Avatar of Blackstripe
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Yeeeeeeah...so you know how to Beep Beep like a Sheep, I see!
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9:57 AM, December 3rd
Unknown Location

Karen's just dropped for a moment when The Master talked about others before her who had possessed this power. She didn't know there were others before her. No, wait...that old Wizard, he must have been someone like that. He did say she was inheriting his power and burden, after all. And there must have been others before him too! That was a scary thought, that she was just one in a long line of "wizards" who all eventually died giving their powers to someone else. And some had apparently abused that power...considering how difficult it had been for her to gain even a basic grasp on her strength, that thought sent chills up her spine.

Glancing to Mr. Toombs when he addressed her, she returned his smile. She still didn't really get how wanting to help people could lead to so many bad things, but if that was true, then it was definitely something to watch out for. She felt like beating people up for their opinions was definitely crossing a nasty line, though. Generally speaking, she only resorted to violence if there was no peaceful way to resolve a conflict. That seemed like the right thing to do.

The Master then continued speaking, saying how he desired to know her. Well, she wasn't exactly sure how she could prove herself to him right here and now, but if he meant in the long term...

"I want to be a true hero, and give kids like me something actually good to aspire to," she stated firmly. She then paused, closing her eyes as she considered how to best let him know her. "Erm...also, my name is Karen and I like the Vampire Diaries, spinners, writing fanfiction and surfing Deviantart. My favorite 'VD' ship is 'Delena', and I've always wanted to go to Orlando Studios. Also, I hate bullies and love sweets!"

Yeah, that seemed like a good summation of who she was!
9:55 AM, December 3rd
Unknown Location

Before her very eyes, the man she had been speaking to had transformed into an entirely different person! She expected magic, so maybe it was dumb of her to be so impressed...but wow. She couldn't tell whether or not it had been a mere illusion or something more, but it was undoubtedly amazing. More than ever now, she wanted to learn proper magic. All she could use were the most basic abilities that were granted to her, and even those she wasn't all that great with yet. She had so much left to learn that it was almost disheartening.

Whoever this guy was clearly commanded the respect of Mr. Toombs, also. She had no idea how long they had known each other or how they were related, but the large man didn't seem like the type to kneel easily. That must mean this guy was as incredibly powerful as she suspected.

Listening to him list off the Gods that empowered her, she nodded slowly. Sam had told her their names and given her a basic idea of what they each had gifted to her, but this was the first time anyone had elaborated on the word 'Shazam' and its nature. It made sense: their names made up one letter each of that old Wizard's name, and he had given her the power. He was the one that deemed her worthy, and now "The Master" was essentially asking if that was indeed the case.

"I...want to help people. I want to save them, and make the world a better place if I can," Karen answered honestly. "Sam has told me that my duty is to protect this world from 'horrors that lurk beyond the veil', but I don't want to just stop there. I want to help even when it has nothing to do with magic!"
@BluetommyYour character is fine, but probably not at this moment. Emerald Knight hasn't even gotten the chance to do anything or establish himself, so it would be kind of difficult for him to mentor anyone when he has no experience himself. This is why sidekicks are probably premature for a lot of characters right now.
9:51 AM, December 3rd
Unknown Location

"Uhh...gross?" Karen visibly cringed when the fog started trying to feel her and her cat up, as well as Mr. Toombs. This whole place was creepy and unnerving for her. It just seemed...wrong on so many levels, with its never ending and starless sky of black that seemed to surround them from all sides, and a staircase that seemed to be suspended in absolute nothingness. All of her senses told her that such a thing shouldn't be possible, and yet it clearly was since they were walking upon it. While it may not have been the first time she had encountered something this weird, but it was still pretty jarring.

Tilting her head to the side when their guide mentioned the possibility of this "Master" person looking like Cthulhu, Karen couldn't really shake the feeling that she was a lot more ill-prepared to face the magical world than she had first realized. Then again, Sam had told her that she would be facing "creatures from beyond the veil", so maybe encountering one of them that wasn't so hostile would be beneficial to her? Also, would this place be considered beyond the veil? So many questions...

Finally, they seemed to arrive at their destination: a colorful and ornate throne occupied by an old bearded dude. Now that, at least, was somewhat familiar to her.

He then began to speak like her dad's preacher did whenever he'd forgotten to take his meds. Trying to figure out what exactly he was trying to say was pretty difficult, and she raised a hand to scratch at the side of her cloaked head. Was he trying to say she would be corrupted or something by the power she'd been given? I mean, she supposed that was an understandable fear, given that even she didn't know the exact limits of her abilities.

"Um, kinda?" Karen muttered in response to his question. "Something about not abusing my power or being corrupt, right?"
9:49 AM, December 3rd
The Wedge; Hub City

Karen watched intently when their guest began scribbling something onto the kitchen floor, quietly noting that she would need to mop that up later. Still, this was the first magic spell she'd seen someone cast since her meeting with the old Wizard. Since she was transformed, she would be able to remember it with perfect clarity and maybe trying it herself at some point. Salt, and then draw a square, a circle...

When he at last finished the ritual, the floor seemingly collapsed into an abyssal stairway. Hopefully dad wouldn't fall down it if he got back before them. In all seriousness though, he could not see this, but unless he decided to skip out on work early, they should have at least a few hours to work with here.

"Wowzers," Karen muttered, lightly waving off the fog that emerged from the hole. "Magic is so cool!"

Samantha's eyes flashed green once again, her gaze this time trained upon the portal. After a moment's observation, she gently nodded to Karen before lightly stepping through it. Pursing her lips for only a moment, Karen swiftly followed behind her, descending the staircase with a look of pure wonder etched onto her face.
9:43 AM, December 3rd
The Wedge; Hub City

"The Master?" Samantha perked up, stepping into the kitchen and jumping up onto the table as Karen set his coffee in front of him after applying his requested cream and sugar. "I've heard of this individual...or one them, I should say. It is, I suppose, unsurprising that he would be concerned."

Karen glanced between Samantha and Mr. Toombs, subconsciously chewing on her lip. She didn't really know what to say here that wouldn't expose her complete ignorance of the magical world, and so she simply sage-nodded in agreement with Samantha.

"Tell me then, have you come equipped with a portal?" Samantha questioned, her ears twitching. "Or were you hoping she would fly you back to wherever he might be?"

Karen was honestly surprised that Sam was going along with this so easily...but maybe the cat knew something that she didn't?
9:43 AM, December 3rd
The Wedge; Hub City

Karen was momentarily left silent by the man's - Clayton Toombs, apparently - introduction. It was clear that he knew who she was, given that he had found her house. Maybe she needed to put up some, like, magical wards or something? Was that even possible? Probably. You could do stuff like that in most settings with magic in them, after all. Giving him one last once over before glancing over her shoulder at Sam who, for once, didn't seem to have much in the way of answers, she thumbed over her shoulder. "Um, sure. Come in."

Stepping aside so that he could enter, she would shut the door behind him. Wouldn't want anyone peeping in on them. "Hope you don't mind if my cat listens in. You can trust her. She's magic too."

"Samantha, Rakshasa, a pleasure," the black Bombay cat bowed her head in greeting.

"Rak-wah?" Karen quirked a brow at her, choosing to fail at pronouncing it for the pure sass.

"Ask me again later."

Moving to the kitchen, Karen gestured for Mr. Toombs to sit while she made her way over to the coffee pot. Pouring him a cup, she extended it to him with a friendly smile. "Coffee? Promise I didn't hex it, I don't know how."

@The Whacko
9:43 AM, December 3rd
The Wedge; Hub City

Karen had just finished unloading the towels from their old rust-bucket dryer when she was startled by a loud banging at the front door. Her dad was at work, so she was, of course, home alone. Well, alone if you didn't count Sam, at least. She'd taken a few sick days off school following the attack in order to avoid a meltdown.

For a moment, she thought it might be trouble, but...it was kind of early to be trying to rob people, even for The Wedge. Most at least waited until later in the day to start with that shit. They'd been hit a couple of times before, but once everyone figured out that they didn't have all that much worth stealing, they stopped bothering.

"Now who could that be?" Samantha muttered, eying her judgmentally. "Maybe an admirer from your little battle in the sky?"

Karen shook her head in response to this. "No way, nobody knows where exactly I live. Hub City is huge, after all."

"Hold on, let me take a look," Samantha hopped down from the sofa and sauntered over to the door. Karen could see her eyes take on a green luminescence in that moment. "Hmm...looks like a big, bald meth dealer or something...no, wait."

"What?" Karen tilted her head to the side. "It's not that old guy in the fedora again, is it? I thought The Question ran him out of town a while ago!"

Samantha shook her head, "No. I sense...magic around this man. Karen, transform! Do it now!"

"Wah? That bad?" Karen took a step back. Drawing in a heavy breath, she looked to the sky.

In a blinding flash of light, the thunderbolt descended to transform her from the frail little girl she was into an unstoppable, Nazi-busting badass.

Knowing he'd already seen the lightning, most probably, and that he had showed up at her house, a disguise seemed pointless. Offering a final glance to Samantha, Karen confidently moved to open the door, standing face-to-face with what would normally be a horribly intimidating figure if she were in her human form.

"Can I help you?"
9:32 AM, December 3rd
The Wedge; Hub City

"This has gotten so far out of hand I don't even know where to start, Karen," Samantha growled at the images flashing across the television. Images of Karen soaring through the air with the Nazi that had attacked the city, and of her delivering said goosestepper to the police in Germany. "You're all over the news, now! No matter the channel, you're all they're talking about!"

Karen scratched at the back of her head, unsure how to respond to being the number one headline across the nation...maybe across the entire world, for all she knew. Apparently, more people than she had realized had witnessed her battle with the man, whom was apparently identified as Wilhelm Silber, a former member of Nazi Germany.

"They even have your name!" Samantha continued with her rant, glaring daggers into her without remorse. "How could you be so careless?!"

"They only remembered my first name," Karen noted. Hernandez was apparently too foreign a name for startled and confused German police to remember that late at night. "How many Karen's are in Hub City?"

Burying her face in the arm of the sofa, Samantha continued to groan as only a cat could. "You lack any sense of gravitas for how absurdly dangerous this situation could easily become!"

"Well, it's not like I actually told him or anything! He stole it all from my head. Besides, what do you mean? I'm pretty much invincible, even to guys with super mind powers!" Karen pointed out.

Apparently considering this a sufficient cause for assault, the charcoal black feline leaped across the couch and gave Karen a light scratch on her arm, eliciting a yelp from the startled girl. "Wrong! Karen Hernandez is not invincible."

"Owww..." Karen rubbed at her arm with a pout. "Was there seriously no way to make that point without slashing me?!"

"Listen," Samantha jabbed her claws towards her face threateningly. "If someone learns who you are, then they have the power to kill you before you can even transform."

Pushing down a nervous gulp when threatened with further clawings, Karen slowly nodded. "O-okay, I get it, shit...I look like I'm 20-something in that form, though, so I doubt anybody would suspect me."

"Maybe not at first, but..." Samantha exhaled sharply. "Look, we can't take back what's happened, so just lay low and hope that it all blows over."

Bolting to her feet so quickly that Sam went rolling down onto the floor, Karen furiously shook her head. "No way, Sam! Now that I've officially made my public appearance, this is the time to kick things into high gear!"

"Seriously?!" Sam's eyes saucered. "Did you not hear anything I just-"

Karen sharply jabbed a finger at the cat, silencing her. "I heard, and unless I come across any more telepaths, I won't be giving my name out...but I'm not going to just hide away in here forever! Listen, Sam..."

She reached down, scooping the cat up beneath her front legs and holding her in front of her face. "I grew up in the shitty neighborhood where you can't go five minutes here without hearing a gunshot. Mom's gone because of that, and I know I'm not alone there. Places like this exist all over Hub City and who knows where else in the world! I..."

Karen looks away for a moment, biting at her lip. Her eyes mist over slightly, but she manages to hold it together. "I want to be a hero, Sam. I want to be the hero that kids like me don't get to have, because all we've got to look up to are a bunch of thugs effing each other over. The cops don't care about us, nobody does. I know I can do so much to help with these powers, so I just can't do nothing."

"But you have a duty to-"

"I'll still fight your 'horrors from beyond the veil', but I can't just be about that," Karen explained, placing Samantha back down onto the carpet. "I want to help people!"

Samantha lowered her head, shaking it slowly. She looked...tired. "I see there's no dissuading you from this course of action. Well, so be it, Karen. It is out of mt hands...all I can do is continue to train you as best I can, and hope you do not prove my worst fears to be correct."

News outlets from across the United States had almost immediately began filling the airwaves with news of a domestic terrorist attack on Hub City, even as it was still ongoing. The largest scale and most prolonged attack on American soil since the Business Plot of 1934, news of the numerous heavily armed militiamen running rampant in the street dominated the airwaves until still image and video captures of an extravagantly dressed woman engaged in a midair battle with an armored man in black.

On their own, these dubious shots might have been passed off as an elaborate hoax if not for follow up reports from Germany of that same woman delivering the armored man to police within the German capital of Berlin, with several officers managing to snap pictures of both.

As more information continued to trickle in to lend further credibility to the reports, it seemed increasingly difficult for people to deny their eyes: something had happened that night that, by all rights, should have been impossible.
11:38 PM, December 1st
Berlin, Germany

"I believe this man might be a native of your country, officers, so I've taken the liberty of returning him to you," Karen explained, doing her best to sound all mature and adult-like in front of the Berlin police department, who were so nobly brandishing their firearms at her. It was like they'd never seen a flying amalgamation of ancient divinity and magic before. Landing gently a fair distance away from the dozen or so cops that had sortied out of the police station to greet her, she gently shoved her captive forward.

His hands had been bound with a steel girder she had twisted around them, so at the very least he wouldn't be trying to fight them in melee. "He has some sort of telekinetic abilities, but they seem to be at their limit for the time being. I don't know how long that will last, though."

Thanks to the intellect of Mnemosyne, she had been able to understand the German that the telepath had spoken during their battle with complete clarity. Now, speaking to the police, she was able to communicate with them as if she were a native of not only Germany, but of Brandenberg and Berlin in particular, perfectly mimicking their local accent and dialect.

"Judging by his attire and the things he was saying, I'm going to guess he's a Nazi," she added. "I mean, he's certainly old enough to be by the looks of him."
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