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Would it be wrong for a human/trainer to understand what most pokemon are saying?

"Guess peace isn't going to be an option... Bloody PTO." Light said begrudingly as her partners flew off to where the alarm said to go. Even if they were flying at full speed, Light would be the first to arrive. After all, she could teleport while they could not. Rending a hole in the air, Light jumped through the portal she created, appearing near the city that was under attack.

And unlike her partners, she was extremely hard to detect, as she never showed up on scouters. Even people who could inherantly sense power would have issues, since her power was of entropy and was easily masked by others. Plus her power made those around her appear weaker, which was pretty handy. Finding a good outcrop, she watched as a snake man and a cheetah lady were hovering over the city. She'd jump in when her allies got here, or things got even worse. Right now there wasn't anything going on.
I'd say characters keep their powers and whatnot, but everyone is brought onto the same power level and progresses further and further. They have a vague idea where they come from, but not much beyond that. (instead of complete amnesia) That way villain characters can be used. And since its multiverse, its less all on earth, more thats the home base, with escapades into other realms. that fixes most of the issues.
I'd be interested, but if we're using showdown, I can't make custom moves. A lot of pokemon have natural abilities way stronger than their actual moves. Example, Gardevoir has a cosmic eraser. Why not use that instead of stuff like moon blast? Or have Celesteela just jump on someone, point her thrusters at them, and try to take off?
Basically the issue is, it can't be a multiverse RP if the multiverse characters are just average joe OCs. If Farmer with Shotgun is stronger than Akuma or Sonic there is a huge flaw in your entire concept.
@Archmage MC

<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

It's not really a 'loss' of powers per say. It's more along the lines of losing the understanding/ knowledge of the powers. I think innate abilities like physical strength, or tough skin stay. Although, I'm not sure how strong the powers will remain after coming through.

Also what about weapons? Arthas the Lich King for example, all his stuff is in Frostmourne.
I happen to think that taking away the memories and abilities is a good idea. It's different from a lot of other multiverse rps I've seen in the past. Plus, having our characters start out fresh allows everyone the chance to get to know each other, without 'egos' getting involved. Plus, it's always more interesting to have characters discover abilities in an rp as opposed to just having them from the start. Personally, I think it gives more incentive for everyone to dedicate more time and energy into the rp.

I think the loss of all powers is an issue. Iconic stuff should probably say, such as Mario's jumping ability.
So I just need to ask, what's the point of making it a crossover when you take away character abilities and knowledge of origin? And it's all centered on a modern Earth with no explanation for how the actual crossover aspect works too. Wouldn't it be better to just have your own multiverse such as Michael Moorcock's works, RIFTS or similar settings?

What this guy said. It sounds like you'd be better off with something like a video game multiverse or something. Something that has set and fast rules which is what your going for, but it wont make the characters basically vanilla joe, but its mario.
So.... is the story moving anywhere yet?
Light couldn't really figure why so many people here were so angry at this 'director king' guy. Don't they realize what was happening? Maybe she'd have to give them a run down. "Why are so many of you so grumpy?" Light said, showing a toothy smile. She zipped around to each person while saying. "This is the GOVERNMENT and a GOVERNMENT program where they're going to use us as super soldiers! You know what that means? Benefits! Lots and lots of benefits!" She said, jumping for joy when she said benefits right in front of Mr. 'I have no superpowers' guy. "And the fact that the toon lady has to point this out to you means you all need to study up on your tropes." she said, ending in front of the shapeshifter guy.

"Speaking of benefits. Where is the food? Be nice if we all bonded over some catering." Light said, stopping next to red head girl, pulling her close and giving her a one arm hug when she said bonding.
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