Avatar of BladeSS4
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    1. BladeSS4 8 yrs ago


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Location Pokémon Center
Interaction: Old man Thomas@Calle

Sitting at the table, Bakuto sees the old man Thomas enter the pokemon center again. Dropping off a spider like pokemon. Bakuto didn't get a chance to see the pokemon as it was taken by the nurses. Soon the old man came over and asked Bakuto how the gym battle went. Bakuto answers after pulling out the gym badge, "Well, after a very close battle walked out of the gym with this badge. Came pretty close, and has given me a lot to think about when it comes to my team and going forward in this League. I need to start building my team up to one I can use in the league. Absol saved that battle but I cant use Absol in the end after all the gym battles. If I don't strengthen my team then the League tournament will end up being a rude awakening."

Bakuto sits there, "Currently I only have one pokemon that can even compete. It did well but, in the end it is just one." Bakuto looks back up at the counter to check on his pokemon but don't see they are ready yet. He then says, "Waiting on my pokemon to get healed up. Not sure where I am going to head off too. I kind of want to head up towards the mountain rocky outcrop I saw I arrived to the Island. Might be a good place to train up and catch a few pokemon before leaving the Island for the next to get to the next gym." Not really worried about rambling on this time. Bakuto was still riding the joys of victory but also wanting to move on to get back to his journey.

The plan on going to the rocky region was more formed from his recent battle with Henri the ground type gym leader. In an area quite similar to the gym Bakuto figured he might be able to run into a ground type to add to his team similar to those he battle against recently. If not find other pokemon that he could add to his team.
Any news on whether or not my CS is accepted or not? @Almalthia@Pilatus
Also if so I wouldn't mind getting an invite to the discord then.
Here is a character. I hope it is alright. Let me know if it isnt and if I need to change anything.

Bakuto 'The Living Dragon'

Location:The Red Line
Interactions:@Noodles Alesia

Bakuto takes a seat in neat the strung up Arafael. He then says first addressing his tone more at his captain rather then the prisoner he was looking at, "Yeah, our new acquaintance here speaks somewhat the truth. The drowning feeling normally fades after a bit, but it leaves us devil fruit users feeling very weak and powerless. You could hold that stone a while, and all you will feel is just being drained off all strength."

Bakuto's attention quickly shifts to the prisoner then he says this time directed at him, "You seem to know a lot about the cuffs. Spend some time previously in a marine prison? I would guess Impel down but then again you are here and nobody leaves Impel down well prisoners at least. If my memory serves me well from chasing after you at loguetown you seemed to know about the Lieutenant, that we had a run in with. Who was or rather who is he?" Bakuto looking for answers to that random fight that came out of the blue. Bakuto wanted information on that old man should he ever have to do battle with him again.

The questions and answers though would have to wait, as Bakuto looks around a bit staying aware of his surroundings. He stands up and sees the merchant ship. Merchants on the grand line? Well Bakuto didn't know what to expect on the grand line. He knew people lived on the grand line but he didn't think he would see a ship of merchants so soon. He looks at the ship appearing to be tackling up the sails to deal with some pirates. Bakuto comments out loud, "Well they seem to be expecting some trouble. But if they attack us, then they certainly will have that trouble they are preparing for."

Bakuto walks towards one of the box of cannonballs that he had used for his training exercises then says, "So Captain, what do want to do about that ship?" Bakuto wasn't one for wanting to attack Merchants. But he was keeping his eyes open for hostility. Even opening the box up if things escalate above just simply seeing another ship.
Location: Mesperit City Gym

Taking in the last bit of advice, Bakuto kind of knew what Henri told him but this reminder that he couldn't use Absol in the League tournament in the end. This was something Bakuto knew he would have to fix, and with that gym battle, it showed that Bakuto had to rely on Absol to get the job done, the problem is Bakuto couldn't do that in the League tournament if things got tough Bakuto would be stuck without his ace in Absol. This wasn't worrying Bakuto too much though, as his journey in the Rorie league, he had a bit of time to get many of other pokemon and make his other two strong enough so he can battle without his Absol. Bakuto left and went back to where he originally started when he got to this city and that is back to the pokemon center. That's if nothing stopped him on his way there.

Location Pokémon Center

Once returning to the Pokémon Center Bakuto hands all three of his pokemon to the Nurse Joy then sat a table going to wait for his pokemon to get healed up. Bakuto sat at the same table he sat at once he first got to the city. Not sure if he is going to run into that old man again. Bakuto wanted to find a map or something to figure where he was going to go next. He wasn't wanting to leave the island just yet. Bakuto wanted to explore and maybe catch some new pokemon while on this island. To add to his current team of pokemon.

But first he now must wait for his pokemon to get healed up before he travels anywhere. Bakuto looks around the pokemon center while sitting there waiting. Trying to see what is there to see in the pokemon center, now being there for a second time as he awaits his pokemon to get healed.

Bakuto 'The Living Dragon'

Location:The Red Line
Interactions:@Noodles Alesia

The descriptions that Bakuto heard of reverse mountain didn't do it justice. As he seen it, and as the White Pearl climbed up a mountain in a small water way that barely was enough for the ship to fit in. Going all the way up the water way then down. This was an amazing way to start ones journey into the grand line for sure. Defying the laws of the normal sea has fallen and going into the new rules and laws that the Grand Line follow. As the ship landed Bakuto was a bit distracted at first. Looking around with wonder, this is the most legendary ocean and Bakuto is getting to see this for himself. One of the things Bakuto wanted to do as he decided to take on the life of a pirate is too see things like this. See the legendary things within in the world. The journey has just begun but here was Bakuto getting excited at the beginning of everything on the grand line.

Quickly Bakuto was broken from his distraction of looking around when his captain talked to him. Bakuto looks towards Alesia then when she asked about the log pose he answers, "From what I know that is how it works. It will point at whatever Island we are going to first then we head over. From the stories I have heard, we are going to want to keep an eye on that or we might end of way off course. Also when we get to the first island. We may want to discreetly find out how long we have to stay on the island for the log pose gets locked onto the next island."

As Bakuto walked around the ship he stops in front of the prisoner still tied to the mast he then yells out, "So what are we doing with our new friend here? The sea is about to get more dangerous soon with the unpredictability with the Grand Line. If he gets loose we add another danger to the crew we have to worry about. Maybe we wait until we get to the first island to deal with him. Then again we also could stick him in a barrel and just throw him off the ship. Or just throw him off the ship, because we know for a fact he wont be able to swim." Bakuto looks down the tied up zoan type mostly to check to see if the ropes were still good so he doesn't escape just right yet before the crew or the captain figures out what they were going to do with him.
Location: Mesperit City Gym
Interactions: @CalleHenri the Gym Leader

Watching as the two attacks collided, Bakuto had to brace himself as the sand that started to fly made it hard to see his Absol. He had to shield his eyes slightly to keep sand from getting into them. Fearing the worst out come when the dust and sand clears, but when it does clear and Absol is still standing tall. Bakuto couldn't help but crack a smile. When he saw Henri return his Diglett back to his pokeball he knew the battle was over.

Absol walked back over to Bakuto, who pulled out a pokeball then leans down to his Absol, "Need a rest buddy?" Absol pushes the center of the pokeball and the red light of the pokeball envelops Absol as it goes into its pokeball to have a bit of rest after that pokemon battle. Bakuto walked over and when he heard the praises for his strategy counter and attack with another attack. Bakuto then says in response to the praises for his attacks, "Didn't really have much choice. I did something similar against your Rhydon before and figured it might work again."

When he was presented the badge. Bakuto pulls out his badge case and opens it up currently empty as Bakuto takes the Ground badge the very first one that will be going into the case he smiles then says cheerfully, "My first badge awesome. But that battle did teach me one thing and that is that my pokemon and I both need to get stronger as we barely got by with just my current pokemon. As you said before if that Bulldoze would have connected with Absol then we would have been done there. Well I need to get to the pokemon center. My pokemon could use a good healing after that battle. Thank you for that amazing battle." After that if there wasn't much more Bakuto gets ready to leave to head back to the pokemon center to get his pokemon the proper rest and healing they need for after the gym battle.
Location: Mesperit City Gym
Interactions: @CalleHenri the Gym Leader

The fire tactic worked Absol stopped when Diglet came back up. Bakuto knows that Absol used a lot of strength to keep the attack up as long as it did. This battle wasn't going to last longer Absol fought a Rhydon before this. Bakuto was thinking the Diglett would be a bit worn from all that digging in the hot sand. Which should still be heated up a bit. When Henri the gym leader declared the next attack bulldoze. This was much like how Rhydon came in for a horn attack except instead of a normal attack this was a ground one. Bakuto yells out, "Alright Absol meet that bulldoze with a full attack of your own. Charge in and use Psycho Cut and give it everything you got!"

Doing as it told to do, the horn like skin glows slightly pinkish white. Going full speed towards the on coming Diglett. The two attacks looking to collide at full force. Two moves colliding the psychic cutting move, and the ground bulldozing move. Absol putting everything into this attack to try and end the battle. Something has to give first but Bakuto wasn't sure if Absol would fail first or will he succeed against the smaller Diglett.
Bakuto 'The Living Dragon'

Location:The Red Line

After setting sail on the White Pearl, Bakuto helped get the ship on the right way to head for reverse mountain to get onto the grand line. The place many journeys begin for pirates looking to conquer the greatest part of the sea. Bakuto gets to start the same journey as the rest of the crew of the White Pearl.

Since leaving the docks of Loguetown Bakuto did what he had to help get the ship ready for Reverse Mountain. While continuing his training to improve his skills and strengths. When the captain finally spoke up about Lowering the Masts they were arriving at Reverse Mountain. Bakuto was cleaning the deck of the ship, while carrying on his back a three crates worth of cannonballs. The moment he hears the captains orders. Bakuto drops the mop and takes the crates off his back. Quickly moving his shoulders finally some relief from his latest training method.

Sprinting to the masts Bakuto began adjusting sails and lowering them to the proper place to catch the winds. Trying to remember his marine knowledge about Reverse Mountain. It was a dangerous way to enter the grand line, but it was the only way for pirates to do so. Bakuto calls out once he remembers some important details, "We have to be careful, if we get on the wrong water current then we will be crashing into the rocks Captain!" Calling out the important details as Bakuto didn't want to start this journey with them crashing the ship on their first start onto the grand line. He was trying to think of ways he could help keep the ship on course. Thinking of what could be done, but right now, it was just steering the ship right and the Captain was the one steering the ship so there wasn't much he could do at the moment to help the ship get onto the grand line, except for tending to the sails.
Location: Mesperit City Gym
Interactions: @CalleHenri the Gym Leader

With a very predictable move to dodge, Bakuto wasn't surprised, but now the Diglett was moving around under the sand. This was troubling, he couldn't exactly hit the little Diglett when it was underground. At least Absol couldn't. Bakuto quickly thought of something. "Absol, we need to turn up the heat a bit on that Diglet. Use Flamethrower on the ground follow the movements of the sand so we can heat up that sand and keep it up until that Diglet comes out of hiding."

A bit of an abnormal move for an Absol, but a move it can perfectly learn. Absol unleashes a torrent amount of flames from its mouth. Hitting the sand with a fiery attack. Not an effective move against ground types Bakuto's plan was to try and heat up the sand enough to force the Diglett to surface. Bakuto wasn't sure how long Absol could keep up this attack either, as Absol wasn't an actual fire type pokemon. The only other thing he could have done was wait for the pokemon to reemerge, and judging based on its speed it could emerge and go back into digging in a flash. The only thing Bakuto could think of stopping the Diglett was make the environment harder to dig or at least a lot more uncomfortable maybe do a little bit of damage with the environment change.
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