Avatar of Bloodrose
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  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 79 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Bloodrose 5 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Some of you lot weren't cramed into enough lockers as children, and it shows.
4 yrs ago
I am the person that eats the pizza crusts of people who don't eat their pizza crusts
4 yrs ago
Fuck off, Sunday. Bitch-ass wannabe Saturday. YOU'LL NEVER BE SATURDAY!
4 yrs ago
I also hate it when I am expected to have the bare minimum regard for the comfort of others. Fucking SJWs with their feelings n shit


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Laverna crouched for cover in the warped, smoking carcass of the shuttlecraft. Autogun fire, and las beams, roared all around her, as she stooped down behind a wall of twisted metal, and readied herself for combat.


Mutants, misshapen and deformed, were pouring over a hellscape of bombed-out rubble, and streaming down on the shuttlecraft’s felled corpse.

A furious blast of Laverna’s rifle sent glitter shells soaring through the air, and smashing into an approaching gang of mutant bandits.

Those who weren’t slaughtered by the initial burst staggered to their knees, their brains wracked with visions so horrific that they defied articulation through language. Every cell in their sickly bodies was gripped with heinous terror, rendering them inoperative.

It wasn’t long before the thundering of gunfire ripped those damned souls to tatters.

Bullets and lasers filled the sky. Gnarled chunks of metal littered the ground. Blood and fire soaked the earth.


An enormous, lumbering form came looming out of the horde of charging mutants. This goliath towered above even the renegade astartes, with its cracked grey flesh, and numerous, thrashing limbs. Scraps of metal plate were fastened over its gargantuan form, and an abundance of deep, black eyes were dotted across its monstrous face.

In two of its arms were crude, makeshift blades. In the others, it clutched an enormous heavy stubber, with a lance-like set of barrels, which spewed fourth a storm of shrieking shells.


I had been under the impression that Ezekiel's post was signaling a new 'turn' of posts.

But I'm excited for this to take off!

My post will be something fairly brief, just to give a rough outline of the scenery, and the mutants that are attacking us, etc etc :)
Maybe this is a little bit of bias because I came into this (and designed my character) around the idea of having us be low powered, but I'm not exactly pleased at the moment. I'll stay, but I want my voice to have been thrown into the ring.

Hearing you, loud and clear.

Characters like Lady Kotys, and also Laverna might not be able to go toe-to-toe with space marines in combat, but there will be political intrigue and subtle manipulation that we can pull off in a way the others can't. I understand your frustration, but it seems like Kotys and Laverna will be able to excel in more nuanced situations, where our beefy comrades would fall short.


I shall crack on with the next IC post.
Really enjoying the posts so far, guys! :D

As a quick aside, I thought it might be worth mentioning that souls are used as a form of currency in chaos space, so Krynne's offer of slaves is also like the equivalent of him giving everyone a big bag of money.
@Ezekiel The pointy twins are approved. Feel free to add them to the CS tab.

@Guy0fV4lor Counting ammunition won't be enforced, as only a portion of the adventure is planned to take place in this environment, but if you want to include that, then by all means go for it :)
The next IC post is up! Let's get this carnival of chaos on the road!

Whilst the crew of the Awakened gave Natalia Periwinkle permission to dock, Laverna’s gaze wandered, deliberately over those that had gathered in Krynne’s lounge.

Towering brutes, pestilent horrors, riddled with rot. Colossal astartes, a porcelain beauty, and some kind of...gunslinger?

She turned her attention back to Euromulus Kryne.

Once the merchant had pulled his lips away from the hand of the lithe one who had introduced herself as Lady Kotys, he addressed the room.

“I thank you all for answering my summons,” he began, pulling himself up onto his feet “I am glad that word managed to reach you all…”

Kryne cast a quick glance over to the putrid goliath, and its noxious pet.

“One way, or another.”

Kryne strode into the center of the room, and within seconds Laverna had slid off of the sette, and was standing by his side.

“My intention in coming to Skubberrima, as I’m sure you are all aware, is to recover an artifact of substantial value: the Gauntlet of Myreena. Help me to claim this prize, and you shall each be rewarded with a bountiful trove of souls, to do with as you see fit. My fleet is home to innumerable slaves, and you shall all be given your pick.”

Kryne took another step forwards, with Laverna moving softly behind him.

“I have a contact on the surface, who is awaiting you arrival. Laverna will be in-charge of getting you to them. Aid me in this task, and you will come to find that there was never a more beneficial ally than Euromulus Kryne.”

Rhaat and Rhaad crouched in the darkness, peering up at the night sky above.

All around them, the charred bones of Skubberima littered the wasteland. Even now, these many years after the bloody battle between Queen Myreena and King Eliphane, the planet ached from those old wounds.

Squinting through his telescope, Rhaat spotted a speck of light, darting through the blackness of the heavens.

“Fresh meat,” Rhaat grinned, turning to Rhaad “tell the family to fire.”

Laverna and the coterie were bundled into one of Kryne’s many shuttlecrafts, as it sped towards Gossameter, a trading outpost, which had sprung up out of the ruins of the ravaged city of the same name.

She had serious reservations about trying to control a rabble of warriors so varied, and utterly psychotic in nature, but she was counting on their love of riches and extended slaughter outweighing their want of quick, immediate bloodshed.

To begin with, all she had to do was guide them through New Gossameter, to Kryne’s contact. So long as she could keep them from straying into the perilous, mutant-ridden ruins of the Old City, they should be fine.

Suddenly, a world sundering blast rocked the shuttlecraft.

Laverna yelped in shock, as she was flung across the cramped metal container. She smashed into the wall, her head spinning, and the wind knocked out of her.

The shuttlecraft was spiraling round, and round, and round, as emergency sirens screeched in her ears.

“What in the warp..?!” she wheezed, gasping for breath.

Rhaat and Rhaad giggled with perverse glee, watching the smoldering speck veer off course, and plummet down towards them.

“Come to us, pretty one,” Rhaad tittered, hunched down behind a cracked pillar “it's time to feast.”
Just plodding on with the next post, between work and such. I will try and move things in the IC along quite quickly, so that we don't spend a month in the tutorial, as it were
<Snipped quote by Bloodrose>

Yo I think Ima have to drop out atm. Dont want to hold this up- sorry!

I might be in the same boat. i'm working late and often this month, thanksgiving is coming up and I already tried to write a post but had to delete it because it was shite.

At best I can't post until Wednesday

Alrighty guys, thanks for letting me know. I'll press on with the game, and if you want to hop back in at a later date, I'm sure we can sort something out :)
From what I can tell, we're just waiting on IC posts from @Flagg and @Ollumhammersong, and then I'll crack on with moving us down to the planet!
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