Avatar of Anime_Freak


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current I fr believe that the universe hates me,,, I keep trying to come back to get back into writing and then like instantly something happens in my life that keeps me from being online at all,,,
1 like
7 mos ago
i love how every time i'm like "wow i finally have time to come back to this site and write" something happens to me that takes me offline for months,,
11 mos ago
Mahz is smart to check in on this terrarium only once in a blue moon LOL /hj
12 mos ago
Just my thoughts on a certain Spider-Verse character: pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx9qZuZ…
12 mos ago
the gears in my brain are rusty hehe
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Most Recent Posts

Bump because I'm llloooonnneeelllyyyy


Hello! *waves* I am also a bird of the gay variety :) Welcome to the Guild :D

Bump cuz fixed stupid spelling and grammar errors
Edited again
Almost done editing
2 hr bump to mention that I am currently adding more to this page.
This Interest Check post involves modern witchcraft. If you are sensitive to the topic, then please do not continue.


Characters Used:
(Characters may be updated when reposted for rp purposes)

Description of Witchcraft Types:

Additional Information:

  • Please be 18+ just in case mature events happen. (I am 24, so please.)
  • I have little to no boundaries, so I am fine with a lot of things. If you are uncomfortable with something, please let me know.
  • Please be comfortable with making CSs. But please also be comfortable with expanding your character and having nice character development moments if such arise (hopefully).

Awkward gays kissing
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