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The Arc Academy

Arc 1
Arc Academy Associates

Chapter 1: Open Your Eyes, Abandon Your Self

Out in the desert lands known as Orocos, a rare event in the universe was about to occur. There was a slim chance of this occurrence happening every three years, but often did not. It required the gathering of very unnatural beings, creatures capable of transcending their given bodies and limitations imposed at birth. Evolving at a vary rapid pace, these beings known to some as monsters would eventually have the power to change the course of the universe itself.

Orocos is a harsh land, intensely beaten by the sun's scorching rays. The air is so dry that one can almost feel the moisture being sucked from their skin. Throughout most of the land, there is nothing living but wild beasts that have adapted to the unforgiving climate over generations. The few human civilizations that exist in Orocos are closer to non-desert land, never too far from a river or oasis that provides constant water supply. It would be impossible to survive in Orocos for even a day without immediate access to water at all times. Yet, on this day, many brave souls decided to embark on a journey into this guaranteed death sentence. Embarking from the nearest town with as much water as they could carry and out into the desert at the same time; a time that at every hour the desert simply grew hotter and hotter and . . . hotter.

The locals would have informed anyone that the destination was not a good choice for a day's travel, especially not without an expedition team that was well trained and well supplied. The desert's climate alone was enough to kill someone from a heat stroke, and the creatures that lurked about waiting for exhausted travelers were abundant. Orocos was also under frequent threat from vicious sandstorms that if one somehow survived, would still die after having lost their way, being cut off from the sun and severely beaten.

It may have been an unconfirmed fact, in that you could not call and verify its invitation, the actual event being kept secret after all. But out in the desert there was a chance for something unique to each traveler as well as common. A reward that could grant an entire new perspective to the world, resources some could only dream of, power that the ordinary would not even think possible, and legendary experiences that made life worth risking.

And so the daring travelers ventured, out to find the ancient ruins of a town that once existed in a now uninhabitable location. The fallen civilization of Roontah. It was here that the true journey began, the chance to test one's resolve and desires for unrivaled reward. And now, the travelers capable of locating and reaching the ruins were to begin this journey. Would they face the same fate however, as those who failed to find the ruins, become lost to the desert forever? Or would they transform into tales of grandeur?

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One of the travelers was sitting before Roontah's steps now, in the golden sand with legs crossed. The young male with light brown hair and light complexion was leaning back on his arms, with his head tilted upward and gaze fixed upon the sky. His name was Kenric, no formal family name, and he was one of the first twelve to arrive at Roontah. At first he thought nothing of his arrival time, but as at least fifty people arrived over the next two hours, he realized his endurance and experience traversing dangerous landscapes had proven advantageous. Still, over the course of his trip here and waiting for two hours, he was still down to his very last water canteen. That meant that nearly everyone else had probably already ran out of water entirely, as they could only carry so much water. Not to mention the trip was a lot longer than even Kenric thought it would be. With the high endurance he knew he had, he was still winded and greatly appreciated the two hour break he had before something occurred.

After finding Roontah, Kenric simply plopped down right before the ancient town. Others may have opted to explore the ruins, even find some sign that the fabled test they were all gathered for was actually to happen here. But Kenric honestly rather rest and conserve his energy. They had all spent the entire day trekking through a miserable desert, and the test hadn't even begun yet. Kenric didn't want to waste any effort on something that didn't move him forward in his goal. Besides, they were not told how long it would take to find this place or what time the test would start. The only clue Kenric and likely everyone else was given, was to leave for Roontah from the nearest town at 12:00PM on the dot. Nothing else. With such gaps between arrival times, who knew what time the test was going to start and what was an acceptable time to arrive. If Kenric and others had arrived way too early, they might still have quite some time to wait. Thus, searching Roontah would be rather pointless. Also, Kenric had no idea what condition the town was in and if there might be some sort of traps laid out either by people of the past or people wishing to catch people now. He did examine the square and rectangular buildings, built up onto the side of a giant cliff, very well in the last two hours however. But now, he was growing rather impatient. None of them would survive for very long without water, much less take the Arc Academy Associate Test.

Some of the other travelers, applicants to the Academy, were beginning to speak to one another. Kenric could hear a portion of the group beginning to question whether they had truly found the right location. If this was really Roontah. Others wondered if it was all a false lead to begin with, and The Arc Academy Associate Test was actually taking place somewhere else entirely. Another portion of the group was in a different state entirely. They were nearing dehydration and were unlikely to make it much longer. Kenric could not help but feel as if the test had already started. Would they really start it like this though?

Kenric turned his head, moving his gaze from the sky to the fellow applicants around him. If this was the task that needed to be endured just to take the test, what kind of things would they be put through? Some of these men might not even be able to stand up by the time someone arrived to give them some sort of validation. And that was when his eyes widened a bit. He couldn't believe it, but there was a child there amongst the crowd.

"A kid? Here?" Any of the other participants would probably laugh if they were paying enough attention to him, as he would surely be regarded as a kid himself by the older applicants here. The younger applicant, if they didn't hear him speak, would likely notice his crimson red eyes bearing down on them. It wasn't intentionally a menacing or intimidating glare, but with his lack of facial expression and piercing eyes, it may come off as so.

Hey guys, go ahead and move your characters on over to the character tab!

@Duthguy You still with us on this journey?

First post should be up by the end of today!
@tipssyCalibrator@Blight Bug
@Nythra Kthunae
If anyone is interested in this and actually completes a character sheet, we can play multiple characters if other players don't join.

Then we can match up the characters, humans to warpers.
Bumping in case people are still interested.
Zamonth offered no objection to Qar's additional stops. "Well, let's get on with it then." He followed Qar out the room and around the village as he made his deliveries. On the last stop, he listened intently as the woman and Qar exchanged words. From what the woman described, he knew instantly what was wrong with the boy. He had witnessed sickness from water poisoning on several occasions. Back on his island, when the lost foolishly drank still water, and in the slums of cities as well. But, there was no reason for people so near the palace to be drinking water in such conditions. There was enough water to at least survive, but the palace was not distributing water evenly. No, they needed more water for their baths and their dry lips, beaten from the sun and sandy air. Whereas the poor and slaves had to savor every drop and risk their health by drinking from filthy pools of water.

Qar going out of his way to help the village people was a good display of character for Zamonth. Given the position he had now, the village was no longer his primary responsibility. But he continued to help others out of his own desire, an ambition to help others. It would seem as if he had no ill intention for Amen and would not be a bad person to have around. Unless he was simply playing a role. As Qar thanked Zamonth, he simply shrugged carelessly.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just get something to eat."

Zamonth had taken several large stone cups of wine to go along with his food, and they were now lined up neatly before his plate. Before enjoying his food, he eagerly took one of the cups and enjoyed a few rather large sips of the wine. It was not very strong, but it would be enough to ease him from the day he had. Hearing Qar speak, he placed his cup down and watched him with a curious look on his face.

"I have traveled quite a bit. And I could tell you about a few different places, but . . . Honestly, I might as well tell you about most brutal of them all. Wild imaginings and tall tales? That is what most of the stories you hear are. There is a place however, North of Egypt and out in the middle of the ocean. An island where monsters really do exist. I mean, monsters exist everywhere. But on this island monsters are normal. In the warm waters around the island, agile and powerful beasts lurk, devouring local prey and waiting for the opportunity to snatch any weary swimmers. Go out even deeper into the cold deep blue and you'll find creatures so large that they could swallow an entire ship. That is what our coast is like!" He chuckled as his eyes drifted, his mind obviously recalling the image of a large sea beast.

"Then you get to our jungles, oh and not to mention the people. Actually, before I continue though."
Zamonth's piercing eyes came back to Qar. "I wanted to ask you. Why the sudden change of opinion in Amen? Before it was obvious that you all looked at him as just another kid, a failure waiting to happen. And I'm sure you still have that as an option in your mind. But when you came back you looked at him differently. And if I'm not mistaken, you were trying to avoid breaking the straw on the camel's back, the back of the Dreaded Demon Goddess of the Crypt!" Zamonth's gaze was now bearing down on Qar with a new kind of intimidating aura; not one fueled by physical dominance, but instead a burning desire to gain what one was seeking through any means. And right now Zamonth was seeking a very honest answer from Qar, who would be very near someone he cared about. A dishonest or simply the wrong answer would surely trigger a strong dislike from Zamonth.
Now that we've decided where to start, I'm working on the introduction and AAAT so we should start soon.

I've been waiting for Dblade to get better but I haven't heard from him. I don't want to keep you all waiting though, so I'll have everything ready to go regardless.
@tipssyCalibrator Yup! You're good to go! I'm actually relatively new here still myself so don't worry lol.

@Hammerman@Blight Bug@Solaris@Duthguy

Well the majority has spoken! I prefer the story to start from the beginning as well, just wanted to give everyone the chance to choose so we don't get bogged down or stuck in an uninteresting part of the story (the characters will not have any elemental power yet).

But, I think the characters will develop and build relationships well at this point and set the tone for the rest of the story. We don't have to have a lengthy test either, whereas Hunter X Hunter went on for quite a long time.

Parting foliage before him, Tsku spotted the family of horned rabbits and immediately noticed the pregnant females. His eyes lowered to the ground beneath them for a moment before he took a deep breath and looked at the goblins near him. He did not know how the senior goblins of the tribe would react, but he assumed they would be just like his brother Yan-took; hungry and primarily concerned with their own survival. His eyes had another perspective however. Not just from his understanding and belief in nature's balance, but something else he could not explain, a feeling within himself.

Tsku did not speak yet, however. Instead he waited for the rest of his tribe to react, particularly the senior members. Though he saw the creatures as more than food, living beings that follow nature's unspoken law as all others did, he also acknowledged that the tribe was now under severe and unfortunate circumstances. They all needed food desperately and they may not be able to spare every poor animal that came into their sights via opportunity. But should they kill the entire family, Tsku would be left with a dark feeling inside. It may not seem like the smartest or easiest decision, but Tsku felt they should perhaps overlook the majority of the family and only take the female that was not pregnant. But that would only be one meal, hardly enough to feed even one goblin for long. Tsku could not and would not force his belief on the others. He would simply refrain from this meal should they proceed with killing them all, that he had decided. That would free up his meal for others and reduce his negative experience. Out of respect for the rabbits, he did decide to at least mention their state in case the others had failed to notice. After all, he was attuned with nature and others might not make such quick observations, especially while so hungry.

"Two of the females are pregnant." Tsku stated blankly and matter of factly, keeping his emotion hidden.
@Hammerman@Duthguy@Blight Bug@Solaris@tipssyCalibrator

Hey guys, thank you for your patience.

To be honest, I'm getting impatient myself lol.

So, all your characters are approved. Let's get to voting!

Before, after, or even during the AAAT?

What do you all want?
Hello potential roleplay partners!

This thread is just to share my interest in finding roleplays. Your interest can be 1 x 1 but also feel free to talk to me about group roleplays as well.

With that being said, I'll add some details about myself and my writing style/requirements so you can decide if we might make a good match.

    -I'm a 24 year old male.

    -I prefer to write high casual to advanced. I have not been in very active games for awhile so my post length is gradually increasing but I don't need great length posts; I prefer quality over quantity and will become bored with over-detailed posts. I expect at least 2-3 paragraphs average however.

    -I play male and female characters. I prefer multiple characters on most occasion.

    -I'm open to mature (18+) themes, though if there will be mature themes you must be +18 yourself.

    -Genres and concepts I'm willing to play are: fantasy, sci-fi, superhero, apocalyptic, space travel, mutants, video games, anime-style.
    I'm open to ideas, this is just somewhere to start. I do prefer action in whatever kind of game we play.

    -I prefer original ideas and characters, but depending on the lore I may be okay with canon characters (with the Marvel Universe for example).

    -I may post daily but will not necessarily post everyday. I will communicate with my partners.

I may go ahead and flesh this out some more with ideas and even examples of writing, but for now I just want to put my interest out there and see what comes up.

If you have any questions or ideas feel free to post or shoot me a PM!

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