Avatar of 1Charak2
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    1. 1Charak2 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Da-Vinci Chan~!

Alive once more

Da Vinci, whoms mind had been lost for what seemed like countlesss moments comprehending all the new information that had been put inside of her as a result of her still slowly adjusting to the new world around her would respond to her masters call to leave quite happily. " A future ally is always a good thing to meet indeed!" The Caster would say, her cheery disposition the same as when she had been first summoned.

Still as she walked behind her master to the front door, her eyes looked around at the flavourless architecture that the structure of the building represented. Truly if given the chance Da-vinci would be glad to spruce it up some more. A dash of colour and a hint of charm did a building a world of good.

'Onwards and outwards' The words of her master would reach her ear and get a response quite quickly. "Onwards and outwards to learn more about the world, Right Master?" She retorted her voice maintaining its knowing tone, and her smile spread wide on her face as the suns rays hit her, basking in the warmth before stepping out with her master. Looking forward to what the day would bring.

Quetzacoatl, a re-application to replace medusa since I feel I wouldn't do medusa's personality justice

plus I want to wrestle, and help scathach with the mooncell education system, and tombstone giant monsters.
@Player 2

Nice Minotauros! you got there.

Ignore this post!
@Parallel Hearts

I think Im going to re-app as Avenger Medusa, just to have a slightly more fun sheet to play with.

That moment everyone on the allied team, bar Scathach is vulnerable to Cybele so far.

Seems like medusa might actually end up killing her allies by accident.

Oh thats what I meant, its totally normal for the monster to throw them off, but riding the raging bull while hacking into it with a blade seems completely fitting for a thrill seeking hunter.
Though my only main experience with MH is youtube. I hope at least this should be enough to at least give me some sort of merit to play

Or rather that is what I would say if it wasn't for the fact I just want to ride all monsters like some mad jockey straight out of a valve game.


@Parallel Hearts

While I'll move medusa into the cs tab as is, I might app a couple skills seperately for you to review in order to better distinguishify her kit, Mostly because the base is done, I think I can attempt to add a few creative replacements,

Namely replacing IA, and MS with slightly differing forms, having decided this medusa is closer to gorgon then rider medusa

(Also her alignments Chaotic neutral now)
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