Avatar of Aurrorian
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 364 (0.11 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Aurrorian 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current @Zelosse Don't be like Rudy Gobert, DPOY - Dumbest Player of the Year. Just don't.
8 yrs ago
Just came back from being brutally, utterly wrecked at the 2016 Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival. Then nearly going broke after a full day at Disneyland.
8 yrs ago
Congratulations Class of 2016! We finally made it out of the purgatory that is K-12 education! XD
1 like
8 yrs ago
Just placed 2nd with my robotics team at our tournament today. Only thing that kept us from 1st place was the dreaded L word: LAAAAAAAAAAAAG!!! T_T
8 yrs ago
What a day I've had! First a blackout no doubt caused by living near the Super Bowl stadium. Then a logical leap to work on my computer offline, aka clean a bit of dust inside only to nearly break it.


What's up people, here's my intro, just deal with it. B)

Anyways, this is my first time forum roleplaying, closest thing I've ever done to this would be chatroom Mafia and organizing a Facebook faction page for gameplay, besides IRL PnP RPing. However I'm quite prudent and dedicated to being online everyday just to check for posts and such. I'm also very (overly?) assertive when it comes to dealing with game mechanics and GM rulings, and I will raise issue with the GM when I find one that's loose, unsatisfactory, or missing (I may come off as a harsh critic at times, though offering an assistant GM role would help XD).

From what this site offers, I'm interested in joining up a Free, Casual, or Advanced Roleplay thread. Specifically I'm interested in:
- High fantasy
- Cyberpunk sci=fi
- Deeply conflict driven
- Anything idealist/philosophical bound (then broken)
- Based on character origin/progression
- But I'm willing to try anything else if it sparks my interest!

Most Recent Posts

...3, 2, 1.

The world for the three Burst Linkers in the alley took a dizzying turn, as the cracked walls digitally circled around them then rapidly enlarged. Even the floor itself began to tilt steeper and steeper, as strewn trash bumped and rolled down the slope before disappearing into thin air. What awaited those who still stood was a gaping maw of pitch black darkness below, a Tartarus with an impossibly perceivable bottom. Yet this was contrasted by the top rim of the pit, where a clear sky sparks hope in those who attempt to climb upwards. Promptly, all Duel Avatars spawned in and unceremoniously started to fall.

The instigator of the match, Ochre Technic himself, made a grand flourish with his cape as he descended, and promptly glided to a standstill on the nearest ledge. "Your decision?" he boomed, the question echoing off the foreboding wall of their cage.
Lining the eastern boulevard away from Uchima Senior High, cherry blossom trees stood in stoic rows and silently awaited their turn of seasons. Nevertheless, afternoon sunlight dappled the verdant leaves and spilled over onto the ground, mingling with the shadows of tree trunks and students passing underneath. The weight of Japanese tradition literally hung over the heads of each successive generation who would attend and graduate from Uchima; only one exception was finding physical and mental difficulty in accepting it. That is, Kiritsugu found it his daily annoyance to brush away the lower hanging branches interfering with his movement.

About the twelfth tree down the line, Kiritsugu had enough of bending over to leaves whipping his face, and leaned back against its trunk, allowing those of better fitting stature to pass by him. Their usual drone of merrily chatting about their weekend plans, abound in Shikatsu, did not escape his ears. He shielded his eyes from the filtered Sun as he averted his gaze upwards towards the canopy. Sunlight's one thing, shadow's another. Can't win with both problems.

The surrounding fields of rolling green captured Kiritsugu's attention next. An image flickered in his mind's eye, and the blank panorama transformed for him. Apartment complexes rose out of the ground, followed by skyscapers in the distance, reaching to block out the Sun and cast their looming shadows. At the base of it all, familiar restaurants and shops opened up to direct the flow of customers as the crowd increased in size and intensity. Kiritsugu relaxed against a traffic light, and listened to the buzzing conversation of Cantonese speakers walking past him, merrily chatting about their next stops in Kowloon. His hand felt around for the button to activate the crosswalk signal...

...instead scraping it against the bark. Kiritsugu kicked behind him, and let out a disappointed sigh when the "thunk" of the tree trunk was heard instead of the hum of metal. His eyes swam in the white light before readjusting to the ample shade, and he held an arm out to steady himself before continuing his walk down the boulevard. Gritting his teeth as he emerged out of the last of the cherry blossoms, he'd just remembered the irony of his Japanese surname, as he entered the initial suburbs marked by family houses.


Let's think of something a normal person would for once.

Not much homework today. The weather's gotten to me, so no martial arts practice. If I'm indoors, at least I have to finish learning C++. Meh, programming's a bore.

Okay, any manhua I feel like rereading? Nope, still need to buy the next volume of Ravages of Time. That means waiting for mother to come home for longer than a day, and coinciding with a literature expo in Nagoya. Unless the heavens tear asunder and I can make a trip to Tokyo.

Oh look, here comes a truck. At least here I won't get run over looking both ways in the wrong order.
It's been a busy week for me, I'll get a post up tomorrow.
@Crimmy Sorta skimmed that City Plot post. so the gist is there's going to be a car chase? So for the plot point would a witness end up getting involved somehow? (Lemme beat you to it first @Inkd Bull XD)

Funny, if I like the final episode of MSG: IBO, I'll probably pick up Toradora because of the director.

Name: Kiritsugu Sakurai
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Arcana: Hierophant
-Weapon: Bo staff, later triple staff.
-Calligraphy set, with brushes & inkwell.
-School backpack, includes school supplies.
-Surface tablet, attaches to laptop.
Skills: Calligraphy (Kanji), Computer Hacking, Cooking (Cantonese), Electronic Repair, Martial Arts (Nanquan), Computer Programming

Name: Sima Yi


I require assistance for Persona stats...
@Caits I suppose we're waiting on your post?
@Crimmy I've got an interesting idea for World Arcana though, that's been a theme in the later Persona games. My character probably wouldn't upgrade its Persona though. Like that overleveled character in RPGs who steadily comes down in power level as the game progresses.
And done. Can you thread your plot into this, @Jangel13?
As Angelo and LIly confronted the hacker, the hologram ball continued to roll down the alleyway, still flickering its image. Until a foot deftly tapped it to a halt; it belonging to a shadowy figure who stared down the opposite end at the three figures. He swiftly raised his hand, and with a flurry of fingers input multiple commands to his Neuro Linker, once bending down to examine the hologram ball. A white grin spread over his lips, satisfied with the completion of his plan. With a firm kick, the hologram ball was sent bouncing back down the alleyway towards the other three Burst Linkers. He casually strolled out and to the nearby bus stop, catching his ride impeccably on time.

The hologram ball hit Angelo's heel as he turned the other way, and stopped as another image was projeted. A metallic figure emerged, and no doubt was seeded in the three persons present that was a Duel Avatar. Of a slim, tall humanoid build, its torso armor appeared to be a literal cloak or overcoat, extending past its waist and worn loosely, tied by a sapphire brooch. Its eyes also shined in azure, underneath a dapper top hat, that it promptly took off. Color shading ran from its brighter orange limbs, darker towards the center and head, and completed by its deep tan armor and charcoal headwear. The Duel Avatar proffered a gracious bow, and spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, excuse me for the interruption. My Duel Avatar is Ochre Technic, and yes I do know that my present company is shared in the presence of Burst Linkers. Please do not bother questioning my methods of obtaining your real life info; I have my agents and my ways. As for my motives, they are manyfold, such that I will reveal you one: as I have at my disposal your identities, that maybe compromising if released into certain circles of hungry Burst Linkers. I'd like to point this out especially to the young hacker, who's been the cause of much grief and thirst for revenge. However, I am not beyond reasoning behind my blank verse, thus my proposal to save you from your predicament: joining my Legion. For your comprehension and incredulity, I am not the member of one of seven major Legions, but a minor Legion I have recently founded and lead. I've been talent searching ever since, as you may already be familiar with one of my contacts, I am personally well established within Brain Burst community. My offer asofar extends only within the hour of this message, and refusal by answer or stall will have consequences. Minor details can be discussed within the game you're about to join.

By the way, this has been a prerecorded message. Be prepared to join me in the accelerated world, in 10, 9..."


I have extended an invitation to your friends and the hacker. Expect to be invited as well within the minute. - Ochre Technic

Kris gritted his teeth at the mention of "friends", he was definitely in too deep. But hopefully the hacker would still join with her bots, so he can exact his own plan. He was getting tired of outside interference...
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