Avatar of ArynMae20


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3 yrs ago
Current I've just had a bunch of dead ends lately :( Doesn't anyone want to write anymore? Feeling bummed.
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4 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Getting back into the swing of things once again lol
5 yrs ago
I just wish people could be straight up and didn't make me feel so annoying just for wanting common courtesy. I feel like i'm all alone in that.
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5 yrs ago
This place man.......It ain't good for my mental health and is doing the opposite of what I came here for.


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James knew that Lily’s condition was going to be bad, and finding out that she had bad asthma, made it all the more horrible. It was a helpless feeling, he wanted Lily and Amelia, to be okay again. He couldn't right at this moment though, he just had to wait it out and hope that she improved.
Seeing how much Amelia was hurting, he placed a hand on her back. “She’s going to wake up. She’s a tough girl, just like her Mama.” He said softly, with supporting eyes shifting on her. They sat there waiting for what seemed like forever, just letting their minds be absorbed in this traumatic moment.

Starring out the window, his mind began to wander. He couldn't have help but thought how different his life could have been if he would have answered even one of her many calls. Maybe they might have been married by now, and maybe even had more kids. The thoughts were endless, even though he wishes he could go back and fix all the mistakes that he made, he’d never, ever, regret his children. Neither of them.

The sound of crunching on the bed snapped him out of it, his eyes returned to Amelia and then looked at Lily who was starting to awake. James watched the two; he could tell by the way Amelia handled her, that this certainly wasn't her first attack. All the more reason he needed to be around for them now.

Smiling at the sweet site of mother and child, their obvious bond, he nodded and grinned. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. You get better, little Lily.” He said, and then grabbed his things. “And Amelia, call me if you need anything at all, really, I mean it. Just say the word and I’m there.” He said, taking a sigh of relief. “I’ll see you soon, promise!” He said lastly, and then walked out of the room and down the hall.

Leaving the hospital, he walked out toward his car and got in, starting it up, putting it in drive and then driving away from the hospital. Things were such a blurr this morning, and he just wanted to get home. He planned to meet with a friend of his who owned a luxury apartment complex, to see if they’d cut a deal for Amelia. She’s already done so much, it was James turn to step up and help, and that was exactly what he intended to do.
5:00 pm :) But i didn't go in today :P
As the bright morning sun shinned through his bedroom windows like laser beams, he awoke and sat up in bed, looking at the clock. It read 6:14 am. He’d only been asleep for about 5 hours after it all, but it was restful sleep. Swinging his legs over his bed, his bare feet hit the cool wooden floor boards. With a semi-tired groan he stood up and walked out of the room.

Walking down the hall, he peeked in at Kaylee, who was still asleep. It was the weekend now, so he didn't see a reason to wake her up. Closing the door quietly, he peered down the stairs and made his way into the kitchen. Opening the door to the large pantry, he grabbed the box of frosted flakes and brought them over to the counter. Grabbing a bowl and spoon, he poured some cereal into the bowl. Putting the box back in the pantry he walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk, pouring some into the bowl and then putting it back. Grabbing his bowl, he walked over to the table and sat down, turning on the smaller TV he had mounded on one of the walls.

Taking a few bites, he started flipping through the channels he found nothing interesting. Kaylee wasn’t awake yet to steal the TV for cartoons, so he flipped on the news channel. The volume was way down, chewing he looked at the screen, this broadcast featured a house fire, in the town over from his. A closer look revealed it was the name of Amelia’s town. An even closer look revealed it was her house.

Panic and fear washed over him, turning the broadcast up just in time he watched on, his eyes wide. “It is still unknown if the two residing in the house are going to make a full recovery. They were taken to Anton Memorial.” Running through the house and out the front door, in his pajamas still, he ran across the street to the nearest neighbor and begged them to go sit in his house while Kaylee was still asleep. A younger guy (whom he knew) agreed and went over to keep an eye with him.

After putting on some other pants and giving the guy the rundown on what was happening, when Kaylee would probably be awake and what to do with her once she did. Grabbing his keys, he thanked him and ran outside to his car, getting in and zooming off to the hospital.

Amelia might be pissed at him, considering their day yesterday and how he promised to take things slow, he couldn't just let them set there alone though, and especially if either (or both) of them were in critical condition. Frantic, he speeded all the way to the hospital, parking in the front and then running inside.

Running up to the reception lady, he spoke. “Is Amelia Carter here? She came in with a little girl? They were in the housefire. Ringing any bells?” He asked, raising his eyebrow in annoyance. “ I need to know now.” He said, his tone low. Finally, he got the room number and ran over to the elevator and then finally arrived on the floor where they were.

Pushing open the glass doors labeled “Burn unit” He shifted his eyes looking around, and then sighing, he saw the room. The door was open, he could see in. It was heartbreaking, as if someone punched him clear in the stomach with a machete. No, he didn't know her two weeks ago, or even for more than two days, but, that was still his child and he’d be crushed if anything happened to her. And Amelia..She’s already been through so much and been so brave, this was sure [i]not[i] what she needed. Swallowing hard he walked over and through the curtain. “I got here as soon as I could, It’s all over the news..”She didn't look up, he walked over and sat down next to her. He didn’t know what to say, or if she wanted him to say anything, so he sat there in the silence.
My was she ever closed up, and not just about him, but everything and everybody. That’s the kind of action that turns a person’s soul sour. Until somebody is brave enough to try and crack it open. He could see through her tough exterior, trying to act as if nothing was wrong. Living with the thought of “If I don’t think about or talk about it, it’s not real, and it’ll go away.” That’s not true, just isolates you more. Sighing, he looked at her. “I might not know you like I use to, but don’t kid yourself Amelia. I know that deep down inside at your core, you’re still the same.” He stated, his tone plastered with honesty.

Listening as she spoke on the phone and then informed him that Lily was sick and coming home, he nodded and checked his phone, just in case. No calls. That was good. Soon enough, there was a knock at the door, and Amelia went to go meet her, and then held the girl in her arms. She looked miserable. Poor thing.
The girl barely knew him, let alone that he was her father. To her he was just her mother’s friend. He figured now wasn’t the best time for them, and considering Lily probably just wanted her mom, as most kids do when they’re sick. He’d probably just head home.

Climbing up the stairs, he peeked in each of the rooms until he finally figured out which one was Lily’s. Peeking his head into the room he starred at the site and smiled. “Hey, I’m going to head out now, just wanted to let you know before I did.” He said, his tone soft and quiet. “I hope you feel better, Lily.” He said and then peeked his head back out and walked down the hallway, down the stairs and out to his car.

Sitting in the driver’s side, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Jess. She picked up after the 2nd ring, “Hey Jess, It’s James, Just wanted to let you know I’m heading back home now, I’ll be over to get Kaylee very soon.” The woman happily assured him she’d be ready. Hanging up the phone, he drove the 15 minutes to Katie’s and Smiled as Kaylee ran out of the house and got into the backseat. “Did you have fun?” He grinned, looking through the mirror as they pulled up to their house. Kaylee smiled happily. “Yes, I did! I ate there too, so it’s okay.” She stated, grabbing her backpack and stepping out of the car.

The two trailed into the house and then took off their shoes. Kaylee threw her backpack in the entryway’s storage area. James looked at her, “Okay missy, go get ready for bed. I’ll be there in a minute.” He said sternly, watching the girl dart up the stairs and into her large bedroom. After changing into her pajamas, and brushing her teeth she climbed into her bed and pulled the covers over her body.

James finally came in and sat next to her, softly stroking her cheek. “I love you little lady.” He grinned, leaning over and kissing her head. Kaylee smiled contently. “I love you too,daddy.” She said and then curled up and fell asleep. James sighed and stood up, shutting the light off and then the closing the door.
Walking down to his bedroom, he flipped the light on and changed into some more comfortable clothes. Since the whole thing with Amelia, he never had time to change out of his work clothes. After getting clean and comfortable, he crawled into bed and laid down, starring out the large window into the darkness. What a day it had been. Letting the exhaustion take over, he fell into a deep, deep sleep.
He wasn't sure if she was going to budge, she had ever reason not to, and nowadays, she didn't seem the type to dish out second chances. He waited in the silence as she probably had tons of thoughts running through her mind. When she finally looked back up at him, he was relieved to see her face change. Nodding in agreement, he spoke. “Yes, absolutely. I won’t I promise.” He said quickly as she trailed on, he listened intensely and then agreed some more. He couldn't help but start to laugh when she mentioned a step-mom.

Catching his breath, he stared at her. “Nah, the only thing she’ll eventually have is a sister. No other mom. I’m not married, or seeing anybody. I’m a single father. I’m raising her on my own. Her mom was Jenna. She ignored her responsibilities as a mother, and cheated on me.” Holding up a hand, he waved it in her direction sarcastically, “Please contain your sympathy.” He bellowed, “Karma’s a bitch and I got exactly what I deserved. She did to me, what I did to you, and now we’re just trying to survive life and not fuck anything else up in the process.” He shrugged.

“We could be sad and bitter, and pissed about the past. Or we could just forget all that, have some peace and make room for such better memories. The future you can change, The past you can’t. You can only accept it, apologize for it, and move on to better days. Make the people you love most proud.” He laughed to himself. “Okay, I’m done sounding like a fortune cookie now, but, you get what I mean.”

“Why are you so nervous? Anger and frustration I get. But, why nervous? I've been trying to answer it myself in my head. The only thing that I can think of is, you think I’m going to just take advantage of the two of you, come in, play pretend, take your baby away from you, and then run away again, leaving you a broken mess all over again.” He sighed, looking her straight in the eyes. “In case that is what you’re thinking, I’m not planning to do that. We can go into this slowly, and I don’t expect it to happen overnight, If Jenna ever showed up looking for Kaylee, I’d probably do the same thing to her, and treat her the same way. So, I’m not going to do anything horrible. You have my word.”
James narrowed his eyebrows as he listened to her scream at him. It sounded like she’d been waiting all these years to tell him that. “Amelia,” He tried to say, but it just set her off further. Waiting for her to calm down a bit, he sighed. Then finally, she agreed to talk to him.
He was thinking she’d have made him wait a day or two, so he was surprised when she made him follow her inside and said they’d talk as soon as Lily was gone. Sitting down on the couch, he sat back and nodded at her as she sternly told him not to talk to lily and to basically stay there. He was serious which one of them was her child. He deserved to be treated the way she was though. He could accept that.

Sitting there waiting for the small girl to leave, he couldn't help but think of how much Amelia had changed. She seemed so ridged. So untrusting of others. So Hardened. Numb to any and all feelings, completely suppressing them for the sake of her daughter. To think…None of this would have happened if it hadn't been for him.
It was a moment he’d thought about more times than one would think, him finally meeting with Amelia, ready to right his wrong, but how was he to explain? Where would he even start? Her question was incredibly fair. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and started.

“Amelia..There is so much I wish I could tell you about that time, why I did it, and what in the hell I was thinking, but, the truth is, there is no easy answer. Nothing I say can erase those times from your mind, I hurt you in a way that nobody else could, and I didn't think of how it would make you feel, or how it would have impacted your life. I only thought about me, and the high I was on, and how I didn't want it to end. It was selfish and unforgivable what I did. I wish it never would have happened, believe me, I do, more than anything in this world. “ He sighed heavily. “You’re right I don’t deserve to know Lily, and I don’t deserve to be in her life after everything I did to you, but, It’s not like I don’t know how fragile children are, I’m not someone with no experience, I’m someone with experience. More importantly, with a daughter.” He shook his head, staring into her eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say or do to make you believe me, but I truly am. I want to make things right between us. I want a second chance. I promise, I won’t hurt her. I won’t.” He said his tone stronger. “Would you at least let me try? Please, Amelia. I know I don’t deserve it, but please just give me a shot. I know you think people like me don’t change, I can assure you that they can, if they really want to they can.” He moved a little closer. “And I do.”
James wasn't surprised at Lily’s words. (Except for the fact that they’re coming from a six year old.) He’d treated Amelia horribly, and in her mind, When he choose not to answer her many calls, emails, texts, and even visits, he choose not to be in his child’s life. If only he’d of known the truth. Would I have really made a difference though? He was so far gone not even Amelia, his best friend and the only girl to ever really love her, couldn't snap him out of it. Even a year later when Kaylee was born, the two were still crazy as hell and didn't give a hoot. So maybe it wouldn't have been good. Or maybe it would have. The truth they’ll never know, but I guess it’s better late than never. Amelia won’t be having any of it though, that’s alright, James is ready to fight now, and he won’t back down this time.

Shaking his head, he opened his mouth to answer the small girl when a door swung open and there Amelia stood, not at first noticing him, but then, rage clearly burning inside her as she rushed the child inside and came over to him. James knew this wasn't such a smart idea, and it made him seem shady, but, he needed to know, and he was a person that did things without thinking them out fully first.

Throwing his hands up, he tried to calm her. “Amelia, I just wanted to talk to her. I know you've been waiting for this, and maybe even hoping for it, I’m sorry I didn’t figure it out sooner, things have been crazy. I have no doubt in my mind, and I’m 100% positive that child is mine. “He stated quickly, as she seemed to just look angrier by the minute. “Come on Amelia, Can’t we just talk about this?” He pleaded, stepping back a little.

His nightmare had come true, he was turning out to be just like his father was, Greedy and careless, with no regard for anyone but himself. He know had two children from two different women, one doesn't know about him, and the other is a little jacked because of her first few years of life. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, he was going to do things right. His mom would be so disappointed. He knew that she had raised him WAY better than this. He could never get back the strength to become who he use to be, he hadn't had the energy or the time, or the motivation. Things were going to be different. He was going to make sure of it.
James listened, and smirked. “Ya know Amelia.. It’s not healthy to hold grudges. It hurts the soul.” He mocked, scratching his knee. “Ah, I see.” He nodded smiling sarcastically, as she went on. He found it weird that Amelia was constantly throwing details about her at him. What was she trying to do? Rub it in his face? There wasn’t really a reason for that, considering he already had his own child. His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed a small girl come out of the dressing room. She didn’t look that much older than Kaylee. Giving her a soft smile, he watched Amelia directed her. There was something about her that made him wonder. He wasn’t able to pin point exactly what it was, but it was there.
Kaylee proudly strutted out into the dressing area, she loved to be the center of attention. “What do you think daddy?!” She shouted out, her tone Hyper as she spun around. James’ laughed and scooping the little girl up in his arms. “You look absolutely beautiful, just like a princess!” He cheered, spinning her around playfully as she giggled. “Now, go get changed and we’ll pay and get going!” Kaylee darted off to the stall and quickly changed back into her jeans and T-shirt. Handing the dress to her dad, they walked over to the register and paid for it. Grabbing the bag he handed it over to Kaylee, and then laughed a bit as she lugged the large bag threw the store and then out to their car.

Smirking, he leaned up against the car. “Want some help?” Kaylee glared. “I can do it!” She groaned, pushing the bed onto the other side of the backseat. “See!” She playfully stuck out her tongue and climbed into the seat, buckling herself. After making sure she was secure, James got into the driver’s side and started up the car, pulling out of the parking lot and then down the street and onto the main road.

Kaylee grumbled, “Daddy, can’t I go over to Katie’s? Her mom likes me! She said I can come over anytime I want! Pleeeeease! I promise I’ll behave.” She said aloud, looking at her dad through the mirror. James’ sighed, “I suppose, but you’ll have to call her first.” He stated, handing her his smart phone. She smiled, and dialed the number, Waiting for an answer as she held it up to her ear. A woman answered. “Hi Mrs. Smith! It’s me, Kaylee, from down the street?” She spoke slowly. “I was just wondering if could come over and play with Katie. Would that be okay?” She asked, hopeful. The woman answered. “Yes, of course!” Kaylee grinned and thanked her, then hung up the phone and handed it back to her father. “She said I could come!”

James nodded, “Alrighty!” He pulled around the corner into a very high end neighborhood, with fancy houses that had water fountains, and large backyards, and anything you’d possibly imagine. Driving slowly down the streets of the neighborhood he pulled into Katie’s driveway and put the car in park. “Come along, I’ll take you up.” Kaylee nodded and grabbed her games from her backpack, and then jumped out of the car, grabbing onto her dad’s hand, they walked up and knocked on the front door.

James smiled at the middle aged woman. “Hey Jess, Thanks for letting her come over. She loves it here.” Just then an excited little girl, the same age as Kaylee darted through to the front entrance. “Kaylee!” She exclaimed, grabbing the girl’s hand, and then they were off. James laughed, and then thanked her again. Walking away from the house he got back into his car and then pulling up to his own house.
Quickly running inside and grabbing a piece of paper from his office, he ran back out to his car. Typing the address on the note into his car’s GPS system, he followed the directions until he finally arrived. Parking the car on the other side of the street, he peeked into the yard and noticed the same girl from the store. Only difference now was, now he was pretty sure who she was. He’d put it all together. Everything about the little girl screamed, “Hey stupid, I’m your daughter.” He was just to blind to see it before. She had his Hair color, Same carefree attitude that he use to have. Her name. Her age matched up to the last time he was intimate with Amelia. All he needed now was conformation.

Not seeing Amelia around, he took a chance and ran over to the small house encased in a fence. “Hey, remember me? From the store? Your mommy’s friend? I’m not here to hurt you, I promise. Just was curious. She told me it you’ve guys have made a life for yourselves. Is your mommy married? Do you know your daddy?” He quickly asked, hoping to dear god Amelia wouldn’t come out and see him.
James hadn’t been good to Amelia at all once he got a taste of what his life could be like at university. He thought he wouldn’t care, he had it all, already. A free scholarship, friends (if you can call them that.), a wonderful, amazing condo he just purchased that was right next to campus, and all the Girls he could handle. They were constantly thrusting themselves at him, so, what’s a man to do? He’d changed in that year with Amelia, Change can be great for some people, others though, it’s destructive, and only one thing comes of it. Pain.
The night he first slept with Jenna is always in his mind, it’s the start of it all, his crazy wild binge that costed him the best girl he’d ever had, and without truly knowing it, everything he ever wanted. Just like that, the memories came rushing back. The racing of his heart as he and Jenna groped each other intensely. Amelia’s soft footsteps trailing down the hallway. Then the look. The look of pure horror, anger, disbelief and betrayal that had been plastered across Amelia’s face. As if he could physically see her heart breaking right in front of him. Peeling himself away from Jenna and put pants on and darting out of the room to chase after her. Only she was gone. Gone for good. Suddenly, he realized in that moment, he was free. To do whatever, whenever, with whoever. So he did, over and over and over.
Kaylee stared out the backseat window of the SVU, watching as they passed through the school parking lot and then finally onto the main road, then onto the busy freeway. Taking her Pink Nintendo DS out of her backpack, she turned it on and started to play.

A loud gasp came from James as he remembered the banquet dinner he was inviting to attend with Kaylee, and pulling into the nearest stores parking lot, he parked the car near the front. Kaylee raised an eyebrow at her dad. “Why are we here?” She asked, curious. “We need to get you an outfit for a dinner that we need to attend this weekend. “ He stated flatly, leading the small girl out of the car and into the store.

Over the years, James had gotten pretty good at shopping for Girl’s items, and doing hair, and all the fun things that come along with having a daughter. Flipping through the racks near the front of the store, he observed each one until Kaylee’s voice demanded him. “Daddy! I like this one a lot!” She said excitedly, holding up a Pink sparkly dress. “Oh, that’s pretty Kayles!” He exclaimed, and then looked at the price tag. “147.00$” It was quite expensive for a children’s dress, but it was for Kaylee, so he without hesitation, let her have it. Kaylee hugged it against her body. “Thanks, daddy!” She grinned. “But first, you’ve got to try it on, You’re teeny, tiny. Gotta make sure that’s the right size!” He smiled as he lead the little girl to the back of the store were the dressing room was.

Oh god. Oh my god. This isn’t happening. Not again. What are the freaking Odds? As they approached the area of dressing rooms, he stopped for a minute and was shocked. Of all the stores in this town now, of course they’d be in the same one! Kaylee yanked his hand. “Daddy, come on!” James looked straight ahead, and tried not to let Kaylee see. Leading her in, he sat down and his eyes began to wonder to Amelia. She had a child? After giving him crap for “starting a family” She did too! If he would have looked close enough, he could in fact realize who’s kid she was, but, that’s not what he was focusing on. Making an amused huff, he leaned forward. “Looks like somebody else started a family too! So I guess we’re even.” He shot out, staring at the pair standing next to the full length mirror.
Pulling open the see through glass doors that had huge company logo’s on the exterior of them, reading "Arcane's- We do service best" the bright sun flashed in his blue eyes, causing him to squint. Walking down the sidewalk, he made his way toward his still new Chevrolet traverse. Reaching into his jean’s front left pocket he pulled out the keys and unlocked the Car, opening the door he got in and turned it on, blaring the AC. There had been a leek in one of the vents overnight and so they had to wait a day for the repairman, as he was already out of town.

Putting the car into park, he pulled out of the large parking lot. The company was due for some big changes and the staff wanted James’ input on all of their plans for advancement. He was honored they found him important enough, but, that meant he often had to stay longer and sometimes, with no warning at all. Since he had his daughter, he needed to be certain places at certain times without excuse. Like today, He was supposed to be at Kaylee’s school at 3 pm to pick her up, but as he drove toward the school, he glanced at the clock and it read, 3:45. Late again. Normally, If he was going to be late, he could usually get someone to go get her, but, lately he’s run them all down, and nobody wants to help anymore, says he needs to be more responsible. True.

Pulling into the elementary school’s parking lot, he was annoyed with all the cars coming and going and then the others who were just sitting there. Finally snagging a space, he pulled in it and put the car in park. Taking the keys from the ignition, he quickly got out of the car and ran into the school, passing the large crowd of children laughing and playing in the front playground.

Plowing through the halls quickly, he came to Kaylee’s classroom with a sign on the window that read “Ms. Carter’s Room” It was very colorful and looked as if it was hand-made. Nothing he wouldn’t expect from a kindergarten teacher though.

Walking over and opening the door he walked in, looking rushed. “I am so, so sorry. There was a thing at work and I couldn’t get out of it, then I thought I left my keys in my office, and-“ He didn’t recognize her at first, but he could tell this person was not at all happy with him. Then finally, he got it. It clicked, and he felt as if he could crawl out of his skin.

The woman he knew to be his Ex didn't seem the same, who could blame her? James had taken her for some kind of toy, that he could just play with when he was bored. He had no regard for her feelings, and while she didn't stand her ground then, she sure as hell was now.
Without giving him as much as a second to speak, she was gone. He was dumbfounded and in a fuzzy state of confusion. Was this really happening? Was he really being forced to live the biggest regret of his whole life again? Snapping him out of his thoughts, he heard his daughter’s voice. “Dad, Aren’t we going to go home now?” She asked, strapping her backpack over both her shoulders. “Come on!” She demanded, pulling his hand and leading him out of the classroom.

In a dazed state, he followed out to his car, holding onto Kaylee’s hand before the two of them finally made it to their car. Getting into the driver’s seat, he started up the car, and waited for Kaylee to get situated. With a nod from her, he put the car in drive and drove off.
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