Avatar of Bea
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    1. Bea 5 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current <o/
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4 yrs ago
Nothing like GMing a solid Star wars RP with good old friends, then being invited to join back in on an old Witcher RP with another good group <3
4 yrs ago
Alexa, play "I'm Deranged" by David Bowie for someone who thinks I stalk them, ty. Then follow it up with something along the lines of "Only Because It Bugs You". Thanksss!
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4 yrs ago
As a crazy plant lady, this outbreak and quarantine is not helping my random online buying sprees... I'm gonna live in a jungle by time this is over.
4 yrs ago
Oh hell yea ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ roleplayerguild.com/posts/5…



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HQ Exterior

Miles Dapper had honed his skills when it came to being as silent as he wanted, most of the time. But such skills were needed if he wanted to pick on Neoh, for most of the time his twin had grown accustomed to his teasing and could usually catch the trick before it began.
Milly waited a few long minutes, just enough to give Neoh, hopefully, enough time to start to doze off, if that was his goal.

The twin strode up right next to Neoh's head, a handful of freshly pulled grass clippings just waiting to strike.
"You're laying on the grass, while wearing white?!" the twin asked, laughing as he slowly released the grass clippings, watching as they gently fell onto his brother's face.

Miles Dapper was never one to joke around strangers, acquaintances, or really even friends for that manner. Most knew him as the more well-behaved and calm of the two. But when it was just him and Neoh, anything was fair game. Neoh was his rock, his twin was the only thing Miles really knew as they grew up. Their mother was never around, nor did she seem to make an attempt hardly at all to be a part of their lives. Their father, screw that guy. Then there was the butler; Miles never really talked to him either.

Neoh was the sole figure in their world that Miles cared about. It had never really been talked about, but Miles often took up the mantle of the "older brother", at least that's how he saw himself to Neoh.
Watching over his twin while on their vigilante work, making sure he had everything he needed for his hobbies; keeping him up to date on their schoolwork and just all around being there for Neoh.
It would be harder for most to find a bond stronger than that of the twin vigilante brothers.

A quick summary...

๐Ÿ”ธJedi Grandmaster Satele Shan and her Padawan Bryethe Farlance resided in their ship, the Starshine, over the jungle planet of Dxun. Their plan is to meet up with a Mandalorian clan leader, head of the Madog clan, who goes by the name of Grim. An acquaintance of Satele Shan, Grim is to escort them to his village. The young Padawan assumed this meeting was for negotiation purposes but Satele Shan knows there is a fight waiting that she cannot deny.

๐Ÿ”ธAfter recieving no reply from Grim, Satele knows something is not right and she instead goes to him. What the two Jedi find is Grim's speeder overturned, with Grim trapped beneath it. Sith surround the overturned speeder, insist that Satele Shan comes with them to an ancient vault that belonged to her ancestor , Revan, and a fight ensues.

๐Ÿ”ธSatele and Brye come out of the fight a little worse for wear. They escort Grim to his village where they are met by ten Sith Revanites.

๐Ÿ”ธSatele instructs Brye to leave her and return to the ship, which the Padawan does after much hesitation. Back at the Starshine, Brye is met by two more Sith Revanites who intend to kill her because Satele did not go willingly with them.

๐Ÿ”ธWhile Satele confronts the Sith Revanites back at the village, Brye is fighting the two at the Starshine. A third Sith joins them, Sith Inquisitor Kurin Tonaal, who's mission is to bring the two Revanites back to the Sith homeworld for trial.

๐Ÿ”ธBrye is able to hold off one of the Revanites who refuses to surrender, but Kurin steps in and subdues them both, after taking the third Revanite into custody.

๐Ÿ”ธSatele meanwhile makes a deal with Roana, a female Mandalorian of the Madog clan. In turn, Roana turns to Satele's side and helps her dispatch the remaining Sith. Satele feels Brye reach out as Kurin pulls her onto his ship. She leaves the fight and attempts to get to Brye, but is too late.

๐Ÿ”ธAfter intercepting Kurin Tonaal's ship, the Sith returns Brye to Satele in an escape pod, and jumps to hyperspace to further avoid facing Satele Shan.

๐Ÿ”ธWith Bryethe returned, Satele begins to succumb to grave injuries she sustained during her fight and the run through the Dxun forest to Brye. Roana helps Satele to the medical bay. Brye and Grim are also brought to the bay to recover.

๐Ÿ”ธWith the three of them incapacitated due to injuries, Roana is to pilot the ship. The group of four head for Manaan, where the vault of Revan artifacts are located. The deal Satele and Roana had made earlier concerned this vault, along with any Mandalorian items within it.

Next Chapter: Tython

๐Ÿ”ธJedi Grandmaster Satele Shan and her Padawan Bryethe Farlance resided in their ship, the Starshine, over the jungle planet of Dxun. Their plan is to meet up with a Mandalorian clan leader, head of the Madog clan, who goes by the name of Grim. An acquaintance of Satele Shan, Grim is to escort them to his village. The young Padawan assumed this meeting was for negotiation purposes but Satele Shan knows there is a fight waiting that she cannot deny.

๐Ÿ”ธAfter recieving no reply from Grim, Satele knows something is not right and she instead goes to him. What the two Jedi find is Grim's speeder overturned, with Grim trapped beneath it. Sith surround the overturned speeder, insist that Satele Shan comes with them to an ancient vault that belonged to her ancestor , Revan, and a fight ensues.

๐Ÿ”ธSatele and Brye come out of the fight a little worse for wear. They escort Grim to his village where they are met by ten Sith Revanites.

๐Ÿ”ธSatele instructs Brye to leave her and return to the ship, which the Padawan does after much hesitation. Back at the Starshine, Brye is met by two more Sith Revanites who intend to kill her because Satele did not go willingly with them.

๐Ÿ”ธWhile Satele confronts the Sith Revanites back at the village, Brye is fighting the two at the Starshine. A third Sith joins them, Sith Inquisitor Kurin Tonaal, who's mission is to bring the two Revanites back to the Sith homeworld for trial.

๐Ÿ”ธBrye is able to hold off one of the Revanites who refuses to surrender, but Kurin steps in and subdues them both, after taking the third Revanite into custody.

๐Ÿ”ธSatele meanwhile makes a deal with Roana, a female Mandalorian of the Madog clan. In turn, Roana turns to Satele's side and helps her dispatch the remaining Sith. Satele feels Brye reach out as Kurin pulls her onto his ship. She leaves the fight and attempts to get to Brye, but is too late.

๐Ÿ”ธAfter intercepting Kurin Tonaal's ship, the Sith returns Brye to Satele in an escape pod, and jumps to hyperspace to further avoid facing Satele Shan.

๐Ÿ”ธWith Bryethe returned, Satele begins to succumb to grave injuries she sustained during her fight and the run through the Dxun forest to Brye. Roana helps Satele to the medical bay. Brye and Grim are also brought to the bay to recover.

๐Ÿ”ธWith the three of them incapacitated due to injuries, Roana is to pilot the ship. The group of four head for Manaan, where the vault of Revan artifacts are located. The deal Satele and Roana had made earlier concerned this vault, along with any Mandalorian items within it.


Bryethe Farlance, Orbital Station to Tython

Main batteries, on.
Standby power, on.
Fuel pumps, go.
Hydraulic systems, go.
Fire suppression systems, go.
Hyperdrive systems, go.
Nava computer, go.
Main engine power, go.
Docking clamps released.

Brye held both hands flat against the console, her eyes closed as she took a deep breath.
"Insane tension from Master Shan, that's a go." she mumbled, her hands moving to the controls of the Starshine as the ship was undocked. The Padawan hadn't prodded for information, such as what her Master was doing at the Orbital Station, and why she had to return to Tython's surface. Whatever Satele's reasons were, Brye was not to be involved; the young Padawan was almost glad to not be a part of the emotions she had sensed from Satele just then.

She would return to Tython and check-in with the medbay. Bandages needed to be removed or replaced, and wounds checked. Bryethe knew, given a short time, she would be fine. But unlike her stubborn Master, Brye did not push herself past her limit when it wasn't necessary. She did not dare try to talk her Master into the same idea, for it always ended in a shoulder shrug and eye rolling.
She would also have to conduct research on lightsaber crystals, for Brye's saber wasn't returned with her after being taken from Dxun. Satele had given her Padawan the single-bladed lightsaber she rarely used, but Brye would make good use of it. She would need to find time to train, to become comfortable and familiar with the hilt, for holding Satele's single blade was almost comparable to the first time Brye had held her own saber.

Arriving at the landing pad of the Jedi Temple, Brye took a few moments to clean up her quarters, as instructed from Satele, and to change into clean robes before leaving the ship and intending to check in at the medbay.

Instead Brye walked into a temple full of Jedi running this way and that, barking orders and organizing teams. Jedi coming from and going to; others being carried on stretchers towards the medical bay. In the midst of it all was a familiar robed Zabrak that seemed to be directing most of the Jedi in the temple. The Padawan couldn't help the small smile that came to her face. Master Uakro was a gruff Jedi, blunt and to the point, and brutally honest when he needed to be. Feeling as if she would be needed somewhere other than the medbay, Brye started towards the Jedi Master, and it wasn't long until he spotted her.

"Padawan Farlance, I'm glad to see you in good health... Where's the Grandmaster?" he asked as Brye stopped in front of him.

"Master Shan is at the Orbital Station. She sent me down to see if I could be of any help." Brye explained, her hands held respectfully behind her back as she stood.

"We're sending teams out to the Desert. There's a massive disturbance and we need as many as we can to make sure Tython does not fall further into chaos. Master Vondin and her Padawan just departed. I'll stick you with one of the teams we have left. If you can, find and touch base with her and see if she requires anymore manpower. Teams will be adjusted depending on where our needs lie. Now go."

He pointed Brye towards one of the remaining teams and the shuttle that would carry them out. The young Jedi didn't hesitate to follow his order. She gave a quick nod in thanks before moving to link up with the team.

With Tython in such chaos, she would rest and recuperate later.

Sound great! @Omega Man

I'm here for about another week. Gonna talk to my pal @Shard and try to get some details worked out. Thank you so much for keeping me in the loop and allowing me to still be a part of it :)
Brye had her head slightly hung in silence before she heard a soft chuckle come from Satele. Her head lifted as she looked at her Master, listening closely as she started to speak. Brye was never disappointed when listening to her Master's stories, her advice, her warnings. Brye had never been steered wrong by Satele's words, which is why she was listening closely now.

Accepting failure is hard when it nearly cost your Master her life.

Brye's thoughts went in and out as she listened to Satele. The young Jedi didn't want to ponder over what would happen had Satele not made it off Dxun alive. She felt a close bond with her Master, closer and stronger than Brye had felt with her previous Master; most likely due to the hardships the Padawan had endured since her first Master's death.

She felt that bloody hand on hers, comforting yet causing the Padawans thoughts and emotions to conflict.

They were headed to Manaan, Satele suggested rest, but Brye knew she couldn't rest with her emotions like they were. She would find a quiet place and meditate instead.
The Padawan looked to Satele, pausing for a moment before taking a breath as she spoke.
"If you need me Master, I won't be far."

With that, Brye gave a soft smile in return before making her leave from the medbay, intent on finding a quiet place to meditate as they made their way to Manaan.
Bryethe did not feel nor wake to anything. From the rough landing of the escape pod to the Mandalorians carrying her to the medbay of the ship. What caused the young Jedi to stir was when she sensed her Master close by.

The Starshine lifted off from the Dxun dirt, their journey to Manaan underway.

The medical droid patched Brye up quickly, treating the bodily shock from the Sith's lightning assault earlier, along with treating and bandaging the singe marks from the various Sith lightsabers throughout the duels on Dxun. Once the medical droids programming concluded no further care could be given at the time, it moved quickly to the Jedi Grandmaster, for more time and care would be needed to stabilize her for the trip.

Time passed, and Brye stirred more. Eyes opened slightly to the bright lights above her medical bed, then they looked around the room. She picked her head up and immediately saw her Master across the bay from her, the medical droid finishing up its care.

"Master Shan..." the young Jedi mumbled, hands underneath her as she sat up slowly. The medical droid was over to her in an instant, its flat-toned voice immediately giving instructions.

"Ma'am, you cannot move from your bed, you are still healing."

"I don't care droid, now leave me be." Brye retorted as the droid stopped next to her.

Mechanical hands were on her quickly, pushing her back down with impressive strength. "Ma'am, I insist, you need to-"

Brye raised a hand, her eyes focused intently on the droid as she waved that hand to the side. "You will let me leave this bed." She instructed, her voice reflecting her feelings in that moment, irritated, worried, and determined to go see her Master.
The droid paused momentarily, as if someone had pressed a reset button.
"I will let you leave this bed." It said suddenly, stepping back from the Padawan and moving back over to Satele.

Brye sighed heavily, slowly sitting back up and letting her legs swing over the side of the bed. She was at Satele's side after a few long moments.
Her eyes scanned over her Master, bloodied bandages littering the floor from when the droid re-wrapped her wounds.
The Padawan looked away, down towards the floor for a few moments, eyes closed as her mind replayed the previous hours events. It was evident in the injuries Satele had taken that she tried to reach Brye, but it had been too late, that much the young Padawan could decipher.

Grim sat submerged in the kolto tank, and Brye could sense someone else nearby, obviously piloting the ship, but to where?
Although, most of the Padawan's worries were directed towards Satele.

"You shouldn't have had to come for me. I should've handled it myself." She whispered, looking back at her Master as Brye leaned slightly against the bed, her hands keeping her steady against the bed frame.

"You said I was ready, you thought I was. But I couldn't live up to it... My failure caused this."
We have ideas. I'm currently away doing some military stuff for a couple more weeks so I'm not able to work on anything in depth until I get back home.
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