Avatar of Aviaire
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    1. Aviaire 5 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
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helloa v i a i r ehello

timezone gmt

@stone's sidekick in persona with boats

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hell yeah. we cook.

<Snipped quote by Aviaire>

New character, what do you think?

<this photo is so big i am not subjecting myself to it twice in one thread>

accepted without hesitation
Question, do the personas need to be vaguely nautical/ocean-themed? Y'know, for 𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬

Something at least water-themed would be nice, but not necessarily required!
Don't worry about me disappearing, either. @Aviaire will track me down and beat the shit out of me if do.

can confirm!

"Oh, I'm really- not at all- well, if you say so," Naoka said, slightly flushed. "But, overpacked? I'm not too sure about that." She looked at Sawajiri's suitcase. Was it even half as much stuff as she'd brought herself? She'd basically moved her entire room over. "There's a lot of space in the rooms, so you don't need to worry. Though you can always pick up extra stuff over holidays or get your parents to drop it off."

She gave Sawajiri the most welcoming smile she could muster. "The lobby's over there," Naoka said, motioning to where the entrance was. There were already a few other people coming out of it. "Pick up your room key, put your stuff away and then you've got the rest of the day free. Is there anything else I can help you with? It's no trouble at all."

Naoka hoped she was making a good first impression. It would be nice to be popular with the first years. She could be the cool, mature senpai...

She was getting a little ahead of herself, wasn't she?

^ stone
I will reply friday, probably. Thanks for the interaction. :)

<Snipped quote>
For clarity, Touka looks distinctly Japanese outside of the blonde hair. Probably looks a lot like Tenge Fuyuki in the live action version.

Naoka was probably a bit far to see her face properly^^ Looking forward to the post!

Sorting out the mess on her floor had taken longer than she'd expected. It probably would've been quicker if she didn't just dump everything on the floor, honestly. But by the time she realised that, it was already too late.

Naoka stood up from where she'd been sitting next to her shelves and yawned. She'd been at it for a while. She wasn't too surprised, she always took forever to clean stuff. It was just a waste to get things all neat and organised only for them to become a mess again in a week. She picked up her bag and decided to head down, maybe she'd run into one of her friends and she could pick up that coffee she'd been longing for.

Making her way down the stairs, Naoka checked her phone. No texts. Everyone was probably too busy getting settled in to chat and her parents were already at work. They worked such long hours that even when she was at home, she hardly saw them. Staying at the dorms didn't change much.

Naoka entered the lobby. A some people had already congregated, a few she recognised, most she didn't. She'd already picked up her key, so she didn't really need to stick around and so continued walking to the great outdoors. The weather was good, with any luck it'd stay that way. There weren't a lot of people outside, but the one that stuck out the most was a blonde girl pulling around a suitcase. Was it natural? It was an international school, so she could just be foreign.

Cautiously approaching the girl, she definitely wasn't anyone Naoka recognised. A first-year, most likely. Well, if there was anything Naoka wanted to do, it was to make a good first impression on her underclassmen.

"Excuse me," she said, approaching cautiously. "I'm Toba Naoka, one of the third years here. Do you need any help?"

Those are adorable!! I love them.
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