Avatar of anxiouscat


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6 yrs ago
Holy crap! That's a lot of damage!
1 like
6 yrs ago
The bird is the word.
6 yrs ago
It's a small world after all.
1 like
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
No faints, but pretty sure I saw a dude jizz his pants at the credits scene


This will always be nothing but cat memes...Never anything else!!!!

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*makes popping sound with mouth*
It is perfectly acceptable for parents to want a little time away from their children.
Sometimes the voices tell me I should follow my dream and knife every single person I hate until they're dead… and then teabag their bodies… and then blow up their corpses… and then incinerate what's left and use it for fertilizer. :3

That's some dark shit man.
The people that are pissed about Rey's parents obviously don't understand what symbolism is.

And Pizzeria Simulator is a terrific send-off for the FNAF franchise.
@Odin Not that kind of furry!
Thank you every one!!
What do you get when you inject human DNA into a goat?

Why do basic bitches only count using odd numbers?

What's the difference between a gay guy and a refrigerator?

I'm going to get in trouble for this one....

Hahahahah, POOHEAD....I love it. So much.
I'm an Uber/Lyft driver and I picked up this couple who, apparently, were so drunk they forgot they already knew each other. Out of no where the guy asks his GF/SO "So, do you do anal?" So that was weird.
I think the senate still has to vote on it; and most of them want to keep it (or so they say). Just spam call your peeps!!! Your opinion DOES matter.

If it does get through; there's no money to be made by making these things a luxury.
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