Avatar of Blackstripe
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  • Posts: 576 (0.23 / day)
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    1. Blackstripe 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current If you haven't figured it out by now, your choices don't matter.
7 yrs ago
Watching all the pieces...watching all the pieces fall~
7 yrs ago
Yeeeeeeah...so you know how to Beep Beep like a Sheep, I see!
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@Dblade26Looks good! Go ahead and add it to the character tab.
@AcetheKiddOh. Well, after reviewing your posting history I'm afraid I don't really feel confident that you have the level of writing experience we're looking for in this RP. Nothing against you personally, of course. :)
@ReflectionYeah. There is no species of pure animals that just happen to talk in One Piece. The closest thing that exists are the Mink, who are human-size people with animalistic features. They also have the electro ability, so...yeah, enjoy that!
@ReflectionWhat? I...yes, I know of Red Pandas. >.>

Your character is a new species because you simply made him a talking animal from an island of similar talking animals. You didn't say they were Minks or anything. If your character had been a Mink, that would've been one thing...but clearly he isn't a Mink since he is fully an animal rather than a humanoid with animal features. His ability to speak doesn't come from a Devil Fruit like Chopper, and until Oda shows otherwise I'm going to assume Big News Morgan is also a Mink...although, since he is a bird, he may be his own species. Regardless it hasn't been elaborated on yet, and so until it is I'm not allowing any birdmen.
@ReflectionI'm very sorry, but I would honestly rather not have non-canon species be introduced into the RP.
"Your face is weird," Siobhan replied, folding her arms. "And just call me 'Siobhan'."

And now came the challenge of rebuilding. If this girl - Kailani - was gathering the pieces that had fallen on land, then it was clear where her own skills would best be employed.

While she had planned on getting dressed, there was little point now that she was going to have to jump back into the water in order to retrieve the pieces of The Striker that had landed there after her accidental destruction of the small ship. Still, no sense in complaining about it: this was Siobhan's ticket to gaining a shipwright...if the girl proved herself capable, that is!

It wasn't a particularly difficult task, either. She was completely comfortable beneath the waves, and so retrieving some glorified drift wood was a simple matter. One after another she tossed the sometimes sizable chunks back onto the beach for Kailani to retrieve. Hopefully they weren't too much for the smaller woman to carry.

It looked like it was getting darker here, though that was mainly because of the storm only allowing the sun to shine for a relatively short duration of time. As she hurled the last piece of the ship onto the coast, Siobhan stalked her way ashore again with the intent of finally getting out of this wetsuit.

Grabbing her case up off the beach again, she made her way over to a set of nearby tropical plants to hopefully get some privacy.
@AcetheKiddWhat? What do you mean you can res the doctor?
He was already dead...but she did eat him? Just where exactly had she ended up?

She had encountered stranger things than cannibals with her old crew, it was just surprising that something like that would be in West Blue. Most groups like that had been conquered a long time ago by the World Government, though a few remained in East Blue and the Grand Line. Still, she supposed it didn't really matter. Edgar was long gone, and - to her surprise - this girl was apparently a shipwright!

"You're sayin' all the right words now!" Siobhan returned her grin with one that looked like it might just cast away the storm above all by itself. Raising her thumb, she jabbed it lightly into her own chest. "I'm Siobhan! Grace D. Siobhan. If you're half the shipwright ya claim to be, then I'll let ya come along an' join my crew!"

But of course there was some catch. There was always a catch with these kinda things, if the stories her old Captain used to tell her were any indication. In this case, it was...marriage?

"Forced to marry, ya say? Well, that doesn't matter now that I'm here!" Siobhan pounded out, once again slamming her case down onto the beach. If she wasn't swimming back, then she'd might as well change into something more suited to land. "Let's just build that striker-thing and if any of em' come here, they can eat me fists in the place of weddin' cake!"
Siobhan's eyes narrowed slightly in irritation when the woman seized her by the collar. She seemed to want to go with her or something, and was clearly still pissed off about her little boat. It was so small though, could it have really even got through that big storm when even far larger ships had failed? Then again, size wasn't everything. As her old captain had often proven to her, having a great helmsman and navigator were just as important to a vessel's survival as good craftsmanship.

Shaking her head, Siobhan gently brushed the girl's hands off her. "I've got a small fishing boat I stole anchored a good ways off from this storm here. I don't think a human could make the trip."

Despite her skill in navigation - or perhaps because of it - she knew well that her little boat wouldn't survive the trip through no matter what she did, so leaving it was her best course of action. She'd figured if her would-be shipwright had survived somehow, she could either help tow his ship out of the storm - if it had simply become trapped in the eye - or help him build a new one if there was an island somewhere inside of it.

Obviously, that wouldn't work now.

"That bloke was supposed to be a renowned shipwright, capable of building a ship that could brave any sea," Siobhan explained, folding her arms as the irritation brought on by the news of his demise continued to linger somewhat. "If he was still here, then I could've help him to build somethin' to escape this place with."

She then paused, as something the weird sunkissed girl said finally registered in her brain. Her eyes then slowly grew wide. "...YA FECKIN' ATE HIM?!"
"Eh? He's dead?!" Siobhan's head finally snapped around in shock at the other girl's words, her jaw going slack. The very first name on her list, and they were already six feet under! "Goddammit..."

Well, so much for starting off with a shipwright.

Muttering under her breath as she unstrapped her metal case from its spot just below her fin, she allowed it to thump onto the soggy beach. Ignoring the girl as she poked and prodded at her fin, Siobhan pressed a small red switch on the side of the metallic box. An audible hiss filled the air as it was depressurized, the case parting as it opened. Inside were a couple sets of clothing, a single pair of shoes, and - neatly folded on top - a piece of paper.

Retrieving her list and the pen that was nestled beside it, Siobhan irately marked Edgar Vennar off it with a large "X". Replacing it in the case along with the pen, the redhead released a heavy sigh. "Well, fuck me then. I guess I'll just head for the swordsman next?"

That girl had continued to bombard her with weird questions that she really did care about answering at the moment. She supposed her amazement was an improvement over the norm, though: most would react with fear or revulsion upon seeing her Fishwoman ancestry. Whatever, it was time to leave.

Giving the red switch another press, Siobhan waited as the case was resealed. She then began strapping it to her lower back again as she offered the strange woman a quick wave. "Right, it's been grand, but it's time for me to leave. I'm sorry for your boat."
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