Avatar of AGenericUser
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    1. AGenericUser 7 yrs ago


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What's up? I'm just a user - you might even call me AGenericUser. Sometimes I do an obscure little thing called roleplay - maybe you've heard of such a thing before? At any rate, there's not really much to tell you about myself. I like JRPGs though, so there's that I guess.

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The day had well and truly come. The students found themselves on a small helicopter, each and every one of them ready for their initation. Below awaited the Emerald Forest - the land where the future hunters would prove themselves, though, at the moment Kobalt simply wondered when they'd get down there. His assumption was that they would be dropped off into the forest - and eventually, he'd find out just how right - and how wrong - he was.

Ozpin began to explain the whole teams system, and how it worked within the initiation process. "Whoever you first make eye contact with will be your partner." Well, it was certainly a unique system to Kobalt, though he briefly wondered if that meant that people could just shield their eyes and not get partnered with someone. He thought someone would definitely try that, though he didn't care for this idea.

Along with that, it was explained that acquiring a relic would tie into the creation of one's team, an interesting - and vital part of information indeed. It seemed very strange to Kobalt, but he thought he understood it. Aside from that, Ozpin spoke a few more words of wisdom, before uttering something else of note. "Oh, and when I said a few minutes, I meant ten seconds ago."

Before this could even properly register in Kobalt's mind... almost instantly, the floor disappeared into the helicopter in a brief moment, and the same went for the chairs. Then, Kobalt found himself falling. '... Seriously?! They're just gonna drop us into this place like that...? Dammit, I didn't expect this at all...! But I ain't gonna complain. That's not what a true Zaffre does.' Fortunately, like the rest of the students, Kobalt was equipped with his weapon of choice before being dropped into the forest, significantly increasing the chances of his survival. 'Alright, gotta calm down and look for a way to get myself down. Well, without splattering myself onto the grass. That'd be a start.'

Unsurprisingly, the Emerald Forest lived up to its name, being full of large trees with leaves that were almost emerald in colour. A plan began to form in Kobalt's head, which made use of the capabilities of his Whip Gauntlets - the Twin Thunderbolts. With a quick motion of his left thumb, Kobalt activated the wrist launcher on his gauntlets, which quickly activated, firing forth a dark black cord towards a nearby tree. In short time, the cord latched itself into the tree - and with another hand motion, this time using his index finger, he pulled himself towards the cord, leaving him suspended against the tree. This quick motion led to his hat falling off his head, to which he sighed.

'Alright... from here, I can easily lower myself down.' Kobalt thought - and with a motion utilizing his ring finger, the cord began to retract, lowering Kobalt closer and closer to the ground. Eventually, he set foot onto the ground onto the green grass of the Emerald Forest, where he quickly headed over to his hat, placed it onto his head, and looked up at the helicopter above. 'Sure, I ain't winning any style points, but I'm alive.'

Kobalt dusted himself off, and looked around, yet all he could see was the deep forest that surrounded him. 'I'm supposed to be heading to the ruins, yeah? May as well start walking already.' Though, it was at this moment that he thought he'd heard something - like the sound of something crashing into well, something, far off in the distance. Kobalt didn't think about it too much, though, as he began the trek through the forests, the Twin Thunderbolts at the ready.

'... This is the right way, isn't it?'

Interactions: Nobody this time around.

I'll chime in with the whole 'fine with a timeskip' part, too.
"Won't lie, feels a little weird having initiation tomorrow. Been waitin' for this day for years." Kobalt added as he reached into his backpack, searching for his sleeping bag - something that would certainly be of importance if he were to sleep on the ground. Though, he found that his backpack was quite full of various miscellaneous objects he'd brought with him - there was the normal stuff, like food - then there was his badge collection and a few trinkets he'd brought along with him. However, Kobalt ceased rummaging through his pack, and glanced over to the rest of the group. "You guys wanna be hunters, right? Give it your all and you're set. Hell, if you're here right now, you've probably got what it takes."

Kobalt tilted his hat downwards after his words, and continued searching through his backpack until he located his sleeping bag. 'Geez... I said that, huh? I ain't wrong, though.'

He began setting up his blue and rather ordinary sleeping bag, though he found his mind drifting back onto the topic of the team system. It was something that would shape his entire experience in Beacon, but within that lied the question of who he'd be teamed up with. Anyone in the group he was currently with was good, he felt - even Aeschel, who he may have deemed clumsy previously. While he did want teammates he could rely on, he also wanted people. People he could get along with. And the people he'd met seemed to be just that... so far, at the very least.

'Well, let's just see what happens.' Kobalt thought as he pulled something else out of his pack... none other than his weapon, which he had deemed the Twin Thunderbolts - a pair of gauntlets, specially designed for a swift striker. Kobalt couldn't help but inspect them, for they'd be seeing combat very, very soon. 'And, hey. I've always got these, so I'm good. The only teammate I need... not that others would be a bad thing.'

Putting his gauntlets back after their routine inspection, Kobalt chose to take a peek around the room, to see what the other future hunters were up to. Some were chatting, others were showing off - flexing, wrestling, the like, while some seemed to stray from any groups, instead choosing to be by their lonesome. But two people caught Kobalt's eye. The first of which was a white-haired Faunus, sitting against the wall, his arms folded... the other, however, was rather familiar. Kobalt spotted the blonde lady who was accompanying Aqua on the airship - now reading a book. "Hey, Aqua," Kobalt uttered. "Maybe I'm wrong, but ain't that your friend from the airship over there?"

@Agent 47 @DrTwit @Ithradine @AdmrlStalfos19

Lehariel Leet

"Geez... I'm dyin' over here. Nothing to do... at all!" Lehariel mumbled to nobody in particular, her gaze shifting to various buildings dotting the streets. Her mind was on an addiction of hers - that being battling, for nothing got the blood pumping quite as much. Yet, the past few days had been, simply put, boring for the silver-haired adventurer. She hadn't been doing much more than waiting around and hoping - praying, even, that something interesting would happen, something out of the norm. A quest, a fight, both, anything would do. Yet... nothing of the sort had happened, at least so far. All that was noteworthy was the fact that she'd heard talk of a festival around town. Something like that could certainly prove exciting.

'Ooh! What if like, monsters showed up and were going to ruin everything, but then we Legion of the Wolf guys come to the rescue?! It'd be something out of a movie or something, but... it's probably not a good thing to think stuff like that, huh. Something like that'd ruin the festival, so...'

Lehariel peered over to a few shops, which were in the process of packing up. This only served as a reminder to Lehariel that she'd used quite a bit of her money yesterday - or was it the day before? But, nevertheless, she'd went from having over a thousand Renn to having a mere fourty seven Renn. "That shady Astrology business I was thinking about sounds real good about now... I don't think I'd get much Renn, sure, but at least it's something." She spoke her thoughts aloud, thankfully with no passerby nearby. "Eh, who am I kidding. I don't think I'd get more than like, three Renn. People've wised up to that hocus-pocus stuff. Sure, telling fortunes could be fun, but I'd get basically nothing... and I'd be standing around all day, too."

Eventually, she found herself at a rather familiar location - none other than the Portal Gate, the very location one could travel from floor to floor. It was a place Lehariel'd grown quite familiar with to put it one way, for it was the link between floors. And, as an adventurer - she often found herself heading off into whatever floor was available to her, though she typically went solo. Lehariel headed towards the Portal Gate, focused on venturing forth into the next floor - though it didn't take long before she stopped her advance.

'I'm with those guys now, Lehariel thought, referring to the Legion of the Wolf. 'I probably shouldn't just head off, huh... plus, going solo from this point on's probably a fool's gambit. I mean, I may say I could've taken the Fenrir Herald by myself - at least, I think I said that - but I didn't really do all that much. If we wanna go further, we've gotta be a team.'

'I mean, heading off alone's just asking to be killed, and I don't wanna die with no fanfare. It's gotta be something dramatic, like some big sacrifice to help everyone out or something. But hey! I'm not gonna die, either, so I don't have to worry about that. Lehariel Leet's got a few tricks up her sleeve... and the Legion of the Wolf's gonna see what! I'm packin' heat! Well, magical heat, at the least...

And with that, Lehariel headed off - patience was a virtue, after all, and not heading off onto the next floor alone without your guild was also a very important virtue, even if it were a rather obscure virtue. And, who knows? Maybe something interesting would be heading her way soon enough...

My Easter's been pretty alright, fair bit of chocolate and all so that's always a plus. Our holidays started a few days ago, so that's a bonus - my plan is to do what I do on every holiday. That is to say I'll think about doing interesting stuff, then end up not doing it.

Lehariel Leet

The Day Before

"Ugh, what am I gonna do today?! I was thinking I'd like, hang with some of the guild or something, but they're gone. Like... petals, in the wind!" Lehariel muttered to herself, leaning her head onto the table - a quill in one of her hands, and a scroll right next to her. "Oh, that sounded cool. I'm gonna have to say that to someone eventually. I can't just have it go ignored... that's wasteful! And my parents, well, they taught me to never be wasteful... maybe a little too well, in fact..."

Nonetheless, Lehariel shifted her attention to the scroll, which was covered in an assortment of scribbles, yet these assortment of scribbles were very important to Lehariel, for they were the basis of her latest plan to become ever stronger... and not only that, but it'd be putting all sorts of things Lehariel had purchased to good use if it worked well, or rather, if it worked at all. There was no guarantee that this... unorthodox plan would work. But if it did? Lehariel thought it'd be cool and stylish as hell... but also possibly dangerous as hell. But to that, Lehariel had one thing to say...

Of course, there was no guarantee this was possible, but it just sounded like a cool idea to Lehariel Leet. Someday she'd try to make it, for sure, but she felt that stuff like 'Axe Tonfas' were a lot more viable a choice - or especially the Wandaxe. An axe with a wand attached to the back - just flip it around and fire off some spells! It would be perfect for Lehariel's swashbuckling melee - magic switching style, but again, there was no guarantee that it worked.

Lehariel laid her head on the table for a while until she thought of something to do. Lehariel found that she still had a bit of Renn to spend - 272 Renn, to be exact. And, if Lehariel remembered correctly, that meant she'd be able to learn a few new disciplines, maybe even actions. In particular, Lehariel thought it'd be wise to increase her knowledge in the fields of Light discipline - from the sound of it, the next spell she'd learn, Flash and Awe, was rather potent. 'A strong burst of light that stuns all nearby targets', hey? That sounds like it kicks ass! But hold on a second, is it talking about just enemies, or everyone? Blinding my teammates is probably a bit of a bad move. Maybe it'd be funny for a prank, but not if lives are on the line... and hey, if I learn Flash and Awe, I'll get closer to spells like... like... Laser! Holy crap I'm excited to learn that! It'll be like that old internet thing. I'mma firin' my lazor, and all that!'

However, Lehariel took a look at the Pure Magic discipline spells, a set of spells she didn't have much interest. Sure, pure magic was cool, but was it as cool as burning things to the ground or freezing them solid? No! But... Lehariel spotted an interesting spell. Combine Disciplines, a spell that allowed the user to combine spells into one. That was a major part of Lehariel's plan as a spell user! In fact, the Pure Magic discipline seemed very useful for someone like Lehariel. It'd allow her to use even more spells... perhaps it'd be worth giving it the skilltree a look. It could definitely come in useful, and besides - she had money that was going unused. That 272 Renn had to go somewhere...!

So, Lehariel set off once again, to pay the magic teacher - or, as she called her, 'Teach' - to teach her new spells. And, fortunately, this time it was easier to locate her magic teacher without getting lost...

"Hey, thanks Aqua." Kobalt addressed with a thankful nod of his head. "Can't say I'm that huge a fan of this whole 'sleeping on the floor' business and all, though. Kind of sucks that we've got no other option, huh."

Kobalt began to head towards the designated area that Aqua had patted on the ground - but before this, he took a quick glance around the area. It was still just as crowded, with the occasional student shying away from any groups. Kobalt was thankful - if it weren't for this Aqua person, he'd probably be all by his lonesome, as well. While peaceful... being alone did tend to get a little boring. Though, before long, Kobalt found that the other two students with Aqua had begun to introduce themselves. As it turned out, the red-haired lady's name was Cinna - and the orange-haired Faunus man's name was Aeschel. And speaking of names, Kobalt seemed to have earned himself a nickname, one that had been used by both Aqua - and the red-haired lady, Cinna. That nickname was... 'Kobes'. Kobalt didn't quite know what to think about it - it sounded a little cutesy for his tastes, but... it'd do.

Something else Kobalt noticed - was that the fellow he now knew as Aeschel held his hand out for a handshake, at least if Kobalt was interpreting things correctly... though, how the Faunus man formed the handshake was a little unusual, clumsy even. Kobalt recalled that this was the same Faunus on the ship... everything came together. However, Aeschel's friend, Cinna corrected his handshake rather quickly. 'Alright, so... I think this is when I go for the handshake. Here's hopin' that I'm not mixing this stuff up. That'd be embarrassing as hell.'

Kobalt met the handshake - and recalled something that'd slipped his mind. "Oh, yeah, should probably introduce myself." Kobalt uttered. "Kobalt Zaffre's my name. Nice meeting you guys." He introduced himself with a calm demeanor, then dropped the handshake - and headed towards the area Aqua had patted. Before long, he began to sit down, and started placing his pack onto the ground gently. It was a relief to sit down, for Kobalt had been standing up for quite a while. There was nothing quite like taking a seat after prolonged standing... even if it was on the floor.

Kobalt overheard Cinna and Aeschel talking about something, but he didn't quite know what. Though, after a while, it seemed like another person had found their way to the group Kobalt was currently with. This time, it was another Faunus, though this one was a tall lady, clad in black and white... and again, it was another familiar student. This was the same person he'd seen Aeschel talking with on the airship! While he did come off as a bit clumsy, it seemed like he was a popular fellow.

The lady in black and white spoke to Aeschel once again - then seemed to address the rest of the group, asking their names. It looked like this'd be the second time in a few minutes that Kobalt would be introducing himself, though that was only natural on the first day. "My name's Kobalt Zaffre." Kobalt replied. It was simple, but... it didn't quite need to be a fancy introduction.

Interacting With: @Agent 47 @DrTwit @Ithradine @AdmrlStalfos19

Sorry about the wait, I'll be able to get a post up in a few hours, hopefully. Been doing some homework for the past few days - tried writing a few different concept posts, but they weren't really coming to mind.

Sorry about that.

Lehariel Leet

It was just an ordinary, boring day for the silver-haired mage, Lehariel Leet. She wasn't wrapped up in epic battles and dungeon raiding like she was yesterday - instead, she was just lazing about in one of Genesis City's many inns. She'd purchased quite a bit to eat - mainly beef, and over that, many thoughts raced through her head. However, many of said thoughts were her thinking about how much she loved said beef. The rest regarded her plan - dubbed 'Skills to Pay the Bills'. She chuckled at the name quite often, thinking it was quite clever, for her plan made use of her skill - Astrology - and would help her pay the bills - by earning Renn. It was genius, really, in all aspects, even name. Lehariel was certain that her plan was, simply put, genius.

The young mage had considered pulling it off today, but she found herself a little too comfortable in the inn. She usually was quite energetic, but when she lazed about, she really lazed about. With a yawn, Lehariel scribbled some notes onto her scroll about what she needed, if she was to pull off her grand plan. Of course, she'd need a stand - not the one that floated behind you and attacked for you, but a stand that would work for a stall, as seen in a market. Along with that, she'd need a sign, to pull people over, so Lehariel could read their fortunes, divining them from even the most blackening of darkness. And then she'd need somewhere to hold all her money!

But a thought came to Lehariel's mind, surprisingly enough. 'Aww crap! If I'm remembering right, it's nearly night! Geez, I gotta pick up the pace if I want to buy anything!' Lehariel rushed to her feet, getting out of her chair rather quickly. 'Those Wolf guys'll probably need my help soon, so I'd better buy some stuff! I can't have them hosers stealing Lehariel Leet's thunder!'

Rushing out the door, Lehariel looked up at the sky... and her worries were confirmed. The umbral night was just about to arise, taking the place of the radiant day! She had to be fast if she wanted to buy some new stuff. "I'll buy... some kickass new axe! And maybe... a wand! Then... some other stuff!" She mouthed to herself, feet roaring across the stone ground - each step with an audible thud.

Eventually, she arrived at the promised land that awaited her. That land? It was none other than the market, a place key to conquering this 'Talrae' thing. Better equipment means better performance, but better equipment requires one thing, and one thing only. Cold hard cash. After all, what made the world go round? Money makes the world go round!

Lehariel passed by various people as she headed to the Blacksmiths. Some of them looked familiar - in fact, Lehariel thought they might just have been her new teammates from the Legion of the Wolf. But she had no time to wait, as the promise of a big, nasty new battleaxe spurred her forth. Upon reaching the Blacksmiths, Lehariel quickly rushed forth to make her offer. Pointing forth at the Blacksmith inside, she spoke. "I'll make an offer... in cash!" She spoke enthusiastically, still with her dramatic point. However, this segued into a question for the Blacksmith. "So what weapons ya got, Smithy? I'm looking at axes - wait, did that sound funny? I mean, I'm looking for slashy axes. Not-"

"At the moment, I've got Apprentice's Axes and Bane Axes. Take yer pick. If anythin' else catches yer eye, let me know, lassy." The Blacksmith interrupted. "I've got me some regular old Axes, but I'm gonna wager a guess that you're looking for something a little better than that."

And then, it hit Lehariel Leet like a stack of bricks. 'Bane Axe'. The very words seemed to speak to Lehariel Leet on so many levels! It was no mere axe, for it was named, and what a name it was. Bane was a threatening word, for sure... and an axe was a threatening weapon! That was two times the threatening! Lehariel needed to hear no more to make her judgement. "Give me that! I mean, I'll buy a Bane Axe! How much does it cost?! How much?!"

"250 Renn," The Blacksmith replied casually, serving quite the contrast to Lehariel's enthusiastic self. "Yer set on a Bane Axe, are ya? Can't blame ya. They've got some real bite to 'em."

"Yeah, for sure!" Lehariel chirped. "I mean, what sounds cooler? A eensy weensy Apprentice's Axe - like I'm an apprentice! - or a Bane Axe? There's a right option, and I'm picking it!" Lehariel then paid her 250 Renn to the Blacksmith rather swiftly. Only then did she lay eyes on the Bane Axe. "W-whoa! That looks... that looks a hell of a lot cooler than my Axe did! I'll chop that guy up on Floor 100, no sweat."

From there, Lehariel exited the Blacksmith building. For... Lehariel Leet's spending spree had only just begun. She headed to every store she could, in order to buy bits and pieces. Things like potions an adventurer may need on their journey... along with well, just about anything that caught her eye. It wasn't hard to Lehariel to buy something on impulse... something that always came back to bite her.

But, eventually... she found herself done with her adventure in the markets, having spent quite a bit. And by fair a bit, Lehariel had managed to drop to a measly peasly 272 Renn - from 1257! 'Dammit... those guys at the store sure convinced me to buy like, everything! But how could I resist a Ring of Teleporting?! I'll go right behind the enemy and go 'nothin' personal, kid!' And that chain I brought - oh, I've got good plans for that.' Lehariel gazed down at her newly purchased Bane Axe. 'I've got a real nasty plan for that chain, actually. A really nasty and really cool plan.'

But a few other things Lehariel brought didn't have as clear cut of a use... for instance, the Flint Stones she'd purchased. 'He tried to trick me! It's not like I fell for it or anything, though! I just wanted these Flint Stones for... for... lighting fires! Maybe we'll need to burn down a forest or something. Lehariel pondered. 'That bastard salesman... wait. Maybe I can learn from him! He made me - tried to make me buy on impulse. So, if I can do that for my Astrology store, then... I'll be rolling in dough! Big money, big fun!

And with that, Lehariel Leet's marketplace adventure was done and dusted. "What a day!" Lehariel spoke aloud. "But if I was powerful before, then I'm like, ultra powerful. This Bane Axe holds hidden power, I hear! And this Teleport Ring..."

After ten minutes which felt more like an eternity - the airship had finally landed at Beacon Academy, though not without quite the bumpy landing that forced Kobalt to grip onto a guardrail, as to not be knocked into the various other students via the impact. Shortly after a loudspeaker announcement, however... the time had finally come for the students to leave the ship. Kobalt's fellow students seemed quite excited to have landed, for they filed out of the airship rather quickly. Kobalt waited for the line to thin out before he left - there was no use rushing. Sure, he was dying to enter Beacon Academy - but an extra minute or two wouldn't hurt. Eventually, the time came for Kobalt to leave the ship, and from there, he followed after the other students, taking glimpses of Beacon Academy as he did so.

It didn't take Kobalt too long to find his way to a large room with an equally large number of students. All of the future huntsmen and huntresses of Beacon were gathered to listen to their new headmaster. Kobalt found himself at the back of the gathering, though he didn't mind this at all. In fact, he found it rather relaxing.

Kobalt laid eyes on the headmaster, recognizing them immediately. Kobalt knew who the man was from the stories his mother and father would tell him. The grey-haired, somewhat aged fellow clad in green attire and classy glasses that stood before the students was none other than Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon. His parents had only positive things to speak of Ozpin. The man was a fair, yet strict teacher who wanted only the best for the hunters and huntresses in his care. Yet... the man was rumoured to be an incredible hunter, too. There were few people Kobalt respected more than Ozpin, and he'd only seen him today. Ozpin began his speech, as well - speaking of how the students will grow... both in body and mind, something that resonated well with Kobalt. His parents had always believed in growing in body and mind, and now Kobalt knew where they'd gotten it from. Ozpin. 'Can't believe I met him... the guy felt like the stuff of legends, like some kinda superhero all those years back. He's the real deal, though. Damn... I'm lucky to be one of his students.' Kobalt thought, glancing over at the grey-haired man once more, before heading off to his next destination.

Later on, at the Great Hall...

Dinner had passed, always a highlight of Kobalt's day - but the passing of dinner heralded another event... that being sleep. The students had to head to the Great Hall for their sleep, something Kobalt wasn't as keen on. Sleeping in such a large, noisy room wasn't that appealing, unsurprisingly. Kobalt wouldn't have even minded heading outside and sleeping anywhere else. Chances were that would allow for both a peaceful sleep - and perhaps even meditation, for a clear mind was quite the boon.

Kobalt was dressed in an old favourite blue jacket of his - it had served him well in the cold regions of Atlus, for it had been designed with warmth in mind - so hunters could brave the fierce colds. This jacket was adorned with two badges, different from his regular shirt. One was red and circular, and read 'Bolt' - the other was simply a blue square. Of course, Kobalt was still clad in his trademark hat. He had quite the history with his hat - and over the years, he'd grown fond of it.

Off in the distance within the colossal hall, Kobalt caught sight of various familiar students off in the distance - Aqua, and the orange-haired Faunus he'd deemed as clumsy earlier on in the day. He also noticed a red-haired lady he'd seen once or twice in the airship, as well. '... May as well try out some of this mingling thing then.' Kobalt briefly pondered, his eyes on the group. 'Sleeping in some giant, crowded-ass hall isn't something I really want to do, but hey, doesn't look like I've got much of an option. Probably not a bad idea to get to know some people, either.'

Tilting his hat slightly downwards, Kobalt began the trek to his destination. The Great Hall was positively bustling with people - the airship was crowded, but the Great Hall really put into perspective how many students there were heading into Beacon. Eventually, Kobalt arrived, and quickly looked over at the three people he'd headed over to - Aqua, along with the orange-haired faunus and the red-haired lady. With a clear voice, he spoke. "You guys alright if I set up here? Seems like an alright spot for a bit of a nap."

Interactions: @Agent 47 @DrTwit @Ithradine
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