Avatar of Antarctic Termite


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6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
If you're not trying to romance the Pokemon, what's the fucking point?
6 yrs ago
Can't help but read 'woah' as a regular 'wuh', but 'whoa' as a deep, masculine 'HOO-AH!'
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6 yrs ago
That's patently untrue. I planted some potassium the other day, and no matter how much I watered it, all I got was explosions.
6 yrs ago
on holiday for five days. if you need me, toss a rock into the fuckin' desert and I'll whisper in your dreams


According to the IRC, I'm a low-grade troll. They're probably not wrong.

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A red glow ignited in the storm-night, barely luminous. It was enough. The tip of Whisper's arm hooked into the ring at the base of the weapon, and as she swung it around her, its unmistakable rune imprinted itself on her mind: Wit's End.

The sword carved into Tsunami's flesh and this time the wounds did not close.

Subtle crimson trails followed Wit's End as it moved, searing Whisper, searing the water. Whisper kicked out at Tsunami, kicked herself out of the water, made a long tail of herself and flicked the sword at his next wave like the tip of a whip; And though the wave still broke, and Whisper still had to blast through it, the Sealord weakened.

The omnipresence that had been Tsunami's strength had now become his weakness. Whisper wrapped herself around the sword as it corroded away layers of her flesh, held it as one drowning who reaches even for a bar of hot iron.

She used it like a sting. Every wall of ocean that Tsunami could conjure she slammed into first with her blade and then with the strength of her body, and she could feel herself slowly clawing back over the edge as her stain healed her. Soon the agony of holding Wit's End surpassed that of Tsunami's bone-shattering pressure, and even then she did not let go.

And she did not let go.

And she did not let go...

* * *

Sunlight glittered over the surface of the Fractal Sea. The last stormcloud was gone. Tsunami was gone. A great cloud of white rose from around Whisper, and a milky ocean bubbled beneath her. She didn't know if the Sealord had survived or not, but she had boiled him alive.

She didn't know where she was any more, or how long it had been. All she knew was the pain of holding on to Wit's End, this curved, spoked shape at the end of a many-thorned ring. Whisper gazed at the bizarre sword, this gift of survival bought at the cost of all she had traveled for, and groaned.

She could not let it go. She had been through too much to even try. But she had to ease the pain. Wit's End was taking from her because she had not chosen anything to give.

But she had given. She'd given a thousand songs and a thousand poems, now lost to plans that could not come to fruition.

"May the one who takes up this sword," swore Diaphane Whisper, "forsake its use, and all other arts of combat, until words fail them."

The burning ceased. Whisper cried out. Wit's End silently folded, revealing its strange rib-like spokes and subtly luminous scarlet cords to be a mechanism. Its hollows closed, its thorns retracted, its light disappeared, and the blade smoothly fell into shape. It was small, now, even and pale, its gaps sealed like chinks in a hain's armour. It might fit a human hand, albeit a large one. And it was still a sword. A ceramic shadow of its true self, but a weapon nonetheless.

It had a rune on each side: One the name of the device, one the oath now required to take it. Not to use it, for that was easy enough, but simply to heft its weight.

Whisper tried to breathe. She barely could.

In the distance, over the calm sea, she could just make out the shape of Jvan rising beneath the waves. She was within reach.

But now, at the end of her journey, Whisper realised she had nothing more to say.

* * *


About Primordial shenanigans... I basically just took cues from the idea that Amul is there to offer occasional guidance and assistance. Putting Might into making a deal binding felt kind of weird and wasteful, since it isn't particularly miraculous, especially when I thought Jvan would wake up soon and my planned budget was much narrower.

It's also very much a Heartworm thing to do. Slippery little thing really isn't too keen on getting betrayed when you pack so little heat. Best to try and get the toughest lad in town involved and hope he cares. Phi, on the other hand, was happy to put her trust in a handshake, and even that she tried to wiggle out of.

Whether or not it actually is binding I have no idea. Heartworm seems to think so. That might be important later.
Enough of this, said the colour become the stain. I depart.

The Big Sister blossomed into blades and scythed into the sky. The ocean chased her as she rose, storm waves consuming one another to dwarf her as planets dwarf their dust. On all sides, water. Five hundred metres into the sky- Water.

Whisper incinerated the shadows in her blood and felt the air shatter over her like a struck wall, leaving a burst of sound in her wake.

At last she saw the horizon. She saw the edge of the storm, far away. They were lost to the black of clouds.

Lightning snapped around her, arcs of power striking through her. They burned her and she ate their glow. Electricity seared her into a daze and she slowed, but she kept on.

She left their energy behind and saw only darkness ahead.


It was the darkness of water.

Tsunami's sons collided with Whisper and died, blown apart by the force of impact. Still they came, clinging at her, and the flow of Jvan within her was not strong enough to pull away when she had drained so much of it for acceleration.

The great Ocean was waiting, and it caught her in her palm.


Whisper blasted spokes of mist out from the pillar of water and fought, even as it dragged her tired body down.

I will not die like this!

Chaos reigned and all was storm and Toun's glyph shuffled in the dark.


Whisper lashed out against the waters as those slender scarlet lines slipped off her body and onto the foam she created-


-and from its whiteness was drawn the shape of a blade.



The world rocked in the gale of Tsunami's wrath.

Whisper clenched herself like a fist until darkness bled from her surface, unfettered by her mortal body. Power flowed into the wind like smoke down a river and she stood against the Sealord as a snowflake before Hell, radiating unspeakable defiance with nothing more than her existence.

The Whisper became a Roar that would sunder the hearts of men.

Shadow loomed over her, crushing the horizon. Diaphane Whisper shot into it and passed through it and it exploded into lightless white.

Twin towers of ocean formed on either side of her and left a bottomless chasm below, sucking down air with the speed of its fall. A long tail flowed from Whisper into the abyss but did not lose its source, and when the walls collided with a clap that quaked the distant earth, they were decapitated by a hurricane of eldritch teeth and foam once more bloomed upon the seas.

Whisper inverted and penetrated the ocean.

Weight. Pressure. The planet smashed her and she cracked it, kicked great fans of sub-surface steam into it, each blow a shock of explosive force. Whisper danced alone against the unseen rage, and every move tore self-crushing whiteness into the blind arena.

But she tired.

The ocean was endless and so was its Lord. Around her was all water and only water, and she could not find a place to place her blows that was any but another face of the storm.

Foam exploded upon the surface of the waters as Whisper drew breath, leaving a vast crater of falling brine upon the face of the sea- Only for it to close, and reveal to her the landscape beyond.

Mountains. Where her burst had leveled a mile around, the waves beyond climbed above and around, their marching away into forever.

The Jvanic inkblot struck through Whisper's heart sustained her and kept her. She made herself into a tail and spiraled, demolishing one of the almighty waves with a blow of her body, reducing it to foam and fog on the wind.

And yet already another was coming.
And, as light turned to darkness, as opacity claimed the clear seas and made them mountains, a song was given.

A future name we number not
'midst voices of the dawning day.
Unmourned decays the fallen tree
And things that Nature casts away.

In storm and light we sing no woe
To things we lose to water's flow.
The tides that pass above will know
That things must die if things must grow.

Times pass, and yet upon this world
We struggle still, and fight, and run.
Mourn not the tree that stands no more
But fading, climb it to the sun.

Propane tank it is.

Summary: A biotech frigate carrying illegal stuff crash-lands nearby after probably getting chased down during the embargo. There's a police shootout as smugglers try to defend their contraband, but the pilot sneaks out the other end of the ship before it gets too dangerous.

The goods are valuable but the ship itself is kinda trashy. The government will be pretty grateful if someone empties the hold over the ocean or something, and won't particularly care what happens to the spacecraft.
"We're not fucking friends you sexy piece of shit!" yelled Giggles in Anya's wake. "Marco, move!"

A gunsmith, a nerd, a captain, some prep with bullet holes, his badass girlfriend, a mechanic and his dog. All in all, that was pretty good networking.

Giggles flipped himself onto the car with one hand, wedged his heels up against the rear crossbar and his machete against the fore. "Go! Move! There's more comin'!"

He was more right than he knew.

A shadow passed over the sun.

Two pilots whitened their knuckles on controls. Plasma burst at the edge of the screen and they swerved blind, working as one.

One pair of eyes widened. "Canal sector twelve! They've lost AA-2C drone support on canal sec-"

Rachida didn't wait. The ship swung, pitching its crew hard against their seatbelts.
On it, she thought grimly, pushing down the nose of her craft.

She wasn't planning to come back to it anyway.

Seong cracked open an eye. It wasn't the first time he'd woken up in a puddle of blood, but he was happy to see a comrade at his side.

"Hey, Shan," he mumbled with broken lips. Shan worked rapidly at his helmet, trying to take off the visor before it cut any deeper. Too fast. Too hasty. "Wha-"

"We have to go." The mercenary picked up her teammate bridal style, eyes flicking skywards. "We have company. Something they did pulled down smugglers. They're heav-"

The air turned to fire. Shan started running. The last image in Seong's drooping eyes was the door of the APC, burning as it flew off into the river.

Giggles watched flames plume up on the other side of the river as the ship howled above them and crashed into the dense buildings with a sound that split the heavens.

That's our ride.

"There's a confrontation. Heavy cavalry on west side, possibly hostile-"

"Got it," said Rachida, obliterating the armoured car in an instant of pulsed laser fire. No risks. "Landing."

The smuggler's frigate was more than capable of flying backwards and could afford the loss of a rear wing. Rachida ploughed into a biosynthesis warehouse, leaving great sheets of torn metal and pools of thick brown fluid to show for the impact. With the engines still running she undid her bindings and leapt out of the cockpit.

Chunky lifter-bots worked mindlessly in the hold, unloading huge crates of illegal tech; Rachida ducked around them. The security gang was already gone, setting their turrets and firing nests without a blink, the crash nothing but a momentary blip in their operation. True professionals.

Rachida had nothing in common with them. She kicked open the secret hatch in the prow and leapt out alone.

Private security and the police state overlapped on Frixion Prime. Whatever had brought down the flock of corporate drones had done the same to the government's. Only now were the Mogul's airships starting to converge on the frigate, opening fire on gang shields with light-gas and SWAT team rifles.

The pilot switched on her heel motors and skidded out of the back of the fight without a care.
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