Avatar of akirashadow
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Akira Shadow
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 392 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. akirashadow 10 yrs ago


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This account is pretty inactive now. But I pop on from time to time to see if anything of interest pops up. I tend to drop out of things with writers block if I find myself lacking in interest, but do try to keep things long=term. Been offline for most of the last 12 months but hoping I might soon find something to get me back in that RP saddle.

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Irvine flinched at the sound of an approaching voice, this definitely was not what he had in mind for when he came here. Social interaction was not exactly a strong suit for him, but typically it wasn't something that bothered him. "P-Parole officer?" Irvine tilted his head to one side in thought. "Fortunately, I'm not that bad at what I do to get by. Take what you need, what not you want." Irvine shifted his right hand on his rucksack strap trying to get a tighter grip, it didn't feel like it was going to hold for much longer. "So long as you keep your head reasonably down, the law won't come looking for you."

Having answered the first question it only seemed what most would class as 'polite' to address the second. "Aside not knowing where the heck I am? Not much is the matter, apart from maybe the 'stuff of legend' that are standing on this field." Irvine sighed. "I had come to accept that not all thing is the world are what society would call 'normal' didn't know how not normal can get." As was clear from most of the conversation earlier it was apparent that his ability to pick up on sarcastic remarks weren't so good. "The hood is merely in place to not draw attention, but I suppose that would only work in the city. Clearly it didn't work, so it really serves no purpose." On making that point the hood thinned as it faded from existence.

Irvine was in half a mind to walk away after making his points. However as he glanced around the field and the others that had gathered there he decided he fancied his chances much more where he currently stood. "So I've answered your questions. Why did you come here?" Irvine motions to blow smoke away from himself before his shadow forms at his shoulder almost as a thin fan as it wafts it away from his vicinity. He shook his head in reaction "Stop." and with that the fan like shape dissipated back into the air. "It can't always be controlled, hence here we are."

Irvine navigated the back alleys of the town he most frequented as he looked down to the invitation letter. How their messenger had been able to locate him despite his constant movement made him question the integrity of the locals in his head. Though it would do him no benefit to seek payback upon them, how did he even get invited to this place anyhow? The 'Ordinary Mythical Academy' the letter appeared official enough so it was definitely worth checking out, they clearly at least had some knowledge of his lack of social skills, the messenger had merely handed him the envelop and then left without explanation. Irvine pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he adjusted the battered bag strap for the rucksack bearing what few possessions he owned. A field was the designated meeting spot for those who couldn't fly... a field, an open space with little to no objects that would cast any shadows apart from those stood in it. Just the idea of being out in the open was discomforting enough, Irvine tried not to think of how many people might be there, or if there'd be anyone similar to himself.

With walking being his only method of getting there Irvine have been travelling for some time before the destination was in sight. According to the letter the headmaster would be meeting the students that had gathered there to take them to the academy. The location of the Academy itself was clearly nowhere reachable on foot, especially with the ability of flight being a prerequisite of getting their alone. Perhaps however there was other means than flight? Well even if there was Irvine probably didn't have the means of using such a method. Surely that would be why the headmaster would be meeting those that head to the field after all. Reaching the final stretch before the field Irvine once again pulled the strap of his bag trying to shift its position as the material strained rubbing against his shoulder.

By the time he had made it over to the field it would appear that some students had already gathered at the meeting point. This open space was an even more unwelcome location than what he had previously imagined. There was too much, well, openness the only light struck things were those that were there, some of which weren't even human. "This was a dumb idea..." Irvine mumbled to himself as he turned to leave. Before him however stood a silhouette of himself as he glanced behind him to see the sun at his back he sighed. "We don't need their help, we're fine as we are, we make ends meet." Irvine exclaimed, but the silhouette of himself simply shook its head in disagreement before pushing him. "If you insist, just remember that I didn't want this." Irvine turned again to face back towards the field as his own shadowed encroached and hung over him against the will of the light. The shadow almost seemed to become a more dense object as it shrouded over him like a heavy cloaks hood. All but his mouth hidden behind a shield of darkness, Irvine slowly approached the others gathered on the field.
"Well if the solution is to keep them apart for a while that should be pretty straight forward on the Lucas front. Not so sure about the other though." Lance whispers to Tawny as they make their way toward the village. Once they arrived and came to a stop Lance got up as he tapped Tawny on the shoulder. "Time to take a look around I guess?" asking rather than stating as he gets down from the wagon. As he received the pouch of coins from Donny he smiled slightly as he stated a short. "Thank you." Before heading off to find somewhere to try and spend the recently acquired coin.

@Lucius Cypher@Raptra
"Only when standing before the Abyss will the true cowards show their hand." Lance mumbled, he wasn't entirely sure what he himself had meant and he felt thankful that he'd been quiet enough to keep it to himself as Donny ranted in his general vicinity. Seeing the others return Lance scooted his feet back toward himself as Tawny and Ash had joined him on the wagon. "Welcome back, I assume the situation is somewhat defused now?"
@Raptra@Lucius Cypher
"Almost is better then someone actually pulling a gun on you. Besides which Odum's always an ass, that's not going to change.
I just thought you might simply want to make it less easy for him to want to pull the gun on you in the future."
Lance shrugged at his own comment, it wasn't like the matter could be forced. "One day him pulling the trigger could be what keeps you alive.
Plus right now we need the numbers, if he's going to shoot you I'd rather he do it later rather than sooner."

He then glances over to Donny from his elevated position on the wagon. "I'd imagine that answers your question. Normally everyone just ignores his rants. But ignorance can't always be bliss, unless of course you don't care too much." Lance finishes as he stretches his arms above his head before folding them over his chest and stretching his legs out. Whilst he had the whole wagon to himself he'd make the most of the available space.

@Lucius Cypher@Azure Flame
Lance finished up strapping the second leather leg guard steering clear of the commotion being cause by Odum. A rather large over reaction by most merit. Through what seemed like sheer luck he had managed to avoid being on horses ill controlled path following its reaction to Odum's gunshots.

However it had seemed that Tawny had once again turned around the mind of yet another animal. It almost seemed like any animal she was coming into contact with was having a complete personality switch. "Fair enough, it's probably best I wait here. No point in potentially aggravating the matter further." He glances over to Luca's. "That goes for you too. There'll be a time and place for apologies sincere or not and it isn't now." Lance finishes up before carefully sliding the helm on over his head. Snug fit was probably not the best word to describe the just barely protective head piece. He slides the sword onto the wagon before hauling himself up and taking a seat as he lets out a sigh.

@Raptra@Azure Flame
Lance reached into a crate a second time to fish out his chosen weapons sheath. He'd been listening in on the conversation about discussing how to get home. Deciding to not just mumble under his breath Lance decided to speak up as he continued to search for more viable gear. "Is there really any point to that now? We don't even know where or when we are. Kind of essential stuff to know before we can even think of that. Honestly, we're likely to be here for a long time. How we got here may of been a one way trip.".

Picking up a slightly battered helm Lance held it to the floor before stomping at the crooked face guard before the holding pin eventually gave breaking the main damaged section off. He glances into the opening curious as to whether it would indeed fit him. He eventually rummaged up a leather vest, gloves and leg guards, deciding to haul the lot to the wagon before trying to fit it all. "Once we know more maybe then we can talk about going home. Best now to keep moving." Lance shook his head at the thought once more of this conversation before leaving to head out to the wagon.

@Azure Sea
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