Avatar of alexakeehl


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Starved from good RP, hit me up at this point I'll take (almost) anything.
3 yrs ago
back for a couple of seconds..
3 yrs ago
Closing all 12 working tabs at once is a different type of satisfaction.
3 yrs ago
I swear yesterday was Saturday-
1 like
3 yrs ago
ever sit down and just, "wow I'm fucking tired"


Time to put this under construction!
Something more professional looking? will be up soon, and before then:

'Ello. I'm Alex, female, and can't catch a break from life.

I mostly do 1x1 RPs but I have no problem jumping into small group RPs, so don't hesitate to send any ideas you might have my way. I'm flexible and chill with almost all genres, but a die-hard fan of historical, mystery, psychological, supernatural, angst, slice-of-life, romance (sub-plot), with comedic aspects thrown in to make the RP breathable.

I have a wide range from TV series and animes I'll be willing to RP, but again... I'm adaptable and love worldbuilding too. Throw anything my way and I'll eat up, and leave no crumbs. My RP length can either go from three paragraphs to fifteen depending on your preferred length because I'll do my best to match yours! I find it easier for myself, at least, to play males as opposed to females, but I can do both if it calls for it.

In conclusion, don't be afraid to drop me a PM, I don't bite :T

Not yet.

Most Recent Posts

Once Julius overcame the drowsiness that hindered his thoughts to think, his eyes surveyed the room that reeked of human blood. The scent stung his nostrils, not because he wasn't fond of the blood, but because it seemed like it had been painted across the wall for more than just two hours. How long had he been knocked out? And who thought of transporting him here. 

Julius' lips curl into a frown from irritation and he fixes the cuffs of his shirt while a whisper of feigned care breaks through, "What undignified place have we been brought to? Was it one of you that screwed over the rest of us? Because it seems, as though, the journey back will be painful."

So Charles definitely opened a microsoft word document, but was close to bursting into tears. His elbow had miraculously combined some keyboard buttons together to delete all of his progress that he had half-assed. Now, Charles didn't have the patience nor the drive to type anything more. Instead he had opened a new tab and avoided all sites that would require the use of his head. In short terms, Charles decided to play computer games until he was mentally prepared to face a Microsoft word document again. 

He turned off the WiFi for the department, all so he could play the dinosaur game while everyone else shuffled around near the coffee machine and elevator for whatever reason. Charles has always been easily frustrated, specifically with games. So when he slammed a fist down on the desk, it rattled the one across from him as well which made a loud thud noise. Charles slowly peeked over from the cubicle divider to see someone's lunch, the zipper wide open. The sandwich looked way better than his cheap coffee, so he set the lunch back on the desk and took the sandwich for himself. 

Whoever's sandwich that was, it had been reduced simply to atoms in courtesy of Charles and his rumbling stomach. 

Definitely interested! It sounds awesome.
Name: Julius Rees 
Age: 25 human years, physically he ages a year once a century passes but as a recently turned devil, he definitely doesn't know the exact date. 
Gender: Male
Species: Devil 
Traits: Guileful, honest, impatient, malevolent, sophisticated, reserved

Fears: Failure, rodents (especially rats), deep ocean waters
Extra info: Powers are limited to wind control and teleportation. He's the type of guy that doesn't trust cheese under $50, but in the same breath has the audacity to wash his hands with his sleeves down.

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