Avatar of alexakeehl


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3 yrs ago
Current Starved from good RP, hit me up at this point I'll take (almost) anything.
3 yrs ago
back for a couple of seconds..
3 yrs ago
Closing all 12 working tabs at once is a different type of satisfaction.
3 yrs ago
I swear yesterday was Saturday-
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3 yrs ago
ever sit down and just, "wow I'm fucking tired"


Time to put this under construction!
Something more professional looking? will be up soon, and before then:

'Ello. I'm Alex, female, and can't catch a break from life.

I mostly do 1x1 RPs but I have no problem jumping into small group RPs, so don't hesitate to send any ideas you might have my way. I'm flexible and chill with almost all genres, but a die-hard fan of historical, mystery, psychological, supernatural, angst, slice-of-life, romance (sub-plot), with comedic aspects thrown in to make the RP breathable.

I have a wide range from TV series and animes I'll be willing to RP, but again... I'm adaptable and love worldbuilding too. Throw anything my way and I'll eat up, and leave no crumbs. My RP length can either go from three paragraphs to fifteen depending on your preferred length because I'll do my best to match yours! I find it easier for myself, at least, to play males as opposed to females, but I can do both if it calls for it.

In conclusion, don't be afraid to drop me a PM, I don't bite :T

Not yet.

Most Recent Posts

As Price dashed through the door, Julius closed it behind the trio and immediately grabbed the back of Price's collar and tried to avoid grabbing his long hair. "You're staying with us. In fact, if we are faced with a monster, I plan to sacrifice you first. There is no telling when you'll go berserk and-" Before he could even finish, Julius glanced down to something itching his ankle. Upon realizing it was a mouse, the Devil turned as pale as printer paper. 

The door barely grazed by the sharp point of Julius' nose, causing him to scrunch it up a little. It was one Hell of a dusty door to say the least, heavy one too in fact. Julius' eyes curiously surveyed the skeletons skittering behind Umbril, stepping to stand in the middle of the doorway before looking over the shoulder to catch a glimpse of Price still struggling over the blood. 

"I'll allow you ten seconds to sprint across before I close the door. It's not my first interest to save either of you." Julius called out to Price, also taking another jab at Umbril since he almost broke Julius' nose by opening the door. "I figured your know-it-all personality would have you accustomed to my name. Rees, Julius Rees." There was a hesitant pause in between his words, since the memories of being taunted with Julie and Juliet swarmed his mind. 

"10, 9," Julius clears his throat.
"I envisioned a longer meeting for the two of us, as there are questions which leave me curious. However, this must be the dream of your fantasies." Julius spoke to the vampire, stepping towards the surface of blood. It wasn't at all difficult for him, as teleportation was a luxury to him. But for him to be relying on his powers rather than his base self was an alarm for Julius. This place had more Hell than it really led on. 

"I find it an unfair deal. While it is company, there's no valuable quality in it." Julius chased Umbril's words with his own, surveying the creature once more that stood in expensive robes. A competitive tension growing before Julius disappears. It looked like he had glitched himself over the pool, standing on the step just underneath the door across from them. "Because I'm generous, I'll wait to see how you overcome this." Rather, Julius was hoping he'd get to see one of them slip and fall flat on their face.

"Have you got any better idea than a bone to pick with me?" Julius sneered at the skeleton-looking creature, a brow jumping at the following words and insults thrown. Julius only squinted when Umbril mentioned something of a forked tongue, and instinctively the devil ran the tip of his tongue along the inner side of his upper lip. It was perfectly a sharp point!

"Then because you are no fool, and self absorbed enough to mask yourself from the unfortunate reality, would you like to race me to the door?" Julius didn't spare a look at Price either, "What about you? Do you plan to camp here?"
Julius's brow irked with disgust at the sight of blood pooling in front of him and the vampire besides him. Before the sanguine liquid could kiss upon the soles of his shoes, he took several steps back. He lifted his head to another annoying voice, one that seemed too demanding to for Julius to respond kindly to.

"I will ask you the same, because perhaps it was your foolishness that has us trapped here." Julius looked between Price and Umbril, cocking his head to the side as fingers nervously messed with the cuffs of his sharp cut suit. "Anyhow, it is useless to question one another when none have an answer. Instead, let's brain a way to bust down the door across this pool."
Oh- Yes I guess he is then since I'm not aware of all the rooms yet.
Banned for the breath of oxygen you took.
Once Julius overcame the drowsiness that hindered his thoughts to think, his eyes surveyed the room that reeked of human blood. The scent stung his nostrils, not because he wasn't fond of the blood, but because it seemed like it had been painted across the wall for more than just two hours. How long had he been knocked out? And who thought of transporting him here. 

Julius' lips curl into a frown from irritation and he fixes the cuffs of his shirt while a whisper of feigned care breaks through, "What undignified place have we been brought to? Was it one of you that screwed over the rest of us? Because it seems, as though, the journey back will be painful."

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