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    1. Blackened World 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
"Believe in yourself. Not in the you that believes in me. Not in the me that believes in you. Believe in the you that believes in yourself!"


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@KoL Sure thing, you're welcome!
@Burning Kitty Glad to have you interested!


A long time ago, it was said that magic and control of supernatural powers couldn't be possible, and that science was the maximum point of reference to explain any strange phenomenon in the forces of nature. These foolish people were proven wrong with the consequent appearence of Blazers in the world, humans who were capable of summoning a physical manifestation of their souls called Device in the form of weapons, armors and tools, which served as a medium for them to use their powers.

Before their existence was officially acknowledged, they were called magicians and witches, the strongest of them being even capable of controlling the flow of time to their will. Even the weakest among them could be considered superhuman. Unfortunately, many of them were persecuted and killed, product of the fear of normal men that saw Blazers as pariahs, ignorant of the great deeds these people could have done for the world if they were accepted earlier. After all, magic is the means that humans have to reshape it to their image.

In modern times, The governments didn't want these kind of people using their abilities to cause havoc on society, so the "Mage-Knight" law was implemented. This law gave the Blazers the opportunity to enrol on police forces and armies when they were adults, so their talents could be used for the sake of others, effectively introducing them into some sort of "modern knighthood". However this led into another problem, which was the fight for dominance between the nations with the aid of their respective Blazers.

Over time, many organizations were formed just for the sake of controlling the flow of Mage-Knights in the world.

The League of Mage-Knight Nations, formed after the World War 2 by numerous and small countries like the UK, France, Japan, Italy, Poland, and the northern european kingdoms of Vermillion and Cradleland. They wish to stabilize the chaotic situation that is occurring due to powerful and influential people wanting to use Blazers as tools of mass destruction, wanting to give them protection and to ensure normal lives for them.

The Union, formed by super countries like U.S.A, Russia, China and Saudi Arabia, and have the support of the U.S.A special elite supernatural powers unit named Scion. Incredibly powerful and ambitious, the Union wants to expand it's influence across the world and to control every matter related to Blazers. Old rival countries have united into a nigh unbeatable alliance, posing a steady threat against the League and its project of "peace".

And between those 2, there is The Rebellion. They are a international crime syndicate that believe Blazers are the chosen new breed of humans, and refers to other non-Blazers as the inferior breed. They resort to use incredibly violent methods to achieve what they want and ironically, if not for them, the Union and the League would be fighting in a WW3.

But, outside of the rules of nations and men, outside of the bindings of fate itself, there exists a certain group of Blazers, stronger than any other. Beings who have trascended the weaknesess of the humans, and achieved a brute soul, discovering insurmountable amounts of magic potential within themselves. When everything is in shambles, they will surely fight against each other to decide the future of our world...



The idea for this came from the anime/manga/light novel named "Chivalry of a Failed Knight". The roleplay will take place in its world, but it won't be chained to the great majority of Canon events, meaning that the players can run wild with their imagination as much as they please, to a certain extent of course. Everyone is welcome, regardless of tastes.

All the players will play as Mage-Knights (Blazers). The race is locked, meaning that everyone will be human. They can play as part of the League, the Union or the Rebellion, or they can go as their own person without having to answer to any of the aforementioned organizations. Bear in mind that if you chose the last, you will have literally all the world against you, and the chances of your character being captured or worse are very high. The factionless players can form temporal alliances with other freelancers, but I won't allow it to go any further than that. If you want permanent comrades, choose the principal options.

The action takes place in a modified version of today's world, with certain tweaks here and there. The principal objective is to obliterate each other's faction, be it directly or indirectly, but the players can expand the world even more through their actions.

Depending on what you choose, access to certain countries or places will be a dangerous thing for your character.

Players can create as many characters as they want.
Golden Rule

Some time ago I read something on how, not matter what you do in a roleplay, even if you're the GM, the players will find the most bizarre and ridiculous ways to break your game. This is highly encouraged to do. Within the limits I will give the players, I want them to break the roleplay one time after another. Humans are supposed to evolve, learn from their errors, and that's what I want you to do. Evolve, grow stronger, and take the top. Personal glory and self-challenge against all odds are some of the main cores of this roleplay, but that doesn't mean that team play is bad. I only ask you to be dynamic, to "get out of the box"

But, the more obstacles you tackle, the more that will come your way later, and you won't be able to pass through all of them. One can wonder what would happen if you keep pushing regardless of everything...

And... that's that. Feel free to ask! I'll try to answer your questions without delay!

(This may be updated in the future)

Interaction: Icarus @Shadow Daedalus

Gwyneth looked at him with a blank expression, her features relaxing a lot in comparison of a moment before. "You're not pathetic at all. You're just insecure about your powers. However..." As she said that, she made sure that her eyes were locked with his'. "...That line of thought will be your doom. I made horrible things before, but I don't let the remorse get to me. I wish that I could take back some things I did, but that's impossible. What I do instead, is believe." She stated solemnly as she placed a hand over her chest. "I still believe in myself, in the future ahead, and in my friends. I believe in you too, but what you need is to believe in yourself. Believe in your own potential to make things better, and keep walking forward. I'm sure that you will find your place in the world, not as a cold-blooded killer, or a savage beast, but as an incredible person who wants to save innocent lives" The blonde continued, this time with a warm smile that wasn't seen too often on her face. Each and everyone of Gwyneth's friends were precious to her. Everyone had committed their own sins, but what they did have in common is that they wanted to do the right thing in a way or another.

Her stoic expression returned to her face, while she lowered her hand again "...Sorry if that wasn't what you wanted to hear. I'm not the best at giving advice. Just ignore me" She changed her demeanor from a moment to another, instantly apologizing for thinking she was being insensitive. As much as a noble person Gwyneth says and tries to be, she didn't really knew how to handle problems from the past. Since she was a teenager she was willing to die while fighting against the Empire, so much that it came to a time when the blonde couldn't care less about the reasons of why she did it. Gwyneth had moved away from her problems because she was ready to die at any moment, and not because she really overcame them, thus making her unable to really help with others' traumas. She saw herself as useless in anything that it wasn't fighting until exhaustion. How could she really help her friends...?
Ikari looked at the pinky finger of his childhood friend, before chuckling slightly at the gesture. "You really are something else..." He muttered more to himself than her. "It's a promise, then. If you ever have problems with her, tell me first thing" The blond said while interlacing his pinky finger with hers. After that, he looked were they were, narrowing his eyes at the image of the old place. Ikari didn't like it at all, and it was starting to bring some bad memories about his hard-lived childhood.

Misaki proposed that they should ask a neighbour where Ri-chan house's was. Ikari himself was getting a little annoyed about the atmosphere around them, and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "What neighbour, though? This nasty-ass place is even creepier than the last time I came here" The boy expressed his thoughts about the place aloud. "Are you sure there are any people in here that we could ask? He said, eyeing the houses a little. The place had changed a lot since the last time, and he barely recognized Misaki's house, meaning that he was as lost as her. He wasn't one to came with very bright ideas, and the only reason he came along was to protect the girl above anything else. Besides, the blond wasn't as proposed to find his old house as his friend, and he was focusing more on her than other thing.
@Agent 47 Likewise, though I think it's a bit too late. ;D
@eclecticwitch Hello, and welcome to ZA GUILDO. I hope you have a good time in here. Let your imagination run wild, and above anything else, have fun. ;)

Interaction: Icarus @Shadow Daedalus

Gwyneth was enjoying her book on the living room of the headquarters, totally ignoring the outside world around her, until she heard some footsteps and her senses told her that something was approaching. With a quick and almost instinctual movement of her hand, she caught an spheric object that was going to hit her in the head. Her red eyes drifted off of the book, and rested on a fresh-looking apple. Looking for the source of the projectile, she found that in the same room was her friend, Icarus, and a fellow dragon-like Imperial Arm wielder. A small smile made its way onto her face as she closed her book, placing a bookmark in the page that she was reading along the way. "It's nice to see you, Icarus. Thanks for the apple" Gwyneth said with courtesy as she bit the fruit, greatly thankful for the kindness of the assassin. The blonde was always for a conversation just before a mission. It helped ease her at worries and lightened her mood to just talk about anything.

She followed Icarus with her eyes as he relaxed into one of the seats, proceeding to ask her how she felt about the use of their Imperial Arms and the mission. Gwyneth saw how his eyes seemed a little down as he said that, so she understood that he maybe was nervous about the prospect of using a weapon whose properties could end up killing you. "That's an interesting question. I'm worried about what could happen to us if we overuse our powers? She said while playing with the half-eaten apple a little. "If I'm honest, I'm not worried about myself, if that's what you're thinking. Even if I end up turning in the Black Dragon, I'm pretty sure that the flames of Laevateinn will burn my soul and consciousness before I feel anything. The one known as Gwyneth Idris would die before she felt how her body transformed into something more" She continued with a calm face, even when talking about a matter such as this. "What I'm worried about is you guys... I know it sounds selfish, but I would want to die before having to watch how any of you becomes a wild beast. I made my choice, and I always contemplate the possibility of me dying on a mission, but with my friends is an entirely different matter..." This time, as she said that, her features strained a little. Gwyneth loved her friends and their company, and the sole thought of one of them leaving her was unbearable...

She raised her head again, not directly looking at her black haired friend. "I can understand to a certain extent of why you came to me with a question like that. I hear voices from time to time, too. I don't know what Fafnir tells you, but Laevateinn..." Gwyneth trailed off a little, diverting her eyes on purpose. "...Laevateinn wants to burn everything to ashes. When I'm emotional, it whispers to me that I should let my burning blood go wild, and destroy everything and everyone. Not for some wish of self-preservation, or survival. This sword wants to cause pure and utter destruction, as much as possible. It exists only to destroy. Even my accelerated metabolism is proof that it wants to destroy me too, even if I abide to its wishes. It isn't called 'Crimson Apocalypse' for nothing. The Tyrant's Heart you wield... it represents life, the will to live. Laevateinn represents chaos, burning chaos capable of engulfing the world and its creatures. The only thing that prevents its influence of taking over is the memory of my father. When I'm on the brink of snapping, I always think of my father. When you hear Fafnir, you have someone to think of?" Gwyneth finished, looking at Icarus with burning red eyes filled with determination.
Misaki's response to his lame excuse made him sigh in relief. Explanations weren't one of his strengths. He got up alongside Misaki, an paid his part of the sweets. Ikari wasn't one to be indebted, in the sense that he didn't like making people wait to receive what is rightfully theirs. Besides, it was a nice day after all. Being with his chilhood friend did make him a little happy. She's the only one who can mantain a half-serious, half-joking conversation without shying away from him. The blond teenager didn't want to admit it, but he really enyojed her presence. It made him feel safer, in some way.

They spent a lot of time in the cafe, and didn't take in account how many time had passed. 'Mum is going to kill me...' He deadpanned on his mind, shivering a little at the prospect of his punishment. He may be a fight-seeking idiot, but Ikari's mother is on a whole new level. He usually texts her where he is and when he's going to return. That didn't happen today... So maybe he will face her wrath when he gets home.

His train of thought was interrupted when Misaki suddenly thanked him for saving her and warning her about the student council president, everything with a heart-warming smile. He couldn't help but to give her a smile of his own. Nobody had thanked him about anything since a long time, and Ikari always wanted to put others before himself. That was before. But this girl managed to make his usual habits go haywire, and while it did destroy his almost-semingly peaceful life, it was nice that your good deeds were recognized by others. "It's nothing. I always wanted a friend that I could talk with, and it seems that it only took a injured hand and a suspension to achieve it" He laughed a little, finding amusing the chain of events that led to the duo being here in just 1 day.

After that, they started walking to his old home. To Ri-chan's home, more specifically. It had the same cold air of always. Ikari didn't like it at all. Hopefully they wouldn't encounter any undesirable people that the blond would beat to pulp anytime soon. He was tired, and problems was the last thing he wanted. Misaki asked him why the She-Demon became the student council president in the first place while getting a little too close to him, before stepping away and apologizing. She was probably scared. "Haha, don't worry. This place can scare anyone if you're alone" He brushed off the girl's apologies, not caring about sudden closeness. "So you want to know how that bitch is in a position of power in the first place? Well...it's a long story" The blond sighed, clearing his throat.

"You see, she wasn't always like that. Her name is Yuzuki Rokurou, and she was in the same class as me. She was incredibly nice and caring, but at the same time respectful and professional in the eyes of the students. Or that was, until she met me. Word of me being the very definition of violence reached her, and as the student council president, she couldn't let something like that pass. Rokurou did literally everything in her power to make me change my ways, from making me to join the student council and do forced jobs from them, have extra 'classes' where she would try fix my problems by talking, and a lots of other things. One day she... we talked, and she said some things that I couldn't really believe. As I'm an asshole the great majority of the time, that conversation didn't end well, and... we didn't directly talk anymore. She still tries to make my life as bothersome as possible until I become a proper student, but since that meeting, she's getting even worse. Troublesome students are also being punished really harshly, but I won't trade my happiness just for an annoying bitch that can't understand that not everything is hers to control..." Ikari continued, annoyance and something akin to hurt painting his features. "...And that's that. Don't talk to her. I don't want you of all people to be punished for nothing" The blue eyed teenager said while resting his injured hand on the girl's shoulder, a pleading expression on his face.
The blond started looking nervous, cursing himself for being a total idiot and hurrying to tell her that the place was dangerous. Of course, he wasn't supposed to be the real Ikari, so he wouldn't normally know if there was risk in going or not. "I'm...eh...it was intuition. There was this one time when I went there, and word of another Shitsurei reached me. So...It was just kind of coincidence" He used a very lame excuse, sweating a bit. Ikari was caught off guard with a very stupid move of his own. He shouldn't relax with Misaki around, or else...

"R-Regardless of that, you'll have to trust me on the student council thing" He changed the topic abruptly, trying to not get more unneccesary attention from other matters. "That woman is a total demon. I don't know what the hell is happening through her head, and her methods of solving problems aren't very fucking nice" He stated in a rude manner, clearly not liking that Misaki had pushed his advice aside so easily. "Just believe me. I won't be tomorrow, and I don't want to see you hurt...eh..." Ikari trailed off in the last words as he himself processed what he said. As he finished with that, a slight blush made its way onto his face while looking at other way, playing with his hand a little. "Y-You know what, whatever. Just...let's get out of here" The blond simply finished like that, not willing to embarass himself any further with more insecure words.
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