Avatar of Althiel
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 127 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Althiel 6 yrs ago


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Current Bazinga
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i am returned
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5 yrs ago
If you're watching the movie, read the manga. It's just that they can't fit 60+ chapters worth into around two hours of screentime, so they left some stuff ambiguous.
5 yrs ago
Time to get back to roleplaying. Wait, no. It's not a meme, please beli--
5 yrs ago
Tfw you lack the energy to go to work you've already resigned from but couldn't leave because of the 1-month policy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh--
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Me being productive like:

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Dicc. Gonna read for a bit before deciding on whether I'd join or not. Just wanted first post.

Tatsujin Residence, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 5:01 AM

"Nnn..." A loud ringing tone emitted from his flip-phone, doubling as his alarm clock. The noise resounded throughout the room, unceasing. A few more seconds passed until his consciousness returned to him. "Ugh..." Reaching for the desk where his phone lay chattering at the flat-top surface with its vibrations, Juno's eyes slowly darted open, reluctant as he was to do so. The incessant noise finally dealt with, his still-lethargic frame hoisted up and parted with the bed.

It was a very early morning, which he had already acclimated to. Most students his age were still sound asleep at that time, but his situation was a bit different. Being the de facto man of the house, Juno was in charge of making breakfast for the whole family. With his constricted hour-and-a-half, Juno had to act promptly. Nowadays, he can whip up the most basic of meals with little-to-no slip-ups; a definite learning experience which took him quite a while since he wasn't very fond of cooking food. Today, their breakfast comprised of bread and omelette, complemented by a side of orange juice for the kids, and coffee for himself and his father.

*knock knock*

He would then knock on their rooms one-by-one to wake them up.

"Oiiiii. Wake up, you two! Time to eat and get ready for school. Especially you, Miya!"

*knock knock*

"Hey, dad. Wake up. Breakfast."

There was no response. As per usual.

Their breakfast was set on the dining table, beckoning them. Miya and Goro, his two younger siblings, settled down on their respective seats. The sole absentee was their father; a regular occurrence at this point. "..." And of course, Haru and Aki were also absent, away from their fragmented abode.

It was only due to the generosity of their departed mother's sister, whom the siblings have a close bond with, that the hospitalized Haru is still clinging on to life despite her grave illness. From shouldering her medical expenses, along with visiting her on the daily and taking care of Aki, the youngest sibling, the Tatsujin family was indebted to her for sure. Repaying her along with making up for their expenses are the two chief reasons why Juno's been working hard these past few months.

With these lingering thoughts, his blank trance had him occupied to the point where it was too late for him to notice. "...bro! Hey, big bro!" He finally snapped back to reality, darting his attention to his younger sister. "Uh.. sorry, Miya. What is it?" Having finally caught her big brother's attention, she inquired. "Is school going to be hard? Goro-nee said so himself~!" It was finally time for Miya to embark on her own childhood journey, with Goro having started school a year prior. For convenience sake, they both attend the same elementary.

"Heh. Goro's just scaring ya, unless he's actually that dumb."

"Hey! That's uncalled for! Meanie!"

"Ahahaha! Big bro said you're a dummy~!"

"I was just joking. Now, listen. As long as you balance both making friends and studying, you won't go astray. Excess of either is a big no-no, alright?"


"Just play nice with your classmates, and you'll make friends in no time. That applies to you too, Goro. Got it?"

The both of them nodded in unison. "Good. Now finish up your breakfast so you can get dressed. You know where your uniform is, right?" Miya merrily nodded once more. "Good girl." A faint smile escaped the eldest brother's lips as she headed off to prepare herself for her very first day of embarking in her childhood. It was short but sweet moments like these where he felt like his weary days were most definitely worth it.

Goro, on the other hand, was still glued to the table, his platter still unfinished. He paid notice over their father's untouched portion, and then to Juno. "Daddy's still..." The child muttered; a perceptible frown painted on his face. "... He'll wake up soon. Let's just leave his food here, alright? Now go. We don't wanna be late." Taking their finished plates and setting them down on the kitchen sink, Goro woefully concurred. "Okay.."
Kawashiri Elementary, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 6:22 AM

"Goro, I'm counting on you to watch over her while I'm gone. Miss Nishiyama will be fetching you two after class, so don't wander outside this gate until she's arrived. Got it?"


"Be good, okay?"

Juno patted the two of them on the head, before seeing them run off together with the crowd of elementary schoolers. Juno picked up his flip-phone to check on the time. "6:23. That's enough time." Luckily, the distance between the Kawashiri Elementary and Fujioka Senior High wasn't too far off. And with that, he began treading along the sidewalk, on the way to his destination.

Today was going to be Juno's first day being a high school student. He felt as if this transition would be brutal for him, considering his unfortunate circumstances. Unlike most of the freshmen who were particularly excited to meet a lot of faces, fresh and old, said thoughts haven't crossed his mind as his aim was solely focused on one thing: finishing as soon as possible. He was more nervous than enthusiastic, but there was no time for that. He could only think of his family's future, and how Haru and the rest were relying on him. This was for his family, and he can't rely on that "despondent slob". No one else can do it but him.

Tatsujin Residence, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 5:01 AM

"Nnn..." A loud ringing tone emitted from his flip-phone, doubling as his alarm clock. The noise resounded throughout the room, unceasing. A few more seconds passed until his consciousness returned to him. "Ugh..." Reaching for the desk where his phone lay chattering at the flat-top surface with its vibrations, Juno's eyes slowly darted open, reluctant as he was to do so. The incessant noise finally dealt with, his still-lethargic frame hoisted up and parted with the bed.

It was a very early morning, which he had already acclimated to. Most students his age were still sound asleep at that time, but his situation was a bit different. Being the de facto man of the house, Juno was in charge of making breakfast for the whole family. With his constricted hour-and-a-half, Juno had to act promptly. Nowadays, he can whip up the most basic of meals with little-to-no slip-ups; a definite learning experience which took him quite a while since he wasn't very fond of cooking food. Today, their breakfast comprised of bread and omelette, complemented by a side of orange juice for the kids, and coffee for himself and his father.

*knock knock*

He would then knock on their rooms one-by-one to wake them up.

"Oiiiii. Wake up, you two! Time to eat and get ready for school. Especially you, Miya!"

*knock knock*

"Hey dad. Wake up. Breakfast."

There was no response. As per usual.

Their breakfast was set on the dining table, beckoning them. Miya and Goro, his two younger siblings, settled down on their respective seats. The sole absentee was their father; a regular occurrence at this point. "..." And of course, Haru and Aki were also absent, away from their fragmented abode.

It was only due to the generosity of their departed mother's sister, whom the siblings have a close bond with, that the hospitalized Haru is still clinging on to life despite her grave illness. From shouldering her medical expenses, along with visiting her on the daily and taking care of Aki, the youngest sibling, the Tatsujin family was indebted to her for sure. Repaying her along with making up for their expenses are the two chief reasons why Juno's been working hard these past few months.

With these lingering thoughts, his blank trance had him occupied to the point where it was too late for him to notice. "...bro! Hey, big bro!" He finally snapped back to reality, darting his attention to his younger sister. "Uh.. sorry, Miya. What is it?" Having finally caught her big brother's attention, she inquired. "Is school going to be hard? Goro-nee said so himself~!" It was finally time for Miya to embark on her own childhood journey, with Goro having started school a year prior. For convenience sake, they both attend the same elementary.

"Heh. Goro's just scaring ya, unless he's actually that dumb."

"Hey! That's uncalled for! Meanie!"

"Ahahaha! Big bro said you're a dummy~!"

"I was just joking. Now, listen. As long as you balance both making friends and studying, you won't go astray. Excess of either is a big no-no, alright?"


"Just play nice with your classmates, and you'll make friends in no time. That applies to you too, Goro. Got it?"

The both of them nodded in unison. "Good. Now finish up your breakfast so you can get dressed. You know where your uniform is, right?" Miya merrily nodded once more. "Good girl." A faint smile escaped the eldest brother's lips as she headed off to prepare herself for her very first day of embarking in her childhood. It was short but sweet moments like these where he felt like his weary days were most definitely worth it.

Goro, on the other hand, was still glued to the table, his platter still unfinished. He paid notice over their father's untouched portion, and then to Juno. "Daddy's still..." The child muttered; a perceptible frown painted on his face. "... He'll wake up soon. Let's just leave his food here, alright? Now go. We don't wanna be late." Taking their finished plates and setting them down on the kitchen sink, Goro woefully concurred. "Okay.."
Kawashiri Elementary, Kurosuoba
April 3rd, 2018 | 6:22 AM

"Goro, I'm counting on you to watch over her while I'm gone. Miss Nishiyama will be fetching you two after class, so don't wander outside this gate until she's arrived. Got it?"


"Be good, okay?"

Juno patted the two of them on the head, before seeing them run off together with the crowd of elementary schoolers. Juno picked up his flip-phone to check on the time. "6:23. That's enough time." Luckily, the distance between the Kawashiri Elementary and Fujioka Senior High wasn't too far off. And with that, he began treading along the sidewalk, on the way to his destination.

Today was going to be Juno's first day being a high school student. He felt as if this transition would be brutal for him, considering his unfortunate circumstances. Unlike most of the freshmen who were particularly excited to meet a lot of faces, fresh and old, said thoughts haven't crossed his mind as his aim was solely focused on one thing: finishing as soon as possible. He was more nervous than enthusiastic, but there was no time for that. He could only think of his family's future, and how Haru and the rest were relying on him. This was for his family, and no one else can do it but him.

Location: Center Road, The Golden Quarter, Priestella

Aerith @Crusader Lord
Chieko @Rune_Alchemist
Hiro @Ryofu
Vasilis Achillos & Fritzi @BrokenPromise

It had been a fairly short and quiet ride, with Vasilis breaking the ice and discussing, albeit poorly, how magic is possible along with his love for explosions. Strange they were for not having any inkling on what land they stepped on, and perceiving magic as a picturesque concept when it is in fact, a common concept. And the aura they emitted was certainly not something to brush off easily, despite their genuine innocence and sheepishness.

Finally arriving at the bustling merchant district, Irene took off the carriage first, accompanied by Vasilis. She had paid the coachman with a few coins and waved them goodbye. Not even a minute has passed, and the group was greeted by the same demi-human that they encountered back at the Basin, divulging her identity as Fritzi, a merchant in this town of commerce. Figures. As Hiro began negotiating with the wolf girl, Irene approached the two girls gawking at the variety of clothing that the emporium offered.

"Pick yourselves a nice wear, hm~? I highly advise you consider subtlety when deciding on your clothing, though." She gave Aerith a small, though loaded, bag of coins. The weight of the pouch gave her the notion that it was most likely sufficient to cover for the three of them. A cheerful paint on her countenance, she continued. "I won't take no for an answer. Consider it a gift from a friend and just take it~!"
I ship myself and diligence.

She and I, we never see eye-to-eye. But I most certainly need her in my life.

Lest I'd end up like a jobless, slobby ass NEET who memes on Discord all day.
Dropping from the roleplay since the muse died from these cringey ass puns. I'm Althiel's brother, Peter Andreas Thiel. Have a nice one you guys.
Having a harem was a bad idea. Can I retract?

Location: Quiet Slums, Suttlings Basin, Priestella -> Outside Suttlings Basin, Main Road, Priestella

Aerith @Crusader Lord
Chieko @Rune_Alchemist
Hiro @Ryofu
Vasilis Achillos & discount Holo the Wise @BrokenPromise

Hiro, Chieko and Aerith. Their outlandish names truly harmonized with their unorthodox getup. Briefly reckoning which kingdom they hailed from, Irene's thoughts were interjected by a woman's voice, echoing from the nearby window. A wolf girl demi-human, with a playful, mischievous air. Though as soon as she appeared, she had already parted from them, leaving only the minor proposal of vacating the area immediately. "Hm... Let us be off then." She pondered once more on where they should go, heading rearward.

After a brief bit of travel, the group have arrived at the main road. In contrast to the gloomy, tenebrous atmosphere that was the Suttlings Basin, people were out and about here with their business, various Earth Dragon carriages passing by left-to-right and vice-versa. Turning to her partner, Irene adjured. "Vasilis, fetch us a ride to the Golden Quarter."

With nary a word yet a smile, the knight began waving his hand to draw the attention of an Earth Dragon carriage towards them, his booming voice prevalent. A sigh escaping her lips, she spoke with the outlanders as they waited.

"This may seem impudent of me, but your choice of clothing.. erm, stand out.. for lack of a better word." Irene articulated, a mix of affability and pensiveness in her tone; akin to a friend giving advice. "You may not have realized, but outside this area, Priestella's forces are stationed on key districts, and with heavy circumspect. It is imperative that we find you an apt change of attire promptly to avoid unnecessary suspicion."

It wasn't long until a rather homespun Earth Dragon-drawn carriage stopped by in front of them. With how rudimentary their ride appeared however, they most certainly made up for it with accommodating kindness. The dragon itself was less a means of conveyance and more a pet. "Don't worry, she don't bite." The friendly coachman said, and indeed the dragon let herself be pet by Irene, nuzzling her hand. "Ahahaha~! Who's a good girl? You wanna try petting her, miss Chieko?"

A warm, brief respite like this after the recent peril they underwent was very welcome, and so she spared a minute or two for them to recover their musings.

"So, where to, fellas?" The coachman inquired. "The Golden Quarter, pops. A'ight then, laaaadies first!" Vasilis gestured with a gentlemanly bow. As he assisted the other two, Irene spoke to Hiro. "This way, we wouldn't have to proceed on foot and avoid risky encounters. Catch my drift?" With a smile, Irene closed her parasol and proceeded to climb on the back of the carriage.
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