Avatar of aia2022
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 171 (0.21 / day)
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    1. aia2022 2 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current risen from the dead
1 yr ago
gahajhxndneyauhhdhshana :)
1 yr ago
being a ghost is so cool /hj
1 yr ago
The toast!! No!!!
2 yrs ago
AAAH I’m so sorry for not posting anything these past few weeks! I’ll be getting some stuff up so my apologies for the roleplays I am currently in right now
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Status: Semi-Active (I’m kinda off-on most of the time)

Note: I’m literally a pile of bones right now

Free for Rp?: No…ish

Explicit Rp or No?: nope

RP’s I am currently in/have slipped into:
TNT [The Nameless Tavern] (Free Roleplay)
Free-Form Fantasy (Free Roleplay)
The dark ball- who will be the successor? (Free Roleplay)
Otaku Town (Free Roleplay)

Literary Level: Semi-literate to literate; if I’m feeling casual I’m normally semi-literate but whenever I have enough time I will type out multiple paragraphs and nothing can stop me! *evil cackling*

Extra Info:
I am sometimes really slow on picking up hints, so I sincerely apologise if you’ve been trying to hint at a plot or anything but I still haven’t got it yet! I also enjoy making up my own stories, though sometimes the ideas are kinda dumb.

I also tend to forget important things sometimes so please forgive me if I’ve forgotten a major plot point or anything similar.
sometimes I also cannot english

PS: I have a duolingo streak going 300+ days strong so I might not respond because I’m using my free time to continue my streak sometimes hehe

Most Recent Posts

The man with auburn hair barely resisted the temptation of full on clapping. Sebastian had completely broken not only the rules of the current universe itself, but also broke the fourth wall. The Mad God would be proud.

He glanced around, wondering why it had gotten so quiet all of a sudden. Perhaps something big happened, he thought as he sipped his ale.

The man glanced towards the door of the tavern, wishing that something or someone else would walk in just to disturb the peace. Now that the mess Sebastian had caused had settled, it was…unusually unchaotic.
that’s fair

the thread die though lol

oh my god

that is the most detailed set of tips I have ever been given..

thank you so much!! these are actually really helpful- especially the cliff hanger tip.

once more, thank you for taking time out of your day to write all that :D
new year brings new work to do at school so I’ve gotten quite busy

I am also waiting for anyone else to come in lol
sorry I died for quite some time-

I’m looking for just general experience in roleplaying, but to be more specific better character building skills and better roleplay skills (writing skills)

unfortunately I’ve been locked out of the second page somehow so I am able to respond to any more questions but it is likely that I’m going to be hanging around and reading as the story progresses

thank you for your time

Marie slowly walks into Otaku Town, lighting up when she sees familiar faces from animes she had watched on the walls. She didn’t know what to expect when she came across the pub during a stroll, but by the name she should’ve known it was anime related.

Looking around curiously, she took in the interior and the music playing, as well as the other faces that belonged to actually real people. Here there weren’t many at the moment, but there was a particular group she noticed most. One of them pulled out an entire deck of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, which she was kind of impressed at when she caught the words ‘active player’.

She pondered whether to walk over and make new friends, and moved to the side to lean against the wall so she could think it over, all while looking at the group.

Artemis relaxed slightly. It seemed Prince Eric didn’t want to talk either. “Hmm. I suppose you’re obviously busy. Very well then, I apologise for keeping you.” He said simply. With a slight and quick bow, he gave a (mocking) farewell wave and was off before he could say anything.

Now, to find that duke. Amongst the crowd he couldn’t spot him but he supposed he could make himself more likeable among the public during his own search.
@Dark Light

The fox-faced woman had spaced out for quite some time, still half listening if Clay spoke but mostly occupied with searching the tavern. She promptly choked on air at his words which then turned into a short coughing fit. Options, indeed.

She turned to look at the man when the fit subsided, silently regaining her composure and wondering whether to take him seriously or not. She also realised he may or may not have just offered a one stand.

Lavender couldn’t help but agree with what he said next. This certainly was an unpredictable place. Nothing she couldn’t handle, anyway. It was fun to watch all the chaos unfold.

She opted to not answer him by looking around, and this time she found three new rather interesting characters had entered the tavern. One blue haired fellow was currently engaging in conversation with another who had recently also made an appearance. The third, however, looked like they were hiding from someone or something (and had also slapped themself) She felt sympathy towards them, but nothing else more. Though it would be interesting to see a chase inside the tavern.

All of that, was perhaps to distract herself from the slight blush that appeared earlier she knew was still visible on her neck, and she quietly pulled her cloak higher and prayed to whichever deities existed above that nobody (especially Clay) spotted.
hi everyone

i offer my sincerest apologies for not saying anything at all

Unfortunately I have decided to back out of this rp. I feel I am not experienced enough. There is also the problem of me frequently going offline at random intervals and so I don’t want to keep anybody waiting.

I’m probably going to end up watching this thread though as the story progresses
oh my god.

I just stumbled upon this and I feel very excited and a bit overwhelmed! To my tiny lil’ brain it’s a bit confusing but the prospect of a roleplay as interesting as this one is an opportunity too good to pass up!

I don’t think I’ll be able to roleplay in this universe just yet if it ever becomes an actual roleplay and I really need to sort out the commitment problem I seem to have but I’m definitely going to hang around.

That being said I’m going to stop this post right here and I’m really sorry if I interrupted a conversation or anything! Just needed to put this here before I completely forgot about this.
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