Avatar of BingTheWing
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    1. BingTheWing 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Sometimes I don’t feel like writing but then I look at the rest of these forums and realize they’re dead af so I can’t be dead af either
6 yrs ago
I am tired and very stressed - I will probably not be able to push out any replies for some time.
6 yrs ago
Will be away for three days - near to absolutely no internet. I'm afraid.
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7 yrs ago
I swear to God all the icons on the page turned into emojis for a moment...
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I think I’m starting to be known on the guild as the guy who expresses interest in RPs but never joins
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super rushed OOC im gonna be a bit busy after this btw

ネオン の 神

Inspirations: Akira, Yojimbo, Jack Reacher, the Godfather.


  • Starting date and location August 13, 2055, in the fictional rural town of Suribachi, Hyōgo prefecture, Japan.
  • The following technologies are widespread: VR, Internet of Things, cybernetic limbs and implants, self-driving cars, household robots.
  • Since the early 2020s, Japan’s population began experiencing a severe slump, threatening to drop to 85 million people by the current date if left unattended.
  • This forced Japan to weaken its immigration policy, reducing requirements for work visas, residential permits, and even naturalization.
  • A sudden influx of immigrants from Korea, a drastically overpopulated China, Southeast Asia, India, South America, Russia, and the United States start to arrive on Japanese soil to live and work, turning Japan into a multicultural society.
  • With these drastic social changes came an increased crime rate, with mafias from other countries expanding their influence into cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Sapporo.
  • Other minor crime families from Moscow, New York, and Shanghai war for control over territory in the Japanese countryside.
  • Suribachi, a relatively small town of around 70,000, has long been yakuza territory, but in recent years a San Francisco-based family called the Sycamores have challenged their claim from Kobe.
  • Drive-by shootings, muggings, and street brawls have become more common in Suribachi. Many people are fleeing the violence, left untethered by an ineffectual prefectural government.
  • Yet your character, who may be a recent visitor or a long-time resident, has decided to stay. Do they have unfinished business? Grudges to settle? Loose threads to sever?

Many of you cyberpunk junkies may be asking the question: why isn't this in a big city, like Tokyo or something? Well, personally I find cities in cyberpunk to be overused and really depressing. The Japanese countryside also happens to be very pretty and has a certain 'fairy tale' feel to it, like it's a bubble of perfection. The only thing better than shooting someone in the back is shooting someone in the back with beautiful natural scenery in the background. An interesting mesh of timeless and timely - one of the themes of this RP.

@The Bork Lazer
- Japanese industry will of course retain some of their influence, but only with the help of a large body of foreign skilled and unskilled workers to compensate for local population deficiencies. That’s actually gonna be one of the RP’s main talking points.
- Yes, of course, but I will be posting some brief lore as general guidelines as to the state of the world.
- That is my usual practice to see which forum would the RP best jive in. It is also my belief that what usually sets Casual and Advanced apart is less of writing capability but more of the type of community.
@Turboshitter It would probably be in early clinical trials at best. You were thinking of a character with a fully synthetic body?
DISCLAIMER: The premise of this RP does not attempt to be xenophobic or anti-immigrant in any way. If you have concerns, feel free to notify the OP.

ネオン の 神

Inspirations: Akira, Yojimbo, Jack Reacher, the Godfather.


  • Starting date and location August 13, 2055, in the fictional rural town of Suribachi, Hyōgo prefecture, Japan.
  • The following technologies are widespread: VR, Internet of Things, cybernetic limbs and implants, self-driving cars, household robots.
  • Since the early 2020s, Japan’s population began experiencing a severe slump, threatening to drop to 85 million people by the current date if left unattended.
  • This forced Japan to weaken its immigration policy, reducing requirements for work visas, residential permits, and even naturalization.
  • A sudden influx of immigrants from Korea, a drastically overpopulated China, Southeast Asia, India, South America, Russia, and the United States start to arrive on Japanese soil to live and work, turning Japan into a multicultural society.
  • With these drastic social changes came an increased crime rate, with mafias from other countries expanding their influence into cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Sapporo.
  • Other minor crime families from Moscow, New York, and Shanghai war for control over territory in the Japanese countryside.
  • Suribachi, a humble town of around 70,000, has long been yakuza territory, but in recent years a San Francisco-based family called the Sycamores have challenged their claim from Kobe.
  • Drive-by shootings, muggings, and street brawls have become more common in Suribachi. Many people are fleeing the violence, left untethered by an ineffectual prefectural government.
  • Yet your character, who may be a recent visitor or a long-time resident, has decided to stay. Do they have unfinished business? Grudges to settle? Loose threads to sever?
DISCLAIMER: The premise of this RP does not attempt to be xenophobic or anti-immigrant in any way. If you have concerns, feel free to notify the OP.

ネオン の 神

Inspirations: Akira, Yojimbo, Jack Reacher, the Godfather.


  • Starting date and location August 13, 2055, in the fictional rural town of Suribachi, Hyōgo prefecture, Japan.
  • The following technologies are widespread: VR, Internet of Things, cybernetic limbs and implants, self-driving cars, household robots.
  • Since the early 2020s, Japan’s population began experiencing a severe slump, threatening to drop to 85 million people by the current date if left unattended.
  • This forced Japan to weaken its immigration policy, reducing requirements for work visas, residential permits, and even naturalization.
  • A sudden influx of immigrants from Korea, a drastically overpopulated China, Southeast Asia, India, South America, Russia, and the United States start to arrive on Japanese soil to live and work, turning Japan into a multicultural society.
  • With these drastic social changes came an increased crime rate, with mafias from other countries expanding their influence into cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Sapporo.
  • Other minor crime families from Moscow, New York, and Shanghai war for control over territory in the Japanese countryside.
  • Suribachi, a humble town of around 70,000, has long been yakuza territory, but in recent years a San Francisco-based family called the Sycamores have challenged their claim from Kobe.
  • Drive-by shootings, muggings, and street brawls have become more common in Suribachi. Many people are fleeing the violence, left untethered by an ineffectual prefectural government.
  • Yet your character, who may be a recent visitor or a long-time resident, has decided to stay. Do they have unfinished business? Grudges to settle? Loose threads to sever?
What if a half-human half-cyborg programmed and trained for torturing and assassinating enemies of the royal family tagged along?
wait i have no idea how this works do i just pm @Theodorable my actions or smth

EDIT: sike nvm
Is it just me or should real estate be on the list of industries?
Andromeda Industries

saisir l'avenir

hold the future

CEO Name & Age: Marco Gironde, 43
Headquarters: Paris, France
Major Industries: [AEROSPACE]
Minor Industries: [WEAPONS] [SPACE]
Starting Trait:
- Genius Inventor: One Minor Industry Research cost is decreased by 10%
- Brief History & Description

Andromeda Industries started out in 2028 as Hercules Corporation, a metal parts supplier for local automotive manufacturers in Aquitaine, France. However, CEO Theodore Gironde, having had former experience as a defense engineer for the US Air Force, saw that the future of transport was in the skies. Through a series of carefully placed investments, calculated stock acquisitions, and strategic mergers, he was able to found his own aerospace company in 2040. To avoid local competition, Theodore outsourced many of his manufacturing branches to places with cheap labor and looser labor laws like China, Malaysia, and Brazil. When Theodore died in 2048, his son Jean-Pierre saw the opportunities in a developing Africa and opened even more factories there. In joint cooperation with the French government and recruiting the brightest minds from the US, Jean-Pierre moved the company’s base of operations to Paris and began designing Andromeda Industries' first fighter jets. Towards the end of his life, Jean-Pierre began his company's first foray into the space sector, unveiling plans to establish New Paris by 2120, a semi-experimental orbital stratocity for researchers and the ultra-rich alike. It has been a year since the death of Jean-Pierre and the transfer of the company to his son, Marco, who plans to carry on his family's legacy.
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