Avatar of aia2022
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 171 (0.21 / day)
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    1. aia2022 2 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current risen from the dead
1 yr ago
gahajhxndneyauhhdhshana :)
1 yr ago
being a ghost is so cool /hj
1 yr ago
The toast!! No!!!
2 yrs ago
AAAH I’m so sorry for not posting anything these past few weeks! I’ll be getting some stuff up so my apologies for the roleplays I am currently in right now
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Status: Semi-Active (I’m kinda off-on most of the time)

Note: I’m literally a pile of bones right now

Free for Rp?: No…ish

Explicit Rp or No?: nope

RP’s I am currently in/have slipped into:
TNT [The Nameless Tavern] (Free Roleplay)
Free-Form Fantasy (Free Roleplay)
The dark ball- who will be the successor? (Free Roleplay)
Otaku Town (Free Roleplay)

Literary Level: Semi-literate to literate; if I’m feeling casual I’m normally semi-literate but whenever I have enough time I will type out multiple paragraphs and nothing can stop me! *evil cackling*

Extra Info:
I am sometimes really slow on picking up hints, so I sincerely apologise if you’ve been trying to hint at a plot or anything but I still haven’t got it yet! I also enjoy making up my own stories, though sometimes the ideas are kinda dumb.

I also tend to forget important things sometimes so please forgive me if I’ve forgotten a major plot point or anything similar.
sometimes I also cannot english

PS: I have a duolingo streak going 300+ days strong so I might not respond because I’m using my free time to continue my streak sometimes hehe

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Light

Lavender hummed to show that she was listening. It was a shame that the doctor ‘used to’ live and work in the tavern. They might’ve come in handy during situations like the one that had transpired earlier.

Ah, he went to go get milk. She was a bit jealous he managed to just up and go like that, but it is what it is.

The fox faced woman stared at the strip of bandage he had offered her. To say she was surprised was an understatement. Lavender looked up to make eye contact (well, as much eye contact as she could with a mask on) and tried to ask him silently what the hell he wanted to do because dear gods above she was astounded. Astounded and confused.

Ouch. Doc sounded like someone people could easily exploit. Come running to him when you’re injured but ignore him entirely just because you dislike his personality.
@Dark Light

She gave Clay a grateful nod when he showed her where the burn cream was.

Lavender took one glance at the tail of bandage and shrugged. ”I’ve done more complicated things.” She replied before she leaned over and fumbled a bit with the bandage, hissing quietly at the discomfort she experienced when it touched her raw skin and in the end she simply looped the bandage under and over the fabric which had already been wrapped around Clay’s stomach and tearing off a piece of medical tape (from god knows where) to ensure it wouldn’t fall off.

During this slightly slow process she avoided touching his skin as much as possible, though it was just inevitable as her hand brushed against some part of his body as she finished off tying the bandage.

@ShadowKnight @Dark Light

”Mm, no thanks.” Lavender turned her head to make it look like she were staring at the man who had just approached her. ”I think I’d rather heal my own wounds on my own, no?” She allowed herself a cold smile though she knew he couldn’t see her expression, and promptly left her seat.

Lavender made a bit of a beeline for Clay, looking over at the case and trying to see whether or not there was what she needed for her injuries. She made a face at his stomach injury but didn’t do much as he was already treating it himself. ”Do you have burn cream in there? Burnt my hands.” The fox faced woman asked as she continued searching the case with her eyes.

She wondered where the space spirit went, and paused trying to see if there was burn cream or not to take a glance around the tavern. Griffin guy, fae child, and the literal god playing some advanced form of chess were some of the people who stuck out to her.

@Dark Light

Oh. How disappointing.

Not only when she tried to leave the tavern, it would just appear back in-front of her, but when she went back in and tried other doors she would just get chucked back into the main tavern. It was annoying- she had bandages to buy and allies to check up on.

With a sigh, she stood just outside the tavern, contemplating on her next course of action. Of course, she wouldn’t mind going back in for a second drink, but then again, she had errands to run. This was just exasperating. She looked down at her blistered hands and sighed again, deciding to take her chances in the tavern and see if she could buy any of the medical supplies she needed off of the patrons.

Lavender readjusts her mask again, making sure it’s not going to suddenly fall off, and pushes open the tavern door. Quietly she walks to a free table and slumps into a seat, looking somewhat defeated while she scans around looking for people who would possibly want to sell her the stuff she needed. The fox-faced woman noted the man wearing what seemed to be all black (‘emo, haha’), but didn’t really acknowledge him as someone who would sell her burn cream. Especially since he appeared to have paid for drinks for the entire tavern.
@Dark Light nah you can go ahead- I don’t mind
lavender’s gonna be pissed off though

The woman would watch as the wyvern quickly dealt with the remaining wraiths. It seems she didn’t have to do anything anymore. Lavender shrugged and the flames that were still flickering at her palms disappeared.

Speaking of the flames, her hands were now slightly burnt, scalded as if her hand was put under hot water with a couple of blisters but thankfully no skin melted off. It was a wonder how her hands were still there considering how hot her blue fire was and how often she used her powers. Lavender patted around her person to see if she had any burn cream on her and sighed when she realised she was sadly out of stock.

She really needed to go back on the road and replenish her supplies. Almost all of her medical related items were running out.

With that in mind, Lavender decided to go find her abandoned glass of wine, finish it (if it hasn’t been knocked over) and then go out once again. Taking a glance around the tavern and looking around at the recovering patrons, the woman allowed herself a very small but amused smile. She would definitely come back, and would make sure to at least be a familiar face ( or mask), but she was a traveller. Travellers didn’t often hang around in one spot for too long.
this seems interesting! not sure whether or not i'll have enough time for another rp, but if this rp is gonna get any more interest you can count me in :)
ok so what if there was an artifact that enhances the wearer's powers significantly to the point of godhood /j
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