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    1. blackdragon 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Well, the person who was supposed to be reviewing my request for full time and liked me just quit. New reviewer hates my guts. Gonna drop the disability nuke.
4 yrs ago
I don't know if we have any Lebanese members, but if we do, please know that my thoughts are with you right now.
4 yrs ago
Sorry for leaving without warning, had a bad mental breakdown. To all my partners, I'm back if you want me.
5 yrs ago
Get new job, get fired from new job. Why me?
5 yrs ago
@Penny No, Aphrodite will just get you off.


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I'd like to roleplay with you, but I can't figure out how to send messages on Discord. Hit me up with a PM here or a Discord message at daird#9149
Bethany rolled her eyes when Shelley mentioned she wanted to be a writer, rather than a villain. "Why not be both? Being a villain is all about fun. Doing what you want, and damn rules and laws. Writing your books can be what funds your lab. There's a lot of evildoers out there who finance their schemes with rather legitimate means, and I know of a few who find crime to be more of a hobby than a lifestyle. Something to do in their spare time. Maybe that's you."
@VampireOracle Yes, until we get another female student.
Bethany waved her hand and concentrated, and her clothes started putting themselves away. She looked a little fatigued after the act- telekinesis was a relatively basic spell, but it took a lot out of even an experienced witch. "Strength and pain tolerance- I can see how those would improve each other. And anatomical liberation- that's being able to detach body parts, right? Very cool- just don't go to pieces on me." She chuckled a little bit. "I'm a witch with a demon riding shotgun. He helps me with my magic when I'm alive, and he gets my soul when I'm dead. It's a mutually beneficial relationship."

When Shelley asked what the TV was, Bethany rolled her eyes. I've heard of being sheltered before, but everybody knows what television is! "It's called a television. You turn it on, and you can watch all sorts of shows and movies. She turned it on, and the classic movie channel was showing the original Frankenstein, causing her to make a connection. "Wait a minute... Shelley Frank... you were reanimated by a mad scientist, weren't you?"

@VampireOracle I can see Slippery Soul being great for casing targets. She's accepted. I'll have a Discord link up in a little while.
A large black robot lumbered its way through the halls, finally coming to a stop near Girliath. It gave her a curt nod, out of sheer politeness. "I am Professor Harris, but please, call me Network. You're Girliath, the super grower, right? Dorms are down the hall, on your right. Do me a favor and don't make yourself too big, okay? We don't need to be constantly rebuilding rooms."
Not at all. We're still just getting warmed up.
"No, I guess you don't, but I had to check," Bethany told the boy with a smile. The little girl was writing her answers down on a sheet of paper. A mute? Interesting.

"Well, I didn't know your name, Shelley, but I guess you're the person I was looking for. See, you and I are going to be roommates this year." She gave the other girl a sheet of paper with the dorm assignments, so she could see for herself. "The dorms are just down this hall- let's go check them out."

The dorm setup was rather spartan- a common room with a small couch, a TV, and a kitchen, with two-person dorm rooms off to one side. The rooms themselves were similarly low-budget, but they at least had separate closets. As Bethany started putting her clothes away, she asked, "Do you have any powers, Shelley?"

Oh, look. Another furniture bot.

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