someone I just met before. I'm not sure of the rules when things like this happen." She reached for his hand and she sped them into the building and into her room so fast she was worried his head would spin. She leaned up against the wall in there and held him steady til he caught up with his body. "You still want to kiss me?" She asked him, her voice low and her eyes a little softer.

Kieran pushed Celerity back until he had her pinned against the wall, then deeply kissed her. As he kissed her he removed parts of his clothes and helped her as well.

Fade to black

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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