Avatar of AimeChambers
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1465 (0.49 / day)
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    1. AimeChambers 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
And by answering 1x1's today I mean tomorrow because I'm sleeping the day away.
7 yrs ago
Gonna try my best to answer 1x1's today!
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Finally got around to finishing the new season of BBC Sherlock. Oh Bollocks!
7 yrs ago
When all you crave is ramen... but you've already eaten it for your last two meals!


Hi there! I am Aime (aw-EEE-meh) and I'm an addict to collabs and OC creation! I have a forum called 'My Personal Unfinished Business' if you wanna check it out. I'm currently doing some danganronpa rps while slowly working on rebooting my own rp 'Folly of a Felicitous Prince', check it out! It's like, 3:00 AM right now, so I might just be a litttttttle bit tired happy-go-lucky... but that's fine! Um... I suppose I should put some stuff about me right? Here ya go!

-I've been a roleplayer for over 8 years, but I do take hiatuses sometimes. If I haven't come on in a while, nag me about it! I'm trying to be good and not do like 60 rps at once.
-My characters usually have traumatic and dark backstories so don't be alarmed!
-I typically start my replies out freakishly long no matter who I'm roleplaying with. Afterwards, I match mine with how long my partner's replies are.
-I love adding a little bit of humor even if it's dark, but before doing anything too spontaneous, I promise to run it by you in OOC first.
-P.S. I love fluff! And yaoi! All the gay every day!

Most Recent Posts

@Silver Fox

Not much but it's something...
The boy happily went to work cutting his pancakes into tiny bite-sized pieces. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day after all! And no one wanted to choke on such fluffy goodness... "Pancakes are one of my favorite foods!" He smiled, slipping a piece into his mouth and giving a gasp of delight.

After taking a sip of milk, he commented back, "Papa never gets up on time, it might be because he's always working, but he goes out of his way to tuck me in whenever he can. ...I didn't hear anything last night, was Papa having bad dreams?"

He had just been getting ready to plate when of the newly golden brown pancakes when Ice heard Zach enter. While he had been planning on turning a new leaf and talking more with the other Infinites, he thought it was far too early for any of them to be up and after messing up so badly. Ice took another second to lay the pancake down before turning to see the newcomer, the Blood Donor wasn't a social person in the first place after all.

When he turned to see the Blonde, he was still holding the spatula in his hand with a bit of floor covering his slightly unbuttoned shirt. He must have looked like an angry server who had to multi-task since the chef had called out sick or something, but that didn't matter, what mattered is the barely standing elf-looking Infinite in front of him.

Ice hadn't really properly talked to Zach yet besides yelling out instructions when they had gone after Alexandria's chassis. Honestly. Ice had never thought they had much in common besides combat. Now the Blood Donor could see that the screams he had heard before were because of... his eye. While the sisters may have done something to wrap his injury up, it still looked rather gruesome, with the bandage stained red. It wasn't like the sisters had changed him into a new bandage recently either.

While Zach started to awkwardly talk about peanut butter, Ice walked over to the sink and washed his hands, setting the spatula next to the sink. As Zach was finishing up, he walked through the kitchen door past him, grabbed a chair and brought it so that it was facing him, but not in stuck in the entryway, next to the counter.

"Sit. Now." He gave the Blonde a nudge that wouldn't have done much to someone healthy but pushed him onto the chair soon after. After that, he felt Zach's forehead to check for a fever. It was a bit hotter than healthy, but nothing too worrisome, "You should get your temp checked by the Quack later, gimps slow down the immune system." Ice felt around Zach's head and slipped his fingers over a reasonably large bump. "That's a nasty dinger," he grabbed for some Ice in the freezer and threw it into a towel before handing it over. "Hold."

After that, he slipped the pancakes onto the counter next to him and placed one of his candies next to it. Ice then crossed his arms over his chest and watched him, a slight dip of frustration in his eyebrows and voice, "You should be in bed, no one wants to deal with someone dumb enough to fall over and crack his noggin' open."

He glanced over at Alice and sighed, still feeling bad about upsetting her, "You want some pancakes too? And pass the peanut butter over, though pancakes and peanut butter sounds crawny to me."

All of a sudden the girl was in the air, like one moment she was laying unresponsive and the next thing Hibiki knew she was standing. Then again, the sleepiness encompassing Hibiki's brain was making his blinking time slower. By the time he had blinked again she was gone, which should have made the boy's heart race and adrenaline push him into a fight or flight response, yet Hibiki couldn't be bothered.

Now done with his first task, Hibiki slid off the stage area and started for the closest building to get something to clear his throat. But he passed the lonely tree he spotted the perpetrator of the movement he had seen earlier. Hibiki hesitated before taking a seat next to her, leaning his head against the tree's trunk.

He waved his fingers in front of her eyes, gave a few snaps before giving up and shutting his eyes for a second. His throat was really bothering him though. He gave a huff before seeing how many fallen leaves he could collect in his lap.

Suddenly there was a ringing sound from the amphitheater. Getting up reluctantly and wiping off the leaves from his lap, Hibiki finally moved over to the screen, wiping at his glasses. After hearing the message he gave a relieved sigh, not having to go anywhere was definitely a plus, but again, his throat was rather upset at him, must have been from his acid reflux.

Again he sat down at the tree, waiting for everyone to arrive and wondering what was up with the other girl. He carefully plucked a fallen leaf off of her hair before collecting more of them around him.


The strange girl seemed a lot friendlier than before, but Kara was still a little hesitant to think of her as a good person. Her actions earlier would normally land her on the naughty list, but this new version of herself was really peculiar. And she really did seem innocent when she giggled like that... Kara would have to see what else she would do, and Neola did seem entertaining in her own right.

As soon as the TV blared on, Kara poked out her head from behind Neola, what was a monitor doing out in the middle of a field anyway. The bear that appeared wasn't exactly to her taste like Lilly's bunny and all too suddenly the small girl remembered where she was. Somewhere she didn't know, surrounded by strangers. A chill slipped down her spine and goosebumps crawled down her arms like hairy spiders wanted to take a bite out of her. The girl's legs started to shake a little and she held onto the front of her dress.

Her hand reached out before she could stop it to steady herself, gripping onto Neola's skirt. "I-I'm really worried but... I think I need to see what's going on..." She felt bad about gripping on so hard to the other girl, but it would be bad for her to fall over and ruin her dress. Davis had said that they probably wouldn't hurt them, but was that just for now? Kara's brain played different scenarios of pain in her head which got her heart to race even faster.

Wait, no! She needed to calm down before-

The Dessert Chef started to pant and pressed her head into Neola's side. It was lucky she wasn't thinking of how embarrassing she was acting or she might have hyperventilated just from that! The poor girl tried thinking happy thoughts, but they were evaporated from her mind as quickly as they came.

Some say when you sleep after a nice cry, you sleep better, but that didn't seem to be the case as far as Ice was concerned. The amount of responsibility he had purposefully amounted on himself felt heavy on his chest and made his sides uncomfortable as he tossed and turned all night. His feelings of comradeship with the rest of the Infinites would have terrified him when Ice had first arrived in his hellish place and it still did, but it also felt warm and earnest, not like the shell of a human he was before this. After finally giving up on sleep after getting maybe an hour or two of shut-eye, Ice got up and dressed himself. While he still wasn't the best when it came to wrapping his bandages, Ice did the best he could. Once finished, he scavenged one of his suitcases for candies and filled up his pockets before leaving his room.

It must have been rather early in the day, because no one seemed to be around. They may have already gone up to investigate the third floor, but Ice had a plan first. Moving up to the second floor, the hole in the wall seemed to be gone along with most of the wreckage. Chills slipped over the Blood Donor's spine at the reality of how efficient the sisters could really be. But just as Ice was grasping onto the handle of the Diner's door, he heard the sound of a piano.

While Alice originally wanted to spend the day in the theatre, wanting some time alone after all that had happened the night before, the recon thought that Mercy would drag her out against her will. So she instead went to the music plaza, not hesitating to approach and play the piano there and then. The song Alice decided to play was actually one of her brother's pieces, an old favorite that always seemed to lift her spirits up.

Turning the corner, Ice moved out into the open plaza to see the back of Alice's head, her hands pouring over the keyboard. The smaller girl's hands worked wonders as on an instrument Ice himself had never really seen played properly before. The Blood Donor leaned against the side of the Diner listening, his eyes half-lidded and a small smile quirking up his lips. He let out a soft sigh and continued to listen, not wanting to interrupt his companion. Honestly, he might have cried if he hadn't dried his eyes out earlier.

Once the recon had finished the song, a genuine grin had crept onto her face as she stood up from her seat and looked over to Ice, quickly doing a double take. "B-Bloody hell- H-How long have y-you been standing t-there?!" Alice asked nervously, having not noticed the blood donor till then.

If anyone looked over at Ice's face for that small second, they would have seen his mouth quirk up higher, but alas, his face soon fell down to it's ever annoying expressionless mask. He bounced off of the wall and walked up to Alice, standing before her, he brought his hand up and ruffled her hair. "Long enough."

The recon looked up at Ice for a moment, then sighed in defeat, flustered from embarrassment. "S-sorry. I just don't do well with an audience. Stage fright tends to get to me alot..." Alice explained, hugging herself. "I mean, now you're kinda the only here that actually watched me play. Bliss did, but only in the middle of the song, eheheh..."

"Then I'll make sure to sneak up on you again so you can play in peace. I wouldn't want to hold you back," He moved to stand to her side, his fingers floating over the keys.

"Eh?! W-Well, I don't mind playing the piano for a single person, it's just when there's a group of people watching that I start to freak out." Alice told Ice, scratching the back of her head.

"Shame you can't jam in somewhere more obscure, it's a bit too open here." He started to press down on one of the C keys, but didn't press hard enough to produce any sound. His hand flinched slightly before he slipped the piano closed, "Hungry?"

"Actually yeah! I haven't really got breakfast yet." Alice nodded.

Ice started for the Diner, holding the door open a second longer than necessary for Alice to grab onto it. Once he got to the kitchen, he started checking the shelves for ingredients. While he may not have been the Infinite Chef, he had been a cook for his family and he made some mean pancakes. The Blood Donor got to work, but had a bit of a problem when he had to mix everything together with only one hand. After a few useless attempts, he glanced over at the smaller Infinite.

"...Oh! Um, need some help there?" The recon asked Ice, walking up next to him.

The man sighed and looked away, "I can make something else..." He went to the fridge to look for eggs. Squatting down he cursed at himself, why the hell was it so uncomfortable to ask for help? When it had been him and the kids, he was always needed that helping hand but they would be running amok until Ice gave Jeremy the look. But thinking of that reminded him of Jeremy which reminded him of... Aleecia. Stabbed through by someone she trusted so much, someone she had fought so vehemently for. Ice braced himself against the fridge, his right knuckle turning white from the strain.

Noticing how the blood donor seemed stressed, the recon walked over and sat down besides him. "Hey, are you alright...?" She gently asked, concerned for her friend.

Ice took a second before turning his head to glance at her. He rested his head on his elbow before ruffling her hair again, "Stop worrying and.... help." He quirked his head towards the bowl before grabbing for another egg carton and standing up. What else was he supposed to do in this situation? She was dead and his attitude wouldn't help save anyone.

"Right, sorry..." Alice apologized, before standing herself up and walking over to grab the bowl.

And he did it again, went ahead and screwed everything over. Ice beat the eggs with a mechanical whisk before taking the pancake mix and starting out on the pancakes, not knowing what to say to make things better.

His head wasn't doing so well, half of what Ice heard was overshadowed by a static noise and his breathing was cut short to small pants. He vainly struggled against Alexandria's his arms starting to burn as they held all of his weight. The sounds of battle drowned out Alice's words and he cursed as he looked up to see Alice on top of the robot. Ice had to get off, get out, get over to his friends while they still had a chance of survival. While they may have stood a chance against one of the killer robots, they wouldn't be able to against two. Ice tried to turn his body towards the battle, but his muscles wouldn't work the right way, forcing him to stare at Alexandria's torso instead. Ice flinched at the sound of metal against metal, praying to whatever god there may be that the hour would just end already.

The battle had gotten quieter for some reason, it didn't sound as though there were enough of them fighting at once. He thought he heard Aleecia's soft voice, but she shouldn't have been anywhere near them, right? Suddenly Alexandria moved, letting him go and pushing her head back to hit Alice in the nose. While the Blood Donor was worried about how injured his comrade may have been, he knew that Alexandria wouldn't do anything else to hurt her. Ice got onto his knees, ready to sprint over when he finally peered at the battlefield.

Aleecia was lying over Faith, but who would have hurt her? It took far too long for Ice to register that Allie had gotten in the way of Nariko's blow. The inhuman form didn't look like the robot who had held Allie in her arms just that morning. It was a vile spider of darkness that had squandered the life of an innocent little girl. The left over strength that Ice had mustered up started to fizzle out as he saw Aleecia's life be snuffed out. Sounds came over the speakers above, but they fell to deaf ears. Liquid streamed from his eyes, the only warmth left in place of his frozen over heart.

"Damn, tincan broke my nose..." Alice hissed, a hand over her nose as blood seeped out. She glared at Alexandria, then looked over to see the aftermath of the others' battle. They had finally defeated Nariko, but at what cost? Aleecia layed lifeless in a mourning Faith's arms, having taken a fatal hit for the matchmaker, Calvin taking his anger out on the carnage sister's remains. The recon's expression was frozen in despair, in knowing that after all this time, the dice master would've been taken away from the other infinites, one way or another.

She then glanced over to Ice, who had been struck with grief the most. Alice wipped the blood off her hands onto her skirt and walked in front of the blood donor, sitting down and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ice was unresponsive, he seemed to be looking right through her. As Alice's hand rested there, she realized it was a lot colder than it should have been. Ever once in a while his body would give a little shudder, though no real sound would come out. Finally, after what felt like hours, the icy glaze over his eyes melted away and he started to move. "She's going to get cold... We have to move her before-" Without finishing his sentence, he started trying to get up, flinching as he did, "Allie don't worry, I'm coming."

"Careful- Careful!!" Alice said, worry in her voice as she quickly helped Ice stand up. "You're hurt, aren't you?"

Ice didn't answer Alice, but moved slowly and surely closer to Allie's body, holding onto his hurt side. He almost tripped a couple of times, but luckily his will to move helped him move at the last second. Finally, Ice fell to his knees next to Faith. His face still seeping with tears and puffy, he reached out for one of Aleecia's hands and held up to his face. He felt her lack of pulse and swayed slightly, and a quiet sob was snuffled out of him. "...She looks so peaceful."

There was another loud clang as the pick rang against the husk of the carnage sister. Tears streamed down Calvin's face indiscriminately. He turned back to look at the body. Ice and Alice were now there. He shook slightly. "I couldn't -- I didn't fucking know she was --" He looked at Ice forlornly. His grip on the pick loosened, before tightening again. He couldn't look.

Tears slipped over Aleecia's already growing cold hand. After finally being able to see and feel her body, Ice was becoming more aware of his friends around him, "It was her-" He gulped and held in another sob, "Her choice... and all of our faults, but- m-most predominantly mine, I knew...something would happen when I saw her this morning with Nariko, I just didn't want to th-" He slipped Aleecia's hand in between the two of his and bent over them. "She's far to headstrong for her own good, you know? You can't change her mind." A tiny smile slipped over his face, "I couldn't even get her to stop calling me Izzy."

"Isaiah, don't blame yourself for this. No one would've known she'd sacrifice herself for another." Alice spoke up, glancing over to Faith before she looked back at Ice. "But, I know how it feels...to lose someone you care alot for." She hesitated to say, rubbing the blood donor's back in an attempt to confort him.

"They're gonna fucking pay for this." There was a venom in Calvin's voice that replaced the anger that usually filled it. "Davis, Nariko, all of them. I-" He shook his head. His stomach churned. He turned back the battered remains of Nariko. The senseless battering had done little.

"I'm sorry."

Ice's tears and shudders suddenly stopped on hearing those names. The last drop slipped onto Allie's hand as he set it back onto her lap, "Once we get to the top floor we'll waste the robots but Davis... His days are number with his life on a string," and as he stared at the mangled body of the fallen chassis, there was only destruction reflected in his eyes.

"...Yeah, when the time comes, I won't hesitate to kill them all. That's a promise." Alice said, the light in her eyes appearing to dim a little, before she appeared normal again. "But for now, we need to survive this." The recon grabbed Ice's hand, a weak smile on her face.


And then he couldn't stand it anymore, he pulled Alice close and buried his face into her shoulder, his tears spilling out all over again and his sobs deafening the world around him.

Alice tensed up for a moment in suprise, the recon's eyes widened, then immediately pulled Ice closer to her. "Shhhh, it's okay...it's okay..." She whispered, rocking in place.
Allie x Nariko? *wiggles eyebrows*

The corridors were filled with chaos. Multiple battles were happening at once and despite the greater numbers of the infinites, they were getting injured and tounsed. Cyrus had passed Ice holding an unconscious badly injured Rika that Ice couldn't process correctly. All three of them were worse for wear, but the Blood Donor didn't think he could do much for them now, or at least at this very moment. By the amount of blood coming out of Krista, he might be have to give her some blood, but there were bigger fish to fry.

Calvin, he was doing something he had criticized Ice for having done in the last trial. How could he be so stupid as to charge right for the enemy?! There was no possible way for Calvin to stop him from just barely getting up the stairs, all he could do way scream for him along with Aleecia...

Aleecia. Ice shot forward to get closer to the crying girl hugging the gauntlet to her chest. But as he got closer and closer to her, she seemed to get stronger with each passing moment. Her tears stopped, she shook her head and she said something to that Ice couldn't hear over the sounds of battle.

"I'm going to Nariko." Aleecia didn't necessarily say it directly to Alexandria, but more as a mission that was about to be executed. Aleecia slipped the large gauntlet onto her hand and pulled onto Alexandria's hand, hoping that the robot would point her in the right direction. With all that was happening around her, there was no way Aleecia could pinpoint where Nariko was.

Alexandria walked with Aleecia, guiding the blind girl towards Nariko. ”You yup, just a little further!” The carnage sister looked over her shoulder at Ice. ”Alright, just keep on going.” She released the blind girl's hand and strolled over to Ice. ”I see how you've been looking at me.” she giggled. ”But I belong to Calvie poo, so playing with you isn't a good idea. ”

“And here I was going to invite you out to brunch,” The monotone in his voice would be startling to anyone who didn’t know Ice. He shook the ceiling plaster out of his eyes and the bandages on his head finally all fell away.

Ice unfurled the chain from around his arm and aimed the shiv like a throwing knife, “I wonder what makes you tick, shall we find out?” As he motioned to throw the chain weapon, he slipped another shiv out from his pocket and aimed it at her face, running forward to slip past her as he did so.

Ice's moves were starting to get sluggish. He wasn't in great condition when the night started, and his wounds were really starting to slow him down. Alexandria was able to easily tip her head and let Ice stab right beside her head. She took hold of Ice's wrists while he was following through with his strike. ”You're only still alive because I choose not to boop you.” Ice was pushing against Alexandria forcing her to hobble backwards towards her sisters.

Aleecia moved forward to the battle against Nariko, she called out for the large mechanical beast with a breathy yell. She could hear the sounds of blades moving through the air and hoped she wasn’t too late.


With everyone running away from Nariko, poor Noel was the only one left to contend with her insidious new shape. But when Aleecia called out, The robot stopped fighting immediately and “looked” at Aleecia. It was hard to tell exactly where the cluster of eyes were looking, but it seemed like it was focused on Aleecia at the moment. Noel was able to safely back away from the robot, and Willow took her place by Nariko's side. ”And what do you have to tell my sister? Could it be?” Willow tipped her head back. ”Are you surrendering yourself to us? So we might end this night of bloodshed?”

Aleecia froze at the sound of the other carnage sister, she wanted to come closer to Nariko, but she was worried what Willow would do. Plus, she was probably the robot that had hurt that person so badly... Aleecia shuddered for a moment, then stood her ground. “I-I wanted to talk to my friend! I want her to stop fighting and hurting the infinites, but I don’t want her to get hurt either!”

“Vafancula! Let me go! Willow’s-” Without even finishing his statement, Ice tried to kick out at her and gasped, his broken rib panging angrily and forcing his kick to make no impact. “Crikey-” He spat up a mouthful of blood. As much as Ice hated anything to do with the robot, Ice knew he was in no condition to take on two different carnage sisters, especially with one of them being a chassis.

“Go save her.”
@Silver Fox

Kay~ No rush, I know that I'm horribly busy too.

Ya doing good?
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