Avatar of Anime_Freak


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current I fr believe that the universe hates me,,, I keep trying to come back to get back into writing and then like instantly something happens in my life that keeps me from being online at all,,,
1 like
7 mos ago
i love how every time i'm like "wow i finally have time to come back to this site and write" something happens to me that takes me offline for months,,
11 mos ago
Mahz is smart to check in on this terrarium only once in a blue moon LOL /hj
1 yr ago
Just my thoughts on a certain Spider-Verse character: pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx9qZuZ…
1 yr ago
the gears in my brain are rusty hehe
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Most Recent Posts

What are words??
edited again
Added more
I'm planning to add more, but I just need to figure out how to make them sound appealing haha
I have to add more to this...

Holy hot pockets, this topic is bringing back all kinds of weird memories of how awful my writing was (at least compared to now, haha). I'm not much for thread rps nowadays, but I just had to pop by and say hello to the ol' friend.
I hope this goes well and people join again.
*coughs* Because I'm lonely and I might add to this
Updated? :)
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